Beautiful congratulations on Maslenitsa: short and funny, funny statuses in verse. The best statuses about carnival

Happy Maslenitsa, I congratulate you all, I wish you happiness and joy. To make things go smoothly, eat Russian pancakes!

We are waiting for you at Maslenitsa! Let's meet with butter pancake, cheese, honey, kalach and cabbage pie.

Shrovetide is coming into the house, leading the spring!

Maslenitsa!!! Pancakes are like men in my life - the first pancake is known to be lumpy, but all the rest are just handsome!

I went ... against the system ... I bake square pancakes ...))

I wish you to ride like cheese in butter during the cheese week, not to know doctors, to laugh louder, and finally say goodbye to winter!

I want pancakes and burn you, scarecrow.

Shrovetide, treat! Give everyone pancakes! To pancakes with a slide, and all with caviar!

Bake pancakes mountain - I will gather all my friends! Come in, don't be shy, and help yourself to pancakes! Shrovetide glory - fun to the stomach!

WITH the latest Maslenitsa afternoon - Happy Forgiveness Sunday!

Shrovetide is solemn farewell with winter and the meeting of spring.

Soon Shrovetide, a wide feast will boil briskly. Both pancakes and tincture will wrap up the baptized world! Happy Maslenitsa, friends!

Maslenitsa! Seeing off winter and coming spring praise!

Any holiday in our life is a feast of the soul. And Maslenitsa is a special holiday, it is a holiday of gluttony.

May the Lord reward you with happiness on the day of Shrovetide, may it quench your thirst for money and take away bad weather. Love, luck, goodness, I wish this day that fate be kind, fulfilling dreams.

Ah .... Shrovetide, Come people feast .....

Spring laughs like a girl, Winter tears her hair out of anger. Take pancakes, fill with condensed milk, Meet Spring - it's coming!

My dear ones, prepare your bellies. I'm baking pancakes for you all, open your mouths!

Tradition to meet the arrival of spring - Continuous overload for the liver! I came here to my mother-in-law, like for pancakes. And I ate vodka with my father-in-law without snacks.

During Shrovetide, instead of the foreign “ok”, I propose to say “here are the alrights!”

Solemnly burned the winter. But she turned out to be a Phoenix, shook off the ashes and banged with frost)))

Chew pancakes, sing ditties, parting hour with Winter! Goodbye dear for a year, Spring is coming to us - Red is coming! Statuses for Shrovetide and about Shrovetide

Which great occasion there are pancakes from the belly for everyone to eat! Eat for a week, drink for a week, save energy for fasting ... Thanks to the ancestors for the idea - I will never lose weight! With Shrovetide!

Congratulations on Shrove Tuesday, I wish you well from the bottom of my heart, never lose heart, treat everyone with pancakes!

Maslenitsa is not given forever. Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember fasting without Maslenitsa.

Long live Maslenitsa - the most delicious, fattest and most nutritious winter holiday! Let the shine of your lips betray your wonderful mood!

I wish everyone to shine like pancakes on Maslenitsa! Shine and shine with happiness and love!

Maslenitsa will come, pancake and honey will bring.

Let prosperity enter your house with baked pancakes! So that you achieve everything yourself, let you be lucky in life! And also - do not know the hassle, smile to spite everyone! Happy Shrovetide everyone!!!

Eh, carnival! Eh, pancakes! I'll get fat on oil, I'll be like a bun)

Maslenitsa! It's a miracle! Forbidden foods! You, Kremlin diet, don't judge me for this...

I forgave everyone today from the bottom of my heart! Oh, if you only knew how good it made me!

I wish everyone's Maslenitsa goes like clockwork. And after Shrovetide and all life! With a generous Wide Maslenitsa!

Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. More damn. And damn it again. You just read the most stupid congratulations on Maslenitsa!))

Here comes Maslenitsa! Beware the waist!!!))))))

Advice to husbands on Oil Week, do not forget, when taking vodka, that your wives, thinking about pancakes, keep a frying pan in their hands all the time!

Shrovetide is very convenient. On Saturday, you can say whatever you think and ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.

Ladies and Gentlemen! After the end of Shrovetide, the gym is waiting for you for pancakes. Pancakes are available in 5, 10 and 15 kg.;)

Carnival was a success!!! pancakes cracked like Bobik in the garbage!

While Sergey Zverev came home to Maslenitsa, they took him three times for an effigy of Winter and tried to burn him ...

Carnival has arrived! If your tenth pancake is lumpy - throw pancakes, make lumps!

Sunday is a bright day! You ask for forgiveness, Only everyone who is not lazy, Forgive yourselves with your heart! Let light shine in your soul, I sincerely wish you to hear in response: God will forgive and I forgive!

Everyone who is tired of vodka and very cheap wines - get out the pans ... Here is the SHIRT! Crap

Spring is here - open the gates! With the onset of the first spring days, the people meet Maslenitsa, a holiday of pancakes and Russian-folk potions.

Shrovetide is over, spring is coming. Smile and wave.

Statuses for Shrovetide and about Shrovetide

Carnival has arrived! If your tenth pancake is lumpy - throw pancakes, sculpt lumps!

My dear ones, Prepare your bellies. I'm baking pancakes for you all, Open your mouths!

During Shrovetide, instead of the foreign “ok”, I propose to say “here are the alrights!”

Shrovetide, treat! Give pancakes to everyone! To pancakes with a slide, but all with caviar!

Ride on the mountains, roll in pancakes.

There are only two kinds of pancakes, they haven't baked them yet, and they were delicious yesterday!

This Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

How on oil week pancakes flew into the ceiling.

Advice to men: try not to anger your women ... After all, they have a frying pan in their hands all week. Shrovetide everyone!

According to statistics, of all that we use for Shrovetide, the oil itself took the last place.

Shrovetide is over, spring is coming. Smile and wave.

Pancakes with condensed milk... Although... Judging by the proportions, it's CONDUCED MILK WITH PANCAKES!

Shrovetide is very convenient. On Saturday, you can say whatever you think and ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.

Maslenitsa coincided with St. Valentine's Day ... Let's burn valentines!

Maslenitsa! It's a miracle! Forbidden foods! You, Kremlin diet, Don't judge me for this.

I wish everyone to shine like pancakes on Maslenitsa! Shine and shine with happiness and love!

By old tradition, on Shirokaya Maslenitsa, the inhabitants of our city ate shish kebabs with beer.

Did you make a face out of pancakes as a child and sculpted it on your face?

Only Russians of all fasts observe Maslenitsa and EASTER!

What a great reason to eat pancakes from the belly for everyone to eat! Eat for a week, drink for a week, save energy for fasting... Thanks to my ancestors for the idea - I will never lose weight! With Shrovetide!

An excellent Maslenitsa holiday - you can finally endure and burn the New Year tree.

If in the fall you smeared the roof with condensed milk, then you would get sweet icicles for Shrovetide!

Not all the cat Maslenitsa, there will be Great Lent.

Oil is not given forever. Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without butter.

Fitness club "shudder" invites everyone to pancakes! Available pancakes 5, 10 and 25 kg.

Maslenitsa is a solemn farewell to winter and a welcome to spring.


Active sections:

We all know such a wonderful, national, Russian holiday as Maslenitsa. When people walk in the street in crowds, bake pancakes and distribute gifts to the winners who climbed a slippery pillar of unprecedented height. Buffoons and crafts from apprentices - all this smoothes the atmosphere and gives it a very unusual idea. Maslenitsa takes place in the spring, when warm days are approaching and everyone is looking forward to summer. cool statuses about Shrove Tuesday we have collected for lovers of our holidays and customs.

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Statuses about Maslenitsa

Best statuses about Maslenitsa

Maslenitsa is this holiday, the most delicious in the whole world. He portends happiness to us, and treats us with pancakes.

Maslenitsa is a glorious holiday, peace and reconciliation. Mother-in-law pours son-in-law, to everyone's surprise!

Maslenitsa - the most sweet holiday, that in the world there is, I will eat a lot of pancakes on the sly, so that my wife does not count.

Shrovetide is very convenient. On Saturday, you can say whatever you think and ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.

Carnival has begun! Long live delicious pancakes with caviar, meat, mushrooms and jam and + 3-4 kg.

Shrovetide at the gate! Open your mouth wide!

Maslenitsa is coming, damn it, honey is coming.

Maslenitsa walks for seven days.

Maslenitsa without pancakes, there are no name days without pies.

Maslenitsa obeduha, money tucked away.

Shrovetide, treat! Give everyone pancakes! To pancakes with a slide, and all with caviar!

Maslenitsa - it means we are alive, since we are walking– we will live and eat pancakes, have fun and love.

Maslenitsa visited us again, so that everyone would be happy and fun. I wish a mountain of pancakes on this day - a sign of fertility and harvest!

Shrovetide, Shrovetide! Shrovetide, Maslenitsa came to visit us, brought happiness!

Shrovetide is coming into the house, leading the spring! Bake pancakes soon! Just don't feel sorry for the oil!

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, take the Winter away, Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, Spring come to us!

Maslenitsa, come, come, bring joy to us with you.

Shrovetide is a meal! Let's bake pancakes in the morning. To them - sour cream and jam and, of course, caviar!

Maslenitsa - seeing off the Russian winter and meeting such a long-awaited spring. This is a holiday loved by everyone, known since pagan times. Pancakes, round butter and ruddyShrovetide symbolthe likeness of the sun, which was so lacking all winter, a symbol of the victory of good over evil.

Shrovetide, Shrovetide– bright time: noisy festivities, amusing game. Yes, hot pancakes with butter and caviar, and a glorious goodbye to winter-winter.

Shrovetide pancake, hearty, old, with a samovar, with a spark, sun, snow, breeze...

The carnival has arrived! I sign up for pancakes, with black caviar, an entry without a queue!

Maslenitsa! If you have a seventh pancake lumpy– to hell with pancakes, make lumps!

Shrovetide, treat! Give pancakes to everyone. Piping hot– disassemble! Don't forget to praise.

Maslenitsa - ancient Slavic holiday With numerous customs that has come down to the present day through the centuries.

Maslenitsa opening cheese week, – this is a cheerful farewell to winter, illuminated by the joyful expectation of close warmth, spring update nature. Even pancakes, an indispensable attribute of Shrovetide, had a ritual meaning: round, ruddy, hot, they were a symbol of the sun, which flared up brighter, lengthening the days.

Maslenitsa, Maslenitsa, let me enjoy a pancake. Drive away the blizzards from us, ride on the carousel. Melt the cold ice, let spring come soon! V. Stepanov

Maslenitsa, what a day: pancake aromas, and folk festivals, noisy and long! Congratulations on this day to everyone with whom we live nearby, everyone who is now far away and will not try blinks.

Shrovetide is honest, known to all the villages, pancakes bypassed, chervonets priberukh! Let's drive through winter, drink like a bride, and spend it with honor!During the winter, walk the beauty freely, so that it is fertile in the year! T. Smertina

Maslenitsa! Maslenitsa, round sides! The sun shines in the sky– know spring is near. I have pancakes on a plate, round, ruddydear to the sun! N. Obinyakina

In 2018, one of the most beloved holidays - Maslenitsa falls on February 12-18. Throughout pancake week are held festivities, the aromas of pancakes are heard from everywhere, and it is also customary to congratulate loved ones.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa: in prose, poetry, short and funny

Congratulations on Maslenitsa. I wish that not a single pancake in life was a lump, that winter would complete its triumph and let blooming and tender spring into the heart. I wish you to live, rolling cheese in oil, I wish you good friends and real happiness.

Maslenitsa is a bright and warm holiday, the power of which can work wonders! May all sorrows, all hardships leave your home forever on this day, I wish your life to be as warm, as sweet as today's pancakes!

Congratulations on Maslenitsa, wonderful holidays pancakes and loud fun, with a good farewell and the departure of the winter sorceress. I wish that in life there was as much joy and prosperity as baked all together on this holiday delicious pancakes I wish that any of your sadness melts like butter, so that your heart leaves everything bad in the winter snowdrifts and rushes to spring happiness.

Congratulations on Maslenitsa! I wish you a fun winter, with freshly baked pancakes, with spring sunshine And good mood. Let life be cleansed, filled with goodness, light, friendship, support, mutual understanding and good feelings!

I wish you happiness without a doubt
On Maslenitsa do not know sorrows,
And any desires of fulfillment,
And treat loved ones with pancakes!

Before the Great Lent
Let's let Maslenitsa into the house!
We bake a mountain of pancakes
We will invite you to the party!

Shrovetide has come to us
It means spring is coming soon!
I wish everyone this holiday:
Warmth, love, kindness!

They say, "You are what you eat." Then I'm a gingerbread man for Shrovetide!

Only Russians of all fasts observe Maslenitsa and EASTER!!!

Ride on the slides, roll in pancakes.

As in oil week pancakes flew to the ceiling

An excellent Maslenitsa holiday - you can finally endure and burn the New Year tree ...

According to an old tradition, on Shirokaya Maslenitsa, the inhabitants of our city ate shish kebabs with beer.

Did you make a face out of pancakes as a child and sculpted it on your face?

And I fry pancakes on Maslenitsa right from the second!


Orthodox Shrovetide congratulations
beautiful poems with carnival
congratulations on carnival funny
funny congratulations on carnival
congratulations on Shrove Tuesday
beautiful congratulations on Shrovetide: poems, pictures, prose

Statuses for Shrovetide - What a wonderful occasion there is - pancakes from the belly for everyone to eat! Eat for a week, drink for a week, save energy for fasting ... Thanks to the ancestors for the idea - I will never lose weight! With Shrovetide!

Spring laughs like a girl, Winter tears her hair out of anger. Take pancakes, fill with condensed milk, Meet Spring - it's coming!

On Maslenitsa, eat until hiccups, drink until you get dandruff, sing until you're tired, dance until you drop. Let's rejoice together at Shrovetide, pancakes and cheerful guests!

Everyone who is tired of vodka and very cheap wines - get out the pans ... Here is the SHIRT! Crap.

Dip the pancake in sour cream and forgive me for everything, but I finish the pancake and forgive you for everything!

During Shrovetide, instead of the foreign “ok”, I propose to say “here are the alrights!”

All pancakes are baked by housewives - only the lazy person does not have them, on Maslenitsa a special day in every house it smells of baking.

Damn, not a wedge - the belly will not split!

Shrovetide is coming to us For pancakes and donuts, The winter will be licked off by the tongue, The sun will become higher. Fly in! Damn who? Hunger does not threaten us, Let's jingle a glass, we are waiting for spring, We drive away the cold!

My dear ones, Prepare your bellies. I'm baking pancakes for you all, Open your mouths!

Maslenitsa is a glorious holiday, peace and reconciliation. Mother-in-law pours son-in-law, to everyone's surprise!

According to statistics, of all that we use for Shrovetide, the oil itself took the last place.

Shrovetide is very convenient. On Saturday, you can say whatever you think and ask for forgiveness on Forgiveness Sunday.

Advice to men: try not to anger your women ... After all, they have a frying pan in their hands all week. Shrovetide everyone!

I see a dream, how the two of us drink vodka behind the fence, dip pancakes in oil, slowly seize. Here is such a parsley, dear with Maslenitsa!

I wish you to sit down at the table, Eat pancakes with caviar, Burn a woman, spend the winter, I ask you to forgive me for everything.

Shrovetide, treat! Give pancakes to everyone. From the heat, from the heat - take it apart! Don't forget to praise.

At least lay yourself down, but spend Shrovetide!

Oil is not given forever. Feast and walk, woman, at Maslenitsa, but remember about fasting without butter.

Carnival has arrived! If your tenth pancake is lumpy - throw pancakes, make lumps!

LOVE in the soul, PANCAKES for a treat, and I apologize to you for everything!

Maslenitsa begins, long live delicious pancakes with jam and +3kg.

Tradition to meet the arrival of spring - Continuous overload for the liver! I came here to my mother-in-law, like for pancakes. And I ate vodka with my father-in-law without snacks.

Hey, honest people, prepare your stomach! Happy holiday broad Maslenitsa coming to us!!!

Cry winter. Spring is coming! It flows in loud streams! The people are waking up!
The holiday came to us with pancakes!

Pancake Shrovetide, You are good to everyone! On a holiday in the old way, the soul will rest ...

I wish you Maslenitsa goes like clockwork. And after Shrovetide and all life! With a generous Wide Maslenitsa!

Carnival, carnival! As if the sun is rolling down, We have been waiting for spring for a long time From the cold weather, We will eat up, Gain strength! Like warm pancakes All blush, cheerful! In this festive season, let's stock up on enthusiasm for a year!