Toast congratulations to the director on the day. Toasts to the boss, long

People are different. Others do not live, but only exist. But there are those who have an electric charge in their souls, energy and joy come from them. The head of our company belongs to the category of such people. It boils with energy, and all its employees receive a powerful charge from it. Let's raise our glasses to the hero of tonight. Let's wish him good health, happiness, for long years life. So that he always carries the torch of a joyful attitude and gives us a piece of it.

-Toasts about leaders

G.K. Lichtenberg wrote: "Even wise man nicer are those who bring money than those who take it away.
Let's drink to ensure that in life we ​​meet only the first!

-bussu toast

It is known that ninety percent of all issues are resolved by themselves, and the rest are simply impossible to solve.
Let's drink, colleagues, not to worry about trifles!

-Chief's birthday toast

Some consider knowledge power, others - title.
So let's drink to the fact that our knowledge is the result of our knowledge!

Director's birthday toast

It is not enough for a man to acquire knowledge; you have to be able to grow them.
For the constant growth of our knowledge!

- A toast to the boss on his birthday

Cicero said that "memory is dulled by inactivity."
So let's drink to our memory, which simply has no time to become dull!

Director's birthday toast

a guess: she drinks herself, but does not give to others!
Men usually answer: "My wife!" This answer is not entirely correct. The correct answer is GAI!
Let's raise a toast to this glorious organization!

-Toast to a colleague

Already asked the cobra:
- Why, when you sting a person, a person dies, and if a bee stings a person, a bee dies?
- It all depends on the degree of qualification. The bee is an amateur, and I am a professional.
So let's drink to professionalism in any business!

-Toast to the chef

If at work you get both in the tail and in the mane, then they take you for a horse. So let's drink to our sensitive leader!

- Toasts and wishes to the employee

Schumann said that small minds produce, great ones create.
So let's have a little drink, and then we'll do it!

-bussu toast

Responsible person speaks:
- We are often asked: are there many bureaucrats in Russian institutions? We answer: from the strength of forty percent. For comparison, I will say that in England or Germany they are 70-80%. It is clear that the rest are ... bureaucrats!
I propose to drink to the poor downtrodden Russian bureaucrats!

Director's birthday toast

A wise man remarked: “If people will pay their debts as willingly as they take loans, it will sure sign that they got better."
Lord! In connection with what has been said, my toast is not difficult to predict. For people to strive for excellence! It got better and better!

Director's birthday toast

One friend complains to another:
- Can you imagine? I sent a telegram to my wife that I would come home on the tenth. I arrive on the tenth and ... I find her in bed with a man! Here is a prostitute!
- In vain you think badly of your wife, - says a friend. - Perhaps she ... simply did not receive your telegram!
Let's drink to the postal workers! The fate of the family sometimes depends on them!

He says: "Monkey - so I can!" So let's drink to the fact that our duties do not exceed our capabilities.

Director's birthday toast

Chukchi after studying in Moscow returns to his place. Speaking to his compatriots, he proudly says:
- I studied a lot in autumn-autumn. I learned a lot in autumn and autumn. We are all Sitali, one hundred Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels are muses and zen, and this, it turns out ... four different people!
Teaching is light! Let's drink to the people who received this light!

Director's birthday toast

An actor who had worked for more than twenty years came to the director of the theater.
- I have been working in the theater for a long time and would like to ask you to improve my financial situation.
- Well, the director agrees, - you will play all the roles in which you have to eat on stage.
Let's drink to ensure that our financial situation is at the proper level!

Director's birthday toast

There is a commissioning of a new, newly built house. The foreman enters one entrance, his colleague enters the next one. Check soundproofing. And the first starts loudly - loudly shouting to the second:
Petrovich, can you hear me? Petrovich!!!
The second foreman calmly replies:
- Semenych, don't yell, I see you!
So let's drink to our clever builders and far-sighted superintendents!

The boy tells his mother:
- Mom, do you know the news? Dad's mouth...
“You need to speak not in the company, but in the mouth,” his mother interrupts.
- So, - the son continues, - in the father's mouth ... the soldier hanged himself!
There are soldiers among us. Their life is far from sweet. And worse things happen than those in that dad's mouth. Let's drink to the military!

-Toast to the team

Imagine, I know a simple engineer who began to earn good money.
- Did he patent the invention?
- No, he made a discovery.
- And what did he discover?
- Summer cafe.
So let's drink to enterprising inventors!

Shout at us sometimes
We know for sure, not from evil,
And we'll drink to you today
You are the boss anywhere!

We wish you patience
With us it is sometimes difficult for you,
Good luck, lots of money
And throw sadness away!

Let's drink to the fact that the requirements of our dear boss coincide with the abilities of his subordinates. So that even if the most valuable employees leave him, invaluable employees would remain, working the way we all like to relax.
For the birthday chef!

Like it or not, a satisfied boss is not only the key to the success of the entire team, but also the good mood of each of the employees. On the birthday of our esteemed _Name_, I want to drink for his constant positive mood. And all the clouds in the sky, which suddenly decide to appear, we will try to disperse. Happy birthday!

We were lucky with the boss
We work well
And congratulations to you today
We wish you all the best!

For you we will drink everything to the bottom,
To make your dream come true
For good health,
And all the bad receded!

It’s hard for the boss to desire material things, for sure, he has everything he wants. Wish love, happiness? Not professional. I wish you health, because this is something that money cannot buy, good luck, because this is something that is hard to keep. And the existing professionalism and intuition will help to conquer the planned peaks.

Drinking with the chef is a matter of honor
Moreover, when all together,
Well, and a good reason -
Our chief dear
Celebrates a birthday
This can be seen in the wonderful treats!
Bitter river flows
Everyone forgot about peace.
Now let's get down to business,
Vodka - closer to the body,
Dear Chief,
You have a holiday today
Always be so happy
Kind, sweet and loved!
Well, we are your colleagues -
We will always be side by side
We promise not to weave intrigues
And work to please you!

They say that to be happy, a person needs to be busy with work. Let's raise our glasses to our boss, who can always load us with work, but does not forget that for happiness it is still necessary that the mind be filled with a goal, memory - with knowledge and skills. And that would always give us hope for a brighter future!

I want to congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you career growth, prosperity and long and fruitful years of life! May all the good things in your life multiply and grow. For you!

There are not many events at work that allow us to raise glasses together, without a twinge of conscience and condemnation of the management. So let's drink to health and good mood the hero of the occasion, who so wonderfully decorates our working days with his own birthday. For your welfare, _Name_.

Our boss, we drink for you,
You are charming with us
You are very wise and beautiful
And you are irreplaceable for everyone!

We wish you all the best
And always be successful
We want to be on top
And stay away from troubles!

Let's raise our glasses to the person who celebrates his birthday today. I am doubly glad that on this holiday I congratulate not only my boss, but also, I’m not afraid of this word, a friend. I want to wish you happiness and health, and also that success would be a companion of your whole future life! Happy Birthday!

On the table, bread is the head of everything, and in our team you are, but, like bread, you are sometimes callous, sometimes soft, as befits a real boss. For this we respect you. And with all my heart we wish you a hospitable life, may everything be in abundance in it. Happy birthday!

I want to raise my glass
For you, for your happiness, joy,
I wish you no problems
And so that life resembles sweetness.

I wish you to reach heights
And so that subordinates love,
I wish you not to know the hassle,
And that you live in abundance.

To make every day interesting
I drink for happiness and dreams
Happy birthday, I congratulate you
So that you live in harmony all your life!

When the boss is happy, his subordinates are also happy. There is no better future for career advancement than favorable working conditions. So let's drink, on the birthday of our boss, for his excellent mood, every day.

On a birthday, people are usually praised. And chiefs - especially. But, in our case, it so remarkably coincided that the birthday man is such a person who is pleased to wish health and prosperity. May you, _name_, not have changes in your life that can change you in the worst side. For our boss!

Our team is not only friendly, but it seems to me the most productive of all. And it seems to me that this is not only our merit, but also our boss. We see you as strict and even evil, and some tell legends that you were kind. But we have never seen you hang up your hands or shift your work to others, so I raise a glass on your birthday that you would only get better and still be kind more often!

Our team is kind, dear,
I invite everyone to raise their glasses,
For the one who stands behind us,
For someone we respect endlessly!

Our beloved boss, we drink for you,
We wish you happiness, joy, health,
To have enough patience for all of us,
So that nothing bad happens to you!

I want to raise this glass to our birthday today. By a strange coincidence... this is our boss. I want to wish him to live full life and no matter how old he is, what matters is how much real life has been lived. So let him real life coincides with the calendar, then you don’t need to be afraid of the years you have lived, because they have not been lived in vain!

As you know, respect is the best attire. This is undoubtedly true, because no matter how beautifully a person speaks, if he is not respected, then, in fact, his words are worth nothing. I want to wish you not to lose the trust that is entrusted to you. You, respected by colleagues leader, so your opinion is listened to and appreciated. Thanks for this!

Sometimes you were a merciless whip
Sometimes they brought a gingerbread on time.
You never pretended to be a jester
In our eyes, you are a worthy leader.

On this solemn day
Let the cherished goals come true.
Let sometimes we cause a migraine
But we will follow days and weeks.

Toasts to the director

Cicero said that "memory is dulled by inactivity."
So let's drink to our memory, which simply has no time to become dull!

birthday toast to boss

Here, Marya Ivanovna, he worked and worked, but he will have to leave.
- Why?
- I don't think we'll get along with the new director. Here are the previous two - there were people. One hunt respected. Another fisherman was notable. It doesn't even care about hockey. I don't know how to approach it...
- Did you try to do something?
Let's drink to enlightened and democratic leaders!

Toast to the boss

The Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius said: "We are people, born to help each other, as the hand helps the hand, the leg - the leg, and the upper jaw - the lower."
I propose a toast to our mutual assistance, to our friendship!

Toasts for leaders

The sanitary doctor came to one enterprise. He was shocked by the abundance of flies in the shops.
- Mr. Director, couldn't you buy at least adhesive tape?
- In this case, I would be ruined.
- But why?
- Flies are the only thing keeping my workers at work from sleeping.
So let's drink to non-standard solutions!

Boss birthday toast

Toast to the chef

At the restaurant at the station.
- Waiter! I haven't been able to chew a piece of this steak for 10 minutes now!
- Don't worry, just announced: your train is three hours late.
For food service workers!

Toast to the boss

Some work, but do not earn, others earn, but do not work.
So let's drink to the golden mean!

Toasts to the director

most hard work I do before breakfast.
What kind of work is this that can be done on an empty stomach?
- I get out of bed.
Let's drink to our duties!

Bussu toast

The father was on the plane. Just took off, he calls the stewardess:
- Girl, at what height are we flying?
- Five hundred meters.
- Then bring me fifty grams of cognac, please.
The stewardess brings After a while, he calls her again:

- Three thousand meters.
- Please, bring me fifty grams of cognac.
And the stewardess brings. Some time passes.
- Girl, excuse me, at what height are we flying?
- Five thousand meters.
- Fifty grams of cognac, please.
Half an hour later, the stewardess, passing through the cabin, herself turns to the priest:
- Can I get you another drink?
- At what altitude are we flying?
- Ten thousand meters.
- No, no, I can’t, - says the priest, pointing his finger up, - the boss is close.
And our boss, thank God, is far away (on a business trip, on vacation, etc.). So we can drink in peace.

Boss birthday toast

According to ancient legends, a Roman general had a daughter named Tarpeia. During the war with the Sabine king, this commander was instructed to defend the fortress on the Caspian hill. However, the Sabine king managed to bribe Tarpeia. He promised to give her what the Sabine warriors wore on their hands, i.e. Golden bracelets. At night, Tarpeya opened the gates to the enemies, but, fulfilling her promise, the Sabine warriors threw shields at her, which they also wore on their hands. Subsequently, for betrayal, the Romans threw Tarpeia off a cliff.
Friends! The moral of this legend is: first, never betray your loved ones and partners; secondly, when concluding a deal, accurately formulate mutual obligations. Let's drink to it!

birthday toast to boss

A young man broke his arms in a car accident. However, he got to good doctors and the treatment is going well.
- Doctor, when my bandages are removed, will I be able to play the piano? he asks.
- Of course you can!
- This is cool! - the patient rejoices. - Doctor, you are a magician! After all, I had never played the piano before!
Let's drink to doctors who can work miracles!

birthday toast to boss

Heine said: "What is music? It forms the middle between thought and phenomenon and constitutes an airy transitional step from spirit to matter. It is akin to both of them and, however, is different from both. It is a spirit that needs a measure of time; it is matter, but matter that doesn't need space."
For the hero of the occasion, a real musician!

Toasts to the leader cannot be recklessly pronounced, even if you are invited to visit the leader and stay in a fairly relaxed atmosphere. First of all, tell him about what excellent business qualities he has, and only then - a little about personal.

In verse

  • Dear Leader,
  • You never yell at us
  • Everything is available always explain
  • You personally delve into all the calculations,
  • Study all the information in detail.
  • Accurately Predict, Don't Assume
  • You decide everything in deeds, and do not dream.
  • We raise our glasses to you, we respect you!
  • Without a leader, a company cannot exist.
  • We wish you to prosper for a long time,
  • We congratulate you sincerely, loving,
  • After all, without congratulations, well, it’s impossible.
  • We raise our glasses to your good luck,
  • We respect you, leader.
  • May God give you health, strength and love,
  • And may your days be happy!
  • May your plans be perfect
  • Wish to visit different countries,
  • We want to gain the necessary experience,
  • And don't doubt your abilities.
  • To you, leader, let everything be easy.
  • May your birthday be real
  • It will turn into a holiday. For your health
  • We raise our glasses, we respect you all!
  • leader, birthday,
  • Let's celebrate as a team.
  • Together, in a friendly crowd,
  • Let's have fun walking.
  • Let's drink to your health,
  • To never get sick.
  • Run more often
  • And stay fresh forever!
  • You were born to lead
  • And bold solutions are able to find
  • You are confident and determined enough.
  • We are pleased to work with you
  • After all, in communication you are incredibly easy.
  • Don't Forget the Prizes
  • And encourage your team.
  • Thank you for everything, we love you very much.
  • May your thoughts always
  • Will become reality
  • Let everyone admire you.
  • Let's raise a glass to our leader!
  • Forget about the formalities
  • We will congratulate you today.
  • After all, you are a great leader.
  • And the team you are nice.
  • Lead a team with a bang
  • In your life it has come best time,
  • You solve all problems easily,
  • Which decision is correct, you always know.
  • We will drink so that nothing bothers you,
  • Let's drink to the fact that life inspires.
  • Let everything work out for you
  • We dare not doubt you!

In prose

Gaius Julius Caesar was a wise and versatile ruler. He made a significant contribution to the development and improvement of his country. But the mores of that time were not distinguished by high morality, therefore the emperor had the right of the first night with any bride in town. Ask why am I saying this? Yes, just to warm up, and to set the guests in a solemn mood! But seriously, our leader has something to do with Caesar, because he legally owns the right to the first toast. Let's drink to that!

Empty talk leads to idleness and inaction. But today is such a day that you can do it boldly! Let's, on the birthday of our leader, leave the solution of all problems for tomorrow, and many of them will decide by themselves during this time, because the morning is wiser than the evening! I appreciate and respect this person for his dedication to his work, sociability and purposefulness. His life credo: "either everything at once, or nothing at all"! And this is right, otherwise our company would not be the best among competing companies. Each of us, under his strict guidance, contributes to the development and stability of the organization. As they say - there would be a desire! And there is always a desire - because before our eyes we have a living example of activity and vivacity in the person of a leader. Happy holiday!

Collects, somehow, the head of the staff entrusted to him and says: tomorrow we will have new director. As far as I know, he is a very serious, responsible person with firm principles. Congratulations, friends, finally, we have a chance to show who is capable of what! The majority gets up and heads for the exit. - Where are you? - the head was confused. - Write an application for the calculation. - Why?! - Yes, how to say, now, it seems, you won’t drink, you won’t be thrown into cards, you won’t guess crosswords with tea. - And you try to work in your specialty! My toast to a leader who is able to bring in an unexpected and new idea at the right time!