18 and a half weeks pregnant. What can be seen on an ultrasound? Proper nutrition is the key to your baby's health

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the baby's movements become more distinct and noticeable. Due to the fact that there is now a large load on the spine, pain in the lumbar region may appear during this period. You are already consciously going through all stages of pregnancy with in a great mood and taking care of your baby.

Baby development in the tummy

Fetal size: the baby is gaining weight with activity, now it weighs up to 200 grams and is 22 cm long.

The baby is very active, he now has a lot of space in the uterus, he moves and spins a lot. Sucking his finger, tugging at the umbilical cord. In general, he leads a very active lifestyle.

The brain is actively developing nervous system improves its functions. In this regard, the baby’s coordination of movements is increasingly developing.

He feels your emotions, that is, if you are happy or upset about something, your baby feels you and experiences the same as you. So it’s time to protect yourself from stress and try to spend your days in a way that saturates you with a good mood.

Hearing is well developed, ear cartilage has already formed. The child already has vision, although the eyes are closed, the retina of the eye perceives bright light and reacts to it.

The skeleton continues to ossify, before it consisted of cartilage, now they harden. The baby continues to accumulate fat, which ensures metabolism and maintains body temperature. The fingers and toes are formed and have phalanges. There are also nails already, they are in their place, and fingerprints.

During this period, the genital organs of a boy and a girl are fully formed and are in their final location.

Due to the fact that the baby is very active during this period, his heart works quickly and faster. Oxygen children's body The placenta enriches, through the umbilical cord it transfers the oxygen received from the mother to the left atrium, and is then distributed throughout the body. The placenta is central to the baby's life, and it also produces a hormone that forces your body to support the pregnancy.

Belly of a pregnant woman at 18 weeks

Now bookmarking emotional attitude child to himself. He feels you very much, and experiences your emotions with you. He feels your attitude towards him. Stroke your tummy more often and talk to your baby, give him comfort and coziness. And remember that your worries now can lead to the development of insecurity in your child later.

The nervous system is actively developing. It becomes stronger and more complex, for the rapid transmission of impulses between nerves, they already have myelin. The areas in the brain that are responsible for vision, hearing, taste and smell have formed. In this regard, the child already hears and feels the taste of ingested amniotic fluid. Original feces continue to form in the intestines, which consists of undigested residues amniotic fluid, which your baby swallows. The baby’s entire body is covered with a white substance, it protects him from the effects of amniotic fluid and in the future during childbirth will allow the baby to move normally through the birth canal.

What happens to the expectant mother? Her feelings and changes

The uterus has increased in volume, it is located immediately below the navel. Under pressure from the uterus, your organs located in the abdominal cavity change their location. The intestines, spleen, and liver have to move a little from their permanent place.

  • Your center of gravity changes and your lower back may even begin to hurt. Since the center of gravity shifts, try not to make sudden movements, they should be smooth. Take walks more often fresh air, away from cars and sharp sounds. Pain in the spine can be removed with massage, rest, and a horizontal body position.
  • The volume of air absorbed has increased, your lungs work for two. Even though you are now breathing for two, you don’t need to eat for two. Watch your weight. Excessive weight gain can lead to a difficult birth. And it will be much more difficult to regain your weight after childbirth.
  • Hygiene comes first. Prevention of infections urinary tract should be your first priority. After all, many infections can complicate pregnancy and fetal development. Do a urine test regularly and monitor the amount of fluid you drink.
  • Remove stress. During the second trimester, the expectant mother's emotional mood is stable and good. If for some reason you are in a depressed emotional state, you must remove this state by any means. If conversations with loved ones do not help you, you still experience constant stress and negative emotions, consult a psychologist. Remember that stress is bad for your body and your child. Stress disrupts your heart function, which results in poor oxygen supply to your baby. Also depressed emotional condition reduces immunity, produces stress hormones in your child. Your child is emotionally very connected to you, remember this.
  • Vision may deteriorate in the 18th week of pregnancy if it was not ideal before pregnancy. Now you need to contact your ophthalmologist to select the necessary lenses or glasses. If your vision is not one hundred percent and it has now begun to deteriorate, there is a possibility that you will not be allowed to give birth on your own and will have a caesarean section.
  • The body actively produces progesterone, thereby increasing the amount of discharge from the genitals. In this way, the uterus is protected from harmful microorganisms entering the vagina, so that there is no danger to the baby.


Prenatal screening is a complex of studies (biochemical blood test - biochemical screening and ultrasound - ultrasound screening), necessary for identifying defects and anomalies of fetal development in early pregnancy.

In the second trimester they carry out " triple test": donate blood for AFP, free estriol And . The optimal period for collecting blood samples for this test is 16-18 weeks of pregnancy.

Alpha fetoprotein (AFP)- a fetal blood protein produced in the liver and gastrointestinal tract fetus
The AFP norm at 15-19 weeks of pregnancy is 15-95 IU/ml (according to the interpretation of test results from the Invitro laboratory.)

An increase in the level of this protein indicates a high risk of developing a defect in the fetus. neural tube fetus, Meckel's syndrome, esophageal atresia (the esophagus ends blindly, i.e. food does not reach the stomach), umbilical hernia, non-fusion of the abdominal wall, liver necrosis (due to a viral infection suffered by future mom). Remember that when multiple pregnancy and too large a fetus, the level of AFP is increased.

A decrease in AFP level indicates the likelihood of developing chromosomal pathologies in the fetus: Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome. Note, low level AFP can also be observed with incorrect determination of the gestational age or with hydatidiform mole.

A decrease in the level of AFP and hCG at the same time usually indicates a delay in fetal development and even its death.

Free estriol- a hormone produced first by the placenta and then by the fetal liver.

The rate of free estriol in the blood serum at 17-18 weeks of pregnancy should be in the range of 6.6-25.0. With each subsequent analysis, the level of free estriol should increase during the normal course of pregnancy.

An increased level of estriol may indicate liver disease, kidney disease in the expectant mother, as well as heavy weight fetus Also, the level of free estriol will be increased during multiple pregnancies, which is normal.

A decrease in the level of free estriol indicates fetoplacental insufficiency, Down syndrome, and fetal adrenal hypoplasia. When threatened premature birth Free estriol levels may also be below normal.

An ultrasound scan at 18 weeks determines the size (or fetometry) of the fetus. So, normally, the biparietal size (BPD) of the fetus is 37-47 mm, the fronto-occipital size (FZ) is 49-59 mm, the head circumference (CH) is 131-161 mm, and the abdominal circumference (AC) is 104-144 mm.

At ultrasound examination, especially with a 3D or 4D ultrasound, on the screen you can see how the baby rubs his eyes with his hands, and even yawns with his small mouth. He is already actively moving in his mother’s belly and loves to suck his fingers.

Dangerous symptoms

Dangerous symptoms, for which you urgently need to see a doctor, remain the same as throughout pregnancy:

  • Sharp pain in the abdominal area;

These symptoms may indicate an involuntary miscarriage or a threatened miscarriage. Also minor bleeding during these 7 days they may indicate that the placenta is low, blocking the cervical canal, which is also dangerous.

Abdominal pain and bleeding - call urgently ambulance. The sooner you see a doctor, the greater the chance of saving your baby’s life.

  • Watch your weight and nutrition. Your body must fully receive all the necessary substances and elements for the baby and the good functioning of the body. Don't overeat, control your weight.
  • Watch for swelling in your legs and arms. If the first signs of late toxicosis appear, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the extremities, you need to control the amount of fluid that enters your body and the frequency of urination. Consult your doctor for recommendations on what and how to do to prevent swelling.
  • Walking in the fresh air helps improve digestive tract and helps your heart work better and enrich your body with oxygen.
  • During this period, you also have a planned visit to the gynecologist. Find out your weight, blood pressure, get tested. Check how your baby is developing and how your body reacts to pregnancy.

Questions by email and answers to them

18 weeks pregnant - how many months?
Eighteen obstetric weeks of pregnancy are 16 weeks from conception or the 4th month of pregnancy.

Cold at 18 weeks of pregnancy. How to treat?
During pregnancy with influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, take oscillococcinum, it is not dangerous for the fetus. The powder can be diluted in water or poured under the tongue and held until it is completely dissolved. Remember that temperatures up to 37.4 ºС are normal temperature body during pregnancy, and there is no need to knock it down.

We are 18 weeks pregnant. The doctor said that we will have twins. And the floor is still not visible, they spin forever. Are twins two boys or two girls? Or can there be both a boy and a girl?
Twins and triplets are simply the number of children in a multiple pregnancy. In medicine, such children are called twins in any case.
But there are fraternal twins, that is, when two different sperm fertilize two different eggs, thus each fetus has its own placenta. Such children can be either different-sex or same-sex. They usually look similar to each other, as if they were born separately at different times, such as a year apart.
And there are identical twins- this is when one egg was fertilized by one sperm (as in a singleton pregnancy), but then it was divided into parts. These are same-sex children, similar to each other like two peas in a pod. They most often have one placenta between them. Usually the eye color, hair color, height and build are also the same.
Thus, you need to find out from your doctor whether you will have identical or fraternal twins.

I'm 18 weeks pregnant and the pregnancy is progressing normally. But sex from the first month of pregnancy does not bring pleasure: everything there is dry and as if swollen, painful and tight when it enters, in general, there is zero pleasure. Besides sexual desire not at all, although they say that during pregnancy it’s the opposite – increased excitability.
If sex during pregnancy causes discomfort, you can use a lubricant as an additional lubricant (if dry) or spend more time on foreplay, and also choose positions that are comfortable for penetration, for example, “reclining” (the woman lies on her back on the edge of the bed, with her legs bent in knees or throwing them over the man’s shoulders, while he kneels in front of the woman, moving to the edge of the bed). You can also get by with oral sex, which does not bring any discomfort during pregnancy.


The 18th week of pregnancy is basically in excellent condition for the mother. Minor changes in the body are noticeable; late toxicosis. The main thing this week is that your baby is growing and adapting every day, learning new things.

The 18th week of pregnancy is a time of relative calm. The painful attacks of toxicosis have subsided, the feeling of heaviness has not yet appeared. The expectant mother is in excellent spirits. It is during this period that she can receive a referral for an ultrasound scan. What diagnostics will show at this time and what to prepare for, we will tell you in this article.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Survey objectives

The concept of “screening” is already familiar to the expectant mother, because in the first trimester she already underwent an ultrasound scan and donated blood for laboratory tests. biochemical research. At 18 weeks she will have another screening, the second in a row. The Ministry of Health recommends it be carried out between 18 and 21 weeks, so now is the time the right time look at the long-awaited baby again.

Screening ultrasound is supported by data obtained from the laboratory. Based on the results of both studies, one can judge possible pathological conditions and some malformations of the fetus.

Ultrasound examination at week 18 has an important goal - identify problems in the baby's development. But this is not the only reason for scanning. At this stage, ultrasound helps to navigate the timing of pregnancy, if they are not fully clarified, and also to set the expected date of birth.

During this period already you can try to discern the gender of the baby, because the external genitalia are fully formed.

If the baby is not modest and shows the doctor his gender, a woman will be able to find out who she is expecting - a son or a daughter.

The questions that are resolved during screening do not imply determination of gender, therefore this service is paid, while all other diagnostic measures within prenatal diagnostics completely free for all women in an “interesting situation”.

An unscheduled ultrasound at 18 weeks can be done according to indications - these are sudden painful sensations, discharge that cannot be considered normal for pregnant women, discrepancy between the height of the fundus of the uterus and the obstetric period.

Preparation for the procedure and features of the procedure

Ultrasound at week 18 can be performed in two ways - internal or external. Internal, called transvaginal, gives good review through the vaginal wall, if it is difficult to pass through the peritoneum. It may be difficult for a doctor to examine the baby if the expectant mother has extra pounds and fat folds on the abdomen.

A vaginal sensor is also indispensable if there is a threat of miscarriage, since it allows you to more clearly see the cervix and cervical canal at 18 weeks.

If a woman has a normal or thin build, a transabdominal examination can be performed this week of pregnancy - through the abdomen. No preparation is required for an ultrasound, no matter how it is performed. No need to drink water or tea to refill bladder , there is no need to follow a diet that reduces gas formation in the intestines.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At week 18, the baby looks like a small person, but his head is still disproportionately large. The baby's height from heels to crown is almost 20 centimeters, and its weight is close to 200-240 grams. Such dimensions allow him to freely somersault, swim, push off the walls of the uterus, and make a variety of movements with his arms and legs. It is at this stage that some pregnant women begin to feel the first movements. Basically, these are women expecting twins or triplets, as well as multiparous women.

Even if the woman does not feel any movements yet, you can enjoy the baby’s movements during the ultrasound procedure. The baby's skin is still very thin; blood vessels. The brain is developing rapidly, and the endocrine system begins to work this week. Ultrasound scanning, of course, will not show this.

But the mother will be able to see the small heart, listen to how it beats; if the level of equipment allows, you can see how the baby clenches and unclenches his fists, spreads his fingers.

The baby can already distinguish sounds. To the beat mother's heart, he is already accustomed to the sound of blood in her vessels, but everything new, what comes from outside, interests and frightens him at the same time. Therefore, the baby may perk up at the unfamiliar voice of the health worker who is conducting the examination, or, on the contrary, he may become frightened and become quiet.

The genitals are clearly visible at this stage if the baby is positioned conveniently for examination. It is possible that the umbilical cord will be caught between the legs. And then the girl can be confused with a boy. Shy boys can hide their “dignity” between their legs and can easily be mistaken for a girl. The percentage of error, however, at this time is small - no more than 2-4%.

Norms and decoding

The description is compiled in three main areas - fetal size (fetometric indicators), fetal anatomy (presence and correct formation internal organs), as well as a description of auxiliary organs and environments - the placenta, umbilical cord surrounding the toddler amniotic fluid. In addition, the doctor assesses the health status of the woman herself - is everything okay with her? reproductive organs, whether there is a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Fetal fetometry

You can draw conclusions about how a child’s head is developed based on two parameters; diagnosticians measure them first. These are longitudinal (LZR) and transverse dimensions (BPR). The head circumference completes the picture. The size is also considered important. baby's abdominal circumference. On this period Paired bones are also measured - the femur, shin bone, shoulder and forearm. At week 18, the nasal bones are also measured.

Child's head dimensions:

Dimensions of paired bones and nose bones:

Anatomical features

The baby in the mother's womb is already big enough for the doctor to examine it internal organs. During the study, the heart is examined, excluding possible defects of this organ and large vessels. The doctor is also interested in the child’s kidneys, bladder, intestines, stomach, lungs, gallbladder, brain structures and cerebellum.

In the absence of defects and visible problems, the doctor indicates that the internal organs of the toddler do not have any special features.

Placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid

Standards and deviations are compared with this table:

The diagnostician must note where the placenta is located. In most pregnant women, this temporary organ, responsible for supplying the baby with everything necessary for 9 months, is located along the posterior uterine wall, however, the anterior location should not be surprising. This is a variant of the norm, but requires more careful management of pregnancy by the attending physician.

Possible problems

During the ultrasound scan at 18 weeks, some pathological conditions. Let's talk about the most common ones in more detail:

The child’s size is behind or ahead of the norm

Any discrepancies with the standards that are characteristic of fruits on certain period, require careful study by doctors. Small lags or advances can be caused entirely for harmless reasons- heredity, peculiarities of the baby’s body constitution. Thin parents usually give birth to the same children.

Situations where the dimensions deviate in one direction or another for 2 weeks or more deserve additional examination.

In this case, you should pay attention to exactly which sizes exceed the norm, whether the process is symmetrical (when all sizes are increased), or whether there is asymmetry (only one part of the body or one size is increased).

Enlargement and shrinkage of a baby's head may be a sign of genetic malformations, hydrocephalus or microcephaly. If the dimensions are increased symmetrically, then there is a possibility that the woman is carrying a fetus with a tendency to large weight(more than 4 kilograms) or to gigantic weight (more than 5 kilograms).

A symmetrical decrease may indicate trouble, which the baby experiences, up to intrauterine growth retardation.

However, there is no need to rush to conclusions - children grow “in leaps and bounds” in the womb, and it is possible that at a control ultrasound in a couple of weeks the baby will “even out” in parameters.

The nasal bones lag behind the norm

The length of the nose bones acts as a marker of chromosomal disorders. In children with Down syndrome, Patau syndrome, Turner syndrome and other incurable diseases, the facial profile is flattened, the nose is much smaller than that of healthy peers. This fact is taken as the basis for measuring this parameter. A slight lag in the length of the nasal bones should also not be of much concern.

Rather, this is a reason to carefully look in the mirror to the mother herself and study the appearance of her relatives. Maybe small noses are a hereditary trait in the family.

From the same point of view, moderate increases in the size of a baby’s nose should not cause panic.

When measuring this parameter, errors and inaccuracies very often occur, which are a consequence of the fact that the equipment used for diagnostics is outdated and has low resolution.

If the diagnostician is still inclined to consider the deviation significant, and blood tests confirm an imbalance of hormones and proteins in the body, then this is a reason to visit a geneticist and maybe pass invasive procedures- amniocentesis or chorionic villus biopsy to find out with more than 99% accuracy whether the child is healthy.

“It’s like a butterfly fluttered” - the 18th week of pregnancy for many becomes the time to perceive the baby’s movements. Changes occur in the physiology and anatomy of the mother, toxicosis disappears, and hormonal levels stabilize. The baby is getting bigger, you can already see his gender and his face. This article will tell you about all the changes in mother and child.

A baby at 18 weeks of pregnancy continues to grow actively. The length of its body can already be 14 cm, and its weight is 170-200 g.

Main development features:

  • the baby’s organs, face, ears, eyes are fully formed;
  • The brain continues to develop - the grooves and convolutions deepen, new neurons appear. A myelin sheath begins to form around the neurons;
  • the thymus gland appears;
  • legs and arms grow, the skeleton increases. Growth takes into account the proportions that the baby will have at birth;
  • patterns formed on the pads of the fingers. Thin marigolds are already in place;
  • muscle tissue develops intensively;
  • bones become hard;
  • joint formation continues;
  • the rudiments of molars and milk teeth were formed;
  • during this period the baby is still very thin, and through thin skin blood vessels are visible. However, adipose tissue is already forming on his body.


Often, the expectant mother waits for movements at the 18th week of pregnancy and wonders what they will be. They may feel like slight trepidation. However, the regularity of their appearance will soon leave no doubt that these bubble-like moments mean that the baby is moving.

Primiparas and overweight women may feel movement a little later. But don't be upset. A healthy baby will definitely make itself known in the near future. His development already allows him to actively move, roll over, raise his arms and legs, and hold on to the umbilical cord.

Major physiological changes

During pregnancy, the development of the fetus at 18 weeks reaches a point where its organs can perform more and more functions:

  • The heart beats at a speed of 150-170 beats per minute.
  • The baby can already hear the voices of others coming through the placenta, so doctors recommend that future parents talk to the baby, sing to him, and turn on music.
  • The eyes are still closed, but can already react to light. Perhaps while still in the womb, the baby begins to dream.
  • A child can swallow up to 400 ml of amniotic fluid per day. The digestive organs accept and process them.
  • The intestines begin to contract and accumulate original feces - meconium.
  • The bladder stores urine produced by the kidneys. The baby pees often, but due to the fact that the amniotic fluid is constantly renewed, the environment remains sterile.
  • Despite the fact that the immune organs are not yet fully formed, they have begun to produce immunoglobulin and interferons that can protect the fetus from infections. The thymus gland begins to produce lymphocytes. The adrenal glands begin to function.

The genitals have fully formed and taken their place. The boy's testicles have not yet descended.

Mom's well-being

Many people note that after 18 weeks they feel better. Toxicosis is no longer a concern, the risk of miscarriage is reduced, and hypertension occurs less frequently. In multiparous women, colostrum appears. Hormonal background by this time it had already relatively stabilized, there was no sudden change in mood. A small tummy does not constrain or limit movement.

Even if earlier expectant mother couldn’t get used to the idea of ​​her new role, now the perception of life of the crumbs helps her feel the importance of the processes taking place in her. This is facilitated by the active production of the hormone oxytocin, which prepares the body for breastfeeding, evokes affection and love.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, the abdomen clearly protrudes forward due to the enlarged uterus. It itself is located approximately 18 cm from the level of the pubis, its bottom can be felt 2-3 cm below the navel. The length of the neck is 40-45 mm.

From 18-19 weeks, the doctor begins to regularly measure the height of the uterine fundus as one of the main characteristics normal course pregnancy.

Pain at 18 weeks

The growth of the uterus and the increase in the baby's body weight puts pressure on the navel and abdominal organs, causing discomfort and discomfort.

  1. Back pain occurs due to a change in the center of gravity and relaxation of the ligaments. Relieving tension from the ligamentous apparatus helps to normalize the breathing of a pregnant woman and increase extensibility in the pelvic area.
  2. The appearance of stomach pain and heartburn is due to the fact that progesterone relaxes the muscles of the abdominal organs, in particular the valve between the stomach and the esophagus. When eating food, hydrochloric acid may reflux into the esophagus, evoking feeling burning. Aching pain in the abdominal cavity arise due to stretching of the uterus and divergence of the pelvic bones. If intense, cramping pain occurs, you should consult a doctor.
  3. If any other organ begins to hurt or the pain becomes very severe, you should seek medical advice.

Bleeding and discharge

If bleeding occurs, there is no need to delay; you should immediately call an ambulance.

In the second trimester, discharge increases. This is due to the active production of progesterone. This is how the body protects the uterus from pathogens entering the vagina. The discharge should be homogeneous, colorless, slightly yellowish, without impurities and unpleasant odors. They should not be accompanied by itching and burning. A change in consistency and color may indicate the danger and development of pathology:

  • yellow, greenish foamy or curdled discharge indicates thrush or sexually transmitted diseases;
  • brown – for cervical pathology;
  • bloody risk of miscarriage or placental abruption.

If brown or bloody discharge You must immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.

The 18th week is a relatively calm period, however, problems are possible even there.

At the eighteenth week, swelling may appear. External signs occur on the arms and legs. Internal edema can be suspected with a sharp increase in body weight. They arise due to an increase in the amount of circulating fluid, a violation of its removal from the vessels and a slowdown in blood flow due to the increased pressure of the uterus on organs and vessels.

If you had vision problems before pregnancy, now the risk of its deterioration increases. Monitoring your eye condition by an ophthalmologist will help avoid complications.

Weakened immunity leads to the risk of diseases caused by infection or dysfunction of organs. It is possible to develop diseases of the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract.

Common complaints

Waiting for the birth of a baby is accompanied by natural phenomena that lead to complaints.

  1. The appearance of dizziness and pain in the temples is associated with a decrease in blood pressure. This is how the heart adapts to a double load, providing oxygen and nutrients to the body of the mother and baby.
  2. The mammary glands have grown enough, the breasts are no longer so painful. Montgomery tubercles appear on hardened nipples. The main complaint is stretching of the skin, accompanied by itching on the bottom and sides.
  3. Stretch marks also appear on the stomach, thighs, and buttocks. Here the stripes are longer, have dark color. Their occurrence is associated with a lack of collagen, which is responsible for the integrity of the skin, and elastin, which causes its irritation.
  4. Increased sweating occurs due to increased work of the glands. To reduce discomfort, it is recommended to wear clothes made from natural fabrics.
  5. Sleep disorders have been linked to growing belly fat, back pain and inability to choose comfortable position. They are also caused by emotional tension, stress, increased anxiety. Many people report drowsiness. There is nothing wrong with resting for a few minutes during the day; the body needs proper rest.

Examination of mother and child

To monitor the condition of the expectant mother and her baby, ultrasound diagnostics and blood and urine tests are taken. Diagnostics do not have to be carried out exactly at the 18th week; tests can be taken at the 17-18th week, and an ultrasound scan can be performed later. The observing doctor also conducts an examination of the mother's abdomen, measuring arterial pressure and listens to the baby's heartbeat. At this time, an examination is carried out on a gynecological chair with a smear taken for cytology and flora.

The hemoglobin level must be checked in the blood sample. A special test is carried out to determine the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), estriol and human chorionic gonadotropin person. An increase in AFP, hCG and estriol may indicate twins, taking hormonal drugs. An increase in hCG and a decrease in other indicators indicate a risk:

  • presence of Down syndrome, genetic defects;
  • pathologies of the liver and pancreas in the mother;
  • late toxicosis.

An increased level of AFP indicates a risk of developing defects of the neural tube and internal organs.

Urine is checked for the presence of proteins and acetone. This eliminates inflammation, gestosis and diabetes.

If you suspect the presence genetic diseases The doctor may prescribe amniocentesis and cordocentesis. During amniocentesis, a sample of amniotic fluid containing genetic material is taken. Cordocentesis is a blood test taken from the umbilical cord. The procedure can lead to complications, so it is prescribed only if absolutely necessary.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy

Screening will show how development is progressing at the 18th week of pregnancy and what is happening to the baby. The main goal is to exclude pathologies, including genetic ones, for example, Down syndrome. The location of internal organs, the structure of the heart and brain are checked. In addition, the diameter of the circumference of the baby’s head and abdomen, the length of the frontal-occipital part, and limbs are determined.

Normal head sizes have the following parameters:

If genetic abnormalities are suspected, the length of the nose may be measured. The normal length at this stage is 5.4-6.0 mm.

Another purpose of ultrasound at 18 weeks of pregnancy is to assess the placenta, amniotic fluid, and the condition of the uterus. The specialist carefully checks the placenta attachment site.

The presentation of the baby is determined, i.e. it is determined which part of the body is facing the exit from the uterus. In most cases it is typical cephalic presentation, but in 20% it happens pelvic. There is no need to be upset about this; the baby still has enough time and space to turn around.

During screening, the cervix, tone, quantity and transparency of amniotic fluid are assessed. The following characteristics are considered normal:

Observation of the fetus can be recorded on video. The doctor also takes a photo.

Narrow issues of pregnancy

The baby is already quite large and well protected, but the mother’s condition, her nutritional habits, and well-being have a significant impact on him.


Normal body temperature can be up to 37.4°C. Any excess is a reason to consult a doctor. It may be a symptom of a cold or inflammation of the urinary system.

High temperature sometimes leads to disruption of the uteroplacental blood supply.

Cold at 18 weeks of pregnancy

By this time, under the influence of progesterone, immunity may significantly decrease. A woman is not recommended to visit places where many people gather, and, if possible, not to use public transport. Viral infection is no longer so dangerous for a baby protected by the placenta, but the flu can cause complications.

At the first sign of a cold, it is better to stay home. It is important to eat right and drink enough clean water to remove toxins and infections.

For any disease, you must consult a doctor who will determine the diagnosis and suggest treatment. Self-prescription of antibiotics, antipyretics, immunomodulators and their use based on reviews on the Internet is contraindicated.

An excellent opportunity to avoid colds are walking and taking vitamins.


In the absence of hypertonicity, feeling good and there are no contraindications in the fifth month, you shouldn’t stop sexual relations. Muscle contraction during orgasm improves blood circulation and has positive influence on the emotional state of the spouses. However, care must be taken to avoid positions with deep penetration and avoid squeezing the abdomen. Gels and lubricants should not be used.


By this time, toxicosis usually ends, but many face new challenges - heartburn and constipation. It is recommended to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Nutrition should be comprehensive, containing components necessary for both the mother and the growing baby. Daily requirement in calories is 2,800 – 3,000 kcal.

The diet and menu for each day must be built based on how many times a day it is recommended to eat certain foods:

ProductNumber of servings per dayOne serving, g
fresh vegetables3-5 200
canned or canned vegetables3-5 100
meat, fish, poultry, nuts, eggs2-3 100
dairy products, including fermented milk and cheeses2-3 100
cereals, pasta, bread, preferably whole grains6-10 1 serving includes either 1 slice of bread or half a cup of cooked cereal or pasta
sweets, animals and hidden fats (ice cream, sausages)reduce consumption as much as possibleSugar consumption should be no more than 40 g per day

When developing a diet, it is important to observe the following principles:

  • avoid eating foods to which you are allergic;
  • control fluid intake;
  • exclude fried, salty, smoked foods;
  • forget about alcohol and carbonated drinks.

A weekly gain of 400 g is considered normal. In total, from the beginning of pregnancy, the increase should not exceed 4.5-6 kg. If weight gain exceeds the standard, you should discuss with your doctor fasting days and diet.

An important part of nutrition is maintaining vitamin balance. The doctor will probably prescribe a vitamin and mineral complex. Your diet should include foods containing the following elements:

vitamin Aparsley, carrots, spinach
vitamin Bmeat, cereals, eggs
vitamin Ccauliflower, citrus fruits, beans, green peas
vitamin Dbeef, egg yolk, beef liver, vegetable oil
vitamin Elettuce, milk, wheat germ
vitamin Ffish oil, olive oil
vitamin Hmushrooms, egg yolk, beef liver, milk, nuts
vitamin Kseaweed, spinach, lentils, onion
ironfish, liver, meat, buckwheat, egg yolk, prunes, beans
folic acidlettuce, beets, parsley, cabbage, celery
calciumfish, dairy products
magnesiumlegumes, fruits, seafood

Often the condition of the expectant mother is so normalized that she is ready to engage in physical activity. Sports, especially those involving the risk of falling and abrupt change body positions are contraindicated. On the contrary, activity that helps you relax and enjoy the process of exercise is useful - yoga, swimming, long walks in the fresh air.

Doctors recommend doing Kegel exercises regularly. It is aimed at maintaining the tone of the muscles located in the pelvis, supporting the uterus, vagina, bladder, and rectum. Their training will ease the course of childbirth and the condition after it, and help avoid complications.

Procedure for performing the exercise:

  • tighten the vaginal muscles, as if to stop the process of urination;
  • relax the muscles of the legs and abdomen;
  • make sure your breathing is regular;
  • hold the tension for 8-10 seconds;
  • repeat 10 times.

You need to do the exercise 3-4 times a day

Whatever activity the girl chooses for herself, the main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, there may be a risk of increased uterine tone and premature birth. Another limitation is where the placenta attaches - if it is low, your doctor may recommend avoiding physical activity.

Some recommendations will help you enjoy waiting for the baby to be born and reduce the risk of complications.

  • First of all, you need to try not to expect troubles and avoid stress.
  • To ease back pain and reduce discomfort, it is recommended to use a support bandage. Light exercise and walking with a sedentary lifestyle will reduce pain.
  • You can prevent stretch marks on your chest by wearing comfortable bras with wide straps and take local contrast baths.
  • The risk of stretch marks on the body will decrease if you consume foods containing proteins, eat vegetables, berries, and limit the consumption of flour and sweet foods.
  • A balanced diet will help avoid weight gain and complications from the cardiovascular system.
  • Swelling will be less annoying if you move more and reduce your fluid intake.
  • To prevent the development of inflammation of the bladder and urethra, you need to urinate every two hours.

Coming for an ultrasound, each time the expectant mother strives to get a better look at her baby and get to know him. Ultrasound at 17-18 weeks of pregnancy is especially interesting. The seventeenth week is considered the beginning of the fifth month of fetal development. This is a time of relative calm, the absence of any negative feelings. In some cases, a pregnant woman may experience negative changes such as:

During this period, doctors recommend that the expectant mother get plenty of rest and try not to bother herself with various worries. A woman may feel some pain due to the fact that the uterus grows upward. She begins to worry about heartburn, frequent urination, and shortness of breath.

Since eighteen weeks, a pregnant woman has been bothered by pressure from the inside on the navel. This is due to the rapidly growing uterus. By this time it has already reached the size of a melon. At 17–18 weeks, the expectant mother’s belly is already clearly visible.

Starting from the 17th week, the baby’s immune system is already activated, which is manifested in the fetus’s production of its hormones (immunoglobulin, interferon). Under his skin, fat is formed, which he will need to regulate heat exchange in the body. By this time, the baby’s heart is almost formed and performs its important function.

From the 17th week, the formation of permanent fetal teeth begins. In girls, the uterus is forming. The adrenal glands produce hormones, and the pituitary gland is active. The baby can already hear and is able to distinguish between the mother’s emotions. This development is characteristic of the fetus without the presence of any pathologies. If a child. the mother has no special indications for ultrasound diagnostics, then at this stage (17 weeks) an ultrasound is not prescribed.

At the 17th week, the baby’s movements are still barely perceptible, which cannot be said about the 18th week. At this time, the baby rattles quite noticeably, often and strongly. The norm of movements by this time is 4 – 8 per hour. But each organism is individual, so there may be various deviations from the norm.

By the 18th week, the baby’s arms and legs are already fully formed, and the phalanges are already visible on the fingers. The child already has his personal fingerprints, their unique pattern. During this period, the development of the brain occurs, a reaction to light and sounds is noted.

Developmental norms in the fetus at 17, 18 weeks

A baby at 17-18 weeks is already quite big. The normal height at 17 weeks is 12 cm, the baby’s weight reaches 100 grams. An ultrasound at 17–18 weeks shows the development of the fetus and the presence/absence of pathologies.

Normal fetometry indicators at week 17 are:

  • BPR. Biparietal size is approximately 34 – 42 mm;
  • OG. Head circumference is 112 – 136 mm;
  • LZ. The fronto-occipital size is 41 – 49 mm;
  • coolant. Abdominal circumference ranges from 121 to 149 mm.

As for the size of the long bones of the fetus, they are normally:

  • forearm bones – 15 – 18 mm;
  • femurs – 20 – 28 mm;
  • shin bones – 15 – 21 mm;
  • humerus – 15 – 21 mm.

In addition to the size of the fetus at 17 weeks, the specialist also examines the condition of the placenta and the baby’s brain during an ultrasound examination.

By the 18th week, qualitative changes occur in the baby’s body. By the end of the month, his weight will reach 150 grams, and his height will be about 12.5 - 14 cm.

  • BPR. Biparietal size is approximately 37 – 47 mm;
  • OG. Head circumference is 131 – 161 mm;
  • LZ. The fronto-occipital size is 49 – 59 mm;
  • coolant. Abdominal circumference ranges from 104 to 144 mm.

As for the size of the long bones of the fetus, they are normally:

  • forearm bones – 17 – 23 mm;
  • femurs – 23 – 31 mm;
  • shin bones – 23 – 31 mm;
  • humerus – 15 – 21 mm.

From the 18th week, a specialist can already determine the sex of the unborn baby and show it to you in a photo. At 17–18 weeks of pregnancy, the specialist not only examines the external and internal organs of the child, he also receives information about:

  • number of fruits;
  • condition, location of the placenta (it should be localized on back wall uterus);
  • cervix (its length should not be shorter than 30 mm, external, internal pharynx must be closed);
  • amount of amniotic fluid;
  • condition of the uterus (the specialist must make sure that there is no hypertonicity of the uterus.
  • presentation of the fetus (normally it should be cephalic at this stage).

Preparing for diagnostics

At 17–18 weeks of pregnancy, diagnosis can be carried out in two ways:

  • transabdominal. The sensor is moved over the surface of the abdomen after preliminary lubrication with a special gel;
  • transvaginally. With the insertion of a sensor into the vagina.

Preparation for an ultrasound examination is practically not needed if it is performed transvaginally (except for individual hygiene of the genital organs). If the diagnosis is performed transabdominally, then the pregnant woman is recommended to:

  • do not eat heavy food on the day of the examination;
  • do not consume foods that cause increased gas formation;
  • Fill your bladder before testing.

If an ultrasound is prescribed at 18 weeks, there is no need to fill the bladder; the volume of amniotic fluid is sufficient for a detailed study of the structure and size of the unborn baby. In addition to conventional ultrasound examination, a specialist may prescribe Doppler testing. This method diagnostics allows the doctor to study in detail the blood flow inside the uterus and fetal vessels. There is no special preparation for this examination.

The price of an ultrasound examination performed transvaginally is approximately 1000 - 1500 rubles.

It is recommended to carry out the study in the second and third trimester, but if there are special indications, this diagnosis can be carried out even later. early stages. You should come to the examination with an empty bladder. It is also necessary to avoid bloating.

The cost of a transabdominal ultrasound is 900 – 1100 rubles.

You need to take a diaper with you to the study. If you need anything else (gel, wipes), the doctor will warn you in advance. The cost of diagnostics may vary depending on the type of medical institution, the device used, and the qualifications of the specialist.

Is it harmful to have an ultrasound scan at 17–18 weeks of pregnancy?

At 17 weeks, a planned study is usually not prescribed. According to the plan, the diagnosis takes place at 18 weeks. A specialist may refer a pregnant woman at 17 weeks for an ultrasound examination in the following cases:

  1. Failed diagnosis at 12 weeks (first trimester).
  2. The expectant mother has serious chronic diseases.
  3. Exposure of pregnant women to acute infectious diseases.
  4. Unsatisfactory biochemical screening of the first/second trimester (deviation from the norm of indicators such as: PAPP, free estriol, beta-hCG, alphafetoprotein).
  5. Requirement married couple carrying out diagnostics to exclude chromosomal abnormalities and fetal malformations.
  6. Weakness of the cervix.

No harmful effects of ultrasound on fetal development were found. There is no need to worry again if you are prescribed an additional ultrasound examination at 17 weeks. This diagnosis will not affect your baby’s condition, but it will provide the specialist with comprehensive information about existing disorders. At this time, the following pathologies may be detected in the child:

  • abruption, placenta previa;
  • developmental delay;
  • structural anomalies;
  • fetoplacental insufficiency;
  • a lot/little water;
  • premature aging of the placenta;
  • failure of the scar on the uterus, which remained after a previous operation (cesarean section).

Timely identification of such pathologies can be decisive in maintaining pregnancy. Be sure to go through all the tests that your gynecologist directs you to do. Thanks to a thorough examination of the condition of the fetus and the mother’s reproductive organs, a specialist will help in as soon as possible solve all problems that arise during pregnancy.

At the eighteenth week, expectant mothers usually begin to feel the baby’s first movements, which look not so much like kicks, but more like “the fluttering of a butterfly” or “the crawling of a worm.” The size of the fetus at the 18th week of pregnancy increases by about 2 cm, and its weight increases by 50 g.

What happens at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

A woman’s hormonal background stabilizes, so she no longer feels bouts of irritability, short temper and tearfulness, and abrupt change moods happen less and less often. The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy for the expectant mother is one of the most favorable periods pregnancy.

Since the uterus comes out into abdominal cavity and almost reaches the navel, the volume of the mother’s abdomen begins to grow. In multiparous women, it is larger because their muscles and ligaments have been well stretched during previous pregnancies.

Unpleasant sensations at the 18th week of pregnancy associated with toxicosis usually disappear completely. However, for some, morning sickness may persist until delivery. It can be alleviated with a light breakfast right in bed.

18th week of pregnancy - changes in a woman’s body

Uterus for last week has increased even more, its size is similar to a small melon. The height of the fundus is 18-19 cm, the uterus is already several fingers below the navel. Its walls and ligamentous apparatus gradually stretch and enlarge; during the entire pregnancy, some of its fibers become 5 times longer.

The 18th obstetric week of pregnancy is accompanied by weight gain, which is about 3-6 kg. Weight gain is due to the growth of the uterus, an increase in the volume of amniotic fluid, as well as the volume of blood and lymph by 40%. In this case, the weekly increase should not be more than 400-500 g.

The size of the abdomen and the woman’s body is rounded due to the active process of deposition of subcutaneous fat. To prevent the appearance of extra pounds, it is important for a woman to monitor her diet and weekly weight gain.

What happens in the belly of the expectant mother?

As the uterus enlarges, its pressure on surrounding organs and tissues and the load on the spine increases. This leads to the appearance painful sensations related to infringement sciatic nerve, discomfort in the lower back and back. Some expectant mothers experience pain around the navel, which is due to the pressure of the uterus on it. A special bandage will help reduce discomfort and pain during this period, wearing which will prevent many other complications.

Feelings at the eighteenth week

The 18th week of pregnancy is characterized by interesting sensations associated with the baby's first movements. The ability to feel the baby move depends on the physique and sensitivity of the expectant mother, the activity of the fetus, the placenta insertion, the presence excess weight. It is the latter factor that prevents many women from feeling the first tremors until 22 weeks.

Since the fetus at 18 weeks of gestation is still very small and quietly moves in the uterine cavity, such movements are more like “fish movement” or “bursting bubbles.” Their frequency is 4-8 per hour, but a woman can feel them only in a calm state.

Active movements during the 18th week of pregnancy may indicate a lack of oxygen. During its movement, the heart muscle is activated, which leads to increased blood supply to the baby’s organs and tissues. The child spends almost half of the time in a state of wakefulness, and the rest of the time sleeps. Usually the embryo moves in the evening.


Unusual sensations in the abdomen at 18 weeks are often accompanied by an increase in the amount of vaginal discharge, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. They should have a slightly yellowish or grayish, milky or transparent color. The presence of bloody or purulent discharge is a reason to consult a doctor.

Appearance cheesy discharge may cause a decrease in the immunity of a pregnant woman. At this time, the candida fungus, which is part of the opportunistic microflora of the vagina, is activated. Symptoms of thrush are white discharge with flakes, burning and itching.


An ultrasound examination at the eighteenth week may be performed as part of a second screening examination. The doctor evaluates not only the size of the fetus in the 18th obstetric week pregnancy - growth and weight, but also other parameters:

  • bone sizes (humerus, femur, tibia and forearm);
  • diameter of the abdomen and head;
  • location of internal organs;
  • structure of the brain and heart;
  • proper development of the baby and placenta;
  • amount of amniotic fluid.

An ultrasound can accurately determine the baby's gender. The external genitalia in boys and girls are well formed. In addition to ultrasound, the woman is prescribed blood and urine tests and tests for two markers - NE and AFP.

What happens to the fetus at 18 weeks of pregnancy?

By the end of the eighteenth week, the fruit grows to 12-14 cm, and its weight increases to 150 g. It is similar in size to a mango. The proportions of his body become more correct, ossification of the skeleton continues, the phalanges of the fingers and toes complete their formation. An individual pattern was formed on the fingertips.

After 18 obstetric week pregnancy the child already has developed immune system, and his body produces its own immunoglobulin and interferon. This gives him the opportunity to independently resist infections and pathogens from outside world, which prevents the risk spontaneous miscarriage or frozen pregnancy.

The fetus has well-developed hearing organs. While in the womb, he constantly hears sounds - heartbeat and the sound of blood. This is why many babies find loud noises soothing after birth. The child can already distinguish the mother’s voice, and also intensify his movements during music or conversation.

At the eighteenth week, the heart muscle is already sufficiently formed, so with an ultrasound examination, the doctor can determine the absence/presence of developmental defects.

The endocrine system continues to develop - the adrenal glands and thyroid function so intensively that, if necessary, they can partially cover maternal needs.

The brain also continues its development at the 18th week of pregnancy - the number of neurons increases, convolutions and grooves appear. A protective sheath is formed around the nerves, which accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses.

Increases muscle strength and tone. At 18 weeks, the fetus is pushed harder against the walls of the uterus, thanks to which the expectant mother can feel the first movements of her baby.


The risk of frozen pregnancy and spontaneous miscarriage is minimized, but there is a threat of premature birth. A woman must carefully monitor her health so that the fetus will develop correctly. To prevent possible problems you should:

  • lead healthy image life;
  • stop drinking alcohol and smoking;
  • minimize the possibility of injury;
  • don't visit public places and exclude contact with patients;
  • stop taking medications.

Possible problems in the eighteenth week of pregnancy also include:

  • anemia;
  • polyhydramnios;
  • congenital malformations of the fetus;
  • immaturity of the fetus.


A pregnant woman's diet should be correct and balanced. In the first half of the day - dense, and in the second - light. Be sure to include soups in your diet. vegetable salads, dietary meat, fish and seafood. Highly allergenic foods, fatty, fried and salty foods should be avoided.

If constipation appears or worsens, it is recommended to use natural laxatives - beets, prunes, dairy products, drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. Unlike medications they will not cause tension and “petrification” of the uterus.

Useful at this stage of pregnancy exercise stress(swimming, gymnastics, yoga, fitness). They strengthen muscles and increase tone, so you can get rid of discomfort in the back and lower back.

Pregnant women benefit from exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum, which will help the woman during childbirth.

With an enlarged belly, it is recommended that a pregnant woman sleep on her left or right side, since in this position the blood circulation remains physiologically correct and the child does not experience discomfort. A special bandage to support the abdomen will also be useful.

This is a great time to start muscle training pelvic floor. “Kegel exercises,” which involve alternating relaxation and tension of the perineal muscles, are especially recommended. It will be necessary to relax these muscles during childbirth; their good tone is necessary to maintain pregnancy.

It is recommended to devote your time to pleasant things - visiting theaters, cinema, museums, reading, decorating your room beautifully and looking at beautiful things more often. Sound and beauty have certain physical properties. Having a positive effect on vascular and endocrine system child and mother, they contribute to the health of the whole body.

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