2 month pregnancy signs and sensations. The most interesting about the second month

By the second month of pregnancy, you already understand that you are in a position. A sign is the absence of menstruation, you feel sick, you feel weak, you want to sleep, your chest swells.

During the second month, the use of sweets does not show the fetus
growth phase rotavirus
pain washing in a towel

The main signs of 2 months of pregnancy.

  1. Absence of menstruation. If the first month you may not understand that you are pregnant, because in the first month there may be bleeding, which you can take for menstruation, then in the second month - everything is clear.
  2. Toxicosis. Your morning begins with the fact that you feel sick, sometimes there may be vomiting. It can be nauseating all day long. Some smells begin to irritate, for example, onions, garlic, favorite perfumes. This is due to the increased sensitivity.
  3. Taste receptors. Not all women, but change quite often taste sensations. It can pull on sweets or, conversely, on incompatible products. It is important to know that it is harmful for the body of a woman and a baby to consume large amounts of sweets, you can not eat fatty, fried foods, try to consume dairy products in moderation.
  4. Constantly pulls you to sleep, you feel weak. You want to rest more.
  5. The chest begins to swell, it is more sensitive. The nipples and halos around become darker, the veins on the chest begin to stand out more strongly.
  6. Often the 2nd month of pregnancy is characterized by increased fragility of nails, hair loss and cross-section.
  7. Various skin rashes, pigmentation are possible.

What are the symptoms?

In the second month, the female body begins to adapt to the new position and may experience discomfort. Let's see what are the symptoms in the 2nd month of pregnancy.

  1. Urination. During this period, you may notice that you have begun to run to the toilet more often. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy the uterus enlarges and presses on bladder, which leads to increased urination.
  2. Due to the fact that the uterus is growing, there may be heartburn, indigestion, colic, and bloating.
  3. There may be increased emotionality. At one time, you may feel intense fear, worries, anxiety. And at other times - joy, i.e. you will have an emotional upsurge.
  4. Varicose veins. On the chest, the veins begin to stand out even more strongly, but not only. On the legs, you can notice burgundy lines, especially around the hips. Burgundy-blue lines may also be observed on the calves. This indicates varicose veins.

During the second month future mother get tired more than usual and require more reverent care

If the legs start to get tired too quickly, hurt, you need to do the following.

  1. When you sit at the table, at the computer, try to keep your legs straight, you can not cross them, cross your legs.
  2. Eat right, exercise. It is very important not to gain extra pounds.
  3. You can't lift weights.
  4. Move and move again! Try not to sit still.
  5. If you are sitting, then put your legs higher - this will help to avoid swelling and reduce pressure on the veins.
  6. Special compression stockings help well.

Excessive consumption of sweets is undesirable and negatively affects health.

It often happens that during this period the temperature stays from 37 to 37.3.

What is possible and what is not

If you are in your second month of pregnancy, then this tablet is for you.

What can be doneWhat Not to Do
You can and should go to the gynecologist. It is impossible to postpone a visit to him, because during the 7th week the most a large number of miscarriages.Use medicines that can harm the health of the child. Therefore, if you have taken any drug, you should consult your doctor. And do not prescribe any medications to yourself.
Eat more protein foods: chicken meat, calf meat, also fish, eggs, dairy products, seafood. Vegetable protein is needed: soy, beans, peas. But you should pay attention, vegetable protein is worse absorbed.Sweets should not be consumed in large quantities. You can not eat fatty, fried, salty. Check expiration dates on all products. Do not buy food in questionable places. For example, shawarma, it is contraindicated for you to eat it. Also give up soda, chips, crackers, pastries.
Include as many fruits and vegetables as possible in your diet, preferably seasonal ones.You can not drink, smoke. Also, you can not drink strong black and green tea, coffee.
Walk more. Need long walks, good positive communication. Walk more. Don't forget to rest - sleep well.You can not communicate with sick people, because at this time the body is especially susceptible infectious diseases, all the forces of the body go to the development of the child. In the second month, the main vital important organs, and even because of a common cold, they can develop incorrectly.
Physical exercise is essential. But they shouldn't overwhelm you. Suitable breathing exercises, pool. Go to special classes for pregnant women.Heavy physical exercise contraindicated. Therefore, if you worked out before pregnancy in the gym, you should no longer do it there.

How is our child?

What does the belly look like at 2 months pregnant? The belly is almost invisible. If you are plump, then it is not visible at all. Although others may say that you are already round - this is not so. Only the uterus has grown in size. She became heavier.

During this period, all the organs of the baby begin to emerge. In the second month, you need to be especially careful not to get sick, because even a small cold can affect the fact that the organs will develop incorrectly.

When you are sick, your body spends energy on you, but there is no strength left for the child. If you get sick, contact your gynecologist immediately.

In no case should you be treated with conventional medicines for colds or infections. All that is possible is treatment with herbs, teas. Plants should be used for inhalation.

There are a number of explanations for the fact that the fruit is not visible from the outside.

If the belly is invisible at the 2nd month of pregnancy, let's figure out what happens to the baby at the 2nd month of pregnancy by weeks.

  1. 5 week. This week we can already observe the outlines of the head, legs, arms, spine. During this period, the formation nervous system, the brain and spinal cord, the heart begins to work slowly, because the circulatory system develops.
    Now mother and child will eat the same food, i.e. they are now interconnected.
    Formed reproductive system. The pancreas, liver, respiratory system are formed.
  2. 6 week. The nervous system begins to strengthen. The brain appears. The head, legs, arms, begin to form. The heart starts beating. Cartilaginous tissues also appear, due to which tendons and muscles will be formed. Gradually, the nose, mouth, ears, eyes are still missing. Digestive system develops, the intestinal tube, liver, and stomach begin to appear. They also develop respiratory the immune system, the first vessels appear.
  3. 7 week. The heart from two-chamber becomes four-chamber and begins to pump blood throughout the body. Almost formed blood vessels. The intestines increase in size, an appendix and a large intestine form. Lungs, kidneys begin to appear, endocrine system. The sex glands are being formed, and parents can already find out the sex of the child. The eyes of the child develop - cilia, iris, retina appear. That's just beginning to appear the outlines of the nose, jaw, upper lip. The arms and legs begin to bend. Hands appear.
  4. 8 week. The nervous system and the brain are already fully formed. Fingers are already visible on the handles, with which the baby moves a little. Bone tissue has formed, the child is already moving both arms and legs.
  5. 9 week. Ears are already beginning to be visible, as well as the baby's neck. The grounds for milk teeth begin to appear. The baby is already breathing, swallowing food that comes to him through the placenta. The child is already beginning to control his coordination, and the pituitary gland is also beginning to form. Lymph and lymph nodes are formed. The baby has the first muscles and bones.

Many women, being a little less than a quarter of the way, stand in front of the mirror and meticulously, and at the same time with love and great curiosity, examine their bodies, trying to detect the slightest changes in it. Their eyes are beautiful and happy woman with slightly enlarged breasts. She smiles sweetly and strokes her tummy, imagines what it will be like when the baby grows up a little.

The belly at 2 months of pregnancy is still completely invisible. And there are no external signs that allow strangers to guess about yours. But the child is actively growing and developing, and very soon you will be able to see for yourself.

What happens in the body of a pregnant woman

Fetal development in the 2nd month

At the 8th week, the embryonic period ends: a very recent embryo can already rightfully be called a fetus. Despite the fact that in length (from the crown of the head to the sacrum) it has grown to 15-20 mm, and its mass is about 3 grams, most of the organs have already been formed and their growth will continue in the future.

At the 8th week, the "little one" already opens its mouth and moves its fingers, its legs are in contact. The torso of the child is increasingly lengthened and straightened. Bones and cartilage are formed, muscle tissue develops. The pigment responsible for their color appears in the eyes.

At the end of the 2nd month, the rudiments of the genital organs, male or female, appear. The small intestine is already starting to contract. And most importantly - your baby's heart is beating! If you use a good ultrasound scanner, you can easily catch the contractions of his tiny heart.

External changes in a pregnant woman at 2 months and skin care

The appearance of a pregnant woman is largely determined by the constitution laid down. female body. There are cases when the stomach at the 2nd month of pregnancy is already beginning to round. This may indicate the peculiarities of the physiology of a woman. Also, the belly is noticeable in very thin expectant mothers. But pregnant women with overweight, on the contrary, may be no different from the rest.

By the 2nd month of pregnancy, a woman may feel a slight itch in the abdomen and chest. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that the skin in these parts of the body begins to stretch. Exactly this right time take care of the prevention of stretch marks. Most of us are more familiar with them as "stretch marks". Of course, they do not pose any threat to life and health. But from an aesthetic point of view, stretch marks are not the most in the best way emphasize the beauty of the female body.

They appear red or purplish at first, but fade over time and become lighter than normal skin tone. The main reason for the appearance of stretch marks on the body of a pregnant woman is rapid weight gain. But their development can be completely prevented if you take care of skin elasticity in time.

Fortunately, in our time, every woman can successfully deal with. It remains only to choose the appropriate effective method.

You can use special cosmetics that prevent the appearance of stretch marks on the skin. Almost every pharmacy presents a series cosmetics skin care during pregnancy. Their obvious advantages are natural ingredients, the absence of fragrances and fragrances - all this makes them absolutely safe and hypoallergenic.

You can also refer to traditional medicine recipes.

good natural remedy from stretch marks is considered vegetable oil. Olive oil is especially effective. It's very affordable, easy to use and safe for mom and her baby. natural remedy. Just regularly lubricate the areas of skin prone to stretch marks with oil. In the zone special attention- the skin of the abdomen, chest and thighs. Olive oil will help relieve itching and soften dry skin.

Of course, special skin care is necessary throughout pregnancy.

Well, to make it easier to survive hormonal changes in the body at this time, start (or continue) taking vitamin preparations for pregnant women. If you are concerned about vomiting, then you need to use them during the best of health. You most likely will not get rid of toxicosis, but the fetus will be provided necessary quantity vitamins.

Also, do not neglect the rest - go to bed early and get up later. During the day (especially in the morning) do not overwork.

What happens to a woman in the second month of pregnancy

The second month of pregnancy is very important period, since all internal organs begin to form in the fetus.

The woman already feels the first symptoms. For example, the smell of food can cause nausea and vomiting.

In addition, the psycho-emotional state of the woman is changing. There is a feeling of fatigue and weakness.

The first external signs pregnancy, the breasts become more voluminous, and the nipples darken and become sensitive.

But on the body, these changes are still invisible, the figure does not grow fat in the second month.

5 weeks pregnant


If you feel nausea in the morning, which often leads to vomiting, as well as constant fatigue and mood changes, this is already a reason to buy a pregnancy test.

At a positive result woman must be registered with women's consultation.

The doctor will ask you to do the first tests: blood, urine, and also a smear from the vagina. Blood is checked for group and Rh factor, as well as immunobodies.


By the end of the first week of the second month, the baby's facial features, nose and upper lip begin to form. This is very important time, because if something goes wrong, then the child can be born with a "cleft lip".

6 weeks pregnant


During this period, it is necessary to find out if the woman has hormonal disorders.

For example, this is possible if there is too much hair on the body. The key points are white line abdomen, the area around the nipples and on the upper lip. Also, it can be issued broad shoulders And narrow hips or obesity.

If there are any hormonal disorders, then there is a risk of malfunctioning of the adrenal cortex.

With all these signs, you will have to adjust the hormonal ratio.


The placenta is formed in the child, which is responsible for communication with the mother's body.

The face continues to take shape.

Also, small arms and legs grow, only there are no fingers on them yet.

An important event of the second week of the second month is the appearance of the thymus, or thymus gland. The thymus gland has not been fully studied by doctors, it is only known that it is responsible for the development of the child's cells.

7 week


A very difficult week for a woman, as it is considered the critical point of this period.

Depending on how the placenta and hormonal production work together, the further fate of the fetus will be known.

It is also known that most miscarriages that occur in the first trimester occur during this week.

Therefore, it is very important to take care of yourself at week 7 and try not to get sick even with a cold.


A heart begins to form in the fetus: partitions, vessels appear. In addition, it becomes a four-chamber.

Also, other internal organs develop.

For example, the liver develops, bile prophets appear in it.

In addition, endocrine glands develop.

The brain is gradually becoming more perfect. Ears appeared on the head. Fingers appeared on the legs and arms.

The child even begins to move a little, but since he is too small, the mother cannot feel his movements.

8 week


By the end of the second month, many unpleasant symptoms begin to torment women.

Many suffer from constipation or, on the contrary, often run to the toilet "in a small way." In addition, heartburn, vomiting, and bloating begin.

The woman also changed outwardly. For example, the chest became heavier and, as it were, “filled up” so that blue lines became visible.

In terms of emotions, there were also obvious changes, the woman is now cheerful, now depressed, or even crying.

All this is connected with hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman.

Not every woman finds out that she is carrying a child in the first month of pregnancy. However, already on the second appear characteristics, by which the expectant mother determines her position, without even doing special test. This is the absence of menstruation, and nausea in the morning, weakness and drowsiness. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that they all immediately “fall on” a woman - one or more may appear. But additional signs immediately convinced that the woman is "in position."

What changes occur in the body

The following symptoms are typical for the second month of pregnancy:

  • No period for more than 2 weeks. In this case, it is highly likely that pregnancy has occurred.
  • Toxicosis. Every morning there is nausea (sometimes even with vomiting), which can last all day. Especially when you consider that a woman's sense of smell is aggravated and some smells just irritate her.
  • Weakness and drowsiness also often accompany a pregnant woman in the second month. The body gets tired quickly, requires more rest, after a hearty meal you really want to sleep.

This month, a woman also changes gastronomic preferences. Those foods that she loved very much before pregnancy begin to cause her only vomiting. Even the mention of them makes me sick. But she is attracted to those that she could not even take into her mouth before.

Starting from 2 months, a woman "pulls for salty". And she can painlessly for her body combine products that are incompatible in the usual position. So, for example, she easily eats pickle and drinks it with milk, combines meat products with dairy products.

The above signs may signal that new, not too pleasant changes or illnesses have appeared in the body. But even if not all symptoms appear at once, pregnancy is still excluded in the first place as the most likely diagnosis.

For a woman, the second month is accompanied by external changes: facial features change slightly (slightly soften), the body.

At this stage of pregnancy, a tummy appears, volumes are added in the waist and chest, from which old clothes starts to "press" a little. Soon all clothes will be small and you will have to buy new, larger sizes.

In the second month, the breast swells under the action of female hormones darken areolas. The volume of blood that circulates in the body increases, from which veins appear under the skin of the breast.

In the 2nd month of pregnancy, veins appear both on the abdomen and on the chest. Purple-red lines appear on the thighs.

Varicose veins are quite characteristic of pregnancy and are not a disease - after childbirth, they almost immediately return to normal. The legs and external genitalia are mainly affected. Causes this phenomenon lie in the fact that the volume of blood that circulates in the body has increased, and also in the fact that under the influence of hormones the muscle layer in the veins relaxes. At the same time, a feeling of heaviness and pain arises in the legs. The veins themselves are thickened and dilated.

You can avoid varicose veins during pregnancy if:

  • monitor your weight and do not gain more than it should;
  • often change position from sitting to standing;
  • "raise" the legs above the level of the pelvis;
  • lie on your side with a pillow under your feet (you can squeeze it between your knees);
  • wear special tights.

During pregnancy, starting from the second month, due to a hormonal surge, hair can fall out, nails can break. Barely noticeable segmental spots appear on the skin.

The second month is quite common if a woman has more heat body - 37-37.5 degrees. rises basal body temperature due to increased levels of the hormone progesterone.

However, if the temperature at other stages of pregnancy is within such limits, then you should definitely consult a doctor - perhaps there is some kind of infection in the body.

In the second month, a woman's body not only changes outwardly. There are changes inside the body. And since the body in this 2 month of pregnancy is just beginning to adapt to a new state for itself, the sensations are unpleasant.

Signs by which pregnancy can be determined:

  • frequent urination. The second month of pregnancy is characterized by an increase in the uterus, because there is pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system. This process causes the feeling that you want to go to the toilet “little by little”;
  • drawing pain in the lower abdomen. In a woman at the beginning of pregnancy (approximately the second month), the lower abdomen begins to pull, as during menstruation;
  • soreness of the breast. From about the second month, the breast begins to develop (increase in volume, swell) so that milk begins to be produced by the time the baby is born;
  • increased perception of smells;
  • heartburn, gas, indigestion, constipation. If at the same time menstruation continues, then it is unlikely that you are pregnant;
  • pain in the abdomen and back. The main reason is that in the second month the uterus grows, and the spinal discs of the lower back are relaxed;
  • frequent headaches are typical for this month pregnancy;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dizziness, fainting in the second month should not be frightening. It is necessary to apply if everything does not stop by the 5th month of pregnancy.

In this month of pregnancy, the woman begins to increase, stretch the uterus, and many sensations are associated with this process. In order to alleviate your condition a little, you need more rest, change your posture more often. And, of course, in the second month you need to walk in the fresh air as much as possible.

Emotional changes in the body

Apart from external changes, for the second month, not only physical changes, but also emotional ones become characteristic.

During this month, a woman becomes emotionally unbalanced. Behind her, they begin to notice mood swings and emotions unusual for her before pregnancy. She can react to the same situation in different ways: now she is laughing, and the next second she is crying. Even the most balanced women who do not show their emotions during pregnancy cannot restrain themselves and show everything that they feel. Yes, and they express to others everything they think, without holding anything back or hiding anything.

This month, a woman is especially vulnerable emotionally. Others (including the husband) often suffer from it. In the second month, such emotions as: incontinence and irritability, fear and anxiety, joy and tearfulness, emotional upsurge are increasingly manifested. She also has a certain capriciousness.

When a woman is in her 2nd month, she demands attention, affection and love. Any emotional stress can greatly damage the health of the child, even a miscarriage can occur.

At a period of 2 months of pregnancy, a woman no longer doubts her position, because she has long known that she is pregnant. The accompanying signs manifest themselves in all their glory, besides, the expectant mother probably passed necessary tests V medical institution or at least use pharmacy test by applying the appropriate strips.

Despite the fact that the figure of the pregnant woman has not changed much, nausea often occurs in the morning, and only rare lucky women do not experience at all. unpleasant symptoms. If possible, it is better to take another vacation at work or reduce the level of stress so as not to overload an already tired body.

Chinese calendar determining the sex of the child

Mother's age at conception:

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Expected month of child's birth:

January February March April May June July August September October November December

embryo development

The second month of pregnancy is critical for the unborn baby, because important organs are formed at this time, so any negative impact toxic substances and other harmful factors can lead to sad consequences.

By the end of the fifth week, the formation of the nose and upper lip begins. In case of violation normal development of the embryo during this period, improper tissue fusion is possible, and the baby can be born with the so-called cleft lip.

At the sixth week, the formation of the placenta is almost completed. The face becomes more and more human: eyes, nose and jaws are formed. The arms and legs continue to grow in length, but there are no fingers on the limbs yet.

The seventh week of pregnancy is characterized by further development of the heart. Partitions are formed in this organ, and the heart itself from now on becomes four-chambered. The liver is improved, bile ducts are formed in it. The brain increases in size. auricles continue to form, and tiny fingers finally appeared on the arms and legs. The embryo can move, but the expectant mother still cannot feel such movement.

In the eighth week, testicles form in the male fetus, and testosterone also begins to be produced. But on ultrasound to determine the sex of the fetus on this period it is not possible, because the genitals will not be visible on the monitor.

In the ninth week, the mouth and hard palate are formed. The liver intensively increases and becomes quite large in relation to other organs. The size of the embryo by the end of the second month of pregnancy reaches 3 cm. Such parameters future man reached in a short period of time, because conception occurred quite recently, when it was the second week of pregnancy according to the obstetric calendar.

Changes in a woman's body

During the second month of pregnancy, the following happens in the body of a pregnant woman:

  • The mammary glands continue to grow, become more elastic. The skin around the nipples may become darker. It is highly recommended to purchase a bra bigger size, made from natural fabric and featuring a comfortable fit.
  • Some women note that they have age spots on their skin.
  • Such signs of pregnancy in the second month as nausea, vomiting, change taste preferences and other sensations. However, this does not happen with all pregnant women; in some expectant mothers, the appetite remains the same.
  • At multiple pregnancy manifestations of toxicosis may be more pronounced. In this case, the uterus increases more intensively.
  • In some pregnant women, the body temperature may remain slightly elevated, about 37 degrees, but soon the value of this indicator will return to normal.
  • Often, at this time, the lower back hurts a little, the lower abdomen slightly pulls, and other sensations of discomfort arise.
  • The basal temperature at this time is also elevated, as in the first weeks of pregnancy after a delay, and ranges from 37.1 to 37.3 degrees. After the 14th week, it will again fall below 37 degrees.
  • Allocations at this time should normally be normal. brown discharge are pathological and can signal a threatened miscarriage.
  • A dense mucous plug is formed, which from now on will close the opening of the cervix and protect the uterine cavity from the effects of adverse environmental factors. Thus, the body of the embryo (fetus) will be more reliably protected from infection from outside.
  • Many women may experience constipation, which is due to the effect of the hormone progesterone on metabolism. Due to constipation, the risk of developing hemorrhoids subsequently increases, so pregnant women need to normalize digestion by eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables, with the exception of potentially allergenic foods. You should not take laxatives during this period without the permission of a doctor, because increased intestinal motility can provoke an increase in uterine tone and, as a result, increase the risk of miscarriage. In addition, any pharmaceutical preparations may contain dangerous chemicals that are extremely undesirable for the body of the unborn baby on early stage its development.

Analyzes and examinations

It is quite possible that the expectant mother prudently went to the doctor in the first month of pregnancy to make sure of the fact successful conception. If this is not the case, then the woman is advised to come to the appointment in the second month to pass the main tests.

After registering a pregnant woman, when the second month of pregnancy is in progress, the following types surveys:

  • general blood analysis;
  • urinalysis, including the determination of the level of hCG ( chorionic gonadotropin person);
  • a smear on the flora from the vagina;
  • determination of Rh antibodies in the blood, it is especially necessary with a high probability of a Rh conflict between the mother and fetus.

Also, when a future mother visits a antenatal clinic, a specialist will specify the gestational age, determine the preliminary date of birth, measure body weight, abdominal circumference and other parameters of a woman. Patients with problems with thyroid gland, it will be necessary to take tests to determine the level of thyroxine and other hormones in order to prevent the appearance of abnormalities in the development of the embryo.

In the second month of pregnancy, ultrasound is performed only when a woman has anxiety symptoms or when high risk development of various complications. It is also better to undergo this examination as soon as possible if in the past a woman has lost a child at an early stage.

The first planned ultrasound is usually done at a period of 11-13 weeks, i.e. in next month when you can find out in more detail what is happening with the unborn baby. The answer to the question of how many times a woman will need to go ultrasonography and what other tests are needed, the doctor can give, taking into account the condition of the pregnant woman.



In the first months, it is advisable for the expectant mother to attend a antenatal clinic every two weeks of pregnancy in order to have time to pass the necessary tests and identify possible violations in time.

Possible dangers in the second month

The second month of pregnancy can be dangerous following complications in the course of pregnancy and development of the embryo:

  • Miscarriage. Risk spontaneous interruption pregnancy especially increases on the 7th week, which is associated with hormonal changes female body. At that time corpus luteum significantly reduces the production of hormones, and this function is taken over by the placenta. This transitional stage does not last long, but is critically dangerous for the embryo. If the development of the placenta slows down, then hormones begin to be produced in insufficient quantities, as a result of which the likelihood of a miscarriage increases. Therefore, those women who have previously had miscarriages need to donate blood in advance to determine the level of hormones in order to correct their possible shortage in time by taking synthetic analogues. When an abortion begins, a woman may detect the appearance of blood in the discharge, as at the beginning of menstruation. If you do not take action in time, then stop the started pathological process will no longer be possible, so you should call ambulance when the first warning signs appear.
  • Ectopic pregnancy. In the presence of this pathology in the second month of pregnancy, a woman is in serious danger, rupture fallopian tube followed by severe internal bleeding. That is why, with the appearance of pain in the abdomen, one cannot hope for a chance, but it is necessary to urgently seek help, and it is even better to undergo an ultrasound in advance, which will show exactly where the embryo develops. Also at ectopic pregnancy the result of the analysis shows a lower hCG level compared with the norm at this time, which is the reason for additional examination.

In addition, at a gestational age of 2 months, you should take care of the prevention of a possible Rh conflict. If the expectant mother has Rh-negative blood, and her husband is Rh-positive, then a conflict between the blood of the mother and the child may develop, especially during the 2nd pregnancy.

In the case when the father is Rh negative, nothing threatens the unborn baby. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the necessary tests as early as possible in order to take timely measures to prevent serious complications. Also, all women with negative Rh factor blood, you need to know that abortions are extremely dangerous for them, because after an abortion, the likelihood of a strong Rh conflict increases many times over.

For the expectant mother in the second month of pregnancy, the following tips can be valuable:

  • In order to prevent the appearance of insomnia and nightmares, it is better to refuse a late dinner. Sleep on your side only, not on your back or stomach. In this case, the horrors that may disturb pregnant girls will not be dreamed.
  • To reduce the appearance of unpleasant signs of pregnancy in the second month, such as nausea or severe morning vomiting, you can start breakfast right in bed, while eating a small amount of acidic food. You should eat in small portions, somewhat limiting the consumption of flour and fatty foods, then you will feel sick much less often. You can find out how many kilocalories the diet of a future mother should contain from special tables or at a doctor's appointment.
  • The lifestyle of a woman is most directly reflected in the condition of the fetus. Rejection of various hazards and maintenance healthy lifestyle life will be avoided possible complications pregnancy now and on the eve of childbirth, such as C-section, miscarriage or premature birth. And new life you should not start by waiting for Monday or the first of a new month. Tuesday and any other day are great for giving up. bad habits, and not only socially dangerous, but also relatively harmless, such as the abuse of sweets or excessive attachment to strong coffee. Enjoy to the fullest the external attributes of a well-fed and happy life it will be possible a little later, but now there is a reason to rejoice at the most important thing - your pregnancy and the upcoming birth of a child in the family. The future man is much more important than any sums of money, even billions of dollars, so every effort should be made so that the baby is born strong and healthy.