From paper for mom. DIY birthday crafts for family and friends

In the heart of every mother there lives a passionate desire to see her child in creativity. The parent perceives any, even the smallest efforts of his child as the most beautiful expression of his sincere and pure soul. And it doesn’t matter whether the parent helped his child by making a craft with his own hands for his mother’s birthday or whether the child created it on his own. And even more so, the age of the child is not important - an elderly mother who received a hand-embroidered painting from her adult daughter will be as happy as in her youth.

Crafts for mom's birthday can be very different. These can be simple applications made of colored paper, postcards made of cardboard, paintings lined with old buttons, scrapbooking techniques. We must admit one thing: crafts exist primarily in the child’s head, which means there are no limits to children’s creative imagination.

First, let's look at the simplest thing that a child can make with his own hands and with minimal expenditure of working materials - this is an applique postcard. This is the simplest of the collection of crafts for mom’s birthday that a child of even five or six years of age can do. An adult who is next to the child only needs to correct his actions and guide them so that the child does not get confused in the sequence of creating his masterpiece.

The starting tools for this craft for mom’s birthday will be:

  • Colored paper/cardboard;
  • Cotton wool;
  • Liquid glue;
  • Acrylic paints or gouache;
  • Scissors;
  • A couple of plastic cups.

The beauty and accuracy of any card you make depends on how strictly you follow the instructions for its creation, helping your child make crafts for his mother’s birthday or teaching him this skill.

So, the first step is to fold yellow paper into a couple of layers and carefully cut out petals from it. For the child’s convenience, the contours of the petals can be drawn in advance with a pencil on the wrong side of colored paper. We fold the resulting row of cut out petals into the shape of the core of the future flower and glue it onto cardboard, which serves as the basis for the postcard. To give the card airiness and relief, you can glue not the entire yellow core, but only its center, so that the petals rise above the surface of the cardboard.

The second step is the following: we make the stem and leaves of the flowers. For greater beauty, the leaves can be made double-layered so that the veins of the leaves differ in color. Let's take a combination of green and pink colors. Fold the green paper and cut out the leaves according to the drawn oval shape with wavy edges. Carefully cut the leaves in the middle with a vertical line - to do this, fold them along the central vertical axis. We will also make several transverse cuts, not reaching the edge of the leaf. We take pink paper and make the same oval leaves from it, but smaller in size. We place the pink blanks under the green blanks, glue them together and glue the leaves with the pink side to the cardboard.
We also cut out the stems and glue them in combination with the leaves.

To complete the first flower, take a plastic cup and cut out the bottom, following the circumference of the previously glued yellow core. The bottom should not be completely cut out - part of it should remain along the entire circumference - this part will be glued to the cardboard on top of the flower core. Next, cut the sides of the cup into thin strips and cut their length in half. Due to the thinness of the plastic, the strips will begin to curl a little. The final step is to glue the cut cup bottom over the core.

As a result, you should get a white flower with slightly curling and rising petals - stripes with an uncrumpled yellow core, whose petals also rise above the card.

You can decorate this flower by surrounding it with mimosas.

We make a mimosa stem from green paper, cutting out a Christmas tree from it. We also cut the Christmas tree along each zigzag into small stripes and glue it with the sharp end down on the card. The end result should look like a bush. We do not glue the Christmas tree branches cut into strips to the card along the entire length, but carefully curl them with scissors and leave them hanging freely over the cardboard. We prepare the mimosa flowers themselves from cotton balls, which we roll up and glue in large quantities between the curly strips, on them - here it is important not to skimp on the number of mimosa flowers to give the card more expressiveness. Then we paint the cotton balls with yellow gouache and let the flowers dry a little. You can surround the main flower with two or three mimosa bushes, regardless of symmetry.

The craft for mom's birthday is ready!

You can also create crafts for your mother’s birthday with sweet contents.

The starting materials that the child and the adult helping him will need are:

  • cardboard with the highest possible density
  • double-sided colored paper in red, pink or burgundy shades
  • candy having an oval shape with decorative tails on the sides
  • several toothpicks
  • stencil ruler with circles of different sizes
  • liquid glue
  • scissors
  • clear adhesive tape

First, cut out a heart shape from white cardboard with the approximate size of two adult hands. We draw the wrong side of the cardboard using lines according to the drawing diagram shown in the picture. The dimensions can be chosen arbitrarily, but in this example it is recommended to make the width about eight centimeters, and the height at the intersection of the two halves – seven centimeters.

Draw a circle with a diameter of about five centimeters in the middle of the cut out heart. Taking an indent equal to one centimeter from the drawn circle, draw an oval-shaped arc line with a pencil.

We got a cut out cardboard heart with a circle.

Now let's master the quilling technique. We cut thin paper strips no more than five millimeters wide and twist each of the strips onto the prepared toothpicks. We hold the strip with our fingers in such a position that it begins to curl. We attach the resulting spiral with liquid glue. All strips and the spirals obtained from them must be the same in size.

Now we lay out various shapes from the spirals. Here you need to show your imagination, because from the resulting elements you can lay out very beautiful patterns. Crafts for mom's birthday give room for your wildest imagination to unfold, and the quilling technique in this regard gives real scope to your imagination. Despite the fact that such patterns look very beautiful and complex. Distribute the patterns evenly over the cardboard heart and attach each spiral well with glue.

All that remains is to attach the candy to the center of the heart using small strips of transparent adhesive tape. A sweet surprise is ready to be given!

Also, a child who has mastered the previous techniques can try to make the Bird of Happiness on his own. You need to prepare white cardboard, crepe paper, several cotton swabs, a plastic bottle cap, plasticine of different colors, glue and scissors.

First of all, you need to draw two circles on the cardboard. For a large circle, you can circle the bottom of the saucer attached to the cardboard; for a small circle, the baby should circle the bottom of a small cup. The small circle should be drawn inside the larger circle.

Cut out a large circle along the drawn contour and cut it into two equal parts.

We prepare multi-colored strips of crepe paper, no more than two to three centimeters wide. We tear the blanks into pieces, without worrying about their size - it doesn’t matter. We roll the pieces into balls and glue them onto a semicircle, which will be the base of the tail of the Bird of Happiness.

We take plasticine and prepare from it a torso with the shape of a carrot, a ball that will be the Bird’s head and two ovals, which the baby will then need to flatten between his palms to make the wings of a fairy-tale Bird.

Having made the main parts, let them dry while we sculpt the beak and beady eyes. All small details must be neat - the beauty of the entire gift depends on this. We connect all the parts of the Bird together (by cutting the tail), and using cotton swabs we make a crown on the Bird’s head. For stability, we attach the Bird of Happiness to the cap of a plastic bottle, and to top it off, we attach to it the previously molded tail.

Let the plasticine dry a little more time and enjoy the finished masterpiece with your baby!

Crafts for mom’s birthday are also dear because in the process of creating them, the baby gets an unforgettable experience, creating with his own hands what was once simple sheets of paper, pieces of shapeless plasticine or lifeless household items. Such sensations bring him joy and are not forgotten for many years!

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“It was good in kindergarten. If you draw a “little doll” for mom, she’ll be so happy...” (c)

Mom is the most important person for us. That’s why you want the gift for her to be special, evoke the most tender feelings and be remembered forever.

Sometimes one phone call is enough to bring tears of joy to a mother’s eyes. But we propose not to follow the beaten path, but to truly be a magician “from a blue helicopter” for her, and give the dearest person a real Holiday.

10 unforgettable gift ideas for mom

1 idea: Bag with a surprise

Having looked closely at the style, color and shape of my mother’s favorite bag, we select something similar, but much higher in class, made of high-quality leather. And put something nice in it - your favorite perfume, cosmetics, an elegant scarf, wallet or gloves. She will be so touched!

Attention: You can also quietly transfer all the contents of her old bag into a new one. Make sure you haven't forgotten anything in the predecessor bag. Yes, yes, and a “lucky” ticket from the corner of his pocket, and a piece of paper with a written down phone number, that’s all. This method is only suitable for very close, trusting relationships.

Idea 2: “Cleaning the feathers” in the SPA

Mothers are constantly busy and worried, but “they can’t get enough of themselves.” It looks like a paid course “in the hands of specialists” might be a good gift idea.

A spa, a nail salon, a cosmetologist or a massage session - that is, everything that you usually don’t have enough time or money for. And what ultimately makes us women. This will allow her to relax and begin to feel the zest for life again.

Attention: Perhaps going there with her friends will make mom feel more comfortable?

Idea 3: Jewelry gift with engraving

Despite all the banality of gifting jewelry, this is a time-tested classic. But the whole highlight is not in the cost, but in the engraving - if you add a drop of soul to it, then the result is a truly valuable, memorable gift.

A gold ring, bracelet or watch engraved with your date of birth and the phrase “Thank you, Mom.” Or it could be a phrase that only you two understand, or your childhood nickname, or joint initials - in general, something short and sweet, special for both of you.

Attention: Try to remember what style of jewelry your mother likes: thin and elegant pieces or massive ones?

Idea 4: Sea, palm trees, white sand

Remember when your mom actually rested? Didn’t I take you or my grandchildren to the resort, because you again had colds all winter, namely, you rested?

Many people dream of traveling, but with age, work, everyday life and routine “suck in” more and more. Give your mom a week of relaxing holiday on the seashore.

Attention: Try to unobtrusively find out in advance exactly where she would like to go and when her next vacation from work is.

Idea 5: Surprise party

A great idea, provided that such a party, as in American melodramas, will be an absolute surprise - with a pre-prepared table, balloons and secretly invited guests.

Attention: Be sure to check the list of guests: there should only be people close to and pleasant to your mother.

Idea 6: “Family portrait”

Choose the best photo of your mother holding you in her arms. Do you see how her eyes sparkle with happiness and pride for you, still a little kid? Do you see how much love there is in her smile? Perhaps this should be pulled out of an old photo album and given new life. A portrait on canvas, made in a photography workshop, will remind your mother of your feelings.

Attention: This is one of the convenient ways for surprise gifts when there is no need for the “portrayed” to be present for posing. Another option is to make a family tea set with photographs of all family members on the cups. During general tea parties, everyone receives personalized dishes. During breaks, the set “works” as a photo gallery for mom.

Idea 7: Home wall newspaper

By involving the rest of the family members, we create a masterpiece on sheet A1. A collage of old photographs and children's drawings, poems of one's own composition, wishes and toasts to the hero of the occasion - there are no limits to the flight of imagination. Or maybe make a “Mom’s Honor Board”, collecting her diplomas, certificates and award certificates? Yes, even school report cards!

This is a good idea for an anniversary when all relatives gather together.

Attention: Make sure that the entire family archive participating in the exhibition is not damaged. Photos can be digitized and documents scanned.

Idea 8: Dedicate a day to mom

Yes, yes, exactly, all of them! Putting aside all “urgent” matters and unfinished reports. Go to a place where she will be interested or comfortable - a park, a cafe, a gallery, a cat exhibition, a swimming pool - everything that is included in her hobbies.

This could be an evening in a restaurant, a theater, or going to a concert. Or all together! Let it be completely Mother's Day. After all, she dedicated your birthday only to you.

Attention: Make sure that all your obligations to society are fulfilled. Nothing disrupts the atmosphere of intimacy and trust more than constant phone calls.

Idea 9: Shopping together

Still, for us women, shopping (not grocery shopping!) is relaxation. Joint purchases unite and create an atmosphere of conspiratorial intimacy that is understandable only to us. A coat, shoes or perfume chosen together will long later remind you of the conversations, fittings, and perhaps playful skirmishes that accompanied your outing.

Attention: This can be an excellent solution in a situation of uncertainty about a gift.

10 idea: “A treasure is not a gift...” - how to make her day unforgettable

This way to touch the birthday girl is suitable for those who do not yet have their own funds for the previous nine. We will just make mom the Best Day. Ready? The algorithm is simple:

Now, wish her good night and promise that she will have days like this a little more often...

There are plenty of reasons to congratulate the closest and dearest person in the world - Birthday, Mother's Day, March 8th. Which DIY gift for mom will be the most successful? What to please her with: an original postcard, a homemade box or cosmetic bag, a collage of photographs - there are simply countless gift ideas. Choose what you like.

DIY gift for mom: photo of crafts

Purchased gifts are, of course, good. But what about those who do not yet earn money and do not have the opportunity to purchase something? There is only one way out - to show your imagination and think about what will please your mother.

In fact, she will be pleased with the attention itself, and any gift, even the most unsightly one, but made by the child with his own hands, will bring tears of tenderness and gratitude. Here are some ideas for such gifts:

  • bookmark;
  • pillow;
  • vase;
  • candy bowl;
  • bead decoration;
  • Photo frame.

By the way, you can give mommy something intangible - write poetry, learn a popular song and perform it artistically.

For those who have culinary talents, a great idea for a DIY gift for mom would be making a cake. If baking is still a difficult task for you, you can buy ready-made cakes, make cream, and the most important task is to decorate the cake beautifully.

A good gift for mom is hand-made candles or soap. Candles are always appropriate as a gift. How to make such a nice gift for your mother with your own hands - the video will help you in making it.

Girls are traditionally more inclined towards needlework. What about boys who want to give their mother a birthday present with their own hands? We'll give you a hint - a collage of family photos with witty captions or a family family tree - mom will appreciate it, rest assured!

How to make a candy bouquet with your own hands - step by step instructions

One of the DIY gift ideas for mom is a candy bouquet. An excellent option - two in one - both a bouquet and sweets in an original design.

Let's learn how to make peonies with candies hidden inside, and then use these flowers to assemble a beautiful composition.

Making a burgundy peony. What we need: scissors, floral corrugated paper, glue gun, skewers, mesh, candy.

Wrap the candy in a net and glue it to the skewer with a drop of glue.

Cut the corrugated paper into strips. We will need 3 strips, the width of which is from 1.5 to 2 cm, 3 pieces 3 cm wide and 1 wider strip - from 4.5 to 5 cm. Cut each strip into 5 identical parts.

We cut out the ends of the strips (those that are 1.5-2 and 3 cm wide) in a fancy way; there is no need to make them the same, because in nature the petals are all different.

Using scissors, we bend the petals in an arc. And we will glue them around the candy: only 4 circles, each of which has from 6 to 8 petals.

We will get a flower like this, which still requires some work.

Now cut the widest strip (4.5-5 cm) into 5 pieces in the form of blades. They need to be bent with scissors and stretched to give the petals a convex shape.

Winding the petals onto a skewer, we will give them a curved shape and begin gluing them at the bottom of our flower.

Wrap a strip of green corrugated paper around the skewer, securing it with glue. This is what we get:

Using the same scheme, we will make pink and white peonies. One nuance - their lower petals will be curved inward, and not outward, as in burgundy flowers.

From ready-made peonies we form a bouquet in a basket, decorating it with green leaves. Such crafts are nice DIY gift for Mother's Day.

We make a gift for mom with our own hands from paper

Paper crafts are probably the most popular gift idea for mom. Our proposal is a cute card using the quilling technique. We will tell you step by step how to do it.

What we need: quilling paper (you can buy it at a stationery store), a special quilling tool (you can take a regular wooden skewer), scissors, glue, cardboard, pencil, heart stencil.

We wind paper strips of different colors onto a skewer or quilling tool and get blanks in the form of circles. We give them different shapes - ovals, droplets.

Draw a heart on a rectangular sheet of cardboard and trace the outline of the finished stencil. The edge of the heart can be covered with a paper strip for a clearer outline. Lubricate the quilling blanks with glue and fill our heart with them.

We received this postcard on which everyone can write their wishes to their beloved mother.

What other gift can you make for your mother with your own hands? Everyone wants to congratulate mommy, but what to do if you don’t yet have any special skills in making crafts? An applique is also quite suitable - we’ll tell you how to make a cute card and please your mother.

You will need a few tools: colored paper, cardboard, glue, scissors.

We cut out blanks from paper - parts of flowers and vases. We bend a sheet of cardboard in half, and we will stick our applique on the top part. Glue the bottom part of the vase, not completely glue the top part to leave room for the flowers.

Glue all the parts of the flowers together.

This is how the card turned out for mom - a bouquet in a vase.

Your mom probably has some jewelry and needs to store it somewhere. Why not try making a box as a gift for your mother with your own hands. How to do this - watch the step-by-step instructions in this video:

Every mother sincerely loves her child and will be happy with any gift, however, this does not mean that you can give your mother the first thing you see on the store shelf for her birthday. Any gift should be imbued with love, and especially when it is presented by a son.

Gift ideas for mom from son

It is important to try to guess mom’s wishes or choose a gift that will complement her hobby:

Gift ideas for mom from daughter

Knowing her tastes and needs, the daughter knows exactly what to give her mother for her birthday:

DIY gift for mother from child

The most pleasant gift for a mother from a child will be a gift made by the child’s hands. Even if the gift turns out to be imperfect, it doesn’t matter.

The main thing is that the child puts effort, love and attention into it.

When thinking about what to give mom for her birthday, you should pay attention to the age of the child and involve a dad or brother or sister to help, who will not only help the child receive the gift, but also select the necessary materials. Here are ideas for preparing gifts.

culinary gift


Edible flowers

A wonderful idea that even a child can implement is edible flowers. Sweets, fruits, decorations are connected together in the form of a bouquet.

Of course, in this case the child needs help and additional resources, such as:

  • corrugated paper;
  • threads;
  • additional decorations.


A collage is a collection of photographs arranged according to personal criteria.

There are many types of collages:

Any collage can not only be made with your own hands, but also ordered from a photo studio. Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer printed photographs, so it is more pleasant to see printed photos in the form of a collage than on a computer monitor.

Poster with sweets

There are many examples on the Internet of decorating a gift for mom in the form of a poster with sweets pasted and described. The variety of chocolate, sweets, and dragees allows you to show your imagination and make a very original gift.

For this you will need:

  • whatman;
  • sweets;
  • glue;
  • markers, felt-tip pens;
  • scotch;
  • colored paper;
  • tapes.

Crafts using the Quilling technique

Small strips assembled into a composition allow you to depict a heart, a flower, a tree, draw a picture and complement it with quilling stripes. The quilling technique is now very popular.

Comic certificate

You can buy such a certificate or draw it yourself. The beauty of such a gift is that you can please your mother, for example, by including in it a certificate for several independent cleanings of the children's room or performing other household chores that the child can do.
Or the certificate may describe the good qualities of the mother.

Handmade soap

Having a soap base, you can use your imagination and make soap of any shape and color with the addition of only natural ingredients. These can be herbal decoctions, essential oils, freshly squeezed vegetable or fruit juice.

DIY candle set

You can find a huge variety of candles in store windows, however, you can make exclusive candles with your own hands.

For this you will need:

  • cup;
  • small tablet candles;
  • pebbles, artificial flowers;
  • filling liquid.

All ingredients are placed in a glass, glued to the bottom, filled with liquid, and a candle-tablet is placed on the surface.

Or you can buy a special kit for making candles with your own hands. The components of such sets can be paraffin, wax granules and many other materials. The advantage of such kits is that it contains all the necessary materials and detailed instructions.

Fabric beads

Fabric beads are made quite easily. First you need to choose a base - beads, then choose a fabric. Strips about 6 cm wide are cut out of the fabric, then a bead is wrapped in this piece of fabric, and the ends are either glued to the bead or sewn, but in such a way that there is a hole in it for the main thread.

After this, the beads are simply strung on a thread or alternated with regular beads without fabric. And it turns out to be a very nice and stylish set of jewelry. You can make a bracelet and earrings in the same way.

DIY hair elastic

An ordinary hair tie can become a pretty beautiful decoration.

The decoration of the gum can be:

Also now in fashion are elastic bands made from fabrics, decorated with crafts made from ribbons of different colors, materials and sizes.

Decoration made from salt dough or polymer clay

  • Salty dough. To knead this dough you will need 200 grams of flour, 120 grams of water, and 400 grams of salt.
  • Polymer clay. Clay can be purchased at handicraft shops.

The principle of forming jewelry from salt dough and polymer clay is the same. First, the product is formed, and then it is baked in the oven. Decorations can be very diverse. Earrings, beads, figurines, bracelets, rings, pendants. All this is done quite easily using instructions that can easily be found on the Internet.

"Cake" for kitchen utensils

An unusual gift that can decorate the kitchen and is distinguished by its originality. The basis is taken from kitchen towels and napkins connected to each other, for example, they can be tied with ribbons, and spatulas, spoons, forks and other utensils are inserted between the layers of towels.

Book with a handmade cover

When thinking about what special gift to give your mother for her birthday and how to please her, you can give preference not to a new gift, but to updating a familiar item. For example, update an old book cover. The cover can be made from ordinary cardboard, but according to special instructions.

Mom will be pleased if her child revives her favorite book or notebook with recipes for the family’s favorite dishes in this way. A nice addition is that the cover can be made of fabric of your favorite color, on which you can write or embroider the name and the wish itself.

DIY paper flowers

To achieve the best effect for paper flowers, you should order a special set of scrapbooking paper. Or purchase ready-made kits with all the necessary components. Following the instructions, you can please your mother by making bouquets of roses, asters, peonies, tulips or other flowers for her.

Bouquet of beaded flowers

All you need for this is free time, fishing line (wire), beads and a diagram. Each flower must be made separately, thereby creating a composition.
You can complement it with different flowers and plants, both natural and made from beads.

Button flowers

Multi-colored buttons can also be an interesting gift idea for mom. They can be arranged in the form of a flower, tree, decoration. Moreover, a flower made of buttons can be either independent or connected together. All you need for this gift are buttons, glue and fishing line. You can take a button as a base and crochet it to create a flower.

Bouquet of fruits

In order to prepare such a gift, you should visit the supermarket and buy not only fruit, but also skewers about 20 cm long. Each fruit is strung on such a skewer and wrapped in corrugated paper. To secure fabric fruits, you need glue, tape or packing tape.

Bookmark for a book using the Scrapbooking technique

If your mother is fond of reading, a bookmark would be an excellent gift. It can be made not only from paper, but also from fabric or felt.

To work you will need:

The base (paper, fabric) is cut out into the chosen shape and glued or sewn to the base - cardboard. For beauty, the ends can be trimmed with colored threads or covered with colored stripes or ribbons.

Craft using modular origami technique

Using colored paper you can create real masterpieces. Whether it's a flower, an animal or a vase.

Interior vase made of threads

To do this you will need a form, thread and glue. The form can be a vase, bowl or inflated balloon. Single-color or multi-colored threads are moistened in glue and applied to the form.
Then dry and remove from the mold. The most convenient way to remove the finished vase is to use a balloon, because it can be pierced without deforming the gift.

Craft using the Decoupage technique

To apply decoupage you need a picture, an object on which the image will be applied and PVA glue for the primer. The surface is degreased, then a primer is applied, and then a drawing.

You can choose any interior item as the object of decoupage– plate, chair, table, jars, clothespins, wall clocks and much more. It would be interesting and pleasant for mom to put her image or memorable pictures on objects.

Pencil holder

Materials for making the stand can be:

Objects are glued to rectangular material for stability.

Can be decorated:

  • cloth;
  • beads;
  • felt;
  • paper;
  • buttons;
  • knitted ornaments.

Balloon with wishes

Wishes are written on small pieces of paper and placed in small balloons or in a large balloon. Next, you can select balls and pop them, thereby reading out your wish. Helium balloons can be hung from the ceiling, and regular balloons can be scattered throughout the room.

Sweets in a bowl

Like wishes, you can put sweets or small chocolates in the balls.

Coffee bag

If your mother loves coffee, then you can please her with a high-quality product in original packaging. It’s easy to sew such a bag.
The main rule is to use coarse linen fabric, as it has the ability to retain the aroma of coffee beans.

We sew a gift ourselves

If you want to sew something for mom, it could be a pillowcase or pillow. A nice gift for mom would be a sewn toy or covers for indoor plants.

Decorative panel

The panel is designed on cardboard, paper, wood and other surfaces. You can show your imagination by overlaying images on panels.

Materials can be:

You can choose the form yourself. Both a heart made of flying butterflies and a flower tree using the quilling technique look great.

How to wrap a gift beautifully?

Having spent a lot of time making a gift, you should also devote time to choosing packaging for the gift. After all, if the main goal is to make mom happy, then not only the contents are important, but also the appearance of the gift presented.

DIY gift box

The gift box is made of cardboard. You can easily find special diagrams and designs, after printing them, all that remains is to cut and glue the future box.

Box shaped like a piece of cake

Each piece is made from colored cardboard according to a pattern, and is filled with gifts, money, decorations, sweets, wishes, and why it is formed on a round dish in the form of a cake.

Handmade gifts are the perfect gift to give your mom for her birthday.

Each piece can be additionally decorated with bows, flowers, and ribbons.

DIY gift bag

To create a gift bag, you just need to purchase paper, scissors, ribbons for pens and a gluing pattern.
You can also transfer any image onto paper using decoupage and make any inscription.

Small DIY jewelry box

If you decide that you should give your mother jewelry for her birthday, then you need to put it in a beautiful box made with your own hands. Colored cardboard, glue, scissors, tapes and diagrams. Here's everything you need to create a holiday box.

Any gift should be presented with love and tenderness, and the more thoughtful it is, the more pleasant it will be for mom to receive it, because the most important thing for her is not the content, but the effort and love that was put into it.

Video: what to give mom for her birthday

What you can give your mother for her birthday, see the ideas in the video:

DIY birthday gifts for mom:

The dearest and dearest person for each of us is our mother. This article will present original gift ideas for mom on her birthday that you can make with your own hands. Such souvenirs will definitely please the birthday girl, as they are made with soul. Gifts that even a child can make will be described here. But more complex ideas will also be presented, requiring certain skills and abilities from the giver. Remember that the preferences of a particular person are the main criterion by which you need to choose a gift. We tried to collect gift ideas that any mother would be pleased to receive, because it will be made by the hands of someone close to her.


The card serves both as an attachment to the main gift and as a separate compliment (for example, from a child). Now purchasing a postcard is not a problem, but a homemade one will be a sign of sincere attention. You can make an original and effective postcard from almost anything you find at home: cardboard, colored paper, decoupage paper and even pieces of wallpaper. They are decorated with dried flowers, beads, beads, ribbons or macrame.


Bookmark for a book

If your mom is a keen reader, consider giving her a bookmark as a birthday present. This is an easy gift to make, but can be very elegant if made from velvet and decorated with decorative clips and a brooch. Such a gift will delight your mother every time she opens the book.



If you have drawing skills, a picture painted by you can be an excellent gift for mom. Landscape or portrait, oil paints or watercolors - the choice is yours. The picture can be painted on canvas with a stretcher - such a gift will look solid. Or you can use paper that can later be inserted into a frame. We'll tell you how to make a frame yourself.


Frame or photo frame

To make a frame, everything is useful - beads, buttons, dried flowers, coffee beans, paints on wood and paper, and even pasta. Buy a regular wooden base of the required size at the store or make it yourself from thick cardboard. To do this, you need to cut out two rectangles from it - one is equal to the size of the drawing or photo, and the second should be 8 cm larger than the first on each edge. Glue the parts together so that you can place a drawing or photo in the groove between them. Decorate the frame to your taste: wrap it in felt and glue buttons. Or apply glue and attach coffee beans or pasta around the entire perimeter of the frame. Subsequently, the pasta can be coated with paint. You are limited only by your imagination.


Photo album

A photo album is a wonderful way to give your mother pleasant memories. There are many tutorial videos on the Internet on how to create a photo album with your own hands. In such an album you can add your own warm inscriptions under the photo, as well as decorate it to the taste of the birthday girl. Nowadays albums can be made from almost anything: paper, cardboard, artificial leather and even old jeans. The most important role in making such a gift is played by the shape of the album and the decor. Use your imagination; the photo album can be not only rectangular, but round or heart-shaped. Decorate it so that the shades of the product are harmonious and form a single composition.

photo album


If you are fond of embroidery, then a picture embroidered especially for your mother will be a wonderful birthday gift. Of course, you need to prepare such a surprise in advance. A portrait of your mother, embroidered by your own hands, or a copy of a painting that the birthday girl appreciates are great ideas for embroidery. It could also be her favorite flowers, made using a certain embroidery technique.


Wall newspaper

Another gift that a child can give. On a sheet of whatman paper, decorated according to your wishes (paints, pencil drawings, applique of multi-colored paper, including three-dimensional ones), paste a collage of photos of the birthday girl. Choose the most beautiful photos in which she smiles happily. These could be photos from birthdays in past years. Be sure to write warm congratulations. Such a gift will be a great surprise on the morning of your birthday (you can hang it on the wall in the kitchen at night) - it will be the first thing that mom sees when she wakes up and goes to drink coffee.

wall newspaper with photo

Floral gift

Of course, buying a bouquet of flowers to suit every taste and budget is not a problem now. But try to put your soul into a gift. Stock up on craft paper and colorful ribbon. Buy flowers that your mother likes. It is better to collect a motley bouquet of different plants that match in color and size; the bouquet can include leaves and branches with berries. Wrap the bouquet in craft paper and decorate with a beautiful ribbon. You can attach a homemade vase to the gift. For this we will need:

  • jar (volume 1-2 l.) - 1 pc.;
  • colored cardboard - 1 l.;
  • glass paint;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • photo.

Using double-sided glue, glue a piece of cardboard onto the jar, equal in size to the photo you have chosen (this can be a joint photo of you and the birthday girl). Paint the jar so that it becomes opaque (several layers can be applied). When the paint is dry, remove the cardboard. A transparent window will remain in its place. Glue a photo inside the jar in place of this window.


Room decor

This is a very original and useful gift that will add zest to the house where the birthday girl lives. Wall decor is not only photos and paintings. This could be a panel or inscription carved from wood, a paper lampshade for a light source, or hand-made curtain tiebacks. Decorative flowers are also a great option for a mother who loves to create coziness in her own home. This floral arrangement will decorate any room.

room decoration

Jar with wishes and confessions

A very cute and original idea for those craftsmen who have a good imagination. Take an ordinary glass jar of the size you need (preferably with a lid), decorate it with paint, ribbons, beads - you can find a lot of training videos on the Internet. Write pleasant words on colorful pieces of paper or stickers, but in such a way that they are not repeated. These could be wishes or declarations of love. Fold the pieces of paper beautifully into the jar so that they cannot be read without taking them out. Present the jar to the birthday girl and tell her that she should take out one piece of paper every day. It’s better to make at least 100 inscriptions, so your mother can expect 100 days of pleasant words.

jar with wishes

Delicious surprise

If you have some cooking skills, you can organize a culinary surprise for your mother. This could be a birthday cake, beautifully decorated with fruits and edible flower petals, or gingerbread cookies. Perhaps you can prepare a full-fledged holiday dinner - this will definitely please the birthday girl, as it will save her from household chores on her birthday. You can find recipes on the Internet or ask a more culinary-savvy friend for advice. The disadvantage of such a surprise may be the preparation process - it is better to come up with a good reason for the hero of the occasion to leave home for a few hours. But nothing is impossible!


Ceramic dishes and products

A cup and saucer made by yourself and presented as a present to your mother is a great gift idea. To do this, you will need to sign up for a master class on making clay dishes. There, the teacher will show you how to properly shape the product so that it does not crack during firing, fire it in the kiln and invite you to decorate it. Glazing and decorative painting is a very exciting process for making clay utensils; you can put a design on it that your mother likes. Perhaps it's a special pattern that will match the rest of the dishes in her house. By the way, you can make not only dishes - there are master classes on making stands for jewelry or candlesticks.



Your computer probably has a lot of photos or videos featuring the birthday girl, her family and friends. Modern programs for editing photos and videos are simple; even a child can learn to use them in a short time. Edit a movie from photos or videos, add titles, special effects, music (use the program's capabilities). Choose the best and most joyful moments for your film. Show it at the height of the holiday - it will cheer up not only the birthday girl, but also the guests.

The film can be recorded on a flash drive or tablet

Set of knitted accessories

If you know how to knit, you will love this gift idea. And the fruit of your skill will definitely please your mother on her holiday. If your mother's birthday falls in the winter, knit a scarf, hat or mittens for her. If in summer - a light shawl or cape. A sweater or vest also makes great gifts. If you crochet, you can even please your mother with napkins, which you can later starch to give them shape.

Knitten things

Sewing product

Almost all girls who attended labor classes at school have minimal sewing skills. It is not necessary to sew an apron or oven mitts for mom (although this is also a practical and appropriate gift). Take on something more original, but only what you can do.

sewing products


If the birthday girl is the happy owner of long hair, from which you can make an original hairstyle, then giving her beauty in honor of her birthday is a great idea. The Internet is replete with tutorials on braiding and evening hairstyles. Buy interesting hair clips (or make them yourself), learn how to create a beautiful, festive hairstyle and invite your mother to be a model. She will surely appreciate it.


Homemade cosmetics

A great gift for mom's birthday is a cosmetic cream, soap or balm made with your own hands from natural ingredients. Use available products to which the birthday girl is not allergic. The finished product will meet all the expectations and requirements of the mother. Handmade soap is an ideal gift; there is a huge selection of shapes, dyes and ingredients for making soap. Such a gift will definitely be used for its intended purpose and will not gather dust on the shelf. The cream or balm can be placed in a beautiful jar or tube. But warn the birthday girl that it must be used within a certain time.

Handmade soap

Beauty box

You can give beauty in another way - by collecting cosmetics for the birthday girl that suit her, and presenting them in an original box made by yourself. The box is made of cardboard, decorated with various decorative elements; natural straw or beautiful fabric can be placed inside, and jars with body and face care products can be beautifully placed on them. This gift looks very stylish.

beauty box


Attend a master class on making jewelry or find an instructional video on the Internet. An exquisite accessory made from materials that your mother likes will help bring the birthday girl's look to perfection. This idea does not require any special skills, you just need to carefully follow the instructions. You can collect beads from beads or large beads, wrapping them in felt, or you can make earrings from buttons and threads, a brooch or a hair tie with a silk flower.


Jewelry organizer

Every woman wears jewelry, but not every woman keeps it organized in one place. Therefore, a homemade box or stand for rings and chains is a useful and pleasant gift for mom. Usually, to make such products you need a ready-made wooden base, velvet paper, paints and decorative elements to your taste. The simplest organizer option is a decorated cork bulletin board. More complex products involve the use of ready-made wooden boxes, cornices and hooks.

jewelry organizer

Thanks to this article, we learned about how many original handmade gifts you can give your mother on her main holiday. Don’t forget to take care of your mother and remember that gifts can be given not only for a birthday, but also for no reason.