A newborn does not sleep and screams: possible causes of the problem. How to calm a baby and why he cries

And yet, how can you understand why an infant is crying? Maybe he was a little sick? Are you hungry? Does he suffer from colic? There are many options for potential negative factors; all that remains is to understand the true cause and find an effective “cure”.

But it is with identifying the true culprit that problems arise, since inexperienced parents are just learning to understand their baby. However, you can understand what a child’s crying is saying if you carefully monitor the tiny person’s reactions.

A little about baby crying

The cries of a newborn baby are the first sound signal after birth. In this way, the baby resists separation from his mother, protests against the change in environment and announces his birth to the whole world.

Such reactions can be found in many mammals, especially baby monkeys. Previously, in general, the viability of a newborn was judged by the first cries of a newborn. If the baby screams loudly, it means he is healthy, but if he screams weakly and sluggishly, therefore, there are some violations.

Usually a newborn baby cries quite often, and if at first the parents do not understand the source of the cries, then they begin to distinguish between different reasons based on the duration, frequency, intensity, volume and other characteristics of the crying.

You shouldn’t react to a baby’s crying as if it were a catastrophic event. On the contrary, it is necessary to listen to the child every time, trying to determine the source of anxiety and eliminate it.

The reasons for a newborn crying are multifaceted and may include: the following features and factors:

  • colic and discomfort in the tummy;
  • hunger;
  • wet diapers;
  • low or high room temperature;
  • desire to sleep;
  • boredom;
  • discomfort in the crib;
  • fear;
  • health problems.

And these are just some of the possible reasons for children's discontent. Having learned to understand why a child screams during the day, parents will be able to quickly solve emerging problems or contact doctors if the situation is really serious.

Let's look at the main reasons for a small child's crying in more detail.

If you ask an experienced pediatrician why a newborn is crying, then in most cases the answer will be something like this: the baby is hungry.

The ventricle of a newborn baby is very small, so infants are fed often, but with a small amount of milk or formula. But since lactation is just getting better, during one of the feedings the baby may receive a smaller amount of food, which is signaled by crying.

If a newborn baby cries a lot, the mother, first of all, needs to check whether he wants to “eat.” To do this, bend your little finger and touch it to the corner of the child’s mouth. If the baby turns his head towards the stimulus and opens his mouth, then the crying was provoked by hunger.

The mother can only put the baby to the breast for feeding or offer a bottle of freshly prepared formula. Usually, immediately after receiving the coveted food, the screams begin to subside, and loud crying is replaced by quiet sobs, which gradually disappear.

“Hungry” crying is loud, prolonged, and intense; the baby seems to be choking. If the child has just recently become hungry, then the screams will be inviting.

If the child cries constantly, you need to track the dynamics of weight gain and the volume of milk from the mother. It is very likely that the baby cannot eat enough and this situation requires an increase in the amount of milk or the introduction of complementary foods.

It is best to consult a specialist.

An artificial child, by the way, may cry not from lack of food, but from thirst. Mothers, especially in hot weather, need to keep a bottle of clean drinking water near them.

Feeding problems

If a newborn is capricious and cries directly during or after eating, we can conclude that there are certain problems that interfere with normal feeding. Here are just a few of them:

  1. Stuffy nose. The baby may start sucking milk or formula, but then rejects the breast or bottle. At the same time, you can hear snoring or sniffling. If you have a runny nose or stuffy nose, clear your nose with an aspirator, rinse it with saline solution, and instill the solution recommended by your doctor.
  2. The child choked. If a baby's cry during feeding is short and does not repeat itself, and the baby clears his throat, then he probably just swallowed a lot of milk. It is enough to wait a little and then resume feeding.
  3. Ear infection. If by all indications the baby is hungry, but leaves the breast at the first sips and starts screaming loudly, he may have otitis media. In this case, swallowing only increases the discomfort. You need to see a doctor who will prescribe nasal and ear drops.
  4. Thrush. When the oral cavity is infected with a fungus from the genus Candida, the child develops a whitish coating, and when milk gets on the tongue, a burning sensation occurs. To prevent your baby from crying and refusing to eat, you should visit a doctor who will recommend the correct treatment method.
  5. Unpleasant taste from milk. If a hungry baby turns away from the food source and continues to cry, he may not like the taste of the milk. The consumption of flavored products: spices, hot seasonings, garlic sauce or onions changes milk levels. They should be avoided during breastfeeding.
  6. Entry of air into the digestive tract. If immediately after eating your baby begins to whine and pull his legs towards his tummy, he may have swallowed a lot of air. It is enough to put the baby as a “soldier” so that excess oxygen comes out.

If a newborn constantly cries when feeding, you need to consult a specialist to rule out serious problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

A common cause of crying in a newborn baby is colic, which is a spastic reaction localized in the tummy. Their occurrence is caused by the imperfection of the children's digestive system, manifested by stretching of the intestinal walls with gas bubbles.

In this case, a child’s cry is loud, shrill, and can continue for a long time with short pauses. A parent can guess about colic according to such characteristics as:

  • flushed face;
  • pressing the lower extremities to the stomach with their further sharp stretching;
  • hard stomach;
  • clenching fists.

Of course, the problem of colic will disappear on its own at 4 months of age, when the digestive tract “matures.” However, simply waiting for this blessed time would be foolish. It is necessary to calm the baby. How? For example, Can:

  • stroke the diaper and place it warm on the baby’s belly;
  • do a light massage of the umbilical area;
  • place the baby on your stomach;
  • perform the “bicycle” exercise;
  • Give the baby some dill water or a medicine prescribed by the doctor, etc.

Does the child not cry after the manipulations? So you did everything right. Very soon the unpleasant symptoms of colic will disappear, and children's anxiety will be replaced by joyful activity.

Physical discomfort

If hunger and colic disappear, the mother may assume that the newborn baby is crying due to unpleasant sensations caused by uncomfortable underwear, incorrectly selected temperature conditions, or, what happens most often, a wet or dirty diaper.

Let's take a closer look main reasons for physical discomfort and methods to eliminate them:

  1. The child peed himself. If the baby cries, fidgets, trying not to touch the wet thing, you need to see if he has done his “wet deeds” in a diaper or diaper. The solution to the problem is very simple - just change clothes and underwear, wipe the baby's skin with a napkin.
  2. The baby is uncomfortable in clothes. If a child screams in displeasure immediately after dressing or changing a diaper, the mother may conclude that he does not like the clothes. Perhaps the seams, threads, buttons are dug into the body, the synthetics cause itching, or the diaper material is quite hard. The baby is simply changed.
  3. The baby is uncomfortable in a crib or stroller. A whining newborn may be unhappy with the position. In this case, he begins to cry, wave his limbs, trying to change his position. The solution is to move the child to a position that is more comfortable for him.
  4. The baby is cold or wet. If a child constantly whines, sobs, and has reddened and hot skin, then he is too hot. When crying and pale skin, on the contrary, they conclude that the baby is hypothermic. Parents need to change his clothes based on the room temperature.

How to understand a newborn who is experiencing physical discomfort? It is enough to show basic attentiveness and monitor your child’s reactions.

Painful conditions

If the mother does not know why the newborn is crying or has disturbing symptoms, the doctor will help answer all questions. You should seek medical help if:

  • children's crying is characterized by monotony and monotony;
  • the child is too lethargic and inactive;
  • body temperature is increased.

If a child cries all the time, and the source of the screams cannot be determined, it is better not to hesitate and call a doctor. What else should parents know? Ways to help with some painful conditions are presented in the table.

State Peculiarities The nature of crying Other signs Ways to help
Headache This condition occurs more often in children with perinatal encephalopathy. The catalyst for pain is weather change (rain, wind).The child constantly cries, screams loudly and hysterically.

  • anxiety;

  • poor sleep;

  • nausea and vomiting;

  • diarrhea.
Self-medication is excluded. You should immediately contact a pediatrician and neurologist.
Diaper dermatitis Urine and feces irritate the skin, resulting in diaper rash and pain.The newborn cries loudly, the screams intensify when the mother changes the diaper or diaper.

  • rash and hyperemia in the buttocks and perineum;

  • baby's irritability.
The question of what to do is obvious. It is necessary to regularly change hygiene devices and wipe the skin. In case of severe diaper rash, you should consult a doctor.
Teething The incisors usually emerge at 4-6 months of age.The child cries loudly, while putting fists or any other objects into his mouth.

  • increased salivation;

  • heat;

  • sometimes diarrhea;

  • swelling of the gums.
If your baby is teething, you should buy him a teether. The doctor may recommend a special pain-relieving gel for gums.

Discomfort of psychological origin is another answer to the question of why a baby cries. The child may become overtired, miss his mother, or be frightened by a loud sound.

The baby is able to cry if he needs to attract parental attention. In this case, he screams invitingly for a few seconds and waits for his mother to approach. If the adult does not respond, then after a short interval the cry is repeated.

Some experts do not recommend immediately grabbing a child in your arms to calm him down. To prevent the baby from growing up “tame”, it is better to pet him directly in the crib. Most likely, he will quickly calm down as soon as he hears his mother's voice.

The baby may cry as a sign of protest. For example, if a newborn doesn’t like something, he will start screaming sharply and loudly at the top of his lungs. Most often, children may be bothered by changing clothes, cutting nails, and cleaning their ears.

A capricious newborn is an almost impossible phenomenon, since such young children cry for objective reasons. Thus, tears and discontent are provoked by increased activity during the day, communication with strangers, and a day that is excessively rich in emotions and events.

If your newborn often cries in the evening, he is most likely overtired. Help relieve fatigue:

  • quiet entertainment;
  • ventilation of the room and humidification of the air;
  • rocking;
  • lullaby;
  • going to bed;
  • lactation.

It is quite possible to prevent a baby from crying and screaming if you follow a certain sequence of steps in the evening. For example, you can bathe, feed, put the baby to bed, then turn off the light and sing your favorite lullaby. This whole ritual will speed up falling asleep.

Other reasons why a baby cries

In addition to the main factors, there are other reasons why newborns cry. The child may scream while bathing, urinating, defecating, falling asleep and waking up. And experts find a logical explanation for almost every cry.

Crying while urinating

Some mothers and fathers note that newborns cry while urinating, resulting in fear. Typically, this phenomenon occurs in healthy children, but in some cases it may indicate certain health problems.

The most common reason that a baby screams and is capricious when going to the toilet “in a small way” is fear of what is happening. A healthy child simply does not understand the process of urination and cannot relax, which is why he begins to cry.

However, in some situations, tears and children's cries can be caused by painful sensations due to illness. So, The catalyst for an unfavorable process is:

  • urinary tract infections;
  • improper positioning of the foreskin, which is manifested by stagnation, suppuration, and burning.

If your child constantly cries when urinating, you should definitely consult a pediatrician who will suggest taking certain tests.

Crying while defecating

If newborns whine when going to the bathroom "in a big way", then most likely they have difficulties with bowel movements. When adapting the digestive tract, almost every child goes through a stage of colic and even constipation.

When children cry during bowel movements, you need to pay attention to the characteristics of feces, and also remember what the child ate over the past few days.

The main factors causing crying and screaming in newborns during bowel movements are:

  • constipation that occurs due to switching to artificial feeding or changing the formula;
  • intestinal colic;
  • inflammatory bowel diseases.

If your child regularly cries during bowel movements, and there is bloody or mucous discharge or strange inclusions in his stool, be sure to make an appointment with a pediatrician.

Many parents notice that their newborn baby screams in his sleep. First of all, you should examine the crib and the position in which the baby is resting to rule out physical discomfort as a cause.

Experts also name other reasons why a baby cries and screams during sleep. Provoke baby crying can:

  • colic, which we already talked about above;
  • nervous fatigue;
  • teething;
  • any disease;
  • hunger;
  • horrible dream;
  • detection of mother's absence.

Many experts do not recommend waiting until the child finally wakes up, otherwise he simply will not want to sleep later. It is best to stroke the baby and rock it a little. If the crying doesn't stop, you can pick him up and rock him a little.

Crying while bathing

Another question that worries parents is why the child cries while bathing. The reasons for tears during water procedures are many-sided. Highlight Several main factors that influence a child’s behavior during bathing:

  1. Uncomfortable water temperature. The baby may react negatively to excessively cold or hot water. It also affects your well-being and the temperature of the bathroom. Before swimming, it is important to make sure that the water and air temperature are optimal.
  2. Bathtub too big. Some children are frightened by the large volumes of an adult bath. In this case, experts advise wrapping the child in a diaper before lowering him into the water. This reduces psychological stress.
  3. Fear of swimming. Negative emotions arise due to soap suds getting into the eyes or water getting into the mouth or ears. A child in such a situation interferes with the water procedure in every possible way.
  4. Uncomfortable position. Many mothers are afraid of harming their baby, so they hold him too tightly. This leads to the fact that newborns begin to express dissatisfaction and protest during bathing.
  5. Related factors. Feelings of hunger and colic can worsen a child’s mood. To understand what exactly caused the dissatisfaction, the signs that we have already discussed above will help. In order for water procedures to proceed calmly, you need to get rid of unpleasant symptoms.

Some neurological problems are also accompanied by reluctance to bathe. However, crying and screaming can also occur during sleep or eating. In this case, it is important to contact a neurologist for a comprehensive examination.

Every mother is able to find an approach to her own child if she watches him carefully. Even if at first a child’s cry always seems the same to parents, but then, as communication is established, literally every squeak will be filled with its own special meaning.

How to understand why a recently born baby is crying?

Should I call a doctor urgently or can I cope on my own?

These questions are often asked by young mothers on forums and social networks.

The reason is ignorance of the rules of behavior. The baby learns to live in a new space. Parents have no experience communicating with a stranger. Find out how to understand your baby and what to do to relieve his suffering. Learn to adapt to each other.

Why might a one-week-old baby cry? Reasons and recommendations

Newborn children tend to attract the attention of others by screaming: they do not know how to express their needs in any other way. A baby's cry is a manifestation of the body's reaction to pain, hunger or fear.

It is more difficult to determine the cause of crying in a baby under one month. This is a period of active adaptation of the body to a new environment for a newborn child. The older the fool, the easier it is to determine the source of anxiety. After satiation, a one-month-old baby falls asleep for 1.5-2 hours. A fed younger baby often has other reasons for crying (for example, colic).

Depending on the character and temperament, each child shows dissatisfaction in his own way. There are temperamental children who react to minor discomfort with dozens of decibels of screaming. Being quiet is another matter. Patient little ones are focused on themselves and do not seek to capture the attention of people around them. A common reaction from introverts is to grunt and whine.

Additional help - reading the "language" of the baby's body:

  • flexion and extension of legs;
  • waving arms;
  • movements of facial muscles.

Baby's crying: what to do to overcome hysteria?

Many mothers are concerned about the question: “Should we take our babies in our arms?” The answer depends on the baby's adaptability and the cause of the discomfort. If the source of discomfort has not been eliminated, it is useless to reassure the child.

A time-tested technique is to hold the baby in your arms and rock it while singing a lullaby. As an option, play music in the style of “relaxation”, melodic classics. The baby will quickly fall asleep. The other side of the problem is that the baby learns to manipulate adults.

A prerequisite for stopping screaming is an even mood. Parents are strictly prohibited from shouting, threatening or waving their arms. In this case, the baby’s natural reaction is increased crying, increased intracranial pressure and temperature.

Partial list of reasons for screaming:

  1. hunger;
  2. weather dependence;
  3. overwhelm or insufficiency;
  4. unsuitable conditions for sleep and wakefulness;
  5. neglect of parental responsibilities;
  6. inattention, fatigue and uncertainty of young parents;
  7. baby sensations caused by painful manifestations:
  • underdevelopment of some organs: gastrointestinal tract (GIT), foreskin;
  • allergic reactions to the skin, cuts, dislocations, wounds;
  • postpartum complications;
  • heredity.

How to understand the reason by the sounds of crying of a baby under one month old?

There are several methods for studying the crying of newborns. Experts observed the behavior of the babies at home. Screams were examined for stability, duration, irritability, and frequency of sounds. An interesting observation: no characteristic differences were found in newborn boys and girls.

Types of Baby Cry

  • whining: intermittent, monotonous; you can immediately see that the child is straining to make sounds;
  • appealing: the nature of the tones is similar to whining, but the baby cries without visible effort;
  • plaintive: quiet, continuous, hysterical, groaning sound;
  • intense: powerful, loud, often starts with a low timbre, gradually moves to high sounds, often with choking.

The nature of the cry depends on the reason.

  1. Crying from hunger begins with the whimpering of a child. If there is no response, the volume increases and the frequency decreases. At the last stage, the scream turns into a continuous roar.
  2. Crying from pain is plaintive, if the discomfort is mild, whining. Pain that suddenly begins has an intense timbre and volume. Sometimes crying turns into a hysterical phase. An immediate response is required from parents if the crying suddenly stops - this is an alarm signal that requires parental response. It's better to call an ambulance.
  3. Crying from fear begins with sounds in the upper register: loud, often immediately followed by choking.
  4. Crying from discomfort not associated with pain is whimpering.

What to do when a newborn baby cries often?

In fashion - recommendations to adhere to a strict regime: get up by the hour, feed, walk, bathe. This is taught to young mothers in schools, advised upon discharge from the maternity hospital, and written in books and the media. There are many guides explaining the reasons for your baby's behavior. In practice, young parents are faced with ineffective recommendations.

The human body is a complex system, each person has its own characteristics. Recommendations from pediatricians are based on statistics. The behavior of a particular child differs from the actions of peers. Parents should take into account the findings of pediatricians, but make final conclusions taking into account the individuality of the baby.

How do most babies report hunger, poor conditions, diaper rash, colic?

Manifestations of hunger in a newborn baby

A common reason for a child's malnutrition is the parents' lack of experience. The body of a temperamental child with good heredity requires a lot of energy. In a sick and quiet baby, motor activity is lower and the need for breast milk is less pronounced.

The causes of malnutrition include poor milk production. It is important for mothers to identify the cause of crying in time by adding artificial formulas to the diet. Another source of crying is excessive regurgitation of milk during or after feeding.

The baby shows hunger by:

  • makes sounds reminiscent of grumbling;
  • begins to be capricious;
  • turns into loud and almost continuous crying.

Characteristic signs of crying: a newborn baby opens its mouth and lightly smacks its lips.

There are two verification methods.

  1. Place your bent little finger on the lips of the child lying in the stroller. If the baby is hungry, this will be indicated by his restless behavior, turning his head in different directions, and stretching his body following his finger.
  2. When the mother takes the baby in her arms, the baby restlessly searches for the breast.

Climatic conditions

In adults, the skin is a barrier that prevents overheating or hypothermia. In infants, the heat exchange function is in the formative stage. Infants react sharply to any change in temperature.

Some babies tolerate heat well, but are sensitive to coolness, while others do the opposite. One of the “barometers” for determining temperature parameters is the wrist of a newborn baby.

Characteristic signs of hypothermia include: first - plaintive crying, then - the appearance of hiccups. The hiccups periodically turn into sobbing crying.

The appearance of the skin is pale. When you apply your palm, there is a noticeable cooling of the child’s skin.

A newborn baby who is overheated will have purple skin. Instinctively, a newborn baby kicks its legs and flaps its arms. If the baby is swaddled, it will begin to bend. Manifestations of overheating are loud, choking crying.

Some infants are weather dependent from birth. They react sharply to phenomena to which the baby, due to little life experience, has not adapted:

  • thaw to frost;
  • heat to cool.

Important indicators: wind force, pressure, air humidity.

Diaper rash in a newborn baby

A common cause of crying is wet diapers. The newborn baby reports the emptying of the stomach (or bladder) by grunting, which gradually turns into an intense cry. If parents do not react quickly enough, irritation occurs in the perineum, on the buttocks and folds of the legs. To relieve the itching, the baby reaches to the bottom and scratches the genitals.

A sign of wet diapers: the child bends and fidgets on the bed, trying to move to another place. If your hands are free, grab a fold or edge of the diaper.

  • instead of reusable diapers, use gauze, cotton diapers, old sheets;
  • after each emptying of the bladder (or stomach), lubricate wounds and diaper rash with a special cream or medicinal preparation.

If skin irritation is noticeable, but no wounds have appeared, use special diapers (with biological products) intended for night rest.

Crying from colic

Colic is pain in the form of spasms, to which a newborn baby reacts by crying. Typical for children from birth to 3-4 months. When feeding, the baby swallows air. The baby eats a lot: the enzymes do not have time to digest all the food entering the stomach. Gases are formed. As the body adapts, the quantity and quality of enzymes begins to correspond to the mass of food.

Each child has characteristic signs and period of onset of colic. For some children it is early in the morning, for others - during the day, for others - in the evening. With colic, most babies abandon the breast and begin to scream.

External manifestations of anxiety from colic: redness of the skin, loud choking cry. Freed from the diaper, the baby vigorously swings its legs and arms.

The method of calming is to find a position that brings relief to the newborn child. One child calms down in the classic position: lying in a horizontal position in the mother’s arms. Others prefer the “column” position (when the baby’s head rests on the parent’s shoulder or rests on the chin).

A good result is to place something warm on the newborn baby's stomach, such as an ironed diaper or a warm heating pad. Alternatively, tie a woolen scarf around the body.

These are the most likely reasons explaining the constant crying of children under the age of 1-3 months. Parents need:

  • study the developments of specialists;
  • monitor the condition of the newborn baby;
  • Consult your pediatrician regularly.

Why is my child constantly fussy and crying? This question is relevant for parents of infants and preschool children. Therefore, we want to look at this problem in more detail.

Why is a child naughty?

Most mothers and fathers are faced every day with a child’s reluctance to eat, sleep, get dressed, go to kindergarten or go for a walk. The baby cries, refuses to comply with the proposed demands, and sometimes just screams or whines. There are several main reasons for this behavior:

  • Physical - this group includes various illnesses, fatigue, hunger, desire to drink or sleep. The child feels bad, but cannot understand why this happened. Therefore, it is so important for parents to follow a daily routine, feed, drink and put the baby to bed on time.
  • The child requires attention - most children's tantrums can be prevented by increasing the time of communication. A mother's love is as important to a little person as air. If he does not receive the right amount of attention, he will “pull” it in every possible way. Therefore, there is no need to wait for the baby to start hysterical. Just leave what you are doing, turn off your phone, the Internet and hug your child. Play with him, ask for news and spend time together.
  • The child wants to get what he wants - the little man understands perfectly where the parents’ pain points are and knows how to put pressure on them. Therefore, if mom or dad pays off the whims financially, then the child will quickly learn to use the new scheme. It is very important to teach a child to negotiate and look for new solutions to his problems.

Nature has designed it in such a way that a child’s crying evokes a strong emotional reaction in adults. This is very good, because sometimes reflection saves the life and health of a little person. If a child cries all the time, then you need to understand why he does this.


Many parents remember the age from birth to three or four months with horror. Why is the child constantly capricious and crying during this period? The following reasons can be identified:

  • The baby is hungry - sometimes the mother does not have enough milk or the artificial formula does not suit him. If a child does not gain weight well, doctors recommend starting additional complementary feeding.
  • Colic is thought to be caused by gas in the intestines. Therefore, a nursing mother should monitor her diet and exclude a number of foods containing fiber. In addition, the pediatrician usually prescribes drops that help improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • A cold or ear infection - a doctor will help eliminate this problem. And the mother must promptly report any problems that have arisen and changes in the baby’s behavior.
  • Wet diapers - many children react sharply to untimely change of clothes. Therefore, you should use diapers or change your child’s clothes on time.
  • Feeling of loneliness - children miss adults and calm down immediately after being held.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult for inexperienced parents to determine why a child is constantly naughty and crying. Therefore, they should listen carefully to the baby and respond to his needs immediately.

Whims in one year

When the baby grows up, he faces the first prohibitions. Children often react very violently: they scream, throw things, and stomp their feet. If parents are aware of age-related characteristics, then, to the extent possible, they will be able to prevent What to do when a child (1 year) screams and cries? The baby is capricious for various reasons. So first you need to define them:

  • A child is capricious due to illness or internal conflict - he does not understand why he feels bad, and expresses his protest in a way that is accessible to him.
  • Protests against excessive care - wants more freedom, refuses clothing offered or returning home from a walk.
  • Strives to copy his parents - let him participate in his affairs. Thanks to this, you will be able to constantly be nearby, and at the same time teach your baby to use new objects.
  • Reacts to emotional stress - excessive severity and control causes the child to have bouts of crying. Therefore, try to treat him as a person, and not an object that must unquestioningly carry out your will.

Don't forget that there are also invisible reasons for children's tears. Sometimes a child is constantly capricious and cries only because his temperament is of the weak type. This means that the baby quickly becomes overexcited, reacts sharply to stimuli and instantly gets tired. With age, he will learn to manage his behavior, but for now it is important to monitor his daily routine and timely rest.

Two years

At this difficult age, even the most docile children turn into little tyrants. Parents complain that they cannot cope with the whims and demands of the baby. Many children have problems sleeping, there is increased excitability, and sometimes the first tantrums. So, what causes of whims can be identified when a child is 2 years old:

  • Socialization - at this age, a child must learn new rules of communication and interaction with other people. Therefore, he reacts sharply to restrictions that affect his independence and freedom of action.
  • Mastering speech - until the child can formulate in words what he feels or wants to do. Therefore, he relieves nervous tension by screaming and crying.
  • Unspent energy - it is very important that the baby can actively move and play during the day. Stiffness leads to the fact that in the evening he cannot calm down and fall asleep.
  • Emotional stress - the baby feels the emotions of adults, has a hard time experiencing family conflicts and quarrels between adults.

When a child is 2 years old, he enters a crisis phase. Therefore, it is so important to treat his personal problems with understanding and respond to them correctly.

Crisis of three years

The new stage of the baby’s development is accompanied by a violent reaction on his part. At this age, he becomes aware of himself as an individual, and the pronoun “I” appears in his speech. The child tries to do everything himself, but does not always succeed. Therefore, he “takes revenge” on his parents with tears and screams. What should I do? Psychologists advise you to come to terms with the situation and just get through it.

What to do if your child is constantly naughty and crying

Each parent finds his own solution to the problem. The chosen path will not always lead to a positive result, and sometimes it even worsens the situation. What to do if the baby is crying:

When to see a doctor

Experts consider it normal for a baby to show his dissatisfaction two or three times a week. If a child is constantly capricious and cries, and even more so throws real tantrums, then this is a reason to seek help from a qualified specialist. Perhaps just a few visits to a child psychologist will help restore peace and tranquility in the family.


Every parent should understand that whims at an early age are absolutely normal. Therefore, it is so important to learn to recognize the causes and eliminate them in time.

Your long-awaited and beloved baby has finally been born, you seemed to be preparing for the meeting. But now you understand that you don’t understand him a little. Why does a newborn cry constantly? How to calm a newborn? It seems like I do everything for him, you say, and his diapers are clean and he is fed and worn after meals, but he still cries very often...

Don't worry too much, all children cry. This is simply the only way for him to convey something to you.

A newborn baby cannot yet tell you what he wants or what worries him, so they try to convey their desire to you through crying. A newborn may cry for many reasons, but learning to understand what a newborn is asking for is not that difficult. But of course it’s difficult to figure it out right away, but after a while you’ll learn how to do it. The main thing to remember is that a child cries differently depending on the situation.

Here's some guidance on how to calm a newborn.

1. A newborn is crying from hunger.
The child tells you with his long cry that he wants to eat. At the same time, he may blush and most often pulls his hands.

In this case, of course, the baby needs to be fed, despite the fact that it is still very early.

2. Newborn in wet diapers, in a wet diaper.
The baby wants to tell you that he has already peed in a diaper or diaper (even if it is reusable), and now he is wet and uncomfortable. They irritate the delicate skin of a newborn. And it doesn’t matter for him whether it’s day or night, it’s uncomfortable in the wet in any case. In this case, he seems to whine, now stronger, now weaker, and whines continuously. He may also develop hiccups.

How to calm a newborn: Just change his diaper or diaper, and if he’s feeling a little cold, cover him with a blanket.

3. The child is uncomfortable in a diaper or clothing.
He may cry because the folds of an incorrectly swaddled diaper are pressing on him or because some small thing (a button, a string, a pebble, etc.) has gotten into the diaper or clothes. Or maybe he's just tired of lying in one position and wants to roll over. This type of crying starts with whimpers, and then he starts screaming, waving his arms and legs, trying to change position.

How to calm a newborn: Unwrap the newborn and swaddle him again, more carefully, so that there are fewer folds. Or first try turning it over to a different position.

From the heat, the baby whines, the skin turns slightly red, and a rash (prickly heat) may also appear. He tries to free himself from diapers or clothes. You can measure the temperature, it can rise to 37.5 degrees due to overheating.

How to calm a newborn: On hot days, try not to put reusable diapers on your child, use thin diapers and caps (you can not wear a cap in hot weather)

5. The newborn is cold.
If the baby is cold, he may cry piercingly, and then the crying becomes quieter and longer, and hiccups appear.

How to calm a newborn: The baby needs to be dressed a little warmer. The cool skin of the abdomen, chest and back will tell you that the baby is cold.

6. Newborn cries while feeding
During feeding, he may cry due to the inflammatory process in his oral mucosa. Or because of inflammation of the middle ear. With otitis media, it hurts the child when swallowing, so even if he is hungry and greedily clutches your chest, after the first swallow he will break away and start crying loudly. In this case, the baby’s cry is very loud and shrill. He can throw his head back a little. With otitis media, crying can occur not only during feeding, but at any time, even at night.
Even during feeding, he may cry when his nose is clogged and it is simply difficult for him to breathe. Especially if the baby has a runny nose.

How to calm a newborn: For all three reasons, you should, of course, call a doctor. And from a clogged nose, you can suck out the snot and continue feeding.

7. Newborn cries after feeding.
It is quite possible that food got into his tummy and air, this happens often. And now his stomach hurts. In this case, the child bends his legs to his stomach, frowns his forehead and cries pitifully.

How to calm a newborn: First, check whether you are applying your baby to the breast correctly. Does it capture the nipple's areola? or just the nipple? The baby should not smack too loudly when sucking. Secondly, after feeding, do not forget to carry him in a “column” (in an upright position) until he burps or just min. 15-20.

8. A newborn cries from intestinal colic.
You will immediately recognize this cry; it will be very piercing and there may be breaks between the screams. He seems to be asking you for help, saying that he is in pain. Boys suffer from colic more often than girls. And first-born children experience colic more often than subsequent children. Children of anxious mothers can also experience colic. There are many reasons for colic in the abdomen: these are still immature internal systems of the child, and allergies, or maybe the mother ate something inappropriate for the baby. And a large number of gas bubbles accumulate in the child’s tummy. These gases put pressure on the intestinal wall, and it hurts the baby.

How to calm a newborn: First, try to warm the baby a little, put his tummy to your stomach, or you can warm the tummy with a heating pad, folded several times and ironed with a hot iron. You can also give dill water or activated charcoal to drink after feeding. There are also special children's medications that can be bought at the pharmacy, for example, "Espumezan"

9. The child has diaper rash on the skin
This is skin irritation due to a late diaper change or due to putting the diaper on wet skin. Deal with it simple enough. You need to monitor your child more closely.

10. Baby cries when he pees.
If this happens systematically, it means that the baby may have an inflammatory process in the bladder. If this is accompanied by an elevated temperature, better call a doctor.

11. Constipation in a newborn baby - or the baby cries when pooping.
To avoid constipation in a newborn, it is better for a mother to breastfeed her baby rather than formula feed. If it is not possible to breastfeed, then let the child drink water throughout the day. Constipation can be dealt with slightly irritating the baby's anus. To do this, lubricate the sharp tip of the thermometer with sunflower oil and insert it into the anus, about 1 cm. And move it forward and backward a little. After this, the baby may fart or poop. In any case, he will feel better and calm down.
Crying during bowel movements occurs due to the baby's irritated anus. To avoid this, wash it more often, after each time you urinate and after pooping.

12. The baby is tired.
Little children get tired too. When tired, the baby not only whines, but also loses interest in his surroundings. He would like to rest, sleep for a while, but they cannot always fall asleep on their own. He needs a little help. Rock him in your arms, maybe sing a song, or you can give him a bath before bed, or you can also take him outside to sleep.

13. The baby is teething
Some children experience the appearance of teeth very painfully and cause discomfort. Look after the child. Is his mouth watering? Does he bite his fingers or something else? Maybe he refuses to breastfeed because of pain in his gums? The baby may also have no appetite and sleep patterns may be disrupted.

How to calm a newborn: Wash your hands thoroughly and massage your baby's gums gently. You can give it a cold ring to chew. You can smear your gums with a special ointment. Sold in pharmacies.

14. The baby wants to chat.
A child, just like an adult, has a desire to communicate or not to communicate. To be alone or not to be alone. Therefore, if there are no obvious reasons for the child to cry, but he cries despite this, just try to pick him up and chat with him a little. sing a song or just talk or look at him.

15. The newborn does not want to sleep.
If it's time to put your baby to bed, and he is capricious and seems to crawl out of the diaper, then he is not yet ready to go to bed. Unwaddle him, let him walk a little.

16. A newborn cries for no reason.
This does not necessarily indicate that he is ill; most likely, he simply has an easily excitable nervous system. You need to go for walks with such children more often, and don’t turn on loud music or TV indoors. And remove bright lights and loud rattle toys.

It will also be very useful to see video by Dr. Harvey Karp on how to calm a crying baby in 2-5 minutes. He will teach you how to calm your baby in just five steps. After all, newborn babies are born not yet fully developed and they need to get used to the new world around them. In the first three months of a child’s life, such adaptation occurs. Harvey Carp called this period the “Fourth Trimester of Pregnancy.” In general, be sure to watch it, it will help you a lot, because if your baby cries less, then you will be able to rest more, but you will need sooooo much strength. 🙂

Many baby care manuals talk about crying. It accompanies life so naturally baby that it is simply impossible to forget about him. However, few places mention how a mother feels when her baby bursts into tears. Let's figure out why a newborn often cries, whether it is necessary to take a crying child in your arms, how to cope with and react to crying in older children.

Everywhere you can read that “gradually the mother learns to distinguish the sounds made by her child.” With experience, you really begin to see the difference between the cry of a hungry wolf and the whimpering of a sick baby. But no one mentions that any kind of crying is ultimately very draining.

Of course, the mother has enough intelligence and empathy to understand that the baby has no other ways of expressing himself. He screams not at all to annoy his mother, but only to ask her for help.

Of course you know all this. However, for a split second you have the urge to shout: “Will you ever shut up, little monster!”

Depending on the age of the child, crying is perceived differently, and several stages can be distinguished in the perception of children's crying by parents.

  • : the parents do not understand very well the reason for his crying, they feel powerless, frantically trying to find at least some solution, asking themselves whether they are good parents (feeling of guilt - 5 points on a five-point scale).
  • A few weeks later: parents know why their baby is crying, and without hesitation they find a solution (which they came to through sleepless nights and hundreds of dirty diapers).
  • After a few months: the baby has perfectly mastered how to make his parents react and begins to use all his powers of persuasion. The parents are already quite seasoned and know how to avoid the traps set by the little sly one.

Favorite time and place of a screaming baby

  • In the middle of the night at the hotel.
  • In the supermarket, under the evil gaze of women in curlers.
  • On an airplane (especially during a long flight).
  • When mom is on the phone and needs to write down important information about an upcoming meeting.
  • In the car as you try to find your meeting place.
  • During any ceremony, meeting to which you were forced to take it.

A newborn baby does not cry the most, but it is the one who is the most difficult to understand. You must always assume that he will not throw a tantrum just like that, and you must establish the reason by conducting a little investigation. Don’t worry, you will very quickly become a real Sherlock Holmes: it has been scientifically proven that ten days after the birth of a child, a mother can recognize from 3 to 6 types of his crying.

Causes of baby anxiety Signs
I'm hungry/drinking. These are very loud screams of rage that do not stop when you pick him up. Often he puts his fist in his mouth. The only thing that matters to him now is to eat.
I'm wet. These screams are not so loud, rather plaintive, but much more annoying.
I'm tired. The child whines, sobs, it is clear that he is uncomfortable. He wants you to hold him close and comfort him.
I'm in pain. Sharp, piercing, alarmed screams that do not stop when you take the baby in your arms. Up to three months, we are usually talking about colic associated with the immaturity of the nervous and digestive systems.
I need to unwind. These cries allow you to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day and are accompanied by increased arousal.
To choose from:
I'm completely naked.
I'm wet.
I'm being squeezed.
What is this noise?
Whimpering or loud crying, depending on the degree of discomfort.

Should I pick him up right away?

How to choose between the instinctive desire to comfort your child and what the remnants of neurons that survived in the mother’s brain suggest (“no, no, no, we need to wait a little”)?

By answering your child's call, you let him know that you are here and ready to comfort him and help him. If a baby understands that there is someone nearby who can be trusted, he will grow up calm and confident.

Nevertheless, the baby will make great progress in his development if he learns to console himself, finding the strength to calm down. A restrained and compassionate presence is the right attitude for the ideal mother, isn’t it?

When nothing helps

He is crying. As a rule, this happens in the late afternoon. You tried to solve this problem: you changed the baby’s clothes and fed him. You rock him, caress him. Nothing helps. These are classic colic, arising from the child’s need to get rid of the stress accumulated during the day, from the tension experienced (excitement, fatigue, joy, etc.). Haven’t you ever wanted to release yourself from an excess of emotions?

In such situations, the child’s stress and discomfort become contagious: the mother feels powerless, begins to get nervous, and tension increases. Give your baby time to calm down by leaving him in his room, only coming in occasionally to check if everything is okay. If he continues to cry, you can walk with him from room to room, provided that you yourself remain calm while doing so...

It will also be necessary to come to terms with these passing crises, they are inevitable, and try to experience them with dignity, without aggravating the situation.

Older baby crying

A growing baby may develop new types of crying. As a person develops, his anxieties become more sophisticated. Having dealt with primitive problems (hunger, thirst, sleep, wet diapers), the child moves into the wonderful world of metaphysical concerns: I want to attract your attention, I need love...

"Hey, I'm bored!" As soon as a child stops sleeping all day long, he is overcome by a thirst for discovery. Don't leave him in the crib, take advantage of the fact that he is still still and take a lounge chair with him. He will be happy to watch his mother wash the dishes, prepare food, and clean.

Inexpensive and very entertaining toys

  • A small plastic bottle with a few paper clips, pebbles or dry beans (note: the cap must be screwed on very tightly).
  • Cardboard tube made from foil.
  • A well-closed box of cotton swabs.
  • Plastic bracelets.
  • A variety of boxes that can be opened and closed.
  • Cardboard food packaging (usually decorated with bright, beautiful pictures).

“You don’t allow me to touch what I want - I’ll throw such a tantrum for you now!” Frustration is perhaps one of the most painful feelings that children experience. Parents set boundaries and prohibit them from touching outlets, light bulbs, fragile trinkets, etc. The baby needs to learn to cope with this feeling.

“No, mom, don’t leave me!” Quite quickly, the baby learns the feeling of sadness when seeing you leave. It is generally accepted that by 8 months he discovers “separation anxiety”, in other words, the fear that you will not return again. Of course, everything is individual for each child: some cry as soon as their mother goes into the next room, while others don’t remember her even two days later. In both cases there is no cause for alarm, all this will pass.

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Yes, indeed. subconsciously you understand what each scream, whimper, etc. means)

Our poor little ones ((

03/16/2016 18:50:01, Inna Poleva

I could never figure out whether I had colic, whether I wanted to eat or whether I was just bored. I'll take note!!!

Thanks for the article, very useful information.

Helpful information. I remember when the firstborn appeared in our family, we all could not understand why he was crying. It turned out to be colic. Go ahead and guess if you don’t know anything about children, what worries them.

Comment on the article "Why a newborn often cries: 6 reasons"

Moment 3 Why does a child, having fallen asleep sweetly with his mother, then suddenly wake up and start crying if his mother left him in bed alone or put him in his own crib/cradle/stroller? What's the matter? Now we take the option when the child is really well-fed, dry, and healthy. So, IT IS VERY COMFORTABLE FOR A CHILD TO SLEEP AND FEEL MOM’S SMELLS! “I hear my mother’s smells, which means my mother is nearby and I will immediately get everything I need, as soon as I want!” - this is approximately the train of thought if...

Many baby care manuals talk about crying. It so naturally accompanies the life of a baby that it is simply impossible to forget about it. However, few places mention how a mother feels when her baby bursts into tears. Let's figure out why a newborn often cries, whether it is necessary to take a crying baby in your arms, how to survive colic and react to crying in older children. A child’s cry: what adults feel. Everywhere you can read that “gradually the mother learns to distinguish sounds...

All the children are crying. And if in large children it is not particularly difficult to find out the reasons for crying, then it is very difficult to understand what exactly is bothering a newborn child. After all, the usual ways of communication for us are still inaccessible to the baby, and he is also unable to cope with his own, even minor, troubles. Therefore, at first he needs your care and attention. In the first months of life, the main reasons for a newborn baby’s crying are related to his most important needs and...

In February 2016, in one of the districts of Moscow, according to a neighbor, a 5-year-old boy was removed from his family. It turned out that the denunciation was written by neighbors living in another entrance. These neighbors weren’t even sure which floor the family lived on. The story of being removed from a prosperous family is here [link-1]. As a result of the police's arrival, the child was seized as a neglected child for “unsanitary conditions” and failure to fulfill parental responsibilities. The mother says that a criminal case is being opened against her. Article...


How to make an extreme neighbor professionally. They found the culprit. She did everything right. It’s better to be silent and not interfere, right? And then everyone is amazed at how the neighbors were silent when children were killed, beaten, put on chains, etc. All the complaints are about the work of guardianship and law enforcement agencies.

Don’t you check the information before you write?

Sleep standards are of great importance in the full development of children. This article will introduce you to the recommended sleep standards for children at different ages. Every living being must sleep. This is the basis for early brain development. Circadian rhythms, or sleep-wake cycles, are regulated by light and dark, and these rhythms take time to develop, resulting in irregular sleep patterns for newborns. Rhythms begin to develop at about six weeks, and from three to six...

The hero of this book - the dragon Gosha - is not at all like his peers: strong, stocky and very pugnacious. At school he has difficulty studying, he is not good at dragon wisdom - Gosha does not like to spit fire and burn notebooks. Drakosha writes poetry and dreams of making friends. His classmates laugh at him, which is why Gaucher’s life is completely sad. Will the dragon be able to gain self-confidence and reveal his talents? Will he be able to overcome shyness and fear and meet the hopes of his dad and mom? Stories about...

All the children are crying. This fact is well known. But nevertheless, when their own newborn baby cries, and even more so the firstborn, many young mothers fall into confusion. What does he want? Eat? Drink? Sleep? Or maybe even follow the advice of a friend and let him “shout out”? We must understand that there is no universal answer to these questions. Every mother will eventually learn to understand her baby and get on the same wavelength with him. Then most of the questions will disappear by themselves. But still some...

♦ Talk to your baby constantly. Remember that in infancy, a child develops auditory perception, he reacts to the voices of adults talking to him. ♦ Try to hold your child in your arms more often. Pet him, kiss him, show him your love. Remember that the basis for a child’s development at this age is constant contact with the mother and other close family members. ♦ Don’t leave your child alone even with the most wonderful toys. Remember, he...

My Shaurakai is 8 years old and is in 2nd grade. Lately she has been crying constantly. Any question or slight reproach addressed to her ends in tears. I'm so worried...


I was like that at that age. Moreover, she herself was embarrassed by this, but the tears flowed.
I think it’s worth contacting an endocrinologist. If everything is normal there, then see a neurologist, if everything is normal there, then see a psychologist.

Has it started long ago? How does she explain it herself? Overtired?

I decided to write these tips as a result of the discussion that unfolded in the comments of the previously published entry “Don’t shout and stay calm” [link-1] Of course, every parent has his own point of view in matters of raising his children, how acceptable it is to yell at a child and what kind of that's the point. But for some reason, after all the comments, I remembered Grigory Oster’s poem “Bad Advice,” and I decided to make my own list of bad advice for parents. Bad advice for parents...

In the first months of a child's life, intestinal colic is the main reason for parents to see a doctor. Approximately 20 to 40% of children by 6 weeks of age cry at night, suffering from intestinal colic, which is manifested by restlessness and crying, twisting of the legs, tension and bloating, which decreases after the passage of stool and gas. Typically, intestinal colic begins in the evening and is more common in boys. To describe intestinal colic in infants, the so-called...

Pain If crying turns into a scream accompanied by an unusual facial expression, then most likely the baby is suffering from abdominal pain. Crying with abdominal pain is characterized by a high-pitched cry of the child. If you notice that your baby has a slightly swollen belly, this indicates a problem associated with intestinal colic, which occurs in the first three months of life. This phenomenon is caused by a reflex increase in intestinal movements (in medicine referred to as peristalsis) due to the entry of large...

For all 9 months, a baby is growing under your heart, surrounded not only by your love and affection, but also by reliable protection from amniotic membranes and amniotic fluid. The amniotic sac forms a sealed reservoir with a sterile environment, thanks to which the baby is protected from infection. Normally, rupture of the membranes and rupture of amniotic fluid occurs before labor (when the cervix is ​​fully dilated) or directly during labor. If the integrity of the bubble was broken before, this...


11. During an examination, can a doctor always confidently diagnose premature rupture of water?
With a massive rupture, making a diagnosis is not difficult. But, unfortunately, in almost half of the cases, doctors even at leading clinics doubt the diagnosis if they rely only on examination data and old research methods.

12. Is it possible to diagnose premature rupture of water using ultrasound?
An ultrasound examination makes it possible to tell whether a woman has oligohydramnios or not. But the cause of oligohydramnios can be not only rupture of the membranes, but also impaired fetal kidney function and other conditions. On the other hand, there are cases when a small rupture of the membranes occurs against the background of polyhydramnios, for example, with kidney pathology in a pregnant woman. Ultrasound is an important method of monitoring the condition of a woman who has had premature rupture of membranes, but does not answer the question of whether the membranes are intact.

13. Is it possible to detect water leakage using litmus paper?
Indeed, there is a method for determining amniotic fluid, based on determining the acidity of the vaginal environment. It is called a nitrazine test or amniotest. Normally, the vaginal environment is acidic, and the amniotic fluid is neutral. Therefore, the entry of amniotic fluid into the vagina leads to the fact that the acidity of the vaginal environment decreases. But, unfortunately, the acidity of the vaginal environment also decreases under other conditions, for example, infection, urine, or sperm. Therefore, unfortunately, a test based on determining the acidity of the vagina gives many both false positive and false negative results.

14. In many antenatal clinics they take a smear on the waters; how accurate is this method for diagnosing premature rupture of waters?
Vaginal discharge containing fetal fluid, when applied to a glass slide and dried, forms a pattern resembling fern leaves (fern phenomenon). Unfortunately, the test also produces many inaccurate results. In addition, in many medical institutions, laboratories are open only during the day and on weekdays.
15. What are the modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes?
Modern methods for diagnosing premature rupture of membranes are based on the determination of specific proteins, which are abundant in amniotic fluid and are not normally found in vaginal discharge and other body fluids. To detect these substances, an antibody system is developed that is applied to the test strip. The principle of operation of such tests is similar to a pregnancy test. The most accurate test is one based on the detection of a protein called placental alpha microglobulin. Commercial name – AmniSure®.

16. What is the accuracy of the Amnishur test?
The accuracy of the Amnishur test is 98.7%.

17. Can a woman perform the Amnishur test on her own?
Yes, unlike all other research methods, performing the Amnishur test does not require examination in mirrors and a woman can perform it at home. Everything you need to perform the test is included in the kit. This is a tampon, which is inserted into the vagina to a depth of 5-7 cm and held there for 1 minute, a test tube with a solvent, in which the tampon is washed for 1 minute and then discarded, and a test strip, which is inserted into the test tube. The result is read after 10 minutes. If the result is positive, as with a pregnancy test, 2 stripes appear. If the result is negative - one strip.

18. What should I do if the test result is positive?
If the test is positive, you must call an ambulance or go to the maternity hospital if the pregnancy is more than 28 weeks and to the gynecological department of the hospital if the pregnancy is less than 28 weeks. The sooner treatment is started, the greater the chance of avoiding complications.

19. What to do if the test is negative?
If the test is negative, you can stay at home, but at your next visit to the doctor, you need to talk about the symptoms that are bothering you.

20. If more than 12 hours have passed since the supposed rupture of the membranes, is it possible to perform a test?
No, if more than 12 hours have passed since the supposed rupture and signs of rupture have stopped, the test may show an incorrect result.

Questions and answers about premature leakage of amniotic fluid

1. How common is premature rupture of membranes?
True premature rupture of membranes occurs in approximately every tenth pregnant woman. However, almost every fourth woman experiences certain symptoms that can be confused with premature rupture of membranes. This includes a physiological increase in vaginal secretion, and slight urinary incontinence in later stages of pregnancy and heavy discharge during genital tract infection.

2. How does premature rupture of membranes manifest?
If a massive rupture of the membranes occurs, it cannot be confused with anything: a large amount of clear, odorless and colorless liquid is immediately released. However, if the tear is small, doctors also call it a subclinical or high lateral tear, then it can be very difficult to make a diagnosis.

3. What is the danger of premature rupture of membranes?
There are 3 types of complications that can result from premature rupture of membranes. The most common and severe complication is the development of an ascending infection, up to neonatal sepsis. In a premature pregnancy, premature rupture of the membranes can lead to premature birth with all the consequences of having a premature baby. With massive rupture of water, mechanical injury to the fetus, prolapse of the umbilical cord, and placental abruption are possible.

4. Who is more likely to experience rupture of membranes?
Risk factors for premature rupture of membranes are infection of the genital organs, overstretching of the membranes as a result of polyhydramnios or multiple pregnancies, abdominal trauma, and incomplete closure of the uterine pharynx. An important risk factor is premature rupture of membranes during a previous pregnancy. However, in almost every 3rd woman, rupture of the membranes occurs in the absence of any significant risk factors.

5. How quickly does labor occur with premature rupture of membranes?
This is largely determined by the duration of pregnancy. In full-term pregnancy, spontaneous labor occurs within 12 hours in half of women and in more than 90% within 48 hours. In case of premature pregnancy, it is possible to maintain pregnancy for a week or longer if infection does not occur.

6. Is it normal for a small amount of amniotic fluid to be released?
Normally, the membranes are sealed and no, even the slightest penetration of amniotic fluid into the vagina occurs. Women often mistake increased vaginal secretion or slight urinary incontinence for leakage of amniotic fluid.

7. Is it true that in case of premature rupture of water, the pregnancy is terminated regardless of the term?
Premature rupture of membranes is indeed a very dangerous complication of pregnancy, but with timely diagnosis, hospitalization and timely treatment, a premature pregnancy can often be prolonged if infection does not occur. In full-term and near-term pregnancies, as a rule, the onset of labor is stimulated. Modern methods of diagnosis and treatment in this case also make it possible to smoothly prepare a woman for childbirth.
8. If premature rupture of the membranes occurs, but the mucous plug does not come off, does it protect against infection?
The mucus plug does protect against infection, but when the membranes rupture, the mucus plug's protection alone is not enough. If treatment is not started within 24 hours of the rupture, serious infectious complications can occur.

9. Is it true that the waters are divided into anterior and posterior and the outpouring of the anterior waters is not dangerous, it often occurs normally?
The amniotic fluid is indeed divided into anterior and posterior, but no matter where the rupture occurs, it is the gateway to infection.

10. What precedes a breakup?
The rupture of the membranes itself occurs painlessly and without any warning signs.

Does it affect children that they have to be woken up early in the morning to take them to a nursery or kindergarten? Children cry, get nervous, parents get irritated, and sometimes yell at them. How does all this affect the child’s nervous system? If you have to wake a child in the morning and he cries when he wakes up, of course, this traumatizes him. Why doesn’t he wake up on his own at the usual time? Maybe the child had a different daily routine and got up later? On those days when the baby goes to a nursery or kindergarten, he must...


I try to take it with me everywhere as much as possible. I never leave secretly. Even if the youngest one cries, I take her in my arms and sit with her and talk. If the time comes for me to leave, I say, I love you very much, but I have to leave. And then I leave decisively. But in fact, most often it’s enough to just hug, sit with them, promise to come as soon as possible (if I’m leaving for a long time, I say that it may seem to you that I’ve been gone for a long time, but I’ll definitely come back) They believe me. Because I don't sneak out. Switching to cartoons is also not bad, just switch to something, tell me what they will do with the nanny without me... By the way, it is very important who stays with them, maybe she doesn’t like this? We only go to grandma's if we want. And we stay as long as we want. But I tell him how his relatives miss him, how they are waiting for him, how sorry and offended they are that he is not going = but I don’t put pressure. In the end, he decides for himself (the youngest doesn’t go yet). But if you NEED to go, then I say that you have to. Also think about what you say to her. Maybe you are saying something that he is afraid that you will leave her? Maybe give negative assessments of her behavior, or something like “I’m tired of you”, “how I would like to rest”, etc. I have seen that children do not let their parents go when, for example, mom and dad have a bad relationship, they are afraid that their parents will separate and Dad or Mom will leave forever because they hear them discussing the possibility of a breakup. Maybe someone has already left her forever? Also an important question. There can be many reasons. It is important to find them and discuss them with her. And then everything can be changed. Good luck.

Laris, how long ago did this start? Maya had such a period, although not for very long, but just when things were not going well at all :) I went to study at a driving school and then my child, who had previously stayed with a nanny from the first day without any problems, began to throw tantrums . Moreover, she was always very reasonable and could be persuaded, but here it’s impossible. She literally tore the sobbing child away from her and ran away. The nanny said that after I left she more or less calmed down, but not completely, i.e. I’m still in a bad mood, I remembered my mother all the time, whined from time to time, but didn’t cry, and that’s okay. This disgrace lasted for about 2-3 weeks, I don’t remember right now, then the nanny went on vacation, my classes ended, and for about three weeks my daughter and I didn’t part at all, because... there was no one to leave. When the nanny returned, the problem was gone, and the child happily stayed with her again. What it was, I didn’t really understand. The only reasonable explanation that comes to my mind is that before that we were visiting relatives for a couple of weeks and Maya didn’t remember me at all, the whole day was with her aunt, then with her uncle, then with her sister. Apparently, upon arriving home, she finally decided to talk to her mother, and then her mother abandoned her :) And, by the way, then similar behavior repeated again after my grandmother came to visit. Maya also didn’t leave her grandmother’s side, her mother was at her side. And after my grandmother left, she suddenly began to cry in the kindergarten, although from the first day she always flew there like a bullet. This also continued for a couple of weeks, then it went away. All these stories happened when she was 2.5 years old, then it didn’t seem like this happened.
Regarding Zhenya, it seems to me that she now has an increased need for her mother due to the birth of her brother. We are just expecting a new baby, and Maya is looking forward to her little sister with great impatience, but I see that she has already begun to demand more attention. What I would try to do, if possible: enroll in all the courses, fitness classes, kindergartens, and best of all, drop my brother off with my grandmother more often and try to communicate with my daughter alone until she is stupefied :) So that she is already tired of her mother and she herself is in the wrong place kicked me out :)
It’s all about the nanny and the contact between her and the child.

We have a nanny 3 days a week

Consider a new nanny. Some can distract the child's attention, while others cannot. I noticed this when I was looking for my first nanny (the child was just 1.5 years old), then when they tried to work with a speech therapist at 2 years old. It was like this with a speech therapist: she gives him a task, but he doesn’t do it. The nanny asks the same thing and does it. He doesn’t sit with the speech therapist without me, but he doesn’t sit with the nanny without me. The second nanny also immediately switched the child’s attention to herself and the mother is not particularly needed.

Why a newborn often cries: 6 reasons. But no one mentions that any kind of crying is ultimately very draining. Of course, mom has enough intelligence and compassion to understand...


You know, when my daughter went to kindergarten, our morning partings were like hell..:) My adenoids began to hurt very often..
Now we don’t go to the garden - where did the sores go???? Not a sniffle!! From this I drew the conclusion that parting with my mother is like a tragedy... especially if I don’t like it in that place without my mother. This is really real stress, the result of which most likely is pain. I think the health and happiness of the child is more important..
You need less stress. And in this case, be more careful when publishing it. It also seems to me that there are children like yours and mine, they may need company differently than those children who happily run to kindergarten or developmental activities. This cannot be ignored. Is your developer really necessary? Is our kindergarten really necessary?

We had this for about 3 years. Before I went to work, she also didn’t let me go anywhere, but when I went to work, she took it quite calmly. For several evenings I tried to persuade her not to go to work, but nothing more.
After I left, my grandmother began to sit with my daughter and at the same time began taking her to a circle. All the children have been going there since autumn and sitting quietly alone. And they started taking Lizka in April - she sits in these classes and doesn’t let her grandmother go anywhere. He doesn’t even look at the teacher - he makes sure that the grandmother doesn’t go anywhere. By May I started to get a little distracted, but without my grandmother I still cried.