Happy Holy Evening and Merry Christmas. Note to Kharkov residents: the best Merry Christmas greetings in poetry and prose

On January 6, Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Eve. It is also called Holy Evening. This is the final day of the forty-day Nativity Fast.

What kind of holiday is this - Holy Evening

The name of the holiday speaks for itself - it is believed that on this day Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem. He was born in a cave and was laid in a manger where they put food for animals. The first to appear to him were the shepherds, to whom an angel appeared and announced the coming of the Savior.

Also, wise men from the east came to Christ with gifts. Showed them the way bright Star. The Magi brought gifts of gold, incense and myrrh. These gifts had special meaning: gold was brought as tribute to the king, incense as to God, and myrrh as to a mortal person, since in those days they anointed the dead with it.

Do's and Don'ts on Christmas Eve

On the night of January 6-7 Orthodox churches Christmas services are held.
Christmas is family celebration, which it is advisable to spend in the circle of your closest people.

On Holy Evening, strict fasting is observed until the first star appears in the sky, which symbolizes Star of Bethlehem, which appeared to the wise men in heaven after the birth of Jesus Christ. Only after this can you start eating.

Lenten are put on the table festive dishes. On Christmas Eve you still cannot eat meat, dairy products and eggs, but the dishes should be tasty and varied. According to legend, there should be 12 dishes on the table.

The meal starts with kutya. This is a sweet porridge made from wheat grains with honey, with the addition of poppy seeds, raisins and nuts.

Clearing the table before Christmas is considered bad luck.

On this day and on Christmas itself, it is customary to go from house to house and sing carols - holiday songs. The owners of the house endow carolers with money or treats.

On Christmas, swearing and quarreling is not allowed. Also, you can not refuse a person to help.

Just like in many Orthodox holidays, on Christmas you cannot do work, in particular, sewing, washing, cleaning, housework, going fishing or hunting. This day should be dedicated only to God.

You can't celebrate Christmas in old clothes. Clothing should be festive and not black.

On the night before Christmas and all the way up to Epiphany on January 19, it was customary for the people to tell fortunes, but the church itself categorically does not approve of fortune telling.

Let's add that after Christmas comes Christmastide - holy days or 12 days during which the holiday is celebrated.

Postcards and congratulations for Christmas Eve

Let Christmas come to your home,
Carrying with you everything that is sacred!
Let there be laughter and joy in him,
From happiness and the soul is rich!

Let the house breathe with comfort
May the angel protect you!
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And we wish you only the best!

Here's Christmas Eve
Pleases with its warmth.
May this evening bestow
Grace and goodness.

Let the candle of hope burn
Let him show the wise men the way,
Let your wishes come true
Let love squeeze your chest.

The night before Christmas is Christmas Eve on the planet.
This holiday has come to us through many centuries.
He brought magic, carols and fortune telling.
I want to wish you that your predictions come true,
So that each of them promises you happiness again.
Well, sadness, like ice, let it break into pieces.

A star twinkles in quiet mystery,
Christmas Eve is coming
So that dreams come true soon,
You make a wish,
May Christmas Eve bring a miracle
For you and for a close friend!

Me on Christmas Eve
I hasten to congratulate you.
Don't live like a hermit crab -
Have fun with your friends.

May you be in a good mood
All sorrows will instantly melt away,
And luck will appear
And luck will not leave you!

On January 6, according to the Julian calendar, a unique two-week period begins in the life of Orthodox Christians - winter holidays. They last for 12 whole days - until the Epiphany of the Lord.

Orthodox Christmastide did not originate empty space. According to many researchers, our ancestors had their own beliefs about these two weeks. These beliefs, combined with Christian tradition, created that explosive mixture of holiness and magic, which we can still see in some places today.

In the old days, Christmastide was divided in a very unique way: the first week was called “holy”, the second – “terrible”. People believed that this was a time of transition - when old year has already ended, and a new one has not yet begun (remember that until the arrival of the Bolsheviks at the beginning of the 20th century New Year in Rus' began on January 13). It was believed that the spirits of the dead came to earth, and not only them - in some places in Rus' there was a belief that God opened the gates of hell so that demons with traits could enjoy Christmas. Young people and elders actively wondered about the future - it was believed that at this time it was easiest to guess.

During Christmas time it was forbidden to work in the evenings. Girls and boys gathered for games, the brightest of which was caroling. They caroled as usual on the night of Christmas, St. Basil's Day and Epiphany. The carolers were allowed to do a lot of things that the rest of the time would have ended in tears: for example, if the owner did not give gifts, the carolers could take the cattle out of the barn or break something.

Interesting tradition Epiphany Christmas Eve, which is now almost nowhere to be found - drive out evil spirits. This included the blessing of water, and in many places, for this purpose, the house and outbuildings were smoked with incense, and livestock was walked around with an ax. In some places this was the task of the boys, which they carried out by striking fences with whips, waving brooms and shouting loudly.

During the holiday season
Twelve days are allotted.
Let them be like a gift
Easy, quite lucky.

From Christmas to Epiphany
Let there be fun nearby
Health, laughter, peace and quiet.
We wish you happiness with all our hearts!

Outside the window there is fun, laughter, carols are heard,
This means only one thing, Christmas time has arrived!
We'll sing and dance and tell our fortunes,
Blizzards and bad weather are no obstacle in this matter!
Friends, I congratulate you on Christmastide,
I wish you happiness, joy, love from the bottom of my heart!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you a merry and kind Christmastide. Let life be gracious, let there be a great desire to share joy and love with loved ones. I sincerely wish you comfort in your home and in your heart, may the front door always be open to happiness and goodness.

Christmas time - from Christmas to Epiphany
The people are celebrating.
After all, a period of joy, having fun
The New Year holiday opens!

Everyone wants to have fun on Christmastide
Relax, discover your destiny.
After all, this is what the belief is for:
What you need to tell fortunes for Christmastide.

Let us tell you without any predictions:
It will be an easy and happy year
And we want to make a wish,
And do your round dance in life!

There is a pleasant, sweet reason -
We all celebrate Christmastide.
In these twelve days
There are so many things to do - hey, hey!
Rejoice, don't be bored,
And also caroling,
Congratulations to everyone in the world,
To guess about your fate.
You will dress up better than everyone else,
Have fun, have fun,
Learn good things from people!

Light the candles and welcome the guests,
Let them amuse themselves with jokes.
You generously treat cheerful travelers -
Their chants work wonders!

Let them sing love and harmony to the family,
They will fill the house with wealth for the whole year.
After all, Christmas time is our reward from nature,
The sun turns from winter to summer!

Happy Christmastide to you
Today I hurry with all my heart,
Wish you happy holidays
And I want carols for you.

Charge with positive
Are you on whole year forward,
Let it be time for good and fairy tales
Laughter and joy will bring

I congratulate you warmly,
I want to live long, forever.
To guess all the wealth,
Everyone knows their fate.

Let life be good
You don't know sadness.
Regrets will all pass
Happiness and joy will find you!

Celebrated Christmas
Christmas time has come
And until the very Epiphany -
Fun awaits us!

Time to sing and dance
It's time to look for your betrothed,
It won't be boring during the holidays
Let's all go caroling!

Have fun, help yourself,
Tell your fortune before the candle,
Throw the shoe through the gate,
If you want to play pranks,

And at the end of the holidays
Gather all your friends
Set fire to a stack of straw,
Celebrate the holidays with honor!

Have a hearty feast
And the gait is unsteady,
It's not a sin to take a walk now,
Let's celebrate the holidays!

Joy and adventure
I want to wish you
Sweets and a lot of money
Carol with a joke.

Let your laughter sound cheerful
Let them sing songs in the house,
May the family be happy
Don't let troubles get you down.

[in prose]

congratulations before christmas

Son from father:
Life gave me you
I am very grateful for this.
I raised you with love,
You agreed with me.
Today is Christmas my son
And I want to tell you:
Be happy, there is only one life -
I wish love to come!

Holiness, light, a triumph is coming:
Snowy Christmas is coming to us.
I wish you pure thoughts
Good deeds, and let them help
Light forces are always and in everything,
May your home only shine with happiness.
So that worries are forgotten,
On the day when such a holiday is on the doorstep.

I'm in a hurry to Merry Christmas
Congratulations on the New Year!
May it be a happy year
May it bring change
But only for the better. Let it go
You will forget what sadness means,
sadness, bad mood.
Love and inspiration to you!

There is a great secret in this day,
In Christmas our faith, hope,
That everything in the world is not accidental,
everything has been thought out before
what we are born into.
But don't think that there is no choice!
Every day and every action -
The choice is ours without any concessions.
I wish you this Christmas
For it to be correct -
Every decision in life is yours!
And more victories and achievements!

This holiday is unusual
Wish personal happiness in life -
This will be too little:
I want it to come
There is a new era in life,
It was like a year ago,
When Christ came into the world
And he took away our sins.
Happy rebirth to you
And good changes!

My congratulations on Christmas!
Today, at our big table
So I want to wish you all
Never be discouraged in life
Health, happiness, every success,
Happy and joyful laughter,
Love each other, enjoy life,
Let it be like this forever and ever!

Christmas is just around the corner
And I hasten to wish you,
To get you on your way
Never encounter trouble.
May all your dreams come true,
So that plans are translated into action,
May your luck never cease
And she swam into your hands!

The Christmas miracle is life,
Love's hour and God's birth,
And a pure halo in the rays of a star,
And the touch of an angel in the night.

May the Lord protect you from adversity,
And generously gives blessings,
The Teachings of Christ Call Forward
For good deeds and accomplishments.

Solemn and wondrous at this sacred hour,
Merry Christmas to you!
Let the people rejoice: “Let us all glorify Christ!”
The first star has already risen into the sky.
May holy love live in your hearts,
The angel inspires and protects the Lord.
The Nativity of Christ enters every home,
We look forward to this Holy Evening every year.

On this day love triumphs on earth,
This is a bright day of forgiveness,
The Magi announce the birth of Christ,
People are in awe of miracles!

May the world become kinder under the sacred star,
Purer thoughts, wiser decisions,
And we will love our neighbor with all our souls,
And the accomplishments will be humane!



There are only a few hours left until Holy Evening and Christmas. I have prepared a selection of the best congratulations in poetry and prose for Kharkov residents.

Congratulations in verse

There is a special charm about Christmas:

In any capital and in any village

Everyone counts (I don’t dare argue),

That this holiday is the best on Earth;

There is no sin in him, there is nothing empty in him...

So let, looking into every house,

Christmas is coming around the world!

And I wish you a Merry Christmas!

A beautiful fairy tale from the Christmas skies

Let your dreams come to you.

I wish you many true miracles,

Warmth, love, spiritual purity.

Let everything be for good, for good,

And let the heart not know sadness.

I wish you luck in everything,

May God protect and welcome people!

It is a holiday today! Christmas!

Let it come to your home

Holy magic!

May troubles pass you by!

Let the angel come to you, flapping his wing,

Will fall on your shoulders!

And warms you with its warmth

On a holy frosty evening!

Today is Christmas

I wish you happiness.

Christ bless you

From any bad weather,

From an evil tongue

From pain and illness,

From a smart enemy

From a petty friend

And God grant you

If it is in His power,

Health, long years,

Love and happiness again!

Let Christmas come to your home,

Carrying with you everything that is sacred!

Let there be laughter and joy in him,

From happiness and the soul is rich!

Let the house breathe with comfort

May the angel protect you!

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And we wish you only the best!

Congratulations on Christmas.

Let a miracle happen in your life,

May joy, inspiration and goodness

They will be able to live in your house.

Let hope, faith, warmth

You are not left for a moment in life,

Let every dream come true,

I sincerely wish you the best!

My dear man!

Merry Christmas!

It won't be harsh

God's grace will flow

In the soul and in the breath,

So as not to know and not meet

Pain and suffering

Have clear days and milestones,

And new discoveries.

My dear man,

Merry Christmas!

May Christmas knock on your door

And the house will be filled with happiness.

And everything you dreamed of

May this day come true!

On a bright Christmas holiday

that brought the good news,

I will say that you are a star!

Don't reject my flattery!

In his congratulations

I can compare you

With a mountain sunny stream -

He can drink water.

Waiting for miracles

Cause I can dream

And what am I talking about

Right on Christmas.

I want to be with you

For a long, long time, many years.

And with your tender love

Protect you from harm.

I sincerely congratulate you

Merry Christmas to all of you!

I sincerely wish you happiness

In this bright hour!

Let the light shine on you

From a starry height

And wishes come true

Plans and dreams.

Let unexpected luck

It will excite the blood.

And of course they mean a lot

Friendship and love

The star of goodness and magic lit up -

Merry Holy Christmas.

May God protect and people help,

Let the starlight in your soul not fade away,

May your home be filled with happiness and wealth.

Love, health, peace! Merry Christmas!

Let Holy holiday Christmas

Gives a feeling of peace

Let good power magic

Will relieve you from misfortunes and grief.

May this day and this year

They will pass in goodness and peace,

Without quarrels, sorrows and adversity,

And it will always be like this from now on!

Forever holy, forever new

Christmas is Christ's day for us.

Many years from year to year

This holiday pours joy,

Praise God, old and young,

He gave us a Savior!

I wish you this holy evening,

So that everything always succeeds!

So that in life your guiding star

Luck always shines!

May God protect you day and night

With your father's kind gaze!

From pure heart warm congratulations

Merry Christmas to you!

My dear man,

Merry Christmas!

May your peace and may your century

It won't be harsh

God's grace will flow

In the soul and in the breath,

So as not to know and not meet

Pain and suffering.

Have clear days and milestones,

And new discoveries!

My dear man,

Merry Christmas!

A wonderful Christmas evening

I want to wish you well

So that a beautiful heavenly angel

Brought you some warmth.

May God protect you throughout life,

So that He will save you from harm,

So that all your secret thoughts

He turned a dream into reality.

After all, the holiday is wonderful and bright,

It is filled with magic.

May everything in life be wonderful

And the house is full!

May Christmas bless

For good deeds

The Lord will reward you with health,

And he will forgive everyone’s misdeeds!

Today is a bright day on the calendar

Its name is Christmas

Therefore, I wish you

So that in your life the rule is good,

And may the Lord help, save,

After all, your faith is true, pure,

WITH wonderful holiday that gives us strength

With a wonderful date - the date of Christmas!

Christmas happy holiday -

He is the beginning of all beginnings.

I want to congratulate you

So that you don't get bored alone.

This day has a bright meaning -

He brings lightness to the soul.

He invites everyone to forget

There are so many worries in life.

On a winter day it sounds bold

Notes of goodness and warmth.

As if he is soul and body

Gives what life has given.

Smile, congratulations

My dear, I want

Merry Christmas! It's simple!

And anyone can do it!

When the snow covers the ground,

And Christmas will come again

Raise a glass to happiness,

For peace, for friendship, for love!

And so that without grief and doubt

May you live many bright days!

Preserve comfort and family peace

And respect from friends!

Merry Christmas to you!

Let joy knock on your home,

Let comfort settle in it,

Well, the problems will go away!

Let faith illuminate your heart,

Love warms you with warmth.

May a miracle come into your life

It will bring happiness with it!

At Christmas, like a miracle,

Magic happens.

Spills everywhere

It knocks on every house!

Were there any problems? Everyone will leave!

Sorrows, sorrows - go there!

Let only joy await you,

May there be happiness in your life!

Congratulations in prose

Merry Christmas! Let this magical holiday will fill your life with light, warmth, joy and prosperity. I wish you peace, kindness, love, family comfort. May your guardian angel protect you from all troubles and adversity!

Christmas is the day our Savior appeared. He gave us faith and showed us the way. And on this magical holiday, I wish you only good things: prosperity, mutual understanding, peace of mind. Never stray from your course, and if there are difficulties, the Christmas star will show you the right path!

On this bright holiday, I want to wish that you are always surrounded by good deeds, prosperity, luck and generous people. Let it be so, happy holiday!

Merry Christmas! May this bright holiday bring grace and peace to the home, kindness and understanding to the family, love and joy to the heart, responsiveness and sincerity to the soul, happiness and luck to life.

Congratulations on the joyful and have a wonderful holiday- Merry Christmas! I want to wish that your heart overflows with happiness, that your friends never betray you, that your family and friends never forget. Life was full of love and peace, success and new achievements.

On Christmas night, it’s dark outside the window, snow is quietly falling in white flakes or a blizzard is sweeping, and the house is warm and cozy, the Christmas tree is twinkling with lights and gifts are waiting in the wings... The clock flows like a honey river magical night, when you can make your deepest wishes and they will certainly come true... On the bright holiday of Christmas, I want to wish the whole family love and joy, good luck, inspiration and health, in a word, everything with which you can become truly happy!

Merry Christmas. And on this bright holiday I would like to wish you to see only good things in the world around you and find all the good in people, give hope to your loved ones and make your dreams come true, sincerely believe and never forget about simple human happiness. I wish you to appreciate everything you have and enjoy every moment of your life.

Merry Christmas! I wish you love, kindness and happiness, good health and all the best. Let all your hopes come true and your cherished dreams come true!

This holiday is distinguished by special kindness, light and warmth. With all my heart I wish you happiness, success, good luck in all your endeavors. Let all wishes will come true, with holiday!

On the bright holiday of Christmas, we wish you goodness and happiness, prosperity and comfort in your home, warmth, mutual understanding and support in the family. May your life be peaceful, calm, happy.

Merry Christmas! And this holiest holiday, I want to wish you peace of mind, success in business, good health and all the best!

Happy Christmas! May all your plans certainly come true on this bright, joyful holiday full of miracles! Let grace reign at home and love in your soul

Happy Merry Christmas! Let faith in the best become even stronger, goodness knows no boundaries, frosts do not bring cold to the soul, and let your head be full of pure thoughts!

On Christmas I want to wish only good things. Prosperity, confidence in tomorrow, the love of loved ones, the care of friends, the attention of colleagues and all the best!

I wish you a wonderful miracle.
Merry Christmas!
May you live in happiness and love.
Let your dreams come true.

Prosperous and beautiful
Magical and happy days.
I wish you generous finances.
Bright blessings and, again, congratulations!

The whole world is filled with magic
The star of love has lit up
Merry Christ, Merry Christmas,
I congratulate you!

Let the house be filled with happiness,
Giving you joy again,
Let them be in it together with faith,
Hope and love!

Merry Christmas!
Good luck, joy, warmth,
I wish you all the blessings of earth,
So that your life is full of love.

I wish you on this bright holiday,
A house full of friends and relatives.
May this day bring happiness,
Filling the hearth with triumph!

Adults don't believe in miracles
They don't believe in magic
And still let them through your doors
Christmas will be a fairy tale.

Let the garland sparkle
Fatigue and sadness will disappear,
And the best will happen to you
Let your dreams come true!

On the sacred day of Christmas
A star is burning in the sky.
We wish you magic in life,
Harmony, warmth, comfort in the house.

May the holiday bring light
Health and love to your home,
Let the shadow of doubt be carried away,
And everything bad will become a dream.

Christmas comes to the house
The world is filled with magic.
May God open all doors,
The main thing is to love and believe.

I wish peace in the house,
Let grief not affect you.
There is goodness, peace in the soul,
A sea of ​​joy and happiness.

Merry Christmas! The holiday has arrived
He illuminated all the people of the Universe with light.
Purity of soul, peace, kindness,
Health and luck, less fuss.

To good angel accompanied you,
He protected me from dashing misfortunes in life.
And love and faith are stronger than granite.
And may the Lord Almighty protect you.

On this beautiful bright day
I wish you light and love
Patience, peace and good luck,
A ray of hope is far away.

May Christmas give you a miracle,
Let dreams come true.
May every day be wonderful
May you be happy.

I wish you endless love,
Sincere smiles always.
And don't be visited
Sadness and sadness never.

Christmas is a wonderful holiday,
He is filled with magic.
May your hopes come true
All dreams are in it today!

May the Lord protect you
May the angels keep you
Let goodness and joy in the house
There will be many years in a row.

Let love fill your hearts,
And all the grievances will go away,
Let there be warmth and happiness,
Together with faith they will come to you!

Across distances and borders
Before Christmas Day
I want to look at my family's faces
And say good words!

I fervently believe that Happy New Year
Something beautiful is coming,
The world will become kinder, the weather will be warmer,
Many miracles will happen!

Happiness will come to you, I know for sure
Let the winter be frosty, the snow deep!
On this bright holiday I wish everyone
Joy, love! God bless you!