What to do to make your wish come true? Simoron rituals. How to make a wish come true: The surest way

A situation in which a man orgasms faster than a woman is not uncommon, so don’t blame yourself for it. Fortunately, most people with rapid ejaculation can learn to delay this moment. Special exercises and certain lifestyle changes will help you bring the situation under control, moreover, there are many special techniques for prolonging sexual intercourse that you can use during sex. You may also find it useful special means and drugs. If your partner ends intercourse too quickly, try to approach this issue as a team. Avoid blaming and let him know that you want to work with him to develop physical and emotional intimacy.


Make Lifestyle Changes

    Relax and cheer yourself up. Anxiety and doubt are the main reasons for deteriorating mood, so try to be optimistic. Approach sex confidently with proper self-respect and positive attitude will be useful for both you and your partner.

    Work on increasing the duration of sexual intercourse through masturbation. Trying to achieve orgasm as quickly as possible during masturbation can train your body to quickly complete sexual intercourse. But if you masturbate several times a week and a couple of hours before sex, it will help you delay the onset of orgasm, especially if during masturbation you try to last as long as possible.

    Start doing muscle exercises pelvic floor. Developing the muscles that control ejaculation will help you last longer during intercourse. To feel the pelvic floor muscles, stop urinating in the middle and additionally tighten the muscles of the anus. To strengthen these muscles, tense them for 3 seconds and then relax for 3 seconds. Perform 5-10 repetitions of this exercise.

    • At the very beginning, it will be easier to perform the exercises in a lying or sitting position, but also try doing them while standing. As your muscles strengthen, try to perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions of the exercise per day.
    • Try to tense only those muscles that are responsible for urination, as well as the anus. Don't tense your buttocks or thighs.
    • While doing the exercises, breathe as usual, try not to hold your breath.
  1. Moderate your alcohol consumption and stop using drugs. Alcohol and other drugs can lead to premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems. Avoid alcohol and drugs before sex and try to reduce your drug use overall.

    If possible, find yourself a regular sexual partner. If you are acting erratically sex life, try to settle down. Being intimate with one person will make you feel more comfortable and confident during sex. And when you are comfortable with your partner, it is easier to discuss with him how you can improve the quality of your sex life.

Special techniques during sex

    Try stimulating your partner first. Give your partner some attention without stimulating yourself or letting her touch you. sensitive areas. This way you can synchronize the level of arousal and bring the time of orgasm closer for both.

    Move more slowly. Taking your time can help you last longer, so prioritize the process rather than the end result. Think of sex as a sensual dance, not a series of fast movements.

    Try new poses. Changing the positions used during sex can slightly redirect your attention and adjust the level of arousal. Additionally, trying new poses can teach your body to step outside of its usual routine.

    Breathe slowly and deeply when you feel your orgasm approaching. By slowing your breathing when you feel an orgasm approaching, you can stop its reflex onset. Take it slow deep breath and stick your stomach out. Hold your breath for 2-3 seconds and then exhale slowly.

    • Continue to breathe slowly until the feeling of near orgasm disappears.
  1. Think about something else for a moment. When you feel your orgasm approaching, try to distract yourself by thinking about something non-sexual, such as work, sports, a TV show, or school. A temporary distraction can help you relax and slow down.

  2. Try taking breaks. The temporary stopping method involves leaving the partner at the moment of feeling close to orgasm. Pause for about 30 seconds and then continue having sex again. Repeat the stop-and-start technique until you are both ready to orgasm.

    • During stops, you can additionally breathe deeply or think about something abstract.
  3. Try the penis squeezing method. To use this technique, you should “withdraw” from your partner when you feel an orgasm approaching. You (or your partner) will then need to gently squeeze the penis where the underside of the head of the penis meets the main part. Squeeze your penis for a few seconds, then wait another 30 seconds before having sex again.

    • Do not squeeze your penis too hard and do not use this method if it causes you pain or discomfort.

Many people wish that their wishes come true in a few days. But why don't they come true? Probably because you guessed them incorrectly, so you need to know - How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true!

How to make a specific wish correctly so that it comes true very quickly?


First of all, learn to correctly formulate your desire. Don't use negations "not". For example, you say “I wish not to know grief,” but it would be worth saying: “I always want to be happy.”

It is also best to say a wish in the present tense, as if it had come true.


Desire must come from pure heart, it must be real, meaningful enough for you. Open your heart and say your wish with all your heart!

The power of thought

Imagine and believe that your wish has already come true. Feel it and inspire yourself with it!


You can write or draw your desire on paper, depict everything in as much detail as possible. It should not be for life, but should have a time frame, that is, its own deadline.

Your wish

The desire must be only yours and should not be directed at any of your friends, relatives or other people. Everything is just for you and no one else.

Spells and prayers for the fulfillment of desires


In the morning, fill a small mug or bowl of water. Leave it until the evening and when you go to bed, read the following plot on the water 3 times:

“The water is clean, the water is from a well. You carry secret power within yourself. You fill what you need with life, but you drown what you need forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my dreams and get what I want. Fill me with strength and revive me, don’t drown my innermost. Not for harm, but for good, not for someone, but for me. Amen".

Then drink 3 sips, wash your hands and face.


Pray to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker that your wish will come true in a short time:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen".

Magic rites and rituals

All ceremonies and rituals must be carried out in full moon, since on a full moon enormous power will emanate from them, and the wish has every chance of coming true very quickly.

For the ceremony you need to have:

  1. Paper.
  2. Medium size plate.
  3. Thin church candle.
  4. Pen.

At midnight, say your wish while looking at the full moon. Then, you need to write it down on a piece of paper, pronouncing all the words clearly and distinctly. Light a church candle with matches and place it on a plate.

Hold the paper over the flame and say your wish until the paper burns completely. You need to make a ball out of ashes and wax, hide it in a regular cloth bag and always keep it with you.

When your wish comes true, these attributes need to be melted and poured into a bowl of water. Then throw the water under the window and thank Higher power for your help.

Your own mascot

You can make your own talisman that will always be in your pocket. Believe that it brings you good luck and success, endow it with magical properties, and your wish will definitely come true.

Remember! You must always be confident in yourself and your abilities. Make only those wishes that have a chance of coming true. Do not make negative wishes that will be aimed at causing harm to others or other people, such wishes can only harm you!

How to make a wish correctly - video

07/11/2016 at 09:15

In the article you will learn:

What needs to be done to make your wish come true

Hi all!

Imagine that before you were born, you were shown your life. The way you make mistakes, love what you shouldn’t love, gain weight and lose patience, suffer and are afraid of losing things, people, health... Would you believe it? “This can’t be true!”- you would say.

  • But this is exactly how our life happens! We live under the weight of experience, the way we were taught and don’t even suspect that what we want can come into our lives most magically , without hard and difficult paths!

Today I will tell you what you need to do to make your wish come true easily and happily (and as quickly as possible)! But first, don’t be lazy and read about how to make a wish list correctly. After all, we are talking about dreams with you, and this is important!


I will share techniques that do not require long and painful straining of your brain and all your strength, making your way through difficulties and obstacles to the goal. On the contrary, you need to be in a state of lazy relaxation, with a smile, with humor, as if playfully creating according to your desire.

This world is called " Simoron" - a system of techniques where you yourself create a world of miracles around yourself. And these are not unfounded statements! More imagination, fantasy, childish faith in miracles and you will plunge into this real life like I once did! From the outside, simorons may seem eccentric. But in fact, being a Simoronite is a lot of positivity and humor!

So, what needs to be done to make your wish come true:

  • Formulate it and write it down. The question may arise: “why? I already know what I want.” Uh, no. When the goal is spoken and fixed, you thus revive it, make you part of the real world, and don’t leave it as a gray background in your head that you chew on every day. And anyway, what questions, this is a world of magic!

    How to phrase: affirmative, indicating time.
    “I want a palace in a day” - it is clear that the Universe will only laugh, but it will fulfill its plans, you will continue to want a palace. And here " I got an apartment in a residential area of ​​my city within a year.”- this is a concrete, real wish that will come true.
    Also We do not use the particle NOT. Instead of " I won't bad mom- “I will be a wonderful mother to my children.” Do you agree, a completely different turn? The more emotions, the better! To find out the rest rules for formulating desires, read this one.

  • The next step you need to take to fulfill your desire is visualize(I highly recommend reading about how to invest energy in visualization). Complete the resulting wording with a suitable picture. Cut it from a magazine or print it from the Internet, but the picture should convey good emotions and demonstrate with yourself that fulfilling your plans will only make things better for everyone!
  • In fun and exciting ways make magic and create miracles!

Simoron rituals

The Simoronians have a lot of rituals, since anyone can create them, the main thing is a spark of enthusiasm. I offer several of the most popular:

Most importantly, do it floating! When you are free from negative thoughts, emotions, you wonderful mood, that you want to sing and laugh, bring only goodness to everyone! If you want, for example, to take away someone else’s husband, then, of course, the Universe will not approve of such intentions, especially since it has already prepared a meeting for you with ideal man


I suggest another cool way to make your plans come true - this create a collage! I combine this technique with the life balance wheel.

I have created these collages throughout my life great amount! And to your health, and to meeting your boyfriend, and to traveling! So, when I write an article on the detailed creation of collages, I will definitely post to you photos of my collages from many years ago :) Here's an example, I was 15 years old when I compiled it: D I wonder if you will find two of my photos?

Step by step:

So, if you feel inspired and ready to create a new reality, then let's get started:

Show the finished collage to your friends and family (only to those who approve. If you think they will have a questionable reaction, then don’t show it), but don’t brag, but share your pleasant emotions. With their love for you, they will contribute to the speedy implementation of your goals.

And finally...

Now imagine a huge space carousel. At that moment I was looking at the sky. And direct the flow of your desire to this carousel, watching how the carousel begins to spin and gain momentum with incredible scale power. Forward! Now your most cherished wish will actually come true!

Tell me, have you made collages of wishes? You like it?
Share your results with me and your friends.
Subscribe to news. I have prepared a lot more interesting things for you!

P.S. And one last thing I give you a huge goldfish to fulfill your wishes. Use it wisely!

Dream and make it come true. With love to you, June.

A protective reflex that allows the body to rid itself of ingested food products, substances of chemical origin, is called vomiting. With its help, the neutralization of toxic substances that cause harm to humans is ensured.

Sometimes the reflex does not work in time, and you have to quickly induce artificial vomiting. If this is not done, the consequences are unpredictable. Toxic substances will spread throughout the body.

With the help of timely emptying of the stomach, the amount of toxic substances is significantly reduced. You can induce vomiting at home. Food is in the stomach different time– depends on the level of digestibility.

It is easy to understand the need to empty the stomach. It is worth emptying in case of overeating, when there are symptoms of poisoning, the person feels severe nausea and cannot eat. If it feels empty, nausea is present, this happens when a foreign body is swallowed.

Food remains in the body from a quarter to four hours. It is impossible to exist, to live normally at this time. Therefore, vomiting is caused in the following cases:

  • Poisoning from food that has expired.
  • Food that has not undergone a sufficient level of heat treatment.
  • Overeating, stopping the digestive system.
  • Overdose, alcohol poisoning.
  • Taking aggressive medications for medical purposes.
  • Ingestion of a non-sharp small foreign body.

When not to call

Inducing a gag reflex is a serious process. You should not empty your stomach for the reasons listed below. Calling for no reason has a negative impact on your stomach and health.

  • For weight loss. Diet freaks extra pounds women will try different methods weight loss. Drop method extra pounds is to call. Artificial urges after eating can lead to anorexia. Vomiting makes you lose weight at first. Losing weight by emptying the stomach leads to exhaustion of the body and impaired functionality digestive system, tooth decay.
  • When swallowing sharp, hard foreign bodies. Common options ingested by people and children include small jewelry, buttons, coins, and small toys. By inducing a gag reflex, a person risks injuring the esophagus. Small parts enter the respiratory system and become stuck.
  • If soap or substances that can foam enter the body. The emptying method is inappropriate. Stomach shocks during vomiting will provoke the appearance of foam, the entry of which into the respiratory organs leads to swelling of the lungs and inflammation.
  • In case of poisoning with acids, alkalis, bleaches. The entry of aggressive components into the body is dangerous. You cannot empty the stomach - the person will suffer additional burns to the oral cavity and esophagus.
  • After contact with petroleum products: solvents, gasoline, kerosene. The listed liquids will leave burns after vomiting. There is a risk of penetration into the respiratory tract.

Home methods

Vomiting is provoked by a special center in the brain. To vomit it is necessary to have an effect on it. There are many methods, including special tablets, traditional methods, special methods.

Two finger method

A common way to induce the urge to vomit is by stimulating the root of the tongue. Performed with two fingers - middle and index. The principle of operation is to put your fingers folded together into your mouth. To get results, try to touch the wall of the larynx. The resulting irritations send an impulse to the head, then to the stomach, to the abdominal muscles, and the diaphragm.

The following instructions will help you correctly provoke vomiting:

  • You need to drink plenty of water (1-1.5 liters of boiled, cooled).
  • Before the procedure, wash your hands and tie your hair.
  • Get up, sit down comfortable position so as not to put pressure on the stomach, over the toilet, basin.
  • Insert two fingers into your mouth to apply pressure to the root of your tongue. The gag reflex can be induced by touching the root of the tongue or the wall of the throat. The action should be performed so that the finger touches the laryngeal wall, the root of the tongue.
  • After the urge occurs, you should remove your fingers.
  • Repeat if necessary.
  • After vomiting, rinse your mouth.

Method using potassium permanganate

The method using potassium permanganate is quite popular. To prepare the solution, you need water and several crystals of the substance. When diluting potassium permanganate, you need to ensure that the crystals are completely dissolved. The prepared liquid will be light pink color. Before use, it is recommended to strain the solution using gauze to prevent undissolved crystals from entering the body. Undissolved permanganate causes a burn in the stomach cavity.

Gradually drink the resulting water and wait for the result. Repeat the procedure if necessary.


Home option Gastric lavage consists of drinking saline liquid. Place 2 tablespoons of salt in a glass of boiled water. Drink and wait for the results. This method is not the best option for frequent repetition. Consuming salt is harmful to the body.

Soda solution

Water and soda are often used to cleanse the stomach. You need to drink at least 3 liters of soda liquid to get results. Depending on age and gender, the amount of fluid decreases or increases. You should put a spoonful of soda per liter of boiled water.

Water with mustard

A spoonful of mustard or seeds diluted in a glass of boiled water is a way to easily induce vomiting in a person. Infuse a spoonful of seeds in a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes.

other methods

To cleanse the stomach, eat a spoonful of toothpaste with a glass of water. You can stimulate the gag reflex with black tea. You need to make it with the addition of milk and salt. Drinking a couple of glasses cleanses the stomach.

Infusion of calamus root - effective remedy with nausea, contributing to the emergence of urges. To increase the likelihood of vomiting, you should drink at least 4 glasses of the resulting liquid.


If using the above options it is not possible to induce vomiting, they come to the rescue medical supplies. The principle of their action is to influence the center in the human brain responsible for, or the stomach.

The first includes hydrochloride with copper and zinc sulfate. Ammonia is prescribed for this purpose. It is better to discuss the dose of the drug used with a specialist to avoid problems.

Drugs that irritate the stomach cavity include Levodopa and Digoxin. The listed medications are available only with a prescription.

Specialists also prescribe Morphine. Its properties are calming nervous system sick. Morphine relieves pain of different nature: physical, psychogenic.

Induce vomiting in a child

There are many reasons why a child has to resort to artificial gastric emptying. The baby learns about the world through the senses. Children need to taste everything - it's dangerous. Especially when it comes to small toys, not hidden away medical supplies.

The child does not fully understand the essence of what is happening, so he needs help. To avoid harm, a parent must know what to do and where to start. Timely assistance will save him from suffering.

Gastric lavage in a child occurs differently than in adults. Their esophagus is shorter than an adult’s, which allows them to complete the task faster.

The reasons for urgently inducing vomiting in children are identical. Provided that the child more than a year, and he is conscious. If your baby is nauseous and shows signs of food poisoning, you should immediately rinse the stomach - eliminating the cause will help get rid of the nausea.

Do rinsing for children under 6 years of age without fingers. To achieve this, methods with plenty of drinking are suitable. Undigested food will come out as liquid.

What to do after the procedure

Artificially induced vomiting is another stress for the body. Recovery normal condition It is worth providing the right way out of this situation. After doing the work to induce a gag reflex, you need to rinse your mouth, but do not brush your teeth for at least half an hour. Stomach acid softens tooth enamel. To avoid its destruction, it is worth waiting time.

After emptying the stomach, it is necessary to restore the water balance by drinking liquid - water, tea. When an appetite arises, eat foods that are easy for the body. Rice, broth, bananas and oatmeal will do.

Perhaps many have wondered why their wishes do not come true. Maybe the whole point is that they guessed them incorrectly? This may seem strange to some, but simply wishing and waiting for fulfillment is not enough, there are certain rules and nuances. Desires are a delicate matter.

Techniques for quickly fulfilling desires


In the morning, take a bowl of water and let it sit until the evening. Before going to bed, read the following plot on the water three times:

“The water is clean, the water is from a well. You carry secret power within yourself. You fill what you need with life, but you drown what you need forever. Give me the strength to fulfill my dreams and get what I want. Fill me with strength and revive me, don’t drown my innermost. Not for harm, but for good, not for someone, but for me. Amen".

Take three sips of water and wash your face and hands with the rest.


To fulfill a wish:

“Wonderworker Nicholas, help me with my mortal desires. Do not be angry at the impudent request, but do not abandon me in vain matters. Whatever I wish for good, fulfill with your mercy. If I want something bad, turn away adversity. May all righteous wishes come true, and may my life be filled with happiness. Thy will be done. Amen".

Magic rites and rituals

Full moon ritual.

Conducted during the full moon, it has special power; the wish comes true quickly and realistically.

To perform the ceremony, you need to prepare:

  1. blank sheet of thick paper
  2. medium sized plate
  3. thin church candle
  4. pen or marker with red ink.

Say your wish at midnight while looking out the window at the full moon. Then write it down on a piece of paper, pronouncing each word clearly. Light a wax church candle using only matches (you cannot use a lighter) and secure it on a plate.

Holding the paper over the flame, whisper your wish until the paper burns. Carefully collect the candle wax and ashes and make a ball out of them. Hide the resulting ritual object in a cloth bag and carry it with you, and before going to bed, warm it between your palms, reminding you of your request.

When your dream comes true, melt the magical attribute and pour it into a container of water, which you then need to throw out under the window.

Do not forget to thank the Higher Powers for the help provided.


To fulfill your wishes, you can listen to them in audio format, and to enhance the effect, you can learn them by heart and chant them yourself. This will help you relax, fill your energy with positive vibrations and bring the realization of all your plans and dreams closer.


Make your own personal talisman that you will always carry with you. Give it magical properties yourself, believe that it brings you good luck and then it will become a great assistant in making your dreams come true.

"Golden minute of the day"

Once a day, a communication channel opens for just one minute between our world and the forces that influence our destiny. During these 60 seconds, you can make your wish and be sure that it will come true.


The golden minute is when the number of the day corresponds to the hour, and the number of the month corresponds to the minute during which fortune favors us. However, there are only 24 hours in a day. Consequently, the counting rules change from the 25th to the 31st: the month number becomes an indicator of hours, and the day number becomes minutes.

Mark these treasured minutes on your calendar and use them to realize your cherished dreams.

How to make a wish correctly so that it comes true quickly and realistically?

The most important thing is to correctly formulate what you want.

There should be no negation in the formulation of desire, that is, the particle “not” cannot be used. For example, you say “I want to never know need,” but it would be worth saying: “I want to always live in abundance.”

Another important rule: the wish must be formulated in the present tense, as if it has already come true. For example, “I am happy that I live in abundance.”


Draw or, as specifically and in all details as possible. After all, a desire is something abstract and unclear as long as it is spinning in your head mixed with other thoughts.

The final result, timing.

Yes, a desire must have a time frame, a deadline for fulfillment, otherwise it has no meaning. Let’s say such a desire as “I want to have my own car” will have the same meaning in 10 years and so on ad infinitum.

The power of thought

You need to imagine that your wish has already come true, in as much detail, detail and emotion as possible. Almost believe it. An element of self-hypnosis will not hurt in such a matter.


The desire must be real, come from the heart, be meaningful to you, and not trivial.

The desire must be yours

Only what you want can come true. The desire should not be dictated by society or parents, because this, in their opinion, will be correct. Don't give in to pressure - make your own choices.

Desire must be directed towards oneself

You cannot make wishes for friends or relatives - such wishes are unlikely to come true. Only for yourself, no matter how selfish it may sound, but these are the rules.

What is an obstacle to fulfilling desires in 1 day?


When a desire has already been formed according to all the rules, you should not get hung up on it. You need to wish, and not wait, counting down days, hours and minutes. Obsessive thoughts, impatience and nervousness only create negativity. “Release” your desire, let it go with a clear mind and light thoughts.

The destructive nature of desire

The desire should not be negative, aimed at causing harm to other people. The Universe will not realize someone’s villainous plans; on the contrary, such a desire can come back to you like a boomerang.

Unfulfilled wish

Of course, you need to dream, but without breaking away from reality. Compare what you want with what you actually have. Make a wish for something that has a chance of coming true. After all, even the most powerful techniques are unlikely to teach you how to fly or give you X-ray vision.

Subconscious rejection

Sometimes it only seems that we sincerely want something. But the mysterious subconscious may have completely different plans. Unconsciously, you may even fear fulfilling your dreams and the changes that will inevitably follow.

Lack of self confidence

Your desire will definitely not come true if you consider yourself unworthy of it.


The universe can give a million opportunities and a sea of ​​​​luck, but what good will these gifts be without your participation? Don't miss your chance while lying on the couch. Start making your desires come true.