Free portrait photo retouching. How to retouch a photo in Photoshop

After reading these instructions on how to Photoshop a face in Adobe Photoshop, even a novice user can complete this task.

All you need is competent and detailed instructions. The retouching methods described in the article will help you retouch a photo no worse than the professionals from glossy magazines.

Remember! At the final stage of retouching, the facial skin should not be too blurred and “plastic”. Apply all effects and techniques in moderation and then the photo will seem natural and of high quality.

Method 1. Working with layers

Stage 1. To start open the photo, which you want to edit in the main program window. Only high-resolution images are suitable for retouching, that is, those that can be greatly enlarged and the texture of the face itself can be seen.

Now you need to start working with layers. Duplicate the layer by pressing Ctrl and J. Then immediately press Ctrl + G. The layer will be copied and placed in a new group. Users must specify names for groups and layers, so will specify them as Airbrush1 and Blur1.

The created Blur1 layer is displayed in the program as follows:

Blur1 is essentially a blurred display of the skin. Next, you need to add another layer, with the help of which the skin and face will again acquire a natural relief appearance. Press Ctrl and J and Ctrl + G again.

Double-click on the previously created Blur1 filter. The layer editing window will open. To perform blur, you must select the “Surface Blur” filter. It allows you to achieve a good degree of blur without blurring the edges of the lips, nose, and eyes. Adjust the slider so that the skin looks smooth, but not too smudged. Work out each fragment of the drawing in detail using the magnification window. Pay special attention to the edges of the lips and eyes.

After finishing editing the layer, save all changes made and close the layers window. As a result, the main image should be very smooth and the skin of the face should be smoothed, as shown in the picture. In this case, the eyes and lips will have a natural appearance, as shown in the figure:

This blurring stage allows you to create a foundation for subsequent work. If you feel like you've leveled the layer too much and the picture looks unnatural, the following steps will give us the opportunity to fix this problem.

Stage 2. Press the Shift+F5 keys at the same time to open the fill window. In earlier versions of the program, the hotkey combination may not work, so open the window using the Edit – Fill menu. Set the window parameters as shown in Figure 4. Click OK to save the changes.

Rice. 4 – changing texture fill parameters

Stage 3. At the third stage of editing, you should add very little extraneous noise. This trick can make your facial skin look more natural and natural. Remember that after working with the filter the image should not be very sharp.

Open the Filter – Noise window. Adjust the slider so that the skin acquires a barely visible relief, as shown in the figure below:

To leave the skin natural and remove unnecessary noise from the rest of the photo, you need to use the Gaussian Blur tool. Select it by going to the Filter – Blur window.

In the window that opens, you need to set the radius of the blur being created and apply the effect. We recommend setting the parameter to “1”. After that, click on the OK button.

Stage 4. Now you need to determine the exact skin color that is used in the blur layer. This can be done using the well-known pipette. This tool is located in the toolbar on the left in the main program window. Select the eyedropper and click it on the area of ​​skin whose color is most natural to you. Then a color palette will be displayed, in which the color you have chosen will be determined. Click on the triangle to open a window with a list of color options. In the list, check the HSB model. Remember the meaning of the HSB fields. This will be very useful in further work.

Stage 5. Now let's adjust the color saturation. To do this, in the main menu of the program, select “Background Saturation” or press the Ctrl and U keys. There should be a checkmark in the Colorized item. Next, set all three parameters to the same values ​​that the HSB model had at the previous stage.

Stage 6. Now find the layers panel. It is always displayed in the main program window. Click on the previously created Airbrush1 layer. Now from the main menu, select the Layer window. In it, click on “Layer Mask” and then click on “Hide All”.

This action allows you to create a new layer mask. It will be completely filled with black. This area is necessary to create areas that will later be used for image retouching.

Stage 7. Press the D button on your keyboard. This allows the program to automatically detect background colors. From the Photoshop toolbar, select Brush. Set the following settings shown in the figure:

The illustration must be enlarged by 100 percent. This will help you see your facial skin as close as possible. Now paint over the skin using a brush. If the tone seems unnatural to you, it’s okay - at the next stage we will even out the color. Use the brush on areas of the skin that require removing unevenness and imperfections. Increase or decrease the brush size depending on the element you are editing.

As a result, those places on the face where you used the brush will be displayed in white on the black texture layer. The skin itself should look very smooth.

Stage 8. Now we need to remove the unnatural appearance of the face, while leaving the skin very smooth and even. Select the layer called Texture and open the settings window for this layer by pressing the Ctrl and U keys.

To reduce the red areas of the face, you can set the Hue (background color) parameter to 10. If there are not a large number of such areas on the skin, it is better to leave the initial value of the parameter.

The next parameter is saturation. Setting it up takes time. By decreasing the value of the parameter, you can even out your skin tone. Adjust the value until you achieve the desired result. Please note that the skin should not be too pale, do not overdo it.

The Lightness parameter also needs to be changed. When adjusting the slider, you can clearly see how the color rendition of the picture changes. Set the value that is optimal in your opinion. The photo should not look too bright, achieve a “daylight” effect.

Stage 9. At this stage, the leather still feels fake and a little plasticky. This unpleasant effect can be removed by restoring individual parts of the skin. In the main menu of the program, click on Tools. Then select External Image Channel. Now a window will appear in which you need to set the settings shown in the figure below:

As you can see in the figure, a red channel has been added to the parameters. This allows the skin to look more natural. You can also experiment with the color channels, choosing the one that suits you best. The skin display in all three color channels looks like this.

The final result of the work. The final face image is shown in the figure:

As you can see, the result was very successful. This technique of using an airbrush allows you to achieve very smooth skin and disguise even its most obvious imperfections. To see the work done, zoom in on your photo, focusing on the texture of the skin. As you can see in the picture, the skin in our picture takes on certain features of porosity. At the same time, it is very smooth and has a healthy shade:

This technique is universal. All the tools necessary for work are available in any version of Photoshop. You can apply effects to any photo. To achieve the best result, it is recommended to use images in which the face is shown in close-up.

Method 2. Remove acne and wrinkles

In the previous method, we showed how to even out the tone and complexion using fairly good skin as an example. If you have visible imperfections that you would like to remove and leave your complexion with its original color, use this method. It is very fast and can be used even in photographs where the face is not shown in close-up.

Open the photo in the program and immediately create a duplicate layer. You can do this in the layers window. Right-click on the “background” element and in the pop-up list, click on “Create a duplicate layer.”

Increase the display scale of the photo in the program. This will allow you to see and remove even the smallest skin imperfections. Use the Zoom tool:

Now select the healing brush at the top of the toolbox. Edit its diameter and hardness. We recommend setting these parameters as 20 pixels and 50 percent, respectively. This level of hardness allows you to paint over imperfections in such a way that brush marks will not be visible later.

Rice. 20 – final result of retouching using the healing brush

After applying the healing brush, you can adjust the color tone of the image using the Color window. Adjust the brightness and contrast settings to your liking.

How to make your facial skin perfect, tint your lips, add blush, make your eyes shine? Makeup in Photoshop.

In this tutorial you will learn how you can completely change a girl's face using simple Photoshop techniques. Try to create the perfect female portrait. The face will look a little unnatural, something between a plastic girl, a cartoon character or a picture from a glamor magazine.

For the job you will need a suitable image.

First of all, let's remove the girl's hair. To do this, use the Clone Stamp Tool.

Settings for the stamp tool:

Select the stamp tool, hold down the Alt key, click on the girl's hat, release Alt and paint the hair with the stamp.

Remove the scarf in the same way.

To darken a strand of hair, use the Burn Tool.

Here are the settings for the Burn Tool.

To lighten the whites of the eyes, you can use the Spot Healing Brush Tool. This will make your eyes brighter.

Duplicate the base layer

In the duplicate layer, carefully remove the following parts of the photo with an eraser.

Use the Spot Healing Brush Tool to remove spots on the girl's face. (In this image they are almost invisible, but in real photographs there are always a lot of small dots - pimples, freckles. The skin of the face needs to be cleared of such errors.)

To the duplicate layer, apply the filter Filter (Filter)> Blur (Blur)> Gaussian Blur (Gaussian Blur)

Filter settings:

Change the transparency of this layer to 79% - Opacity (Opacity) in the layers panel.

It should look something like this if you turn off the main layer

In the upper part of the blurred duplicate layer, clean up the blurred hairs a little with the Eraser Tool.

To make your eyes brighter and more expressive, darken the pupils and edges of the iris with the Burn tool.

And lighten the middle of the iris with the Dodge Tool (Clarifier) ​​with the following settings:

You can use the Burn tool to highlight your eyebrows; in the tool settings, select a diameter commensurate with the width of your eyebrows so as not to affect your facial skin.


The girl we work with is very nice, but her lips could be done better. To do this, use another photography.

Select the lip area with any selection tool (approximately possible) and paste it into a new layer of the main document. Remove all excess from this layer with a hard rubber band, leaving only the lips.

Their shape can be changed. To change the shape of the lips, go to Edit > Transform > Warp on the lips layer and make the following changes:

Using the Spot Healing Brush Tool, you can remove minor imperfections.

To “touch up” the lips, create a new layer above the lips layer, select the color #f307b3 and use a brush to carefully paint over the lip area.

For this layer, in the layers panel, set the blending mode to Linear Burn. Using a soft eraser with an Opacity of about 50%, adjust the color fill in the corners of the lips.

To make your eyes brighter, create highlights in your eyes.

Set the foreground color to white. Using the Rectangle Tool, draw 4 rectangles.

Select all 4 rectangle layers and merge them (CTRL+E). Apply to this layer Edit (Editing)> Transform (Transformation)> Distort (Distort) to get such a shape.

Press CTRL+T and change the size and position of the shape as in the picture.

Reduce the Opacity of the layer to 78%. Duplicate this layer and move the highlight to the other eye.

To add a little blush to the cheeks, create a new layer. Select a soft, large brush with a diameter of 150-200px, Opacity – 11%, set the color to #e4431e and make a few strokes on the cheeks. You can choose a different color.

Now you can draw the eyelashes.

Create a new layer. Take the Brush tool (Brush) size 1px and draw eyelashes above the right eye. Then duplicate this layer, flip it horizontally (Edit > Transform > Flip horizontally) and drag the eyelashes onto the left eye.

Also draw thicker lower eyelashes.

(If you are having trouble drawing eyelashes, watch the lesson using ready-made brushes or. This will make your work much easier)

Finally, use the Dodge Tool to highlight the fur on the hat.

With this lesson you can learn how to change your photos, create a glamorous image, and make your face perfect.

Beauty and youth are always attractive, but Photoshop sometimes emphasizes it and makes the portrait stylish. And “beauty secrets” will help eliminate appearance flaws.

A very useful and effective technique for processing photographs, it is not complicated and quite fast and everyone should know it! This lesson will be useful for those who often deal with photo processing, and for those who want to learn how to create beautiful effects in Photoshop. The author here considers a large number of manipulations with layers; it should be noted that we will use a large number of layers, so in order to repeat everything later in practice, you need to have a fairly powerful computer at home. Of course, you can reduce the size of the photo, thereby reducing the load.

Here is a picture that has been half changed:

Before starting this lesson, the author decided to show us how we will arrange layers to correct the skin in a photograph. It should be noted that this scheme can be considered successful, because thanks to it you can not only quickly find the necessary layers, you can also change their effect on the photograph. Below are all the layers. Now it’s the turn to give the names of these layers in Russian. Let's go through the order of a retouching layer, an adjustment layer, light correction, make-up, various “overwriting” of freckles, and at the very bottom is the original layer.

Step 1

We'll start by duplicating the original layer, then use the Clone Stamp Tool (S) and the Healing Brush (J). Next, using these tools, remove all spots, pimples and freckles from the skin (of course, if there are any in the picture), etc. For work you need to use only a soft brush, as with its help you can get a better result. If you come across large areas, then you can use a brush with a larger diameter, but it should still be soft.

Step 2

It's best if you duplicate the layer right now. Now it is necessary to give the skin of the face a so-called plastic effect, thanks to this the model can be safely printed on the main page of the magazine. But it's best to start working with the area around the eyes and eyebrows. Open the Warp Tool or filter Shift + Ctrl + X. Now enlarge the area around the eye just a little bit using these tools in the filter.

Step 3

Now let's start adding contrast and adjusting the light in the photo. To do this, we will use one interesting Angel Face technique. Duplicate the layer again, then apply a Gaussian blur to it Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur with a blur value of about 8-10px. Then change the blending mode to "Soft Light" or Soft Light in the Russian version of Photoshop. We don't want this effect to affect the entire photo, so we'll use a mask. Create a layer mask and paint it as shown in the picture. The author used a large soft brush for the mask, sometimes reaping the transparency.

Step 4

Now you need to focus on the process of correction and drawing. To do this, you first need to use a brush that has a low density (about 20%). The color is selected on the area of ​​the skin that will be correctable in the future. Also, after you have chosen the brush size, set exactly the same size on the Eyedropper Tool (I), for example, the author took 51 by 51 pixels. Next, start experimenting with correction, be sure to look at the author’s results to understand the full meaning of the lesson.

The changes are very noticeable, especially in the areas around the nose, try to do the same.

Step 5

After we have corrected the skin, let's do the eyes. Basically, we will repeat here what we did in the previous step, only now take the color more carefully. Now make a selection around the eyes, then go to Layer > New > Layer via Copy to duplicate the area onto a new layer so we can work with it. On a new layer, use the Dodge Tool with these settings to highlight the eyes a little.

Step 6

This is the final step before we start applying adjustment layers. Follow these three points very carefully.

1. Use a brush with a low opacity of about 20% to apply eye makeup. You don’t have to try so hard with this step, we’ll still correct everything in the last steps with adjustment layers.

2. Now repeat the technique we used in Step 4, only this time in the areas around the eyes themselves.

3. Now let's adjust the white part of the eye. There are many ways, but the author chose the best and at the same time simplest. Create a new layer, select a white brush with soft edges. And now carefully whiten your eyes, just don’t overdo it.

Step 7

Create two new adjustment layers:

These are the layer settings Levels and Curves or Levels and Curves.

When you mention retouching, people often think of the impossibly flawless high fashion models and cover girls they see in magazines. In photographs of this kind there is no need to achieve realism. Instead, photographers try to create the possible out of the impossible. Flawless skin is acceptable, but at the same time it should not look like plastic. Often the task is to create and apply a similar effect to a person who is not even close to the ideal. You must know how to completely restore your skin if the task calls for you to do so. Of course, today nothing is impossible.
In this example, we will be working with a photo of this attractive woman in her fifties.

It's no wonder that in our youth-obsessed culture, photographers are asked to erase the faces of various writers, musicians, actors and actresses by three decades. Because movies and television are still low resolution, people often have trouble figuring out how old their favorite idols are. I'm not going to expose anyone here, so we'll just completely reconstruct this woman's skin.


Step 1. As usual we start by creating a new layer. In this case, we will duplicate the background image by dragging it onto the icon creating a new layer (createnewlayer) in the layers palette. Our goal is to blur this copy as a basis for the new skin, so let's rename the layer (double-click on the copy layer name) and call it Surface Blur.

Select Filter - Blur - Surface Blur (Filter- Blur- Surface Blur).

Filter Surface blur (Surfaceblur) appears in Photoshop CS2, it is especially often used in such operations. This blur preserves the blending edges, but at the same time controls the creation of a very smooth blur. Slider Radius (Radius) controls the intensity of the blur, and the slider Threshold (Threshold) Sets how sharp the image should remain. Unlike other blur filters, high setting Threshold (Threshold) gives a greater blur effect. You need to adjust the sliders to smooth out absolutely all wrinkles and skin texture, leaving the main elements unaffected.

Note: CS version users can use the filter Median (Median) (Filter - Noise - Median (Filter - Noise - Median). This filter only has one slider, but you can get a similar result, although not as good a smoothing effect.

Step 2. We need to hide this blurry layer layer mask (layermask). Press and hold the Option/Alt key and click on the icon Layer Mask (Layermask) at the bottom of the Layers palette.

This action will create a black layer mask and hide the blurred layer, revealing the original image.
Now just paint over layer mask (layermask) white to cover the areas of skin you want to smooth.

The area you are working on may be barely visible if you paint over everything. You can turn off the visibility of the background layer to see if there are any gaps left. To do this, click on the eye icon next to the background layer thumbnail in the layers palette.

Carefully avoid those areas that need to be preserved when painting over “bad” skin - eyes, lips, etc. At this point you should have something similar to the image below:

Step 3. The skin will be smoother, but colors and tones may appear patchy. To fix this, create a new layer, but to do this, hold down the Option/Alt key and click on the create icon new layer (newlayer), to bring up the options dialog new layer (newlayer).

Note translator: If, after completing the manipulations, a window does not open for you, like the author, try going the following way: Layer - New - Layer ( Layer - New - Layer )

Check the box next to Use Previous Layer To Create Clipping Mask.

This will allow the previous layer's mask to control the new layer being painted.
Take a large soft brush and sample the colors from the blurred skin (Option/Alt + click to turn the cursor into Pipette (eyedropper) and take a color sample) and paint with a very low opacity (opacity), to gradually smooth out the colors and tones.

At this point, you want to restore some hints of your original skin. Select the blurred layer by clicking on its thumbnail in the layers palette. Move the slider opacity (opacity) slightly to the left to reveal the old skin.

Step 4. Now we need to create Dodge and Burn layers and lighten any unattractive wrinkles on the left. Option/Alt + click on the creation icon new layer (newlayer) at the bottom of the Layers palette. This action will open the creation dialog box new layer (newlayer).

Note translator: if, after completing the manipulations, a window does not open for you, like the author, try going the following way: Layer - New - Layer ( Layer - New - Layer ) , the required window should now open in front of you.

Change mode (mode) on Soft light (SoftLight), and then mark Fill with a neutral color in the “Soft Light” mode (Fill With Soft-Light-Neutral Color). This action will fill the new layer with 50% gray. You must save the mask you created for the blurred layer. Use the tool Clarifier (Dodge) to lighten wrinkles. In the picture you can see what the lightening layer will look like if you change the mode from soft light (SoftLight) on Normal/Normal (Normal).

In this case, the woman's skin showed up being very smoothed out with just a little bit of the texture of the original skin. To protect the image from the plastic effect, you need to add even more texture to the skin. I experimented with all sorts of different approaches. Although I'm not entirely happy with the technique being presented, it has worked well for me so far in simulating skin texture. I will continue to experiment until I find the best texture.

Step 5. So again create a new gray layer overlap (overlay). Option/Alt + click on the creation icon new layer (newlayer) at the bottom of the Layers palette to open the New Layer dialog box. Check the box next to Use Previous Layer To Create Clipping Mask, select Overlap (Overlay) from the dropdown menu modes (mode) and mark Fill with a neutral color in the Overlay mode (Fill WithOverlay-Neutral Color)(50% gray).

The layers palette should look like the image below:

The last three layers have been adjusted opacity (opacity) And masklayer (layermask) blur layer. To get a clearer idea of ​​how the Texture layer will affect some things, temporarily increase opacity (opacity) blurred layer to 100%. You won't see the original texture, but you will see the texture you are about to create. You will also see lightened lines where wrinkles were lightened; you can temporarily turn off the visibility of this layer if you find it distracting.

Step 6. Select the Texture layer in Overlay mode and go to the filter Noise (Noise) (Filter - Noise - Add Noise (Filter - Noise - addnoise). Check the boxes Uniform (uniform) And Monochrome (Monochromatic) and add enough noise to make the image look like a 3D movie frame.

The ideal value for this filter depends on the file size and resolution. Essentially, there are no hard and fast rules that apply to all images. Use your own discretion and sometimes do a test print to evaluate subtle effects such as noise.
Many photographers would opt for this effect, but the noise is too harsh for our purposes. With the Texture layer selected and set to Overlay mode, go to the filter Blur (Blur) (Filter - Blur - Gaussian Blur (Filter - Blur - GaussianBlur)), use just a little blur to soften noisy edges without completely smoothing them out.

Step 7 Sometimes this is enough to do what you want, but usually I create a more complex set of textures to simulate real leather. So go to filter Embossing (Emboss) (Filter - Stylize - Emboss (Filter - Stylize - Emboss)).

The texture still looks unattractive, so it needs to be toned down a bit. You can convert any filter correctly after using the command Let loose (Fade). Go to menu Editing (Edit) (immediately after applying the filter) and select Editing - Loosen embossing (Edit - FadeEmboss).

Go back to the blurred layer and make it smaller opacity (opacity) up to approximately 70%. You should end up with something similar to the image below:

Let's compare it with skin that has not been retouched.

Step 8 For the final retouched work, I brightened the eyes, applied a light eyeshadow, and darkened the edges a bit.

Since the entire retouching process was done on layers controlled by the blur layer, you can reduce it a bit if you wish opacity (opacity), to get a more realistic rendering.

Do you know where most modern girls get their insecurities about their beauty? That's right, from the Internet and women's magazines. And all because the portraits of the models posted there underwent facial retouching in Photoshop. This is how “written beauty” turns out!

What is retouching?

Of course, more than one professional will have to work on retouching this girl. But hiding facial imperfections in a photo of an ordinary person is not so difficult. We'll deal with this a little later. Now let’s figure out what retouching is.

Retouching means changing the original image using the tools of a graphic editor (in our case). Most often, retouching photographs in Photoshop is done to hide minor flaws in a person’s face and figure. Or to realize the artist’s creative idea. This adjustment is called portrait retouching.

The scope of portrait retouching has a wide range. It is used by:

  • Professional photographers;
  • Designers;
  • Artists;
  • Ordinary people.

But most men all over the Earth are sure that women invented retouching to appear more beautiful and slimmer. That is, to hide your shortcomings.

If you don't agree, go online. There you will see that most of the female portraits have been retouched.

How to retouch a face in Photoshop

The girl has a beautiful oval face, eyes and lips. But due to the high resolution of the camera, all the pores of the skin and its excessive shine become visible. We will try to remove all these shortcomings using Photoshop.

First, let's start adjusting the color saturation of the photo. We do it this way:

  • Open the image in a graphics editor;
  • In the main menu, select “Image”;
  • In the list we find the element “Adjustments" and through it go to the item " Hue/Saturation».

In the Hue Saturation dialog box that appears, three options are available for adjustment. We are only interested in two of them ( saturation and brightness). It’s better not to touch the “tone”.

As you can see, the sliders of all parameters are set to zero in the middle. That is, the settings of the original are taken as the starting point. Before retouching a portrait in Photoshop, to give the face a healthier color, you can slightly move the saturation slider to the positive side and make the brightness lower:

Now let's take on the facial correction procedure. To remove small wrinkles and clearly visible skin pores, use the “Blur” tool. Procedure:

  • On the side toolbar (on the left), use the cursor to activate the tool we need:

  • On the top panel we set the hardness of the brush and its diameter in the range of 15-30. Or just set all the parameters as shown in the picture:

  • Then, using brush movements, we correct the skin of the girl’s face. This is what it should look like in the end:

As you can see, all pores and fine wrinkles have almost completely smoothed out.

But not all parts of the face need to be smoothed. Some of them, on the contrary, need to be emphasized against the background of the main blur. That is, make it a little sharper. These parts of the face include:

  • Eyes;
  • Eyelashes;
  • Lips;
  • Brows.

To correct them, we will use the “Sharpening” tool. It's located next to the previous tool in the sidebar.

In order not to miss, you should do more of each of the corrected areas. Therefore, we increase the overall display scale of our image.

This tool, even at zero level of rigidity, has a high operating force. Therefore, for subsequent retouching in Photoshop, set all parameters as shown in the picture. You should not frequently use the “Sharpening” tool over the same area of ​​the image, otherwise you will have to cancel all actions through history and start all over again:

As a result of processing, the girl in the photo acquired silky skin, sparkle in her eyes and defined lips:

Fighting acne and freckles in Photoshop

But this is not all the possibilities of how you can retouch your face in Photoshop. Here is one wonderful remedy with which you can rid your face of freckles and pimples. To demonstrate it, let's take a photo of another girl. This is what the source looks like:

Most likely, the girl would want to get rid of her freckles in the portrait. This is what we will do. We will use the Healing Brush tool. It has a point action. Its operating principle is based on the fact that a certain area of ​​​​skin (intact) is taken as a standard. It is then used to remove the problem area.


  • On the toolbar, select the “Healing Brush” tool:

  • Set all brush settings as shown in the picture:

  • Hold down the “ALT” button and click the left mouse button to set the reference area;
  • By clicking the mouse, we go through all the problem areas.

When working with the Healing Mouse tool, try not to expose the curves of your face, the contours of your eyes, lips, or nose. If you accidentally touched these areas, use the “Historical Brush” tool to restore them.

This is what the face looks like in the photograph after “treatment” with a brush:

In addition to these tools, you can use the Dodge and burn kit to remove skin defects. It includes tools:

  • "Lightening";
  • "Darkening";
  • "Sponge".

For example, in the following image, partial removal of freckles from the face is achieved by lightening the skin tone:

Painting lips in Photoshop

This is not the end of Photoshop's ability to apply makeup. Let's look at an example in which we apply lipstick. Here they are:

The procedure for performing “painting” work:

  • Open the image in a graphics editor;
  • Make the main layer of the drawing open for editing. To do this, double-click on it in the layers panel:

  • Then create a copy of the main image layer. In the same panel, by right-clicking on an element, we call up the context menu. In it, select the item “ Duplicate layer»:

  • Now we have two elements displayed in the panel. To work, we need a copy layer. Therefore, we activate it with a mouse click;
  • The next step is to paint the lips using a regular brush. It is available on the toolbar. And all its settings are similar to those described above. We choose the lipstick color ourselves. It turns out something like this:

  • Before we retouch the lips completely, we need to set the transparency of the applied paint. This can be done in the layers panel by moving the “Fill" slider: