Beautiful and light makeup for blue eyes - Emphasize the depth of your eyes. Daytime makeup for blue eyes (50 photos) - Trends, step-by-step instructions

Makeup for blue eyes opens up wide possibilities for a blue-eyed beauty: with the help of correctly selected shades, you can slightly change the color of the iris, you can try on the most extravagant images and perform unexpected experiments. But let's talk about all this in order.

Features of makeup: 5 main rules

For blue and gray-blue eyes, there are a number of tips, following which promises to create a successful and harmonious make-up:

  • for a clear blue and grayish iris, warm shades are allowed: golden and peach, coffee and chocolate, golden bronze and wheat-honey. Such pigments are especially fascinating when combined with tanned skin. Fair-skinned fashionistas should take a closer look at powdery, milky, lilac and reddish-chocolate ones;
  • If you want to choose a blue color scheme, first make sure that the selected numbers do not match the native shade of your eyes. It’s better to focus on a bright contrast, using ultramarine or cobalt paints with light blue eyes. Avoid dull and gloomy colors that make you look tired;
  • replace the charcoal pencil with a gray, coffee or deep blue - and your look will become brighter;
  • For daytime make-up, lavender and purple undertones are suitable, and for evening make-up, take a closer look at plum;
  • in everyday looks, use a soft, neutral palette: light brown, terracotta, pink. At the same time, fine shimmer is welcome, which will attract even more attention.

In general, the chosen palette entirely depends on the natural color of the iris. Here I would also like to highlight a few recommendations:

  • an iris with violet notes suggests the use of bright decorative cosmetics;
  • a fascinating make-up for eyes of medium intensity can be achieved if you apply light shadows to the entire surface of the eyelids, and shade the outer corners with dark ones;
  • light blue ones are particularly bright and have an unimaginable shine. Here you will need muted pastel colors, as saturated ones will give the look a tired look. Neat arrows will help add some flair;
  • gray-blue ones are like chameleons, changing their undertone depending on the chosen attire, so in this case we follow the above rules.

Easy make-up: how to avoid mistakes

A situation often occurs, especially among novice makeup artists, when you do everything seemingly correctly, step by step, without skipping the steps in the instructions, but it still turns out not as beautiful as on the page of a glossy magazine.

This happens if you don’t delve into the essence of choosing shades and blindly follow the instructions, missing something really important. The following makeup secrets for blue-eyed girls will lift the veil:

  • dark colors are applied on top of light ones, but in no case vice versa;
  • it is quite possible to hide the signs of fatigue on your face; for this you do not have to torture yourself with cold washing and waste time on express masks. It is enough to apply silver undertones to the inner corner. Light blue and white will also work for this;
  • If you want to add contrast using black eyeliner, draw a neat arrow, and after it dries, draw a thin silver line on top with a soft pencil. This way the arrow will visually shrink, become more elegant and attractive;
  • For blue-eyed people, the use of purple on the lower eyelid is contraindicated. This will give the impression that you have black eyes;
  • A blue liner along the line between the eyelashes in combination with bluish mascara can add expressiveness to the look, but this option is applicable exclusively in evening and festive looks.

Advice! It's better to have too little than too much, especially in daytime looks. Don't try to use all the products in your makeup bag. Moreover, naturalness is in trend this season, so we lean on nude naturalness and transparent lip balms.

Daytime make-up: features and selection of color palette, creating a wonderful image step by step

You need to give your gaze greater insight in everyday life in such a way as to emphasize your advantages, hide existing defects in appearance, and so that others do not notice anything. Choose calm, low-contrast colors, avoid a lot of mascara, and instead of a black pencil or liner, take a grayish or muted brown. To preserve a natural look, use peach, coral, light green and desaturated bluish undertones, which are carefully shaded.

Daytime look. Step 5-8

In other words, the shade of cosmetic products should replicate the natural color of the skin as much as possible. Don’t forget to even out your face tone with a foundation and camouflage problem areas. Finally, we select a nude lipstick and that’s it – the daytime beauty look is complete.

The procedure for applying morning makeup will not take much time if you follow the instructions we suggested:

  • wash your face and apply a cream base to your face;
  • use foundation to disguise existing imperfections;
  • Apply light halftones to the fixed part of the eyelid;
  • shade the corner with dark;
  • carefully shade the borders;
  • Cover the brow area with delicate beige-milky shadows with a golden sheen;
  • Shade the inner corner with pearly white;
  • highlight the crease on the eyelid with shining lilac;
  • distribute the matte gray pigment over the entire surface of the moving eyelid, draw a thin stroke along the eyelash growth line with the same color;
  • Cover your eyelashes with dark gray or brown mascara.

Advice! Be careful when using brown undertones. It is believed that they are not suitable for gray eyes and make the eyes look tired and dull. However, a skillfully selected range and carefully designed transitions can protect against this. If you have a cool color type, opt for cool shades, and if you have dark skin, opt for shades with a golden tint.

Evening look

In these options you can afford more: more saturated shadows, catchy arrows, contrasting combinations. Under artificial lighting, dull tones are lost, so the eyes need additional highlighting. Variations of retro-style smokey eyes are also great for social occasions.

  • Plum, bronze, purple and olive colors will add drama. Also take a closer look at pearlescent, deep blue, turquoise and sea green colors;
  • In a formal make-up, false eyelashes, sparkles, and rhinestones are allowed;
  • To create a seductive smoky eye, use a light shade with a pearlescent sheen to apply on the inner corner, slightly richer undertones for most of the eyelid, and the darkest to highlight the outer corners and lash line. Do not forget to carefully shade the places where the colors blend into each other;
  • It wouldn’t hurt to paint your eyelashes with charcoal mascara in two layers.

Advice! To prevent makeup from falling off earlier than required, apply a special base to your face. It increases the adhesion of decorative beauty products to the skin and significantly prolongs the original appearance of a skillfully created creation.

The subtleties of creating a wedding makeup

On the eve of the wedding, a lot of worries fall on the shoulders of a young couple. In addition to the daily details, the bride needs to carefully think through her hair and makeup, because photographs and videos from the wedding ceremony will decorate family life for many years in a row.

Cosmetics must be of high quality; dubious products can fail at the most inopportune moment.

Advice! It is better to prepare your skin for an important event in advance. A few months before the celebration, make an appointment with a cosmetologist and listen carefully to his recommendations. If necessary, take a course of vitamins, regularly apply nourishing masks, and do not forget about day and night creams.

To ensure that the shadows lie in an even layer and do not crumble, cover the eyelid with a matte concealer. For fair-haired beauties, representatives of the orange palette will help highlight the radiance of their eyes: sand, brick, honey and copper undertones.

Brunettes should look towards pale pink, turquoise, pearl silver and lilac colors. Luxurious dark curls and clear blue eyes are a rare but effective combination; it is already a strong accent.

And ashy tints of hair suggest the use of more contrasting colors. A good solution would be to focus on wine, chocolate and bronze undertones. Contour eyeliners can also be quite bright.

Secrets of charming prom makeup

An equally important day in the life of every young girl is her graduation - the moment of saying goodbye to school and entering the realities of adult everyday life. Caring mothers help choose a dress and hairstyle, after which thoughts begin regarding makeup.

Prom makeup should not be too rich; there is no need to hide all the charm of youth with thick colors. At the same time, translucent motifs will not be able to emphasize the depth of the rich blue color of the eyes. It is important to find a middle ground: not to overdo it, but at the same time achieve the desired effect. The selection of the shadow palette should be made in accordance with the color of the hair and skin.

Correction of the oval face for beauties 16-18 years old is not carried out using blush and contrasting samples of foundation. The best choice would be a highlighter; its neutral-colored base contains reflective microparticles, which add shine to the protruding parts of the face. They should cover glare areas:

  • bridge of the nose;
  • cheekbones;
  • chin;
  • brow ridges;
  • central part of the forehead;
  • area above the upper lip.

Blend the highlighter away from the center.

Advice! You should not cover the tip of your nose with highlighter; it will visually become longer. And with wide-set eyes, avoid shine in the inner corners.

Light or dark makeup

To sum up, we offer a few pieces of wisdom that were not mentioned earlier:

  • In both daytime and evening make-up there is a rule of “three shades”. According to it, light colors are applied to the inner corner, shadows of medium saturation are applied to the central part, and the outer corner stands out as the darkest;
  • for work and a daytime walk, use pastel, barely noticeable colors, in the evening the gamma tends towards more saturated ones;
  • Every woman should have a palette of neutral nude tones in her arsenal, suitable for everyone without exception. The advantage of a multi-color palette is that the shadows in it will definitely be combined with each other. And when purchasing monoshadows, you risk stumbling upon disharmony of colors;
  • dark matte tones are applicable to large eyes, and small eyes are best covered with light tones with shimmer or micro-shine. Also, highlighting the waterline of the eye with light kajal will help to visually enlarge the eyes.

Advice! In order to learn professional makeup, you don’t have to sign up for expensive courses. To get started, find a few video tutorials from famous makeup artists, photo instructions, and look through thematic blogs. Be patient and try to implement the recommendations of professionals. Take pictures of the result in different lighting, compare, and draw conclusions. Over time, you will find the ideal color scheme that suits your iris shade, and the quality of the technique will also improve. To boost your confidence, try creating makeup for your friend or mother. From the outside, all the flaws are more noticeable, so you can improve the knowledge you have acquired.



Blue eyes are rightfully associated with deep oceans, looking into which you can go to the bottom from the very first seconds. This color has a rich palette - from soft blue to intense bright blue. The look of such eyes is truly captivating and it is very difficult to take your eyes off of it. But skillfully executed makeup for blue eyes can not only emphasize the natural attractiveness of the heavenly shade of the iris, but also make it even brighter and more enticing. Tips, photos and master classes from this publication will tell you what color scheme of eyeshadow to choose for different shades of blue eyes and any hair color, as well as what makeup would be the ideal option.

Contrasting and basic shades in makeup for blue eyes

To beautifully highlight the color of the eyes and make them a bright accent in evening or holiday makeup for blue eyes, shadows that play in opposition to the iris will help. Contrasting shades for blue eyes are:

  • milk chocolate color
  • mocha,
  • bronze,
  • sandy gold,
  • soft peach,
  • apricot,
  • warm gray
  • swamp,
  • violet,
  • lavender,
  • lilac,
  • plum,
  • pale pink,
  • yellow,
  • copper,
  • orange,
  • silver,
  • steel,
  • Navy blue,
  • aquamarine,
  • turquoise.

For everyday daytime makeup of blue eyes, you can use win-win universal tones:

  • pearl-pearl,
  • taupe,
  • light beige,
  • creamy,
  • white and gold,
  • champagne color,
  • pastel lavender.

Photos of makeup for blue eyes

beautiful makeup for blue eyes in shades of blue

makeup for blue eyes with arrows and bright lipstick

makeup for blue eyes: colored arrows

Makeup for different shades of blue eyes

Not all blue-eyed people know that when choosing a suitable color scheme, you should not only be guided by the general rules of make-up, but also take into account the existing nuances associated with the degree of blueness of the eyes.

Leading makeup artists have summarized the many shades of blue and identified four main types of saturation:

  • Bright, almost blue
  • Medium, “classic blue”
  • Light blue
  • Gray-blue

And now in more detail about which shadows will successfully emphasize each of the above types of intensity of blue eyes.

Makeup for rich, almost blue eyes

The sapphire shade of the eyes gives the girl mystery and makes her almost femme fatale. A complement to such a mysterious color will be shadows in almost any color range, and the darkest tones will not be an exception - intense gray, purple, as well as “smoky eyes” makeup. A palette of precious metals - bronze, copper and silver - looks good with such eyes.

Makeup for classic blue eyes

Those with typical blue eyes should prefer light or medium-bright shadows in their makeup. You should be careful with darker tones, using them only as an outline or to draw arrows. Pink, bronze, lavender, gray, white, silver, as well as blue shades in makeup (they should be a tone lighter or darker than the natural color of the iris) are suitable for this eye color.

Makeup for light blue eyes

Almost transparent, light blue eyes require special attention, since incorrectly chosen shadows can ruin the entire makeup. Too dark tones and smokey eyes visually “clog” and distract attention from the eyes themselves. For this type of blue, makeup in discreet, soft colors is most harmonious, and dark shades are best left for retro-style arrows or contours.

Makeup for blue-gray eyes

This eye color is rightly called “chameleon” and is quite difficult to determine: with blue clothes they look blue, with gray clothes they take on a gray tint, and thanks to green clothes they appear green. This type is a real gift for its owner, because with each new look she seems to be trying on colored lenses. Makeup for gray-blue eyes obeys only one rule - the color scheme is selected depending on the selected tones of the look.

Selection of makeup for blue eyes, taking into account color type

The next criterion for choosing the main makeup palette for blue eyes is hair color and skin tone. Blue-eyed blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women and redheads have completely different types of appearance, so the makeup for each of them is slightly different.

Dark ash, ash, blond and light brown hair in the company of blue eyes need cool shades. Owners of this combination of hair and eyes should give preference to shades of milky cream, steel gray, pearl, pink, silver, lavender, lilac and muted blue. You can add expressiveness to your eyes using mascara, eyeliner or eyeliner in dark gray and graphite shades.

There are quite a lot of makeup options for blue eyes for this color type, so these girls are very lucky. In this case, gray, taupe, chocolate and golden shadows will look good. Mascara in black, dark gray and brown will perfectly complete the look, and eyeliner in the same colors will add special expressiveness to the look.

Brown-haired and red-haired girls with blue eyes should pay attention to warm shades in makeup that will highlight the natural beauty of the eyes. The ideal option for them would be brown, beige, coffee, marsh, gold and bronze shades of shadows.

Master classes on creating makeup for blue eyes step by step

So, if you have already decided on the color scheme of your makeup, all that remains is to learn how to properly apply makeup for blue eyes. There is plenty of room for creativity here: you can draw graphic black or colored arrows, do delicate, almost invisible makeup for blue eyes for every day, or choose a dark smokey eye for the evening. Next, we offer you detailed photo master classes on how to create makeup for blue eyes step by step.

Master class on creating beautiful makeup for blue eyes with arrows

Makeup for blue eyes in brown and gold shades

Makeup for blue eyes using gold and blue shadows

Smokey eyes for blue eyes

Makeup for blue eyes in shades of blue

In addition, I bring to your attention two video tutorials on creating beautiful makeup for blue eyes. The first video is about quick everyday makeup for blue eyes.

The second video is an evening makeup option for blue eyes: smokey eye and red lipstick.

Blue eyes are a real gift from nature. These infinitely beautiful eyes combine the clear expanses of heaven, the bottomless depths of the sea, the tenderness of cornflowers, the magical properties of blue topazes... The blue-eyed beauty personifies youth, tenderness, innocence, purity and purity. However, even such naturally beautiful eyes require a decent frame, that is, the right makeup. Makeup artists claim that doing makeup for blue eyes is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know the basic rules and secrets, which this article talks about.

Colors of eye shadow for blue eyes

Girls, whom nature has endowed with eyes of blue shades, are incredibly lucky, because a huge variety of shades of shadows will suit them. However, among all this diversity, the following options can be considered the most advantageous:

  • Blue eyes go perfectly with silver, pale pink, gold and purple shades;
  • Pearl, brown-gray and lilac tones also look good;
  • A bright pink tone will help add depth to your look. This option will be simply ideal for romantic meetings;
  • In order to make your look more impressive, you can use bright blue cosmetics, which will make blue-eyed eyes as expressive and deep as possible;
  • Shades of the color of sea waves and turquoise look harmonious;
  • To go to a noisy and fun nightclub, you can resort to charcoal shadows, which can be combined with any other shade you like.

Choosing blue mascara and eyeliner

Eyeliner is the most powerful weapon in a woman's beauty arsenal. With the help of eyeliner, you can skillfully emphasize the cut, add expressiveness to your eyes, and add sexuality to your entire image. Remember that the darker the eyeliner, the more intense and rich the eye color will appear. Blue-eyed girls should avoid a light line of eyeliner, as it can make their eyes look dull and expressionless. The same rule can be applied to eyeliner and pencils, which will match the color of natural eyes. In order to give your look radiance and brightness, the inner corners of the eyes can be emphasized using light (white) eyeliner. For blue eyes, dark blue, dark green, brown and dark gray eyeliners work very well. Makeup artists advise applying a layer of powder over the eyeliner, because in this case it will not “float”. It must be remembered that everyday makeup for blue eyes should not have any kind of clear boundaries, and therefore, after applying the eyeliner, it needs to be shaded a little. This can be done either with sponges or with your fingers. For an evening out, all kinds of arrows will come in handy.

Mascara is no less important. It is very important to carefully paint over all the eyelashes, while avoiding the effect of a funny doll look. That is why each individual layer of mascara must dry completely. Stylists advise lightly powdering the first layer of mascara and only then applying the rest. This simple method is very common, because with its help you can naturally give your eyelashes chic and additional volume. The shade of mascara can be any, but it is still better to save blue and black mascara for an evening out, as their use in daytime makeup can lead to a “tired” look. Your ideal mascara shades are grey, turquoise, brown or plum.

Makeup mistakes that can ruin the image of a blue-eyed beauty

What mistakes do blue-eyed women most often make when creating their makeup? What colors do not harmonize with the natural depth of blue-eyed eyes?

  1. Fair-skinned girls with light blue eyes should be extremely careful with saturated tones of blue, as they can age the look or make it look excessively tired.
  2. Shadows that exactly match the natural shade of a woman’s eyes are also strictly prohibited. These shadows will simply merge with your eyes and the image will end up inexpressive and unnatural. In this case, it is best to pay attention to shades of turquoise, as they suit almost all blue eyes.
  3. It is also better not to use pure brown for Make-Up, as it can give the image some soreness or even swelling to your eyes. With such shadows, you might think that you were just too upset about something and cried. However, in some cases it is still possible to choose shades of brown that will look very interesting and “appropriate.” Examples include shades of coffee, copper, clay, bronze. So don't be afraid to experiment!
  4. You should also not use red, terracotta, or hot pink tones in everyday makeup or for evening makeup without using eyeliner, as the eyelids can become painfully swollen. This may give the impression of a sleep-deprived or sick person.
  5. Green eyeshadow is also not recommended. In eye makeup, blue and green are rarely combined.

Emphasizing the natural beauty of blue eyes

In order to correctly highlight your eyes and choose the optimal shadows, you need to know exactly the level of blueness of your eyes. Leading stylists distinguish four types of blue eyes: blue or dark blue eyes, medium blue eyes, light blue eyes and then gray-blue eyes. Each specific case has its own rules for selecting decorative cosmetics.

Makeup for dark blue eyes

Eyes with a rich blue tint, in which blue and even purple notes are often visible, are suitable for almost all shadows. Rich tones will look especially advantageous.

Makeup for medium blue eyes

These eyes are distinguished by a clear blue tint. Sometimes red or golden pigment inclusions are visible in them. Such eyes are best suited to light colors, for example silver or beige shades. If there is a need to shade the eyes, then it is more advisable to do this along the line of eyelash growth, as well as at the outer corners of the eyes.

Make Up Light Blue Eyes

For such light, almost transparent eyes, it can be extremely difficult to choose the right color scheme. Low-key, soft tones are best. The retro hands look very good.

Makeup of gray-blue eyes

This color changes its shade quite often, which will depend on the color of the sky, weather and even clothing. That is why such eyes are often called “chameleon eyes.” One has only to put on a blue blouse, and the eyes will become transparent and light, and if you dress up in a gray dress, then the eyes will take on a gray tint. This is worth considering when choosing your makeup shadows. Gray-blue color looks harmonious with black and turquoise tones. In makeup for such eyes, it is also possible to use pink palettes of shadows of various saturations.

Makeup Ideas for Blue Eyes

There are a huge number of makeup ideas for blue eyes. Below we present the most popular examples.

A win-win option is black eyeliner, a minimum of makeup and fluffy eyelashes.

In contrast to the previous minimalist images, there is a riot of colors and rich, bold colors.

Makeup for blue eyes in lavender and other purple tones

Makeup for blue eyes using the Smokey Eye technique:

Daytime makeup for blue eyes

Best of all, pink or beautiful peach shades can highlight the blue color in daytime makeup. To make your eyes more expressive, you can add a darker tone to the folds of the upper eyelids. If you think that such colors do not highlight your mirrors of the soul enough, you can safely purchase bronze palettes; this color is universal for your eyes. In addition, you can choose colors such as purple, lilac, grey, metallic and silver. Don’t forget about shades of brown, which amazingly emphasize the depth of a piercing gaze.

Evening makeup for blue eyes

Evening make-up must be not only bright, but also bewitchingly beautiful. In this case, you can safely resort to dark shades, while pastel colors are best left for daytime wear. Chocolate, lavender, purple, blue, and olive shadows are amazing for evening makeup. You can safely experiment with bronze and even orange shadows. An evening out allows you to use glitter, rhinestones, false eyelashes - the choice is yours!

Makeup for blue-eyed brunettes

It is best for hot brunettes to give preference to more saturated tones. All shades of turquoise would also be an ideal solution for them. However, you should be wary of brown shades, as they can make your look look painful. In this case, it is better to turn to tones such as brown clay or coffee. If a brunette has naturally dark skin, then in her makeup she can use shadows with a golden tint.

Makeup for blue-eyed blondes

The choice of shade for the upcoming makeup will greatly depend on the shade of the woman’s hair. Thus, stylists advise fair-haired and blonde women to use shades of gray, silver, white and beige. These shadows make an ideal combination with peach powder, gray mascara, blush and lipstick in natural, discreet tones.

Red-haired “beasts”, as well as fair-haired beauties, can use light brown pencils, sand, beige, cream, gray and golden shades in their makeup. For an evening option, it would be good to purchase terracotta lipstick.

Makeup for blue eyes: photo

The most common eye color in nature is undoubtedly blue and its shades. As for makeup issues, it is quite easy for those with light blue eyes to choose the right option, and in this they are lucky.

This color has a rich palette - starting from a delicate light blue tone and going up to a rich bright blue color. Looking into such eyes, it seems that you are plunging into the ocean, and it is impossible to look away from the soulful gaze. But, in order to further emphasize the richness of the color, you should skillfully perform makeup for blue eyes, which will further emphasize the natural attractiveness of their owner.

Rules for choosing makeup

Proper and beautiful makeup for blue eyes can highlight your natural beauty and make your eyes sparkle with real gems.

Any well-done makeup for blue eyes should be based on the intensity of the natural color. Depending on the saturation of the iris, there are several types of blue-eyes:

Violet-colored eyes. Almost all rich and deep shades and tones of decorative cosmetics are suitable here, and the use of bright mascara and eyeliner is also allowed. The main thing is not to overdo it, since the presence of bright and catchy colors only suggests evening makeup, but this is not at all acceptable in daylight and in the workplace.

Makeup for blue eyes of medium intensity involves highlighting the main zone with light shades with darker fragments at the outer corners and lash line.

Heavenly light irises usually amaze people with their clarity and brilliance. In this case, delicate pastel shades are ideal. If you use deep, dark tones, your eyes will look tired and haggard. A very interesting option is to apply thick arrows in a retro style, but they will appropriately complement the evening look.

Makeup for gray-blue eyes involves selecting shadows to match the color of the chosen wardrobe, since chameleon eyes are fickle and they are able to adapt to the environment and the chosen clothes.

Decorative make-up options

There are a great many different options used when using decorative cosmetics for blue-eyed women, since makeup artists believe that this eye color, with proper and competent makeup, can take the place of the pearl of a woman’s entire image.

Smokey eyes are quite a suitable option to use in combination with sky blue irises. For it, it is better to choose shades of a pinkish tint, shallow brown or golden olive. Avoid the classic color scheme of gray-black-brown, as this will weigh down the image and make your look angry and prickly. If you are blonde and have big eyes the color of the sky, then in order to emphasize their natural beauty, you can create a smokey eye in a gray-blue color. It is not recommended to select a palette so that it matches the shade of your eyes, otherwise the makeup for gray-blue eyes will be completely ruined, and the eyes will fade against the background of decorative cosmetics.

If you are a brunette and at the same time the happy owner of chameleon eyes of a blue hue, then choose shadows of a deep saturated blue color for a smoky make-up, which will make your irises much brighter and your gaze more soulful and deeper. True, this option is more suitable as an evening one. Owners of violet eyes should opt for a desaturated brown color scheme with bright purple mascara on the eyelashes.

The photo gallery shows autumn makeup for blue eyes in a wide variety, both evening and daytime. The autumn option for blue irises will look great in pink with bright black arrows.

Oriental makeup is also suitable for blue eyes, as it can not only highlight the color, but also make the look deeper, more soulful and expressive. Since the oriental theme involves a darker palette of shadows and bright makeup options, this is more suitable as an evening option for attending a social event. There are two options for applying decorative cosmetics in an oriental style: Arabic and Indian. Arabic suggests a strong emphasis on the eyes: shades of bright lilac, rich gold with sparkles, violet or lilac combined with black eyeliner.

When using the Indian technique, it is necessary to highlight not only the eyes, but also the lips and eyebrows. This make-up is suitable for those with dark skin tones or those who have achieved this effect using self-tanning, sun tanning or bronzer. The shadow palette should involve the use of green, brown, as well as lilac or silver in various combinations.

An important point of the Indian version is that it is necessary to carefully work out the eyebrow growth line, and instead of lipstick, use a bright shade of lip gloss. As you probably already guessed, the Indian method involves going out in the evening.

Makeup for daily use

As you know, daytime makeup for blue eyes involves the presence of warm, light tones of decorative cosmetics with maximum proximity to the natural color of the skin. This rule applies equally to any type of make-up, regardless of the color and shape of the eyes. When creating daytime makeup, you need to use only neutral colors.

You can achieve lightness, naturalness and inconspicuousness using a palette of pastel shadows. Peach or coral, light green, desaturated blue or soft purple with mandatory careful shading are suitable.

Everyday makeup for gray-blue eyes will look amazing when using green, but only in warm shades, as well as light purple, caramel or soft blue. Be extremely careful when choosing the right shade from the brown palette, as the wrong color will give the girl an haggard look, the effect of sunken eyes or the feeling of a recent hysteria. It is believed that it is completely unsuitable for blue eyes, but when combined with other shades, as well as careful development of the entire image, makeup for gray-blue eyes can sparkle with new, unexpected colors.

Among the brown palette, give preference to cool shades when the skin is light, or a golden tint when the skin is dark and tanned.

Basic nuances of blue eye makeup

A situation very often occurs, especially among makeup beginners, when you seem to be doing everything correctly, step by step and according to the instructions, but everything turns out not as beautiful as in the photo in the glossy printed publication. This may happen because you are doing everything exactly as indicated, but you do not know and therefore do not use some of the nuances that allow you to make the makeup of gray-blue eyes or any other shade of blue ideal.

  1. The darker color should be applied on top of the lighter color, and not vice versa.
  2. If there are signs of fatigue in the eyes, then you can hide it using a certain technique: apply silver shadows to the inner part of the upper eyelid. White or light blue are also suitable.
  3. When you absolutely want to complement your look with bright black eyeliner, after it dries, draw a line over it with a silver pencil. This will make the arrow visually smaller and become more neat and attractive.
  4. Blue-eyed women should under no circumstances use dark purple eyeshadow on the lower eyelid, as it will appear that you have black eyes.
  5. Girls with fair skin should not do makeup for blue eyes using warm golden colors. If you want to somewhat soften the resulting decorative make-up, then add this shade along the eyebrow growth line, but in no case to the upper eyelid area.
  6. A blue pencil along the lash line of the upper eyelid, together with blue mascara, will give the eyes greater expressiveness and brightness, but not like everyday makeup.
  7. Don't use shadows that are similar to your natural eye color.

Option for step-by-step application of decorative cosmetics

A step-by-step guide to applying makeup for those with a heavenly iris shade involves the following steps:

Step 1. Before applying decorative cosmetics, be sure to cover the upper eyelid with a special foundation, which will prevent premature damage to the makeup. After it dries, you can paint it with light neutral shadows. This will add expressiveness and brightness to an already mesmerizing image. It will look very good if you lighten the area under the eyebrow growth line and the area of ​​the inner corner. White, pale blue and soft silver shadows work well for this. If you follow this rule, your everyday makeup will look beautiful and natural.

Step 3. The outer corner is painted with the darkest tone, while the inner corner is painted with the lightest tone. This creates a smooth, consistent transition. After application, you should carefully shade the boundaries so that the transition between the shadows is not sharp and clearly noticeable.

Step 4. Use eyeliner or liquid eyeliner to highlight the contour of the upper eyelid along the lash line. The bottom one should have a similar design, but with a shade that sets off the eyes.

Step 5. Apply eyelashes with appropriate mascara. Everyday makeup looks good with brown mascara. But, when choosing this type of decorative cosmetics, it is best to rely on skin color.

Remember that beautiful and harmonious daytime makeup for blue eyes does not involve flashiness, but moderate colors and soft lines. Violating this rule will only push people away from you and your image, as it will look inappropriate and unnatural. Only evening makeup should involve the presence of bright shades, intricate color schemes and combinations.

Do not neglect the basic rules and tips for choosing colors. This is the only way, observing all the nuances, you can step by step make the perfect make-up, regardless of whether you need an evening or daytime option.

Blue-eyed girls are very beautiful, attractive and seductive. It’s easy to choose beautiful makeup for blue eyes, the photo of which shows the depth and tenderness of this shade. Almost anything suits this type of appearance: from a romantic, delicate make-up to a sexy, daring, intense evening look. It's up to you to decide who to be - a fatal seductress or a vulnerable Turgenev girl. The right makeup can create any look. However, do not forget about the color of your skin, hair, and your own style.

Beautiful makeup options for blue eyes

Good makeup is considered to be one that is practically invisible. It is worth considering the reason why you need it. It is inappropriate to come to a business meeting with a rich smokey eye, strewn with sparkles, but nude is not suitable for a club party, since no one will notice you. The right makeup for blue eyes should correspond to the idea, the occasion, which can be different.

Light casual

Daytime makeup should be done in soft, discreet shades to match the delicate look. This rule is especially important for blondes and girls with light brown hair who have very fair skin without blush. If you overdo it, you will get completely inappropriate results. Leave shiny textures, catchy shades, and a lot of makeup for the evening, because in everyday wear it will look vulgar and rude.

If you have expressive, large, round eyes, apply a thin line of eyeliner and brown mascara to your eyelashes, and if you have small ones, you will need to use shadows that can change the shape, add saturation to the iris, and visually enlarge your eyes. In any case, apply darker shadows to the outer corner of the eye. They should be shaded towards the temple, and the inner corner is emphasized with light pearlescent colors.

The best daytime look is in natural shades that are close to your skin. Try neutral tones of gray, white, black, brown in the lightest variations. To add a color accent, use light, pastel shadows, carefully blending them to create a subtle hint. For those with turquoise eyes, peach, coral, purple, delicate blue, and green shades are suitable.

Evening smokey eye

Evening, festive, prom makeup for blue eyes allows you to use rich, rich colors, pearlescent, shimmery textures. If you are planning a special event, you can use rhinestones, sparkles, and false eyelashes. Bunches of eyelashes glued in the outer corner will visually lengthen the eye section. This option looks more natural and natural. To this you can add dark rich shadows, eyeliner or black pencil, mascara. A dark outline can emphasize the tone and transparency of the iris.

Smokey eyes for blue eyes add expressiveness, depth, and suit everyone without exception. If you are a fair-skinned blonde, then choose brown, gray shades of eyeshadow that will look harmonious with your skin. Black, blue - add in doses to graphically outline the outline and add brightness. For a pale face, focus dark tones closer to the outer corner, and highlight the inner corner with iridescent, light shades.

Dark-haired girls can use bright, dark shadows to create a smoky eye. First, you need to draw an outline with a pencil and carefully shade it towards the temples. Then apply the shadows, carefully distributing them over the eyelid. This makes light eyes look more expressive. False eyelashes will add drama, and gold or silver sparkles will add a festive touch.

Find out other ways to do beautiful makeup.

With bright colored shadows

There are many ways to highlight your blue iris with bright eyeshadow for a dazzling look. This appearance benefits from the use of warm colors, peach shades, which create contrast with the iris. It's better to try several shadows to see which ones look best on you. The effect will be produced by orange shadows. At first you will think that this color will not suit you. However, orange is one of the best summer shades for blue eyes to create contrast.

It is not at all necessary to use neon, overly bright colors. Pay attention to copper, bronze, coral, orange-metallic. An excellent choice would be greenish-blue, turquoise shadows. However, you should be careful with such shades and not overdo it. If you have red hair, choose brown. Lavender and purple tones are recommended for fair-haired ladies. However, brunettes should try them too.


How to do makeup for blue eyes for a wedding? Blondes should not use black eyeliner; this is the prerogative of brunettes. It is better to give preference to chocolate and coffee tones. If your skin is dark, choose purple-pink, gold, orange, ocher shades, and if you have white skin, then choose blue, steel, light blue, gray and lilac. Choose blush from a natural palette of shades and do not apply it in an overly dense layer. Cool colors best highlight beauty. Apply lipstick that is not too bright on your lips.

The nuances of applying makeup depending on hair color

It is easier to make the natural beauty of appearance bright, to emphasize the expressiveness of features and natural shades of skin and hair, using a well-chosen palette. To look natural and attractive every day, it is recommended to choose make-up depending on your hair color. The right color scheme will always be harmoniously combined with the appearance.

Blonde hair

Blondes with blue eyes can safely do makeup in both candy tones and more modest, strict versions of neutral shades of violet, peach, greenery, coral, turquoise, silver, gold, and bronze. The intensity is selected depending on the event you are going to. Some events have specific makeup rules that you should familiarize yourself with in advance to ensure your look isn't inappropriate.

Dark hair

The makeup of brunettes and brown-haired women with blue eyes may not be as bright as that of blondes, since dark hair creates the desired color accent on the face. Do not overload the image with the use of deep shades; it is better to opt for sand, brown, khaki and taupe colors. For parties, you can use glitter, false eyelashes, bright, rich shadows and other details that will give your look expressiveness.

Red hair

The exclusive appearance with blue eyes and red hair creates some difficulties in applying makeup. However, it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the secrets, and success is guaranteed. If you have white, transparent skin, the main makeup tone should be light. For red-haired girls, apricot, olive, and peach shades of varying saturation and brightness are suitable. It is better to emphasize eyelashes with brown mascara. The appearance will be more natural and attractive if black colors are not used.

Dark eyeliner can add aggressiveness and even deprive you of expressiveness. Blue and brown pencils for contour are more appropriate, which will create a greater contrast between red hair and the color of the iris. Among the shadows, give preference to blue, brown, and golden shades. White and gray colors with reflective particles look organic.

Step-by-step makeup for blue eyes

How to do makeup for blue eyes? This master class demonstrates step by step an effective and at the same time simple method that will suit the bride. This technique makes the eyes visually more open, expressive, and increases their size. You can experiment with the color scheme yourself. This tutorial uses natural shades that perfectly highlight blue eyes without looking too extravagant:

  • Apply the base for the shadows.

  • Using a soft brown pencil, draw a “banana” and shade it.

  • Apply a light pearlescent golden shade to the entire moving eyelid.

  • Apply brown pearlescent shadows on top of the pencil base and blend towards the eyebrows using light milky shadows.

  • Apply the green shade of pearlescent shadows to the outer corner, blending towards the temples.

  • Using a black soft pencil, draw a small arrow and shade it.

  • Apply mascara and the look is ready.


Properly done makeup should be appropriate for a specific occasion. For the daytime option, it is better to use a neutral range of shadows, for example, tan, champagne, warm brown. For any type of appearance, smokey eyes are considered a universal technique, which can be used not only for evening, but also for daytime. This is clearly demonstrated in the video below, where a blue-eyed girl is given a chic make-up using brown, peach eyeshadow, golden eyeliner and brown pencil.

Photo makeup ideas

Properly done makeup for blue eyes gives the look depth, expressiveness, and emphasizes the unique color of the iris. Owners of this type of appearance can use a variety of shadows: gold, pink, purple, silver, natural shades of foliage, greenery, sea. So that you can drown in your eyes, use burgundy, rich pink, and blue shadows for evening makeup. The photos below clearly demonstrate the correct makeup for blue-eyed girls.