Rooster made of pine cones for the New Year. DIY New Year's cockerel from a pine cone. Master class with step-by-step photos. Photos of crafts made from pine cones

Hello, friends! Today is about how to make a rooster craft from plasticine, cones, acorns, leaves, in general from natural material.

Children's imagination has no limits. Cones, chestnuts or nuts are not just the fruits of trees, but also an excellent building material for the production of amazing crafts.

In our case, ordinary pine cones turned into the fairy-tale cockerel Petya. With such a colorful character you can even perform in a puppet theater, and not just participate in an exhibition of autumn crafts.

To work you will need:

  • two Scots pine cones
  • acorn caps
  • dried oblong leaves
  • twig
  • plasticine

We immediately attach plasticine eyes to one of the cones. At the same time we sculpt a large red comb and two triangular parts for the beak.

Now we will connect the parts of the beak and decorate the edges of the crest with thin grooves.

Shown here is the body of a rooster with a yellow plasticine neck.
You can immediately attach the head to the body. Let's take this opportunity and connect these elements.

Now you can take out dried autumn leaves from the herbarium and select suitable samples for decorating the wings of a rooster craft. We liked this option. We combined one leaf of rowan and wild grape into a wing, gluing the parts together with a piece of orange plasticine.
Attach multi-colored wings to the body.

We also collected a long tail from autumn leaves. The plasticine base was covered on both sides with a layer of red, yellow and green leaves.

We make the thin legs of the craft from twigs (up to 5 cm long), acorn caps and yellow plasticine. It must be taken into account that such legs will not physically be able to hold the cockerel in a standing position. We'll have to put the hero away.

Work on the fairy-tale hero has come to an end. Decorate the background with a bright picture. Our rooster lives in his own hut. Today a frog dropped by to visit him.

All we have to do is remind you that such crafts should be placed away from sunny window sills. Cones tend to bloom under warm rays, and plasticine tends to melt. The betta will feel comfortable in a shaded area.

In the fall, the topic of crafts made from natural materials is relevant not only for children of kindergarten age, it is no less interesting for primary school students. Schools periodically host exhibitions dedicated to nature, to which young craftsmen bring crafts made from chestnuts, acorns, pumpkins, apples and other natural materials.

Older children, under the supervision of their parents, can use piercing and cutting objects, and therefore they can implement the most daring and quite difficult ideas to implement (carriages, houses, Halloween heads). For children of nursery or primary school age, you need to look for simpler options.

How to make a rooster from one pine cone? Now we'll show you.

To work you will need:

  • - plasticine with stack
  • - Crimean pine cone.

If desired, you can use colorful autumn leaves, bunches of rowan berries or moss to decorate the craft.

So, from red plasticine we sculpt a large crescent-shaped crest for the rooster. Using a stack, we decorate the edges of the part with thin grooves. Next, from a piece of plasticine we form a cone - the beak of a bird and earrings. And finally, we create two oval eyes.

Now you need to attach the finished elements to the pine cone - the body of the craft. We place the beak in the center of the base of the cone, close the stalk. We press the comb tightly against the scales and give it a beautiful position.

Making a tail is not easy. First, you need to roll out thin and long strips from multi-colored pieces of plasticine, then connect the feathers together and give them a bend shape. We attach the finished tail to the top of the cone.

At the next stage, we sculpt two wings from orange, red or yellow plasticine (whichever you like) that look like spiky leaves. We give the details a feathered effect using a stack.

Our pine cone rooster greets the children with a flap of his wing.

Finally, the turn came to decorate the stand for the craft. The bird's thin legs will not support the weight of the product, so we will sit the rooster on a bright green pedestal.

Crafts for children made from natural materials.
You can make a lot of interesting crafts from pine cones and other natural materials! Several good crafts, they were borrowed from the book by E.K. Gulyants and I.Ya. Bazik “What can be made from natural materials”
Craft from a fir cone, twigs, moss, pine needles and acorn - Deer.
The acorn is the head of the future deer; you need to make holes in it - 2 for the antlers and 1 for connecting the head to the neck. A match is inserted into the neck - a small cone, the second end of the match is inserted into the acorn, this way the parts are connected, the deer's legs, horns and neck are attached to the body - a large cone. To ensure that the matches stick well, you can coat them with glue. After this, we smear a small sheet of cardboard with glue and line it with moss and pine needles - this is a clearing. We place the finished toy in the clearing. That's all - the craft is ready!


For this craft, we will need a medium-sized cone, tree branches, plasticine for the beak, a wooden block for the bird, a panicle of reeds for the tail, and glue. You can decorate the peacock's tail with circles of colored paper.
The principle of connecting parts is the same as that of a deer. Decorations on the bird’s head are made like this: we make 3 holes with an awl, insert matches, and stick plasticine balls of bright colors on them. To stabilize the bird, find a suitable plank and secure the peacock with it.
A tail can be made not only from a panicle of reeds - it can be made from bird feathers.


Craft “Cockerel”
You will need a pine cone, acorns, tree branches, bird feathers, a small leaf, maple wings, glue, paper, a wooden block, a knife, a brush, an awl, and scissors.
The eyes and beak are made from paper, the beard is made from maple wings, the comb is made from a small leaf, and the tail is made from feathers.
The holes for fastening all the parts are made with an awl and a knife; this work should be done by an adult.


Tatyana Titova

To symbol of the new year 2017 - fiery rooster was favorable to you, it is advisable to appease craft cockerel made with your own hands.

I propose an interesting idea for making cockerel made of pine cones and chenille wire. So bright and cute cockerel will be a great gift for family, acquaintances or friends on New Year's Eve.

Will need material: Pine cone, red fluffy wire, plastic eyes, universal glue.

Description of the method manufacturing:

1. Break off the tail from the cone.

2. We round one end of the wire into a circle, and bend the other end to the shape of a cone.

3. Divide the wire into 3 parts and form legs from 2/3, comb, beak and beard from 1/3.

4. Glue the parts to the pine cone.

5. We cut three more wires into 3 parts, collect them into a bundle, dip them in glue and insert them between the scales of the cones for the tail.

6. Glue on the comb, beard, and eyes.

7. We insert the stems between the scales of the cones, having previously coated the ends of the wire with glue. For stability, the lower tail feather should touch the surface.

8. All that remains is to fluff up the ponytail and make it bright the cockerel is ready.

9. Got it beautiful New Year symbols 2017.

10. To cockerel became completely fiery, paint the cone with acrylic paint or nail polish

11. The cockerels have fledged, but did not dare to fight.

You can implement this idea together with your child, turning the creation of crafts into a fun activity to develop your child’s creative abilities.

Thank you for attention!

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