A girl's third birthday is the best gifts for three-year-old fairies. Gifts for girls What to give a 3 year old girl

We're going to celebrate with our three-year-old princess! By this age, a child has accumulated so many things in his wardrobe and playroom that it seems he can’t come up with anything new. But this is only at first glance. If you approach the issue wisely, you can choose a useful and interesting gift for a 3-year-old girl. In return, the birthday girl will certainly enroll you in her “circle of friends” and will say: “Thank you!”

At three years old, a child enters the first stage of growing up. The girl no longer looks like a funny and cute toddler. It is already quite obvious that this is a young lady. Moreover, not only external maturation occurs - the child reaches a new psychological level. At this age, many girls already attend kindergarten and know how to play with other children.

Categories of practical and bright gifts

The girl speaks, knows some letters and tries to read syllables on her own. Body proportions change, and the need for movement increases. The girl knows how to dress independently, use cutlery, and distinguish between the emotions she experiences. The girl is even more interested in situations from adult life and imitates those around her in every possible way.

Sport equipment

So, we have a conventional portrait of the birthday girl. Armed with knowledge about the interests and skills of a three-year-old girl, we go to a children's store to buy a birthday present. And the first stop is the sporting goods department.

  • If the baby was born in winter, or, for example, you are looking for a New Year's gift for a three-year-old girl, then skiing is a good option. At this age, she will already be able to take her first steps in such equipment. In addition, she probably has sleds in her arsenal of winter fun and has become bored. Naturally, such a gift would be appropriate only in regions with suitable climatic conditions.
  • Skates. Including roller ones. Holding the hand of her mother or father, the girl is already learning to skate. It is advisable to give knee pads and a helmet as a gift.
  • Bike. At three years old, a girl will already be able to operate a vehicle on two wheels. A safety helmet will also come in handy here.
  • Swimming accessories. These could be goggles, a cap, a swimming vest, armbands or a swimsuit.

A good gift for a 3-year-old girl could be a fitball or an aerobics suit. A gymnastics mat, trampoline or wall bars will also be useful. An interesting idea - an exercise bike from the “for little ones” category.

Attributes for outdoor games

When choosing a gift for a 3-year-old girl, remember: the baby may be indifferent to sports, but she is unlikely to resist outdoor games. By the way, the attributes for such entertainment are inexpensive, and even parents enjoy it. What equipment can you pick up in this category?

  • It is from the age of three that it is time for a girl to be introduced to jump rope exercises. Jumping develops agility, strengthens muscles, heart, and shapes posture.
  • Bilibo. Parents also call this thing “it’s unclear what.” Indeed, it is difficult for an adult to imagine why a toy in the form of a large turtle shell is needed. Such a clumsy trough. But the girl will quickly figure out what's what. The child’s imagination turns the bilibo into a swing, sled, helmet, place to hide, stand, storage for toys, etc.
  • Controlling such an aircraft, the girl jumps and runs around to her heart's content.
  • Including water. This toy helps develop the eye, dexterity, and strength.
  • Modern teachers recommend such products for organizing a child’s active leisure time. You can find modules that are assembled into a castle or made in the shape of an animal. There is a double effect here. By assembling the structure, the girl trains her logic and imagination. And when disassembled, the soft elements are used to jump, box, swing, etc.
  • Such a device connects to a computer. A dancer-coach appears on the screen and dictates the movements. The girl must repeat them while moving on the mat. The more hits on the beat, the more points the young dancer earns. By the way, parents will also like this toy. You can even have competitions.

Look also at boomerangs, children's bowling, frisbee, ping pong and volleyball sets. You can also play a time machine and introduce the birthday girl to the favorite pastime of Soviet girls: bungee jumping will definitely please the birthday girl.

Subjects for training

At three years old, a child’s memory works as efficiently as never before in his life. This is the best time to gain new knowledge. So, you can look for a gift for a three-year-old girl among educational toys and educational products.

  • It will help the girl “make friends” with numbers, letters, and syllables. Such a toy can teach children to understand time, days of the week, write, add and subtract. The gadget will sing and read poetry along with the child, and particularly advanced models even become “tutors” of a foreign language.
  • Or a soft toy with a feedback function. Such models are also “tailored” for training. Together with them, the girl learns letters, numbers, new words, etc.
  • Books. At three years old, both girls and boys show unusual interest in them. The child not only looks at the pictures, but also looks for familiar letters and asks his mother to read. And if the book comes with an interesting option, that’s great. For example, there are animated literature, live pictures or singing karaoke books with a microphone.
  • What is needed here are elements with numbers, letters, punctuation marks and mathematical symbols. It’s good to look for models that you also need to paint yourself.
  • Magnetic numbers and alphabet. The set includes a special board for classes.

There are things that can be useful for learning not only from a practical point of view, but also from a psychological point of view. For example, a desk will help a girl get ready for classes. This is its own, separate place for intellectual activity. The desk can be selected with drawers and shelves. The set must include a chair. This will be a solid gift for more than one year. By the way, godparents can take note of the idea.


At three years old, it is recommended to continue to pay attention to the development of fine motor skills and create conditions for the release of creative energy. In addition, it is important to promote a story-based way of understanding the world. What can you find for this in children's stores?

  • Creator's Kit. These can be accessories for modeling and drawing. Pay attention to kinetic sand, children's clay, finger paints. At three years old, a girl is already able to make simple origami figures and simple applications.
  • Sets for story games. It is important to know what the girl is interested in. If she likes to tinker with her mother in the kitchen, you can buy her own stove and dishes. A good option is a doll family and a house for them, as well as accessories and models for playing hairdresser. As an option - costumes of fairy-tale characters, a set of figurines of your favorite cartoon characters.
  • Board games. These could be wooden boards for playing tic-tac-toe, where moves are made with animal figures. It will be interesting to play silhouettes when there are cards with images of animals and cards with drawings of their shadows. The child’s task is to compare shadows and real images. Such games develop logic, observation, and perseverance.

What else should I give my daughter for her 3rd birthday? Take a closer look at puzzles, mosaics, and construction sets. Moreover, you can already select options with a pattern of increased complexity and small details. According to some parents, at three years old a girl can even assemble a photo puzzle from family photographs.

"Women's things" and a sweet surprise

What to give to a 3 year old girl? Of course, "ladies' things." At this age, the baby becomes more and more interested in such things. She will be happy with a new dress, beautiful tights, handbag and shoes. If the child does not suffer from allergies, you can already give the first children's cosmetics. However, perfume still remains taboo.

If you have a good budget, then there is a universal and worthy gift option: jewelry made of silver and gold. Earrings, brooches and pins are never superfluous in a girl’s jewelry box.

By the way, the box itself is a good idea. But it is better to hand it over with its contents. Inside, the baby should find, for example, a bracelet, beads, hairpins and hairbands. By the way, all this can be done with your own hands. You can also sew a soft toy for a girl, knit a shawl, or make an organizer for dolls and the dolls themselves.

At three years old, the child has already tried sweets, but eating them a lot is prohibited. A birthday is a great sweet occasion. You can order a large birthday cake from your baby’s parents with figures of your favorite fairy tale characters.

Also, mom and dad can give a gift based on the girl’s hobbies. For example, it would be nice to take a little girl who loves horses to a horse show. If your child likes butterflies, decorate the nursery wall with them or make a curtain out of paper butterflies.

If you still haven’t decided what to give your 3-year-old girl, there is a universal option: give the baby a certificate to a large children’s supermarket. This will be a good reason for family shopping. In addition, the girl will be able to make her own choice, which is so important at this age.


What to give a 3 year old girl? If a person is concerned about this issue, it means that he is very lucky: among his relatives or friends there is a charming little girl who invited him to his birthday or just to visit. Or maybe this is my beloved daughter? Then doubly lucky! In order to understand what to give to a child, you need to understand how a girl develops at 3 years old, what her needs are.

By the age of three, children acquire many new skills and abilities. If a one-year-old baby is just beginning to master simple games, learns to assemble a pyramid, and speak his first words, then a three-year-old is already an independent person. At this age, most children speak well and a lot and know how to take initiative. Kids strive for independence, they want to feel like adults, strong, and independent. The child has already mastered many everyday activities: he can fasten buttons, undress, get dressed. You can assign your child a simple task, for example, taking a cup to the kitchen, and he will complete it.

The movements of the little person become more coordinated, and the emotional range expands. A baby can experience a whole range of feelings: love, resentment, anger, envy, pride, fear... He can empathize with fairy-tale characters, as if putting himself in their place. He or she already knows that Baba Yaga is bad and the bunny is good. By the age of 3, children are interested in drawing, modeling, and music.

The sphere of interests of a three-year-old is very broad, so choosing a gift for a girl at this age is not difficult, there are many options.

What kinds of toys are there?

What to give to your goddaughter for 3 years? How to please your niece or younger sister? What do children at this age like? What gift for a 3-year-old daughter will be suitable for her and will be useful for her development? Before making a choice, it would be good to understand what kind of games and toys there are for three-year-olds. It is not very pleasant to give gifts that are not age appropriate and boring for the birthday girl, for example. The third birthday, although not an anniversary, is still a very important day for the little princess and her loved ones!

Active games

  • We all know how fidgety children are. A trampoline would be a great gift for a little mischief-maker. There are small trampolines on sale, about 90 cm in diameter, that can support up to 70 kg of weight. This gift is suitable if there is space in the apartment, and will also bring a lot of joy to the country house.
  • Another favorite entertainment for children is a dry pool. The balls are sold separately and offer a huge number of options for where to pour them. This could be an inflatable trampoline, a play tent, or, in fact, a special pool for balls, which is easy to assemble and convenient to carry. You can buy balls and a container for them as a set.

In addition to fun and a storm of emotions, a dry pool provides a massage effect, trains the child’s muscles, and develops tactile sensations. Along the way, the child can learn colors by looking at and sorting the balls.

  • A big ball with handles that you can jump on will also appeal to an active girl. These balls come in the shape of little animals, which amuses the kids a lot.

  1. You can give a “summer” birthday girl a bicycle or a scooter for her birthday. An excellent gift for a 3-year-old girl would be a children's electric car, motorcycle or ATV. Along with such a gift, it would not be a bad idea to purchase a set of protection in case of falls, so that broken knees do not spoil the joy of riding a scooter along the park paths.
  2. For winter games there is such an unusual thing as the Sno-Baller, it is also called the “snowball maker”. With its help, you can make a large number of snowballs without freezing your hands or getting your mittens wet. A great item for lovers of snow battles. For those who love to go downhill, snow tubes, or so-called “cheesecakes,” are suitable. This is a new version of our “ice tubes”, which makes skiing safer, since snow tubes are inflatable and have a round shape.

music and dancing

  • You can find children's musical instruments in any toy store. There are a huge variety of options: drums, flutes, xylophones, synthesizers. You can give a 3-year-old girl a set right away to give the child enough scope for creativity. You can buy battery-powered drumsticks for the drum. These sticks imitate the sound of different drums when struck, and by pressing a button you can turn on the melody and play the drum part to the beat.
  • Another “musical” gift is a dance mat. This is a special playground with a non-slip surface and a simulator of dance machines. We have seen such devices in films, and now we have the opportunity to dance at home. There are separate children's musical rugs; they can be in the shape of a piano or with images of animals. The musical mat connects to a computer or TV, and comes with a CD with melodies.

During the dance, the child’s sense of rhythm and ear for music are trained, and this is also an excellent option for joint games between parents and children. If you have chosen a musical rug, then you have successfully solved the problem of what to give to a 3-year-old child.


What to give a 3-year-old girl, other than creative materials? Children love to draw, sculpt and create new things with their mothers.

  1. Finger paints are a simultaneous development of creative thinking and motor skills; the process of painting with them is very exciting! Most paints say that they can be used from 2-3 years old, look for non-toxic compounds, the substances should be as safe as possible. You don’t need to buy a lot of colors at once; 4-5 of the most basic ones will be enough to start with. To go with the paints, you can buy whatman paper, oilcloth for the floor, and a special children's apron for drawing.
  2. Another wonderful birthday gift that is suitable for a three-year-old baby is kinetic sand. This is a fascinating living sand that reacts to the movements of the hands, sometimes crumbling, sometimes flowing, while it does not dry out and does not stain the palms. For the first experiment, you can take 2-3 kg, and if possible, then there can be more sand, for example, you can fill an inflatable sandbox with it. Along with the sand, you can take various molds and tools for playing.

Kinetic sand is pleasant to the touch and can be used as a stress reliever. You can build a variety of shapes from it or simply knead it with your hands and enjoy the texture.

  1. A classic of children's creativity - modeling mass. Now there are a huge number of colors and sets, a good mass does not dry out during sculpting, is not poisonous, does not have a strong odor, and does not stain your hands. Look for bright and clean colors. Some manufacturers offer interesting accessories for playing with plastic mass. For example, a press in the shape of a turtle, from which different sausages appear when pressed. A set with modeling material and interesting mechanisms will be an excellent birthday gift for a 3-year-old girl.

Construction sets, puzzles, mosaics

  • At three years old, a child can already be given a construction set or blocks. The construction set should have large blocks; it would be good if it had specialized elements: parts with wheels and in the form of a roof, windows and doors that can be inserted into the finished house. It is also better to buy cubes in a large set with many shapes. Such diversity will help the child realize his ideas, for example, to build a city.
  • Large puzzles with recognizable characters are suitable. These could be your favorite cartoon characters or animals. Number of parts - up to 40 elements. Pay attention to wooden puzzles or those made on thick cardboard. Such a gift will last the child longer and will not easily tear or wrinkle during play.

By the age of three, a child can assemble a complex mosaic; you can purchase almost any one. The main thing is that it is of good quality and pleasant colors. The parts cannot be fragile, the paint must not peel off, and the plastic elements must not have a strong odor.

Role-playing games

If you are thinking about what to give your 3 year old girl, be sure to consider pretend play toys. Role-playing games are the most important stage in the development of each personality. During role-playing play, the child’s emotional world is formed, the baby comprehends the world of adults, relationships and laws in it. Of course, imagination and social skills develop.

  1. Any toys that imitate adult things would be a wonderful gift. These could be cleaning kits, dishes, special kitchens and household appliances, toy phones. Job games are very popular among children. Give your little one a set for her favorite children's game “to the store” or “to the doctor”. If a girl often sees her father fixing things around the house, she might like a set of tools “like her dad’s.” Down with stereotypes! Girls are no less fond of various dump trucks, excavators and other machines. In the sandbox you can play construction games, and at home you can build a city for toys, and ambulances and police cars will come in handy there.
  2. At the age of 3-5 years, dolls and stuffed animals are important. A child can identify himself with his favorite toy, put it to sleep next to him, feed it porridge, and arrange tea parties for bears and hares. If you can find a doll that looks like the birthday girl, she will be delighted! If there is a younger child in the family, then a baby doll with a stroller or sling will be especially relevant, which the girl can walk, proudly walking next to her mother.
  3. The dream of many girls is a doll house. Nowadays it’s easy to find entire series of toys, you can buy new residents, furniture, and accessories. There are families of little animals or dolls living in such a house. As an option - a farm with animals or a zoo.

Interactive toys are things that can respond to a child’s actions. They can talk to the baby, offer some tasks, ask questions. Most often, interactive toys are equipped with educational programs. They can teach letters and counting, names of animals and colors, and ask riddles.

  • There are special children's computers and tablets; they look similar to adult technology, which children really like.
  • There are also interactive alphabet posters. When you click on a letter, that letter or the word that begins with it can be heard.
  • Children find interactive soft toys very funny; they repeat words after a person, answer questions; some of them need to be fed and cared for, like real pets.

Such gifts for a 3-year-old girl will delight her and give her mother a few extra minutes for herself.

Favorite fairy tales

  1. If a child loves a cartoon, he will be very happy to receive a gift in the form of his favorite character. Such a hero will become the baby's faithful friend, an excellent play partner. A great gift for a 3 year old girl is a finger theater. This is not only a joy for the child, but also an assistant for parents. With the help of a finger theater, you can act out scenes from life, simultaneously teaching your child how to behave in a given situation, and learning rhymes and songs in a very simple and fun way. The advantage of this toy is also the active interaction with the parent, and this is never superfluous.
  2. A book is the best gift at all times, especially at this age. The plots should be simple and understandable, preferably with instructive overtones, the illustrations should be large and bright. You shouldn't take complex, ambiguous stories, but a collection of children's poems is perfect. Pay attention to the binding and pages: the book must be strong and can withstand repeated reading and examination.

Three-year-olds are well-known “why-learners”; a good educational book will help the mother and the baby answer questions. Many books develop fine motor skills and sensory abilities of a child; pieces of fabric of various textures are sewn into them; some require stickers to be pasted and buttons to be pressed.

When choosing a gift for a 3-year-old girl for her birthday or just when you come to visit, be sure to take into account her character, interests, and needs. Let your gift be relevant and fulfill the dream of a little princess!

Your young lady's third birthday is coming up very soon. Parents and loved ones are starting to sort through gift options. After all, on a birthday you only want to make your child happy!

What gift should I choose? What unusual, but at the same time useful thing to buy? In our article we have collected advice from experienced psychologists, mothers, and professional animators.

When choosing the best gift for a 3-year-old girl, remember her preferences, think about whether she would be interested in the fifth doll or a set of plasticine, of which more than a dozen have already accumulated on the table.

A boring and useless gift will certainly upset your little one.

Gifts for fun

Quite often, adults choose a gift for three-year-old children that can give joy and fun.

Such toys are quite easy to find in any children's goods store.

What are the options for a birthday gift for a 3-year-old girl?

Gifts for the young housewife

Such useful gifts will teach you skills in caring for babies and loved ones.

From a very young age, girls play with great pleasure with their dolls, feed them or treat them, put them to bed and take them for walks.

A game like “To the House” has not lost its relevance to this day.

You can give your baby the following gifts:

Sport equipment

This gift will bring joy to most kids. If the children's space allows, then purchase a special corner.

When choosing a sports complex, consider the size of the room - will it be convenient for your child to play sports, play, and sleep.

If it fits organically into the interior and does not make it difficult to move around the room, then be sure to purchase a similar complex consisting of bars, rope and other sports equipment.

In addition to the corner for physical education, wonderful gifts will be:

When choosing a gift for a 3-year-old girl, take into account the time of year in which she was born. After all, you must agree that skiing in the summer or, for example, a bicycle in the winter will not be entirely appropriate.

If your present is useful, but small in size, then add something else nice: an original postcard, sportswear or stylish sneakers.

Fashionable and themed toys

Any girl at the age of three dreams of having a hero, for example, a favorite cartoon.

Ask the parents of other kids in the yard or kindergarten what toys and dolls are most popular today.

There will always be such trendy things that will be a baby’s dream.

The following gifts will delight a 3-year-old girl:

At the age of 3, girls rarely put small parts in their mouths and do not swallow various beads and rings.

However, to be on the safe side, it is better to choose a doll that has as few small parts as possible.

Themed toys and sets

Play, entertainment and learning - these three functions are combined in such sets that reproduce elements of “adult” life.

Child psychologists recommend purchasing occupation-themed toys for little ones. They help them better perceive the world around them and develop communication skills.

Thematic sets teach empathy, understanding other people, make it easier to memorize numbers and letters, and also teach behavior in a variety of situations.

For a 3-year-old girl, the following games are suitable:

Thematic games quite often help in the fight against children's fears.

If a girl is afraid of nurses and doctors, then be sure to purchase a set “
Hospital”, which includes a white coat with a cap, like a real doctor.

Let the baby play the role of a “good doctor”, offer to treat a doll or a bunny, and then one of the family members.

After such a game, most girls begin to understand the importance and complexity of this profession, the fear of the hospital becomes less, and sometimes disappears altogether.

A dream come true

Does your little one dream of an enchanting holiday with the presence of your favorite characters? Or have you long ago made a promise to take your baby to the circus or water park, but still haven’t found the time?

Birthday is the best time to finally fulfill your promises. If necessary, take a day off from work to devote the whole day to the young princess.

If you decide to invite animators or visit a children's entertainment center, be sure to invite friends who have children of the same age.

A wonderful company, coupled with cartoon characters and a cheerful host, will become the basis of a bright holiday.
Don’t forget about the sweet table, bake it yourself or order a delicious cake with an original design.
My own director

If you yourself “have” children no worse than professional animators, then it is quite possible to arrange a memorable holiday at home, which will become an original gift for a 3-year-old girl.

Take into account a few useful tips:

Renovation in the nursery

Many little girls dream of having a princess house when they are 3 years old.

You can fulfill the birthday girl's wish by transforming the baby's room. It will be good if the girl does not see transformations before her birthday comes.

If the wallpaper and ceiling match the new interior, then purchase only new furniture, suitable accessories and textiles. On various websites you can always find thousands of photographs with room designs for little princesses.

Choose an original option, be sure to take into account the baby’s preferences.

Some important tips:

Think about which of our suggested gift options for a 3-year-old girl will please your birthday girl the most.

Approach the organization of the gala evening with all your heart, taking into account all the wishes of the baby. And then the little princess will certainly remember the cheerful and bright holiday for a long time.

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Celebrating the baby’s third birthday is already more conscious in nature, unlike the first two name days. This is due to a significantly increased understanding of what is happening: now the child participates in choosing guests, in decorating the holiday and knows what he wants to receive as a gift.
Many parents are puzzled by the question of what to give their child for 3 years. Gifts at this age are already accepted by the baby with delight and joy, if they are chosen correctly.
On third name days, you also can’t do without festive caps and inflatable balloons, as these are the main attributes of a children’s birthday. The child should feel special among the guests, the hero of the celebration.

If everything is clear with the holiday decoration, then the gift requires some knowledge about child development at this age, about the preferences and abilities of your baby.
20 gift ideas for a three-year-old baby - a universal selection of toy options for girls and boys aimed at developing speech, fine and gross motor skills, stimulating intellectual activity, and developing a correct perception of the world around them.

Child development at the age of three

The development of a child at the age of three covers almost all areas of mental and physical activity. The baby learns about the world not only by touch and visually, he develops logical thinking, connections between actions, and the level of understanding of what is happening increases. During this period, the development of motor skills (fine and gross), which is of great importance in the baby’s life, gradually begins. Fine motor skills, on which the formation of a child’s speech directly depends, include the correct position of a pen or pencil when drawing, maximum use of fingers during play, etc.

A special place should be given to role-playing games, which develop not only logical thinking, but also stimulate mental activity.

When choosing toys for three-year-old children, it is recommended to pay attention to factors that develop visual, auditory and tactile perception. These include the material of the product, its color and sound.
Toys made of plastic must be of high quality. But if possible, it is better to choose toys made of wood. They are more environmentally friendly, pleasant to the touch and warm. And, therefore, wooden toys better develop sensory perception and fine motor skills. These can be lotto, dominoes, strings and other educational games.

What to give a 3 year old boy?

Parking or track for cars

For a boy's birthday, a car parking lot would be a good gift. By the age of three, he probably already has a large fleet of vehicles and he will be glad that now he will have a garage where to place them. Boys love to run small cars, so anyone will be happy with a track for cars. And if it also consists of several tiers and several descent paths, then it will be possible to organize many different games on it. For example, any Hot Wheels game track is a good gift for a 3-year-old son or grandson.


A railway is also perfect as a gift. Of course, the greatest delight will be caused by the electric train, which rushes along the rails, emitting the sounds of a real steam locomotive. But if your child loves the cartoon “The Jolly Engines of Chuggington,” then any track with its characters will undoubtedly be the best gift.

A universal gift for a boy – a car

What to give a 3 year old boy? A classic gift option is a typewriter. But the choice of toy vehicles in our time is simply huge: inertial, remote, transforming and many others. You need to choose based on the child’s knowledge and interests. For example, if he can already handle the remote control, knows how and loves to press buttons, then you can give him a radio-controlled model. But such cars can be difficult to operate, so be sure to pay attention to the recommended age on the toy packaging.

What to give a 3 year old girl?

Doll houses

What to give a 3 year old girl? An excellent gift for a little girl would be a doll house in which her dolls will live. This gift falls into the category of role-playing toys based on logical thinking. For example, a girl will put dolls to sleep, feed them, and over time come up with more complex stories. There are many doll houses on sale now, but the cutest and most popular are, without a doubt, the Sylvanian Families sets of families, houses and furniture.

A classic of the genre for girls - a doll

As opposed to cars, a doll is considered a classic toy for girls. Beautiful and elegant, they almost always cause delight and joy in the fair half at a young age. The choice of dolls nowadays is also very wide; they are equipped with various mechanisms and dressed in dresses or suits.

For a three-year-old girl, it is preferable to buy baby dolls than, for example, Barbie or Winx, which are designed for an older age.

Jewelry box

At 3 years old, the little princess already has a lot of hairpins, rubber bands and jewelry. They definitely need a box! And if she comes with a mirror that you can look into while trying on jewelry, then there will be no limit to your delight.

It is important to remember that the box should be for children, without sharp parts and with a plastic mirror.

Universal gifts

Universal toys can be given to both boys and girls for 3 years. Gender differences at this age do not yet greatly influence the choice of toys.

Toy sets "kitchen", "hospital" or "shop"

These sets are suitable for both girls and boys. Watching how mom copes in the kitchen, prepares breakfast and lunch, the baby will repeat her actions, and over time will even begin to think out the plot. The same goes for the toy hospital. Let mom or dad become patients for a while, and the child become a doctor. This is how the child develops role-playing skills.

It has been proven that role-playing games have a positive impact on the development of logic and perception of the world around us.

And playing in the store is not only interesting, but also useful. From the age of three, a child can be taught to count. Toy money is the best tool for first learning numbers, and then for simple addition and subtraction.

Irina, mother of Serezha, 3.5 years old: “Serezha was given a toy store for his birthday. At first he got lost among the cars and robots, but now we play it every day. The set included plastic coins from 1 to 10. Seryozha studied them so well that he can accurately name any number!”

Favorite cartoon characters

Three-year-old children have many favorite characters. Moreover, most of them are liked by both boys and girls. Masha and the Bear, Peppa Pig, Poli Robocar, Fixies, Smeshariki - the list is quite long. In this matter, you should start only from the preferences of the baby.

Young artist's kit

At three years old, drawing is very useful for the development of fine motor skills and imagination. Therefore, for your baby’s birthday, you can give an album, paints, markers or pencils. The list will be complemented by other drawing supplies: a sippy cup, an easel, crayons and much more.

Drawing is included in almost all modern early development methods, so such a gift will not only please a three-year-old child, but will also benefit him.


One of the favorite activities of three-year-old girls and boys is construction sets. From it they cleverly make doll houses, car garages and other structures. A construction set is an indispensable toy for children; it also promotes early development. Fine motor skills, attention, imagination - these are the aspects of physical and psychological development that are affected by games with a constructor.

Mosaic and puzzles

If your child can already skillfully cope with the construction set, then you can move on to smaller parts from which various pictures are put together. Now in children's stores there is a large selection of mosaics of different sizes; for children of three years of age it is better to choose large pieces.

Games with mosaics or puzzles are great for developing logic and fine motor skills.

Books: traditional or electronic

E-books are the result of technological progress of our generation. Little ones will love them thanks to the bright pictures and texts, and will also make them work a little. Often, e-readers have multiple functions. These can be counting rhymes, ABC books, fairy tales, or all together.

Particular attention should be paid to electronic encyclopedias, which consist of many bright pages with tasks, riddles and pictures. They open up for the baby the fullness of the surrounding world.

Flip books also make great gifts for a three year old. Before the eyes of the baby, paper huts will be erected, trees will grow, and funny characters from fairy tales or cartoons will appear.

Coloring pages

A coloring book with your favorite characters will be a great addition to a little artist’s set.
Coloring pages differ mainly in age category. Among the new products, erudite coloring books are noted.

Children's domino

For little scholars, a children's domino is recommended as a gift for a three-year anniversary. It differs from an adult in that instead of dots there are pictures. for example, 1 mitten or 5 kittens. In the process of adding pictures, children learn numbers and basic counting. At the same time, the study takes place unobtrusively, in the form of a game.

Children's lotto

What can you give to a little “why”? Of course, children's lotto. A smart game will involve the whole family in the process, help them learn the basics of the alphabet and arithmetic, and expand their knowledge about nature, animals and objects.

Logical cubes

The logic cube is one of the most popular and versatile gifts for a three-year-old child. Multi-colored puzzles are easily folded into a cube, and the figures are inserted into special holes. The toy can captivate the baby for a long time, developing logical thinking and speeding up the process of mastering counting.

Scooter or bicycle

Physical development is no less important at this wonderful age. Often, from the age of three, children are happy to try riding a bicycle or scooter. Therefore, you can give just such a gift for your baby’s birthday.

Elena, mother of 3-year-old Masha: “The scooter that I gave to my daughter became a hit of the holiday. She first mastered it at home, and after 2 days she tried her hand at the asphalt. Of course, with knee pads and elbow protection!

5 DIY ideas

  1. A hand-sewn pillow or toy. This gift will take a lot of time, but children will like it no less than a toy from a children's store.
  2. Clothes for dolls. For girls, outfits for their favorite dolls would be a good gift. A grandmother could easily make such a gift for her beloved granddaughter.
  3. Colorful cake. Not a single child's birthday would be complete without this. Cakes with your favorite characters or modern novelties - photo cakes, muffins decorated with multi-colored fondant and sweet animals - will really appeal to both girls and boys.
  4. Bright applique. Here it is important to think through a plot familiar to the baby and select colored materials.
  5. Educational soft toys. These can be rugs, cubes or pads, sewn from scraps with numbers, letters, flowers, cartoon characters.

Video on the topic

When choosing a gift for a child’s birthday, you should not focus only on new modern toys. After all, this can negatively affect the baby, creating a passion for acquisition. Simple toys or handmade crafts will be much more useful for children's development. It is also not necessary to give any thing or object. A good gift could be a poem dedicated to the baby or a family trip to the circus or a children's play.

In order for children to learn to care for their neighbors from an early age, they need to not only accept gifts, but also give them. Famous teachers Boris and Lena Nikitin created their own family tradition, according to which a child gives a gift to his mother on his birthday.

A girl at the age of three is already very independent. She begins to exhibit “feminine” behavior, copying her mother. It is no longer a burden for her to sit and wait for a long time while her mother braids her beautiful pigtail. And in general, she considers herself a princess.

When choosing a gift for a girl, you need to take into account her preferences, whether she will need a doll, of which she has 10 pieces, or paints with plasticine, which she already has. After all, an uninteresting and unnecessary gift will only upset her. It is necessary to approach this moment responsibly and ask the girl what she dreams of and how she sees her holiday.

What to give a 3 year old girl?

Choosing toys, it is advisable to pay attention not only to the price, but also to the irreplaceability of the gift. Often, inexpensive gifts surprise kids more than expensive ones. There is also no need to purchase overly complex, intricate toys, since they will discourage the child from playing with them due to their complex functions. You shouldn’t be afraid to buy toys that the girl didn’t have, because she just needs to explore the world and develop.

As a rule, all parents know about their daughter’s wishes, but many relatives have no idea what to give, so it would be right to tell them the wishes of the little princess.

You shouldn’t put off buying a gift for your baby until the last few days, and if you had to buy toys in a hurry, you can buy a beautiful elegant doll, a soft toy, or a kitchen for the little hostess. Girls always like these gifts..

Another option is to organize a holiday in an entertainment center with friends, animators, and interesting competitions. You should definitely buy a cake, perhaps with the image of your favorite characters.

Three years is a turning point in the development of a child. Children at this age remember everything with lightning speed, imitate adults, try to do everything on their own, even what they don’t know how to do. Parents need to spend more time with their children, play games with them in which children copy adults. Three-year-olds also love to listen to fairy tales and rhymes., look at colorful pictures, because during this period memory, speech, and imagination quickly develop.

Choosing a gift for a 3 year old girl

What is better, many small gifts or one big one? Both options are good in their own way. Small gifts are more interesting for the baby, because each toy is considered a separate gift. Various small toys are always needed, since they need to be replaced often and there are never too many of them.

A big gift is a practical one, because the girl will play with it for a long time. When purchasing an expensive gift, you can group with other invitees and purchase one large, memorable gift.

Classification of possible gifts

Gifts for a little beauty

At this age, girls are fashionable in beautiful outfits and mother’s jewelry in front of the mirror. They love to paint their nails with varnish, like their mother, and ask her to help do it. They also study and play with mom’s cosmetics. It is at these moments that the future girl’s attitude towards her appearance begins to form. . The little fashionista will be delighted from a donated dress and fabulous shoes, as well as a suitcase with children's jewelry, which includes: beads, bracelets, rings, earrings, hair clips and blanks for making jewelry yourself (with the help of adults).

In turn, gifts that emphasize beauty and femininity will be very good, such as: a dressing table, a children's handbag, a hair band or hoop, a game “Hairdressing”.

A win-win gift option would be children's shampoo, bathing product, bubble bath, soap in the shape of an animal, children's perfume (water with a pleasant smell). There are many ready-made kits that include a mirror, comb, rubber bands and hair clips.

At three years old, a girl brushes her teeth herself and can be pleased with a set of delicious toothpaste and brush.

Interior toys for birthday

These are things that help a child in everyday life. The first place in this series is occupied by the sports complex, which subsequently becomes the favorite exercise machine for both the hostess and all her friends who are visiting. Children climb a rope at speed, doing pull-ups on the horizontal bar. This gift is durable, because it can be used even when the children grow up.

“Interior” gifts include:

Almost all girls dream of a room like a princess. You can update your baby’s room, but make sure she doesn’t see the changes before the holiday. Buy new furniture, matching curtains and other accessories. Everything needs to be arranged wisely so that there is as much free space as possible for games and creativity. Colors should not be too bright. Be sure to allocate space for a desk, because very soon the baby will begin to learn to read and write, as well as purchase shelves for toys and books.

Story games and toys for them

Story games are when children repeat the daily actions of adults. For example, if a girl plays with a doll, then she needs to be fed, combed, changed, walked with, and put to bed. By playing such games, a little girl develops thinking, imagination, and speech, so the most common gift is is this a baby doll or a baby doll, which will come in a set with a hair comb, hairpins, and additional clothing. Then the girl will be able to perform any procedures with her.

Gifts for the little hostess and the expectant mother will teach how to care for the baby.

There are a great variety of toy sets:

  • doctor's kit;
  • play kitchen with a set of toy dishes;
  • transformable stroller for a doll (cradle stroller and stroller);
  • doll house;
  • furniture for a doll (table, chairs, bed, wardrobe);
  • toy vacuum cleaner, stove, kettle, washing machine, dishwasher;
  • iron and ironing board;
  • toy store;
  • cash machine;
  • sand play sets;
  • sets of products (fruits, vegetables) from which the baby will prepare lunch. Although they are plastic, they look very realistic.

Sports toys for a three year old's birthday

These include:

  • wall bars (horizontal bar, rope, parallel bars, rings);
  • bike;
  • scooter;
  • cycling;
  • fitball;
  • various “carts”, such as a horse on wheels and others;
  • swing;
  • jump rope;
  • trampoline.

Toys for development

This category of toys is considered the most necessary, because with these toys the little girl will learn numbers and letters faster, and will also learn a lot of new things and learn to analyze. In a playful way, memory, motor skills, attention, speech are developed, and all this will be useful before entering school. Such toys include:

Gifts for creativity

Three years of age is the most suitable period for children's creativity. At this age, children love to cut out, draw, glue, and sculpt.

You can present:

Gifts for fun

Such original toys will give you fun and a good mood.. It could be:

  • children's musical instruments (synthesizer, piano, accordion, xylophone, drum, tambourine, guitar, pipe, whistle, microphone);
  • musical rug;
  • music book;
  • talking and singing toys (talking cat Tom, repeating hamster);
  • kinetic sand with molds.

Toys with cartoon characters

Almost all children want to have their favorite cartoon characters.. You can consult with the parents of other children in choosing a toy of this kind. All the girls will be happy if they are given:

  • Baby-Born doll (you can feed her, water her, change diapers, put her on a potty, the doll can cry and close her eyes);
  • Peppa Pig and her whole family;
  • Winx, Moxie, Bratz, Sonya Rose dolls;
  • My Little Pony horse set;
  • Philly horse;
  • Elsa - the snow queen;
  • figures of Fixies, Smeshariki, Masha and the bear.

Themed sets and toys

Such sets perform several functions at once - gaming, entertaining, educational. Psychologists advise purchasing sets with elements of “adult life” to develop communication abilities in society, greater knowledge of the world around us, correct behavior in different situations.

Girls aged three years can buy:

  • store (cash register, set of products);
  • school;
  • cafe;
  • a set of medical instruments;
  • set with hairdressing accessories.

Such games will teach the little one to overcome her childhood fears, help others, and empathize. If a girl is afraid of doctors, then the “Hospital” set will come in handy. Dress the baby in a white robe and cap and treat family members, dolls, and animals together. After this, the girl will understand what a necessary profession this is and will no longer be afraid of going to the hospital.

A bright birthday celebration

Birthday is a wonderful time to spend a day with your baby at the zoo, water park, circus. A wonderful idea would be to organize a party with your favorite characters, animators, clowns, because a cheerful and interesting host is the main thing in a children's party. But you need to prepare for such a holiday in advance. You can invite friends and girlfriends of the hero of the occasion and go with them to the entertainment center; there must be a sweet table with an unforgettable cake.

The same can be organized at home, only the area of ​​the room must accommodate all the guests, and there must also be room for games, dances, and competitions.

Themed parties are very popular now, but for this you need to prepare props and mini-gifts for participants (colored pencils, dolls, small cars) in advance. Prepare children's dishes and decorate them in an interesting way. Be sure to film the celebration and photograph the entire company.

The third anniversary is a milestone, which separates infancy from childhood. During this period, children have their own formed opinions, and before preparing, you must definitely consult with your child; at this age, children are very offended if their opinion is ignored.

The most important thing when choosing a gift is that the girl likes it, and not just be useful. Often, parents think only about the development of the child, but do not take into account interests. You need to choose realistic toys that are similar to existing animals, fish, birds, and people. This is necessary so that the girl’s imagination about the existing world of wildlife is not disturbed. There is no need to purchase dolls of vampires, monsters, zombies. The baby’s psyche has not yet fully settled and this can negatively affect her.

Beautiful gift wrapping is an additional, joyful, exciting moment before meeting the toy. Be sure to wrap the toy in a beautiful gift wrapping and attach a bow.