How does eco-leather differ from genuine leather? What is eco leather? The difference between leather and eco-leather (photo)

Recently, the demand for genuine leather products has not been so strong. The reason is the emergence of less expensive, high-quality products made from eco-leather. The popularity of this material is explained by its differences for the better from other types of artificial material.

Eco leather- a high-tech material that allows you to create wear-resistant products at affordable prices. Ecological leather is in demand in such industries as:

  1. Furniture: production of upholstery for armchairs and sofas.
  2. Haberdashery: creating bags and wallets, briefcases and purses.
  3. Light: tailoring.

Many companies use eco-leather to produce car seat covers.

Artificially produced leather consists of the following layers:

  • basics;
  • impregnating composition;
  • polymer coating.

The fabric base of the eco-material is made of natural or polyester materials.

The polymer coating of the eco-material is polyurethane. There are other types of artificial leather based on the following polymers:

  • polyacetal;
  • thermoplastic elastomer;
  • cellulose nitrate;
  • rubber.

The structure and structure of ecological leather is porous. Other types of artificial material may have the following structure and structure:

  • monolithic and porous-monolithic;
  • single-layer and multi-layer;
  • baseless on a fibrous basis;
  • reinforced.

Depending on the conditions under which artificial leather is used, such varieties are known as: regular and frost-resistant, acid- and alkali-resistant, water-resistant, etc.

Eco-leather is so close in some properties to natural leather that sometimes only specialists can distinguish them. This applies to the case where the polyurethane substitute material is of very good quality.

How to distinguish leather from eco-leather

If a person decides to purchase something made from natural material, he should be careful not to make a mistake. After all, unscrupulous sellers may offer polyurethane leather instead of natural leather.

It is necessary to take into account a number of features that eco-leather has:

  1. It heats up just like natural material, from human heat upon contact with it. Leaves no traces of moisture.
  2. The design on the front side is very close to the natural design.
  3. Not subject to significant deformation: when stretched, it quickly restores its shape. The fabric feels soft and stretchy to the touch.
  4. Absorbs moisture well.

How to distinguish leather from eco-leather on a jacket

The first thing you should do is find the label on the jacket where the sign is indicated. If the sign is in the form of a diamond, it is a product made from environmentally friendly material. If there is no label on the product, you need to find the raw edge and take a good look at it.

Natural material will not delaminate. But if the cut shows a top coating in the form of a film, and on the bottom layer there is fabric, it is polyurethane leather. If you cannot find the raw edge of the product, pay attention to the seams.

A leatherette jacket usually has closed seams and is very thin to the touch. A product made of natural material may also have closed seams, but when you feel them between your fingers, a “roller” is felt.

A jacket made of natural material will have a specific leather smell. So you can just smell the thing. But some manufacturers resort to tricks, impregnating leatherette with special aromatic solutions - they do not recommend completely relying on such experience.

The weight of the jacket also matters - things made of leatherette are usually light.

Eco-leather products have rich shades. This is because the dye adheres better to the polyurethane coating, therefore the colors look brighter.

Testing a piece of material with fire is an unreliable method, since special additives are added to modern leather substitutes.

A dubious method of checking authenticity is also exposing the material to water. Leather is known to absorb water, but if the surface of the product is treated with a water-repellent compound, the test result will be incorrect.

It would be much easier to distinguish leather from ordinary leatherette. The reason is that the properties of other types of artificial leather differ significantly from the properties of polyurethane and natural leather for the worse.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette

No plasticizer additives are used in the production of eco-leather. Another feature in the production of ecological leather is a special attitude towards the base of the polyurethane film: the material does not experience various types of loads.

The result is that eco-raw materials acquire a flexible structure and elasticity. Polyurethane film occupies no more than 25% of the total mass. Therefore, we can safely say that eco-leather is a fabric impregnated with polyurethane. And for leatherette you can choose a definition: a sheet of polymer reinforced with fabric.

The breathability of eco-leather is significantly higher than that of other leatherettes. This was achieved due to the fact that during the film application process, pores are formed through which air and water vapor pass, but not the water itself. The polyurethane network is very mobile, so polymers can rearrange under the influence of mechanical loads and temperature changes. These abilities explain their resistance to wear and very low temperatures. The polymers of films of other types of artificial leather wear out faster and crack in severe frosts.

Reference! Polyurethanes can even eliminate damage to the polymer network during deformation due to the presence of special groups of atoms that natural leather has.

What is the difference between eco-leather and leatherette?

The leatherette base is made of cotton fabric. The coating of this type of artificial leather is cellulose nitrate, which can be applied not only to one side of the fabric, like eco-leather, but also to both sides.

Unlike ecological leather, leatherette has the following features:

  1. Easily wears out. The wear process can only be stopped if the new product is treated with silicone-based varnish.
  2. Does not tolerate low temperatures: cracks in the cold.
  3. Easily flammable and burns quickly. In fire hazardous areas it is not permissible to decorate furniture and doors with leatherette.
  4. When burning, an unpleasant smell of rubber is released. Substances released during combustion are very toxic.
  5. Shows resistance to moisture: prevents water from penetrating into the lining material.
  6. Leatherette can be easily damaged without applying special effort.
  7. Changes color when bent.
  8. Has low thermal conductivity. Leatherette items are cold to the touch. Even if you hold them in your hands for a long time, they hardly heat up.
  9. The top layer pattern is uniform, only vaguely reminiscent of the pattern of natural porosity.
  10. Mainly used as a finishing material.
  11. It gets tougher over time.
  12. It is sensitive to ultraviolet rays. It is better to cover the door with leatherette from the inside.
  13. Does not allow air to pass through. A person is clearly uncomfortable in clothes and shoes made of leatherette. It is highly undesirable to purchase such products, only in case of a shortage of funds.

What is the difference between Alcantara and eco-leather?

Among modern materials, Alcantara has recently become very popular. Many car enthusiasts are interested in having the car interior covered with this unique fabric that imitates natural suede.

This artificial suede is produced using an advanced spinning method. The result is a very thin fiber, which is then pierced and impregnated with an adhesive composition. The inner surface of the woven material is treated with abrasive. As a result, the pile rises and the fabric becomes soft and silky.

Differences between Alcantara and eco-leather:

  1. More susceptible to contamination due to the presence of small fibers on the surface.
  2. Heats up less under the sun's rays.
  3. More pleasant to the touch.
  4. Requires more careful care. If staining liquids get on the surface, you have to wash the fabric.
  5. More elastic. Alcatara car seat covers can be easily applied to the seats. But if eco-leather covers are not tightened correctly, then over time cracks appear in the material.
  6. Products made from Alcatara are more expensive than those made from eco-leather.

It is impossible to say for sure who is more susceptible to wear and tear of Alcantara or eco-leather - it all depends on how well they were made.

Information about eco-leather is increasingly convincing that this is the material of the future - absolutely safe for humans during operation, reliable and high-quality raw materials.

Manufacturers of synthetic materials never cease to amaze us, creating more and more new products, the main purpose of which is to replace expensive natural materials. Eco-leather has become just such a new product. What is eco-leather and how is it different from natural material?

What is eco leather

Work on the creation of this material began back in 1963, when American scientists were tasked with creating an artificial material whose characteristics were no different from natural ones and at the same time should be cheaper.

The production of this material is based on the principle of manufacturing leatherette. However, environmentally friendly raw materials are used. Eco-leather is based on cotton fabric, which is coated with polyurethane. Thanks to this, eco-leather does not contain any harmful components or substances with an unpleasant odor, which are characteristic of other leather substitutes.

Features and benefits of eco-leather

Among the main advantages of this material are:

  1. Externally, eco-leather is no different from natural leather. In some cases, to distinguish them, you need to look at the reverse side.
  2. The use of the material has saved thousands of animal lives.
  3. Due to the fact that the production of eco-leather allows fabric to be made of any size, it has become very popular in the production of furniture and other large-sized products that require large, solid pieces of leather fabric.
  4. The polyurethane used to make the material has a large number of pores, which allows the eco-leather to “breathe”, allowing air to pass freely.
  5. During production, fabric of any color can be made.
  6. Has high frost resistance.
  7. The material is resistant to high temperatures and sunlight. Therefore, products made from it do not deteriorate or fade, even when exposed to the open sun.
  8. Eco-leather is quite pliable, elastic and easy to use. It is easy to cut, cut and sew from it.
  9. The material is practical and durable.
  10. Eco-leather is resistant to abrasion and other mechanical damage.
  11. Does not contain allergens and does not cause negative reactions from the body.
  12. Relatively low price, in contrast to natural material.

What does eco-leather mean for manufacturers of goods made from it? Thanks to its use, it is possible to make high-quality products that will have all the properties of genuine leather and at the same time will be absolutely safe for humans. Today the material is used for the production of clothing, shoes, haberdashery, furniture, car upholstery, etc.

Comparison with natural leather

Some people are skeptical about various artificial materials. So what are their similarities and differences?

  1. Both fabrics are pleasant to the touch. But, if you sit on furniture covered with natural material, then exposed parts of the body may sweat, which is not observed when touching eco-leather.
  2. For some, natural material is an allergen, while eco-leather is completely hypoallergenic and safe.
  3. The air permeability of artificial material is several times higher than that of natural material, for the coating of which acrylic emulsions are often used.

How to care for the material

In order for an eco-leather product to serve you as long as possible, you need to properly care for it:

  1. To clean dirt from its surface, it is better to choose soft fabrics. If the product has stains that are difficult to remove, they can be treated with an alcohol solution, for which alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 1.
  2. An eco-leather product will last longer if it is regularly treated with water-repellent agents.
  3. To clean products, it is prohibited to use products that contain chlorine or abrasive particles.
  4. After cleaning the eco-leather, wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

Products made from eco-leather have an attractive appearance, are practical and at the same time cost much less than their analogues made from natural material.

Genuine leather is a flexible, durable, elastic material. Humanity has valued it for its high protective and aesthetic functions for many centuries: clothes, shoes, bags, even armor were made from it. It was the skin that served for the benefit of the development of civilization - the parchment from which the first books were made also consisted of this material.

Just like centuries ago, now genuine leather is an expensive pleasure. There is also an opinion that this material is inhumane and its use is unacceptable. That’s why they invented an economical, reliable and decent-looking artificial substitute - eco-leather.

History and production

Eco-leather is a material that consists of two layers. The base is woven fabric. A layer of polymer is applied on top, painted in the desired color and given a characteristic texture. Polymers are a substance consisting of many molecules, organic and inorganic. Cellulose, proteins, rubber and polyethylene are all polymers.

In 1963, eco-leather was first produced in America, and a year later Japan independently presented its own developments in this area.

Polyurethane, a very durable rubber substitute, is used as a “leather-like” coating. This material is used to create sealants, adhesives, paints and varnishes, and artificial decorative stones. Shoe soles and car tires are made from polyurethane - it is truly a very durable, wear-resistant substance that surpasses even metal in terms of durability. Eco-leather made of polyurethane is safe, non-toxic and does not emit strong odors. Under a microscope, the coating is a porous structure that allows air to pass through perfectly.

The following is used as a basis:

  • – natural fabric, the fibers of which are obtained from a plant called cotton;
  • – a synthetic polyester fabric that resembles wool or cotton, depending on how the fibers are produced.

Thanks to the woven base and porous polyurethane, eco-leather has excellent air permeability - better than its natural counterpart. If the layer of polymer coating is increased, the fabric becomes stronger, but also more rigid. Eco-leather receives its characteristic surface pattern and texture, similar to natural in every way, after pressure treatment.

It is very simple to distinguish artificial material from natural one: the fabric is clearly visible on the back of eco-leather.


Eco-leather: a little fabric and chemistry

To produce eco-leather, you do not need to spend huge resources on special raising and keeping animals - you only need fabrics and a little chemicals. This material does not harm the environment and is affordable. It can be produced in unlimited quantities, of absolutely any color, type, shape and thickness. Other advantages of eco-leather include:

  • strength and elasticity;
  • wear resistance, resistance to abrasion and tearing;
  • Any design of the canvas is possible (color, texture);
  • hypoallergenic - the material is suitable for people with allergies to fur and natural leather;
  • breathability;
  • dimensional stability (does not stretch, does not rub on bends);
  • easy to maintain (does not absorb dirt and water);
  • hygroscopicity of the inside (the fabric cannot be used as a terry towel, but moisture will not remain on the body and there will be no sauna effect);
  • the material successfully withstands the effects of low temperatures and does not harden in the cold;
  • fabric is not afraid of ultraviolet radiation;
  • ease of processing - you can cut and sew eco-leather even at home.


  • can get very hot in the sun;
  • quickly becomes unusable if the material is scratched by pets;
  • cannot be repaired - if the polyurethane layer is damaged or knocked down, it cannot be restored with “liquid skin” (which is used to repair natural products) or simply painted over.

Eco-leather is a high-tech modern fabric, which in its characteristics is in no way inferior to natural leather.

Application area

Eco leather bag

Elastic material is used to create items of clothing, shoes, accessories, etc. The products look decent, expensive, easy to care for and last a long time.

Made from eco-leather:

  • upholstery for furniture (sofas, armchairs, chairs, ottomans, stools, kitchen corners);
  • clothes (jackets, skirts, shorts, trousers, dresses, coats, jackets);
  • footwear (shoes, boots, sandals);
  • gloves;
  • bags, backpacks, clutches, wallets;
  • car covers.

Eco-leather is combined with other materials - fabric appliqués, lace, metal. There are products with decorative perforations and imitation of exotic leather (iguana, crocodile). Draperies and folds (dresses, skirts) look beautiful.


An eco-leather sofa can only be wiped with a damp cloth.

You can wash marker marks from the sofa with ordinary soapy water - caring for eco-leather is extremely simple. Dust from furniture or accessories is removed with a dry textile cloth; more serious dirt is removed with a damp sponge, the traces of which are then wiped dry. Eco-leather cannot be washed.

It is recommended to clean stubborn stains with special detergents for natural leather. You can also use water and ammonia, which are mixed in equal proportions - wipe the stain with the resulting liquid. All moisture should be promptly removed from the surface.

The only thing eco-leather is afraid of is mechanical damage (cuts, scratches). This is why abrasives (hard brushes, pumice) are not used. It is also worth protecting the material from exposure to chlorine.

It is traditionally believed that everything artificial is bad and short-lived, while everything natural is safe and healthy. On the contrary, it is usually synthetic materials that are more durable and practical and do not cause allergies. For example, natural cotton wrinkles a lot, and leather cracks over time and is made from killed animals.

Eco-leather is a worthy, full-fledged substitute for its natural counterpart. This is a safe material, pleasant to the touch, beautiful and easy to care for. Clothes, furniture and accessories are made from eco-leather, and the cost of the products remains affordable.

Recently, many new synthetic materials have appeared on the modern product market that are trying to compete with natural leather. Thus, products have appeared from a new universal fabric labeled “eco”, which means environmentally friendly material. This is a natural leather hybrid. In this article we will look at what is better - eco-leather or artificial leather, and how to care for such products.

What is ECO leather, artificial and natural leather?

Before considering which is better - eco-leather or artificial leather, you need to understand the difference between them and the difference in comparison with natural material.

Faux leather

Researchers have developed dermatitis, leatherette, PVC leather, which are synthetic materials. Any version of artificial leather consists of a polymer coating film based on knitted, woven and non-woven material.

Important!Polyvinyl chloride is the most common polymer that forms the film. The top layer of PVC does not allow air to pass through. Very often, vinyl upholstery is used for seating in trains, buses, trams, cafes, and clinics.

Natural leather

To produce genuine leather, animal skin is required. This process consists of several stages - soaking, salting, dyeing and chemical treatment.

More recently, most people preferred to have things made of genuine leather because it is a fairly durable material that can withstand large temperature changes. Easy care of products made from this material maintains a presentable appearance.

ECO leather

For a long time, genuine leather had no competitors, and recently ECO leather has appeared on the modern goods market. It has absorbed all the advantages of natural and artificial materials.

Important!Eco-leather is elastic, it is perfectly breathable, does not cause allergic reactions, and does not have an unpleasant odor.

Eco-leather is a product of the latest technological developments in artificial leather. The composition of this material has a layer of polyurethane located on a fabric base, which consists of 100% cotton and resembles genuine leather.

Important!These materials are very similar, and even experts cannot always tell the differences.

For eco-leather, polyurethane is used as a film coating. It has a more complex structure than PVC. All desired properties are formed through chemical synthesis of the polymer, so the use of additional plasticizers is not required.

Important!The main property of this material is breathability, which is achieved through the formation of many micropores that penetrate the film. Thanks to this, air and water vapor are transmitted, but water is not passed through.

Artificial leather is divided into several types:

  • leather for haberdashery;
  • leather for clothing;
  • shoe material;
  • upholstery options;
  • leather that has a technical purpose.

Advantages and disadvantages of ECO leather

For T

Wow, to understand what is better - ECO leather or artificial leather, let's look at the advantages of using products made from ECO leather:

  • ideal price-quality ratio;
  • availability in a wide range of sizes, which is very convenient when making furniture;
  • the production procedure is less expensive, less environmentally hazardous and humane in relation to the animal world;
  • wide range of colors;
  • low hygroscopicity, which increases the productivity of finished eco-leather products;
  • excellent elastic properties;
  • high resistance to sunlight - a black product made from eco-leather can remain in the sun for a long time and will not fade at all;
  • excellent frost resistance;
  • products made from this material wear well and are resistant to abrasion;
  • the material does not cause allergic reactions;
  • this type of fabric is a practical and durable material;
  • the presence of micropores allows the product to breathe, unlike dermatin fabric;
  • the presence of a fabric base helps to quickly eliminate minor deformations;
  • easy care for products of this type of leather.

Important!Due to a number of beneficial properties, ECO leather is a very popular material.

The advantages of using the latest technologies are obvious, but there are also negative aspects:

  • For many people, products made from genuine leather symbolize prestige and luxury, but eco-leather does not provide such a feeling of chic.

What is better - ECO leather or genuine leather?

Let's look at the distinctive features of eco-leather and natural leather materials to understand which is better, eco-leather or genuine leather:

  1. These materials require different sources of raw materials. Thus, for the natural type of leather, animal skin is used, and ECO leather is made of polyurethane.
  2. The use of natural leather causes allergic reactions in some people. Its artificial replacement has hypoallergenic properties, which is absolutely safe for any consumer.
  3. When you touch the material, you feel warmth. But if a person sits in an eco-leather chair, then his body parts will be less prone to sweating.
  4. ECO leather materials are very pleasant to the touch, unlike natural leather, which is coated with acrylic emulsion. But if the leather has an aniline coating, then the artificial analogue is inferior to it.
  5. Fabrics made from ECO leather have better air permeability than natural materials coated with emulsion.
  6. Wear resistance, frost resistance, and the ability to “self-heal” deformations are also distinctive features of both eco-leather and natural-based leather.

Important! Despite the minor differences, both materials require careful and careful care.

Where is ECO leather used?

To understand what is better – eco-leather or artificial leather, you need to take into account the range of materials. Thus, eco-leather is widely used in many areas:

  1. In the furniture industry for the manufacture of coverings for sofas, armchairs and other soft parts.
  2. In the haberdashery industry in the manufacture of various bags, briefcases, wallets, purses.
  3. In light industry when sewing jackets, trousers, skirts, dresses, gloves and shoes. The option of combining eco-leather with other fabrics allows you to create fashionable options for stylish clothing.
  4. In the manufacture of covers and seats for cars.
  5. Eco-leather is widely used for door upholstery.

Important!This material is used for design work. Many designers often use eco-leather elements as decor for various additions to the interior.

Eco-leather car covers

Owners of expensive and prestigious foreign cars use covers for their cars made of artificial suede and leather. Car covers made of eco-leather are simpler, but according to reviews from motorists they have a number of positive aspects:

  • Covers made of this fabric do not wear out or crack.
  • When using such covers, the car interior looks much more comfortable and more attractive from an aesthetic point of view.
  • In hot weather there is no sticking effect in the car seat.
  • It is much more pleasant to sit in seats made of this material.

Eco-leather bags

Since polyurethane is characterized by excellent wear resistance and frost resistance, eco-leather bags have the same qualities and are in great demand.

In addition, such products look very presentable, since the cotton base allows you to realize the most incredible, crazy ideas of designers.

Eco-leather materials are characterized by flexible properties, thanks to which the fabric bends perfectly and is able to take on the necessary shapes.

And the most important is the psychological factor, in which there is no need to destroy an animal in order to show off a prestigious handbag.

Eco-leather shoes

Shoe supermarkets offer a huge range of eco-leather shoes.

The main advantage of these products is the environmental friendliness of the material, since harmful polymers are not used in production.

Eco-leather is able to “breathe” and does not allow moisture to pass through, so these shoes contribute to comfortable feet in any weather.

Caring for shoes made from ECO leather is quite simple and does not require complex manipulations.

Important!Compared to genuine leather, ECO material is not as warm and frost-resistant. Many fashionistas prefer shoes made of eco-leather, since a significant difference in price helps balance this defect.

Eco-leather for furniture

The modern furniture market is characterized by a large assortment of upholstered furniture made from eco-leather. In the manufacture of furniture, this material serves as upholstery for both soft and hard interior elements. The production of upholstered furniture elements is more appropriate, since leather is constantly exposed to external influences and must also be soft and elastic.

Important!A variety of textures and a wide range of colors make it possible to choose a children's sofa and office chair without any problems. The market offers various styles of eco-leather furniture, ranging from modern to classic.

Advantages of using eco-leather furniture:

  • exact imitation of genuine leather;
  • the presence of a wide range of colors, which contributes to excellent design;
  • good breathability;
  • ease of care of the finished product;
  • affordable price factor;
  • environmental compatibility of the fabric contributes to the absence of allergic reactions;
  • frost resistance;
  • high tactility properties of matter - the presence of elasticity, warmth when touched by open parts of the body;
  • resistance to abrasion and tearing;
  • good vapor permeability.

Eco-leather furniture has some disadvantages:

  • When contaminated, artificial leather material should not be treated with water, as stains may remain.
  • The material helps absorb paint from clothing fabrics, so it is preferable to choose a darker shade of chairs and sofas.
  • The surface of upholstered furniture always remains cold, so in winter it is better to cover it with a blanket.
  • Pets can leave marks on an armchair or sofa, so it is wise to avoid buying faux leather upholstered furniture in this case.

Important!When choosing an eco-friendly material, you should take into account the degree of load on the surface of upholstered furniture. So:

  • In office premises where the load is constantly present, it is advisable to use material with increased strength properties for the production of armchairs and stools.
  • When making interior items for home use, such a criterion is not needed at all; here the comfort index plays a more important role. important role.

Eco-leather clothes

What is better - eco-leather or genuine leather? Faux leather material is widely used for sewing women's and men's jackets, dresses, skirts, trousers, and gloves.

Important! The thickness of the fabric is selected depending on the conditions in which it is planned to use such fabric.

The material is also used as a decorative element. In combination with other materials, unique, inimitable products have a presentable appearance.

Characteristics of eco-leather clothing:

  1. Unlike other artificial leather, clothes made from environmentally friendly material do not have an unpleasant odor.
  2. Winter and summer clothing made from eco-friendly materials are distinguished by a variety of color options and sizes.

It is very comfortable to wear clothes made from eco-leather, as it is highly breathable. The presence of a large number of micropores in polyurethane promotes regular air circulation and at the same time the fabric “breathes”. Most natural leather clothing does not have this property.

The clothes are very pleasant to the touch and have elastic properties. No irritation occurs when exposed to human skin. These clothes are ideal for people with sensitive skin and allergic reactions.

Products made from eco-material have a unique property: such clothes are warm in winter, and not hot in summer. The presence of the hygroscopic property of the fabric allows you to absorb excess body moisture, while creating a comfortable microclimate. If moisture gets on the substance, it immediately evaporates.

Sewn jackets made from such synthetic fabric are frost-resistant and do not perish even in the most severe frosts.

Clothing made from eco-leather does not deform during wear, it is resistant to damage from external factors, and perfectly retains its unchanged appearance for a long time.

Eco-leather is resistant to sunlight, as winter jackets and down jackets, as well as summer skirts and dresses, do not fade in the sun.

How to care for eco-leather?

Caring for eco-leather products does not cause any difficulties. During operation, it is necessary to adhere to certain recommendations, the use of which will allow you to keep products made from such fabric in excellent condition for a long time:

  1. If a fresh dirty stain appears, it can be easily removed with a damp cloth.
  2. In cases where the stain is difficult to clean, you can wipe the contaminated area with a solution of alcohol and water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. To extend the service life of products made from this fabric, they must be impregnated with a special composition of water-repellent agents.
  4. After cleaning, this product should be wiped with a dry, clean, soft cloth.
  5. If washing is necessary, this process is allowed at a temperature of no higher than 30 degrees and only manually.
  6. When washing, it is not recommended to use powders - it is better to use special gels.
  7. If the product is heavily soiled, you can contact a dry cleaning service that will deal with this problem.

Important!To clean artificial leather products, it is strictly unacceptable to use products containing chlorine in their composition.

As you can see, in general, eco-leather is definitely better than artificial leather and even in some ways superior to natural material. And then, based on the information received, it is up to you to decide whether shoes, furniture, and clothing made from this material are worthy of your preference.

Since the appearance of the new universal material eco-leather in our lives, people have increasingly begun to give preference to things made from it. All over the world, interest in clothing labeled “eco” is growing day by day. Watching such a stir, you involuntarily ask yourself: what are the advantages of eco-leather? Why do most buyers willingly buy dresses and trousers made from this artificial material? Let's find out!

What is better eco-leather or genuine leather?

Modern eco-leather for women's clothing

Eco-leather is a new development of technologists. The material successfully imitates natural leather. Their similarity is so great that even experts have difficulty finding the differences. Previously, most people preferred things made of genuine leather.

And, indeed, genuine leather is a very durable, durable material, it is elastic and can withstand large temperature changes. It is easy to care for and maintain an excellent appearance. Just a few years ago it had no competitors. Not so long ago, eco-leather entered the market and took all the best from natural and artificial leather.

What properties does eco-leather have?

Safe and odorless. And what, you actually ask, is eco-leather environmentally friendly? Yes, especially in comparison with other leatherettes. Unlike PVC-based fabrics, eco-leather consists of a cotton fabric base with a layer of polyurethane applied to it. This material does not emit an unpleasant odor; polyurethane does not contain plasticizers.

Eco leather under a microscope

Breathable. Will it be comfortable to wear clothes made from eco-leather? Yes, it will, it has high breathability. This is due to the fact that polyurethane has many micropores. They provide regular air circulation. The material breathes! Most genuine leather products do not have this quality.

High aesthetics and elasticity. The photo shows how attractive eco-leather looks. Its appearance is in many ways superior to the best examples of genuine leather. In addition, the eco-leather fabric is uniform over the entire area and has an equally beautiful, even pattern, which makes it possible to make large-sized women's clothing from it. It is elastic and pleasant to the touch; upon contact with the skin, various irritations are excluded. Due to this, eco-leather clothing is recommended for allergy sufferers and people with very sensitive skin.

High hygroscopicity and thermal insulation. All eco-leather products have unique properties: they are warm in winter and not hot in summer. In addition, the material is hygroscopic, it removes excess body moisture to the outside, creating a comfortable microclimate. When moisture hits the fabric, it immediately evaporates.

Frost and heat resistance. You can wear clothes made of eco-leather even in the most severe frosts. It, like genuine leather, can withstand large temperature changes, both low and high.

Wear resistance. Eco-leather is not subject to deformation during wear, it is resistant to various types of damage and retains its original appearance for a long time.

Affordable price. This is one of the main trump cards; the prices for this miracle material are several times lower than genuine leather. And if we add to it the durability and resistance of the paint to external factors, then the new material is certainly a winner.

So, we found out what the advantages of eco-leather are: high practicality, elasticity, low cost, attractive appearance, wear resistance and hygroscopicity. With this knowledge, you can easily answer the question of whether eco-leather or genuine leather is better and make your choice.

P.S. The company “Monza” is engaged in tailoring clothes for overweight ladies; you can always get acquainted with the manufacturer’s assortment on the “Mono-Style” website.