Gel for toenail extension. The extension procedure is step by step. Useful tips from experts to make the gel last longer

In case of fungus or severe damage to the nail, nail plate prosthetics are used. What kind of procedure is this - read in our article.

Every woman dreams of being perfect and irresistible. Everything in an image is important down to the smallest detail: clothes, shoes, perfume, hair, nails. But sometimes our marigolds can hardly be called an ideal. Due to a lack of vitamins, injuries, illnesses, and unsuccessful manicure procedures, nails lose their beauty and health.

Don't despair - even nails that have an ugly shape from birth can can change. You can always find a solution to a problem on the path to beauty and self-confidence. That is why it has gained wide popularity in our time. nail prosthetic procedure.

The essence of the nail prosthetic procedure

Nail prosthetics- a procedure for replacing damaged or missing fingernails or toenails using artificial materials. The nail is completely replaced and attached to the rest of the nail plate special plastic materials.

Nail prosthetics is a medical procedure

Sometimes due to injury or illness the nail is completely or partially destroyed, leaving a cosmetic defect. This problem is not fatal and, in principle, does not harm health, but it causes discomfort. This defect especially worries the fair half of humanity.

If for some reason your nail is missing, deformed or split, it doesn’t matter, prosthetics will do an excellent job of this task and you will feel comfortable again. After prosthetics, the nail will look like a natural one.

You should know that the procedure for restoring nails using prosthetics has nothing to do with nail extensions in nail salons. The gel, acrylic and other materials we all know are absolutely not suitable for prosthetics.

The materials used by manicurists are too dense and not at all plastic. When stressed, they can damage themselves and injure the nail bed. Materials used in prosthetics – nail masses.

These materials contain a large amount of plastic substances that create strength, but at the same time flexibility, like natural nails. Also, prostheses contain components that will not allow nails under the prosthesis. infestation with fungus and bacteria.

With the help of a nail prosthesis you will achieve the following results:

  • Your nails will look beautiful and natural again
  • Fingertips are protected from injury and stress
  • Sensitivity to the fingers returns if prosthetics are performed on the toes
  • The sense of support that is lost along with the nail returns.

Video: Nail prosthetics with medical gel

Reasons for prosthetic nails

You have to resort to the procedure of prosthetic nails if you have:

  • Injuries that completely or partially disrupt the growth and development of the nail
  • Fungus that can lead to nail destruction
  • Nail splitting
  • Congenital anatomical defects of nails. For example, a spoon-shaped nail
  • Ingrown nails
  • Consequences of nail surgery
  • It is necessary to create additional space for ingrown toenails
  • Splitting of the nail. Can be longitudinal or transverse
  • Nail growth disorder

Contraindications for nail prosthetics:

  • Open wounds on the fingers or nail beds – the procedure can be performed after the wounds have healed
    Inflammatory and purulent diseases of the finger - the procedure is carried out after treatment
    “Acute” period of nail fungus - you can’t get a prosthetic nail if the fungus has not been treated
    Complete absence of a nail—not a single prosthesis will stay on the skin. For prosthetics, you must have at least 3mm of your own nail plate.

Toenail prosthetics for fungus

Fungal nail diseases affect many people around the world. This is perhaps one of the most common diseases on our planet. What does the fungus do? nails and hands and feet, leaving behind unpleasant consequences.

Prosthetics are often used for fungus

In addition to the heap of costs for medications, regular nail treatment, changing shoes, the fungus leaves us with deformed, dry, lifeless nails.

Our nails thicken, crumble, and turn yellow. Even after a course of treatment for the fungus, it is very difficult to wait a long time for your nails to grow back and will return to normal. Nail prosthetics will come to the rescue in such a situation.

In case of fungal diseases, nail prosthetics should only be performed after a course of fungal treatment. This can be treatment with tablets, creams, sprays, as well as hardware methods of treatment.

When treated with the device, the affected part of the nail processed with a special tool, cutting off the “bad” area of ​​the nail and using radiation kills the fungus that is located under the nail and in the deep layers of the nail plate.

After treatment, you can begin the extension procedure. It is very important to use materials with the addition of antifungal drugs!

If you apply prosthetics to a fungus-stricken nail, your own nail may be completely destroyed. It will be impossible to correct this, because the prosthesis is attached only on the remainder of the healthy nail plate. An artificial nail will not stick to the skin.

Prosthetics - a quick and painless procedure

Prosthetic methods:

  1. Methodology "glue+copolin"- use of ready-made nail mass
  2. "Ungizan"— the method is based on the use of a hardening mass.
    3. Gel "Gewol» - method of prosthetics with light-curing gel

All these methods are different cost of the procedure and appropriateness for use in each specific case. Which one should you always use? the doctor decides, because each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and only a specialist can correctly weigh the pros and cons.

Whatever method your attending physician chooses for prosthetics The nail plate is prepared:

  1. They polish and process the nail fold, because in the absence of a nail it replaces it
  2. If there are peeled parts of the nail, they are removed
  3. Immediately before applying the prosthesis and fixing it, the natural nail plate is degreased.

Nail prosthetics using the Bauman method

When using this type of prosthetics, a two-component polymer "Ungisan". It consists of powder and liquid, which when mixed form a mass for nail prosthetics.

According to the Bauman method, prosthetics are made using polymer

Also used "fill" method, when the doctor pours the mixture onto the nail bed and gives it shape and polishes it. This method is best used for fungus.

The second option for using this drug is creation of a “record”, when a finished nail plate is created from a polymer for a specific patient. This method is perfect for prosthetic nails on both hands and feet.

The only condition for using “Ungisan” is the presence of a residue healthy nail plate, which must be at least 3 mm.

Method "glue + conoline"

This is the most complex method of nail prosthetics. When carrying out such prosthetics, glue and conoline are applied to the nail in layers. Konolin- This is a natural, “breathable” material. The number of layers required to achieve normal nail thickness is applied. Next, the surface of the prosthesis is ground and polished.

After creating the nail plate, the nail is polished - it does not differ from the natural one

The artificial nail has a natural look and very durable. This method is best used for prosthetic toenails and fungal infections, since the glue contains antifungal drugs.

Gevol gel for prosthetics

Gewol gel is a special light-curing substance, a hardening polymerization gel. It is simply applied to the damaged nail bed and hardens. Creates a very thin and elastic layer. Then the specialist gives it the desired shape.

The advantage of this method is that prosthetics much easier than previous types.

Gevol prosthetics is the most popular method

Also, at the request of the patient, colored Gevol is used. Exists three shades– pink, transparent and opal. Mixing these colors allows you to create a natural-colored prosthetic nail. Another advantage of Gevol is that it has antifungal components. In addition, Gevol is recommended for use on split, broken and deformed nails.

After completing the prosthetic procedure, your nails can be painted - Gevol is not afraid of acetone and varnish. When growing, there is no transition line between the prosthesis and your own nail.

Caring for a prosthetic nail

Having done nail prosthetics, you need to remember that nail prostheses have their own expiration date and need care:
In case of serious problems with nails, the regrowth of your own nail can take up to 1 year, and the prosthesis on average serves 1-3 months. You must constantly be under the supervision of the doctor who performed the procedure and follow all his recommendations.

It is important to treat the prosthetic nail antifungal sprays(clotrimazole, triclosan, tea tree oil). After all, the prosthesis is fixed to the rest of your own nail and does not adhere to the skin. There is always a gap between the prosthesis and the nail bed where bacteria and fungus can grow
You should not wear narrow shoes often. If the prosthesis is always squeezed, this will lead to its deformation and injury to the nail bed.
To improve blood circulation in the damaged nail bed, you need to massage the base of the nail daily. You can do this yourself. Just apply the cream to your hands, first rub it well, and then massage the base of each nail one by one, paying special attention to the damaged finger. The same procedure must be done with the legs.

Where can I get prosthetic nails done?

Nail prosthetics are performed in specialized cosmetology clinics. There are special rooms and specialists trained in the procedures for creating prosthetic nails . Most often this is done podiatrists.

In any case, nail prosthetics - this is a medical procedure. Therefore, to preserve your own health, it is better to carefully choose an institution and specialists.

When using prosthetic nails, it is mandatory to use high quality materials and special tools. It is very important that all materials used are sterile and disposable.

The use of brushes is prohibited, since they cannot be completely sterilized and can be obtained together with a nail prosthesis fungus or bacterial infection. Only disposable spatulas can be used.

Prosthetic toenails, reviews

Most reviews about nail prosthetics are positive. The main thing is to find competent specialist who will do the whole procedure carefully and correctly. after this, it is important to strictly follow his recommendations for caring for the prosthesis and show up for consultation on time.

Most women who have undergone this procedure emphasize that after prosthetics, their nail grows back smooth and strong, and the prosthesis lasts on average 4 weeks - 3 months. It depends on the rate at which your own nail grows.

It is also noted that the prosthesis can be apply varnishes of any shades and remove them with acetone without any problems. The prosthesis material does not stain or deteriorate. Most reviews say that after prosthetics, the nail beds on the toes stopped getting rough, the skin became soft and more sensitive.

In conclusion, we can say that the nail extension procedure will help solve problem with damaged nails and can give self-confidence and impeccability of your image. Do not be afraid to consult a doctor and decide on nail prosthetics. The procedure is safe and absolutely painless.
Be healthy!

Video: Nail plate prosthetics

Extending toenails has long become a standard procedure that every woman and beauty salon client can receive. Often, such a service becomes not a banal whim, but an effective way of foot care, which relieves beautiful women from the problems of ingrown toenails, ugly or yellow nail plates, and imperfect pedicure shapes.

For the summer season, toe nail extensions are an ideal pedicure option that will keep your nails well-groomed and bright for a long time, without losing color saturation and without disturbing the ideal shape of the nail plate.

The most popular materials for nail extensions are acrylic and gel. Their use is due to relatively reasonable prices, ease of processing, versatility and durability for the client. But there are some nuances that should be taken into account when choosing a base material.

  • Extending toenails with acrylic allows you to create the required thickness of the nails, that is, if your natural nail is damaged, cracked, or deformed, then you should choose acrylic to restore and correct its shape.
  • Extending toenails with gel involves the process of covering the nails with a fairly thin layer of the substance, which is unlikely to hide the significant flaws of your nails. But on the other hand, such a coating rather provides protection for the plate itself, allowing oxygen to freely penetrate into the tissue without disrupting metabolic processes.

Toenail technology

The implementation scheme of the procedure consists of a step-by-step execution of sequential actions by the wizard:

  1. The natural nail plate is thoroughly disinfected and treated with a degreasing solution.
  2. After preparing the nail bed, the material used for extensions is applied to it - acrylic or gel.
  3. To shape the nails, the master attaches special tips to the toes, which give the required size, width, length and shape to the nail being extended.
  4. When the material is applied to each nail, the solution is dried. At the same time, for gel nails, the instructions provide for the use of ultraviolet lamps.
  5. When the extended nail is completely dry, the master begins filing to give the pedicure a finished look.

Step-by-step implementation of the listed actions is not all that toenail extensions imply. An important detail of the whole process is the design of the pedicure, the application of drawings, ornaments, and decorative elements.

The designs that you can apply to your nails are limited only by your imagination and the skill of the artist. These can be either cartoon characters or eclectic ornaments, “vanilla scenes,” New Year-themed drawings, etc. French pedicure on nails looks especially gentle and appropriate in any situation. It can either be done directly on the extended nails with varnish, or the nail itself can be extended in accordance with the desired design. To do this, the extension instructions include additional steps:

  1. After the first stage of drying, the tip of the nail is covered with a contrasting material - this can be either the classic version - white or beige, or other, brighter or more saturated colors. Then dry again;
  2. On top of the formed layers of the marigold, another one is applied - covering (transparent), which again dries.

For those who cannot choose the design and method of decorating their nails on their own, many beauty salons provide informative catalogs with the works of the master, among which, perhaps, you can choose something for yourself.

Pros and cons of extended nails

Among the undeniable advantages that are attributed to extended toenails, it is worth highlighting:

  • much greater strength of the nail plate. This becomes especially true for those whose nails are weak, brittle, and prone to splitting and breaking;
  • gel toenail extensions are harmless procedures that do not interfere with oxygen access to the skin and the nail plate itself;
  • Extended nails allow you to create a unique design with your own hands at home, change patterns, colors, and decorative designs of your nails without any harm to the natural nail plate. The materials being extended are resistant to varnishes and their removing liquids (not containing acetone), so when manipulating your nails every day, you will not harm them;
  • Extending toenails with acrylic allows you to solve such complex problems as ingrown toenails, fractures, tears and deformations. A dense layer of material makes the surface of the nail bed perfectly smooth, without any visual defects;
  • Extending toenails allows you to go to a beauty salon much less often for pedicure or correction services, which is very convenient for those who go on vacation.

Among the disadvantages of this procedure are:

  • a long time, which takes up the entire process of foot care. Sometimes this procedure can take up to 4 hours, depending on the condition of the nails, its complexity, design, etc.;
  • much higher cost compared to traditional pedicure. For those who want to save a little money, we advise you to first do a pedicure at home yourself, and then contact the salon directly for extension and design services;
  • in some cases, depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the materials used may cause allergic reactions or rejection of the extended nail by the nail plate. As a result, the client receives nothing from such a procedure except disappointment and annoyance for wasted money.

Video: toenail extension procedure

A fashionable trend in nail design is modeling and extensions, which make the pedicure aesthetically pleasing. Gel toenails are often used to correct irregular shapes or solve other problems.

When is toenail extension necessary?

The reasons to apply gel nail coatings are:

  • the need to level the deformed surface of the plate;
  • cases when strengthening of nails (thin and highly brittle) is required;
  • ingrowth;
  • the need to correct the form;
  • protection from damage;
  • giving a beautiful and neat look.

When a fungal infection occurs, the plate becomes yellow and becomes deformed. There is a special gel against fungus. Colored nail gels are considered an innovative material, with their help it is possible to push the boundaries of the possibilities provided.

With the help of a wide palette of colors it is easier to implement bold design solutions. They can be used not only for the general background, but also in conjunction with other means that are used for nail design.

Required materials and tools

To perform the procedure efficiently, you need to choose the right materials and tools. Experts do the extensions in the salon using a milling cutter (special apparatus).

When starting to do nail extensions at home, you should know what you need to cover your nails. To work you will need:

  • UV lamp;
  • cleaner (for degreasing);
  • dust removal brush;
  • primer (for leveling the plates);
  • cotton pads;
  • gel;
  • ethanol;
  • tips;
  • files of medium and strong hardness;
  • brushes for applying material;
  • buffs;
  • elements for design.

Extension procedure step by step

The extension technology is simple and consists of several stages. Before getting your nails done, you need to familiarize yourself with the available contraindications.

Gel nail coating technology:

  • begin the procedure with cleaning, shaping the edges, removing the cuticle;
  • disinfection is a prerequisite (for degreasing, the plate is treated with a special solution);
  • after preparing the base, acrylic or gel is applied (the choice is influenced not only by the preferences of the clients, but also by the type of extension);
  • Tips are used to give shape;
  • then you should cover your nails with gel and dry (you will need a special ultraviolet lamp);
  • after drying, remove the sticky layer of gel with a swab moistened with alcohol;
  • begin to adjust the shape with a file, and remove the resulting dust with a soft brush.

To make the plates smooth after finishing work, they are polished with a buff (in the direction opposite to the growth of the plate).

To prevent damage to natural nails, you need to keep the plates clean while working (wipe with alcohol before applying each layer).

Transparent material is more popular; Using colored gel, you can aesthetically design the plate. Further care for nails with this coating involves the need to correct nails every 1.5-2 months (they grow more slowly on the legs).

To remove the coating, you must contact a specialist, since cutting it off yourself can easily damage the plate.

Gel coating without extensions: step-by-step instructions at home

Coating your nails with gel without extensions allows you to correct the shape. Performing the procedure at home is easy if you follow the sequence of steps:

  1. They start with preparation for coating. The plate is degreased, given the desired shape, the cuticle is pushed back, sanded with a buff and wiped again with a cleaner.
  2. Before using the extension material, you should carefully read the attached instructions. If the product does not contain adhesives, a primer will be required.
  3. The surface is dried. The number of layers of material for application is indicated in the instructions. After applying each layer, it is necessary to place the plates under a UV lamp.
  4. In the process of applying the first layer, the nail is “sealed” (gel is applied to its edge).
  5. When all layers are applied, the result is fixed. A topcoat is not always required (this depends on the material purchased).
  6. Remove the top sticky layer.

Gel nail coating at home is done using biogel and colored gels. A UV lamp is required for drying. Not everyone has it, so the question often arises: how to dry the gel without it. Lamps are required for photosensitive gels.

There are varieties that are not photosensitive; their composition resembles the usual varnish, so a UV lamp is not required for drying. Although in this group there are products that are not able to harden without a catalyst.

You should know how to properly coat your nails using materials that do not require additional means for hardening. After applying the composition to the plate, immerse your fingers in cool water for 10 minutes.

Such products are labeled No-light gel, which indicates that a UV lamp is not required. In the absence of such an inscription, you cannot do without a polymerization lamp.

What are colored gels for and how to work with them?

Conventionally, colored gels are divided into types:

  • transparent;
  • translucent;
  • thick.

Each type has its own purpose (thick and rich ones are suitable for mono technique). When tinting, materials of any consistency are used, gels with rich pigmentation and translucent ones.

This material has advantages:

  • high durability (lasts longer than other varnishes);
  • protected from peeling;
  • safety;
  • convenient use;
  • wide palette of colors;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction.

When working with this composition, no correction is required, because after application the plates look beautiful. Covering nails with gel without extensions should be done correctly, since this later affects the strength and aesthetics.

To remove the coating, it is enough to use special means. Soak a cotton pad in it and gently rub it into the nail. After some time, wrap it in foil for 10 minutes. Then the cracked coating is removed in parts.

This procedure may be required if it is necessary to change the color or style, or apply a new varnish. If the client does not plan to change the color scheme, it is not necessary to completely remove the coating.

Useful tips from experts to make the gel last longer

Sometimes the question arises why the gel does not stick to the nails. The reasons may be different:

  • insufficiently prepared nails;
  • thin nail plate (it is almost impossible to remove the fatty film from it);
  • careless attitude (impacts, prolonged contact with water, etc.);
  • taking certain medications (antibiotics are eliminated from the body through the skin, nails and hair);
  • build-up on “critical days”;
  • increased sweating of hands;
  • pregnancy;
  • frequent contact with chemicals;
  • the body rejects artificial material;
  • pathologies of the digestive tract, endocrine or cardiovascular systems.

Colored gels must be applied in a thin layer to prevent the appearance of unevenness and gaps. They become more durable after repeated polymerization.

You can avoid premature destruction of the coating with the help of expert recommendations:

  • Do not use hand cream on the day of extensions.
  • You should not file the plates yourself or expose them to mechanical damage (knock on a hard surface).
  • Do housework with rubber gloves.
  • After extension, avoid contact of the plates with water for 2-3 hours.
  • Choose a comfortable length and shape (especially for the first time).
  • If damaged, contact a specialist; do not try to fix it yourself.

If you first familiarize yourself with possible contraindications before applying the coating and follow the recommendations for nail care in the future, questions about why the gel comes off will not arise.

Unfortunately, not all women have beautiful toenails. Some people are unhappy with the color of their nail plates, for others they are too small or have an ugly shape, for others they grow into the skin. Also, weak nails can crumble, flake, and break.

In a word, look unattractive. You can correct the situation with the help of a procedure such as toenail extensions: it can hide ugly nail plates from the eyes of others and even solve some problems. For example, artificial material, pressing on a natural nail, does not allow it to grow into the skin, while straightening it and protecting it from the negative influences of the external environment.

Among the advantages of toenail extensions is that the artificial material is not afraid of the negative effects of varnish, allowing you to change the design daily. In addition, unlike fingernails, they grow much slower, so you can adjust the shape less often. If necessary, extended toenails can be removed using a special product or by filing them.

Despite the fact that false nails can help cope with many problems, they should not be extended if there are fungi, damage to the cuticle, or if the materials used during the procedure are not accepted by the body or are poorly tolerated.

You also need to pay attention if, after the toenail extension has been done, the toes turn red and begin to itch - this indicates an allergic reaction and indicates that the materials that were used to create the artificial plates are not suitable. In this case, you need to get rid of them.

Also, you should not do toenail extensions while being treated with antibiotics or during a course of chemotherapy. At this time, substances are synthesized in the body, under the influence of which the artificial material is rejected.

Acrylic and gel

Toenail extensions are usually done with construction gel or acrylic. After their use, the nail plates are beautiful, strong and, if applied correctly, allow women not to worry about pedicures for a long time: the procedure is usually done once every two months.

Acrylic material is used in pedicures when it is necessary to disguise an unnatural nail color (bruise), a heavily ribbed surface, or to grow a missing part.

To extend nails, they use a mixture of acrylic powder and monomer, which, after hardening, turn out to be much harder than their gel counterparts. Extending toenails using this method must be done quickly: after the components are mixed, they harden almost instantly (about 30-50 seconds).

Another advantage of acrylic material is that if the nail based on it cracks, it can be easily corrected, and it can also be easily removed without harming the nail plate. Among the disadvantages of this pedicure method, women point out the slight toxicity of acrylic and the unpleasant odor.

The gel material is more environmentally friendly: it allows air to pass through, allowing the nail plate access to oxygen, which prevents the appearance of yellowness. In addition, the gel rarely causes an allergic reaction and is non-toxic (of course, if we are talking about a quality product). Another advantage of this material is that it can be applied in a very thin layer, making the line between the nail and the artificial material almost invisible. A thin layer of gel is more comfortable when wearing closed shoes.

Extending toenails with gel also has disadvantages: if a nail breaks, it cannot be restored and must be re-grown. Also, during inept removal, you can damage the nail plate, since this can only be done by filing.

Carrying out the procedure

Extending toenails is best done in salons: the work is complex, takes a lot of time, requires skill and the purchase of expensive materials and equipment. In case of an error, the artificial material will not last long: this procedure requires correct, precise actions in the right sequence.
When choosing a beauty salon, it is advisable to ask for reviews from friends: an unprofessional pedicurist can ruin your nails. For example, by grinding down the surface of the nail plate too much: this will lead to the fact that after removing the artificial coating, almost nothing will remain of the natural nail and it will be difficult to restore it.

The first thing a pedicurist does is tidy up the nails: cut them where necessary, push back the cuticles, remove excess skin, then disinfect and degrease. After this, a primer is applied - a product that acts as a primer, the task of which is to ensure maximum adhesion of the nail plate to the artificial material.

Then the pedicurist puts a special plate, thrips, on the prepared nail, gives it a shape, and dries it under an ultraviolet lamp. In some cases, the material is simply applied to the surface of the nail plate, without any form.

Further actions depend on the method used to model the nails - acrylic or gel. When the material is completely dry and securely attached, the excess part of the thrips is sawed off using a buff, removing curvature and roughness. It should be taken into account that although thrips allow you to create nails of different sizes, you should not make them longer than your finger, since the shoes will be uncomfortable to wear and they will rub.

At the final stage of the pedicure, varnish is applied and the desired design is created. The drawing does not have to be worn until the next visit to the master. You can change it every day: this will not harm the artificial turf.

It should be noted that they usually make a neat jacket, an aquarium design, or decorate only the thumb, while the image on the rest repeats the elements of the design.

The perfection of the female image is manifested in everything, down to the smallest detail. A true lady always takes care of her appearance, paying attention not only to her hair, skin, manicure, but also worrying about the beauty of her legs. An impeccable pedicure testifies to the lady’s well-groomed appearance and excellent sense of style. Those with well-shaped toenails can easily maintain their toes in perfect condition. It is enough just to regularly devote time to cosmetic procedures and cover your nails with varnish. And for those whose natural plate has an unnatural yellowish tint or unsightly outline, it is necessary to have artificial toenails extended. This procedure will visually correct all imperfections in the structure of your fingers and help you feel more confident.

The disadvantages of natural plates arise from wearing uncomfortable and tight high-heeled shoes, mechanical injuries and individual characteristics. Also, the cause of deformation can be stockings, socks or tights made of low-quality synthetic materials, which over time affect the change in the shape and color of the nails. Extending the nail plate will not only hide these flaws, but will also delight you with its smooth and shiny finish for a long time. You can enjoy the splendor of a pedicure by looking through the photo gallery located in the final fragment of our article.

Features of working with toenails

  • Extensions on the legs do not involve lengthening the free edge. Typically, a gel or acrylic coating is applied to natural nails to strengthen them. Extended ends will hide all imperfections under a layer of shiny modeling material.
  • Since toenails grow much slower than fingernails, a shiny, glossy finish will delight you with its beautiful appearance for 6-8 weeks.
  • It is quite problematic to grow artificial nails on your own, so it is better to entrust this work to a professional. A highly qualified master will perform a pedicure and apply gel or acrylic to the surface of the nails, spending only 2-2.5 hours on this procedure.

Master class on toe nail extensions

Gel extensions on the legs are carried out using the same technology as on the hands, only the free edge of the nails is not lengthened. This procedure is possible only if the fundamental rules for modeling an artificial nail plate are observed. After the intervention of a specialist, imperfect toenails gradually correct their shape. You can find out what stages are involved in creating an artificial coating on the surface of the nails by studying the step-by-step instructions. New extensions will shine with health and beauty if the specialist consistently performs the following steps.

  1. First of all, you need to do a pedicure: treat the nail plate, removing all its irregularities and clearing the surface of the skin. Having filed the free edge, do not forget about the side bolsters.
  2. Then, using a 180 grit abrasive file, you need to polish your nails, removing the fat layer from them.
  3. Brush off the dust and degrease the nail plates with a dehydrator, then apply primer to the nails.
  4. The extension itself on the arms or legs is carried out by applying several layers of material. After covering the natural plate with the first layer of transparent gel, let the material cure under a UV lamp for 2 minutes.
  5. Use white gel to form a beautiful smile line and dry your fingers in the lamp for 2 minutes.
  6. The final clear coat will strengthen the extensions. Allow the material to cure under UV rays.
  7. After removing the sticky layer with a degreaser, lubricate the cuticle with a special oil.

Watch the educational video lesson on which our step-by-step instructions were based. Useful information about how artificial leg extensions are professionally done is of particular interest to lovers of beautiful manicures and pedicures. Now your neat fingers will be decorated with flawless nails that look no worse than a stellar pedicure in a photo from a fashion show.

Beautiful photos of extended toenails

Many girls prefer to apply some delicate design to their toes or simply cover their nails with a single-color varnish. A classic French look looks more natural and very feminine on legs, since the white tips clearly emphasize the beauty of miniature nails. In addition, French manicure is an excellent platform for creating more spectacular and vibrant compositions, as you can see by looking at the photo. Extended toenail plates can be decorated with drawings, sculpting, floral patterns and abstract patterns. Your imagination will help you choose a stylish option that will reflect your emotional state. And our collection of photos will reveal all the variety of designs that look great on the exquisite toes of women's feet.

The traditional video tutorial at the end of our article contains useful information on how to model toenails using acrylic. Neat extended nails, decorated with sculpting, look great. Remember, women's legs with a beautiful pedicure will not leave your fans indifferent!