French pedicure on feet with rhinestones. Fashion ideas, instructions with photos. Harmony of classics and charm in French pedicure

A beautiful and neat pedicure is no less important than a fashionable manicure. Especially when it comes to warm seasons. Flirty toes peeking out from open shoes attract the attention of others. Some people apply a single-color coating to their nails, while others prefer a French pedicure.

Undoubtedly, any girl will agree that the French jacket looks very natural and natural. A thin white line of a smile is associated with something delicate and harmonious, decorating the graceful toes of a woman’s feet. In our article, we will look at some of the subtleties of the French pedicure, tell you how to do such nail art yourself, and also offer you several options for the French pedicure, presented in a colorful photo gallery.

A strict and at the same time very effective French pedicure is loved by many girls, as it perfectly emphasizes the beauty of women’s legs. You can verify this by looking at the collection of magnificent photos with various variations of this pedicure at the end of our article. In order for the French to look elegant and laconic, certain rules must be followed when performing it. When creating a French design on your feet, you need to pay special attention to the following nuances.

  • Make sure that the smile line is the correct width, otherwise you risk turning a French pedicure into the “illusion of overgrown nails.” The free edge of the nail plate should be decorated with a thin and even white stripe. Only in this case can you count on excellent results. A line that is too wide will make the jacket vulgar and tasteless.
  • Since toenails grow much slower than fingernails, any pedicure lasts longer than a manicure. French nail art has even more advantages in this case, because the natural shade of the base will not differ too much from the regrown part of the nail.
  • It is best to do a French pedicure using gel polish, since it is considered the most convenient for implementing such a design. Firstly, due to the fact that gel polish does not harden for a long time in the open air, you can adjust your smile line until it has perfect outlines. You can dry the coating under a lamp only after the French design fully meets your requirements. By correcting all the shortcomings and errors, you will not damage the base layer in any way. Secondly, a French-style pedicure will last on your nails for quite a long time, about a month.

Step-by-step instructions for a French pedicure

Any pedicure is performed in the same way as creating nail art on your hands, only it requires even more care. In order for the French design to turn out perfect, as in the photos presented at the end of our article, it may take several attempts, since without the appropriate skills it is very difficult to draw an even smile line. Don't be discouraged if the result is far from perfect, because all errors can be easily corrected using nail polish remover and starting all over again. French manicure on the legs is a procedure consisting of the following steps.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to carry out a hygienic pedicure, which includes such standard procedures as removing the old coating, treating the free edge of the nail plate, etc. Then degrease the surface of the nails.
  2. Apply base coat to your nails. If you are using gel polish, dry the transparent layer in a UV lamp for 2 minutes.
  3. Cover your nails with a base coat. A classic French pedicure can be performed using a soft pink, beige, or even almost transparent base color. It all depends on your preferences and tastes. Each shade has its own advantages. You can verify this by looking at the photos presented in the final part of our article. If using gel polish, let it harden in a lamp, and if you applied regular polish, then let it dry well so that you can continue doing French nail art.
  4. Now you need to draw a smile, which can be done in different ways. The first option is to create a French pedicure using special nail stencils that allow you to draw a neat and clear line of the free edge. Nail stamping will also significantly save your time and effort. This method is no less simple and easy to do even for beginners in the field of nail art. Thanks to this tool, your French foot design will be completed flawlessly. The most interesting, but more complex method is to draw a smile line yourself, using manicure brushes. To make the French jacket perfect, start drawing a thin white stripe on your thumb using a nail polish brush, making measured stroke-like movements. For the remaining nails, take a hair brush, which will allow you to create the thinnest and most elegant line of the free edge of the nails. In our final video lesson you can see how to properly perform a French pedicure using brushes. And at the end of our article you will find a magnificent photo gallery, which contains the most beautiful and interesting options for French, made in various ways. Wait for the coating to dry completely or cure the material in a UV nail lamp.
  5. To secure the resulting French design and give your nails more shine, apply a top coat over it. If necessary, allow the layer to cure under a lamp. An additional protective coating will make your pedicure even more durable.
  6. When completing a French manicure on your feet, give your toes a light massage using nourishing cuticle oil.

Photo gallery of French pedicure

Each girl chooses the most convenient way to create a French jacket, guided by her personal preferences. A French pedicure done with stamping, using stickers or brushes, looks equally good on well-groomed beautiful nails. If desired, such a laconic design can be supplemented with some kind of pattern or decorated with sparkles and small stones. It is important not to overload your nails in order to preserve all the charm of classic nail art.. There are a great many options for French pedicure, and they are all charming in their own way. We invite you to look at our photo gallery, which presents various French pedicure ideas.

Concluding our article, we invite you to consolidate your knowledge by watching an interesting video lesson on how to properly do a classic French on your toes. Enjoy watching, dear girls. Be beautiful and unique!

What woman doesn’t want to have beautiful and fashionably painted toes, which is what a French pedicure, or French pedicure, is. Thanks to this pedicure, you will have well-groomed, beautiful legs with immaculately neat nails and a thin white strip along the edge of the nail. This pedicure gives a woman a special grace and does not catch the eye.

French pedicure very similar to French manicure, but here the decoration of the nails is just a part, and increased attention is paid primarily to the careful care and maintenance of the feet and nails. This pedicure is done without the use of special scissors. The cuticle is dissolved using a special composition and then moved with an orange wooden stick. And the correction of the shape of the nail plate is done with a nail file.

Before applying varnish, you need exfoliate your feet followed by a massage, in which you usually need to use a moisturizer. And in order for you to get a truly perfect French pedicure, you simply need to follow special rules, which we will talk about.

How to take care of your feet?

First of all, we put the nail plates in order.

Nails need to be trimmed not very short, that is, flush with the skin, and carefully round the edges. And it doesn’t matter what device you use to do this, special nippers or nail scissors.

Take a big file and file your nails without leaving any snags or scars. Next, use a polishing file or an ordinary soft file to smooth the surface of the nails. We polish so that our nails become smooth and white.

Using massage movements, apply rich cream on nails and fingers. We pay special attention to the holes, that is, the strips that are located at the base of the nail.

We dip our feet in a pre-prepared bath with warm soapy water, it is advisable to add essential oils there, they will soften the nails and prepare them for a pedicure.

Now apply it to your feet softening cream, which should always be at your fingertips.

Very careful clean the feet and heels using pumice, scrub or double-sided scraper.

Pushing back the cuticle to the base of the nail with a wooden stick, rinse your toes with cool water and dry them with a towel.

When moisturizing your feet with cream, do not forget that you need to massage the entire foot, and not its individual parts.

Use a paper towel to remove excess cream.

After all these not very complicated procedures, we move directly to the French pedicure.

First of all, we will need: white matte, basic transparent, beige pearlescent or soft pink varnishes, a wooden stick, a fixative varnish, nail polish remover, a cotton swab or cotton wool and a white pencil.

The very first layer applied to the nails is clear base coat, and then wait for it to dry. Next, take a wooden stick or thin brush and apply along the edge of the nail. white stripe. If you get “flaws”, then you need to remove them with a cotton swab, after moistening it with nail polish remover or a ten percent peroxide solution. You should get a white line of 3 mm. We process all the other fingers in the same way.

After the strips have dried, apply on top a layer of beige or pale pink varnish, and also wait for it to dry. At the end of the work we apply transparent fixative varnish.

After making sure that the layers of varnish have dried sufficiently, take a white special pencil or a cotton swab dipped in nail polish remover and thoroughly whiten the area under the nails.

So we did a French pedicure! And as you can see, everything is very simple. The most important thing is to find time to take care of yourself.

Beautiful nails should not only be on your hands; you should also pay attention to your toenails. The simplest, most universal toenail design is the classic French one. There is no need at all to have elongated toenails, it looks unaesthetic, and besides, it is not entirely hygienic. For a French manicure, the toenails are cut short, and a bright smile at the tip of the nail is refreshing and gives a neat and well-groomed look.

Today on the website we will show you what it looks like French on the legs and photo options for a lovely design. Before you draw a French manicure on your legs, you definitely need to get a pedicure. No matter how beautiful a French pedicure is, it will be inappropriate on unkempt feet, so take care of your feet regularly!

Tidy up the skin of your feet and heels, use a foot scrub or peeling, pumice stone, or file to exfoliate rough skin and make your feet and heels soft and smooth. Get rid of the cuticle by applying a special product or oil to it, then push it away with an orange stick. Carefully file your nails and give them an even, symmetrical shape. It is best to create a rectangular shape for your toenails, as cutting the sides of your nails can cause an ingrown toenail. Don't forget to use a nourishing and moisturizing cream every day, it will keep your skin soft.

White jacket on legs is a universal choice, matches any clothes and shoe color and will always be relevant. A snow-white edging looks great on tanned skin, so a French pedicure is an ideal option for a summer pedicure. Of course, girls who take care of their appearance do pedicures all year round, regardless of the season. Many who made a French look on their legs for the first time can no longer refuse it and regularly alternate it with a different design or simply a plain coat of varnish in their favorite colors.

We think that after viewing photos with various options for a French jacket on your legs, you will have no doubt that it is very beautiful, neat and allows your legs to look stylish and elegant.

French on feet - photo gallery of nail decor

You can additionally decorate your thumbnail with an interesting white painting or make an original color design.

French on the legs is not limited to choosing only white. There is wide scope for imagination here, choose and combine your favorite colors and turn your ideas into reality on your nails. The main thing is that you need to choose colors harmoniously and follow the color of clothes and shoes. Looks gentle colored jacket on legs in pink color with the addition of white dots on the border of the edging.

Adding sparkles and sparkling glitter polishes to a French pedicure adds zest, playfulness and an attractive look.

How can you make a French manicure on your legs yourself?

There are two ways to draw a stripe; the easiest way is to use regular sticker stencils for a French manicure. It is also very convenient to apply white polish to the tip of the nail using a thin brush. Many girls who do French hair on their own use an ordinary nail polish brush; if it doesn’t work out neatly, the excess nail polish is removed with a cotton swab, toothpick or other tool.

  • Get a pedicure, clean your feet, exfoliate rough skin. Remove and push back the cuticle and use a nail file to shape your nails.
  • Cover your nails with clear polish.
  • Using sticker stencils or a thin brush, apply polish to the tips of your nails. Dry. The white stripe must be made very thin to eliminate the visual effect of long nails. The shape, thickness and direction of the line should be the same on each nail.
  • Finally, coat your nails with a topcoat (clear polish), let dry and apply oil to the cuticles.

Beautiful, well-groomed legs are the dream of every woman. Delicate skin of the feet and neat, beautifully shaped nails are a real decoration, eloquently speaking about your desire for perfection in everything. Not even the most thoughtful look will be complete if you forget about the pedicure - unkempt legs will negate the impression of a beautiful outfit and spectacular makeup. This problem is especially relevant in the summer - the time for sandals and open sandals obliges us to carefully monitor the beauty of our feet more than ever.

However, choosing a color coating is often a rather difficult task: choosing a color for every pair of shoes and every outfit is quite difficult, and changing the coating every day is tedious. There is a simple and effective way out of this situation - a French pedicure. By analogy with a French manicure, a French pedicure involves covering the nail plate with a natural shade of varnish and highlighting the smile line with white (and other) colors.

French pedicure perfectly emphasizes the elegance of women's legs, makes the feet neat, well-groomed and is suitable for any occasion and outfit. The most popular is the classic French, but for those who want to experiment, there are many variations:

· colored French

· with rhinestones

· with drawings

· with three-dimensional design, etc.

Classic French pedicure

A classic French pedicure consists of natural (pink, beige or milky) colored nails with a white smile line. It can be done using conventional varnishes or using special durable coatings (shellac, gel, acrylic). In any case, a French pedicure, like any other, should begin with treating the skin of the feet and shaping the nails. Then the following are applied sequentially to the nails:

Base coat

· A layer of translucent varnish in a light natural shade

· A smile line is drawn

It is worth noting that for a French pedicure it is not at all necessary to grow the free edge of the nail - a smile line drawn on the nail will create the illusion of an elongated nail. You shouldn't make your smile line too wide, it looks sloppy and vulgar. A narrow strip 1-2 mm wide is quite sufficient.

French pedicure at home step by step

Performing a French pedicure at home is not difficult: you just need to choose the appropriate products and follow the sequence of steps. You will need:

Foot bath product

Scrub or pumice

· Scissors, nippers, nail file

· Orange stick or cuticle pusher

Cuticle remover gel

· Varnish base

Translucent varnish in a natural shade

· Stencil strips

· Thick white nail polish

· Fixing coating - top.

Performing a French pedicure yourself

1. Start preparing for your pedicure with a warm foot bath: it will help prepare the skin of your feet and make your nails more elastic.

2. Using a scrub, pedicure file or pumice stone, thoroughly exfoliate the dead layer of skin.

3. Use scissors and a file to shape your nails. The ideal shape for a French jacket is a square with slightly rounded corners.

4. Gently move the cuticle towards the nail bed and apply remover to it. After a minute, carefully remove the softened skin.

5. Apply foot cream to the skin of your feet.

6. Before applying the decorative coating, the nail plate must be degreased - this can be easily done with a cotton pad and nail polish remover.

7. Apply base coat to a clean nail surface - it will prolong the durability of the pedicure.

8. After the base has completely dried, apply a light varnish in one layer to the entire surface of the nail.

9. Next, you can proceed to the most difficult stage - drawing the smile line. If this is your first time doing a French pedicure, it will be difficult to do without a stencil. Use special sticker strips: stick them on the nail, slightly moving away from the edge. Then apply white varnish to the open edge, wait until the varnish dries and carefully remove the stencils. If you already have enough skill, you won't need stencils. There are several ways to carefully draw a white line, such as pressing a horizontal brush to the edge of the nail and gently twisting your finger.

10. After the white varnish has completely dried, cover your nails with top coat - it will give the coating gloss and prolong its durability.

11. Finish the pedicure by applying oil to the cuticles.

French pedicure options: colored, with patterns, rhinestones and three-dimensional design

You can diversify your pedicure by using non-standard shades of varnish or decorating one or more nails with rhinestones or designs. A colored jacket on your legs looks fresh and attractive. You can make a bright smile line, or you can combine two contrasting or, on the contrary, similar shades on the nail. The combinations look beautiful:

· Any bright shades with black

· Light blue and blue, fuchsia and light pink, orange and scarlet

· Duets of soft, pastel shades (mint, lilac, marshmallow pink, sky blue)

· A combination of different textures of the same color (glossy nail and matte edge or vice versa).

A French pedicure with a pattern can be easily performed using stamping (silicone stencils that allow you to transfer any desired designs onto the nail). It is better to decorate one or two nails with designs, most often the designs are made on the nails of the thumbs. The most popular are floral motifs, geometric patterns, stars, stripes, and butterflies.

You can also make drawings using a thin brush for nail art and multi-colored nail polishes, however, such work is very delicate and complex - it is better to entrust it to a professional, since a sloppy drawing can ruin the most beautiful pedicure. When you decide to get a French pedicure with a pattern in a salon, look for photos of a beautiful pedicure in magazines or online. Save the pictures you like and show them to the master to make it easier for him to implement your ideas.

A French pedicure with rhinestones and sparkles looks very unusual and impressive. There are several options to decorate a classic or colored jacket, adding shine to it:

· Apply a thin strip of glitter or rhinestones between the smile line and the base shade.

· Make a beautiful transition by stretching the intensity of the glitter from the edge of the nail towards the nail bed.

· Decorate one or more nails with large rhinestones, placing them in the center or laying them out in a line.

· Fill the smile line completely with rhinestones or sparkles.

These techniques can be used either separately or together, the main thing here is a sense of proportion.

French pedicure using durable coatings

If a classic French pedicure done with regular varnish retains its original appearance for a week or two at most, then if done using super-resistant compounds (gel, acrylic, shellac), it will delight you for about a month without losing its original shine and brightness.

A long-lasting French pedicure performed with gel or shellac will be the best solution for you if you:

· You don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to repaint your nails too often.

· Are you going on vacation and want your pedicure to look spectacular throughout the vacation without having to visit a beauty salon.

· Visit a swimming pool whose chlorinated water causes regular nail polish to peel off quickly.

· You have thin, flaky nails that are prone to cracking and want to give them a beautiful and well-groomed look.

Both French pedicures performed with gel and French pedicures using shellac require polymerization under a special UV lamp. There are other features: you won’t be able to draw a smile line using a stencil; you will need to draw it by hand, and correcting flaws in the coating is much more difficult. Given these certain difficulties, it is better to entrust the process to a professional master.

A wide palette of shellac shades allows you to perform not only a classic French pedicure, but also bring to life the brightest ideas of a colored French pedicure. A French pedicure with shellac will not only allow you to enjoy beautiful nails for at least three weeks, but will also not damage the nail plate - you don’t have to worry about the health of your nails. In addition, shellac will solve the problem of uneven, flaking nails, on which regular varnish does not look very aesthetically pleasing. French shellac on short nails allows you to solve the problem of a shortened nail bed: the smile line visually “stretches” the nails in length, making their shape more harmonious.

French pedicure with shellac: features of the process

Applying a permanent coating is usually started only after the skin of the feet has been treated and the nails have been given the desired shape. The nail plate is lightly treated with a buff and degreased using special wipes. Next, the coating components are applied step by step:

· A primer is applied to the grease-free nail (including the end of the nail). The primer is dried in a UV lamp for 1-2 minutes.

· One layer of shellac of a light, natural shade (milky, beige, pink-beige, nude) is applied to the entire nail, which polymerizes under a lamp for two minutes.

· The “smile line” is drawn with white shellac, while the end of the nail is also painted. Dries for 2 minutes.

· The entire nail plate and its end are covered with a top coat and dried in a lamp for 1 - 2 minutes.

· The sticky layer is removed from the nail using a special degreasing agent.

Whatever type of French pedicure you choose: classic or colored, discreet or extravagant, regular or super-resistant, you can be sure that your feet in open sandals will certainly be the center of attention and become an object of admiration!

French pedicure (French): photo

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French pedicure (French)

Beautiful, well-groomed legs are the dream of every woman. Delicate skin of the feet and neat, beautifully shaped nails are a real decoration, eloquently speaking about your desire for perfection in everything. Not even the most thoughtful look will be complete if you forget about the pedicure - unkempt legs will negate the impression of a beautiful outfit and spectacular makeup. This problem is especially relevant in the summer - the time for sandals and open sandals obliges us to carefully monitor the beauty of our feet more than ever.

However, choosing a color coating is often a rather difficult task: choosing a color for every pair of shoes and every outfit is quite difficult, and changing the coating every day is tedious. There is a simple and effective way out of this situation - French pedicure. By analogy with a French manicure, a French pedicure involves covering the nail plate with a natural shade of varnish and highlighting the smile line with white (and other) colors.

French pedicure perfectly emphasizes the elegance of women's legs, makes the feet neat, well-groomed and is suitable for any occasion and outfit. The most popular is the classic French, but for those who want to experiment, there are many variations:

· colored French
· with rhinestones
· with drawings
· with three-dimensional design, etc.

Classic French pedicure

A classic French pedicure consists of natural (pink, beige or milky) colored nails with a white smile line. It can be done using conventional varnishes or using special durable coatings (shellac, gel, acrylic). In any case, a French pedicure, like any other, should begin with treating the skin of the feet and shaping the nails. Then the following are applied sequentially to the nails:

Base coat
· A layer of translucent varnish in a light natural shade
· A smile line is drawn

It is worth noting that for a French pedicure it is not at all necessary to grow the free edge of the nail - a smile line drawn on the nail will create the illusion of an elongated nail. You shouldn't make your smile line too wide, it looks sloppy and vulgar. A narrow strip 1-2 mm wide is quite sufficient.

French pedicure at home step by step

Performing a French pedicure at home is not difficult: you just need to choose the appropriate products and follow the sequence of steps. You will need:

Foot bath product
Scrub or pumice
· Scissors, nippers, nail file
· Orange stick or cuticle pusher
Cuticle remover gel
· Varnish base
Translucent varnish in a natural shade
· Stencil strips
· Thick white nail polish
· Fixing coating - top.

Performing a French pedicure yourself

1. Start preparing for your pedicure with a warm foot bath: it will help prepare the skin of your feet and make your nails more elastic.

2. Using a scrub, pedicure file or pumice stone, thoroughly exfoliate the dead layer of skin.

3. Use scissors and a file to shape your nails. The ideal shape for a French jacket is a square with slightly rounded corners.

4. Gently move the cuticle towards the nail bed and apply remover to it. After a minute, carefully remove the softened skin.

5. Apply foot cream to the skin of your feet.

6. Before applying the decorative coating, the nail plate must be degreased - this can be easily done with a cotton pad and nail polish remover.

7. Apply base coat to a clean nail surface - it will prolong the durability of the pedicure.

8. After the base has completely dried, apply a light varnish in one layer to the entire surface of the nail.

9. Next, you can proceed to the most difficult stage - drawing the smile line. If this is your first time doing a French pedicure, it will be difficult to do without a stencil. Use special sticker strips: stick them on the nail, slightly moving away from the edge. Then apply white varnish to the open edge, wait until the varnish dries and carefully remove the stencils. If you already have enough skill, you won't need stencils. There are several ways to carefully draw a white line, such as pressing a horizontal brush to the edge of the nail and gently twisting your finger.

10. After the white varnish has completely dried, cover your nails with top coat - it will give the coating gloss and prolong its durability.

11. Finish the pedicure by applying oil to the cuticles.

French pedicure options: colored, with patterns, rhinestones and three-dimensional design

You can diversify your pedicure by using non-standard shades of varnish or decorating one or more nails with rhinestones or designs. A colored jacket on your legs looks fresh and attractive. You can make a bright smile line, or you can combine two contrasting or, on the contrary, similar shades on the nail. The combinations look beautiful:

· Any bright shades with black

· Light blue and blue, fuchsia and light pink, orange and scarlet

· Duets of soft, pastel shades (mint, lilac, marshmallow pink, sky blue)

· A combination of different textures of the same color (glossy nail and matte edge or vice versa).

A French pedicure with a pattern can be easily performed using stamping (silicone stencils that allow you to transfer any desired designs onto the nail). It is better to decorate one or two nails with designs, most often the designs are made on the nails of the thumbs. The most popular are floral motifs, geometric patterns, stars, stripes, and butterflies.
You can also make drawings using a thin brush for nail art and multi-colored nail polishes, however, such work is very delicate and complex - it is better to entrust it to a professional, since a sloppy drawing can ruin the most beautiful pedicure. When you decide to get a French pedicure with a pattern in a salon, look for photos of a beautiful pedicure in magazines or online. Save the pictures you like and show them to the master to make it easier for him to implement your ideas.

A French pedicure with rhinestones and sparkles looks very unusual and impressive. There are several options to decorate a classic or colored jacket, adding shine to it:

· Apply a thin strip of glitter or rhinestones between the smile line and the base shade.

· Make a beautiful transition by stretching the intensity of the glitter from the edge of the nail towards the nail bed.

· Decorate one or more nails with large rhinestones, placing them in the center or laying them out in a line.

· Fill the smile line completely with rhinestones or sparkles.

These techniques can be used either separately or together, the main thing here is a sense of proportion.

French pedicure using durable coatings

If a classic French pedicure done with regular varnish retains its original appearance for a week or two at most, then if done using super-resistant compounds (gel, acrylic, shellac), it will delight you for about a month without losing its original shine and brightness.

A long-lasting French pedicure performed with gel or shellac will be the best solution for you if you:

· You don’t want or don’t have the opportunity to repaint your nails too often.

· Are you going on vacation and want your pedicure to look spectacular throughout the vacation without having to visit a beauty salon.

· Visit a swimming pool whose chlorinated water causes regular nail polish to peel off quickly.

· You have thin, flaky nails that are prone to cracking and want to give them a beautiful and well-groomed look.

Both French pedicures performed with gel and French pedicures using shellac require polymerization under a special UV lamp. There are other features: you won’t be able to draw a smile line using a stencil; you will need to draw it by hand, and correcting flaws in the coating is much more difficult. Given these certain difficulties, it is better to entrust the process to a professional master.

A wide palette of shellac shades allows you to perform not only a classic French pedicure, but also bring to life the brightest ideas of a colored French pedicure. A French pedicure with shellac will not only allow you to enjoy beautiful nails for at least three weeks, but will also not damage the nail plate - you don’t have to worry about the health of your nails. In addition, shellac will solve the problem of uneven, flaking nails, on which regular varnish does not look very aesthetically pleasing. French shellac on short nails allows you to solve the problem of a shortened nail bed: the smile line visually “stretches” the nails in length, making their shape more harmonious.

French pedicure with shellac: features of the process

Applying a permanent coating is usually started only after the skin of the feet has been treated and the nails have been given the desired shape. The nail plate is lightly treated with a buff and degreased using special wipes. Next, the coating components are applied step by step:

· A primer is applied to the grease-free nail (including the end of the nail). The primer is dried in a UV lamp for 1-2 minutes.

· One layer of shellac of a light, natural shade (milky, beige, pink-beige, nude) is applied to the entire nail, which polymerizes under a lamp for two minutes.

· The “smile line” is drawn with white shellac, while the end of the nail is also painted. Dries for 2 minutes.

· The entire nail plate and its end are covered with a top coat and dried in a lamp for 1 - 2 minutes.

· The sticky layer is removed from the nail using a special degreasing agent.

Whatever type of French pedicure you choose: classic or colored, discreet or extravagant, regular or super-resistant, you can be sure that your feet in open sandals will certainly be the center of attention and become an object of admiration!

French pedicure (French): photo