How to cleanse gold of negative energy. How to clean things

It helps to cleanse things of negative energy. To do this, place the item directly on the ground. Imagine how the negativity from the gift leaves, and the energy of the elements, on the contrary, penetrates the thing. To carry out cleaning you will need only 2 - 3 minutes. To secure the result, wash the gift not just with tap water, but add a pinch of salt to it. The mineral will take away the remaining negativity and create a positive aura around the item.

Incense has been used in the East for several centuries to get rid of negative energy. Light it, take the item, saturate it with smoke for several minutes. Imagine how during the procedure the negativity is removed from the gift.

The energy of fire is the most powerful tool in the fight against negativity. Light a candle, preferably a church one. If the gift is small in size, place it on the table. Draw a lighted candle around things counterclockwise. Imagine how the negative energy leaves. Large items can be cleaned in another way. Stare at the flame of a lit candle for several minutes. Then look at the thing and imagine how it is engulfed in flames, burning out all the negativity completely.

To cleanse something from other people’s energy, you can wash it with regular powder in running water. But during the final rinse, add lavender essential oil to the water. For 1 liter of liquid, use approximately 5 - 6 drops of oil.

Essential oils of mint and clove clean things.

Dishes, decorations

If you have gold, silver or natural stones, a saline solution will help clean them. Dissolve two pinches of salt in a glass of water and add decoration to the mixture. The cleansing process takes about a day. When you remove the gift from the solution, rinse it with running water and dry it with a towel.
Do not use this method to clean non-precious metals; they may oxidize.

You can also cleanse a gift from someone else’s negative energy using bells or “wind music”. Call the item within a few minutes. Visualize the sound vibrations literally passing through the material and ridding it of everything unnecessary.

Dishes can be rid of negative energy by simply rinsing them with running water and a cleaning agent. Before drying the dishes with a towel and putting them away for storage, place them on the windowsill so that the energy of the sun completely burns the negativity from the gift.

Houses and apartments in which other people lived are usually energetically cleansed in order to remove all the negativity they have accumulated. During and after a person’s illness, it is also necessary to cleanse the home of negative energy. Folk wisdom and the ancient teachings of Feng Shui will help you with this.


Get rid of all old and unnecessary books. These contain a lot of information, so unused books can hinder your development. Give them to those who really need them. Also, under the influence and advice of other people, try not to buy books that you do not need or are not interested in. Keep only the copies you need in your home.

Donate or sell items you haven't used for over a year. They carry negative energy that spoils the atmosphere of your home. Cracked or splintered dishes, as well as the last remaining item from a broken set, can cause even greater harm. They should not be given as a gift, just throw them away.

Get rid of old and damaged furniture every five years. Do not buy too much of it, so as not to clutter up the space of your home; positive energy should freely penetrate your home. There are things that carry energy, these are artificial flowers and a headdress that belonged to a deceased person, do not store them.

To rid your home of negative energy, place a little salt in each corner for three days. After this time, the salt must be flushed down the toilet, saying: “Where there is salt, there is pain.” Soak a rag in salt water and wipe it down, furniture, books, etc. This neutralizes the negative energy of objects.

You can make repairs, this also helps cleanse the energy of the house. Instead of repairs, you can simply do a general cleaning. Wash floors, windows and ceilings with saline solution. Clean the threshold and all corners thoroughly. Change the water and rinse the rag more often; it is with the dirt that negative energy will leave.

Place one scented candle in each room. Their smell should be the same and appeal to all household members. Give preference to sandalwood and incense, you can use church ones. Light a candle at the threshold and move it clockwise across the room, over furniture and in front of corners.

Repeat simple home cleaning options after the departure of unwanted guests who could bring negative energy with them. The same goes for gifts from people you don’t like. Wash such items with salt water. Try to wash with saline solution any gift that was purchased and not made with your own hands.


  • How to cleanse your home of bad energy?

It is human nature to take care of necessary things. But over time, favorite clothes go out of fashion, equipment becomes outdated, furniture breaks down. In the hope that certain items will one day be useful, a person begins to accumulate junk.

As a rule, unused things gather dust in the pantry, on the far shelves of the closet, and for some even on the balcony. Such items have not been used for a long time, and they are unlikely to be needed in the future. Such useless rubble in the house includes: old notes, books, dishes, clothes,... Storing such rubbish cannot bring any benefit, so it is necessary to stop accumulating unusable things and sort out their rubble and accumulations in the house.

Second life for old things

One way to get rid of unnecessary things is to donate them to those who need them. For example, children's clothes, toys, books that no one else in the family uses should be given to the children of acquaintances and friends. It is a good thing to give such children's things to orphans. It is recommended to contact a children's charity to clarify what items may be useful and necessary for children.

As a rule, charitable foundations study the needs of children in shelters and then provide them with financial assistance. So, things will have a second life, where they can be useful again, and children will have the necessary things.

There are many advertisements in which people happily accept and donate various household items. This way you can get rid of unused items or even exchange them for what you need.

It is recommended to recycle broken plastic or glass products, unnecessary paper newspapers and literature. Some enterprises purchase waste from scrap metal, plastic, cardboard, and then, by processing it, produce a new product. For example, old trash will be of great benefit: it will save primary resources for production, and, therefore, reduce the burden on the environment.

Old clothes and jewelry can be the start of a new hobby, such as crafts and sewing. It is known that old clothes can be altered, turning them into a unique new wardrobe item. You can also create an original accessory from broken jewelry.

The danger of old things lies in the fact that they may be associated with some negative memory from the past. Every time, passing by clutter in the house, a person subconsciously remembers failures and troubles.

Of course, things that cannot be repaired, cleaned or restored, and therefore cannot be used further, must be thrown away. In Feng Shui, as a science that teaches you to create a harmonious space around yourself, it is believed that unnecessary things take the place of new positive energy. Old trash is dangerous because it accumulates potential energy threats to humans.

Located in various important areas in the apartment, it blocks a person’s talents, growth and development, and gets in the way of his success, well-being, professional growth, and health. It is believed that you can improve your home energy through cleaning. By getting rid of unnecessary things collecting dust on the shelves, a person is freed from negativity, clearing the space. Positive energy will come to the empty space where unused old items were stored.

People have long believed in the protective power talismans. Purchased or made with your own hands, they protect their owner from negative influences and help achieve what they want. But from time to time, talismans need to be cleaned. This procedure is simple, not labor-intensive and does not require much time.

An antique brooch that you inherited from your grandmother, a chain with a pendant of unknown origin bought at a flea market, or a ring given by an ex-boyfriend - all these things have already accumulated someone else's energy - positive or negative, but, undoubtedly, influencing you - like someone new the owner of this thing. If you are in doubt whether you should wear these things and whether there will be any unpleasant consequences, clean your jewelry from other people’s energy.

1. Cleansing with water

To energetically clean jewelry and stones, you can use running water - place them under running water for 10-15 minutes.

2. Cleaning with salt

Pour sea salt into a clean crystal (or just glass) vase, place decorations and sprinkle salt on top. Leave for three days. Salt will cleanse the energy of your jewelry and bring harmony to them. After three days, wash the jewelry with running cold water, dry it in the sun, and throw away the salt.

3. Moonlight cleansing

Leave the decorations on the windowsill so that they receive moonlight. They must be left for three nights (from evening to morning), starting from the night of the full moon. If you succeed, try not to let sunlight fall on your jewelry during these three days. Naturally, during these three days of cleansing there is no need to wear jewelry, and it is not advisable.

4. Sunlight cleansing

Everything is the same as with the lunar one, only we leave the decorations from dawn until noon under bright sunlight. We also hide it in a dark place at night so that the moonlight does not fall on the jewelry, and in the same way these days we do not wear them on ourselves.

5. Purification by fire

For such cleaning it is necessary to create a continuous field of fire energy. Place 8 lit candles (preferably yellow, red, orange) on the table, arranging them in an octagon.

Carefully take the decoration, and over the fire, where there is no excessive heat, move it in as many closed circles clockwise as you want. There is no need to heat the decorations. This procedure must be repeated three days in a row at the same time.

When - listen to your intuition and decide for yourself... It may well be that some items will want to be cleaned in the morning, while others will only agree to do it at midnight... The jewelry needs to rest for some time after such cleaning, but after a day or two you can use it for its intended purpose.

As you know, all things absorb the energy that every person has. Gold jewelry has always been popular, which is why there are numerous jewelry stores. Each person can try on any product there, thereby leaving some of the energy on it. In addition, many relatives and friends often borrow jewelry from each other, which also leads to energetic changes.

Psychics and other people associated with magic recommend, after purchasing or borrowing any gold jewelry, to carry out cleaning, which will not take much time. Available ways to cleanse gold of negative energy:

  • Cleansing by fire is considered strong, for which you need to take a candle and it is best if it is a church candle. You need to light it, and then look at the flame for several minutes. As a result, the image of fire is imprinted. After this, pick up the jewelry and for some time imagine how fire surrounds it, burning away all existing negativity.
  • There is another option for how to cleanse gold of bad energy using a candle. Place the gold decoration on the table and take a lit candle in your hands. Start making circular movements with the candle over the object, and do it counterclockwise. The number of revolutions depends on your own feelings. If you feel that the gold is pure, then you should stop.
  • The easiest way to clean gold involves using regular running water. Turn on the tap and hold the jewelry under the tap and mentally imagine how the existing negativity disappears from the gold. After this, you need to imagine how the object emits light energy.
  • Another effective way to cleanse gold of negativity is to use sound vibrations. The sounds of a bell or gong are suitable. Turn on the music and place the decoration nearby. After this, imagine how sound waves penetrate the gold, thereby purifying it.
  • Video: Antique jewelry, removing negative energy and ancient damage

    Video: How to clean jewelry from negativity. Feng Shui methods.


    Video: How to clean gold and silver items with your own hands

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    The world around us is filled with flows of energy; it is present within us and is inherent in all objects without exception. Jewelry, especially those made from gold, has a powerful energy force. This is due to the popularity of this precious metal when creating jewelry. We come into contact with them every day: we wear earrings, rings, chains. With such a constant and close relationship, energy will undoubtedly be “absorbed” into gold jewelry. And if you didn’t buy new jewelry, but they were presented to you or left as an inheritance, you will have to wonder how to cleanse gold from someone else’s energy? We will look at all the nuances of this procedure in this article.

    What do the experts say?

    Sometimes we don’t buy gold jewelry new in the store, but we get it from someone else. For example, a family heirloom passed down from generation to generation. It happens that we exchange rings or earrings. So, often mother and daughter borrow certain embellishments from each other.

    How to clean a gold ring from foreign energy? — Experts in this field strongly advise cleaning gold items even after purchase, and even more so when received from another person. This simple process will take very little of your time.

    Important! Don’t forget to cleanse your own jewelry of accumulated negative energy. At a minimum, you need to clean it once a year, or more often. And it’s even better to do this for the whole house, especially if you notice that quarrels and situations of misunderstanding have become more frequent in your family.

    Use our tips from the article.

    How to cleanse gold from foreign energy? — Deciding on the means

    What products are suitable for the cleaning process? All negativity can be easily removed:

    • using running water, the power of fire;
    • Salt is very effective when fighting negative energy.

    There are other ways.

    How do you know that the procedures performed were successful? Very easy! Put on your jewelry and, closing your eyes, listen to yourself, your feelings.

    Important! If you feel calm and positive emotions, it means that the ritual to cleanse gold from foreign energy was effective. Additionally, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from negativity and, with our help, choose effective

    Is it necessary to remove negativity from rings and other jewelry and why?

    Cleansing a gold ring from foreign energy is not only necessary, but urgently necessary!

    Why should this be done? Jewelry can accumulate energy from past owners for many years. As they walk through life with their owners, jewelry adapts to them.

    Important! Gold jewelry has exceptionally powerful energy, especially if the item contains precious stones.

    However, this does not mean that when purchasing a new ring in a jewelry store, you are insured against any negative consequences:

    • You can’t even imagine who tried it on before you. Perhaps the person was unable to buy it, and the product will be imprinted with a bitter feeling of annoyance or even envy of the one who can afford it.
    • Also the creator of the jewel! Performing such concentrated and painstaking work, the jeweler unconsciously directs his emotions and energy into the jewelry. What if he is in a bad mood due to serious problems? And all this will “settle” on the product.

    Clean, clean and clean again!

    Negative energy can appear in jewelry from people's envy or anger. Another source could be a situation in which you participated and gold was put on you. For example, a quarrel, an accident, visiting unfavorable and ominous places.

    Important! The most dangerous in this regard are ancient precious jewelry and treasures. Especially those recovered from ancient burials and tombs. Believe me, being located next to human remains for several centuries, such objects carry not just negativity, but extreme danger!

    How do you understand that you need to cleanse gold from someone else’s energy? Pay attention to the appearance of such emotional symptoms: loss of strength, bad mood, apathy, etc.

    Methods for cleaning gold

    So, you have decided to cleanse gold of negative energy at home. Let's consider which of the many methods will be suitable. The main forces in the fight against negative aura have always been the four earthly elements, but they are not the only ones that can help you.


    Fire has enormous cleansing power:

    1. Hold the item over the fire for a few seconds. Incense can be used.
    2. Another option is to light a candle and watch the flame for two minutes. At the same time, your eyes will retain the image of fire.
    3. After this, take the product and imagine how the fire consumes it and burns all the negative energy.

    Important! Ash, as a derivative of the action of fire, also does a good job of cleaning gold. It is enough to place the decoration in it or wipe it.

    If such simple methods fail to remove negative energy, then it may be worth taking the item to be melted down.


    Rinse your jewelry under running water.


    The power of the earth will effectively cleanse gold of foreign energy. Bury the required item for a week and you will get rid of it.


    Take a glass and add ⅓ salt, put a ring and cover it to the top with salt. After a day, you can take out the item, and the salt needs to be buried in the ground or thrown into the river.

    You can use table or sea salt. Using a saline solution will also be effective.

    Important! It is better to remove the decoration using a stick, spoon or pencil.


    Believers often find solutions to problems with its help. For this purpose, holy water and church candles are used. Place the gold jewelry on the table and use the burning candle to make circular movements counterclockwise.

    Important! The number of revolutions is related to your sensations. As soon as it seems to you that the jewelry has been cleaned, you can stop manipulation.


    Sound vibrations are a rather unusual method of how to cleanse gold of negative energy. You can play them using a gong, a simple or church bell, or loud music. Concentrate and imagine how sound waves penetrate the jewelry, penetrate it, cleansing it of negative energy.

    Important! Try using the sound of the mantra “Om” by making it yourself or through a player.

    Sunlight and moonlight

    Place the decoration where it receives direct sunlight or moonlight. This could be a window sill, a balcony. Leave for 7-8 hours. Make sure it is not cloudy during this period of time.

    If the item is set with precious stones, be careful as some of them may fade in the sun. For example, amethyst, citrine, yellow topaz.

    Important! If you decide to use moonlight, be sure to pay attention to the phase of the moon. Carry out all actions only on the waxing moon.

    Antique jewelry, removal of negative energy and ancient damage

    Old antique objects are most saturated with dark energy. How to cleanse gold from negative energy in such cases?

    Antiques are quite ancient things, their age varies from fifty years to several hundred centuries. “Younger” jewelry is estimated at 20-50 years old, they are also called dilapidated. Thoughts, ideas and emotions of previous owners are very firmly imprinted on metals, especially gold. And such a precious stone as amber strongly attracts curses.

    What should you do if a huge scandal suddenly breaks out at work? Immediately remove negativity from yourself and your jewelry!

    Everyone knows that stones, and especially crystals, have one important feature - to accumulate energy and information. This property requires periodic cleaning of all natural stones and jewelry.

    New stones must also be cleaned. Moreover, it does not matter at all how the gem came to you - whether you bought it in an esoteric store, ordered it online, or whether it was given to you as a gift. Any stone requires cleaning before you start using it and, of course, with frequent use.

    The best cleaner from negative information is water. It is enough to hold the stone for a short time under running (or better yet, spring) water, and its energy structure will be completely freed from negative and previous information. This is one of the simplest and most versatile methods that easily copes with the cleaning task.

    What else is used to energetically cleanse stones?
    To energetically cleanse stones, use:

    1. fire
    2. salt (sea or regular)
    3. Druze (rock crystal or amethyst)
    4. herbs and flowers
    5. Moonlight
    6. sunlight.


    Cleansing natural stones with sea salt can be considered a traditional and one of the best ways to clean stone, since sea salt simultaneously cleanses both household pollution and accumulated negative information. Sea salt, which naturally evaporates in the sun, is simply an invaluable storehouse of useful and, most importantly, “living” active minerals, which certainly interact with the stone, cleansing its energy structure and taking on all the negative energy.

    In this case, you can choose both dry and wet cleaning methods with salt.

    Wet cleaning
    Dissolve a teaspoon of sea salt in a glass or ceramic cup of water. Plastic and metal dishes are not suitable, since these materials transfer some of their properties to water. To make the salt dissolve better and faster, fill it with warm water. But the stone can be lowered into the solution only after it has cooled! Most natural minerals do not tolerate high temperatures very well: they can crack or change color. The stone must be immersed in the solution overnight. In the morning it should be rinsed under running water.

    Dry cleaning
    For dry cleaning, you will need a deep container because you will need to pour enough sea salt into it to completely cover your stone. Any utensil can be used. Dry cleaning of the stone using dry sea salt is also carried out overnight.

    Attention! High-quality polished jewelry stones may fade when exposed to sea salt, and some may change color. But don’t rush to give up this type of cleaning.

    An alternative way to clean stones using sea salt: place the stone in a glass bowl and place it on a dish with sea salt (the salt layer is at least 1 cm). Despite the fact that the stone will not actually come into contact with sea salt, it will still certainly have a cleansing effect on it.

    Which stones should not be cleaned with salt water?
    Here is an incomplete list of them: amber, malachite, onyx, opal, pyrite, aquamarine, turquoise, hematite, labradorite, calcite, cacholong, lapis lazuli, rhodonite, rhodochrosite, carnelian, fluorite.

    Salt water has a negative effect on their physical properties. If your stone is not on the list, but you have doubts and are worried about the consequences of contact of the mineral with salt water, use dry “non-contact” cleaning using sea salt.


    The most suitable time for carrying out procedures for cleaning stones with fire is when the Sun enters Aries (1st ten days of March - from 21st to 30th March). According to astrologers, all stones and jewelry passed down by inheritance need to be cleansed with fire.

    Place the stone on the table, take a lit candle in your right hand and make circular movements clockwise (if a male stone, Yang energy) or counterclockwise (if a female stone, Yin energy).

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    During the procedure, you can mentally say “cleansing” words: “ Burn in fire everything that harms me.".

    After purification by fire, it is recommended to leave some minerals in direct sunlight for several hours. Almost all stones benefit from sunbathing, especially those that are often worn. For some stones (coral, turquoise, pearls, opal, amber), solar treatments should be limited in time: no more than 30 minutes per session.


    The moon is most directly related to the magic of stones, since this celestial body has the most direct physical effect on all living things on Earth.
    And moonlight has a fantastic effect on natural minerals.

    The procedure for removing negativity from a stone using moonlight will take you longer than all the others. Here it is necessary to take into account the phases of the moon. It is necessary to carry out the cleaning procedure only on the waning Moon, since as the Moon wanes, it will take away all the negativity with it. In addition, a lot depends on the weather - the sky is not always clear. Therefore, sometimes you have to wait a long time for the right night to clear your stone. On top of that, you will have to find a window sill or a place that will be flooded with moonlight for the maximum amount of time throughout the night.

    To completely remove all negative energy from a mineral, it will take three full lunar nights. If you can leave the stone or decoration outside, this is certainly an ideal cleaning option. The glass on the windows, however, slightly blocks the light of the “queen of the night sky.”

    If the stone has been subjected to a very strong negative influence and is not afraid of water, it is necessary to lower it into a vessel with salt water and leave it for several nights on the waning Moon.

    Herbs and flowers

    This is a very beautiful and delicate way to cleanse natural minerals from negative energy. Immerse your stone or jewelry for the day in a container with dried or fresh herbs or fresh flower petals. To enhance the cleansing effect, it is recommended to combine this cleaning procedure with moonlight cleansing.

    Fumigation is a very effective way to cleanse stones of negativity. To do this, you need to set fire to some medicinal herbs in a fireproof container. Sage, cedar or juniper are ideal. The stone must be carried several times through streams of smoke. Thick clouds of smoke are not needed for this; a weak, thin smoke will do. To calm the energy of the mineral, add a few lavender flowers.

    Remember that cleaned stones should not be given into the wrong hands, even those closest to you. Human energy is too complex and subtle. Therefore, you should not take risks, protect your stones.

    But what to do if you were asked to show or try on a stone or jewelry by loved ones? In many cases, it is inconvenient to refuse such a request, so as not to offend a loved one. Then place the stone first on the table so that it is taken not from your hands, but from the table. You need to take your stone back in exactly the same way - only from the table, and not through your hands. This will prevent the transmission of other people's vibrations into your biofield. If such a manipulation was not possible, and the jewelry was nevertheless transferred “from hand to hand,” simply carry out an additional cleaning session.


    It is very easy to remove negativity from stones and jewelry using druzes.
    A druse is a set of fused crystals. This form is the strongest emitter and transformer of energy. Druse has only the most positive effects on the environment and is excellent for cleaning stones and the human aura.

    Stones or your favorite jewelry that you wear every day, and on which a lot of negative information accumulates, are placed on a rock crystal or amethyst friend at night. Already in the morning the minerals will be crystal clear! Amethyst and crystal druses are ideal for cleansing procedures; it is not for nothing that magicians and lithotherapists call them “amethyst brush” and “crystal brush”. Stones and jewelry are very well cleansed from negative information with the help of druzes during meditation.

    As soon as you get your hands on a new stone, you need to clean it immediately, on the same day! One of the best ways is to leave the stone to bask in the sun for 2 hours. As already mentioned, an excellent way to remove negative information from a mineral is running water. If there is a river or stream flowing near your house, place a stone in it for a while. Streams of water will carry all the negativity far and irrevocably. In a couple of hours, your mineral will be pristine in terms of energy. It is not recommended to clean new stones in salt water, as this can lead to premature wear.

    Crystals that are contraindicated in contact with water

    As you know, turquoise does not like water. You can wipe and wash it, but such contact must be kept to a minimum. The ideal care for turquoise is to wipe with a dry soft cloth after each use.

    It is necessary to exclude contact with water of such minerals as: chrysocolla, astrophyllite, heulandite, gypsum, kyanite, muscavite (a type of mica), selenite, seraphinite (clinochlore), stilbite, uvarovite, celestite, chermigit (geyserite), fuchside slate.

    These minerals dissolve under the influence of water, and even with slight contact with liquid they begin to lose their physical properties. It is best to remove negative information from such natural materials using candles or any other dry methods.

    How often do you need to remove negative energy from a stone?

    This depends on the intensity of its use and on the energy load that the mineral carries. For example, if you wear your favorite ring and ring with a large mineral every day to the office, where you are surrounded by many ill-wishers, then the jewelry simply needs to be cleaned as often as possible, every weekend! And if a serious conflict occurs that knocks you out of your psychological balance, the stone needs to be cleaned immediately! And after the cleaning procedure, it is necessary to leave it to “charge” for a long time, until the entire negative matrix leaves its information grid. After conflict situations, deep meditation with natural stones will be an excellent way to relieve stress and cleanse your own aura of negativity. You need to meditate with minerals that are used only in spiritual practices and practically do not carry information from society.
    Find out more: How to choose stones for meditation.

    If you often change your jewelry and do not overload it with negative energy, then you can clean it once a month or less. Sensitive people, who have the ability to enter into full energy exchange with natural minerals, determine the need to clean the stone intuitively, according to their feelings. If you feel that your favorite pebble has lost its energy, then it’s time to “remove” unnecessary information from it.

    What happens if the stone is not cleaned at all?

    If natural stones and jewelry are not cleaned to remove negative information, then over time so much negative energy will accumulate in their energy structure that this can have a bad effect on your well-being: drowsiness, fatigue, bad mood and even headaches will appear. An unrefined natural mineral, of course, will not bring much harm! But it will bring much less benefit. After a conflict, the stone will “remember” negative vibrations for a very long time, which will certainly affect your well-being. In such cases, our wise body often “turns on defense” - with a “negative balance,” we simply stop liking the jewelry or stone, and we put it away for a long time.

    A much more annoying consequence may be the fact that with a large information “overload”, natural stone may even crack! Or darken.

    In conclusion, it remains to add that in addition to energetic cleansing, stones need basic care. The easiest way to do this is to thoroughly wipe the mineral immediately after using it with a dry soft cloth. If we take this simple procedure as a rule, then there will simply be no need for other, more complex and risky cleaning methods for natural stone. They will always be perfectly clean!