How to cheer up a girl by correspondence in VK or SMS. Effective ways to cheer up a girl

First of all, it is necessary to understand the reasons for her sadness. Try it for tea. You just need to sit down next to her and have a sympathetic conversation, ask about what worries her most at the moment. However, not all people are immediately willing to talk about the reasons for their bad mood. It depends on the character of the girl herself. Some people in a difficult situation become isolated and withdraw into themselves, while others, on the contrary, share their troubles, waiting for your participation. In any case, you need to be patient and try to find out what upset her.

You should not leave a girl in a bad mood alone, alone with her own thoughts.

Regardless of whether your loved one wants your help or not, you are obliged to offer it. A girl must understand that in any difficult situation she can always count on you.

Just not in the mood

Women are people with quite changeable characters. Sometimes, in order to get upset, some completely insignificant trifle is enough for them. In this case, try to distract the girl with something - offer to go for a walk or to the beach, in winter go sledding, throw snowballs, watch a light romantic comedy. Buy her favorite fruit or a delicious dessert. Sweets, as you know, lift the mood not only for women, but also for the stronger sex. Organize a romantic candlelit dinner or an excursion to another city.

Sometimes it’s enough just to change the environment, cheer up, and the bad mood disappears without a trace.

If you are to blame

It also happens that you did something that upset her. Of course, all people make mistakes sooner or later in their lives. Now is the time to correct them. Sincerely ask your beloved for forgiveness, but be prepared that she will not immediately stop being offended by you. Explain the reasons for your action, promise to do differently in the future. Try to make amends; a chic bouquet or some kind of romantic gift will be very useful in such a situation.

It is very likely that she simply does not have enough of your attention. In this case, try to spend as much time as possible with your loved one, don’t disappear without a trace, call during the day to find out how she’s doing.

Whatever the reason for your bad mood, just be there, don’t lose patience and treat your beloved girl with understanding.

Oh, these girls, they have such a subtle mental organization - they are offended by something, dissatisfied with something. Young people are sometimes very worried when they see their beloved in tears or simply upset. What to do if your loved one is offended?

If you have no idea what your fault is (and this often happens, because the fair sex tends to attach importance to even fleeting glances), try the words that you use (kitty, sunshine, etc.). Most likely, the offended person will melt and stop sulking, especially if the offense is minor. But she may become stubborn, refusing to name the reasons for the offense, or even forgive you. In this case, most likely, she didn’t like something minor, and now she’s punishing you.

If she doesn’t want to tell you what’s wrong and how you can fix the situation, well, then leave her alone. Young ladies cannot maintain character to the end. In the end, she will tell you everything herself.

In cases where you know what you are guilty of, for example, being late for a date, making an awkward joke, showing disdain for her, or not keeping a promise, then you need to correct the situation urgently, if, of course, the girl is dear to you.

Depending on the severity of your “crime,” you will have to beg for forgiveness. Flowers, by the way, will never be superfluous. Give her a large and beautiful bouquet - when you are trying to make amends, you can forget about sophistication. Let the bouquet be luxurious and lush.

You also need to come up with something original and cute. Girls love beautiful gestures. Give her some original romantic gift, one that she will definitely like or that she has long dreamed of. Maybe it will be jewelry or a plush toy.

And you definitely need to say many, many pleasant words to her, because they love with their ears, as you remember. Then, once you've been forgiven, try talking to your friend to better understand what might offend her and also to reassure her that you care about her.

If your offense is serious, for example, treason, then you won’t get off with gifts and flowers. In this case, the girl is not only offended - she is also humiliated and even angry. In this case, you will have to make a lot of effort to regain the trust of your beloved, and this will not happen in one day.


  • how to offend a girl with words

It is difficult to meet a person who has not suffered from a bad mood at least once in his life. All people fall into this state at times. And although the reasons for the lack of bright prospects are different, there are several ways to return your mood to normal.

When a person is in a bad mood, he or she develops a feeling of helplessness, despair and apathy. In addition, insomnia arises, in a word, something must be done about it, otherwise the situation may get out of control, a bad mood may turn into depression, and this is already a problem.

In the summer there are much fewer reasons for a bad mood than in the fall or winter. Nature is pleasing to the eye, the sun is shining, life is good. In autumn, the days become shorter, sunny days give way to rainy autumn weather, and the body reacts to such a change with a bad mood. When body temperature drops in the fall, melatonin levels in the body increase, causing people to eat high-calorie foods. In order not to gain excess weight and thereby not worsen an already not good mood, you need to take care of the intake of nutrients into your body, that is, you need to eat food that is rich in vitamins and minerals.

In autumn, it is advisable to include apples, vegetables, vegetable soups and freshly squeezed juices in your diet. You will feel much better. To give yourself little joys throughout the day, carry a small chocolate bar in your purse, and as soon as you feel your mood begin to rise, eat a piece.

The best antidepressant is movement. Exercise outside or get a dog and walk it every morning and evening. Animals often save you from despondency; play with a dog or cat, and your bad mood will surely disappear.

For women, shopping is a good helper in the fight against dark thoughts. Pamper yourself, go shopping, albeit temporarily, but your mood will certainly improve.

Falling in love, like nothing else, relieves a bad mood, but falling in love on demand is not within the power of a person. But you can expand your circle of acquaintances and friends and communicate more.

To prevent a bad mood from leading to depression, find an activity that absorbs all your attention. Don't forget, your mood depends on your activity, don't let despondency enter your life.


  • what to do when you're in a bad mood in 2019

A person can no longer imagine his life without a phone. Every day people make calls and write messages. It will be strange and unusual if not a single call is received in a day, especially if we are talking about a long-awaited call from a loved one.

Understanding in Relationships

Relationships between a guy involve: declarations of love, meetings, kisses and hugs, hours of talking on the phone. You can suspect something is wrong if the girl stops calling and texting. First you need to remember recent events. Perhaps the girl was offended by some words or actions, and now does not want to communicate. Representatives of the fair sex tend to harbor a grudge for a long time and at the same time not tell the reason. An attentive guy will immediately recognize dissatisfaction by one of her glances or gestures. This is much more difficult to do at the initial stage of dating. Not writing messages, not calling or not picking up the phone is a small revenge for the guy’s inappropriate behavior.

Why doesn't the girl call

It is worth considering other banal reasons why a girl is lost from sight and does not call. Maybe she simply has nowhere to call, her phone is broken, it was stolen, her SIM card was blocked, there is no money on her balance, she accidentally deleted the number from her address book, but she doesn’t remember it. A person is not immune from such situations. You shouldn’t panic right away, you need to find another way to contact the girl: come to her home, pick her up from work or after school, find out about her fate through mutual friends.

Sometimes girls don’t want to hurt their boyfriend and don’t tell him about breaking up to his face. This news is extremely unpleasant, and you don’t know how a person will react to it. Therefore, ladies prefer to leave, sever all ties with the young man and not write or call in the future. Such an act cannot be called honest. It's best to pluck up the courage and go talk to the guy. Being in an uncertain state is the hardest thing.

It's important to take the first step

A girl may not call because she is embarrassed, because she does not want to take the first step. Films about knights put it into the minds of young ladies that they should accept advances from gentlemen, take a closer look, and after a while make their verdict. But such a policy is not always appropriate if the feelings are mutual. Why not take a step towards the meeting if you really want it. No one will point a finger at such an act, but on the contrary, by doing this the girl signals her clear position in relation to the young man. There is no need to be afraid or embarrassed to express your feelings.

As soon as you get a second chance, take action. First of all, you must become his ideal for your lover. During the time that you were together, you probably understood what qualities he values ​​in girls. If he loves economical and homely ladies, learn to cook and start creating a cozy family nest; if he likes modest and well-mannered girls, become feminine, quiet and submissive. As soon as a representative of the stronger sex sees these qualities in you, he is unlikely to want to leave you.

After the problem with care has been resolved, you are given the next goal: consolidating the result. Now that you realize that you have become completely consistent with the ideal of your soulmate, start keeping him in suspense. Your relationship should be built on the principle of “closer - further”. For example, today you spend the whole day with your boyfriend. You surrounded him with affection, attention and care, whisper words of love and fidelity in his ear, make plans for his future life. The next day you refuse to meet with him, come up with some stupid things and activities for yourself to find an excuse for refusal, do not answer his messages and calls, or answer coldly. After some time, you need to pretend that nothing happened, and that harmony and order reign in your relationship, as before.

Create an environment of lively competition around yourself. Let your lover see that other members of the opposite sex may be interested in you. However, you shouldn’t flirt too openly with someone, otherwise you will not only arouse your boyfriend’s interest, but also stir up a huge scandal based on jealousy.

Try not to fully reveal your plans for the future or look too far ahead. Your boyfriend should not be sure that you always want to be only with him. Let him understand that he could lose you at any moment if he behaves stupidly and irresponsibly. Remain a mystery to him, which he will gradually unravel. Interest is the strongest weapon with which girls can easily control their men.

Communication on the Internet allows you to find new, interesting, true friends. Neither distance nor time zones interfere with virtual communication.

Self-deception or the magical power of a social network

You can approach your personal page on social networks in different ways: keep a real story of your life on it, post photos, share your news, or come up with the image of a certain stranger (less often, a stranger), and look for adventures with its help, go far from boring reality. Some people post attractive phrases, a hint of mystery, and individuality in their statuses to lift the mood. Others share personal emotions, family dates, and favorite songs with users.

In fact, ordinary life is not boring, many people simply do not know how to fill it, make it bright, eventful, and eventful. And it’s easier to do this with real people, on a real page, with the help of users who share the same position in life.

VKontakte network Not only lifts the mood, and brings people together, close in spirit, thoughts, hobbies. For a long time now, not only former classmates or classmates have been communicating online.

Communities of lovers of pets, handicrafts, and floristry are being created. People share culinary recipes, post master classes with step-by-step photographs of cooking, and participate in competitions.

Many people use the VKontakte network as a tool to promote their talent in any business. For example, needlewomen post photographs of their products, and those who want to purchase them go to the page, meet the artist, and order goods by mail.

Where can you be bored online? It provides so many opportunities for self-realization and improvement. People who are far from virtual communication mistakenly believe that this area does not bring benefits, but only takes up time.

How to cheer up on a social network

Any positive communication brings joy to all interlocutors. This is why man was created, to bring joy to other people through his actions, words and aspirations, because it is known that everything comes back to us like a boomerang, multiplied by two. It is difficult to imagine a distant time when the only way of communication other than a personal meeting was paper letters. How could a person convey his joy if the messenger was on the road for weeks? During this time, joy could give way to pain, and vice versa.

And today it’s enough to go to your VKontakte page, set in status to lift your mood, a short phrase “I’m happy!” or “I love everyone!” and questions, support, comments and approval will immediately begin to pour in. This is the simplest and most effective way to cheer yourself up, to remember that we create happiness ourselves, and in order to feel it, it is not necessary to purchase something. On the contrary, when we lose something, we think that happiness is gone. And we forget that it happened.

There are a lot of funny pictures, videos, postcards floating around the virtual world, with the help of which users lift each other’s spirits, give emotions, receiving in return the same bright greetings. The more friends a person has online, the more gifts he will receive for all significant holidays included in the virtual calendar. At least every day you can set a status to lift your spirits, and it will definitely be shared by equally positive people.

Communication on VKontakte becomes a balm, an antidepressant. Once you look at the collections of humorous photographs, you involuntarily begin to smile. Communities that collect entire albums of positive photographs depicting funny animals and cute little children are very popular.

How to cheer up a girl on VKontakte

VKontakte statuses- an effective way to improve your mood. The participation of social networks in relationships between girls and boys has become not just large, but decisive. Young people get to know each other on VKontakte, give each other gifts, send not just text messages, but also musical compositions, videos, and animated pictures.

Statuses about mood- a great way to give to your girlfriend, for example, after a quarrel. This is a way to win her back. After all, a conversation on the phone may not work out if the offense is great. In statuses that will cheer up a girl, you can write about your love and that a quarrel is just a coincidence of two people who do not understand the situation. You should give the girl such a flow of affection and attention that she does not have a single drop of doubt that your relationship is dear to both of you.

And if a girl is just sad, and it’s not your fault, help her cope with her emotions, use all your imagination and find that one chance to please her. Distance is a small life, but it can be decorated, colored, diversified. And it doesn’t matter at all how long it takes the carrier pigeon to fly to your girlfriend if a message with a warm word reaches her instantly.

Or you can, for example, take your photo and use Photoshop to make a humorous caricature out of it. By sending such a photo to your girlfriend, you will probably cheer her up, and therefore yourself. Any status to lift your spirits: sincere, humorous, inviting or supportive - this is a great way to bring real joy in a simple way that does not take a lot of time, effort and material resources.

The VKontakte network is an ideal platform for communication without borders! Statuses, messages, present- these are the tools with which people express their emotions, establish contacts, fill their lives and the lives of their interlocutors with joy and warmth!

Statuses about mood

Several examples of mood statuses that will amuse your interlocutor and lift your spirits. Use statuses about a good mood at your discretion.

It happens that an ordinary smile can provide a good mood for the whole day.

The secret of success in life is to always be in a good mood, the most important step to failure is to be a hostage to your bad mood.

My mood is like a mirror. Smile, be friendly, kind and I will certainly answer you in the same way!

If you meet a face without a smile, then smile yourself!

Do you dream that she will turn her face to you and smile? First you need to give her a good mood!

Do you know what the main decoration in life is? Your good mood!

I lend a good mood at a low interest rate!

If you are in a good mood, catch it and never let go!

Promotion: everyone who smiles will receive a good mood as a gift! Smile more often!

You just need to throw the past into the trash, download yourself a good mood, and then just start your new life.

Do you know what makes men and women very attractive? Smile and good mood!

Change settings: Good mood (100%), optimistic attitude (100%), constant mode - smile, default - life is good!

Nothing makes a woman look better than a good mood. At the same time, it is cheaper than any jewelry.

If a girl is in a bad mood, her boyfriend usually has a hard time too: how can you carefreely go about your business when your girlfriend is bored, sad and generally somehow “ugly”? Therefore, many young people want to know how to cheer up a girl.

Of course, there is no universal recipe for improving mood: all girls are different, and what is guaranteed to lift the mood of one will only drive another into even greater melancholy. We can only guarantee one thing: Don’t try to tell a girl “don’t be sad” It probably won't work. Well, how can you not be sad when you are sad?

Try it unobtrusively find out why your girlfriend is in a bad mood: many girls are deliberately in no hurry to complain, because they are waiting for attention and care from the young man. But the key word here is “unobtrusive”: there is no need to conduct an interrogation with partiality. If a girl is in no hurry to tell you everything right away, perhaps she is not being flirtatious, but really does not want to talk about it.

Whatever the reason for your girlfriend’s bad mood, you don’t need to consider it frivolous and laugh at it: you may consider a broken nail or PMS to be meaningless nonsense, but for many girls this can ruin their mood for a long time. Your task is not to assess the seriousness of the causes of the blues, but simply to cheer up the girl. It is better to postpone conversations about emotional sensitivity to a more appropriate time or not to start at all.

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to cheer up a girl is give her a compliment. Just not “on duty”, but sincere: if you tell a tear-stained girl that she is beautiful, it is unlikely that this will please her. She knows that she doesn't look her best right now. But you shouldn’t invent too original compliments: a girl in upset feelings may not appreciate your extraordinary sense of humor.

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to be deadly serious. Very often, it is a good joke or anecdote that helps lift a girl’s spirits. Just keep your sense of humor in check: you should know which jokes your girl likes and which ones will only upset her even more. If your girlfriend is not in the mood, you need to joke about neutral topics, but in no case at her expense: even if she usually takes harmless jokes at herself normally, in moments of mental distress it is better not to take risks.

You can try distract a girl from the cause of her bad mood. Here you need to take her interests into account. Some people will be calmed down by a walk or a trip to the zoo, others by sitting in a cafe over a cup of coffee, others by watching a romantic comedy or melodrama, and for some, physical activity, for example, going to the gym, or a dose of adrenaline helps them take their mind off sad thoughts. . Rely on your powers of observation, and if you are not sure, just ask.

Often girls in a bad mood need physical intimacy. No, we're not talking about sex now. They just want you to hug them and pat them on the head. This way they feel protected. But there are girls who, in moments of sadness, do not want to be touched, but need solitude to “recharge their batteries.” If your girlfriend is one of them, respect her wishes.

Although sex should not be discounted either, sometimes it helps a lot, because lovemaking promotes the production of “happiness hormones” - endorphins. Just make sure that the girl really wants it, and in the process, try your best to please her. Sex must be good or not at all. Forget about yourself for a while: this is not ordinary sex, but a kind of “psychotherapy session”; your pleasure is not in first place right now. Don't attack the girl, have good foreplay, be gentle and attentive. A girl should feel desired and loved.

In fact, only you can cheer up your girlfriend. Just show her your love and care- She will certainly appreciate it and smile.

A woman is a mysterious and unpredictable creature. She is often in a bad mood, depressed, and feels like her life is a series of failures. If your girlfriend has a vulnerable soul, then most likely you are often tormented by the question of how to cheer up a girl? To be honest, this task is incredibly difficult, but completely solvable.

How to cheer up by correspondence?

Just one message can lift a girl's spirits. But you need to write it correctly for the effect to come quickly. Below is an example of several phrases that you need to send to your girlfriend if she is angry with you or in a bad mood:

  • “I’m sitting, writing SMS. Who do you think? The most beautiful creature on the whole Earth. I’m so happy that it went to me.”;
  • “I see you when I fall asleep and in reality. Thank you for illuminating my life and filling my heart with endless happiness.”;
  • “It’s freezing outside now. But thoughts of you warm me. It is a great happiness to be with you."

You shouldn’t wait for a response to such messages, don’t call your girlfriend and don’t ask her why you didn’t receive one. Surely she is rejoicing and experiencing a great feeling of happiness, but she does not want to reveal all the secrets of her soul.

How to cheer up a girl in contact?

Do you have accounts in contact (VK)? This is an excellent way to cheer up a girl. Fortunately, in the world of modern technology, a lot of tools have been created for these purposes. They are divided into two types: paid and free.

  1. On VKontakte there is a special currency called “votes”. They can be purchased by paying a certain cost via a bank card, virtual wallet or mobile phone. For votes, you can purchase any romantic gift you like and provide it for your girlfriend;
  2. There are several free ways to cheer up your loved one in contact. The easiest option is to simply copy a positive verse from an Internet site and send it by personal message. You can also send a colorful postcard, a cheerful melody or a funny video to her profile wall. In this case, you should take into account the characteristics of your partner. For example, if she loves animals, then please her with a picture of cute kittens.

In a similar way, you can please your woman through other social networks.

How to please a girl through a letter?

Do you think that writing letters on paper is no longer fashionable? You are very mistaken! A confession written by hand will not leave any girl indifferent. There are several ways to cheer up in this way:

  1. Do you know her address? Then making a small surprise will not be difficult for you. Write real prose about your love for her on a white sheet of paper. Here, it is not necessary to have talent in writing essays and there is no need to use Internet resources. Simply, with the utmost sincerity, express in a letter what is currently on your soul. Next, put the romantic poem in an envelope and send it to the recipient. This method is the most relevant if the girl ignores telephone communication with you, has blocked your number and even your page on a social network;
  2. Do you live together and putting an envelope in the mailbox is a stupid idea for you? Then before starting your working day, write a short note containing a small but positive phrase. For example:
    1. “I love you, my girl”;
    2. “Have a good day my dear, don’t worry, we’ll handle everything”;
    3. “Smile and remember that I am always there.”
  1. Does your significant other not work and spends most of their time at home with the children? The third option is the most suitable for you. Write a bright letter for your beloved using colored pens. While she sleeps, place it anywhere in your home, such as on a mirror, refrigerator or wall. From the very morning she will be in a great mood!

Ten reliable ways to please a girl if she is nearby

  1. Do you think the only way to a man's heart is through his stomach? But many women cannot resist the delicious dish. Prepare a sweet dessert for her yourself, order rolls or pizza. Don't forget about romantic candles and beautiful table settings;
  2. What girl doesn't like being complimented? Beautiful words will melt any, even the coldest heart. If you want to cheer her up, then make sure that the compliment is original;
  3. If your girl is from the category of those who love experiments, then bring a little adrenaline into her life. For example, instead of a regular date, invite her to climb the mountains, skydive, or have dinner on the roof of a skyscraper;
  4. Does your girlfriend spend most of her time with you and the children? Throw a party for her. Call old friends whom she hasn't seen for a long time, but she would like to chat with. It will be a priceless gift if, in addition to this, you also organize a festive dinner;
  5. Well, who among us doesn’t love massage? It’s quite difficult to find such a person! Every girl will experience a lot of positive emotions about a massage performed by her beloved man in a romantic setting. Explore every point of her body, starting from the feet and ending with the head;
  6. The easiest way to please a woman is to simply make her laugh. Use jokes and funny stories for this;
  7. Girls feel better after they have cried. Listen to her, have pity and give practical advice;
  8. Many women become depressed because they are tired of everyday chores. Give her a day off and take on some of the household chores yourself. You will see that she will be proud of you;
  9. A romantic date arranged by your beloved young man also cannot but please you. Book a table at a restaurant, go to a cafe, cook dinner at home. Such an event will allow you to relax and forget about problems;
  10. Prepare a gift for her. Let it be a small souvenir or a bouquet of field daisies, but it will remind her that she is loved and cared for.

How to cheer up a girl if you live together?

You have been living together for a long time, but lately you have started to notice that your lady friend is depressed? Don't despair, this problem can be easily overcome at home.

  • Many men are sure that in such a situation they need to leave their significant other completely alone. This can only be done if she has asked for it herself. Give her a lot of attention, say kind words, be prepared to listen;
  • Draw a bath, add foam and aromatic oils to the water. Send her to bask in it, and if possible, take it together;
  • The easiest way to cheer up a girl is to give her money and send her out shopping. Shopping always brings joy.

If your woman is in a bad mood for a long time without reason, and all the ways to cheer her up do not work, then it’s time to visit a family psychologist.

How to cheer up a girl in an original way?

Women love inventive men who are always wondering how to surprise their lady. Become just like that for at least one day!

  • Go to the zoo or visit an exhibition of exclusive animals;
  • Visit the dolphinarium;
  • Have a picnic in the field;
  • Don't be corny, don't invite a girl to the movies. Let your first date take place at the theater, art museum, or exhibition. It will definitely remain unforgettable for her;
  • Girls love romance. Find a beautiful place in your city and go admire it together!

Do you want to never worry about how to cheer up a girl? Then constantly surprise her, give her joy and care!

Video: ways to please a friend using SMS

In this video, psychologist Arkady Denisov will tell you what original SMS messages you can use to lift your girlfriend’s mood and morale:

If a girl is in a bad mood, her boyfriend usually has a hard time too: how can you carefreely go about your business when your girlfriend is bored, sad and generally somehow “ugly”? Therefore, many young people want to know how to cheer up a girl.

Of course, there is no universal recipe: all girls are different, and what is guaranteed to lift the spirits of one will only drive another into even greater melancholy. We can only guarantee one thing: Don’t try to tell a girl “don’t be sad” It probably won't work. Well, how can you not be sad when you are sad?

Try it unobtrusively find out why your girlfriend is in a bad mood: many girls are deliberately in no hurry to complain, because they are waiting for attention and care from the young man. But the key word here is “unobtrusive”: there is no need to conduct an interrogation with partiality. If a girl is in no hurry to tell you everything right away, perhaps she is not being flirtatious, but really does not want to talk about it.

Whatever the reason for your girl’s bad mood, you don’t need to consider it frivolous and laugh at it: you can consider a broken nail or meaningless nonsense, but for many girls this can ruin the mood for a long time. Your task is not to assess the seriousness of the causes of the blues, but simply to cheer up the girl. It is better to postpone conversations about emotional sensitivity to a more appropriate time or not to start at all.

One of the simplest, but at the same time effective ways to cheer up a girl- . Just not “on duty”, but sincere: if you tell a tear-stained girl that she is beautiful, it is unlikely that this will please her. She knows that she doesn't look her best right now. But you shouldn’t invent too original compliments: a girl in upset feelings may not appreciate your extraordinary sense of humor.

Of course, this doesn't mean you have to be deadly serious. Very often, it’s a good joke or anecdote that helps lift a girl’s mood.. Just keep your sense of humor in check: you should know which jokes your girl likes and which ones will only upset her even more. If your girlfriend is not in the mood, you need to joke about neutral topics, but in no case at her expense: even if she usually takes harmless jokes at herself normally, in moments of mental distress it is better not to take risks.

You can try distract a girl from the cause of her bad mood. Here you need to take her interests into account. Some people will be calmed down by a walk or a trip to the zoo, others by sitting in a cafe over a cup of coffee, others by watching a romantic comedy or melodrama, and for some, physical activity, for example, going to the gym, or a dose of adrenaline helps them take their mind off sad thoughts. . Rely on your powers of observation, and if you are not sure, just ask.

Often girls in a bad mood need physical intimacy. No, we're not talking about sex now. They just want you to hug them and pat them on the head. This way they feel protected. But there are girls who, in moments of sadness, do not want to be touched, but need solitude to “recharge their batteries.” If your girlfriend is one of them, respect her wishes.

Although sex should not be discounted either, sometimes it helps a lot, because lovemaking promotes the production of “happiness hormones” - endorphins. Just make sure that the girl really wants it, and in the process, try your best to please her. Sex must be good or not at all. Forget about yourself for a while: this is not ordinary sex, but a kind of “psychotherapy session”; your pleasure is not in first place right now. Don't attack the girl, have good foreplay, be gentle and attentive. A girl should feel desired and loved.

In fact, only you can cheer up your girlfriend. Just show her your love and care- She will certainly appreciate it and smile.