Congratulations on the birth of a baby for a young dad. Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

What joy in my soul,
After all, our son has already become a dad!
And in this long-awaited moment
We wish you to comprehend:

Only fullness of happiness,
And fulfilling a dream,
Your responsibility is complete
And awareness, you are the father!

Happy birth of your daughter,
I would like to congratulate you for a reason!
After all, you wanted her so much,
And he succeeded in this matter!

Be happy new dad!
Your baby is just a paw!
After all, he was able to surprise us all,
To bring such a “miracle” into the world!

And we to you with all our hearts
We wish you to treasure it!
To love her, cherish her, pamper her,
And allow everything in this life!

Be the best father you can be
Wiser than all wise sages!
So that your daughter is always proud of you,
And she boasted about her daddy!

There is no title more pleasant than this,
And there is no greater title than father!
It is worthy of the poet's praise,
It’s an honor to wear it, finally!

And today you are honored
To assign this title!
And we, without any envy or flattery,
We want you to wear it with pride!

Be an example and pride for your son,
So that he can imitate you in everything!
Let him grow up not to be a weakling, but to grow up to be a man,
Who will respect elders!

What is it like to be a dad, this work is not at all easy,
You need to forget about yourself when you take up this post.
The newborn baby is entirely dependent on you,
Whether you are awake or asleep, you cannot forget about him!

So, having taken this step, you must become for him,
To the closest and dearest, give him all the love!
Never offend or make you sad,
Don’t burden him, don’t reproach him, but praise him for everything!

Let your son feel that he is dear to you,
That you love him and that he is your family!
Yes, this is not easy work, but there is nothing more worthy of it!
After all good dad being is the most important thing on earth!

You achieved what you wanted
How can one not rejoice here?
Gave birth to a child
What more could you want?

May God grant you
Strength for many years!
So that you can be nearby
Always be your own with your son!

Please accept congratulations,
You are now our father!
Don't put your hands down,
After all, in life you are a fighter!

What a sweet feeling
Hold a baby in your arms!
And feel the beat
Tiny heart!

And you're all in anticipation
Solemn moment
And suppress the excitement
For some reason you can't!

Because you know that now you
Someone really needs it!
Be patient with your son
And in the future, friendly!

We're like best friends,
We came to support you!
So that you realize everything,
And he became an exemplary dad!

So that I can settle down,
We'll give you a lesson!
Listen to our words,
And screw yourself!

You can become a good dad
But for many it is difficult!
But the child needs a little
So that mom and dad are nearby!

Listen, our dear friend,
We have been friends with you for many years!
And in this happy hour
Accept a gift from all of us!

We want to teach you
How to be the coolest dad!
We will give fatherly experience,
You can't buy it at the market!

The child loves tenderness, affection,
And a fresh fairy tale for the night!
And, of course, to be pampered,
And everything in the world was allowed!

Today your son was born!
You have become the happiest in this world,
Relatives are in a hurry to come to you with congratulations,
You listen and smile wider.
You have become a father. And with this new feeling
You are given the opportunity to live your whole life
And it is very important that with a gentle word
He didn’t forget to thank his wife.
Become their hope and support in this life,
Dedicate yourself entirely to their happiness,
Be worthy of the woman you
You spoke so many loving words!

Congratulations to the father on the birth of his son

Great news - you have become a dad!
Oh my God, how long have you been waiting for this!
And now, my son finally appeared,
Congratulations, you are now a father!
Raise him to be a good man,
His character was similar to that of his father.
And let him be kind, like dad,
And just as beautiful, and just as strong!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son in verse

From now on you have become a father.
We honor you with this!
We respect you greatly.
And you step forward, loving.

And may you always be happy
Let joy live forever in the house,
Your family will continue to grow,
And may you continue to be lucky!

We wish you with love.
Raise a new baby.
And remember that your friends are with you.
We wish you no trouble!

Poem-congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

You became a dad and are very happy,
The little son was born, and now
He lies small, babbling,
And he takes pride in him!
We wish you patience.
Raising a child is hard work
Let there be only luck in life,
All roads lead to happiness.

Beautiful congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

Congratulations on the birth of your son!
Be the best dad on Earth!
And may fate be favorable,
Giving health and leading to dreams!

And may your son always be obedient,
And let him conquer the world with courage,
So that among many in life, different destinies,
I just asked you for help!

Touching congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

How important it is to become a father.
And you were able to achieve this!
The child is yours, with your face,
I was able to appear in this world!

We wish you that
He kept his family as before.
We wish bright days in fate.
May your hopes come true!

May your path be joyful
After all, the little one decorates him.
And don’t let sadness into your home.
Let your baby grow up!

Beautiful congratulations to dad on the birth of his son in verse

The day has come! A son is born!
There are a hundred reasons for happiness.
After all, now you have become a dad,
The most beautiful moment has arrived!
On this day we wish you
So that they grow to our joy,
There was a son so that yours was handsome,
And he looked like dad!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son to the point of tears

Today you were made happy by one piece of news:
My beloved wife gave birth to a son!
May he grow up healthy and happy,
Smart, lucky, beautiful.

Let mutual understanding reign in the house,
Love and respect, attention,
Always help each other
And make your cherished dreams come true!

Cool congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

Are you celebrating the birth of your son?
What a happy man you are!
Now grow him, loving,
Seeing yourself in it!

This is very important for all dads.
And that's why everyone dreams
So that besides my dear daughters
If only I had one son!

Short congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

You became a dad today!
My son can't take his eyes off you,
He already looks loving!
Be an example for your son,
A gentle, affectionate father!
I grew up smart and brave,
A real brave man!

SMS congratulations to dad on the birth of his son

A whole nine months
Dad was waiting for his son -
With mom's tummy
He talked and dreamed.

And dreams came true -
The son was born on time!
Let him grow up healthy
Little son!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of a boy

You have a son in your arms!
He has a hundred roads ahead of him.
You teach him how to live, dad
Eat, stomp and talk.
Let him grow healthy and strong,
Let him know no worries in life,
We wish him and you
Only joy in your destiny!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son in prose

Congratulations on the birth of your baby boy! We wish that the baby grows up to be a real man, like his father. Let him grow up healthy, strong, active, successful and smart. And to parents - happiness and patience!

Congratulations to dad on the birth of his son in his own words

What man doesn't dream of a son? Now dad has an assistant. And we wish mom not to stop and make us happy with her daughter as soon as possible! Let children's laughter warms your home, and the cute mess makes you happy. Let your son be healthy, cry less and laugh more. Your family is now the embodiment of idyll and happiness, because in it appeared little angel- sweet, gentle baby! May all your affairs go smoothly, and may love live in your hearts for many more years, warming each other’s souls!

Congratulations, young dad,
And we sincerely wish you good health
For the birth of new citizens -
This will definitely help.
May all your nights be peaceful
Days pass in pleasant worries.
And suddenly you get more tired than necessary,
Leave everything... and go to work.

Congratulations to brother on the birth of a baby

Brother, happy holiday to you
We all heartily congratulate you.
And we believe, continuing to love life,
You won't stop. We dream
That your firstborn will count
Beautiful sprouts of all kinds
And you will bear the report with honor,
In front of the whole people.

New dad,
We congratulate you.
To be carried away by little ones
We wish everything in earnest.
Let it grow to your joy
He is in love and affection.
Grows up and turns
He makes your life into a fairy tale.

Well, dad, congratulations
With the expansion of the family.
All friends, relatives are happy,
That there is room for all of you:

Let's sing and drink songs,
Wishes to speak
We'll bring a lot of gifts,
So the sky will become hot.

Poems with the birth of a child for a young dad

You became a dad
And this is just a class:
Be strong, hold on
And rely on us -
Suddenly you get bored
At home by the stroller,
We'll always come
To dispel with a fairy tale.

Happiness has come to the house -
Addition to the family.
Became a dad. And everyone is amazed
This role suits you.
May fortune be favorable
Makes life's path easier...
Well, then gradually
Don't forget to reproduce.

My wife gave birth to a baby -
Dad appeared in the house.
My wife became a mother -
It's fun in the house in the morning.
It's great when
The family is growing.
Congratulations on that
All of us, to be honest.

You became a dad for the first time,
Congratulations on that.
Continue this activity
We sincerely wish you for a long time.

Every year a child
Buy it for your home.
And in such a big family
Fly with happiness, everyone.

SMS congratulations on the birth of a child for dad

Happy birth of my first son
We congratulate you!
And most the best dad
We want to be in the world.

We congratulate you, dad,
And we sincerely wish you,
So that with your personally cooked porridge
Your child grew up carelessly.

Other congratulations in verse on the birth of a child for young dad

Congratulations to the happy daddy on the birth of his daughter. I wish that my daughter grows up healthy and beautiful, the happiest and most loved. Let your baby be your true pride and greatest joy in life.

You've become a happy daddy
Your nice girl.
You with your warmth and strength
Protect her, warm her.

Let the baby be healthy
She loves dad the most.
And your reward will be
Her ringing, loud laugh.

I congratulate you the most happy man in the world. I wish that today becomes the biggest miracle for you, because the most beautiful woman has come into the world. beautiful girl, your little daughter. May this world always be kind to her, may she encounter only love, tenderness and care in life. I wish your life to be as bright as a rainbow, filled with laughter and carefree. Happy birth of your daughter!

Congratulations to you, happy dad,
I wish your daughter good health!
Let it grow to your joy,
Bring prosperity to the family!

I wish you not to get sick,
Don't regret anything
Stable good income
So that there is enough for increased expenses!

Today is a day filled with fairy tales,
It rings with wonderful purity.
These eyes were born,
With a wonderful, affectionate soul.

I hasten to congratulate dad on his happiness,
I wish my daughter good health.
May God save you from all misfortunes,
There are no sorrows or difficulties.

Hope, sunny moments,
Discoveries, making friends with children.
Cheerful, good hobbies,
Keep love in your heart.

Congratulations to the truly lucky young father on the birth of his most precious diamond - his sweet little daughter. You real jeweler and may your precious daughter grow up to be a great smart girl and an unprecedented beauty, her mother’s assistant and your great pride. Take care of her, help her in everything, and from childhood show her what a real one should be, strong man, great husband and loving dad. Happy birthday princess!

Congratulations to dad and daughter
And with all our hearts we wish:
Let her grow up beautiful
Mischievous and happy.

Let your daughter be obedient
He won't forget about his family.
May she be loved
And adversity passed by.

Daddy have a lot of patience
And good mood
Let the baby grow up
And he will only experience goodness!

Congratulations on the birth of your daughter, now you have become a daddy. I wish your star great happiness in life, and let life be a fairy tale and joy for her. Take care of your girls - your spouse and daughter, always be a strong support and support for them in everything. May your daughter grow up beautiful and healthy, may she always please you with her sweet smile.

What a miracle happened
Your daughter was born
Just like dad dreamed about,
Looks like him.

Let your baby grow
For everyone to enjoy,
To make everyone more beautiful in the world
There was, without a doubt.

It's wonderful to be a daughter's dad,
Enjoy it you
She is a bright ray of life,
Stay happy!

A small package with a pink ribbon -
This is your daughter
Congratulations on your most beautiful girl,
Rejoice, no more tears!

An unsurpassed event in life -
Today you became a dad
Health to the child, patience to the parents,
May you live in love for up to a hundred years!