How to make a man run after you. A strong love spell to make a guy fall in love and miss you. Become the only one you want

Today, I hear from many women that men have become kind of lack of initiative, they don’t want to achieve them and are generally lazy. In part, this may be true, since today everyone has switched to the virtual world, spend a lot of time on the Internet, losing strength and energy there and losing their desire: women to admire, men to conquer.

But there is a share of guilt and the women themselves, who turned into hunters. I really like the writer and psychologist Svetlana Ermakova, the creator of the methodology. She very succinctly called such women "catch-ups." Today I want to present some of her tips from the methodology and convey to women one simple thought:

The men have stopped hunting, because the "game" itself runs towards them with open arms. Who would be interested in such a hunt?

In a pair there is always a catcher and a runaway. Or, to put it another way, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. This does not always happen, but often. Or in a couple, love is mutual, but one is still always a little more interested in relationships. And it is highly desirable that this “more interested” be a man. This means that he must be catching up, and not vice versa. And today, many women live life "catching up." And then they complain normal men disappeared, became extinct as a species.

No need to chase a man! It is necessary to interest him, ask him riddles and ... run away. And if you do not run away, then they will not catch up with you. And if you are catching up, then they run away from you! Imagine a cow chasing a bull. Or hen after rooster. They calmly do their own thing (nibble grass, peck food) and do not pay attention to males. The rooster will probably be shocked if the chicken suddenly starts running after him, he will clearly consider her “crazy”.

Therefore, the more you run after a man, the faster he will run away from you. As Svetlana put it: “What more woman suffers from a lack of His love, the more a man suffers from an excess of HER love.” Do not become hookers and catch-ups, take better care of yourself, your inner world and mood.

No need to chase a man

So, how not to stop him from falling in love with you?

I think that you should not run after a man, you already understood. But how to do it in practice and what is this "not running"? And it consists in five non-actions.

5 non-actions

1. Always remember that as soon as you turn into a catch-up, a man loses interest in you. Do not try to please a man in everything and make his life pleasant. Take ONE step towards him only when he takes TWO steps towards you.

2. Do not blame a man for not paying enough attention to you. And behave in such a way that he listens to you. Attention is not required, it is called. Do not ask him questions: “when will you call me”, “where have you been”, “where did you go and when will you come”. Don't tell him: "Hug me", "Kiss me", "Show me off"...

3. Finish the conversation first (including on the phone), without waiting for him to be the first to say goodbye to you. You probably noticed that the one who says goodbye first has some kind of moral advantage (after all, he has things to do and more important than talking).

Men always feel chased (as well as non-chasing), so try to say goodbye first. Your goodbye may not be the end of the conversation, the man will probably continue it. But by your behavior you will create a situation where a man will have to catch up. After all, you are running away!

4. When hugging, no matter how hard it is, step back first. Don't wait for him to pull away from you. Let him hug you, you give in, answer him, but move away first. And don't initiate hugs. For many, they are very inopportune. He can at this moment think about something, be preoccupied with something, and long hugs are imposed on him. This can cause annoyance and a desire for these hugs to end as soon as possible.

When a woman is often the first to hug a man, and even keeps him in these arms for a long time, she deprives him of the opportunity to catch up with her, conquer and win. You are depriving him of his most important need - to catch up (and win)! Men by nature are “winners”, and even if he does not always succeed in winning, he still always wants to do it. Therefore, if your man does not catch up with you, he will catch up with another.

5. Don't let him know that you are "his forever". And don't be the first to tell you that you missed him. This word in itself is very insidious. You think that with this word you make it clear to the man that you are glad to see him. But men often perceive it as "I fell in love, I feel bad without you, I'm all yours."

There is also another meaning. People are very afraid of boredom. Watch people and you will see how almost all their activities are aimed at combating boredom. And when you say you are bored, you sound dangerous, because boredom is contagious!

As soon as you stop running after the man and start running away from him, he will start to catch up with you. When he starts to catch up, he will start thinking a lot about you (“why didn’t she pick up the phone”, “where was she in such a hurry yesterday”, “does she love me”, and so on). How more man will think of you, the more attached. The more thoughts, the stronger the love!

The complete technique "Do not stop him from falling in love with you!" can be ordered HERE . There you will also find information about the content of the methodology.

Say goodbye first, leave first, hang up the phone first, and be the first to say goodbye. A man who is interested in you will start to catch up with you. And if not, then this is not your man, and sooner or later your relationship would have ended anyway.

Do not run after a man, but take care of yourself! Fill, fill and fill yourself with love and inner light! Take care of your body, take care of yourself and cherish!

You can also access the free Secret Knowledge Base for Women, which contains many hours of videos on falling in love, holding and building. happy relationship. You can access the database HERE .

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There is fierce competition in the world of floors. The song about "9 guys and 10 girls" is still relevant. In order not to be left with no destiny and not to “pull a handkerchief in your hands”, you need to take the bull by the horns and. But here's the bad luck - women want to be looked after, but not to run after men. It is understandable - since ancient times it has become so customary that men sought the hand of a woman, and women, in turn, only turned up their noses. What to do? It's simple - with the help of psychology and little tricks, you can attract male attention to your person and make a man run after you. will tell you how to do it.


You must become the best and inaccessible for a man. As you know, competition is in the blood of men, so create conditions under which you will communicate not only with the object of your adoration. In addition, you must be able to teach yourself correctly - noting attractive man, try with all your might to draw his attention not to yourself (wink at him, smile, ask for help, say hello, ask what time it is or where the stop is public transport). Don't forget to flirt, but do not overdo it so that the man does not have doubts about your morality. To make him run after you, show that you are worthy of his attention, and that he will have to put in a lot of time and effort.


There are a lot of stupid lapdogs with whom there is nothing to talk about except about and who, apart from reading nothing else. This is not enough for men. They often pay attention to inner world and spiritual enrichment. So read books, watch the news, play sports, get rich. lexicon watch your manners and behavior. A woman should interest a man, then he will not feel sorry for the time for you, and he will run after you.


Men love like-minded people of the opposite sex, so they are drawn to women with similar interests. So he will see in you your soul mate, will begin to look for meetings and gradually begin to run after you. Maybe you support the same football, hockey (or any other) team as he does. Maybe you like to skate, ski, snowboard, rollerblade? Or be adore billiards or bowling? Or maybe you are a lover, postmodern artists or hard rock? Shared hobbies unite and realizing what you are cool woman, a man will be interested in spending time with you and do not feel sorry for the time running around after you.


Men love with their eyes, so it is important to always be at the parade, well-groomed, neat and just a sex bomb. Dress beautifully and stylishly, but not provocatively (leopard leggings and a flowered sweater are not beautiful!), choose a pleasant perfume, apply moderate makeup, nails and hair. It is clear that a man is more likely to pay attention to a girl than on a gray mouse with regrown roots and dirty head. Whoever says anything, appearance plays a big role.


In order for a man to start running after you, do not be intrusive and too attached to him. Show that a man is interesting to you, show sympathy, meet, walk, chat, but ... do not forget about life outside of it. Do not forget about the life that was before the man - communicate with girlfriends, friends, do not give up hobbies, work and do not adapt to all his hobbies and. Men are owners by nature, they do not like to share women with anything and with anyone, therefore, in order to spend more time with you, they will run and look after you.


In spite of everything, remain yourself, keep (or develop) the traits in yourself real woman. Don't be too jealous, scandalous for no reason, strict, impudent and impudent. Show care, attention, tenderness and affection. Do not be smart and do not get annoyed over trifles. Leave some of your secrets unrevealed, but slowly initiate a man into your life. When a man thinks he knows everything about you, surprise him with some skill. This will make him admire you even more, will not allow interest to fade.

Date: 2016-05-09

Hello site readers.

The dream of all girls is to be able to make the guy they like fall in love and run after them like crazy. Is it possible? To be honest, yes and no. In this article, I will introduce you to techniques that will help you succeed among men, but you will have to work hard. If you really want to make any man fall in love with you, then hard work is indispensable. So let's get started.

How to make a guy fall in love with you?

Surely, while watching movies and TV shows, you noticed which girls guys fall in love with. You watched the process of falling in love, for example, during dangerous adventures, when one of the heroes was almost killed. This only happens in movies, but there is some truth to it. An experiment was conducted: a guy and a girl had to cross a bridge that was barely holding on. An unfamiliar couple crossed the bridge slowly, helping each other. At that moment they were emotionally tense. Well, this is understandable, because the bridge can collapse at any moment. Crossing the bridge, an unfamiliar couple felt a rapprochement between them. They seemed to be in love with each other.

So, a guy falls in love with a girl and a girl falls in love with a guy when such an emotional tension is created. I'm not saying that you need to have adventures like in Hollywood movies. Emotional tension can be created with a little jealousy. For example, make sure that the guy sees you with other men. If this happens, then your value will automatically increase in his eyes. will arise nervous tension, which slowly chains him to you.

But for this trick to work, you don't have to be empty space for him. To make a guy nervous, before this trick, you have to show him that you feel sympathy for him. You also need to do something for him, say something nice. Start texting him at night, offer him a walk (take the first step). Why is it necessary? Now you are reading this article, but you might not read it, since the above methods also work. My brother's girlfriend didn't read the articles: How to make a guy fall in love with you? or How to make a guy run after you? .

She herself wrote him sms-ki and then she herself invited him to take a walk with her. My brother did not want to meet her, but he fell for one trick - he felt that at least someone needed. Yes, and there is something to talk about on a date. And now they have been together for 4 years. Therefore, this article should be read when you have done at least something to take possession of a guy. No other way.

Imagine yourself, you are trying to make a guy jealous, who does not even know you, does not know that you like him. This is silly. Maybe you just need to go up to him and say: “I like you!!!”, and then smile. And then the guy will understand what he was given green light. And he will start to act.

If this does not happen, then you need to use various tricks in order to bind it to you. We have already met one - you create a situation where he sees you with another guy. Do it in such a way that he does not understand that you deliberately muddied it. This will work against you.

See what they look like. Men want them. They are ready for years to achieve such a girl. And not just for sex. Such a girl emphasizes the status of a man. Yes Yes. If with a man awesome girl, his status in front of other men increases. And vice versa, if an ugly girl is with a man, his status drops. Some don't even want to introduce their girlfriend to their friends because it's embarrassing in front of them. Beautiful girl this is a value, and men run after such persons.

To become such a value, you need to become slim and fit. Men love with their eyes, and besides, the girl becomes more competitive. Slender girls With ideal forms units. And having acquired these forms, crowds of men will run after you. So think about getting serious about fitness.

How to make a guy run after you?

In addition to beauty, you need to develop confidence. this is the quality that attracts people. Behind confident people crowds go. As a man, I will tell you that confident girls are very attractive. I like walking confident girls. As a rule, they keep their posture even, their chest comes forward, and this cannot be ignored. Confidence comes from communication.

For a guy to run after you, you need to have an attractive lifestyle. What is this? This is your life. This is what you do, how you spend free time. Now social media have become a means of dating. Many guys and girls post attractive pictures online, and this creates their lifestyle. For example, a guy visits your VKontakte page and sees that you have more than 2,000 friends, over 4,000 subscribers, a lot of likes, comments under posts from different guys, cool pictures with interesting events. The guy immediately begins to understand that you are a popular girl. Your value in his eyes increases. And soon, just looking at him, he will start running after you. So upgrade your accounts to social networks. Attractive social accounts should become bait for a man.

What to do if nothing works? Some girls turn to magicians to bewitch them. A love spell does exist, but it has more consequences than benefits. A bewitched guy behaves differently, so after a while he will only annoy you. I do not advise you to bewitch someone. You must understand that you cannot command the heart. Perhaps he is in love with another girl, and is looking for information on how to make a girl fall in love with you and run after you? So if nothing works, then let it go. Let him live his own life. This is not your person, because yours will never let you pass by.

This article is completed. If you have any questions, ask them below in the comments. Describe your case and we'll see what we can do. Good luck to you everywhere and in everything.

how to make a guy fall in love with you how to make a guy chase you


When a stable relationship hits a dead end, guys tend to start looking at other girls without a twinge of conscience. At this point, many girls face the question of how to make a guy run after you. But it's not all that simple...

In order to return the former passion in this case, as well as if you need to initially interest the guy, you must adhere to certain actions, which, on a psychological level, will make the guy want to “run” after the girl and try to achieve her favor at all costs.

Leave the guy alone for a while

No matter how strange it may sound, but in order for the guy to start running after you again, you can try to leave him alone for a while and not bother with constant calls and demands for frequent meetings. This method is also effective if you want . You can devote the freed time to your beloved: meet with girlfriends, go to parties, sign up for a gym, dance, and also start studying what you have long dreamed of, and many other pleasant things that contribute to self-improvement or the usual rest from the daily hustle and bustle. By distancing yourself from the guy in this way, you will give him the opportunity to feel what it means to be without you. In 90% of cases, a guy, after analyzing his life without his beloved girl, understands that she has become not so joyful, and therefore begins to seek the location of his girlfriend again by all available means.

Start actively flirting with other guys

If the guy got used to you, relaxed and no longer shows the former ardor in the relationship, as well as if you need to interest a new guy while in big company, you can use dangerous, but effective method- . Try to actively flirt with other guys and generally constantly be in the center of male attention. Your permanent boyfriend will definitely pay attention to the fact that his girlfriend is a success with the male sex, and will conclude that you can lose you at such a pace, which will spur him to active courtship with new force. However, this technique must be used very carefully, because in a too jealous guy, he can cause suspicion and distrust, which will further push him away from you. If you want to attract a new guy, similar method works in most cases, because the guy unconsciously begins to think that you are special, in addition, a healthy spirit of rivalry wakes up in him for the girl, from whom all his male friends and acquaintances are delighted.

Pay attention to your appearance

As you know, all the guys "love with their eyes", and therefore the appearance of the girl is very important for them. great importance, so if you are thinking about it, take care of your appearance. A regular boyfriend may cool off towards you because you have stopped taking care of yourself: make-up and dress the same as in the first month of your meetings, or have gained a couple or two extra pounds. In this case, you need to slightly adjust your appearance, giving Special attention beautiful clothes, neat hair and makeup and, if necessary, exercise. Seeing his girlfriend as a former beauty, the guy will definitely renew his interest in conquering her. You can also attract a new guy with spectacular appearance, and it is not necessary to be perfect beauty, you just need to find your zest, which will distinguish you from the crowd of other girls.

Play a game called "hot and cold" with a guy

This method is more suitable to interest a new guy and make him run after you, however, it can also work on a permanent boyfriend if you have not been dating for too long. The essence of the game "hot-cold" is to either bring the guy closer or further away from you. For example, for several days you can call a guy literally every hour, be interested in all his affairs, invite him on dates and generally take all kinds of initiative, and over the next few days, on the contrary, do not call and ignore his calls yourself, stop being interested in what he has new, and refuse meetings under any pretext. Then the cycle can be repeated, and repeatedly. As a rule, after several such alternating periods, the guy begins to literally “tear off the roof” and he is ready to do anything, if only the girl behaved with him the way she did on “hot” days.

Be the girl of his dreams

In order for a guy to start running after you and actively care for you, you can become the girl of his dreams. To do this, you definitely need to find out as many details as possible about which girls this guy prefers: what qualities they should have, what to get involved in, and the like. If you have the opportunity to get such information, then you can use it in order to bring yourself as close as possible to the image perfect girl for the guy you're interested in. However, this method has one significant drawback - the need to pretend, which later can have the most negative impact on your relationship. If you need to correct only small features in yourself, then you can rejoice, because you have found your “half”.

All of the above methods can be used both to the fullest so that the guy really starts running after you, and in metered amounts to refresh a permanent stable relationship.

The attention of men is like a drug for so many. And it does not always go to the most stunning girls. are very relative. When the Cosmo magazine did a beauty contest for ten girls based on a photo, the most beautiful, according to men, was only the third in the ranking of girls. And yet, some persons, not the most attractive, become downright a magnet for the male sex. How to make a man run after you?

And who to catch

Let's leave the "cold-hot" method aside. Men also know how to read on the Internet and quickly bite through women who play mood swings. Men who have an impulsive psyche and an unstable mood are caught in such a trap. Serious, prefer smooth and cheerful relationships in which they rest. And the extreme is left to the hysterics and their fans.

right question

How to make a man run after you? Start by changing the wording. Few people like being forced to. Another thing is to provoke. So, how to provoke a man to constantly think about you? It is necessary to hook him intellectually and emotionally, while possessing "passing" external data. However, attracting is only half the battle, you also need to keep a man next to you.

love people

The simplest advice: you must learn to show your sympathy. But you have to start with the ability to really treat people well, falsehood quickly becomes noticeable. When you learn warmth and tenderness (non-sexual) towards people of any gender and age, it will become easy for you to attract men. And the very question of how to make a man run after you, you will change to another - about how to make him happy. The most interesting thing is that when sincere kindness begins to emanate from you, the importance of external data will begin to recede into the background. If a man knows "how good it is", he will not leave his beloved, even if her appearance becomes worse.

Which ones do they marry

It is not difficult for yourself if you know how to show how glad you are to hear and see Him. A lot of people need an understanding and tender loved one. If at the same time she still has intelligence and erudition, then the girl is a candidate for a wife. Strong and self-confident men do not marry fools. No one requires a degree in applied mathematics, of course, but everyday problems A girl should be able to decide for herself. Yes, and it is better to enter the bride market with a diploma of higher education. There is an unspoken rule: the higher the general level of a woman, the later she can afford to get married. That is, it is better for ugly and stupid people to look for a husband early - otherwise no one will be flattered by them without the freshness of youth. If you are smart and beautiful, it is better not to rush.

How to make a man run after you? Behave in such a way that you become his useful drug, his addiction, give him happiness. only those they can make happy. Therefore, attract him only if you are ready to love him, and love him for a long time. Consumer attitude won't work! Only sincere sympathy and the desire to make him happy will work.