Awesome girl 18 years old

It’s hard to argue with the fact that any “anniversary” comes only once in a lifetime, and every birthday is special in its own way. But turning 18 is a special milestone that requires special congratulations. The selection created for such an occasion will help you choose original and original congratulations on your 18th birthday to a girl.

Beautiful congratulations on the girl's 18th birthday

18 years is the time when femininity and youth begin to flourish. The girl at this time is lovely and charming. A beautiful ladies simply necessary beautiful congratulations. When voicing them, you should not skimp on epithets, comparisons and metaphors - after all, the birthday girl standing on the threshold of adulthood undoubtedly deserves the highest praise. Therefore, the congratulator should shower the hero of the occasion with a generous portion of compliments.

It is worth noting that in in this case We are not talking about rude flattery - this will only spoil the impression of congratulations. The birthday girl will probably have a lot of positive advantages that can be mentioned in a toast without fear of seeming hypocritical and biased.

  1. Our magical young lady is 18. We, beauty, cannot stop admiring you. We wish you peace and beautiful love. Let life be filled with only happy colors on the canvas. So that you find something to your heart that will give you strength. And in all areas of life, so that you are on horseback.
  2. The sun will not tire of smiling, On this day, the rays are like serpentine. Holiday! Here you are eighteen, life lies ahead. Smile at the joyful signs, You have become happier for a year. All the main victories are ahead, Plenty of heights to conquer, And worries and joyful excitement, Mountains, rivers, songs, nightingales... So accept congratulations today on your sunny birthday!
  3. You are eighteen today! Beautiful is the bloom of youth, When it’s easy to dream, fall in love, And live with in a wonderful mood! Happy birthday, I wish you a lot of happiness! You are so Beautiful! – I declare, Let everything be in your power! I wish you goodness, love and prosperity as you come of age, be beautiful and don’t get sick, and become brave in your daring!
  4. There is no limit to perfection, There are no obstacles on the way - This age is like bliss, Better years and not to be found. At eighteen, you are more beautiful than a blossoming apple orchard, you are more tender and charming than Persian grapes. All the men and boys are fascinated by you, And boys, grandfathers, and fathers take off their hats in unison.

Touching and sincere congratulations

A girl who is setting out on the path of a new and so exciting stage of life, of course, wants to say words that will sink into the soul and thereby be memorable.

However, even if the congratulatory person is older than the birthday girl, you should not take a patronizing, condescending, or even more instructive tone for the saying.

The hero of the occasion probably considers herself an adult, accomplished person (modern young ladies are quite self-confident, yes), and such an approach to wishes is unlikely to move her.

But to congratulate a girl on her birthday, using the most sincere, touching and original wishes- a very successful move that the birthday girl will certainly appreciate.

  1. 18 is the most beautiful date! This is youth, freshness, tenderness, playful youth! These are plans and hopes, Goals and dreams, Bold and daring expectations from life. I wish you a lot of joy, success along the way, don’t fall, don’t give up, always go forward. Everything will work out for you, just believe in it. A smile and perseverance will open the door to happiness!
  2. Just a birthday. Just eighteen. Everything may suddenly seem very simple. Childhood is over. You have your whole life ahead of you. Take your step boldly, strive for the best! You can melt any ice, And fate will help you avoid trouble. Choose the right path in life. Don't forget about your friends and family. Let your life be royal: Your career makes you happy, the whole family loves you... Smile, I congratulate you!
  3. You are eighteen today, It would seem it’s time to grow up, But I wish not to be ashamed to be a child sometimes. I wish you to enjoy life, appreciate the purity of nature, be proud and love your homeland, your relatives, your family. Find your path, your calling, reach your height. May all wishes come true, May all dreams come true.
  4. Today is a special day, Not just a birthday, But an amazing holiday of Global significance, After all, you are eighteen years old, And you can already do a lot, After all, coming of age is a special event, We wish you happiness, Love and respect, May fate bring you Ideas, inspiration!

It is difficult to imagine a more suitable age for experiments than 18-20 years old. First of all, this concerns appearance: It’s unlikely that at the age of 40 anyone can afford to dye their hair blue or wear an ultra-short printed skirt with rhinestones. Youth is forgiven for many things, including not always successful outfits. Often at such at a young age Many girls face the problem of choosing the right things. As a result, you can get either too ridiculous and flashy images, or, on the contrary, boring and completely inappropriate. age appropriate. To avoid such situations, you should resort to the help of basic things that should be in the wardrobe of every young fashionista, what should be basic wardrobe of a girl 18-20 years old?

Basic wardrobe of a girl 18-20 years old: T-shirt

It's always difficult to choose just one T-shirt, however, this is completely optional. As the main universal option models will fit neutral shades which are convenient to mix with other clothes. However, you can afford many other options - from T-shirts decorated with inscriptions and drawings, to decorated with rhinestones and sequins.


Shirts in basic wardrobe girls 18-20 years old should be at least two. A classic blouse in calm shades combined with a skirt and pumps is perfect for studying, and a checkered model will help complete a relaxed look in.

Jeans in the basic wardrobe of a young girl 18-20 years old

Today jeans are an absolute must-have for any girl. In this case there are no restrictions: it can be a model straight cut classic shades, bright skinny jeans, flared jeans or shapeless ones with numerous abrasions. This versatile wardrobe item allows you to create many different looks for both everyday and party wear. IN summer time Jeans can easily be replaced with short shorts.


Of course, at this age the most popular skirt length is mini. You shouldn’t deny yourself the pleasure of showing off your slender and attractive legs. However, you shouldn’t get carried away - when choosing a miniskirt, it’s better to choose the top as neutral as possible and even a little strict. You can also pay attention to the playful bell skirt, which will help you create cute girlish looks. But too conservative should be left for the future.


The basic wardrobe must include a neutral dress that will look appropriate at university or at a serious event that does not allow too revealing images. The rest of the time, you should not limit your freedom of choice to any framework: light long model with ethnic prints or seductive Short dress metallic shades, decorated with sequins.


A cardigan will be an excellent alternative to a conservative and strict jacket. The basis of the wardrobe is a classic monochromatic model in calm shades, which can be combined with trousers or a skirt and heeled pumps. For more bright images can be used large knit or give preference to flashy colors.


When creating discreet images excellent option outerwear will become a trench coat sandy shades. IN winter time It is worth paying attention to a coat that is not too strict in style, for example, perfect choice will become volumetric model as if with male shoulder. In addition to basic items, you can replenish your wardrobe with a leather biker jacket, a bomber jacket and a bright parka. But from long coat Straight cut and fur coats should be avoided for now.

You're eighteen! What can you wish for?
To be carefree and not know grief,
An ocean of feelings and true friends,
In the heart of spring and sunny days.

Happiness and laughter, smiles and songs,
New ideas with inspiration together.
Always remain perky and gentle,
Confident, brave and serene!

You are eighteen today!
Oh, how you have been waiting for this day.
I want to sing and have fun
All night, until the morning.

Let happiness wash over you like a wave,
Love will cover you completely.
And the fairest prince of dreams
Will send you an armful of roses.

And even the air will sparkle
From your tender beauty.
Know that it is impossible not to fall in love
A girl like you!

Congratulations on a wonderful date.
Blossom like a flower.
To have a rich groom,
I saved you from insults,

So that love burns in the heart,
The fire burned in the eyes,
To bathe in joys,
I basked in the rays of happiness.

To find my way,
Moved forward boldly
Don't be sad, throw away your worries,
May you be lucky in everything!

Today you are eighteen.
Childhood melted away like smoke.
There's no reason to be sad - have fun
Your world will become bright and different!

I wish you to bloom and laugh,
Wait for the princes on white horses,
But only one - your happiness -
You will be carried away in his arms.

Let luck hug you tightly,
Let love shine in your eyes,
Dreams will turn into reality
Anxiety will crumble to dust!

Don't be afraid, be bright and bold,
Let youth help you along the way.
Gifts of fate at the doorstep
Easy to find and with a smile!

Bright, sweet, the most tender,
May you have serene happiness!
May all circumstances be good
And so that you do not experience betrayal.

The age is magical - you are eighteen,
May you laugh more in life.
Lots of love, beauty and smiles,
Happy meetings and fewer mistakes.

On your coming of age day
You should fly and bloom,
Happiest in the world
In adult life go.

Coping with each task
Create and grow in soul,
Confident and courageous
Explore the big world.

To be lucky and gentle,
Strive and win
Greet the sunrises with hope,
To love and be able to dream.

You have become brighter, you have become more beautiful -
You are eighteen years old today.
I wish you peace, I wish you happiness,
New achievements, new victories.

Let the smile never leave your face,
Let joy knock on the door again,
And all the bad things go away from life,
No worries and no losses!

Eighteen years for a lady -
This is just a super age!
There are so many achievements ahead,
There is so much happiness in the world of dreams.

Let him dream about the main thing
And whatever you want comes true.
Be cheerful and funny
And very, very lucky!

Let the love be mutual
Friendship is honest, pure, bright.
Let the joy be immeasurable,
And gifts are welcome.

May this age be wonderful
It will be a time of discovery.
Let your heart beat with happiness.
Bright, joyful events!

You are eighteen today
You are blooming every day.
And how nice it is to admire
Carefree youth with fire.

There is still room for mistakes
And joy shines on your face,
Your beautiful smile
Doors are opening everywhere.

And on this bright birthday
We wish you to bloom like a rose,
Have a great mood
And you can’t pass by happiness!

Eighteen years ago, on such a bright day, you were born. Eighteen years ago the world became a better place because you appeared in it. For eighteen years, the eyes of your parents have sparkled with happiness. So may this light never fade and illuminate your path. Happy Birthday!

Finally 18!
And the time has come to part
With children's toys
Dolls, animals.

Soon you will choose
Who should you become in the future?
Let the road be true
And yet, go with God.

Always be so beautiful
Charming and sweet.
Let dreams come true,
The plans are working out!

Everything smiles at you today
Even the sun does not hide the heat.
You are smart, you are beautiful,
You will succeed in everything you do!

And today you are eighteen -
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Always remain sweet and gentle
And keep the bar high.

May luck smile on you
And she will become your friend.
Rejoice at the stars and the sun more often,
And its heavenly beauty.

Let fate reveal to you
Doors, windows - all the ways,
Any beginnings
To achieve, find yourself!

Happy birthday! Eighteen -
This best age, know.
Let everything work out
Meet your happiness!

Friendship, and love, and strength -
Get everything from life.
Be young and beautiful
Have fun, love, dream!

Live with dignity and wealth,
Enjoy every day
Regardless of the date
So that problems don’t matter!

You're eighteen! What can you wish for?
To be carefree and not know grief,
An ocean of feelings and true friends,
In the heart of spring and sunny days.

Happiness and laughter, smiles and songs,
New ideas with inspiration together.
Always remain perky and gentle,
Confident, brave and serene!

Congratulations on your coming of age! I always wish to do right choice and do as your soul requires! Never get sick or be upset over trifles, always be in the center of attention and surrounded by people dear to you! Live creatively, love and do what you love!

Today you are 18!
You are like a lovely flower,
Let the world be a good fairy tale,
And life is a wonderful song!

Let there be sunrises, sunsets,
Let there be dreams under the moon,
Let there be farewells and vows,
Love will be next to you!

May your youth be happy
Fly like a beautiful bird
Be the most desirable, beautiful,
A mystery to everyone, an enchantress...

I am on your holiday, on your birthday,
I want to wish you well.
Be happy, beautiful, sweet.
Let life be full of warmth!

I wish you to be successful
You are eighteen years old.
You are so beautiful and diligent.
I wish you no troubles in life.

Bloom and smell, the word is rose,
Light up the world around you.
And may they be close throughout life
Only true friends are with you.

I wish you to live like in a fairy tale,
May all your dreams come true.
And remember, there is no one better than you,
You are a beauty queen!

Let your luck multiply
And ringing laughter flows,
In love, study, creativity
Success comes with it.

Your friends are not temporary,
And those that are forever.
May there be many new joys
Years will bring you!

Eighteen years for a lady -
This is just a super age!
There are so many achievements ahead,
There is so much happiness in the world of dreams.

Let him dream about the main thing
And whatever you want comes true.
Be cheerful and funny
And very, very lucky!

Let the love be mutual
Friendship is honest, pure, bright.
Let the joy be immeasurable,
And gifts are welcome.

May this age be wonderful
It will be a time of discovery.
Let your heart beat with happiness.
Bright, joyful events!

I wish you at eighteen
You will bloom with happiness,
Smile as often as possible
And make all your dreams come true!

May beauty shine forever
Like a bright star!
And the joy lasts forever,
Coloring life in bright colors!

You are eighteen today
A new step has come for life.
I wish you not to give up,
After all, you are a treasure person!

I wish you colorful colors in life,
Big victories and bright stars.
Let only thoughts be bright
And a long life without worries!

You are eighteen today
So happy birthday, dear.
I wish you to smile more often,
Receiving smiles in return.

I want to believe in myself
And reach beautiful heights,
And so that your relatives are
With you both in troubles and in happiness.

Let everything be easy for you,
And even on a rainy, sad day,
Let the sun shine in your soul
And it will never be empty.

A ray of sun ran through my eyelashes,
Dispelling the dream.
Birds are singing on the branches outside the window
In unison.

And quietly made his way through the bedroom door,
Like a shadow.
Long-awaited and desired, adult life
First day.

This age is the best
You are eighteen years old.
Let mom wipe away a tear,
There is no reason to be sad.

You are smart, kind, beautiful,
What can I wish for you?
I wish you in any matter
Always be on top!

For your cherished dream
You go confidently.
And remember, in this life
Everything is ahead of you!

Happy birthday, dear!
Eighteen years already -
Quite an adult, big.
Joy, happiness in the soul.

You rose higher
According to the stages of adult life.
Let your dreams come true
Even if everything is not easy.

Joy, clear love
Let them accompany you through life.
Stay yourself -
So sincere and pure.

In a waterfall of vanity
Know no troubles or sorrows,
May fate give you a lot
In a life of vivid sensations.

Honey, congratulations on your coming of age. 18 years old is beautiful time youth, beauty and spring in the soul. We wish you to be happy in love, confident in yourself, may you be surrounded by kind and sympathetic people. Go through life with your head held high, believe in your dreams, strive to reach maximum heights.

Let there be eighteen
Full of fun and warmth
I wish you to smile more often,
May you be happy!

May all friends and all relatives
You will be congratulated from the bottom of our hearts
Let any dreams come true,
I wish you great joy!

May every road in life
Will lead you to success
May there be many achievements
And every moment brings goodness!

On your wonderful birthday
I wish you inspiration.
And smile more often
After all, you are only eighteen!

So that there are just a lot of likes,
So that you are always lucky,
Don't let the tablet break,
So that life would be without troubles.

So that your smartphone does not glitch,
Life was like a sweet dream!
So that the session is “five”,
To sing and dance.

To have enough strength for everything,
So that everyone loves you.
The guy carried it in his arms,
So that everything would be “wow”, “ah”!

You are 18 today!
Be a bright star, shine.
Try to smile a lot
Let happiness flow over the edge.

And everyone will see your joy
After all, in this life only once
There is fabulous sweetness
The date that has come now!

I wish you, my dear,
Health and goodness,
So that the happiest
You were in the world!
On your bright birthday
Let your dreams come true
The kind and shy
Goddesses of beauty,
Cutie is eighteen
My bright angel,
I wish you happiness
And righteous roads!

Today you are eighteen.
Childhood melted away like smoke.
There's no reason to be sad - have fun
Your world will become bright and different!

I wish you to bloom and laugh,
Wait for the princes on white horses,
But only one - your happiness -
You will be carried away in his arms.

Let luck hug you tightly,
Let love shine in your eyes,
Dreams will turn into reality
Anxiety will crumble to dust!

Don't be afraid, be bright and bold,
Let youth help you along the way.
Gifts of fate at the doorstep
Easy to find and with a smile!

Everything smiles at you today
Even the sun does not hide the heat.
You are smart, you are beautiful,
You will succeed in everything you do!

And today you are eighteen -
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart!
Always remain sweet and gentle
And keep the bar high.

May luck smile on you
And she will become your friend.
Rejoice at the stars and the sun more often,
And its heavenly beauty.

You are eighteen today
The last sip of childhood was:
It's time to transform
Bud into a sunny flower!

Let youth be only bright,
Comes with warmth and kindness,
May wishes and gifts
They always flow to you like a river!

You have become an adult, you have become brave,
You enchant everyone with your beauty,
Always go with a white stripe,
And even better - gold!

18 - how wonderful it is!
Congratulations today.
Be like a rose in the garden, you are beautiful,
Tender as a spring snowdrop.

May your guardian angel be with you.
Will save you from sorrows and evil.
Life is like a kind and wise teacher
You will be forever kind.

Let there be only joy ahead,
Sadness will fly away into the distance.
May happiness settle with you,
And sadness will pass by the house!