Using a vacuum massager. Vacuum massager: how to choose an effective device? Indications and contraindications for use by doctors. Rules for using a vacuum massager, step-by-step instructions

Today, the cosmetology and aesthetic medicine industry has invented many ways to combat the eternal enemy of the female figure - cellulite.

Vacuum massagers have become one of the most convenient ways for patients to get rid of the hated “crust”.

General idea and principle of operation

A vacuum massager is a device for getting rid of cellulite. Such devices have many different configurations, associated effects and other differences, which is why their cost may vary, however, they all have a common operating principle.

A vacuum massager has a container in which an area of ​​negative pressure (vacuum) is created. Due to this, it draws into itself areas of the skin along with subcutaneous fatty tissue, where the effect is made.

Staying a part of the body in such conditions causes a flow of blood from the area of ​​negative pressure - blood circulation at the site of exposure increases up to 140 times in contrast to the normal state.

Due to this, at the site of impact metabolism increases, which allows the breakdown of fat tissue, smoothing its surface relief, and thereby relieving the patient of cellulite.

In addition to aesthetic purposes, vacuum massagers are used by athletes during intense training. Forced increase in blood flow allows you to saturate muscles and tissues with essential microelements, which allows you to restore the body’s condition after intense exercise.

Let's figure it out together, quickly and forever.

Come in if you are interested in objective reviews about honey massage for cellulite at home.

At this address we will consider contraindications to pressotherapy, find out reviews, and evaluate photos before and after the procedure.

Indications and contraindications

The main indication for using an anti-cellulite vacuum massager is to improve the aesthetic qualities of the area of ​​the body that is targeted.

The massager allows you to visually tighten muscles, smooth out skin texture and improve its color. In addition, the procedure can be used as part of complex therapy to improve the patient’s well-being after active physical work, acclimatization or stress.

However, this device also has negative sides. Vacuum massage is not recommended for people with diseases of the gallbladder, bladder, kidney disease, or diabetes.

The vacuum provokes an abundant release of toxins from the body, and such exposure can cause a sharp deterioration in the condition of people with insufficient excretory systems.

It is forbidden to give massage to people with any neoplasms, because the influx of blood provokes the growth and degeneration of tumor tissue. In addition, the device should not be used on damaged skin, fresh scars, or age spots.

Women during menstruation should also not use a vacuum massager, since changes in blood supply can negatively affect the condition of the reproductive system (in particular, cause internal bleeding).

For the same reason, the device is contraindicated for people with hypertension - With high blood pressure, there is a high risk of developing hematomas and bleeding.


There are many different modifications of vacuum massagers. All of them are divided into 3 main categories, which differ in cost and complexity of the equipment (in use, maintenance and service).

The following groups are distinguished:

  • Home. These are small devices that create relatively little traction and are only suitable for mild cases of cellulite disease.

    They do not take up much space and have a small impact area. Most often, home devices are produced to affect the face - vacuum lifting and basic skin care.

  • Professional. These are rather bulky units that are used in medical institutions and various beauty salons.

    They act only due to vacuum, but they have powerful traction, and due to the size of the nozzles they are able to cover large areas of the body at a time.

  • Electric anti-cellulite. These devices differ from all others in that, in addition to the intense vacuum effect, they also provide additional types of stimulation.

    In particular, the devices are equipped with infrared radiation and temperature effects. In terms of efficiency, such installations can be equated to sports loads.

Thus, at home it is possible to obtain only a small part of the effect that a full-size vacuum massager is capable of.

To undergo such procedures, it is best to find an institution where a specialist will provide the services of a professional apparatus.

Secrets of choice and popular brands

If the device is nevertheless purchased for home use, you should pay attention to some nuances.

First of all, decide which zone the main impact will be directed to, and, based on this, choose the traction power, the size of the nozzles and the principle of operation itself.

For example, the face and décolleté require much less traction than the buttocks and thighs. Based on your requests, you can choose a device that will suit you in terms of price category and the effect produced.

Cellules MD

Cellules MD is a French-developed device, a manual home anti-cellulite massager designed to facilitate the fight against excess weight and figure correction.

Operating principle: roller-vacuum, i.e., in addition to negative pressure, the device acts on the skin mechanically, using installed rollers with small protruding fragments.

This increases blood flow and somewhat compensates for the low power of the device. One way or another, like all other home appliances, the device will not cope with significant fat deposits.

The video provides a detailed description of the Celluless vacuum massager.


A hand-held vacuum device equipped with nozzles of various sizes. The device is very compact, you can install an additional roller attachment on it, and by adjusting the power, it can be used to affect different areas - from the face to the hips.

Anti-cellulite Pro

A very simple and relatively inexpensive device. In addition to the vacuum effect, it comes with rollers and two intensity modes.

Not suitable for delicate areas of the skin, but quite suitable for massaging most areas of the body.

Significantly improves skin condition and promotes better absorption of cosmetics.


The cheapest option, which allows you to target different areas of the body.

They operate on the same principle as a vacuum massager, however, you cannot expect to get rid of cellulite with them, since they often do not create a sufficient difference in pressure.

But cupping is effective in the symptomatic treatment of other diseases - for example, radiculitis.

Rules of application

To prepare for the procedure, you must first warm up the body. To do this, it is advisable to take a hot shower or bath (or carry out the procedure immediately after physical activity). It is advisable to treat the skin with a scrub to increase blood flow. If your skin is too sensitive, you should choose a scrub without large particles.

Procedure steps:

  • The massager attachment and the skin at the affected area should be treated with salt water or a disinfectant solution (not alcohol).
  • Anti-cellulite gel or any other composition should be applied to cleansed skin that will not dry out on the skin during the procedure and will provide sufficient slip.
  • Then you should install the nozzle at the site of exposure and turn on the device. The nozzle must be gradually moved sequentially, covering the entire area of ​​influence.
  • The duration of work on one zone should be no more than 15-20 minutes.

It is important to remember that massage movements should be performed strictly in the direction of lymph flow.

When working on the legs, you should move from bottom to top, on the buttocks you should perform circular movements, as well as straight ones (from bottom to top), and when working on the abdominal area, you should move clockwise.

It is strictly forbidden to touch the inner thigh, popliteal fossa and groin area with the massager. In these places there are large vessels that are located close to the skin, and massage can cause them to rupture.

Immediately after the massage, to ensure maximum effectiveness, you can perform various wraps or apply body masks - the skin after vacuum exposure is most susceptible to various compositions.

After the procedure, the patient needs to wrap himself warmly, because vacuum massage still disrupts the normal blood flow, and due to increased blood circulation, the body becomes more vulnerable to drafts.

It should be remembered that a massager alone will not be able to cope with the problem. To get rid of cellulite, you need to follow a set of measures, which includes physical activity and a special diet.

If necessary, you should not avoid following other recommendations, which should be given by a medical specialist in each specific case.


A manual massager Cellules MD will cost the buyer approximately 1500-1700 rubles, Zhezaton - 2200-2600, Anti-Cellulite Pro - from 1100 rubles.

The most economical option is to buy “Miracle Cans” - one jar will cost only 100 rubles.

We should not forget about additional costs, such as anti-cellulite oil, gels and other cosmetic attributes for the procedure.

Beach season is the most anticipated time for any girl. The end of the winter season does not pass without a trace. One of the most common and undesirable consequences is cellulite. In most cases, to get rid of this problem, the fair sex uses special gels, creams, masks and scrubs. All these remedies give good results, but their use must be quite long.

If you want to get the desired result faster, then you can use a vacuum massager for cellulite. The principle of this device is very similar to the long-known technique of cupping massage. But cupping massage often leads to negative consequences, such as bruises at the site of the procedure.

Another well-known method of effectively getting rid of orange peel on the body is anti-cellulite massage. But it does not go away completely on the skin and is almost always accompanied by small, although quite painful, hematomas.

How the anti-cellulite massager works

The peculiarity of this device is that during operation the nozzle sucks in the skin and fat layer using a vacuum, without injuring the epidermis. This promotes uniform breakdown of the fat layer. The device also massages the muscles well and accelerates blood circulation. The massager can be used if there is swelling in problem areas. The main task of the work is to remove excess fluid, harmful toxins and waste from the body.

Before purchasing a vacuum massage device for cellulite, you need to think carefully about which of the proposed options is best to choose. When choosing, it is important to pay attention to the number of nozzles. The more varied they are, the better. Each device has its own effect on cellulite. Different nozzle sizes suck the skin and destroy fat differently. For good results, the attachments need to be constantly changed.

A large number of attachments will allow you to make your own massage as similar to a salon massage as possible. Thus, you will not need to set aside time to make an appointment at the salon, but each professional procedure costs a lot of money.

It is better to give preference to small and ergonomic devices for anti-cellulite massage. Moreover, some models can be taken with you on the road. There are options that operate from the mains, there are battery-powered models, as well as devices that provide both methods. During operation, the vacuum cellulite massager vibrates a little. The rollers, which are made of soft rubber, gently suck the skin inside.

The unit should not be used for longer than 10 minutes. To understand whether or not enough time has passed for exposure, you need to look at the color of the skin. As soon as slight redness appears on it, the massage should be stopped.

An effective vacuum electric massager for old cellulite will allow you to correct the most difficult places. A good quality device can easily work in difficult areas and produce maximum results.

What brands of vacuum massagers are there?

  • The most popular brand is Celluless. It is quite simple, but at the same time the most effective. At the same time, it has a low price. You can buy it from 1000 to 2000 rubles.
  • Gezatone Vacu Pro. This is a more professional massager model. Its cost is slightly higher. You can buy within 2490 rubles.
  • Gezatone Vacuum Beauty System. This is already a more expensive brand. The price category ranges from 2,000 to 20,000 rubles. a piece. Its price is much higher than the previous ones, but this is understandable. This model is multifunctional. The device is used both to get rid of cellulite and to cleanse the face.

No special skills or practice are required to operate this device. The device should be used to treat the skin in those places where “orange peel” exists. Using a vacuum massager for cellulite, you can massage your thighs, buttocks and legs. But it cannot be used for abdominal massage.

There are some side effects, but they are not scary. After several uses, small bruises may appear on the skin. To avoid them, massage should not be done too often and for a long time. If slight painful sensations appear during the operation of the massager, then this is within normal limits.

How to properly prepare for a massage and carry out the procedure

It is necessary to follow some rules, and then the fight against cellulite will be most effective:

  • First you need to take a shower to thoroughly wash your skin.
  • You can use body scrubs.
  • After which, the entire skin should be dried well with a towel.
  • Next, you need to apply anti-cellulite cream to problem areas and you can begin the massage.
  • Movements should be slow and as smooth as possible.
  • The first procedure can last from 5 to 30 minutes. It depends on the redness of the skin.

Like all medical devices, the massager has a number of restrictions on its use. It cannot be used:

A massager is a unique device for putting the skin in order. It can easily cope with sagging skin, excess weight, and also remove extra centimeters from the body. In addition, it is good to use during constant physical activity, when a person constantly feels muscle fatigue and muscle pain.

Massage in this way has a beneficial effect on various stresses and tensions. By reducing spasms and relaxing effects, depressed mood returns to normal and well-being improves

The quality and efficiency of the device will make problem areas well-groomed in the shortest possible time. We can say that now the next beach season will be held at the highest level.

The device allows you to independently perform a modeling massage to correct your silhouette. Modern models are able to effectively treat problem areas of the body and help consolidate the results of using creams, following a healthy diet and regular physical activity. The skin becomes smooth and even, and the “orange peel” no longer interferes with appreciating your beauty and putting on your favorite swimsuit without hesitation.

In our store you can buy an anti-cellulite body massager by adding the product to your cart. Select the appropriate delivery method and place an order, after which our manager will contact you. If you have any questions, call us at the phone number listed on the website.

Anti-cellulite body massager Body Shaper Gezatone AMG 121 (120)

Non-stop delivery within the Moscow Ring Road! Uses infrared heat to warm up the treated area, this activates blood circulation, metabolism, removes toxins, and eliminates swelling. Equipped with 4 attachments for massaging different areas of the body.

RUB 3,489.00

Vacuum massager Gezatone Vacu Beauty for body

Non-stop delivery within the Moscow Ring Road! Used for anti-cellulite massage of the whole body, the beneficial properties of the massager tone the body muscles, getting rid of extra pounds. The set includes three different attachments for a specific treatment area.

RUB 1,599.00

Anti-cellulite body massager Body Shaper Gezatone AMG 125

Non-stop delivery within the Moscow Ring Road! 2 operating modes! Wide range of choice of required power. Infrared heating to improve the body's immune system and even out the surface and color of the skin. 4 unique attachments included.

RUB 1,749.00

Facial skin care massager RF Lifting Gezatone m1601

Material: body – plastic; electrodes – stainless steel. The pulse frequency, depending on the selected mode, is from 1.2 to 3000 Hz. Amplitude – 10-40V. Automatic shutdown timer – 3 minutes. Dimensions – 24x23x6.5 cm. Weight – 500 g.

RUR 8,499.00

Medium viscosity media gel colorless 0.25 kg

Optimal consistency for ultrasound, Dopplerography, and cosmetic procedures. Viscosity - Brookfield 18.0–23.0 Pa×s. Dynamic viscosity: 9.5-11.5 Pa×s. Acoustic impedance - 1.56×10*5 g/cm2×s. pH level - 6.8-7.0. Transparent color.

RUB 69.00

Media gel with Aloe Vera juice, 5 kg

Suitable for procedures on sensitive skin and mucous membranes. Aloe extract has an anti-inflammatory effect and moisturizes. Viscosity - high, 23.0–31.0 Pa×s Brookfield. Dynamic viscosity - 12.0–16.0 Pa×s. pH level: 6.8-7.0. Acoustic impedance - 1.54×10*5 g/cm2×s. Color – transparent.

RUR 859.00

High viscosity media gel colorless 1 kg

For diagnostic, cosmetic and other procedures. Brookfield viscosity – 23.0–31.0 Pa×s; acoustic impedance: 1.57×10*5 g/cm2×s; ultrasound propagation speed – 1498 m/sec; pH level – 6.8-7.0. Does not contain dyes.

RUB 167.00

Mesoscooter Fosta 540 needles

It is a massage roller with many needles made of high-quality surgical steel. The length of the needles is 0.5 mm, which allows you to restore the original composition of the skin, its softness and elasticity, and prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

RUB 520.00

Mesoscooter Fosta 1200 needles

Home medical device for eliminating cellulite, stretch marks and scars, as well as for tightening and rejuvenating the skin. The device can be used to work with the skin of the face and body and can be used both at home and in beauty salons of all levels.

RUR 740.00

Body massager Gezatone M-380 “Cellusage”

Non-stop delivery within the Moscow Ring Road! Functions: electromyostimulation, ultrasound, infrared heating. The device tones the body muscles and creates the effect of lymphatic drainage massage. Allows you to remove toxins and waste from the body, improving the functioning of metabolic processes. OUT OF PRODUCTION

0.00 RUR

Why cellulite appears and how to deal with it

The problem is structural changes under the skin that impair microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. In essence, these are stagnation in adipose tissue, which leads to degeneration. Cellulite, also called gynoid lipodystrophy, can appear for the following reasons:

  • exposure to stress hormones;
  • poor nutrition;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • presence of bad habits.

Due to the above factors, the blood supply is disrupted and slowed down: the cells do not receive enough oxygen, and nutrients stop flowing into the tissues. Such cellular starvation leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits, and along with them, toxins and harmful substances that are not eliminated in time due to slow blood supply.

Thus, bumps on the skin are not just an aesthetic defect, but a signal of a malfunction in the body. The way out is a comprehensive and systematic fight against the disease, including:

  • lymphatic drainage massage, for which you will need a high-quality anti-cellulite massager;
  • properly selected cosmeceuticals – drugs created at the intersection of cosmetology and pharmacology;
  • walking, going to the gym, swimming pool or dance studio - in general, any methods you like that bring the body into constant movement and relieve stress;
  • proper nutrition, taking into account the balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates and control of the number of calories consumed.

What role does an anti-cellulite body massager play in this matter? He takes on a considerable burden in the difficult process of body correction and is responsible for indicators such as:

If you carry out the procedures systematically, then after 3-4 sessions it will become noticeable that the body begins to look toned and smooth. In order for the results to appear faster and the massage to be enjoyable, it is important to choose exactly the model that you will like and will be pleasant to use.

Types of devices

Today, the market for beauty and health products offers a wide variety of modifications: from the simplest mechanical ones to gadgets equipped with a number of options.

A hand-held anti-cellulite massager is durable and inexpensive, perfect for home use. It does not require a power connection or batteries, and is extremely easy to use. It is made in the form of rollers, applicators, fingers, balls, etc. The material can also be different: smooth wood, plastic, metal, bristles.

An electric anti-cellulite massager is an equally popular and certainly very effective way to get rid of orange peel, sagging skin and other imperfections. This category, in turn, is divided into several subtypes:

  • vibrating massagers - devices with frequent pulsation, often equipped with adjustment of the impact force and other convenient modes;
  • myostimulators – generate electrical impulses of different intensity and frequency that cause contraction and muscle function;
  • infrared - warms up the body, activating regeneration and metabolic processes, and also perfectly relaxes after a hard day or physical activity;
  • ultrasonic – create high-frequency vibrations of the sound environment, causing active breathing and cell nutrition, increasing the synthesis of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid;
    • study the directions of the massage lines so that they are carried out only where it is required and do not cause discomfort;
    • cleanse your body by taking a shower or warm bath;
    • Apply your favorite cream, gel or massage oil.

    As for the actual operation of the device, the anti-cellulite massager for weight loss does not require special skills, since it is designed for a non-professional user. However, it is better to consider the following points:

    • do not stop at one point for too long, and if excessive redness appears, stop the session;
    • always start at the lowest intensity or speed setting;
    • Clean the body and attachments after each use;
    • try to carry out the procedure no earlier than an hour after eating;
    • the optimal time of day is a couple of hours before bedtime;
    • do not use the device several times a day, as this may have the opposite effect, disrupting blood circulation and lymph flow;
    • take a break between courses, allowing the body to independently establish internal processes in the tissues.

    When used correctly, the device will be an excellent assistant and will also save time and money. For example, a good Gezatone anti-cellulite massager is comparable in cost to one trip to the salon, but will last quite a long time.

    Despite all the advantages of using special devices, there are some contraindications, in the presence of which you should definitely consult a doctor.

    Active stimulation is not suitable for:

    • pregnancy;
    • violations of the integrity of the skin;
    • dermatosis;
    • hyperthermia;
    • lymphadenitis, varicose veins, phlebitis;
    • predisposition to bleeding;
    • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract (applies to the treatment of the abdominal area);
    • neuropsychic disorders;
    • hypertension;
    • rheumatism;
    • presence of tumors;
    • autoimmune diseases.

Vacuum massage cans 12 pcs (unipolar)

Vacuum massager - a quick way to an ideal figure

Do you still not know how to maintain a beautiful body without putting in a lot of effort and without spending a lot of time on it? Do you want to have a perfect body, but regular trips to beauty salons are too expensive for you? A vacuum massager is an excellent assistant in the fight for a beautiful body at home. With its regular use, you can easily get rid of cellulite and fat deposits and forget about these problems forever.

Fast and efficient - what you need

With a vacuum massager, the result will come immediately, which will be an additional incentive to continue the procedure. Using this device has a lot of advantages, thanks to which you will have a great mood and an attractive appearance.

What are your advantages:

  • you incur material expenses only once;
  • study at any time of the day;
  • do not waste money, energy and time on visiting salons;
  • the result is noticeable after just a few procedures;
  • stimulate blood circulation in body tissues and promote the removal of toxic substances from the body;
  • relieve fatigue and stress;

With this device you get a set of procedures that are simply necessary to keep your body in good shape.

Benefits for every cell

If you want to make your body toned, beautiful and seductive, a vacuum massager is your potential partner. You can play sports, eat right, and reinforce these efforts with massage treatments. Or you can spend the same amount of time on a massage with a special device and at the same time watch your favorite show or interesting film.

You know where you need to remove extra centimeters and you can independently choose a device to combat excess weight. If you have a few small dimples on your buttocks, you can purchase simple vacuum cups. In a more complex situation, a device that, in parallel with the vacuum, also performs local massage will help cope with the problem.

Using such a device, you will cure many diseases, such as:

  • headache;
  • women's diseases;
  • insomnia;
  • neuritis;
  • hypertension;
  • local pain, etc.

Many vacuum massagers are universal. Before purchasing a massager, think about whether you have other problems besides cellulite? The cost range of these devices is quite large, but the important thing is that vacuum massagers can be used by all members of your family, and this is a significant saving, in contrast to visits to specialized establishments.

The frantic pace of life does not always allow a modern woman to find time to take a course of modeling massage. But with age, the need for it progresses: in problem areas that should be the most seductive in a woman’s figure, in addition to fat deposits, an unpleasant orange peel appears. With her, you can’t wear a swimsuit, or show off in the pool, and you can no longer appear in front of your beloved man in a revealing outfit. In such cases, a cellulite massager, which can be purchased for home use, can be a life-saving remedy.

Operating principle

Anti-cellulite massagers successfully cope with the following tasks:

  • increase skin tone - it becomes firmer and more elastic;
  • remove subcutaneous fat deposits due to the normalization of lymph flow;
  • improve metabolism;
  • eliminate cellulite and prevent its formation;
  • smooth out and make stretch marks less noticeable;
  • relax and tone muscles, relieve fatigue;
  • accelerate blood circulation and lymph flow.

After 3-4 procedures, the first changes become visible, and at the end of the course the problem will either be completely eliminated or become less noticeable.

Everything is scientifically explainable, so it is quite possible to remove cellulite with a massager even at home. The procedure is simple, the devices are compact, lightweight and safe to use. There are fewer negative reviews about their work and efficiency than positive ones, so it’s worth trying to ruin your family budget for such a useful device.


Depending on the functions performed, operating principle, materials, cellulite massagers can be different. Before making a purchase, try to familiarize yourself with the main types of these devices so as not to make a mistake with your choice.

  • Vacuum

Its action is based on the long-proven cupping method of combating cellulite. The massager attachment is a plastic jar in which a vacuum is created. It precisely draws in the skin and stimulates it. This has a positive effect on blood circulation, allowing nutrients to get to the right places faster and speeds up their exchange. Fat cells also begin to move - they are removed from the body with lymph. The structure of the skin noticeably improves, stretch marks and the appearance of cellulite are gradually eliminated.

  • Roller

Anti-cellulite roller massager SUPRA MBS-111

The roller works differently than the vacuum. It is equipped with wheel-shaped attachments that, sliding over the body, break up fatty deposits that create the orange peel effect. Rollers can vary in size, material and depth of impact. After such a device, the risk of hematoma formation is less than after a vacuum one.

  • Manual

One of the simplest and most inexpensive devices for eliminating cellulite is a manual massager. When using it, it is necessary to make some effort to apply pressure to the problem skin. Typically, such devices consist of a handle and a head with a floating roller. Among the advantages are favorable price, independence from power supply, simplicity, long service life. Among the obvious disadvantages are lower efficiency, the risk of not calculating your own strength, and the inaccessibility of some places for processing.

The most common models are a roller with needles (they are small and with blunt tips), a mitten (it is convenient to put it on your hand and massage problem areas), a washcloth with stiff bristles (used mainly during water treatments).

  • Electric

Handheld body massager Beurer MG 80

It’s very convenient: you connect it to the power supply and you simply move the device over the problem area of ​​the body. Here you can adjust the speed and intensity of movements. This allows you to choose the optimal mode and get maximum results. With its help, cellulite can be eliminated in the shortest possible time.

  • Professional

The highest level of development of hardware cosmetology is a professional anti-cellulite massager. Used primarily in salons, not recommended for home use. Firstly, it is not nearly as compact. Secondly, it is multifunctional, which requires certain skills. Thirdly, it is very expensive.

  • Silicone

This does not mean that the massager is all silicone - the attachments are made from this material. They provide a softer glide, preventing the possibility of injury and the formation of hematomas. The procedure is quite pleasant. Devices with rubber “fingers” are very similar in operating principle.

  • Wood

Made from environmentally friendly raw materials. Accordingly, after it there will be no allergic reactions or irritation on the skin. However, compared to silicone or rubber, it is a rather rough material. Yes, it works great and breaks up fat globules. But in this case, hematomas can form. For delicate, thin, sensitive skin, this is not the best choice.

There are also compact pneumatic massagers for the legs, arms or abdomen. They are sleeves similar to cuffs for measuring blood pressure. They are put on a certain part of the body and begin to swell in the same way, creating a vacuum. This puts a serious strain on blood circulation, which plays an important role in eliminating cellulite. Not everyone tolerates this procedure well. It has many contraindications. Therefore, experts do not recommend using this kind of devices on your own.


You cannot use anti-cellulite massagers if you have the following contraindications:

  • violation of the integrity of the skin, inflammation, ulcers in the treated area;
  • dermatosis;
  • increased body temperature;
  • pregnancy;
  • lymphadenitis, varicose veins, phlebitis in problem areas of the body;
  • predisposition to bleeding;
  • disruptions in the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • psycho-emotional overexcitation, neuropsychic disorders accompanied by convulsions;
  • hypertension;
  • rheumatism;
  • some autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology.

If in doubt, it is better not to take risks and consult a doctor.

Rules of application

To achieve optimal results from massagers, you need to learn how to use them correctly. There is nothing complicated here. First, you should read the instructions and do everything as described in it. Almost all devices are the same in operation.

Preparatory stage

  1. Study the direction of the massage lines, because the maximum effect can be achieved if you move the device along them. This will relieve bruises and discomfort.
  2. Before the procedure, the skin needs to be warmed up at least a little. To do this, apply either massage oil or anti-cellulite cream to the problem area. And after that, rub it.

Waist and abdomen correction

  1. It is comfortable to lie on your back. Hold your stomach as if you are inhaling. The back is straight, the knees are bent.
  2. Connect the device to the power supply, set the minimum speed.
  3. Place it on your navel and perform smooth, leisurely movements in different directions.
  4. Work the waist on each side for 2 minutes, the stomach - no more than 5 minutes.

Foot massage

  1. Sit down, lean your elbows back.
  2. Use the massager on the inner and outer thighs for 5 minutes each.
  3. The direction of movement is from bottom to top.
  4. They should be smooth, but at the same time clear and focused.

Buttock treatment

  1. Lie on your right side, lean on your right hand.
  2. With your left hand, move along the left buttock from bottom to top (from the hip to the waist).
  3. Then turn on the other side and do the same with your other half.
  4. The duration depends on the severity of cellulite. On average, the entire procedure takes about 3 minutes.


  1. Finish the massage with light stroking movements with your palm.
  2. Take a warm shower.
  3. Treat the problem area with anti-cellulite cream.

Useful tips

  1. As soon as excessive redness is noticed, the procedure should be stopped.
  2. Start at low speeds. Move to higher levels no earlier than in a month - and then only if there is a need for it.
  3. After each procedure, the massager must be cleaned: unplug it from the power supply, disconnect the attachment from the body, and wash it with hot water and soap. Wipe the body with a cloth soaked in alcohol.
  4. The recommended time for the procedure is an hour after eating, 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  5. There is no need to use the massager several times a day. This can lead to the formation of hematomas and serious problems with blood circulation and lymph flow. Even daily use is worth it only in the most advanced cases. 2-3 procedures per week will be enough.
  6. After a month, the body should be allowed to rest for at least a week.

Experts strongly recommend not to carry out such procedures on your own. All the same, there are places on the body that can be very difficult to reach (especially if you have excess volume). Therefore, if there is an opportunity to ask someone to do this, take it.

This is a safe procedure that does not damage the skin. Typically, a home cellulite massager is battery-powered and compact. It can fit into a bag, so you can take it with you on your travels.

A complex approach

When deciding to get rid of cellulite with the help of a home massager, do not expect that the problem will be solved in the shortest possible time. This cosmetic defect has its roots deep within the body and is associated with metabolic disorders and excess weight (and sometimes obesity). Accordingly, external treatment of problem areas of the body cannot completely eradicate it. This requires an integrated approach. At the same time, arrange, reconsider your diet and lifestyle. All these points play an important role.

Rating of the best

Naturally, when a decision is made to buy a massager, a completely logical question arises: which one is the most effective - roller or vacuum, wooden or silicone, manual or electric, premium from Zepter or a regular budget mitten?

It is difficult to say which device is better, since the result largely depends on the source “material”. With minor cellulite, an ordinary washcloth will help, but sometimes even professional equipment cannot cope with pronounced cellulite.

A small top 10 of modern and popular models will guide you in prices and manufacturers.

  1. Celly Massage is a triple-action vibrating massager with elastic balls and 47 microfingers from Zepter. $137.
  2. Casada CelluMax is a German device with 3 replaceable attachments. $94.8.
  3. Nozomi MH-103 (Nozomi) - vacuum, with infrared microlamp. $34.47.
  4. Ultra slim from US Medica (USA) with a 3D attachment that can work on the most inaccessible parts of the body. $50.
  5. Supra (Supra) - roller, with silicone attachments for the hips, buttocks, abdomen and forearms. $27.56.
  6. Anti-Cellulite Massage from Oriflame (Oriflame) - anti-cellulite massager with rubber “fingers”. $13.79.
  7. Celluless - vacuum. $11.89.
  8. Lyapko applicator. $4.65.
  9. Solutions - roller with metal balls from Avon (Avon). $4.12.
  10. Anti-cellulite massage glove. $3.79.

These are the best massagers today. Despite the difference in price range and functionality, each of them helps solve the problem in any part of the body. You just need to be able to use these unique devices and accustom yourself to the regularity of such procedures. Perhaps at some points they will not replace the professional hands of a massage therapist, but, as practice shows, the final effect from them can be quite good. Believe me, these devices are worth spending money on them if cellulite has long been your problem and the cause of internal complexes.