Colorful congratulations on the day of the Navy. Day of foundation of the Russian Navy congratulations on the holiday

On the Day of the Military Marine I want to wish you a beautiful, amazing life, like the sea. May good health always remain, may happiness be limitless, may strength fill the body and spirit every day. I wish you good luck and success, I wish you to always keep a high wave of confidence and stability in life.

Congratulations on the Day of the Navy and I want to wish wisdom sea ​​turtle, the grip of a sea shark, the charm of a starfish, the confidence of a killer whale and the versatility of a sea octopus. Good luck in any way and happiness on any route.

On the Day of the Navy, I want to congratulate you and wish you to catch a high wave of good luck in your life. Let the sea worry, and your soul will be absolutely calm, let any task and goal be possible for your fleet.

Happy Navy Day! We are proud of you and wish that the ship of your destiny is always in the sea of ​​happiness. Let there be no storms in love, let the wallet never run aground, and the salty wind brings only good luck.

I congratulate you on the day of the Navy! I wish you to sail on the waves of luxury and happiness. Well-being that is not drowning for you, a surge of joys, love, like an ocean, immense luck and a stream of inalienable blessings in life.

Happy holiday of courageous and real men! We wish you a fighting spirit positive mood, good news, successful cases. By a minimum of grief, more laughter, breakthroughs and positive results. Don't let money get in the way of your dream. Stay fair and responsible. Only a smooth road, sunny days, an unforgettable vacation and a true friend.

Today we congratulate those whose heart is forever given to the sea, those who know how to work in a team under any circumstances of the wayward sea elements, those who are proud of our great power - great Russia! Thank you guys for the fact that you, not sparing yourself, your health and life, carry the proud banner of the defenders and sons of your Fatherland. Happy Navy Day!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you to sail through life easily and freely, like on the waves of the sea, I wish you successful breakthroughs and resounding victories. Let the sea worry, not your heart, let the enemy surrender, not you. And no matter how many years have passed, always stay healthy, strong, brave and invincible.

With all my heart and with sincere respect, we congratulate you on the Day of the Navy! May the sea always be calm for you, and the guiding star burn with a bright light and show the way home. For your courage and valor, for devotion to your country, for peace in native land we are proud to thank you. Let the festive fireworks thunder in your honor. Happy holiday! Hooray!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you to be the master of the sea depths and your happiness on land. Good luck on the course, strong and true friendship, real and sincere love, excerpts of temperament and excellent health.

We have collected best congratulations happy navy day Russian Navy Day is a tribute of honor and glory to military sailors of all generations, their mothers and wives, their loved ones, who endured the pain of separation and longing of expectations. Navy Day is Russia's memory of maritime glory.

Navy Day is celebrated annually on last sunday July. On the Day of the Russian Navy professional holiday noted by all those who guard the maritime borders of Russia, all those who associate years of life and service with ensuring the combat readiness of ships and units of the Navy, family members of military personnel, workers and employees of naval institutions and enterprises, veterans of the Great Patriotic War And Armed Forces.

Sailors military
Young and respectable -
We want to congratulate everyone
Happy Navy Day.

Glorious Motherland sons
Walking under the pressure of the waves
The oceans furrowed
There were storms, there were calm.

Honor of the Andreevsky flag -
Your valor and courage.
We decided to wish you
Happiness in life, peace in the world.

Today the holiday is celebrated
All the brave sailors
Those who defend Russia
On the borders of all contrary.

May the sky be only peaceful
And let the service not be a burden,
Let Neptune be kind, humble
And favors you in everything!

Life in the Navy did not seem like a fairy tale to you,
The salty wind blew the dust from the face,
You remained faithful to the Fatherland,
Ready to fight to the end.

The crew became native during the service,
The navy has become your second family,
Do you know how friendship is known,
And sometimes the way home is not easy.

So let the seagulls fly over the waves
On Navy Day, we congratulate you.
We honor, respect and are proud of you.
And may the Lord keep you in difficult times!

Let's pour today brothers "sewed"
So that the bitterness does not choke the throat.
Let's light candles for the guys
Which are at the bottom.

And we'll raise a toast to the living
Today we live for them!
For wives, children, for mothers,
For those who are in the sea! ... Pour us.

For those now who are in the water column,
For our native submarine fleet!
So that in any situation,
Both on land and under water

Wherever we dive in this life,
Always and on time surfaced ...!
With day navy!

Today the waves are softly singing along
Happy songs that sing on ships.
So the navigators celebrate their holiday,
They don't know what fear is.

It is known that the sea gives different weather,
But the stars show the right way
Let sailors bypass storms and hardships,
After all, their loved ones are waiting for them at home.

Friends! May bad weather not touch you,
So that you bring joy to your heart,
Let only happiness fly in a flurry,
And all sorrows remain under water.

Let women be a good omen
And life is millions of nautical miles long
Let the winds and storms forget the ship
And at least seven feet under your keel!

Flags are up and music is playing
And the parade is ready to go
The whole country congratulates today
Happy Navy Sailors Day!

And they walk across the square,
Power and strength sparkle in the air!
Congratulations to the Navy today
Motherland is proud of sons!

I wish a friend - a sailor
Full of good luck and health,
To arrive in your regiment,
To live with great love,

For a devoted wife
And to give birth to children,
Let the whole country be proud!
There are very few like you!

Congratulations on Navy Day are cool

Happy Navy Day to you, sailors,
And even if you are sometimes far from the earth,
And even though it is often difficult at sea,
But let the military spirit not fade away,
May your wives always be waiting for you at home,
And with honor and glory, the days of service are floating!

Let storms and reefs not even dream of you,
May the sea always caress
May happiness and prosperity reign in you,
Trouble will not come on board.

We wish you bold, big undertakings,
Let Neptune protect you on the way
Let the stream of wishes not dry up
And everything will come true this year.

Our pride is the Navy!
May success await you in everything.
You guys are top class
Everyone looks up to you!

I wish peace at sea
The calm is always complete,
And less so that the emergency work,
Be happy friends!

On the day of the Navy
I congratulate all sailors.
All storms, tsunamis, storms
I wish you to master.

Let the wave of good luck cover you
May she carry you to wealth,
I wish you all love and success,
Moody never give up.

Hello guys, all the best
I wish you a great holiday.
Before strength, courage and faith in a dream
I respectfully take off my hat.

Let fate guide the ship
Only where joy reigns
Where do you find success?
Where cheerful laughter sounds,

Navy - great strength,
She conquered everyone in the world
Let it continue to be so
Every enemy is afraid of you!

Let the cries of seagulls drown out
Storms whistle and rumble problems.
Open your soul to freedom
For military secrets and themes.

On a salty day - the Navy -
Get off before dawn
And your enemy is the fastest
Let it blow bubbles!

You are the conquerors of the abyss
And very brave men,
Let the sea please you with calmness,
Seven feet will be under the keel again,

May all the ladies adore you
Poems poets dedicate,
Neptune helps in work,
And at home, joy awaits!

Happy holiday, sailor! Don't be afraid of the storm
Stay afloat with confidence
In vain, without frowning at fate,
Enjoy everything that life gives!

I want to get out of the water dry
And a wife born from foam
Joy, like an ocean, without edge
And so that the sea was knee-deep!

Our naval fleet,
Behind you like behind a wall!
We wish you prosperity
In a life of prosperity.

May it come true everywhere
On land and on water
All cherished dreams.
Happiness, light, kindness!

Congratulations on the Navy Day in prose

Defenders of our maritime borders, congratulations on Navy Day! Let a storm of passions and a hurricane of opportunities rage in your life. We wish you confidence in tomorrow and quiet days. We are proud of you. Love you.

Happy Navy Day! We wish you global achievements in life. And may it always be there reliable shoulder, a strong rear awaits at home, and your health would allow you to be the defender of the Motherland and loved ones for a long time to come.

The sea is a mysterious and boundless element that not everyone obeys ... And how nice that there is someone to look after the blue expanses at our borders! Please accept my congratulations on the Navy Day! May your life as a sailor be without storms, on land or at sea!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart on the Navy Day! I would like to wish that you always have good health, that you never have to suffer from sea rolling, that among the waves you feel like among your best friends! Happiness in life and good luck in business!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you brave deeds, invincible success, victorious moorings, inextinguishable forces, great goals, true luck and love, happiness in life as wide and deep as the expanses of the sea. The greatness of a sea power is impossible without a fleet and its brave teams, and the sailors themselves they can do it without ocean expanses, like birds without the sky... On the Navy Day - accept my congratulations! May your enthusiasm, thirst saturated, extraordinary life, belief that goodness and justice in the world is the most important thing, the ability to love with all your heart and dream as if Magic wand almost in the hands ... Never fade away!

Congratulations on Navy Day official

On Navy Day, I would like to wish you success and joy, unlimited happiness and a wonderful future. Let worries remain in the past, and only true joy will be heard in the future.
May the lighthouse always shine ahead and inspire new victories. Dear sailor, you certainly deserve everything to turn out as planned, so that fate gives chances for success and advancement, the fulfillment of cherished dreams.
I want to wish you success and joy, wonderful moments, a peaceful life. Let everything turn out as planned for you, but I believe that everything will certainly work out. I wish you success not only in your work, but also in personal life.
I hope that the Lord will provide protection and protect from any interference. I know how brave a sailor can be who is ready to do anything to protect his country. Accept congratulations, because they come only from the heart and soul. I believe that only the best awaits in the future!

Today, on a hot summer day, I want to congratulate the Navy Russian Federation, conquerors of the sea. Your courage and amazingly strong character is the basis that contributes to increased respect and the emergence of real admiration.
How many good goals you achieve by trying to serve the state. Thank you very much for everything you do to give Russia a chance for the future, an opportunity for active development. I want to wish good weather and sunshine in my soul.
May the Lord protect from bad weather and trials, serious problems and difficulties. I hope that only real luck will always accompany, give a lot of faith in the active transformation of life. Believe that everything will be fine at home and loved ones will be able to support in difficult situations, lend a helping hand. Feel the pride of all Russia.

Those who serve in the Navy
Not a terrible element!
Stronger than all, bolder than all
Sailors of Russia!

My dad is a sailor, you are strong and brave.
You managed to pass seven feet under the keel
And the storm has never been terrible for you,
The pirates didn't get in your way.

To give life for the Motherland
You are not scared at all!
Well, we congratulate you
Especially nice!

On land, in water, under water,
Over the sea in any weather
The sailor will save us,
Anyone will overcome adversity.

On a cruiser or above ground
In a submarine or in a plane
In the landing craft, we are with you!
Thank you for your work!

Salute to you, Russian fleet!
Your holiday is on the ground.

I want to wish you:

Be strong in spirit, do not be shy!
You are the protector of your land.
Your work is on the water
But the enemy will not hide anywhere.

May it be now and never
Trouble will not come to you.

Poets write lines to them,
Volumes are dedicated to them.
Behind the wall of spins high
Entire Motherland at home.

Today mom and I congratulate you
After all, you are the country of valor and honor.
We love, we are proud and miss a lot;
Thank you for beeing!

"Sea ships to be" -
Peter's decision.
And started building
Sea vessels.

Let the sea be calm
May the sky be bright!
In the ways of the sea, let it be constantly,
Fate and God protect you!

It means a lot in our history.
Great names are inscribed
And we were lucky.

Great Peter founded it,

And on this day we wish you well
We respect the Russian fleet!

October 30 - Day of foundation of the Russian Navy. This significant day for our Fatherland is rightfully considered official date birth of the regular Russian fleet.

In the 16th century, the Russian state had only access to the White Sea, and after the conquest of Kazan and Astrakhan - to the Caspian Sea. By the time of Peter's accession, our state was cut off from the shores of the Baltic, Black, Seas of Azov once inhabited by Slavs.

Fights and discoveries
And travel
On the waves of the sea
Everyone started marching.

Grateful descendants will forever remember the great feat of the commanders and sailors of the Great Patriotic War, their selfless devotion and love for the Motherland, courage and heroism.

In the post-war years, the surface fleet mastered the World Ocean, in the vastness of which military sailors made thousands of long-distance voyages. A worthy heir and successor to the traditions of Russian military sailors today is the personnel of the Navy.

The Russian fleet was founded
During royal times,

Threat, grief, fear,
Since then, Russia has been defended
Our sailors
Protecting the country from evil
Far from home!
Let's raise our glasses
For the Navy brave,
And let the admirals triumph
Let's celebrate!

This date, according to the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy, is celebrated as a professional holiday - the Day of the Surface Sailor.

A bird of prey in the wild
In the sea as blue as an arrow.
Like a fist clenched to the point of pain
Compressed tightly, whitewashed!

Like a brick at the head of the corner
It is based on a powerful force.
Storm and storm like a needle
He drills strong karma.

Calm on the way to you
And peaceful sky
Let there be a lot
Spectacles and bread!

Let me remind you that Russian Navy Day is celebrated in our country on the last Sunday of July.

Happy Navy Foundation Day!
I wish you to always be on top,
To rule the sea, I know
You will be without fear on your face.

Our country is proud of you guys
For not surrendering to the waves.
Ever since the creation of frigates
You are always the first, do not overcome the winds

Blue expanses of sea waves
They give the Motherland such heroes,
What is war and storm in spite of
All braver, more honest and stronger.
Happy Birthday to the Fleet, Navy Guys!
Your character was tempered by the sea!
So let it always and on this day
Life will reward you with glory, not grief!

Without the Navy it is impossible to imagine
The order is true in the country!
Today we hasten to glorify you,
And wish you happy days!

You are all worthy of respect
For your hard work!
We wish you happiness and luck
And may success always await!

And let the dreams come true
Work - only from the heart!
Simple, true happiness!
Hurry to carry out orders!

On the Founding Day of the Navy
You accept congratulations
I wish you happiness always, everywhere,
Succeed in your chosen business!

May you be lucky
May all wishes come true
Let a great miracle await you
To not know disappointment!

I wish you a sea of ​​smiles
Believe in yourself, never give up!
Only trusted friends to believe
Only smile at your loved ones!

The Navy was founded
So that order reigned in the country!
So that the structure does not fail,
To appreciate every law!

Again honor and praise to you!

And the bells are ringing!

Sailors-flooders -
Ladies' Pleasures.
Courageous and strong
They are attractive.

Both on land and at sea
They proudly carry their flag.
If there is trouble, the war will come -
The enemy will be defeated again!

"Be the fleet!" - Petya once commanded,
And so the Navy was born.
And we are still terribly proud of them,
And we strive to celebrate the holiday louder.
And everyone who respects our Russian fleet,
We sincerely congratulate you on Navy Day!

Happy foundation day
Congratulations Fleet.
Peace in life and work
I only wish you.

May the calling be great
Gives only joy.
And your family hearth
Bring sweetness to life.

Starting from Peter the Great,
Our fleet has become a stronghold for the country,
It's not for nothing that these troops are elite
Always been so reliable and loyal.

Sailors, submariners, infantry,
Marine Aviation -
Your formidable battles on the seas
They talk about courage through the centuries.

May technology always serve you reliably,
The wind from the sea, so that it was only fair,
May peace and happiness be strong friends all the time,
Well, at home waiting - a reliable rear for families!

Happy Navy Day!
Peter gave such an order,
To guard the frontiers
Let the side of the enemy run.

I wish you well, health,
Peace in the house, warmth with love.
Let all sorrows be forgotten
What you dreamed about will come true!

During the time of Great Peter,
The invincible Russian fleet arose,
Founded by the stroke of a pen,
Pretty much blood and sweat was watered.

And it was all: victories, defeats,
A large construction site - chips do not count,
He glorified himself in storms and battles
Our unforgettable, legendary fleet!

And we are not in vain strengthening the borders,
Although skeptics are not happy, sometimes
Trouble won't take us by surprise,
When our fleet is on guard, combat!

Happy Navy Day,
Happy pride day of our country!
Set you all fighting,
But let there be no war!

Let joy reign on the planet
And in the sea you will find complete calm,
Ile blows a favorable wind for you,
One hundred feet, friends, under your keel!

Let the guiding star shine
Only good things will meet you on the way,
Ships aground, storms do not know
And your relatives will meet you at the port!

Russian navy
It means a lot in our history.
Great names are inscribed
And we were lucky.

Great Peter founded it,
Since then, the fleet has grown stronger and modernized.
And on this day we wish you well
We respect the Russian fleet!

Salute to you, Russian fleet!
Your holiday is on the ground.
And your toast before you raise,
I want to wish you:

Be strong in spirit, do not be shy!
You are the protector of your land.
Your work is on the water
But the enemy will not hide anywhere.

May it be now and never
Trouble will not come to you.
Your birthday is glorious
Those who are with you - a great honor!

On the birthday of the Navy
On the holiday of many sailors
What is cut across the sea
I am ready to congratulate everyone.

But especially you
You are dear to me like a brother
But you love the sea more
Who is to blame for this.

I wish like a man
think with a clean head
Try not to play
And control your own destiny.

We love, we appreciate, we remember each other
Every day always you
Come back soon -
Family is waiting and friends are waiting.

The Russian fleet was founded
During royal times,
Since then, the country will not swim
Threat, grief, fear,

Since then, Russia has been defended
Our sailors
Protecting the country from evil
Far from home!

Let's raise our glasses
For the Navy brave,
And let the admirals triumph
Let's celebrate!

The Russian fleet, our pride!
Again honor and praise to you!
Let the sun shine on your holiday
And the bells are ringing!

Sailors-flooders -
Ladies' Pleasures.
Courageous and strong
They are attractive.

Both on land and at sea
They proudly carry their flag.
If there is trouble, the war will come -
The enemy will be defeated again!

Russia from ancient times has been and remains a great maritime power, our ancestors have long been famous for the art of navigation and shipbuilding. Eternal glory was earned by Russian sailors by brilliant victories over foreign invaders, accomplishment of great geographical discoveries.

The Navy was founded
So that order reigned in the country!
So that the structure does not fail,
To appreciate every law!

Thanks to the glorious sailors,
What is recognized by all the seas
In love and loyalty to Russia!
Prayers let the saints now

The people read for the guys
What kind of country do they stand for
That the waves boldly cut through
Russia's will is fulfilled!
The Russian fleet was founded
During royal times,
Since then, the country will not swim
Threat, grief, fear,

Since then, Russia has been defended
Our sailors
Protecting the country from evil
Far from home!

Let's raise our glasses
For the Navy brave,
And let the admirals triumph
Let's celebrate!
Russian Navy
The bright one celebrates its holiday!
We wish strength to all sailors,
May the days be warmed by the sun

Let the world reign in the service
The waves run merrily
Loyalty, friendship helps,
All sorrows will go away

My dear will be waiting at home
And beloved family!
May the Lord protect you
Both on land and in the seas!

Today important holiday for every sailor
Founding day of the Russian Navy,
We wish you well-being in everything, good,
Let fate be amazing, happy.
Seven feet under your keel
And clean fairways,
Reliable team, calm water,
And sunny, radiant days.

Today I want to congratulate the fearless sailors,
Happy founding day of the Russian Navy,
For the courage to glorify the sea wolves,
And wish them the most beautiful fate.
May your ship never know
Storms, holes and tsunamis,
Let there be strong male friendship,
May the tailwind be with you.

To all those who serve on the water,
Good luck, we wish you joy and good,
Let you be lucky in everything, everywhere,
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil.
Congratulations on the founding day of the Russian Navy,
We wish to be courageous, strong from the heart,
Securely guard the borders of the Motherland,
Be sure to reach the heights of your career.

On the day of the founding of the Russian Navy, we wish sailors happiness,
Let water wash away all bad weather,
Let the family wait impatiently on the shore,
We wish you good health, good.
Honor the traditions of sailors,
Serve honestly, faithfully,
Be an example in everything, always,
May reliable friends surround you.

Happy Navy Day! Sea of ​​peaceful expanse
Let it rock you slowly
Waves of success will lead there
Where they adore and faithfully wait,

A fair wind will fly into the sails,
Happiness shines bright eyes
I will remember best childhood dream,
And her beauty will come true!

Navy, naval fleet,
Protect like a hero!
TO a better life inspires
Knows no barriers.

To all soldiers, commanders
We wish to live with a peaceful sky.
On a holiday, let it be an ordinary day
Everything is going great!

The Navy is our pride and stronghold.
Congratulations guys! Be happy rich
All good luck and health, faith and dreams with love.
You are the defenders of the country, sons of our Motherland.

You protect our peace, carry your post on the sides.
Our bow to the ground to you, Russian heroes.
A strong rear on land and the best news.
Happy holiday! All the blessings of the earth, you all deserve them.

At the height of summer, congratulations
You sailors!
We wish to meet on the way
Good luck bright beacons.

Let in the living space
Fate favors you.
Both on land and at sea
Happiness only burns in the eyes!

Congratulations on the Day of the Navy,
I wish you high flying enthusiasm,
Wish good health and promising ideas
And next to them are true and reliable friends.

Let in any weather and every day
Bravo to serve the Fatherland will not be lazy.
And so that everything always works out,
I wish that the power of endurance never ends!

Comic funny poems with Navy Day

On the Day of the Navy, on the day of the beautiful, skillful,
Invincible, truly brave
And the most charming guys
You accept poetry as soon as possible!

We wish to serve you wholeheartedly,
The sea will certainly love in return,
Sailing with a pure soul
And a day later to have a day off!

The Navy is our defense
On a worldly day or in war.
May all soldiers be in good health
On holiday, they will have a doubly rest.
Let the enemies always be afraid
Preparation is top notch!
We will always be proud
Fleet, what a mountain for us!

You are jokingly called Neptunes,
The rivers and the seas are subject to you.
For the Navy, its element is the sea.
But the earth also loves you.

Good luck and good beginnings,
So that both calm and storm are sweet for you.
And so that the rear was reliable on earth,
And so that there is always enough strength for everything.

Your house is the sea-ocean,
Seagulls, deck, fog...
You conquer the seas
The sea wolf is calling you!

You are alone, like a whole fleet,
For the country you go forward!
Water distance sentry -
Congratulations with all our heart!

Happy Navy Day,
I wish you a life without worries, like a hippopotamus,
I want bones of granite and nerves of steel
And so that the enemies never get it.

Let your ships sail on the seas of success,
I wish you good luck in business, and in your heart - love.
Be powerful, important, like the great Neptune,
So that neither a hurricane nor a typhoon could lead astray!

Congratulations on the Day of the Navy in prose

On Navy Day and always, let the pleasant presence of friends and the inspiring absence of problems, the invigorating attention of loved ones and success striving for growth, fabulously great achievements and no less significant rewards for work please you! Happy holiday!

Happy Navy Day, we congratulate all soldiers, commanders, employees. We wish you good health, all the best, new achievements and easy overcoming of the tasks set. You are our pride and peaceful life!

Congratulations on the Navy Day to real men who managed to tame the elements of the sea. You are not afraid of storms and storms, you never give in to difficulties and you know how to make informed decisions quickly. It is you that Neptune considers his sons, capable of accomplishing a feat. May each of you have a quiet, calm haven on earth, in which they love and wait, hope and believe. Good luck in all your endeavors.

In the midst of summer, we congratulate you on a hot holiday, Dear friends Happy Russian Navy Day! We wish you a fair wind of good luck, fresh breeze changes, blue skies above our heads, firm confidence on the way to success and fulfillment of all desires!

Congratulations on the Day of the Navy and I want to wish you successful sailing on the waves of success, loud and glorious victories on the way, strong strength and health for great breakthroughs. May happiness await everywhere: both in the depths of the sea and in the expanses of life, may your heart not lose courage, bright hope and love! I wish you a fair wind on the course of courage, courage and great goals.

Short congratulations on Navy Day in your own words (SMS)

Let the Navy Day be sunny and joyful, and the mood - upbeat and exciting! May your valor and courage always lead to achievements and honors! Hooray for you, brave sailor! Happy holiday!

Happy Navy Day! May every day bring prosperity, joy and strength for new achievements! Infinite health and success in all matters.

I wish you to surf the seas and oceans on a ship of happiness and prosperity. May the wind always be only fair, and life rich and interesting. Good luck to you on land and in the sea, positive everywhere and in everything!

Happy Navy Day, all conquerors of the seas and oceans! We wish you a long voyage through life, complete calm for obstacles, refreshing, seething emotions and good health!

Happy Navy Day! I wish you brave deeds, indestructible success, victorious moorings, inextinguishable forces, great goals, true luck and love, wide and deep, like the expanses of the sea, happiness in life.

Short wishes for Navy Day in verse (SMS)

Wearing the best dress suit,
Cool meet the glorious Navy Day!
Let the success of the sea overflow,
And your joy will be up to heaven!

The Navy is always on guard -
Let the people sleep in peace.
We wish you happiness, friends
May life bless you.

Happy Navy Day, always good luck in everything.
May success await in water and on land.
Men go to the fleet, not machos.
I want you to be the happiest of all.

Our sea wolf, Happy Navy Day!
Only from good luck be under the closet!
To evil fate, to evil enemies
Swim only to the happiness of the shores!

Happy Navy Day, congratulations,
May great luck await in everything,
May there be a faithful, reliable support nearby,
May there never be nonsense either in the service or on the personal front!

Through the endless expanses of the sea,
Cutting through the transparent surface,
Navy ships,
They return to the harbor again.
Today is your holiday, friend, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you successful service,
Let every weekday turn into joy,
Let luck follow you.

Today is the holiday of military sailors,
We congratulate you all together,
You are on duty day and night,
You are serving in good faith.
Let the service inspire
May the sky be peaceful above you
Let all worries, doubts go away,
Be always kept by fate.

You are a brave military sailor,
You are a girl's dream
May the beacon always shine for you
Let the service go well.
To you, friend, I wish only happiness,
Let all bad weather fly by
Let the holiday give you good luck
May the reward find you in addition.

Today is Navy Day
You have a difficult and responsible job,
Vigilantly guard the expanses of water,
You often forget about rest.
But today is a holiday, smile,
Rejoice from the heart, have fun
With you, friend, we will drink a stack to the bottom,
So that the service will always be peaceful.

Water for a sailor is an element,
And the deck is a familiar path,
You are brave, sea wolves,
Protect water cordons in full.
Today, friend, we meet you with flowers,
And congratulations on a wonderful day,
May joy and luck not forget you,
Let the star shine on your uniform.

Even if you argue with me, don't argue,
The navy is a special cohort,
They are the elite, their own special circle,
My best friend is in the Navy.
July is in full swing, today is your holiday,
And your ship is sailing in free waves
I congratulate you, friend, with all my heart,
Find your shore in any sea wilderness.

My good friend, I am so proud of you,
You went to serve in the Navy, you are a sea wolf,
In every storm you'll find your way home
I hasten to congratulate, because today is your holiday.
Take a hundred grams for the Navy, for the father's house,
For the fact that the connection was always with the mainland,
Let my greetings echo in the middle of the sea,
Let your beloved girl wait for you.

Happy Navy Day to you, my friend,
Let the hurricanes subside in the blue sea,
Let the sun shine bright circle
Find your way home in any fog.
Let the ship take you like a brother
Carries through the storm. cuts the waves,
May the shore be happy for you
Let the service day after day go smoothly.

You are always in the sea without end and edge,
And because you serve in the navy,
Happy Navy Day, my friend, I congratulate you,
May every exit to the sea be peaceful.
Your friends are waiting for you at home, the old courtyard,
Your girl misses you alone
Let my greetings fly to you at full speed.
Happy Navy Day, my friend! Congratulations!

Let the sun shine on you over the sea
Navy Day, our military fleet celebrates
He is not stronger on the whole planet,
My friend, I congratulate you today.
The destroyer bravely cuts your wave,
You know the map of the sea by heart,
I wish you, my friend, a quiet service,
Cool kid, I'm so proud of you.

My friend belongs to a special caste
At the call of his heart, he went to serve in the fleet,
I congratulate you now, I wish you happiness,
Navy Day has come, your holiday has come.
We have been friends with you since childhood,
Even to the end of the world I will always go with you,
Reliable as a rock, with an iron will,
We will carry our friendship through the years.

You measure the distance only by a nautical mile,
After all, you serve, my friend, in the navy,
Let the sea meet you with complete calm,
Let the cloud float like a white seagull.
Today our navy celebrates the holiday,
For the Navy and your ship will raise the flag,
And on this day, my friend, I congratulate you,
I wish Great love and other benefits.