Congratulations in your own words on the day of poetry. Congratulations on World Poetry Day

The gift of the poetic word
Not for everyone, and maybe
In the versification of the foundation
We didn't get into it. But to create
At least once in my life everyone tried,
What is there to hide the sin ...
And even tried once
Dedicate lines to your favorites -
That is why this toast is appropriate
And you can't miss it!
For all the poets (together with us),
For Poetry Day, friends!

You can write poetry. And you will never be forgotten. We wish you to always find time to forget about the bad and touch the beautiful. Poems should bring people to life. Happy holiday! May the rays of life always shine in your works!

Poetry lives in everyone, it is strong,
She is born from deep feelings,
Lie down quietly on a piece of paper,
The soul sings, and the rhyme is alive here.
WITH world day I congratulate you on poetry
creative success I sincerely wish
May the Muse always inspire you,
Let your brainchild read with delight.

Happy Poetry Day! I know,
What a talent to wish!
Let the muse fly
Feel free to call her!
Rhymes are built obediently
Lines are easy to write
The right words so friendly
Soar high!
And health and good luck
And love to inspire -
Yes, everything in life means
Today I want to wish!

The smile of life is so easy
So good to listen quietly
How are you with the harmony of the verse
You charm the gloomy souls.
Don't move away, don't turn back
From this secret road -
And I want to breathe air
Intoxicated by the excitement of rhyme.
Write, poet! Create for us
Wonderful world full of dreams
So that the voice of feeling does not go out,
To make the waves run faster!
Call the hearts of people
And on this day, simple and complex,
Say more about it
That the world without the lyre is impossible.

Since ancient times, in poetry, people have found a way to other dimensions. There are many interesting things in this world. But he is not alone. Creativity helps you look at life differently. Happy Holidays! Inspiration to all and good luck!

Poetry is the melody of the soul,
And the strings are so strongly affected,
Poems have the energy of love,
And like granite they are omnipotent.
Happy World Poetry Day, I congratulate you,
I sincerely wish you creativity, talent,
May luck always smile on you
All the blessings of the earth, patience and kindness.

What do you want a poet
When do you write all the rhymes yourself?
Life is easy for many years
Let you while you breathe.
And the muse in faithful friends
And unearthly inspiration!
I wish you love
Good and explosive creativity!

This holiday is yours, poets!
Anyone who likes to rhyme
And funny couplets
Sing at your leisure.
All who have music and words
Prefer riches to all
We are ready to welcome
And congratulations no problem.
Wish them inspiration
the sparkle of ideas,
And verbal skill
And rhythmic stuff.
So that the rhyme does not limp
And the size didn't disappoint.
For the muse to visit
Helped to the best of my ability.
To keep the feathers from breaking
And grew wealth of words,
And poems were always born
How love is born.

The one who writes poetry will always stand out from the crowd. The one who looks into himself is always different from others. He has a different view - more meaningful, immersed in the bowels of the universe. Happy Poetry Day! You may not be able to write poetry, but you can always look at the world contemplatively!

The power of words in poets is very great,
Sometimes they are touched to tears, sometimes they excite slightly,
A poem is a drop of a lyrical soul,
All poetry is very good in its own way.
Today is the day of poetry, congratulations,
I wish you great achievements
Let the circulation spread with might and main
Let the readers admire you all.

Poetry is a high art form!
Often it excites the blood in the veins,
Excites the soul and disturbs the senses
The day of poetry has come again today.
We are proud of the glorious Shakespeare's sonnets,
Where the world is ruled by deceit and love.
Here he chooses his own idol
And he follows him like a shadow in the captivity of dreams.

Poetry opens the world before us
Magical and colorful, marvelous, different.
Those lines endow us with their happiness
And sadness, and bliss, and languid longing.
Let's glorify the poets today,
Those who give us a mysterious world.
May their backwater of plots not run dry,
And let not the sounds of their lyres die down!
The soul remains capable of flight,
And the muse clinging to the bowed shoulders.
We praise your talent and work,
And please - write to the joy of all of us!

Poetry... what do you mean by this word? Poetry helps to see the soul. On this sunny day, we congratulate you, dear lovers and connoisseurs of poetry. Let it remain for you your window to another world. Happy holiday!

Poems - melody and rhymes...
Aliens - seem simple,
And you are in your blind pride
Grab a pen...
But here you run into reefs:
And it's not about rhyme at all,
Not in the folding of words!
The soul must be so full
So torn from effort
Desire to tell, understand
What's going on inside...
The soul suffers from blind anguish -
Poems are born from this pain...

It is difficult to congratulate you in verses
You are the goddess of goddesses in them
But you can try
Move them closer to you.
And read my impulses
How I wanted to compare you
Only with the brightest and most beautiful
You do not scold me loving.
After all, on the Day of magic poetry
What in the world like to celebrate
About how beautiful you are in poetry
I really want to say.

World Poetry Day
We will honor their geniuses,
Poets who pen and lyre
Our Russian language was praised.
Who sang beauty of nature,
And the charms of beautiful ladies,
We hope in our years
The people will show the poet to us:
Whose genius can be compared with Pushkin,
Russia will bring glory.
Or a new Lermontov will be born,
And he will sing for his people.

The festive March day is beautiful. And it's not worldwide women's holiday. But we love him. This holiday is young. And we have been waiting for it for a long time. It's good that we now have Poetry Day. Happy holiday, friends! We can always find a verse for ourselves. After all, they are made for us!

Poetry - to a beautiful touch,
This is the song of the soul, its inspiration,
Poetry lived, lives and will live,
Let the muse help you create.
Happy Poetry Day, congratulations to all poets,
May dazzling success await you
I wish you happiness, joy, good luck,
Good health and good mood to boot.

I congratulate you on the day of poetry -
This is a holiday of poetry and soul!
After all, you can’t make a claim to poetry,
You write them with feeling.
Let the status bar show
Someone's timid loving soul.
Or reveal the essence of the universe -
Just write it all in rhyme!

It is difficult to congratulate you in verses -
You are the goddess of goddesses in them!
But you can try,
Bring them closer to you
And read my impulses
How I wanted to compare you
Only with the brightest and most beautiful,
You do not scold me loving.
After all, on the Day of magic poetry,
What in the world like to celebrate
About how beautiful you are in poetry,
I really want to say.

Spring day. Sky, birds, poetry. Oh yes, how could it be without them. We want to wish the poets more sensitivity and patience. We want different verses. But they must be deep. We don't need pacifiers! Happy holiday to all poets! We wish you to visit the muse more often!

On the day of poetry I wish
More rhymes and bright lines!
I melt from your poems,
I even read them!

I will send you my humble work,
You are a much better poet though.
But appreciate it and don't forget
That he is from the soul, from the mighty.
I wish you many years.
So that you can write a lot.
So that you live them without troubles.
So that there is always a lot of light at home.
I wish you well
Love and great joy.
So that there is a lot of happiness, so that the river!
And the fee, so that it was immodest.

Congratulations on the day of poetry


Poems give us a special world. We cannot live without them. We express love and hate in them. We read them aloud and hide our interest in them. It's not just creativity. These are the eyes of the soul. Happy Poetry Day anyone who writes poetry. We wish you inspiration and fewer bumps in syllables! Happy holiday!

Spring day. Sky, birds, poetry. Oh yes, how could it be without them. We want to wish the poets more sensitivity and patience. We want different verses. But they must be deep. We don't need pacifiers! Happy holiday to all poets! We wish you to visit the muse more often!

The festive March day is beautiful. And it's not World Women's Day. But we love him. This holiday is young. And we have been waiting for it for a long time. It's good that we now have Poetry Day. Happy holiday, friends! We can always find a verse for ourselves. After all, they are made for us!

Poetry... what do you mean by this word? Poetry helps to see the soul. On this sunny day, we congratulate you, dear lovers and connoisseurs of poetry. Let it remain for you your window to another world. Happy holiday!

What will make everyday life brighter? What will bring fresh wind? Poetry - a great opportunity remember beauty. They are everywhere. Look around, flip through the books on the shelves, and you will find what you need at that moment. Happy Poetry Day! We wish you success in your work!

The one who writes poetry will always stand out from the crowd. The one who looks into himself is always different from others. He has a different view - more meaningful, immersed in the bowels of the universe. Happy Poetry Day! You may not be able to write poetry, but you can always look at the world contemplatively!

Poetry Day is a holiday for those who write poetry. We congratulate you! We know it's not easy. And it is not easy for us, among those who call themselves a poet, to identify the real one. You can't sell talent, but you can't build skill. Happy holiday!

Since ancient times, in poetry, people have found a way to other dimensions. There are many interesting things in this world. But he is not alone. Creativity helps you look at life differently. Happy Holidays! Inspiration to all and good luck!

You can write poetry. And you will never be forgotten. We wish you to always find time to forget about the bad and touch the beautiful. Poems should bring people to life. Happy holiday! May the rays of life always shine in your works!

Something stirred up. And it seems that life consists of everyday life, of the chiming of trams, of queues ... How to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle? The poet will always give an answer and help to escape from the hustle and bustle of the world. Happy holiday, dear poets! We wish you success in your work!


How sad we would be without poetry,
How sad it would be to live.
She stirs our feelings
And makes us love even more.

She rightly notes
Your holiday is tender ... a celebration.
Let her continue to inspire the soul,
Giving us all your warmth.

Happy World Poetry Day
I congratulate you.
Get involved in poetry
I wish from the bottom of my heart.

So that without rhyme you and the day
Couldn't live.
And beautiful poetry
They just succeeded.

Happy poetry day today
Congratulations friends.
We wish you inspiration
It's impossible without him.

Everyone can try
And put the words into verses.
And it is possible that it will be born
The new genius is you.

Happy World Poetry Day!
Inspiration to all of you!
Thin, clear, jewelry
Give beauty to words!

You are not Lermontov, not Cannons,
You are still a scribbler.
Rhyme is not a toy
He will raise you to poets.

Words aptly, masterfully
Combine with each other.
Not for everyone this is possible -
Weave thought into poetry!

Those who put words into lines
And finds different rhymes
We congratulate you on the day of poetry,
Let their muse not go away
Good luck, happiness to all poets
On this holiday we wish
Let inspiration swirl them
Well, the talent never ends!

On the day of poetry I wish
More rhymes and bright lines!
I melt from your poems,
I even read them!

On the clouds from Olympus
Pegasus descends,
Today is Poetry Day
He congratulates you.

Carries rhymes
In the inflorescences of tender words,
To sing to the poets
Happiness and love.

I wish you eternal life
Poems and verses
Let the glory along with the rhyme
Pegasus brings you.

world poetry day
I congratulate you all
Poems beautiful, wise
I wish you from the bottom of my heart.

Poets - inspiration,
Let the muse fly
There will be no rhyming
Let it be a burden for you.

Let the lines on paper
Beautiful lie down
And your listeners
Let them cheer loudly.

Poetics, rhymers,
For some reason today
I wanted to congratulate you
Another reason to give
For the muse to come to you,
Was not a burden at all
Helped you glorify life
And reach your heights!

Pen and inkwell. Lamp soot.
Dances of shadows of past eras.
Oh Gods! What were the talents!
How many divine verses
Hearts are made to beat incessantly!
Sonnets of Petrarch, Shakespeare's sonnets,
And Dante and Balmont decorated the shelf:
They shine with a terzina and a triolet ...

Beaten rhymes now playing,
I try to congratulate poets with verses.
I invite Pushkin's muse to me,
But my voice still screams unanswered...
Meters are confused, sizes are mixed,
And my rhythm is, perhaps, harmful to hearing.
Oh, give, poets, such examples,
So that it becomes sweet to both the heart and the ear!

On a beautiful March day, we celebrate the holiday, and this is not Women's Day, no, this is Poetry Day! Congratulations to all talented, beginners, popular and just lovers of the pen on this inspired day! Spring, sky, birds singing, freshness of blossoming buds, love and poetry! Beauty! When we are overwhelmed by feelings of beauty, poetry can best convey our feelings! How consonant the phrases sound, how beautiful are the words spoken with the soul! The depth of the folded phrases is sometimes amazing and leaves an indelible mark on our soul! With the help of poetry, you can confess your feelings, show your mood, convey to a person what you cannot say with ordinary, banal phrases! Love invested in poetry helps us to live! Congratulations on the professional triumph of all poets, great and small, and we wish the muse of inspiration to fly behind you day and night!

What is hidden under the word "poetry"? Words and phrases that touch the soul, that penetrate deeply touching all corners of our nature! Poetry sees us from within and helps to see the soul of the one to whom the magic lines are dedicated! Yes, magical! Because the talent to write is real magic, a gift that is given only to the elite, and not everyone can own this miracle! The writer creates his masterpiece, putting a part of himself into it, no, he does not even put a part, he gives himself completely! Phrases play with a variety of colors, excite the mind, penetrate the heart! Poetry makes our life brighter, more sensitive, richer, more beautiful and perfect! And on this wonderful, bright day of spring, we congratulate all writers and poets on Poetry Day! Let your creative world be visible to the whole world! Inspiration to you, a light pen, extraordinary ideas, consonant phrases!

What can brighten up our dull everyday life? What can disperse thunderclouds overhead? What can make us feel that life is beautiful and amazing in all its manifestations? That's right, poetry! And today we congratulate all poets and writers on Poetry Day! Read poems to each other, dedicate phrases to each other, write letters to each other, express your feelings through poetry! Look at the world creatively and create yourself! Stand out from the crowd, comprehend life, dive into the bowels of the universe in verse! We wish all writers and poets that their talent does not fade away, their skill does not fade, the muse does not leave your workplace! May your calling bring you not only pleasure, but also a decent income! Let your creativity help people look at the world a little differently than it really is! Creative ups and downs to you!

On this bright, sunny and spring day, we congratulate everyone creative people that delight our souls with verses! Happy Poetry Day, dear talents! We wish you to be inspired more often and create beautiful things, write spiritual lines and make our world more beautiful! Reading you makes me feel less sad, and the daily routine dissipates like smoke! You make us think that the beauty is in the little things that we sometimes do not notice in the daily bustle! But having chosen a minute of time to read your favorite author, we understand that you want to convey with your creation all the value, all the beauty and importance of life! And present it beautifully and subtly, because there are already enough banal words in our life! Plunging into your masterpieces, we understand a lot, you convey a lot to us through poetry! Keep inspiring us with your talent! Creative inspiration to you!

Poetry! Priceless human wealth that adorns our lives and makes the world colorful and bright! A creation that helps to penetrate deep into the soul, look into the bins of the soul and hear the beating of the heart! With the help of magic phrases, you can show yourself, express yourself and explain yourself! Poetry will never die! On the contrary, it blossoms, becomes deeper, more romantic, more modern! Today, there is an opportunity to congratulate all the workers of the pen and the word on the Day of Poetry! We wish you sensitivity, diligence, inspiration, patience, new ideas, fresh thoughts and easy progress! We really appreciate your talent and work, because what you do, you do for the good of the people! Let your poetry be bright like fire, interesting like a book, and airy like a muse! We wish that your soul sang and danced, and the rhyme in your heart lived forever!

Today we congratulate all poets and writers on Poetry Day! Read poems to each other, dedicate phrases to each other, write letters to each other, express your feelings through poetry! Look at the world creatively and create yourself! Stand out from the crowd, comprehend life, dive into the bowels of the universe in verse! Let your phrases play with a variety of colors, excite the mind, penetrate the heart! Poetry makes our life brighter, more sensitive, richer, more beautiful and perfect! We wish you to be inspired more often and create beautiful things, write spiritual lines and make our world more beautiful! We wish you, together with your beloved muse, to fly across the sky on an airy cloud of inspiration and create masterpieces for the joy of people! Let your talent beat with an enchanting fountain! Let there be no limit to your possibilities! Don't expect miracles, create miracles yourself! I wish you creative flights and fantastic breakthroughs of consciousness!

Poetry! How many words spoken with soul, how many touching feelings embedded in phrases, how many exciting hearts that beat rapidly under the charm of rhyme! Talent! It touches all corners of our souls, even the most intimate ones, it flows through the veins of poets with creativity and gives us the joy of every day! Congratulations on professional holiday all writers and poets and wish you sensitivity and subtlety in your work! Let your thoughts flow like a full-flowing river through everyday life and convey to the world the mystery of the beauty of ordinary words! May your talent burn clearly, like a torch in the night, may your muse be faithful to you, may your poems be immortalized by the memory of grateful readers! We wish you to find inspiration in the simplest and most uncomplicated and get incredible pleasure from own works! Poetic you take off above the clouds!

Congratulations on the day of poetry: Poems | Short

I congratulate you on this beautiful March day - Poetry Day! Today it is simply impossible not to wish for inspiration, a flight of thought and imagination, a bold dream that must come true! Let everything in your life be in rhyme, ideas are inexhaustible, and every day of your life becomes the most beautiful line of poetry!

What will make everyday life brighter? What will bring fresh wind? Poems are a great opportunity to remember the beautiful. They are everywhere. Look around, flip through the books on the shelves, and you will find what you need at that moment. Happy Poetry Day! We wish you success in your work!

Poems give us a special world. We cannot live without them. We express love and hate in them. We read them aloud and hide our interest in them. It's not just creativity. These are the eyes of the soul. Happy Poetry Day to all who write poetry. We wish you inspiration and fewer bumps in syllables! Happy holiday!

The one who writes poetry will always stand out from the crowd. The one who looks into himself is always different from others. He has a different view - more meaningful, immersed in the bowels of the universe. Happy Poetry Day! You may not be able to write poetry, but you can always look at the world contemplatively!

Something stirred up. And it seems that life consists of everyday life, of the chiming of trams, of queues ... How to escape from the everyday hustle and bustle? The poet will always give an answer and help to escape from the hustle and bustle of the world. Happy holiday, dear poets! We wish you success in your work!

Poets of the whole world unite, today is your holiday! We give wishes in prose, as you “make” beautiful poems yourself. We wish from the bottom of our hearts, continuous creative inspiration, a cheerful muse and unbridled imagination! May national recognition always accompany you. Do more and delight us with your masterpieces that make the world more interesting, diverse and brighter!

Attach yourself and your friends to great words, congratulating on World Poetry Day, because it is a huge human wealth and a creation in which you can find answers to many vital important questions. It is with the help of poetry that one can express oneself and fulfill oneself, leaving one's thoughts on paper.