Find the genius in yourself and your child. Methodology for the development of Howard Gardner "theory of multiple intelligences"

What is our intellect? Adaptive ability to life or the ability to navigate the school sciences? It is customary to determine a person’s abilities and his mind with the help of an IQ test, which, according to its creators, is able to comprehensively assess a person’s mental potential. But how objective is the assessment if the tasks are able to test only logical and mathematical intelligence? But you know that the way of thinking of each of us is individual. By the way, in the States, because of this intelligence assessment system, many roads are closed to some children, because the school evaluates only a separate aspect of a child's knowledge.

In 1983, Dr. Howard Sadener, a professor at Harvard University, developed a theory about, which explains how people interact with the outside world. By learning about these types of intelligence, you can understand where the strengths your personality, which should be emphasized.

Spatial intelligence

It is also called visual intelligence. This is the ability to perceive the world in three dimensions, in other words, in a three-dimensional model. People who have this intelligence often have a good imagination and excel in areas such as art, architecture, graphic design. People with this mindset find it very easy to solve puzzles and mazes.

Personal intelligence

This intelligence helps to understand ourselves and gives an understanding of how we see the world. People with this mindset are usually shy, but at the same time they are very motivated and prefer to make decisions about their own lives. This form of intelligence is useful in areas where people are studied, such as psychology or philosophy, because it is easier to understand others when you fully understand yourself.

Linguistic intelligence

If you love learning languages ​​and then you can safely say that your intellect is linguistic. People with this mindset can express themselves well in writing. As a rule, they build a career in the field of journalism. This category includes writers, authors, speakers who can write a speech that will inspire people to great things or lead to a certain conclusion.

Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence

This type of intelligence refers to people who have mastered their bodies to perfection. This category usually includes athletes, dancers, people performing work that requires full knowledge own body. Oddly enough, this one is also widely developed among surgeons, because the work requires clear movements.

interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence is especially strongly developed in those people whose activities are closely related to both verbal and non-verbal communication. These people most often become teachers, politicians, actors, coaches. In other words, people who spend a lot of time communicating with the masses and seeking common language with them.

existential intelligence

People with this type of intelligence can combine several previous or subsequent varieties of thinking. As a rule, this type helps a person answer questions such as “Why did I come into this world?”, “What am I like?”. That is, it is aimed at helping to find answers to questions that concern our soul.

Logical-mathematical intelligence

As you might guess, these people live in a world of numbers and logic, have excellent deductive abilities, so your favorite Sherlock would probably highly appreciate this type of intelligence. As a rule, this type of thinking is possessed by people who work in scientific and mathematical fields, but among the humanities it is not so strongly developed.

Incredible Facts

It is possible that soon intelligence tests will have to be significantly improved, since they do not reveal all the variety of types of intelligence that people are endowed with.

Doctor Howard Gardner(Dr. Howard Gardener) developed the theory multiple intelligence explaining that a person may have different intellectual ability including languages, music, spatial reference, muscle sense, etc.

Here are the nine types of intelligence described by Dr. Gardner:

1. Linguistic intelligence

Linguistic intelligence refers to the ability to read, write, tell stories, and learn languages, grammar, and syntax. To improve these abilities, you need to learn new languages, improving lexicon and a letter.

2. Logical and mathematical intelligence

Your programmer friend most likely has a developed logical-mathematical intelligence. These people are at ease with numbers, logic, reasoning, and abstractions. To improve your logical skills, solve logic puzzles, knit and learn computer programming. You can also watch movies or videos, stopping at some point to try to predict what will happen next.

3. Musical intelligence

Those with strong musical intelligence, receptive to sounds, keys, rhythms, musical keys and song structure. To develop musical ability, listen different types music, sing along to the radio, or stay quiet more often to hear the sounds around you.

4. Spatial intelligence

People with developed spatial intelligence easily imagine, understand and represent the visual-spatial world. They might be fine developed sense directions, hand-eye coordination and visual memory. Some, for example, can easily imagine how the furniture will fit into the room without taking any measurements or buy a scarf that will fit well with the blouse that is at home.

To increase spatial intelligence, sit on back seat in the car and indicate the direction of the path, solve puzzles and labyrinths, build Lego constructors or sculpt from plasticine.

5. Body-kinesthetic intelligence

People with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence have well-developed motor skills. These include people of such professions as athletes, builders, actors, surgeons and others. Yoga is one of the great ways to improve this ability. Take up some craft, ride a bike, dance and practice different sports.

6. Interpersonal intelligence

A person with interpersonal intelligence knows how to organize people well, understands the mood and motivation of other people. He or she can communicate and lead effectively. To improve interpersonal skills, practice active listening i.e. repeat what you think the other person said and study Various types personality.

7. Intrapersonal intelligence

Intrapersonal intelligence is the ability to be aware of one's emotions, goals, and motives. This ability is often used by writers, philosophers, psychologists and theologians. To improve intrapersonal intelligence, keep a journal, meditate, and take personality tests.

8. Naturalistic intelligence

People with naturalistic intelligence are receptive to nature and can easily recognize and classify different kinds plants and animals. To gain naturalistic intelligence, try to spend more time on fresh air. Plant plants, help animals, walk in parks and read about animals.

9. Existential intelligence

Spiritual or existential intelligence encompasses all the functions of the brain. People with such abilities explore the issues of life and death and what lies beyond the subjective point of view. Prayers and meditation increase connections between all areas of the brain and reduce blood flow to the parietal lobe of the brain, which gives subjective feeling time and space. You can develop these abilities by talking with others and exploring different topics.

All people have a different intelligence, with different directions. Find out what kind of intelligence the Creator has endowed you with. And use everything that is given to you in achieving your goals and for a harmonious life.

1. Natural intelligence

Determines the ability of a person to feel animals and plants. This ability was considered a gift in our evolutionary past. The great primitive hunters and gatherers had this gift. Now this type of intelligence continues to play important role in some industries and without it it is impossible to become a professional botanist or agronomist. Modern society already, of course, there is little interest in this type, because we are increasingly moving away from nature.

2. Musical intelligence

Musical intelligence is the ability to distinguish between pitch, rhythm, timbre, and tone. This type of intelligence allows us to feel, create, play music. Without it, composers, conductors, musicians, vocalists and listeners with a delicate ear would not be able to.

3. Logical and mathematical intelligence

Logical-mathematical intelligence helps to count, solve complex mathematical and logical problems. Logical intelligence is generally well developed in mathematicians, scientists, and detectives. Young people with this type of intelligence are not inclined to communicate, they are usually closed. Them more interesting numbers, experiments and logic puzzles.

4. Existential intelligence

An intelligence that potentially assists the individual in grappling with the deep questions of human existence. For example, such people can put forward new theories about the meaning of life, the possibility of immortality, and how people appeared on planet Earth.

5. Interpersonal intelligence

Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with other people. It includes effective verbal and non-verbal communication, the ability to quickly notice differences between people.

teachers social workers, actors and politicians, by definition, should have this type of intelligence, but ... Young people with developed interpersonal intelligence often become leaders among their peers, not because they are stronger, but because it is interesting to communicate with them, and they seem to understand the feelings of everyone .

6. Body-kinesthetic intelligence

Body-kinesthetic intelligence is the ability to manipulate physical objects and use various physiological skills. Such people are well oriented in time and space. Athletes, dancers, surgeons must have a well-developed bodily-kinesthetic intelligence.

7. Linguistic intelligence

Linguistic intelligence is important for poets, writers, journalists and public figures. Young people with this intelligence love to write, read, tell stories and do crossword puzzles.

8. Personal intelligence

Personal intelligence is the ability to understand yourself, as well as your thoughts and feelings, and use this knowledge in the process of life planning. This type of intelligence allows a person to sensibly assess their capabilities and plan expenses competently. Obviously, such people are good psychologists. But at the same time, these people can be very shy.

9. Spatial intelligence

Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. They easily recall a picture, namely a picture of the place that they are asked about or about which they remember in this moment. Sailors, pilots, sculptors, artists and architects are carriers of the developed spatial intelligence. People with this intelligence love mazes and puzzles. They can sit for hours drawing.

Each of us is given to become a genius in one area or another. But in childhood we were taught not in the way and in the wrong way, as required by our type of intellect, and we got lost among a thousand professions, unable to find ourselves and our destiny. How to identify this type and help yourself and your child find their place in the world of people? How to discover your true talent?

Each person has their own type of intelligence

“If you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, he will live his whole life believing himself to be a fool.”- once said, these words are the best way to characterize individual characteristics each person, which can make him particularly successful only in one area or another. Many parents, as if resisting this statement, stuff their child with all sorts of circles and sections from the very beginning, literally bringing down on him a wide variety of talent-developing opportunities. Of course, a talented person is talented in everything, but it is unlikely that even Michelangelo Buonarroti, who, as you know, was a comprehensively developed person, sculptor, architect, artist, poet and thinker, was so universal that he could withstand such a load.

Of course, among famous people there were universal geniuses who combined at first glance incompatible talents, for example, like Omar Khayyam - mathematics and poetry. Few people know that the author of the famous wise rubaiyat - the greatest oriental poet - was also an outstanding astronomer of his era, who built the largest observatory in the world, carried out a calendar reform five hundred years before the reform of Pope Gregory XIII, deduced a formula that after five thousand years called "Newton's binomial", has 8 scientific papers on mathematics, astronomy, philosophy and medicine. Someone can say that the level of development of sciences of that time allowed these people to be such universal “wisest wise men of centuries”, kings of philosophers. Probably, this is exactly so. But, you see, all the same, these generalists are better known to us as the sculptor-artist Michelangelo and as the poet-philosopher Omar Khayyam. That is, they showed themselves most strongly in that area of ​​the intellect that was developed in them the most.

The famous American philosopher Howard Gardner believes that there is such a thing as “multiple intelligences”, that is, a person has 8 or maybe 9 types of intelligence, and not two, as was previously thought, when all of humanity was conditionally divided into “physicists” and “lyricists”. ". It is possible that there are even more types of intelligence, because intellectual abilities, like temperament in pure form is a very rare occurrence. Most likely in a person are manifested to one degree or another different types intelligence, but the leading, fundamental, personality-forming and reflecting potential abilities in certain areas of knowledge, art or communication, there is still one. It is on its development that parents should pay attention if they want their child to reach some heights in life and be able to realize their inner potential.

What types of intelligence exist?

Linguistic or verbal;
visual or spatial;

Linguistic type

A person with such a better perception of verbal and sign information. These people love to listen, read, talk. They quickly learn, or rather, feel the subtleties of the language, intonation, subtexts. They like to argue and play with words, they feel and can appreciate this game, and they themselves like to experiment in the field of linguistics. Such a child begins to read early and build complex sentences, retell what he heard and talk about what he saw. He composes different stories and enjoy writing them down. Sometimes he has intuitive literacy and does not like to memorize rules, and especially exceptions to them that cannot be explained by the logic of language development.

The best professions for a linguistic personality type:

Public figure;

In teaching, such a child should be given maximum freedom, because he likes to search for information himself, reads a lot, compares, argues, analyzes what he read. His favorite form of learning is discussion or creative word drawing.

Logical-mathematical type

It is clear that this one is associated with numbers and logical constructions. Solving problems, puzzles, finding ways out of logical labyrinths, drawing up algorithms and schemes - favorite hobby representatives of this type. They don't speak much, and when they do, they explain themselves sparingly and with arguments. They have an excellent memory for dates and numbers, they remember the numbers of cars and telephones from the first time, they quickly count and calculate, they love order and systematization in everything. Effective in abstract constructions and analytical design of thought.



The material is better perceived in the form of diagrams and tables, logical tasks and digital lines. A child of this type likes problems to find a solution by comparison or calculation. They love practical tasks on the calculation of cost, expenses, income and losses.

body type

More often characteristic of people who have developed sensory perception based on touch. Tactile and taste receptors are developed in these people on high level. They perfectly feel the texture and composition of the material to the touch, intuitively mix the ingredients in cooking or cosmetics. They have great control over their bodies and love to express themselves through dance or movement. As a rule, these are physically well-developed people who know how to take care of their health and feel physical state one's own and others. They know how to fold construction objects, like to make, knit, sew, embroider and weave. That is, to do something with your hands.

Professions of kinesthetics:

Fashion designer and model;
Dancer and others

In teaching such children, the kinesthetic component should be taken into account, that is, the possibility of using physical activity, fine motor skills, immediate manual labor. Such a child is happy to go in for sports, dancing, music, theater, he should be given the opportunity to express himself physically - to perform in a play, show strength, show mastery of an instrument, material.

Music type

As a rule, these are auditory people who perceive information better by ear. They need not only to see, read, but also to hear. Easy to master various tools, like to improvise with sound, feel its height, tone, rhythm. They cannot be deceived, by their voice they accurately determine the subtleties of intonation and are themselves capable of modulating the most complex melodies.


Sound engineer and sound engineer;
Performer (pianist, violinist, guitarist, etc.);

Give the musician an instrument and leave him alone with the sounds, let him come up with his own melodies and listen to the music of the wind. Let him sing and play on different musical instruments, recites and plays with his voice. It is shown to communicate with such a person using voice or sound, otherwise he may misunderstand you. The written word affects him completely differently from the sound.

Interpersonal type

Human communicators, extroverts, activists, leaders and executives who are fearfully attracted to delving into interpersonal relationships who cannot be locked in four walls alone with themselves. They are well aware of the levers and methods of manipulation, from childhood they know how to subjugate children and adults to their power, because they know the weak human side and know how to play them. These are those who know how to sell an elephant and spin you on a big deal, lead you to the barricades and hang high-quality noodles on your ears. They read faces, words, and gestures and are skilled at using NLP themselves. Someone owns the hidden and the obvious psychic abilities, hypnosis and has hypersensitivity to the condition of other people. This type, like no other, is characterized by empathy - empathy, sympathy - conscious understanding inner world or emotional state another man.



Parents, as a rule, can easily determine this type of personality by how skillfully the child is already in early age knows how to manipulate them. He sometimes turns into a real little dictator or despot who winds ropes from everyone around him. Don't let talent go to waste, direct it to right direction. Let him lead the cats, sandbox friends, clouds and rule breakers traffic. Such a child needs participants in the process. Spectators and test subjects, over whom he will conduct his interpersonal experiments to reconcile the quarreled, the organization of the unorganized. Such leaders are forever arranging holidays, revolutions and joint activities, skillfully promote and sell stale goods (of any kind).

intrapersonal type

A melancholic philosopher, deeply immersed in himself and in the study of his inner world. He loves loneliness and knows how to use it to find the best state of interaction with the world for himself. He is well aware of his emotions and his reactions to external stimuli and likes to delve into these sensations. He knows how to plan his life and knows well what he needs to feel comfortable. Such people, as a rule, are well aware of their capabilities and are able to coordinate them with their desires in order to find a state of balance, plan their life, budget, relationships. Such a person perfectly understands his inner state: stress, irritation, anger, excitement, inspiration.


Scientist in the field of ethics, religion;

A child of this type loves loneliness, reflection and immersion in his world. Best of all, he performs tasks of a creative nature, requiring the ability to look inside himself and others.

visual type

Perfectly oriented in space, sees the difference and similarity of objects, their connection with each other. He loves geometry and has a developed spatial representation. He never gets lost in the forest and in the city, he clearly captures the direction, correspondences, details. This person intuitively selects the best combinations tones and shapes, can depict what he sees and harmonize the surrounding space. He does not like the mess, the disharmony of shapes and colors, he dresses well and has a sense of style.

Visual Professions:

fashion designer;

The child loves to draw and draw, he needs not only to hear, but also to see and write. Creative tasks related to construction harmonious figures, color matching, visual combinations and connections - best forms jobs that the visual can handle successfully. He does not need to be prompted to choose a toilet or color, he himself sees what suits him best and is happy to share information about this with others.

naturalistic type

A botanist who feels best among animals and plants. He sees the internal and hidden from the ordinary view of the processes occurring in nature. He, like Jacques Yves Cousteau, wants to penetrate deeper into the ocean abyssal and find the most exotic animals on the planet. They spend hours studying life in an anthill or a beehive, in a hollow or in a puddle. Each blade of grass can be the subject of research and endless observation. Without pets does not see the meaning of life.



Such a child will gladly replace reading a book with communicating with a parrot, will diligently take care of a pet, train a dog and a cat, study tree species and types of soil and stones, observe natural phenomena, change of seasons, reproduction of bacteria under a microscope, in short, everything that is related to nature.

existential type

This type seems to be a man out of this world. This is true, because such a person is immersed in thinking about the Universal laws, in outer spaces, in fantasies about parallel worlds, otherworldly creatures - in everything unusual, inexplicable and incomprehensible to everyone around, but not to the existential type of personality. He believes in aliens and carefully studies the data of ufologists, reads science fiction, invents mysterious creatures such as Lamb, brownies, ghosts and spirits. Significant remarks, leisurely speech, constant thoughtfulness and a tendency to meditate - character traits such a person. And this is not a pose or a game, these people really feel something like that.


Yoga instructor, teacher of oriental practices;
Scientist in the field of mythology, space;

Such a child, as a rule, constantly composes unusual stories, whose heroes are strange fairy-tale creatures from parallel worlds. Do not stop his fantasies, and ignore the stories. He definitely needs witnesses and listeners who will believe their fantasies. Do not try to say that all this is fiction, you will make an enemy for yourself. Once Igor Sikorsky told his mother that he would definitely build an aircraft that was invented by Jules Verne. So, only a child with just such a way of thinking can be Jules Verne, that is, a pioneer of incredible inventions. He does not know how to do it technically, it needs kinesthetic and visual engineers, but he knows for sure that this is possible.

To find yourself by studying the type of your intellect, to help your child understand what his soul lies most of all, and become successful and the theory of nine types of intellects will help us. You just need to pay more attention to this issue.

You can be smart in different ways. There is something in our mind that cannot be measured by standard tests. Howard Gardner, a professor at Harvard, believes that in addition to the two types of intelligence defined by our mental and , there are six more areas in which we can evaluate a person. Unfortunately, there are no tests that can translate this score into standardized numbers.


People often think that music is a talent, not a mental ability. However, Professor Gardner is sure that if we evaluate vocabulary as components of intelligence, then the ability to understand, feel and handle rhythms and timbres should be considered in the same vein.

2. Spatial intelligence

The ability to easily perceive and reproduce the state of things in space allows the chess player to win the next game, and the surgeon to create another medical miracle. How well you navigate in space and determine the trajectory of movement is another criterion for assessing your mental abilities.

3. Body-kinesthetic intelligence

It is worth forgetting that "all athletes are stupid." Motor coordination requires a lot of work of the intellect, it just cannot be measured by a standard IQ test. This type of intelligence exists in two dimensions. One of them is the ability to use your whole body to solve a problem or a task. Another dimension is the ability to use individual parts of the body. Good example that is crafts, so a person who works hard physically is an intellectual, according to Gardner.

A bit like a concept emotional intelligence, is not it? Interpersonal intelligence is how you understand other people, motivate and lead them, and how you work with them. This type of intelligence is especially important for.

5. Personal intelligence

Personal intelligence, or the ability to self-knowledge, is very difficult to assess. However, according to Gardner, it is critical in today's world.

In a modern developed society, people themselves determine what their life will be like. We build careers and change professions. We can leave the parental nest when we grow up. Therefore, it is very important to realize who we really are. If there is no such understanding, sooner or later it will become a problem.

The ability to perceive connections between species of living beings, to understand the principles of their interaction is the most important species intellect. Gardner calls it the intellect of the natural scientist, the intellect of Charles Darwin.

And before you say that you live in a city and do not need this kind of intelligence, it is worth noting: everything you do in this modern, technological and commercial world is based precisely on the ability to understand environment. You choose that cute sweater over that awful synthetic sweater because your brain can tell the difference between a "delicious" berry and a "poisonous" one.

One way or another, you use your natural instinct even if you don't go to the forest park on Saturdays.

If this list seems cumbersome to you, we hasten to upset you: according to Gardner, the list should be longer. There are two more types of intelligence, but psychology still continues to study them.

The simplest conclusion you need to draw is this. If you hope to develop your intelligence just by reading books, you should definitely look into other areas of mental activity.

By the way, what type of intelligence is most developed in you?