Synopsis of an integrated lesson in the preparatory group for FCKM on the topic: “Autumn is the beauty of nature. Abstract of the lesson on (ftskm) the topic “autumn, autumn, please visit

GCD in preparatory group for children with TNR

FTsKM "Trees, shrubs and plants in autumn"


  1. Clarify and expand children's ideas about the forest (deciduous, coniferous, mixed) and the diversity of trees.
  2. To consolidate knowledge about trees and various parts trees (roots, trunk, crown, branches, leaves).
  3. To form ideas about the state of plants in the fall, to give ideas about the fruits and seeds of trees, shrubs, herbs, to give ideas about how seeds are distributed.
  4. To give knowledge about the benefits of trees and shrubs for life on Earth.
  5. Learn to choose antonyms for adjectives. To consolidate the ability to form relative adjectives (speech therapist).
  6. Develop visual perception and memory.
  7. Bring up careful attitude to nature.

Development environment: illustrations autumn trees with fruits, illustrations of deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests, box, laminated autumn leaves one by one, laminated leaves of trees and shrubs for the game "4th extra", illustration depicting the parts and stages of growth of a tree.


Introductory-org. stage:

The teacher turns to the children and asks them to name what trees they know.

Motivational-incentive stage

Educator: Guys! Look, today a box will help us in our lesson - an assistant. Oh, the box is not simple, but with riddles. What needs to be done to open the box?

Educator: That's right, solve riddles (reads riddles and takes out pictures of trees)

Russian beauty stands in the meadow

In a green blouse, in a white sundress. (Birch)

You can always find her in the forest -

Let's go for a walk and meet:

It stands, prickly, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress. (Spruce)

I have longer needles

Than the tree.

Very straight I grow in height.

If I am not at the edge, the branches are only at the top. (Pine)

It is covered with dark bark.

The sheet is beautiful, carved,

And at the ends of the branches

A lot of acorns ripen. (Oak)

Red beads hang

They are looking at us from the bushes.

Love these beads

Children, birds and bears. (Rowan)

Well, not a tree, but a miracle!

Colorful and beautiful

The leaf opened with a palm.

The wind blew, the leaf fell off. (Maple)

I'm always shaking from the cold

I'm afraid of everything in the forest.

Not a birch, not a rowan,

I am shy ... (Aspen)

Information-analytical and practical stages

Educator: Well done boys! Our box - assistant opened. See what's in there. Children go to the box and take out the leaves of hardwood trees.

Didactic game"What tree is the leaf from?"

Target: learn to differentiate deciduous trees by leaves.

Educator: And now, I want to read a poem about leaves.

Autumn begins

The leaves are falling off.

Their cheerful round dance

The wind whirls and carries.

Everything is covered with leaves

Yellow, red, gold.

Educator: Tell me, is there a fall of leaves in any forest?

Deciduous forest - forest, consisting of deciduousbreedstrees And shrubs. Also called deciduous or summer green for its characteristic annual reset.leavesbefore the onset of cold weather.

And let's see if our box is empty - an assistant? (spruce branch)

Educator: What is it?

Educator: These are also leaves and are they called needles? So, there are trees with leaves, but there are with needles, and such trees are called?

Educator: Coniferous forest - forestconsisting almost exclusively of treesconiferousbreeds: pines, ate, firs, larches etc. POSTER

There is also a mixed forest. Mixed forest - forest, characterized by a mixture of coniferous and deciduoustree species.

Didactic game "The Fourth Extra"

Target: learn to differentiate the foliage of trees and shrubs of deciduous species.

caregiver : trees are plants and, like all plants, it grows from seeds (shows a plant growth diagram and explains the stages of growth: seed, sprout, adult plant, fruiting plant).

Didactic game: "Assemble a tree from parts"

Target : Pin the names of the parts of the tree.

Physical education "What are the trees?"

Speech therapist: ( antonyms for adjectives, relative adjectives)

caregiver : In autumn, fruits ripen on all trees ( Pictures ).

  • What are the fruits of an oak tree?
  • Have pine and spruce?
  • At the maple?
  • At the birch?

The fruits contain seeds. Maples are propagated by seeds by the wind with the help of lionfish, rowan berries, together with seeds, are pecked by birds and carried through the forest. Oak acorns are very fond of eating wild boars and distribute them around their place of residence. Cones in coniferous plants crack and scatter seeds around.

caregiver : listen to the riddle:

Cheerful in the spring, cold in the summer,

Nourishes in autumn, warms in winter. (Tree)

How do you understand this riddle?

What other benefits do trees provide to people?

Children's answers:

  1. Enrich the air with oxygen.
  2. Filters out dust particles in the air.
  3. They increase the humidity of the air and, due to evaporation, the air is cooler in summer.
  4. They create a joyful atmosphere, delight people with their beauty.
  5. Furniture is made from wood musical instruments(balalaikas, guitars, violins), skis and other items.

Final stage: generalization

What types of forests did we meet today? Describe the stages of tree growth.

Think about the parts of a tree. How are tree seeds distributed? What are the benefits of trees?

To keep the air clean and bright.

Each tree has a rich treasure, only the guys need to open it.

Do not destroy, protect, plant trees near the house.

A forest will rise from different trees, and our land will be beautiful.

Motivational follow-up stage, the proposal of subject material that ensures the continuation of subject-cognitive and independent activity preschoolers

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children on the topic: "Autumn".


V .: Guys, today a letter arrived in our kindergarten.

Want to know who it's from? Then guess the riddle:

Went through the meadows

Through the forests, through the fields.

She prepared supplies for us,

She hid them in cellars, in bins,

She said: Winter will come for me.

D: Autumn.

V .: Yes, guys, this is a letter from Autumn. Let's see what's in the envelope, shall we?


Dear Guys!

Passed autumn time. The cold is coming.

Birds and animals invite you to our magical forest.

Q: Do we accept the invitation?

Then go. To get into the magical forest you need to Close your eyes, clap your hands, turn around and say magic words: "One, two, three, turn around in the magical forest and find yourself"

V. And here we are in a magical forest ...

D \ and "Pick up pictures from autumn signs(not wildlife).

(it often rains, the leaves turn yellow, leaf fall, the day becomes shorter, the sun does not warm)

V .: so what kind of forest did we end up in?

D: in autumn.

V .: Children, what is the weather like in autumn:

Autumn weather game

I have a multi-colored ball: the ball is autumn and magical,

(soft ball children pass each other and name adjectives about autumn weather).

The weather is rainy, the weather is windy, the weather is cold, the weather is cloudy, the weather is damp, the weather is clear, the weather is sunny, the weather is warm, the weather is frosty.

According to the situation B. Helps with questions:

When it's raining- rainy.

When the wind blows - windy

Cold - cold

Cloudy - overcast

Damp - raw

Gloomy - gloomy

clear - clear

V: Excellent. You are right about the weather.

Q. Are trees and bushes getting ready for winter too?

D. - they drop foliage.

Q. What trees stay green?

D. Only Christmas trees and pines do not part with their needles.

V .: guys, look, birds have flown to us (there are images of wintering and migratory birds on the easel). Do all birds stay with us for the winter?

Children leave wintering birds.

V .: guys, what happens to the birds that do not winter with us.

D: Birds fly south.

V: Right. Many birds gather in flocks and fly away to warmer climes.

And the birds that stay with us.

D.: Wintering.

Q. And now you are waiting for a task called

GAME "Guess and name! »

But first, solve the riddle:

We differ in color

Meet us in winter and summer.

If we flap our wings

We'll be in the blue sky.

We can twitter

Songs to sing and coo.

Feed us in winter...

Children, who are we? Name!

Children name wintering birds and talk about them.

Titmouse is a small bird. She has a yellow belly, black head, white cheeks. Likes fat.

The sparrow has brown feathers. He loves bread crumbs.

The bullfinch has a red chest, and the wings, tail and cap are black. He loves to feast on rowan berries.

The crow is gray with black wings. She is cunning. Loves everything that glitters.

Pigeons happen different color. White, gray, brown. They love wheat grains, bread, sunflowers.

Educator: Well done! How much do you know about birds. Yes, it is hard for wintering birds to survive the cold without our help. Therefore, they need to be helped in the winter, to feed them.

Do you know what the "Bird Dining Room" is called? "(feeder).

V .: Well guys, it's time for us to move on. Come in, wild animals are hiding from us here (behind a screen puppet show), several children pass behind the screen. If you want to know, guess riddles.

R1 .: Who deftly jumps on the Christmas trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow,

Dry mushrooms for the winter?

Children's answers: (squirrel)

Educator: True, squirrel! You guessed right! Where does the squirrel live?

Children's answer: (in the hollow).

V .: Guys, how else is a squirrel preparing for winter

D: The squirrel molts in autumn. Red hair falls out, and a new one grows in its place. This wool is gray and warm. Grey colour wool is needed so that the squirrel is difficult to notice on the trees, so it escapes from predators. A warm wool she needs to not be afraid of frost in winter. And in the fall, protein makes reserves

Q: What does a squirrel store?

Children's answer. (nuts, mushrooms).

Educator: That's right, the squirrel puts cones, nuts, mushrooms in the pantry on the tree. Now listen to the next riddle.

R2: The oblique does not have a lair,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save from enemies

And from hunger - bark.

Children answer: (hare)

V: Well done! And you know how, and the hare prepares for winter in the fall.

D .: sheds and his coat becomes fluffy, warm and white so that the hare is not noticeable on the white snow, and so that the fox and the wolf do not notice him. In autumn, the hare does not stockpile like a squirrel, because in winter he gnaws the bark of trees. Now listen to the next riddle.

R3 .: She is more cunning than all animals,

She has a red coat on.

Lush tail her beauty,

This is a redhead...

Children's answer (fox)

R4 .: All the time he prowls through the forest,

He is looking for someone in the bushes.

He clicked his teeth from the bushes,

Who say it...

Children answer (wolf)

V .: Educator: That's right, guys, but the fox and the wolf are also preparing for winter in the fall. How do they prepare for winter?

D: They also shed. They grow warm fur. But their coat color remains the same, because they have no one to hide and disguise themselves from, they are predators themselves. They walk through the forest in search of prey.

R5 .: The beast goes to transshipment

For raspberries and honey

He loves sweets very much.

And when autumn comes

Climbs into a hole until spring,

Where does he sleep and dream

Children answer: (bear)

Educator: That's right, guys, this is a bear, look how big, fat and beautiful it is. How does he prepare for winter?

D: A bear eats well in autumn, fat accumulates under his skin, and in winter he hibernates.

Q: Where does the bear sleep in winter?

The answer of the children (in the lair).

Educator: That's right, he sleeps in his lair, but how does he prepare for winter.

D .: he drags dry branches, moss into the den, spruce branches to keep him warm. In winter, a snow blanket will cover the lair and the bear will be warm.

V .: Tell me, which of the forest animals still hibernates in winter?

Children's answer (hedgehog)

V .: Correct hedgehog. How does a hedgehog prepare for winter?

D: He, like the bear, eats up in the fall, and hibernates in the winter, because in winter they have nothing to eat.

Q: This is the end of our an amusing trip By autumn forest, let's all together say goodbye to the inhabitants of the forest until spring. And it's time for us to go back to kindergarten. Let's say the magic words: spin, spin to kindergarten, come back again.

V .: well, here we are with you and in kindergarten, (in front of the children there are pictures depicting the city and the village.

V .: guys, how are the villagers preparing for winter.

D: Harvest, prepare firewood, etc.

V .: guys, look, Masha's doll came to visit us, let's help her get ready for a walk. D \ and "Dress the doll for a walk"

Children select only autumn clothes.

V .: and the Masha doll wanted to clean the leaves in her yard, but she doesn’t know what tools she needs, let’s help Masha. (working with handouts in front of children, various tools need to be chosen only in autumn)

V .: thanks guys for helping Masha. Well, you enjoyed our trip.

D.: yes.

Q: And what did you like the most. (Children's answers).

Synopsis of GCD "Garden-garden" preparatory group

Educational area: "Communication"

Integration: "Cognition", "Artistic creativity", "Music", "Reading fiction»

Goal: Development of free communication with adults and children through integration educational areas.

Educational: develop the ability to combine different types artistic creativity; learn to create a collective composition by placing cut out elements; show the role of a color background for a still life; teach children how to make a collage; to consolidate the ability to cut out according to a template from paper, to consolidate the knowledge of children about the genre of "still life", to clarify knowledge hallmarks and qualities of vegetables.

Educational: develop a sense of shape and color, creative imagination; contribute to the development positive emotions during creative work; develop auditory perception, logical thinking and tactile perception; develop communication skills, the ability to coordinate their actions with the work of comrades, improve speech.

Educational: nurture a sense of belonging to a group through collective creativity to cultivate respect for the work of adults; accuracy and perseverance.

Corrective tasks: encourage children to actively participate in the conversation; teach children to use words in the correct grammatical form; encourage children to try to speak clearly, clearly.

Material: A3 sheet, colored pencils, black and white pictures of vegetables, scissors, glue stick, cotton pads, gouache, brushes, napkins…

Dictionary: still life, collage, composition, harvest…

preliminary work: acquaintance of children with different genres of fine art (still life, landscape, portrait), introduce the technique of "collage", with tonal technique(shading, lead shavings); looking at reproductions of paintings autumn theme, conversation “The work of people in the fall”, reading children's poems: “Good autumn has come” by V. Volin, “Our garden”, U. Rashid, “Garden” by A. Prokofiev. "Cucumber" by K. Tangrykuliev, "Potato" by E. Ostrovskaya, etc.; storytelling based on pictures.

Organizing time


M. Khodyakova
If the leaves on the trees turn yellow,
If the birds have flown to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is pouring,
This season is called autumn.

The teacher's story. Vegetable gardens are harvested in autumn. People carefully collect them from the garden, so as not to damage them. Carrots, beets, onions, garlic are pulled out; cabbage - cut down, potatoes - dug up; cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers - removed. Vegetables are eaten raw, boiled, fried, salted. Salads are made from them, they are added to soup, borscht. Vegetables are harvested for the winter. They are useful, they have a lot of vitamins.

Consolidation of the material covered.

Look at what lies in this basket (vegetables are considered and named), with the first correct answer, the vegetable is placed on the child's table.

Guys, what other vegetables do you know?

What's in this basket?

Let's call them.

Guys, what other fruits do you know?

Fruit is also distributed to children.

How can you call in one word what I brought (vegetables), (fruits).

Children provide answers.

Introduction of new concepts "garden" and "garden"

To find out the name of our lesson today, we must answer the questions "Where do vegetables and fruits grow?" and then we will know the topic of our lesson.

Where do you think Autumn got so many vegetables?(children's answers).

A garden is a fenced plot of land where there are beds and greenhouses. People grow vegetables there (demonstration).

Well done, and who can name the vegetables that we pick?(cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).

Which ones do we dig?(potato).

What are we pulling out of the ground?(carrots, beets, radishes, turnips, onions, etc.).

And what vegetables do we cut with a knife?(pumpkin, zucchini, cabbage, eggplant).

Okay, where did she pick the fruit?(Answers of children).

A garden is a fenced area with fruit trees - an apple tree, a peach tree, etc. (show).

Who will be able to determine the topic of today's lesson?



Didactic game "What from what?".

Let's try to say what kind of juice can we get from vegetables and fruits?

Apple juice - apple, banana - ..., apricot - ..., orange - ..., pear - pear, plum - plum.

Did you know that juice can also be made from vegetables.

Remember the name of juice from carrots - carrot, and from a tomato - tomato.

And what kind of jam will come from:

Apple - apple, pineapple - pineapple, orange - orange, plum - plum, pear - pear.

And let's remember what your mothers cook from vegetables?(salads, caviar, soups, salt, pickle, etc.).

And what kind of salad will turn out from:? beets - beetroot, from carrots - carrots, and from cabbage - cabbage.

Development of mental operations Didactic game "The Fourth Extra" (show)

I want to play a very interesting game with you.

caregiver: Guys, Tanya doll came to visit us. Today she decided to help her mother prepare a salad for lunch, but she doesn’t know how to make it. But she hopes that you will tell her how to cook it, because you are all so smart and know everything.

The teacher asks you to answer several questions:

1. Before eating or preparing vegetables or fruits, what should be done first (Wash)

2. Is it mandatory? Why wash vegetables and fruits? (Dirty fruits cannot be eaten - they have a lot of germs)

3. What vegetables do you need to peel? (Potatoes, beets, carrots, turnips, onions).

4. What vegetables can be eaten raw? (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, carrots).

5. What is prepared from raw vegetables? (Salads)

6. What vegetables can be eaten raw and boiled? (cabbage, carrot).

7. What vegetables can be pickled for the winter? (Cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers).

8. What greens can be put in salads or soups? (Dill, parsley, celery).

9. What can be prepared from fruits? (Compote, jam, juice, jam).

Didactic game "Magic bag" ( bag of vegetables

Children take out objects by touch from the bag and name vegetables.

caregiver: Well done boys! Know all vegetables. To work in the garden, you also need to have dexterous and quick hands.

Finger gymnastics"The hostess once came from the market."

The hostess once came from the market,

They "walk" with their fingers.
The hostess brought home from the market

Bend over one toe.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Here vegetables dispute brought on the table -
Who is better, tastier and more necessary on earth.
Potato? Cabbage? Carrot? Peas?

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley or beets? Oh!..

The hostess, meanwhile, took a knife
And with this knife she began to crumble
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

Covered with a lid, in a stuffy pot
Boiled, boiled in boiling water

The palms are folded crosswise.
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas,

Bend one finger at a time.
Parsley and beets. Oh!..

And the vegetable soup was good!

"Eat" soup.

man in autumn

Look at the hint diagram: what are we going to talk about now? ( We will talk about the worries of a person in the fall.)
- Certainly. Let's remember what we do with you, your parents, friends and acquaintances in the fall. Can you tell him how we work in autumn? (paintings on display)
- What kind of work is done in the gardens? - And in the gardens? (The lower part of the trees is whitewashed with lime, hso that the hares do not gnaw them. In autumn, fruit trees are well watered in gardens, so that they endure the frosts and give to next year good harvest)
- Sasha, what other work is done in the garden? (Even in autumn, the gardens are harvested: apples, pears, potatoes are dug and carrots.)
- Sasha M., what can you add? (riddle about cabbage)
- And how do they work in the countryside, in the fields? ( In the villages, the remaining bread is harvested, potatoes, cabbage, carrots, and beets are harvested from the fields. Harvested fields are fertilized and plowed. Seeds of winter rye and wheat are sown on plowed fields, carrots, dill and parsley are sown in vegetable gardens.)
And you guys, how did you work all autumn? ( And we cleaned the foliage on the site to help the janitor, Uncle Fyodor, to make it clean.)

Who wants to add? ( Mothers and grandmothers make preparations for the winter: jams, compotes, pickles, marinades.)
- Right. Autumn is very generous with gifts: fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms, nuts. But all her gifts must be collected and processed: conserved or dried, boiled or salted. And this is also a lot of work.

Didactic exercise"Tops-roots"
- You have colored pencils and sheets of paper with the task on the tables. Need to circle in green those vegetables from which we eat tops, i.e. leaves, greens. Roots in red. And in blue are those vegetables from which we eat both.

13. Summing up.

What two new words did we meet today "Garden", "Garden"?

What did you repeat?

What games were played?

Program content:

  • Systematize children's ideas about characteristics autumn.
  • Contribute to the consolidation of skills, establish a connection between signs in nature, use living and inanimate nature, the formation to defend their point of view, draw conclusions, conclusions.
  • Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking, enrich vocabulary.
  • To educate patriotism through a humane attitude towards native nature.


  • The chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children.
  • Board with a table, felt-tip pen, box.
  • Autumn surprise book.
  • Letter.
  • Two branches in vases.

Demo material:

  • Illustration of the paintings "Early Autumn", "Late Autumn".
  • Summarizing tables of previous lessons.

Progress of joint activities

Educator: Today we will take a trip. Where will you find out if you solve the riddle:


Went through the meadows
Through the forests, through the fields.
She prepared supplies for us,

She said: winter will come for me.

Children: Autumn. The door opens and the muzzle of a hare peeps out. He brings a letter.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from.

Kindergarten No. 74 for children of the preparatory group

Return address: Hare meadow of suburban forest.

Hello. A meeting of hares took place in the hare meadow. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change gray coats for white ones. It turned out that one half thought it was time, while the other hares said it was early.

Some said that autumn was ending, others said that it was just getting full. We don't know what to do. Please advise. We can't figure out if autumn is ending or not?

Educator: This question is very interesting. But we will try to answer it. Children, the hares are lucky, now we will make a trip to autumn and we will be able to help the bunnies make the right decision.

Educator: You watch the weather forecast on TV, the announcer talks about the air temperature, wind direction, precipitation. Precipitation? What it is? (rain, snow, fog). The teacher writes.

Educator: Children, how can you find out what the weather will be like? (watch TV, listen to the radio, by thermometer).

Autumn weather game

Educator: Children, what is the weather like in autumn, when it rains - rainy.

  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - overcast
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • clear - clear

Educator: Excellent: You are right about the weather.

Educator: Do you think all autumn is the same? What periods of autumn do you know?

Children:(early, late)

Educator: You see several paintings depicting autumn. Show what autumn is depicted on them. (Children show and call)

Educator: You know, every season of the year consists of 3 months. Name the months of autumn.

Children: September October November.

Educator: Well done! You are correct about the months. And what happens to nature in September?

Educator: What is the weather like in October?

Educator: What can you say about the November nature?

Educator: Well done, you accurately named the autumn months and talked about changes in nature. Yes, autumn is beautiful. Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, composed riddles and proverbs. Listen, I will tell you about the signs of autumn.

Signs of autumn

We have a piggy bank in kindergarten folk wisdom, children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it.

Do you want to put your knowledge there? (Yes).

Guys stand in a circle
Hold on tight to your hands.
I'll take the box
And I'll take notes.

Educator: Opens the lid, and the children call signs and proverbs.

Educator: Children, you said everything wonderfully, our casket was replenished with your wisdom. I liked the answers, you named a lot interesting signs to predict the weather.

(Children sit on chairs)

Why are the leaves falling off the trees?

Children:(Little sun, it became cold)

Educator: Children, is there anything that can be done to keep the leaves on the tree?

Children:(glue, sew).

Educator: Will these leaves last?

Children:(No, they will curl up, turn black, they will not be beautiful, they will fall off).

Educator: Why do you think trees shed their leaves?

Educator: Let's now come up with different sentences with the word "leaf".

How many words are in your sentence?

How many syllables are in this word?

Using the squares, lay out the word "Leaflet" (Children's work)

Educator: Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew, and you swayed (music sounds, children dance).

Fizminutka "Leaves".

Autumn leaves are swirling.

They flew merrily
And they sat on the ground.
Here the wind again quietly ran,

They flew merrily
And they sat on the ground.

Oh, how many leaves on the carpet. And let's play a game.

Educator: Children, what would happen if autumn did not come to us at all?

(children's answers)

Educator: From your answers, I understand that you like autumn

(Outfall of autumn)

Autumn: Hello guys! I'm so glad to be visiting you today. I am very pleased that you like me so much. Let's play a game shall we?

Autumn word game

Educator: But tell me, please, what kind of birds are there?

Children: Migratory, wintering

Educator: What are these migratory birds?

Children: These are birds that fly south, where it is warmer and more satisfying.

Educator: Do you think all birds fly away at once?

No, first, the birds that feed on insects fly away because they hide. (Swallows, cuckoo haircuts, larks). Then the birds fly away and find food on the ground. Worms disappear, fruits and grains are not noticeable. (These are starlings, cranes, rooks). Last of all, waterfowl fly away: geese, swans, ducks. Because the water on the rivers freezes.

Educator: During binding, the birds get tired, many of them die. And therefore, when they sit down to rest, do not frighten them.

(Exit Magpie)

Forty: Hello guys! I flew to you to do a physical minute with you

Fizminutka "Birds"

This is a tit bird
She pecks at grains.
We are cold in winter.
Bad birds are hungry.
They believe us.
They are flying to us.
Those people are bad
Who offends them.

Educator: Children, you correctly noticed that in nature everything is interconnected, nature falls asleep gradually. What can you say about animals, how do they prepare for winter?

Educator: Here our journey comes to an end. Parting with autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Echo game

Educator: Children, think and say what we will write to the hares.

Children: Autumn has come, but it's too early to change coats.

Educator: I am glad that you yourself have found conclusive evidence that autumn passed through our city and headed for the forest. Today, after a walk, we will write an answer to the hares.



Abstract of the lesson on (FTsKM) topic"Autumn, autumn, please visit"

Program content:

  • Systematize children's ideas about the characteristic signs of autumn.
  • Contribute to the consolidation of skills, to establish a connection between signs in nature, to use objects of animate and inanimate nature, to form to defend one's point of view, to draw conclusions, conclusions.
  • Promote the development of memory, attention, imagination, logical thinking, enrich the vocabulary.
  • To educate patriotism through a humane attitude towards native nature.


  • The chairs are arranged in a semicircle according to the number of children.
  • Board with a table, felt-tip pen, box.
  • Autumn surprise book.
  • Letter.
  • Two branches in vases.

Demo material:

  • Illustration of the paintings "Early Autumn", "Late Autumn".
  • Summarizing tables of previous lessons.

Progress of joint activities

Educator: Today we will take a trip. Where will you find out if you solve the riddle:


Went through the meadows
Through the forests, through the fields.
She prepared supplies for us,
She hid them in cellars, in bins,
She said: winter will come for me.

Children: Autumn. The door opens and the muzzle of a hare peeps out. He brings a letter.

Educator: Let's see who this letter is from.

Kindergarten No. 74 for children of the preparatory group

Return address: Hare meadow of suburban forest.

Hello. A meeting of hares took place in the hare meadow. We wanted to make a decision: is it time for us to change gray coats for white ones. It turned out that one half thought it was time, while the other hares said it was early.

Some said that autumn was ending, others said that it was just getting full. We don't know what to do. Please advise. We can't figure out if autumn is ending or not?

Educator: This question is very interesting. But we will try to answer it. Children, the hares are lucky, now we will make a trip to autumn and we will be able to help the bunnies make the right decision.

Educator: You watch the weather forecast on TV, the announcer talks about the air temperature, wind direction, precipitation. Precipitation? What it is? (rain, snow, fog). The teacher writes.

Educator: Children, how can you find out what the weather will be like? (watch TV, listen to the radio, by thermometer).

Autumn weather game

Educator: Children, what is the weather like in autumn, when it rains - rainy.

  • When the wind blows - windy
  • Cold - cold
  • Cloudy - overcast
  • Damp - raw
  • Gloomy - gloomy
  • clear - clear

Educator: Excellent: You are right about the weather.

Educator: Do you think all autumn is the same? What periods of autumn do you know?

Children: (early, late)

Educator: You see several paintings depicting autumn. Show what autumn is depicted on them. (Children show and call)

Educator: You know, every season of the year consists of 3 months. Name the months of autumn.

Children: September October November.

Educator: Well done! You are correct about the months. And what happens to nature in September?

Educator: What is the weather like in October?

Educator: What can you say about the November nature?

Educator: Well done, you accurately named the autumn months and talked about changes in nature. Yes, autumn is beautiful. Since ancient times, people have composed poems, songs, composed riddles and proverbs. Listen, I will tell you about the signs of autumn.

Signs of autumn

We have a piggy bank of folk wisdom in kindergarten, children put proverbs and signs of the seasons into it.

Do you want to put your knowledge there? (Yes).

Guys stand in a circle
Hold on tight to your hands.
I'll take the box
And I'll take notes.

Educator: Opens the lid, and the children call signs and proverbs.

Educator: Children, you said everything wonderfully, our casket was replenished with your wisdom. I liked the answers, you named a lot of interesting signs that allow you to predict the weather.

(Children sit on chairs)

Why are the leaves falling off the trees?

Children: (Little sun, it became cold)

Educator: Children, is there anything that can be done to keep the leaves on the tree?

Children: (glue, sew).

Educator: Will these leaves last?

Children: (No, they will curl up, turn black, they will not be beautiful, they will fall off).

Educator: Why do you think trees shed their leaves?

Children: (In order not to freeze, save your vitality, give soil useful material, cover insects so that the branches do not break from the snow)

Educator: Let's now come up with different sentences with the word "leaf".

How many words are in your sentence?

How many syllables are in this word?

Using the squares, lay out the word "Leaflet" (Children's work)

Educator: Imagine that you are leaves, the wind blew, and you swayed (music sounds, children dance).

Fizminutka "Leaves".

Autumn leaves are swirling.
A merry wind rustled over them,
They flew merrily
And they sat on the ground.
Here the wind again quietly ran,
Suddenly he picked up beautiful leaves.
They flew merrily
And they sat on the ground.

Oh, how many leaves on the carpet. And let's play a game.

Educator: Children, what would happen if autumn did not come to us at all?

(children's answers)

Educator: From your answers, I understand that you like autumn

(Outfall of autumn)

Autumn: Hello guys! I'm so glad to be visiting you today. I am very pleased that you like me so much. Let's play a game shall we?

Autumn word game

Educator: But tell me, please, what kind of birds are there?

Children: Migratory, wintering

Educator: What are these migratory birds?

Children: These are birds that fly south, where it is warmer and more satisfying.

Educator: Do you think all birds fly away at once?

No, first, the birds that feed on insects fly away because they hide. (Swallows, cuckoo haircuts, larks). Then the birds fly away and find food on the ground. Worms disappear, fruits and grains are not noticeable. (These are starlings, cranes, rooks). Last of all, waterfowl fly away: geese, swans, ducks. Because the water on the rivers freezes.

Educator: During binding, the birds get tired, many of them die. And therefore, when they sit down to rest, do not frighten them.

(Exit Magpie)

Forty: Hello guys! I flew to you to do a physical minute with you

Fizminutka "Birds"

This is a tit bird
She pecks at grains.
We are cold in winter.
Bad birds are hungry.
They believe us.
They are flying to us.
Those people are bad
Who offends them.

Educator: Children, you correctly noticed that in nature everything is interconnected, nature falls asleep gradually. What can you say about animals, how do they prepare for winter?

Educator: Here our journey comes to an end. Parting with autumn, let's play with the forest echo.

Echo game

Educator: Children, think and say what we will write to the hares.

Children: Autumn has come, but it's too early to change coats.

Educator: I am glad that you yourself have found conclusive evidence that autumn passed through our city and headed for the forest. Today, after a walk, we will write an answer to the hares.