How can you surprise a girl without money? The best ways to surprise a girl for free

Hello friends. We all know that women are flowers in the lives of men. Without sweet, gentle representatives of the fairer sex, our life would be gray and dull. Who would take care of us then, who would create for us the warmth and comfort of a home, who would share with us all the joys and sorrows of life. That's right, women need to be loved, protected and given the necessary attention.

It was not by chance that I made the comparison of women with flowers. Just as flowers love warmth, care and regular watering, women need care, protection, and confidence in their man. And what can strengthen that very confidence in a woman, if not a man’s manifestation of his feelings? The brighter, stronger, more emotional and more regularly you show your significant other that you love her, the stronger and more harmonious your relationship will be.

Are you already in love and want to pluck a star from the sky for your beloved? All day long you are tormented by the question of how to surprise a girl, how to turn her life into a fairy tale, how to clearly express your feelings and let your beloved know that you love her?

Indeed, many men think about how to surprise their beloved girl, because for everyone it means something different, deeply personal. One wants to win his chosen one, the other just wants to give a nice gift to his soul mate on a memorable date, holiday (Valentine's Day - February 14, birthday, etc.), the third has the intention of making, opening his soul and heart. Agree, it is very important to carefully consider the options for your surprise, to make it truly romantic, beautifully decorated, and most importantly, original and unexpected.

How can you surprise your beloved so that this event becomes the brightest and most unforgettable event in her life? Today I will tell you about some possible options for your surprise.

A holiday is a great reason to surprise your girlfriend

Holidays are present in the life of every person. These bright events brighten up our lives, making it less routine and gray than everyday life. We look forward to the next holiday, excitedly count down the days on the calendar, scroll through various options for holding a celebration in our heads, choose gifts for our dear people, or wait for them to be given to us.

The holiday for lovers is doubly exciting. The first celebrations spent together are remembered for the rest of their lives, giving a sea of ​​positive emotions and bright memories.

However, life does not stand still. Alas, we cannot remain forever in the time of our happiness and prosperity. Some holidays give way to others, gifts and celebrations no longer give the same emotions, smiles fade, and words often become false. Therefore, do not miss the moment to please your beloved girl now. The best reward for you will be her eyes shining with happiness, her sincere laughter, her kisses and hugs.

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to give gifts to your significant other. And many men believe that without money in your pocket it is impossible to surprise your crush. They are deeply mistaken. After all, the main thing is your attention, care and sincere love. You can buy anything for money, but the manifestation of real feelings and imagination is much more valuable.

Follow these tips to make your lady love you even more:

  • Sing a serenade for your girlfriend under the window of her house. If you doubt your musical abilities, use the soundtrack of her favorite song. You can rest assured that she will appreciate your bold and romantic act.
  • Write a declaration of love on the asphalt under her window. The main thing is not to mix up the windows. If you think this is too trivial, you are mistaken. Surely many representatives of the fair half of humanity dream of waking up early in the morning and seeing their name and these cherished words on the asphalt. You didn’t hesitate to tell everyone about them, which means you have serious intentions.
  • When you meet her, hand her an armful of many heart-shaped balloons.
  • Congratulate your loved one on Valentine's Day by calling the radio station she listens to.
  • Create a video from your photos together in a special video editor, add words and captions that are nice to her.
  • On February 14th, it is customary to give valentines to loved ones. You can find a huge number of them in stores, but they are all so similar. Same pictures, banal words. Therefore, it will be much better if you make a card with your own hands, putting all your love and tenderness into it. If you are not an artist, it’s okay, the main thing is that it’s sincere and from the heart.
  • You can make a list of reasons why you love your chosen one, write it in beautiful handwriting and give it to her. Positive emotions are guaranteed.
  • Dedicate a poem to your girlfriend. Of course, no one is forcing you to be the second Pushkin, but again, the main thing is sincerity and your love. In this case, even the simplest lines will sound like the best work of art.
  • Give your beauty a romantic dinner by candlelight, which will smoothly turn into a night full of tenderness and passion.

The above tips can be used if you don’t know how to surprise your girlfriend on her birthday, but in this case it will be better if such surprises become a pleasant addition to the main gift. And excellent and original gifts would be:

  • A trip together to another city, where you can enjoy the moments spent with each other and see a lot of new and interesting things;
  • A portrait of your girlfriend drawn by an experienced artist. If you are good at drawing, you can create it yourself. It will be doubly pleasant;
  • Invite your beloved to the theater if she is interested in theatrical art, to an exhibition, or to the cinema for the premiere of a sensational film;
  • Give a soft toy. Many young ladies are crazy about soft bears, bunnies and other animals. Of course, men think that this is a frank dust collector, but whatever you do to please the lady of your heart;
  • If a girl has long dreamed of a cat, dog or other pet, but never dares to get one, this is a great gift idea. It will only be better if you secretly find out in advance whether your chosen one is ready to meet your pet;
  • “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend,” says a well-known song. Not every man has the money to shower his beloved with diamonds, but your beloved will undoubtedly be happy with a beautiful piece of jewelry.
  • Don't forget about a bouquet of flowers as a mandatory addition to the gift.

As you can see, there are quite a lot of options. You yourself can come up with additional ones if you know the girl’s character, her tastes and preferences well enough. The main thing is to carefully observe her and notice her dreams and desires. After all, you can perform most of them on a holiday.

Closing the topic of holidays, it’s worth advising guys what they shouldn’t do and what gifts they shouldn’t give for a special occasion:

  1. Don’t ask your crush what kind of present she wants to receive, let it be a surprise, girls love pleasant surprises;
  2. Don’t put off buying and thinking about a surprise until the last minute, since there may not be good ideas or the right product in the store, think through everything in advance;
  3. Don’t give your girl cosmetics; it’s better to present her with a gift card so that she can choose exactly the beauty care products she needs.
  4. If you decide to give a piece of clothing, it is unlikely that you will be able to surprise your chosen one, so you should not buy it yourself (you will not guess with the size, style, color, etc.), it is better to choose together.
  5. Don't talk about your plans in advance, keep the intrigue.

Surprise prepared for a date

You need to surprise a girl not only on holidays; do something original and romantic on every date. Here are some ideas:

  • Take her to some beautiful place where she has never been. It could be a picturesque park, alley, river, cozy cafe;
  • Give small but pleasant gifts. It could be a heart-shaped chocolate bar, a small soft toy, jewelry, a book, or something else that suits her taste;
  • Give her flowers when you meet just like that for no reason;
  • While walking, unexpectedly pick up your chosen one in your arms and spin her around in the air. Girls love this very much, thereby you show her that you are strong and are ready to protect her in any situation.
  • Give her compliments.

Surprising a girl on VK

In the modern world, relationships often begin on the Internet at a distance, so guys are increasingly thinking about how they can surprise the one they like via correspondence in contact. Use these tips:

  • Secret admirer. Create a page that is entirely dedicated to your passion. Her photographs, poems about her, romantic songs, videos, declarations of love and much more that you have enough imagination for.
  • Clairvoyant. Start the conversation with the fact that you know her character or other details from her life. In fact, no psychic abilities are needed. Just carefully look at the contact page or ask her friends or acquaintances about the girl.
  • Send a message declaring your love to your beloved in several languages.
  • If your relationship becomes serious, change your marital status and show everyone that you are in love. Your girlfriend will definitely like this.
  • Present. Give a gift in contact. There are a lot of them. For example, in the morning you can give a virtual engagement ring, and in the evening... a real one.
  • Collage. Make a collage of your shared photos and place it on her wall.
  • Set a VK status that concerns only the two of you.

I hope that by following the above tips, you will be able to present many pleasant surprises to your girlfriend, and your relationship will become even more harmonious and happy.

To impress a girl, you don’t have to be a funny joker or a cool guy. You just need to know some of the subtleties of female psychology... and be a little artist.

1. “Oh, the light of the eyes, eclipsing the azure of heaven...”
The fashion for knights never goes away. Because no matter how modern and emancipated a girl is, deep down she still remains a fragile princess. And she wants to be treated accordingly. But in a world where brutality has long become a kind of norm, not everyone gets gentlemen who know how to look after beautifully. So just give the girl what she wants from you - attention and compliments. Don’t be afraid to seem overly subtle and sensitive, because these are the types of men that ladies idolize! Yes, yes, not a gloomy bag of testosterone - the hero of girls' dreams, but a gallant and attentive young man. Urgently learn to lie smoothly. This is generally a super useful skill, but in the matter of graceful flirting it is simply irreplaceable. Of course, to the question “Do you like me?” You can honestly answer her “You’re just a goddess!”, But try, without prevarication, withstand this attack:

“I really haven’t recovered at all after the holidays?”
“Yes, it’s a little burnt, but it’s still delicious, isn’t it?”
“I didn’t consult you when buying cinema tickets, but surely you also love Irish arthouse?”

Just don’t use platitudes like “You’re as slim as a gazelle”: a “gazelle” is a minibus. Answer: “Every kilogram of you is so delightfully sweet that I have to beg: don’t part with any of them!” The more florid and grandiloquent the compliment sounds, the better. Feel free to be original, don’t skimp on epithets, and don’t forget about small signs of attention. Believe me, SMS “Good night, Princess!” I wish you to see a white tiger cub in your dream,” a girl will appreciate more than an ordinary and meaningless bouquet of flowers.

2. “I’ll break anyone for you!”

This is how nature ordered: a woman subconsciously wants to see in her man an aggressive male, a provider and a protector. But - note an important point - not aggressive towards herself. Girls imagine themselves as tamers of wild animals: their ideal should be able to punch the offender in the face, but at the same time obediently accompany his lady on a shopping trip. What should I do, one of the readers will ask, if the second is easier for me to do than the first? Yes, even if you are not a paratrooper or a master of freestyle wrestling, but the last time you fought was in kindergarten, but let your girlfriend never know about it! More pathos and... yes, well-written lies. Tell me, as if by chance, how you stopped your neighbor from making noise with his drill on Sundays. How you scattered the gopniks trying to take your phone away. How he defended an unfamiliar girl who was being pestered by a drunken freak. But don't get too carried away: the stories must be believable. If you weigh forty kilos and look like you’ve never lifted anything heavier than a tube in your life, it’s better to show off your intellect and tell how in a conflict situation you didn’t beat, but outwitted your enemy.

And here is a small list of phrases that are mandatory to use, regardless of your physique:

“What do you mean – no need to accompany me? It’s already dark, I won’t let you go alone!”
“If they offend you, they will deal with me”
“Well, he’s not an idiot to make an enemy in me.”
And the most important thing:
“Call whenever you want. Please contact us with any problem. I'll think of something"

3. “How lovely!”

And now the most terrible secret will be revealed: the girls simply squeal with delight, seeing how their knight-defenders play with the kittens. A two-meter big guy, tenderly tickling the cat’s belly – enchanting, isn’t it? And yet. In any female soul there is something like maternal feelings for everything small and pretty, be it children or animals. And by showing affection to other people's children, you show yourself in the best light - as a person who, in the infinitely distant future, is capable of becoming a good father. Therefore, pretend to be moved at every meeting with your lady’s mischievous hairless cat, give the girl cards with puppies, fawns and squirrels: “It just seemed to me that you would like them.” But with human cubs you should be careful: you can smile in response to the smile of a one-year-old toddler, but it’s better not to buy ice cream for an unfamiliar girl of about twelve, otherwise your chosen one may think that you are a pedophile.

The following text will greatly decorate you:

“I took my nephew to the zoo yesterday. Such a smart little guy - can you imagine, he’s only four, but he already knows how to read! I was also surprised that he correctly names all the animals - and this rogue, it turns out, was just reading the signs on the cages.”
It follows from this that, firstly, you know how to deal with children, secondly, they do not annoy you, and thirdly, you are quite reliable, since they trust you to walk the child.

4. “These philistine euphemisms plunge me into frustration.”

Nobody likes nerds - they like smart guys. The difference between these two castes is enormous: the latter, unlike the former, know how to use their knowledge for such a useful task as flirting. There is a category of girls whose main erogenous zone is the brain, and everyone else will also prefer an aesthetic intellectual to a stupid redneck. And then again one of the readers will ask: what should I do if I didn’t get an education and didn’t read smart books? It's bad, but that's not what we're talking about now. Just learn a couple of dozen fancy words like “decadence”, “abstractionism”, “bad manners”, “authenticity”, “scholasticism” and, of course, “cognitive dissonance”. Quote all the writers you know, from Nietzsche to Coelho. Read a couple of articles on socionics and type everyone you meet. You can even do it at random - even tests still don’t give an accurate result. By the way, you can also mention this in conversation. It’s also good and inappropriate to mention that you sincerely admire Japanese culture - but then don’t confuse seppuku with hara-kiri, and Murakami with Miyazaki.

So where do we stop? The guy of her dreams is a sophisticated, caring intellectual aggressor. And in order to fit the image, you need to either play this role with talent, or... yes, yes, actually become like that.

Sources of images:,,,

“You don’t need to understand me. I need to be loved,” one of my friends says to her man every time when a dispute breaks out in their family about where to spend the extra money. What can you object to here? And the husband agrees to another pair of shoes for his beloved, avoiding a quarrel and secretly obliging his wife to make concessions in other matters. The right man. He knows that the way to a woman's heart lies through... a shoe store. And also jewelry, cosmetics... But the shortest one passes through attention and understanding.

Is everything important to a woman?

You can find plenty of reasons to please a girl with a surprise. There are only three calendar calendar days - New Year, March 8 (read about what a woman can give for these holidays on the Sunny Hands website in the article “What to give to the woman you love?”) and Valentine’s Day. I don't even mention my birthday. Here, as they say, you yourself know who ordered it. But there are also various days when we met, our first kiss, our dance... There would be a surprise, but there would be a reason to please your girlfriend or wife.

For some reason, the stamp in the passport gradually nullifies such manifestations of feelings. And if the housewives are still trying to diversify the next holiday feast with a gift to their husband, the stronger half often forgets about this way of maintaining relationships over the course of family life. Well, or he rarely turns to him. Or very rarely, when a wife reacts to a bouquet of flowers presented on March 8th with the words: “What have you done?” Therefore, to prevent such issues from arising in your personal life, give women flowers and gifts. At least about what three there are in the life of every representative of the fair sex. We all crave surprises on our own birthday, on March 8th and on our wedding anniversary, even if this is already the 15th year we have lived together.

I don’t encourage men to pamper their other halves with gifts almost every day. Women are like children in this regard. They also need moderation, otherwise you won’t get any gifts later. They will pout about forgotten flowers on the day of our first SMS or, God forbid, meeting our mother. Well, if only flowers. What if your life partner is pleased only by diamonds? So the loan is not far away.

But seriously, men, be sure to give your wives and beloved girls gifts for the holidays. Believe me, what is most important to us is your attention and care, and not the amount spent on the gift. I'll tell you a secret. After every holiday at work, school, or in company, women always ask each other what gift each received from her man. And if your companion stays on New Year or Valentine’s Day without a present, then she will be guaranteed judgmental glances from her female friends/colleagues. Like, she married the wrong person or is going to. And it’s insulting to simply remain silent in such a situation, when all people around are discussing holiday gifts. Even if your wonderful friend doesn’t reproach you for this, a bitter feeling will remain. Now just imagine how many such phenomena accumulate over the years of joint farming! Therefore, do not reduce your marriage only to such a definition of family as a social phenomenon. Gifts on occasion and flowers without, as well as well-timed compliments, if they do not guarantee a life-long relationship, will definitely help make your home happy. After all, people don’t leave where it’s good, but always return.

...And let your colleagues envy you!

Flowers are a welcome gift for every representative of the fair sex. They are not just a beautiful holiday attribute, but also a unique symbol of the feminine. Therefore, if you want to cheer up your loved one, present her with a beautiful bouquet. Better yet send by courier to the office. Double the joy is guaranteed. Not only are the flowers from the man you love, but you are also filled with pride in front of your colleagues. You can accompany the bouquet with a box of chocolates or balloons. Just be sure to use helium ones! One of my friends’ husbands once sent flowers to her workplace, adding a couple of heart-shaped balloons to them. I just chose the usual ones, and they hung unattractively somewhere at the bottom of the chic bouquet, violating its harmony.

If you are dating recently, but want to give your girl a bouquet, try to find out if she is allergic to any flowers. The young man of another friend of mine, at the initial stage of their relationship, gave her a bouquet of orchids, to which she is allergic. A couple in love met at the cinema, and my friend decided that she would put flowers on the next chair and thus avoid an allergic reaction. It seems like the bouquet will be far from her. She was embarrassed to talk about this to the young man, deciding that he would be upset. Or, worse, he will run away. And she really liked him. So they sat until the end of the session - my friend, her new love and a bouquet of orchids. When the guys left the hall, the friend realized from the surprised eyes of the gentleman that not everything was all right with her. One look in the mirror was enough to understand that the naive trick with the bouquet did not help, and allergic spots appeared on the face. I had to admit it. The young man turned out to be serious about his girlfriend, so he was not afraid of allergies. They have been married for several years and are raising a charming little one. But all's well that ends well. Therefore, it is better to find out in advance whether the girl suffers from allergies. If you ask a direct question, believe me, none of us will be offended. On the contrary, such a gesture will be regarded as a sign of concern for our health.

When choosing colors, be guided by the girl’s taste. Some people like flowers to have long stems and are unpackaged; others are impressed by bouquets decorated with artificial butterflies and ribbons. Usually, even if a couple has just started dating, the girl will always hint to the young man what flowers she prefers. Just know how to listen. If your loved one is delicately silent on this issue, look through her albums on social networks. Not a single girl will post photos with flowers or bouquets that she doesn’t like for everyone to see! Men, you can laugh at this, or better yet, take note. Of course, your inability to “hit” feelings with a bouquet, if they are real, is unlikely to hurt, but giving desired gifts is much more pleasant. The husband of another friend of mine has been giving her exclusively unsuccessful bouquets throughout the five years of their marriage. She has already hinted and said directly that she does not like flowers in packaging, but her husband does the opposite with amazing accuracy. It seems that he hears his wife’s wishes and speaks Russian, but on the eve of the holidays he gives only bouquets wrapped in paper. This phenomenon, nicknamed among us “floral insanity,” remains a phenomenon for the entire inner circle of girls and a friend who is perplexed about it. Otherwise, her husband is a wonderful person.

“Unexpected” bouquets bring more pleasure. For example, when you are on the morning of March 8, while your loved one is sleeping, go pick up some flowers and put them in a vase. Or if on the eve of 12 o'clock at night of her birthday, under the pretext,
that you are signed up for a car wash (come up with your own), you will escape from the house and return with a beautiful bouquet. There is such a tradition in my family. For several years now, my loved one has been assuring me that it is vital for him to refuel his car, and he leaves. And then I meet on the threshold of the apartment, first a bouquet (it’s always so big that you can’t even see your husband behind it), and then my beloved. If you don't live under the same roof, then it's even easier to arrange a surprise. You buy a bouquet, wait until the first hour of her birthday comes, and call the apartment. You can also grab some cake. Just don't forget the candles.

By the way, can any of the men explain to me why you decided that women like flowers with inscriptions or drawings on them? Most of us consider this to be in poor taste. For her last birthday, one of my colleagues was presented with a bouquet of blue roses, the petals of which were “decorated” with similar inscriptions. Apart from sympathetic amazement, the bouquet evoked nothing.

“Dior is not your friend!”

Flowers are flowers, but there should also be more material manifestations in the house your feelings for us. That is, gifts and surprises.

Once we were looking for perfume for my husband. While we were choosing, I periodically “accidentally” found myself at the shelf with Dior fragrances. My husband stubbornly pretended not to notice my glances towards my favorite bottles. At the checkout, I couldn’t stand it and almost honestly admitted that I was running out of perfume, and since we came to the perfume store, why don’t we choose a scent for me too. And they will give us a discount on the second product, but we want a discount, right, dear? My husband looked at me for a long time, and then said with intonation: “Dior is not your friend! Versace is in fashion now” (and how did you find out this name? Women’s magazines are to blame, there is no more mystery in us for men).

But he asked what Dior scent I noticed. We left the store with only men's eau de toilette. Imagine my surprise when the next morning, getting ready for work, on the perfume shelf I saw a box with the desired scent! Do I need to describe how much joy this gift brought me! But happy feelings were caused, first of all, not by the present, but by the idea itself, the surprise that every woman dreams of.

My cousin dreamed about a Neva masquerade cat for a long time. But in the city where she lives, there were no breeders of this breed at that time. She contacted a metropolitan phenological club on the Internet that breeds this breed, and decided to go to them on vacation to get a kitten. She even chose one adorable baby on the club website and was very worried that someone would buy him before her. And one evening my sister returned home from work and, opening the door to the apartment, froze. The same blue-eyed baby and smiling husband were looking at her. While she was in the office, her husband took time off from work, drove to Moscow (the cities are 600 km away from each other), bought a kitten and returned home. He has been living with my sister’s family for three years now and has grown into a beautiful and smart cat.

My husband and I have another tradition. Me and him are partial to watches. But we only buy new copies for both me and him at the same time, and always from the same company.
Not long ago we introduced a similar tradition with regard to mobile phones. If we change them, we buy models from the same manufacturer. We agreed on such a gift, for example, for Valentine's Day. Probably these are small things. But if you think about it, it’s not for nothing that companies with a long history have corporate attributes, the so-called team style. That's how it is in the family. The more commonalities, the stronger the relationship. And it adds adventurism. You always know that if your husband is thinking about buying a new watch, then you will soon have a fashionable piece. And to go with it, you can legally buy a dress from the new collection of your favorite brand.

It gives women great joy when a man comes up with an original form for presenting a gift.. My lover once gave me a map of our apartment and said that it would help me find surprises. The card contained questions about our relationships (what we usually eat for breakfast, where we went on holidays) last weekend, etc.), and the answers were a hint to the place and the surprise that awaited me there. So I became the owner of a new toaster, a book by my favorite author, tickets to the theater and other little things.

And the husband of one of my friends decorated the apartment with balloons, and attached a piece of paper with his wishes to each one. For every completed task, my wife (that is, my friend) received a gift. The wishes were humorous (to make coffee, to say a compliment).

Women love surprises and are very grateful to men for them. Read the article “What to give your girlfriend for her birthday?” . Postcards for no reason, SMS with declarations of tender feelings, invitation tickets to the cinema discreetly placed in a purse, underwear beautifully packaged and also “accidentally” thrown onto your beloved’s shelf will make your chosen one the happiest woman in the world. And for these manifestations of attention, you will always have a beautiful, confident, calm woman in your house who never has a headache.

Beauty is power

Let your beloved ones remain beautiful and visit beauty salons. Many women deliberately refuse the services of professionals in order to save the family budget. Dear men, you better start earning more money, you can read about it on the “Sunny Hands” website in the “How to make money” section.

Dear women, don't do this! The moment you stop taking care of yourself, you lose a significant part of your feminine essence. Indeed, since ancient times, beauty rituals have been considered an obligatory attribute of the culture of any society. It is enough to look through books by different authors to see how much time women devoted to caring for themselves in different centuries. And among men, this stereotype is fixed on a subconscious level. Based on observations of the family relationships of my friends, acquaintances and relatives, I can say with confidence that men value more those women who spend money on personal care. And they leave them less often. The point here, I think, is not only about external perfection. Healthy male egoism also plays a role, once expressed by one of my friends like this: “I invested so much money in it that it’s a shame to give it up.” This, of course, was said as a joke, but I think there is some truth here. I don’t urge beautiful readers to spend their entire family budget solely on visiting beauty salons, but you shouldn’t forget that you are a woman either.

Therefore, if you want to arrange a holiday for your lady of your heart, send her to a cosmetologist or a hairdresser. So that she doesn’t worry about the family budget, find out which salon she prefers and give her a certificate for, say, six months of visits. One of my friend’s husbands has been doing this for three years of their marriage. The girl regretted spending money on personal care and tried to get by only with home treatments. Then her husband bought her a certificate for three months (standard services were paid for - manicure, pedicure, haircut). At first she was outraged by these expenses, but now she has gotten used to it and even brags about it to her friends.

So what is the way to a woman’s heart? Through clothing, lingerie and accessories stores? Definitely! Through care, attention and help? Definitely! But if you choose one of these options, the journey will be long. And a combination of both will get you there in no time. Conquer us! For example, surprises!

P.S. The most unusual gift I received was from a stranger. This happened on the eighty-sixth floor of the symbol of American architecture - the Empire State Building. Perhaps it’s difficult to call this thing a gift. At the same time, it is thanks to her that I have the opportunity to admire bird's eye views of New York in a photo album. And then, on the eighty-sixth floor of a world-famous building, my camera batteries ran out. I couldn't take a single photo! Help came in the form of a Japanese tourist. He handed me a set of spare batteries and, smiling, disappeared into the crowd of tourists.

What I mean is that sometimes very simple things done on time can work wonders and be the beginning of something bigger. Show attention, give love, do not be afraid of actions. This is what makes a happy life.

Sincerely, Oksana Chistyakova.

How to surprise a girl

Dating and Pickup

How to surprise a girl

There are a huge number of different articles on the Internet where seduction gurus describe ways in which you can pleasantly surprise a girl. The only problem is that the guys don’t have money for balloons and limousines. This is where the problem arises: we have the desire to surprise, but we don’t have the funds for grandiose shows.

Our second echelon is advice about romantic words, meetings, flowers and inscriptions on the asphalt. Perhaps this will really surprise the girl and even give her some pleasant sensations, but this is all too speculative and stupid. And the most important thing is that there is no guarantee that the investment will not be wasted.

The third tip is ideas about the girl’s personal interests and hobbies. For example, if a girl is interested in horses, then you could organize a trip with her to the stables, where she could ride horses. And then even arrange a small feast in nature. The advice is generally good, but ideas should work differently.

How to surprise a girl - trick

To begin with, I would like to say that there are two stages in the life of any guy when he wants to surprise a girl. Depending on this, you need to build your strategy and choose one method or another.

Meeting a girl. Very often, when meeting a girl, many guys begin to think that they must somehow surprise this new girl. And this is one of the biggest mistakes.

You just recently met this girl, she knows absolutely nothing about you, you know absolutely nothing about her, and already you want to show her something unusual. At this stage, you need to find out as much as possible about the girl and gradually tell about yourself. You won't believe it, but what we consider ordinary and normal actually surprises a lot of girls.

For example, in 2011, many girls who thought guys who played games were losers discovered that games not only unite men into teams, but can also bring in serious money. And these are various shows, broadcasts and global brands. This is already surprising and interesting for the girl herself, this is a whole new world for her. And here you are proposing to organize some kind of horse ride, isn’t it stupid?

When meeting a girl, a guy’s personal qualities, his hobbies and stories surprise the girl many times more than any actions or events. And this is a proven fact.

Relationship with a girl. When the relationship in a couple develops quite steadily, holidays and dates appear when the guy needs to congratulate his girlfriend. This is where the desire arises to make not just a simple congratulation, but to somehow surprise your girlfriend. However, we want to remind you of one feature of human perception: “People don’t value what they have until they lose it.”

If a girl chose you, then she was satisfied that you had some strengths and that you lacked some other strengths. To put it another way, the positive qualities that you have: this goes without saying. They should be in your every action or word. The lack of other strengths is not so critical for a girl, but she would still like to see them in you from time to time. This is the main key to surprising the girl.

For example, if you have always been a sophisticated and romantic guy who sang serenades to a girl and talked about the soul, then you can surprise the girl by going to some sporting event where healthy men fight in the ring. Your girlfriend knows that you are a soft and calm guy, but here you show her that male hobbies and a thirst for blood are also not alien to you. It's nice and it turns you on!

For example, if you always just went to the store and bought your girlfriend some kind of gift, then even just packing your new gift in several boxes with a couple of jokes would be a real surprise for the girl. She didn't expect you to be such a fun and funny guy.

But vice versa, if you always gave a girl flowers and cards, then an ordinary box with a phone, presented without poetry and dancing, will surprise her more than anything else. You played on her contrast and showed her that you can also act straightforward and “expensive.”

The same goes for cafes and restaurants. Do you always go to a pizzeria or Chinese restaurant with your girlfriend? Go with your girlfriend to a Japanese restaurant, or order takeout and go somewhere in nature or to an observation deck. It will be a little more romantic than always, and will already surprise the girl!

Conclusion: You shouldn't rely on a girl's interests or some stories on the Internet, you should look at yourself and your strengths and weaknesses. If you always act directly and firmly, add a little romance to your actions and this will surprise the girl. The same thing works the other way around. Do things a little differently and the girl will already be amazed by you! But remember that you always need to return to your original behavior, because the girl chose the real you!

The girl demands that I surprise her

Sometimes you come across situations when girls begin to demand things according to the principle: “Surprise me,” “Amuse me,” “Make me laugh.” This all falls into one of two categories: leaking or blackmail.

When a girl begins to demand such things from her boyfriend, she makes it clear to him that he is no longer interesting to her, he does not deserve her attention, do something or leave. In this case, you need to do the exact opposite of what the girl demands. You didn’t hire yourself to work as a jester, you don’t owe this girl anything, so if she says such words to you, then you need to take a break and forget about this girl for a while.

If you start jumping around her, you will lose your face and the girl’s respect, and you will behave proudly and willfully, not only showing your masculinity, but also hurting the girl’s pride, which sometimes they even like. Therefore, do not give in to girls’ provocations if they are not justified.

In my book “3 SMS that will charm your girlfriend,” I wrote about how important romance is for girls. It often happens that after a rich and romantic period of sweets and bouquets, your relationship falls into routine, and you no longer have the former agility to surprise your beloved girl. Typically, it takes about three years for the craving for romance to subside. Chances are, you're less than three years into your relationship and you want to surprise your friend so she can feel how much you love her. It is very important that you are in a relationship with the girl, otherwise all attempts to impress her will have the opposite effect. The girl will think that you are just another suitor, and this is far from being a winning position in seduction.

The first thing to understand is that you don’t have to wait to give your loved one an unusual act or gift. This is a typical mistake most guys make - we all wait:

  • Valentine's Day,
  • March 8,
  • birthday,

to give some romantic gift. Think more creatively. Surprise is what will really surprise your girlfriend. Not because she won't expect it, but because you will show her that you think about her and are ready to do romantic things to make her feel good. This will signal to her that your couple is strong and you are reliable. Unfortunately, not every man can boast of this trait.

Banal ways to surprise

Flowers and chocolate for no reason. For example, you think that you haven’t brought romance into your relationship with your beloved for a long time. Just plan to buy flowers on the way home after school or work. You don’t have to spend a lot of money on this; a simple bouquet will do. The point of this gift is not the beauty of the flowers, but to show that you care about your other half. Any woman will confirm this: “The main thing is not a gift, the main thing is attention!” When she opens the door, she will be pleasantly surprised. Tell her:

“Darling, I’ve decided to give you a small gift!”

If she is not at home, then put flowers in a vase near the bed and act as if nothing had happened. She'll be surprised tonight! Sweets and chocolate can also be small confirmations of your care. If you go for a walk, buy a bar of chocolate with you or unexpectedly get some sweets when you drink tea in the evening.

Reminders. These are various kinds of cards and notes that you can unexpectedly present to her. For example, you could write a love note and stick it on the refrigerator in the morning. They also now sell special boards that are mounted on the wall and on which you can write with chalk. By unexpectedly giving your beloved girl such a board, you will also give her a romantic gift, thereby you. You can put notes in her bag, closet, car. For one girl, I placed an origami crane, symbolizing our friendship, in the glove compartment of her car. Many men do not remember how long they have been dating a girl. Take a notepad and write down the date you met. Do the math, maybe tomorrow you have exactly 20 months? Buy any postcard, sign it with sincere and gentle words. Your girlfriend will be surprised.

Understanders. Try to unexpectedly help your girlfriend by demonstrating your involvement in her life. For example, she gets very tired after work. So why don’t you cook dinner for the whole family yourself at least once a month. I'm not even talking about a romantic dinner. Do you need to clean the house? Hire a babysitter for the kids and buy movie tickets for a movie night? Or it could be that she once mentioned that she wanted to go to a concert of her favorite band. So why not buy tickets and give her an unexpected surprise? Also, your girlfriend probably has various interests and hobbies, and you can surprise her by giving her the opportunity to devote more time to what she loves.

Present. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind when you want to surprise your girlfriend is to give her a nice gift. For example, jewelry and something else useful. Many guys make the mistake of giving gifts head on. I suggest you use more advanced techniques, for example, you can ask your beloved to dress in a special way because you have a surprise for her. Then in the evening you can go to a restaurant, where you will give her these earrings that she has been missing. By the way, think about what your loved one is missing from clothes, jewelry, sports equipment. After all, you can give not only earrings, but also a gift certificate to a lingerie store and snowboard bindings. Nowadays there are a lot of different sites that sell emotions. You can order:

  • helicopter ride (we cost 22,000 rubles),
  • Spa,
  • massage at home

If your loved one is on VKontakte, then give her a gift with warm words or just post a declaration of love and your photo on her wall!

Social activity. A good substitute for gifts is various kinds of social activities. Going to the cinema to all premieres that are significant to you (not only for you, but also for her!), parties, nightclubs, exhibitions, city events. Plan for this and you can do it during a joint hike. In 2 days it’s City Day in my city of Novosibirsk, we’ll definitely go with our beloved. And last weekend we visited Galileo, a scientific and educational exhibition with labyrinths and wonders of physics. It's much better than just sitting at home on the weekend. If it’s summer outside, you can plan a vacation on the beach; if it’s winter, then skiing, trips to ski resorts.

Roof Blowers

You can, of course, plan more serious gifts and mind-blowing things. For example, you can unexpectedly give your loved one a trip, a car, or keys to an apartment. If you live together and are planning to buy a car, then, of course, give it as a gift. Those. she should know that you are going to buy a car, that this is in your plans. It’s not like you just decided to give her a car and went and bought it. If you are not already in a strong relationship with her, then this could be a huge mistake. I had a client who gave such gifts to his ex-wife in the hope of getting her back. Unfortunately, it was already irretrievably lost.

Regarding the mind blowers, I will only say that they should be done only on a special occasion. For example, for your anniversary you can do a ride in a limousine, a quest game with a search for treasure using notes, or a beautiful romantic dinner by candlelight. That is, something that requires large investments cannot be done constantly. These should be bright moments that you value precisely for their rarity, and not for their price.

So, don't wait until Valentine's Day comes. Every day, even today, you can surprise and show her your care, attention and love for no reason.

Be sure to keep the romance alive!

Egor Sheremetyev