How to dress plus size women stylishly. How to dress for plus size women. Clothing style for overweight teenage girls

advice from Yulia Bolshakova

Dear readers who sent questions about the selection clothes for a full figure, thank you for your patience. I thought for a long time about how best to group the material: full figures are so different! Not all advice is suitable for everyone, every body is different and the final decision will always be yours. In this article we will look at the most common mistakes that owners of figures with a plus sign make.
What clothes should overweight women choose?

Clothes for plus size women with an A figure

Women with an A figure (sloping narrow shoulders, wide hips) are well aware of where their “critical belt” is: the buttocks and “breeches”. Your main task: balance the width of your hips and the width of your shoulders. This means placing horizontal lines at the top of the ensemble, vertical lines at the bottom. Boat necklines, dresses and tops with open shoulders, yokes, wide “spreading” collars, short beads, sleeves gathered at the armhole (for example, with a “lantern”) will do you good. Lines that extend from the waist upwards also suit you: V-neck, wraparound, long beads. Long dresses and trousers, slightly flared at the bottom, also hide full hips and make the figure slimmer.

The color composition of clothes for obese women should be built on the principle of “light top - dark bottom”, because, as you probably know, dark colors visually reduce volume.

On the picture “light top” is ideal for overweight women with an A-type figure

Stylist's secret: open arms and shoulders also qualify as a “light top” even if the blouse is dark – use this to your advantage. The thinner the straps of a dark blouse, the more pronounced the “light top” (a regular top with straps is preferable to a tank top with wide straps). The American armhole (black dress in the photo on the right) also copes with this task perfectly.

Clothes for plus size women with a T figure

Women with a T figure (curvy shoulders, massive bust, relatively narrow hips and flat buttocks)
on the contrary, they should prefer “dark top, light bottom” ensembles and lines diverging from the waist down. Your skirts should fit tightly at the hips and gently flare out at the knees (this, by the way, applies to EVERYONE who wants to appear slimmer, regardless of body type) - this will give your figure a fairly wide “base.” On the contrary, skirts that taper downwards will turn your silhouette into a tumbler. You should prefer wide oval necklines and carry your handbag in your hand to divert attention from the massive top. In addition, you can safely wear white skirts and trousers, as well as short skirts with large patterns and stripes.

On the picture clothing for obese women with a T-type figure

There is a widespread belief that overweight women should not use horizontal lines in their clothing at all. This is not true. You can use striped clothing intelligently and subtly to balance proportions full figure. Our brain evaluates sizes only by comparing them to each other. By correctly positioning the horizontal lines, we can balance the contrasts of “wide” and “narrow” places, thus visually masking excessive fullness.

Overweight women are recommended to wear a suit all kinds of vertical lines: fasteners, hemlines, deep folds and slits on the skirt, vertical stripes of the pattern. But vertical lines only slim and lengthen the figure when they are straight and not curved. Therefore, they must be either tough or short. Be careful when buying knitwear with bright vertical stripes: while hugging your curves, the verticals will become curved lines that emphasize fullness! Also avoid pants and long dresses with ANY LARGE patterns.

On the picture

Stylist's secret: remember, that frequent horizontal stripes, in contrast to wide horizontal stripes, elongate and add height. Frequent horizontal stripes peeking out between the open dark floors are very slender. A diagonal checkered pattern and all sorts of diagonal lines that add height will also suit you.

What length should I choose for clothes?

On the picture how to find the ideal clothing length for plus size women(red line indicates the widest part of the hips)

Stand directly in front of the mirror and find your widest point in the hips - indicated by the red line in the photo. At this level, horizontal lines are strictly prohibited! Try raising the hemline of the jacket about three fingers higher (line 1 in the photo) - this is your ideal "short top" that should be worn with a long one. Now about a palm below the forbidden line (line 2 in the photo) is your ideal "long top" to wear with knee-length skirts. Don't wear a short top with a short bottom and a long top with a long one.

Exception to the rule:

On the picture clothes for plus size: we wear short with long!

Stylist's secret: if you want to emphasize the waist, then it is better to prefer a shorter top, but a long bottom, for example, as in this photo.

Everyone knows that the main principle of choosing clothes according to your figure is- do not draw attention to “problem areas”. You should not wear flashy belts, decorations at the waist, large buttons, bows and other decorative details located where it is better not to attract attention. Try to ensure that in multilayer sets, things of different colors do not peek out from under each other in the area of ​​the waist and hips (top under a jumper, blouse under a jacket).

But have you forgotten that at the level of the waist and hips there are also... hands- namely, the part of the arms from the elbow to the wrist. Therefore, you need to be very attentive to decorations on the sleeves: decorative stripes, flounces, cuffs, as well as handbags with a medium-length belt that you wear on your shoulder: such bags are just at waist level, and if the bag attracts attention, it will also will draw attention to those areas where extra pounds are mainly deposited. Therefore, overweight women are recommended to wear bright ones either in their hand or on the crook of their elbow; if the bag is hanging on the shoulder, tighten the belt more tightly so that the bag is higher.

Hairstyle and shoes for obese women

Overweight women rarely wear very short hair - and rightly so. Especially if you have a T-type figure, your head should not appear too small for your body, otherwise the visual sensation of fullness will increase dramatically.

On the picture

Curls, high “whipped”, curled away from the face, and lush waves of semi-long hair are a very good choice, but do not make the mistake inherent mainly in young girls - do not let your straight long hair fall below your shoulder blades! This, if I may say so, “hairstyle” is extremely unfavorable for your body type: hair, scattered over your shoulders and hanging down, makes you look like an unkempt hut from behind. If you wear long hair loose, then the main volume of your hairstyle should be above the shoulders, and the ends of the hair should be trimmed.

Overweight women often prefer rounded shoes. with a blunt toe, a heavy square heel, on a massive platform, it is reasonable to believe that a very elegant small one with sophisticated shapes will only emphasize the fullness of the calves. In fact, in blunt-toed shoes, your foot proportionally seems too short (especially since large-boned people, who are most often prone to being overweight, actually have small and graceful hands and feet), and this makes the body seem to lose support, it seems bulky. Therefore, your shoes should be noticeable, giving your figure good balance. Massive platforms and shoes with a rounded toe and a stable heel are suitable here.

Dress fashionably and stylishly.
Be beautiful!

Yulia Bolshakova,
© ShoppingCenter

Even more interesting.

After all, you can choose a wardrobe in such a way that it will visually reduce the volume and hide some shortcomings. So, what clothes are suitable for overweight girls - detailed advice from experts is presented in this material.

They are greeted by their clothes, but seen off by their intelligence - yes, this is still relevant. As well as the fact that you will not have a second chance to make a first impression. If your clothes look sloppy, are not chosen in size and do not suit your body type, this is very noticeable and will be remembered for a long time. Not only your mood and state of mind depend on how you dress, but your life in society depends on it.

You won't be hired for a serious job if you come to an interview wearing ruffles and bows.

Your gentleman will run away from you if you show up to the theater in beach shoes. You will lose respect not only in the eyes of others, but also in your own.

Your self-esteem will gradually decline, and over time you will stop thinking about beautiful clothes altogether, and you will even try to leave the house less.

How to choose clothes for overweight women and girls

Before choosing clothes for a plump girl, you need to study the strengths and weaknesses of your figure. After all, if, before choosing clothes for a plump woman, you find out what and how you can hide and disguise, then the choice will be much simpler. Choosing clothes is not an easy task, but it is not insurmountable. We only need to remember three principles: we don’t chase fashion, we don’t buy clothes at random and, most importantly, we don’t forget about proportions. The following are the basic principles of how to choose clothes for plus-size ladies in such a way that they emphasize all the advantages.

Let's look at these principles in more detail:

Proportions are the first thing to keep in mind when choosing clothes. Study your figure: you must clearly understand where to remove volume, where to add it, where to tighten and what to smooth out. And every time you go to the store, remember your figure and buy clothes consciously, and not because you “just liked them.” Love your body, in the end, find the most attractive part of your figure and bet on it. Remember that the figure should not be visually divided in half. The best proportions in clothing are when one part of it is placed twice inside another. For example, the length of trousers is two lengths of a blouse.

No matter how modern and fashionable a thing is, you should not deviate from what suits you and wear fashionable things that only spoil you. This is not our method. We choose only what suits us and makes us fit and slim. Just don’t take these words as advice to get grandma’s blouses out of the closet. Remember the golden rule: the most unfashionable thing today is what was on the crest of the wave 15 years ago.

Never buy clothes at random, without trying them on, simply because you liked the color and the seller said it would suit you very well. As soon as you like this or that thing, do the following.

Try it on. Does it fit well? Or is it somehow not very good, but it seems that it will do? If the seller offers to stitch or pin something, do not take it. Clothing should fit you perfectly and definitely give you a feeling of your own attractiveness.

Think about why you are buying this item? And most importantly, what will you wear it with? Sometimes it happens that, having bought a blouse and opened the closet, you realize that you don’t have a skirt to go with it, and if you have a skirt, then you don’t have tights or the shoes don’t fit. Maybe your raincoat can't be worn with this skirt because it's longer than it, and a raincoat or coat must show at least a couple of centimeters of the skirt. So while still in the store, think through at least two options for combining existing clothes with a new item.

What should be the right clothing for plus-size women? Expert advice will help you understand this issue in detail. Pay attention to the cut: choose clothes that are cut on the bias or have diagonal seams or patterns.

The waist should always be emphasized, with the exception of a big belly. Invest in some nice belts and buy clothes that accentuate the waist area.

How to choose clothes for plus size people with an original pattern or print? It would seem, how can a design on a dress or blouse harm its owner? It turns out that it will be very strong if it is located in the wrong place.

A print that tapers toward the bottom will make your hips appear smaller and place emphasis on your chest.

Forget it forever - this dress expands the bottom of your figure due to the print and patch pockets, as well as the balloon shape.

A dress with such a print expands the figure horizontally.

A large pattern at the waist draws attention to this area and can make your stomach appear even fuller.

The circle print expands the figure horizontally, and the bottom edge of the T-shirt is at the widest point of the hips and makes the bottom of the figure even more massive.

We choose only dense fabrics. If you like knitwear, then it should be as tightly knitted as possible, and should only be worn with shapewear.

We forget about clothes made of silk and thin satin. Pen, of course, is ideal for summer: it is lightweight, allows the body to breathe and not sweat, which is also an important argument for overweight people. But linen wrinkles a lot, and in this form a woman will not be able to make a pleasant impression. Don't get carried away with voluminous knits, thin leather and bouclé.

Thick fabric, three-quarter sleeves, comfortable length, this dress will suit any plump woman, making her figure slim and attractive.

Large pattern, thick fabric, neat neckline, emphasis on vertical lines - everything works to make the figure slimmer.

Color plays a special role in clothing for plus size ladies; treat it with respect and caution. In principle, you can afford any color that suits you and likes it, but it would be useful to take into account some points.

Shoes visually lengthen your legs. Choose deep, rich colors. A dress made of thick fabric will add a slim figure to your figure.

What clothes to wear for plus size girls and women. Now it’s time to analyze wardrobe items in detail and find out what clothes to wear for fat girls. With a skirt or trousers, others may not pay attention, but the blouse is always in sight. Therefore, choose it from high-quality fabric.

For a plump woman, V-necks and English collars are most suitable. It is not forbidden to wear clothes with an oval neckline, but in this case, be sure to complement it with vertically located pendants and long beads.

Be sure to add noticeable details to your costume, be it accessories or decorative clothing items. What clothes a plus-size woman should wear largely depends on the quality of the fabrics and accessories. A shiny and rather thin fabric will immediately highlight all body flaws and excess folds.

We give faded and shiny things to our harmful friend, because these are the colors and textures that attract attention to problem areas.

Don't dress in all black - it's boring. People around you will immediately see that you are trying to hide your fullness behind color. Leave everything black, white, blue and pink in the store.

It is better not to wear pink clothes, like white ones. A shapeless T-shirt made of thin knitwear forms folds on the stomach and makes the figure heavier, and also emphasizes the lack of a waist due to the belt on the hips. The square neckline makes the chest area even more massive

Urgently throw out all white from your wardrobe. Except white shirts.

Jeans and trousers: how to choose for plus size people

Plus-size women can (and should) wear both trousers and jeans. The main thing is to approach the choice of these clothes with all responsibility. And are suitable for plump ladies, but there are exceptions. Never wear cropped trousers or jeans, and avoid tight styles.

You can wear jeans, but you need to choose the right color - dark blue or black. The material must be dense. If you have thin legs and a voluminous belly, then it is preferable to choose jeans or bell-bottoms.

Jeans should be straight, preferably not from the knees, but from the hips. Choose dark blue ones with a high waist - the buttocks and stomach are tightened, and the silhouette becomes slender.

Expert advice. Never tuck in your jeans or trousers - this will make your legs look thicker and bulkier.

Light-colored tight trousers will draw attention to full legs - this is a bad purchase.

Shiny, light, short - anything that makes the figure even more bulky, and the legs thick and short, is also not worth buying.

Forget about blue jeans and decorative abrasions - this visually makes your figure even fuller. Also avoid lace, rhinestones, flowers and other paraphernalia.

Overweight women should never wear low-waisted jeans - they visually shorten their legs and form unnecessary folds in the hips.

How to choose dresses for plus size people

Dresses are our feminine everything. They are the ones who will make you a real woman. Any dress can work wonders, the main thing is to choose the right one for your figure. If it's high-waisted, it will add height to you and help hide your belly and wide hips. A tight dress is good only when it does not create unnecessary folds. Adhere to strictness in cut and lines, forget about flounces, ruffles and gathers.

Forget it forever. Drapery is good in moderation, otherwise it creates even more volume.

Be very careful with dresses made of shiny fabrics. Avoid an abundance of flounces - you are not a cake, no need to bandage yourself.

A dress made of thin, wrinkled fabric, with thin straps, short, widening towards the bottom - all this makes the figure awkward, voluminous and disproportionate

Choose dense fabrics, perhaps even with a drawstring, dresses with a wrap on one side

Expert advice. The correct sleeve length is three quarters, no puff sleeves.

The correct dress length for each woman is individual. It should end where the most graceful part of your legs is - below the knee, above the knee or at ankle level, just below mid-calf.

By the way, shirts, sweaters and jackets should also reach the thinner part of the figure - the waist or hips.

Fitted, tight-fitting dresses made of thick fabric with a V-neck beautifully emphasize the waist and visually reduce the figure, making it seductive.

Do not buy under any circumstances:

A short satin tight blouse makes the figure even more corpulent and sculpted. A transparent top reveals all the imperfections of the figure.

Lace on a plump woman looks cheap and vulgar.

Bolero? White? Feathered? The worst thing a fat woman can have.

Stylist advice. Make sure your clothes have as few horizontal lines as possible. This applies not only to prints - the edge of the sleeve, the edge of the sweater, the neckline, the edge of the boots should also not be horizontal. Tight pants, a short vest and a white T-shirt - you shouldn’t disfigure yourself and expose yourself to everyone’s ridicule.

A knitted, voluminous, shapeless sweater makes your figure look fat.

A wrap dress makes your figure look slimmer.

A blouse or pullover of a discreet color, an emphasis on the waist, long beads and black trousers make the figure proportionate and slender, diverting attention from problem areas

A penguin-colored dress allows you to make your figure slimmer.

It can have dark sides and a light vertical in the middle, or prints on the top and bottom, and a dark waist.

Stylist advice. Make sure that the hem of the sleeve and the bottom edge of the sweater or blouse are not on the same horizontal line. The main thing is that this line is not at the widest point of your hips.

If you have wide hips, your sweater should end either at your waist or below your hips. If you have full legs, wear long ones to the knee. Always follow this rule.

A long cardigan that covers the hips.

Black straight-fit trousers with a high waist, a blouse with vertical lines of a moderately loose fit.

Hello my dear readers! Today I will tell you how to dress correctly for short, plump women, and where you can find suitable sizes. Until recently, with my 152 cm, I struggled with finding the right sizes. And my petite friends with weighty figures also tearfully complained about the injustice that fashion for short, plump women is absent from the market as a class. “Why, why can’t you find things for my figure in stores?!” — one of my friends was indignant, and by the way, my mother, who is already over 50. But after a while I found a way out. Admit that you often repeat this mantra to yourself in front of the mirror: “Ah! If I were slimmer and taller, I would wear different things and be much happier...” But is everything really that bad? What if we approach this situation from a different, more positive side? Today I will teach you to turn your shortcomings into advantages. Just a few rules and you will learn how to easily select beautiful images for yourself! By the way, I’ll immediately say that the girls in the photo are shorter than 160 cm, so I don’t accept excuses that these are models!

Choosing clothes and size

The most important rules when choosing clothes are that the item should fit you well, be your size and match your age, status and situation. Overweight women often make the following catastrophic mistakes:

  1. Trying to hide their flaws, they choose clothes that are too big for them. And they become like a formless something. Is it easier to get around it or jump over it? If you don’t want people around you to have this question in their heads, refuse the shabby, incomprehensible bags that you call a dress or a blouse.
  2. They choose things that are too small for them. You've probably seen these ladies in skinny jeans and a life preserver from the stomach hanging over the belt. It looks disgusting and ridiculous. Forgive me for such impudent and rude words. But don't flatter yourself, and love your body the way it is now. You are worthy of love, respect, not ridicule. And by the way, any woman at any age and with any build is beautiful. Why torture your wonderful body by cramming it into things where you can’t even breathe?
  3. Another terrible mistake is when young girls with wonderful full bodies put on, excuse me, a “grandmother’s” dress. Do feminine curves and volume really need to be hidden under these terrible rags?
  4. When a plump lady deliberately exposes her sexuality and, at the same time, her problem areas. Of course, everyone decides for themselves where the problem is and where it is not. But let's rely on common sense. If you have smooth and toned skin on your arms and legs, then you can easily wear short dresses, skirts and open tops. But if your skin looks painful, you have varicose veins or pronounced cellulite, then you must agree that you should first visit a doctor and cosmetologist, and only then expose your body.

The most interesting thing is that overweight women can be much more stylish, interesting, and attractive than thin women. The whole secret lies in love and self-respect, which automatically leads to grooming and a pronounced individual style. This is the basis. Add to this a few fashionable life hacks, and believe me, you will cause much more admiration and compliments from others than a model girl!


To choose the right outfit, you need to decide on your body type. Take a look at yourself in the mirror. Where are your problem areas? Maybe in the thighs or abdominal area? There are several types of figure: A-shaped (narrow shoulders, wide hips), X-shaped (the width of the shoulders coincides with the width of the hips, there is a waist line), U-shaped (shoulders, waist, hips - in one line), O-shaped (broad shoulders, big belly, wide hips). What type are you?


If you have an A-shaped figure, focus on your upper body and draw attention away from your hips. The main goal is to increase your shoulders. A horizontal neckline on the top, a voluminous scarf, a U-shaped neckline, massive jewelry or a wide bow on the chest, sequins on the shoulders, shoulder straps, yokes, as well as a short jacket (more correctly, a jacket) will help to make such a correction. The vertical line is the best helper for short, plump women. You can apply this with a long sleeveless vest, a plain floor-length dress, or a vertical slit in the skirt. As soon as you try on a thing with a vertical line, your height will miraculously increase, and on the contrary, your weight will decrease. I do not recommend wearing a bell-shaped skirt or dress. Your choice is a knee-length pencil skirt with a high waist. Prefer straight-fit trousers to narrow, tight skinnies - they will hide the fullness of your legs and visually elongate your height.


If you have an O-shaped or “apple” figure, that same long sleeveless vest will come to your aid. The length of the sleeveless jacket is not below the knees. Rounded shapes will instantly disappear thanks to vertical lines, and in the mirror you will see a slimmer girl. Forget about wide belts. Open the neckline as much as possible, but within reason. The cutout shape is V-shaped or U-shaped, but not U-shaped. Shirt-type dresses, single-breasted jackets, raincoats or coats will help hide curves. It is better to avoid fitted models. Outerwear should be below the buttocks.


Young ladies who have a figure in the form of a square rectangle should emphasize their waist. Focus on the waist with contrasting color belts, fitted blouses and jackets, cardigans just below the hips with a belt, trousers with a slightly flared hem (flares are a trend this season). The cutout shape is V-shaped, U-shaped, but not U-shaped. You can also wear fitted dresses with panels that create the illusion of a slim figure.


This body type is considered the ideal of beauty. The fullness here falls more on the shoulders and hips, but there is a clear waistline. If you want to visually remove a couple of kilos, I suggest doing this with a fitted illusion dress, a belt, a pencil skirt, and straight trousers. An excellent technique would be a monochrome combination, which involves the presence of monochromatic items in one set. For example, a purple blouse and purple trousers. The colors can be the same or related.


When choosing fabrics, you should pay attention to the occasion, appropriateness, time of year, your age and status. The most practical and comfortable clothing at any time of the year is made of cotton, because cotton fabrics are soft, durable, hygroscopic, and are not expensive. According to the nature of the finishes and colors, they can be plain-colored, variegated, with prints and inserts. An excellent option is denim, be it a shirt or a blue tunic. This item hardly wrinkles and matches the rest of your clothes. Linen fabric is another best option for short and plump people. True, linen is more suitable for summer. And it is better to choose light colors: gray, beige, lilac, yellow, salmon. Cashmere is more suitable for an autumn dress or stole scarf. This is the thinnest wool fabric, so it definitely won't add weight to you. Beautiful colors for cashmere are red, gray, black, green, blue, brown. Viscose and other artificial fabrics for plus size people are good because they are smooth and dense to the touch and drape well. Used for sewing blouses, dresses, sundresses, tunics, etc. The most common fabrics made from viscose thread are: crepe de chine, taffeta, crepe satin, and raincoat fabrics. They can be plain-colored, with a variegated pattern, or plain, with shiny threads. Don't be afraid to choose knitwear either. The main condition is high density and good quality. Knitted fabric can be plain-dyed, melange, variegated, or with a printed pattern. Illusion dresses are made mainly from thick knitwear.


Here is a small list of online stores where you can order clothes for women up to 160 cm tall, with delivery to Russia:

1) Macy's. com. Returns are available, parcels to Moscow take 10-15 days. Sizes – up to 54.

2) Sizes – up to 52.

3) a site where clothes are customized to your measurements. The company itself does not deliver to Russia, but you can order through delivery services from the USA. By the way, I can also review them and tell and show you how to order safely through them.

In the following articles, I will continue to develop the topic of fashion for plus-size women, I will tell you about shapewear, how to choose the right accessories and create interesting images for plump fashionistas.

Attractiveness for a woman is one of the main topics. From rompers to shrouds, the elegance of the outfit and the impression it makes on others is at the forefront for Eve's beautiful daughters. Neither nationality nor build matters. All women have a zest, but it needs to be presented correctly. Let's figure out how to dress properly for overweight girls with significant advantages?

How to choose the right clothes for a fat person?

It's no secret that our emotions are directly perceived by others. If the blouse is too tight or pinches the waistband of the skirt, then the woman loses self-confidence. So is it worth wrapping your gorgeous body in tight, glove-like clothes? Will this create a feeling of comfort for the beauty? Of course not. It is advisable to choose an outfit so that you feel confident.

The size should be snug. Small will not reduce the volume, but will only emphasize it. Large - it will hang like a rag. Both options don't look neat.

Colors for curvy ladies

If a girl cannot demonstrate thin legs or a flat stomach, then she should simply play up other aspects. Any beauty has plenty of them, you just need to look at yourself in the mirror. Choose colors that are in harmony with your facial skin (according to your color type). This always makes the image complete and sophisticated. You can just go to the store and try on several versions of one model. You will see how important color is!

It is better for overweight women to wear clothes that do not create clear boundaries. It is worth achieving such an impression that those who look at you do not perceive you as a clear figure. Pastel, soft colors somewhat blur the image, making it more delicate and weightless. This creates the effect of reducing the shapes.

Don't forget about knitwear

If knitted items often visually add pounds, then thin knitwear, flowing freely over the body, on the contrary, creates the effect of a waterfall. The gaze glides freely over your figure, lingering only on “interesting” places. You can also add a large detail in the form of a bright decoration, then the fullness will elude the eye of the observer.

If you love knitted items, then make it a rule to use crocheted or knitted elements in the decor of your outfits. For example, a patterned yoke will focus the viewer’s attention “exactly where it is needed.”

Is it possible to wear bulky items when overweight?

Who forbids it? If clothes are made from soft fabrics of a “light” airy color, then this will not weigh down plump girls. On the contrary, look, the figure becomes light and flying. Volumetric items, chosen correctly, create the effect of a “slender” figure. This especially helps women above average height. Little beauties should approach the choice of bulky items more carefully.

Plus size dresses

Naturally, this is the most feminine outfit! The plump ones try in vain to avoid him. To ensure that harmony is not in doubt, you just need to place the accents correctly. For example, emphasize your waist with a dress style or an additional detail.

The same “red herring” can be a voluminous collar or a colorful set.

Fashion tips from Evelina Khromchenko: hairstyle, makeup and accessories for curvy ladies.

If you watch any fashion show, you may get the impression that all the women on earth are incredibly slim and practically weightless. But life is such that there are almost as many women in the body as there are transparent thin women. By the way, most men prefer just such chubby women, but only if they are well-groomed. A plump woman, with good skin and hair, and also beautifully dressed, attracts the glances of the opposite sex like a magnet. If you are this type, then this article is for you - it will tell you what to look for when choosing clothes.


The idea that dark colors hide extra pounds has long since lost its relevance. Overweight women can afford absolutely any palette, but it is better to avoid acidic colors. The same bright pink can be replaced with coral, lemon with sand, purple with lavender. White fabrics look great on plump women, but with a slight warm tint. It is better to leave black and gray tones for especially business occasions, but it is advisable to dilute them with bright accents.


In clothes for plus size, any floral prints, geometric shapes or ethnic motifs are acceptable. In this case, you need to choose a pattern so that it visually lengthens the figure or at least does not divide it into several parts horizontally. So, you should not buy a suit or dress with a check, especially a wide one. It is better to opt for a vertical stripe or a medium floral pattern. Dresses or tunics that have a single color at the top and floral or ethnic images scattered along the hem look good on plump women.


Shiny iridescent fabrics attract increased attention to problem areas, so overweight women should avoid making clothes from them. But matte fabrics, on the contrary, absorb light, and the figure seems to dissolve in the surrounding space. This makes it seem lighter.


Overweight women should be more responsible about proportions. This applies not only to clothing, but also to general appearance. A boyish haircut, a thin bracelet or a dress with small polka dots will look comical on a woman with a body like hers. It is better to have a voluminous hairstyle, wear large jewelry, and wear a dress with a large pattern or a plain color.


If a woman is too plump and tries to hide her excess weight with a shapeless robe, then she is making a big mistake. The silhouette of any outfit should be semi-fitting - it is this that will emphasize the smooth curves of the female body and at the same time leave room for male imagination.


The cut of a dress, jacket, coat or stole should have the greatest number of vertical lines. The so-called “smart dresses” look great on plump women, when the vertical is emphasized by a companion fabric or, conversely, fabric of the exact opposite color. These tricks, like slanted pockets or hem flares, can seem to elongate the figure.


You should not wear floor-length dresses in the hope of hiding full legs. They are usually of a very beautiful feminine shape, so you can and should open them a little. To make your legs look slimmer, you need to wear shoes with small, stable heels. If there is some serious problem with your legs, then it is better to hide them under your trousers. Too short skirts and shorts for overweight women are also contraindicated - such clothes will visually shorten your figure.


It is known that the details of any outfit can change it beyond recognition. For obese women in this case the following recommendations apply:

  • The neckline is V-shaped or round, but not a crew neckline. In the second case, a long string of large beads or a loosely hanging light scarf will help to lengthen the neck.
  • The collar is English or in the form of a long collar.
  • Sleeves – long or 3/4.


Beads, chains, scarves - everything should be long and quite large. If the scarf is going to be tied, then it is better to make its knot below chest level.

Bags and shoes

In order not to spoil the harmonious appearance, it is better to choose a large bag for a certain outfit. In a business case - to match the suit, on vacation - bright and defiant.

Not only men, but also slender women usually pay attention to plump, beautiful women. And if men usually admire them, then the female half may grin. To feel confident in your large body, you need to learn to love it - take care of it and dress it in beautiful clothes. And it’s better to buy less of it, but of the highest quality. This fully applies to shoes, jewelry, and perfumes.