How to get a beautiful tan at sea: effective methods, secrets and recommendations. Effective ways to tan quickly in the sun


In this article we will discuss how to get a beautiful and safe tan. Let's look in detail at the basic safety measures on the beach and how to take care of your skin during sunbathing. Let's talk about cosmetics that help speed up the desired process.

Follow the basic rules of summer tanning and you will be delighted with the uniform bronze tone of your body.

The main goal: to get a beautiful tan without negative consequences for your health. To do this in the sun, follow these simple tips:

  • Take care of your face. Go out into the sun only with sunglasses. They not only protect the delicate skin around the eyes, but also help avoid the appearance of small unnecessary spots. Also, buy a special one. It has a denser structure and enhanced protection.
  • Hair also needs to be treated with care. A hat is a must-have for your beach look. It protects you from heat stroke, and your hair will not become thin and brittle after rest.
  • Stock up on sunscreen. Apply it 15 minutes before going outside and repeat the procedure every 2 hours.
  • Lying on a chaise longue or blanket, change your position as often as possible. Dermatologists recommend turning over every 10 minutes. This will help make your skin tone even and avoid burns.
  • Use after the beach.
  • Direct exposure to the sun is not recommended for people who have a lot of moles and age spots on their bodies.

5 golden rules for summer tanning

It’s not difficult to get a beautiful and harmless tan if you follow the rules:

  1. Prepare your body in advance. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the epithelium produces not only vitamin D, but also other substances that lead to premature aging of the skin. Therefore, if you plan to get an attractive tan color without any harm to your health, then 2 weeks before your vacation, include carrots, tomatoes, citrus fruits, and spinach in your diet. They contain vitamins A, C, E, which act as antioxidants for these substances.
  2. Choose the right sunscreen. Red-haired girls and blondes buy a cream with a protection factor of 30, and dark-haired girls - from 15. Even if you are a dark-skinned beauty, use a spray with a minimum factor. It will protect you from dangerous sun rays that cause cancer. For those with very pale skin, we recommend stocking up on a product with protection 50.
  3. When you go swimming, be sure to apply anti-tan cream. Water acts as an amplifier for thermal radiation. The sun penetrates the reservoir at a level of ½ meter from the surface of the reservoir. Therefore, when you enjoy water treatments, your body is exposed to maximum ultraviolet rays. You might just burn out. When you get on land, dry your body thoroughly and reapply sunscreen.
  4. On the beach, be mindful of the time. From 12.00 to 16.00 is an unfavorable time to sunbathe. The sun is aggressive and can cause harm to health. During this period, it is better to take a cool shower and relax in your room.
  5. After sunbathing, your body needs extra hydration. When you bask near the sea for a long time, your skin loses the necessary moisture. Therefore, help your body return to normal quickly. Moreover, cosmetic moisturizers contain nutritional components and vitamins that fight the results of photochemical reactions after tanning.

Products for quick tanning on the beach

If you want to speed up the appearance of a tan, use the following cosmetics:

  • Cream with special additives. You can use it even if you have white skin and it’s your first day on vacation. It stimulates the production of special enzymes that take part in tanning, protects against burns and makes the skin smooth and soft. The result is a healthy and bronzed shade.
  • Cream with tingle effect. It is best used for those parts of the body that are not very susceptible to tanning, except for the face. After applying it, you may feel a slight tingling and tingling sensation. Ting elements help speed up blood circulation. This process enhances the release of melanin in the body. It actively reacts with ultraviolet rays and you will get an even, safe tan.
  • Tanning oil. Should only be used for dark skinned women. Before using it, prepare your body. Exfoliate first and take a shower. This way, you will cleanse your skin of dead skin cells and your tan will apply evenly. Apply sparingly, because excess can cause harm: cause allergies, irritation.

Read the product label carefully before purchasing. It should indicate that it is intended for tanning under the sun, and not for a solarium. By the way, you can read how to sunbathe properly in a solarium.

In which online store can you buy quick tanning products?

There are a huge number of stores that provide this opportunity, here is one of them:


The safest way to become a chocolate bar is self-tanning.

Has a number of advantages:

  • does not dry out the epithelium;
  • it does not cause aging effects;
  • the tan “clings” quite quickly;
  • does not rub off on clothes;
  • uniform shade even in areas with sensitive skin.

If you decide to use it, remember:

  • buy only high quality;
  • Body tanning should not be used on the face and neck. The principle here is the same as with a simple cream. Every woman should choose a product that suits her skin type.


Need to remember:

  • If you want to tan quickly, then be sure to go to the beach near the sea, lake or other accessible body of water. Water strongly attracts and enhances the effect of the sun's rays, so you will get the result much faster than in the yard.
  • To tan beautifully and safely, use special products with protection from UF rays.
  • Your face requires special care. The skin is very sensitive and needs enhanced protection.
  • Moisturize your body with cream after sun treatments.
  • Self-tanning is an excellent alternative for beauties with sensitive and very fair skin.

See you in the next article!

  1. For a week or two before heading out into the sun, use a gentle scrub or exfoliant daily. Dead cells on the surface of the skin cause the tan to apply unevenly.
  2. Start taking vitamins A and E, in combination or separately. Vitamin A stimulates the production of melanin, and you will become chocolate faster, and vitamin E softens and moisturizes the skin, which will allow it to look great.
  3. Drink carrot juice, which is rich in beta-carotene, which is also necessary for melanin production. Remember that beta-carotene is fat-soluble, meaning it requires fat to be absorbed. Add cream or a spoonful of vegetable oil to the juice.
  4. To quickly tan, you don’t need to lie (stand) for an hour, turning one side to the sun, then the other. The tan goes on better and faster when you are on the move. Play, run, have fun, and the sun will do its job.
  5. If you remember that tanning should not only be fast, but also beautiful and healthy, stay in the sun before 11-12 pm and after 4 pm. And be sure to use sunscreen!
  6. A product with bronzers will help you tan quickly in the sun. This is not a self-tanner, but a special lotion or cream with ingredients that stimulate the production of melatonin.
  7. While sunbathing, drink! Water, of course. Increase your daily intake by a liter, your skin will thank you and be firm and smooth, despite the dehydrating effect of ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Before going to bed, be sure to apply a nourishing cream from the “After the Sun” line or any softening and soothing cream. This will allow the skin to rest and recover for the next day.
  9. When you return from the sea, your body will be like coffee grounds. Don't rub! Coffee is often recommended to be used as a scrub, and this is a really great idea, but not if you want to maintain a dark skin tone. Just lightly apply coffee grounds to your body and rinse with warm water. Coffee will enhance pigmentation.
  10. Wash your face with tea. Dried tea leaves are an excellent antiseptic, prevent inflammation and acne; tea extract tightens and refreshes the skin and helps maintain its dark complexion.
  11. Apply a light auto-bronzant once a week. You don't risk getting orange or blotchy because your skin is already tanned! Support it with self-tanning and enjoy the effect for months.
  12. Do not go to the sauna or bathhouse, do not rub your skin with a towel. Be careful, be gentle!
  13. Eat salmon! Fatty fish varieties help the skin retain dark pigment longer.
  14. Take a cool shower. By toning blood vessels and skin, you will slow down the process of exfoliation of pigmented layers.
  15. If the weather permits, you can go outdoors and sunbathe in your free time or on weekends, thereby refreshing your tan and strengthening it. Tanned skin “absorbs” the sun’s rays well, and an hour or two a week is enough.

Despite the fact that tanning has recently been considered not the healthiest procedure for the body, its popularity has not decreased. It is still considered one of the characteristics of sexuality and visual attractiveness. Therefore, many cannot imagine their holiday without chocolate-bronze “consequences” on the skin. We will share with you little secrets on how to enhance your tan and maintain it for a long time.

Cosmetics for a good tan

The modern cosmetics industry has a wide range of special products designed to enhance tanning. Moreover, in addition to the main substance, which will be responsible for the beautiful chocolate effect, such creams and lotions contain substances that will help your skin survive exposure to the sun without harm (antioxidants, moisturizers and nutrients, minerals and vitamins). To get the maximum result from solar treatments, pay attention to a series of tanning products containing DHA (from 5 to 16%) or “tingle” effect. However, the latter is not recommended for people with sensitive and fair skin.

Active tanning oils

You can combine good results with skin protection by using natural cosmetic oils for tanning. Typically, manufacturers include natural tanning “activators” in the composition of such bottles in the form of coconut, wheat, palm oil, as well as avocado or cocoa oil. Additionally, such compositions are enriched with vitamins, beta-carotene, SPF -factors and vitamins. You can use ordinary cosmetic or olive oil without protective components to enhance your tan, but to consolidate the result, that is, on tanned skin. Otherwise, you may intensify not the tan, but the skin burn.

Tanning Products

The leaders among natural “dyes” that can be used to influence the depth of a tan are beta-carotene, antioxidants, fatty acids and B vitamins. Therefore, feel free to eat (or take with you) apricots, watermelons, carrots, melons before going to the beach , apples, liver, sweet peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, cheese, fish (especially salmon). Olive oil promotes tanning very well, especially in combination with carrots, eggplants, tomatoes, peppers and fish.

Juices for a quick tan

Good news for lovers of fresh juices and juices - your love for these drinks can contribute not only to good health, but also to a beautiful tan. Carrot juice and citrus juices (grapefruit, orange, lemon, tangerine) are especially effective in this regard. You can add a little honey to lemon or grapefruit juice. It is better to start such juice therapy 7-10 days before the intended vacation, and during it - in the mornings and before going to the beach.

Homemade remedies for a deep tan

The following home remedy recipe for a beautiful tan is considered very effective: mix 50 g of natural coffee (ground) and 100 g of nut butter (any). Transfer the mixture to a glass container and leave in a dark place for 1-1.5 weeks, shaking occasionally. After this, filter the settled active mixture and apply to the body half an hour before sunbathing.

Tanning rules for a good tan

To quickly get a beautiful tan, it is better to prepare for it in advance, namely, visit a solarium. This way, you'll be less likely to get sunburned and more likely to get a dark tan. Also try not to be in the open sun during the sunshine period (from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and swim as often as possible. By the way, remember that tan “clings” most quickly to the skin near water (swimming pool, pond) and in it. When sunbathing, change your body position every 5-10 minutes and periodically lubricate it with tanning product (according to the instructions).

When trying to get a beautiful deep tan, remember that everything is good in moderation, including sunbathing. Therefore, take care not only of how to tan quickly, but also of how to protect your skin from burns, wrinkles and dehydration.

Summer, sun, river or sea – who doesn’t dream about it? Perhaps everyone is waiting for this magical time. It is during vacation that we restore strength, relax not only with our bodies, but also with our souls. In this material, we invite you to talk about how to tan in the sun quickly, beautifully, and most importantly safely.

It’s worth saying that when going to any body of water, the goal of many people is not only to swim to their heart’s content, but also to get a tan. A tanned, chocolate body has become so fashionable that some people are even willing to spend a lot of money in order to have a beautiful skin color in winter.

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that you need to be able to sunbathe. Of course, for many this may look funny, since we are accustomed to the fact that when we want to sunbathe, we simply lie down under the rays of the sun and wait for the result we need. Be aware that this tanning option may not only not meet your expectations, but also cause great harm to your health.

If you value your health and treat it with care, then the following tips just for you:

  • Firstly, you must realize that not everyone can sunbathe and ignoring these recommendations is highly undesirable. People who have increased sensitivity to sunlight should be very careful about spending time in the sun.
  • Those people who need to be attentive also have light skin. Moles and age spots are another cause for concern. If at least one of the above factors is present, the tanning process should be as gentle as possible, since people with such characteristics are prone to sunburn.
  • As soon as you arrive at the sea or a river, you should not immediately “throw yourself into the pool headlong.” To get started, sunbathe 10-15 minutes and, preferably, not in the open sun. Don't forget that shoulders, chest, legs are the areas where the skin is most sensitive.
  • Use sunscreen. For some reason, many people think that it is enough to apply the cream just once during one visit to the beach, but this is a huge mistake. Such products need to be applied every hour and take into account the characteristics of the skin.

IMPORTANT: If possible, avoid visiting the beach at lunchtime. It is from 12 to 15 hours that the sun can harm your health. It is best to sunbathe before 12 and after 16 hours.

  • Many believe that while in water, the skin is protected from ultraviolet rays. If you think the same, you are mistaken. As practice shows, the tan “sticks” even faster in water, which, in fact, is where the danger lies.
  • While a person is in the water, this process is almost unnoticeable, but as soon as you step onto land, a burning sensation will immediately begin to be felt. In order to avoid such situations, do not forget to use the cream before swimming.

Your tan will be much more beautiful if:

  1. The body position will change every 5-10 minutes. At the same time, do not forget to dip into the water occasionally.
  2. Special means will be used. Various tanning creams will enhance the effect and give your skin a golden tint. Remember that such products should be selected individually based on your skin type.
  3. After tanning, you will take a contrast shower and apply nourishing lotion to dry skin.

Be very vigilant: sometimes the hours fly by when spending time at the beach. It's no secret that during the process itself you can't always feel how much the skin is tanned. The most interesting thing begins then: the skin begins to turn red, blisters and burns appear. This is why we recommend doing everything consistently and not chasing results at any cost.

How long can you sunbathe in the sun, and at what time?

Earlier we talked a little about these important issues, now let's look at them in more detail. Before hearing the answers to these questions, you must clearly understand one simple but very important thing: your health is much more important than even the most beautiful tan.

  • Of course, we all want to get great results and spend a minimum of time. But remember, it doesn't happen that way. It is for this reason that before sunbathing, you need to find out the rules and recommendations with which it will be much easier and, most importantly, safe.
  • It is recommended to tan gradually. As soon as you arrive at the sea or another body of water, you should begin the process extremely carefully.
  • To begin with, sunbathe for half an hour, while changing your body position every 10 minutes maximum. You should not sunbathe in the open sun. A place in the shade, as well as a beach umbrella, may be a good option.
  • With each subsequent day, increase your time in the sun, do not forget to swim periodically, this way you will get a better tan.
  • As soon as the period of adaptation of your body to sunbathing has passed, you can safely enjoy the process of “tanning”.
  • Regarding the best time to sunbathe, it must be said unequivocally that it is either morning or evening.

  • The sun is at its most dangerous from 12 to 15 hours. It is recommended to spend this period of time in your room or, at least, away from open sunlight. At this time, the sun can bring you not only burns, but also sunstroke, and this, as you know, is incredibly dangerous for your health.
  • The sun is at its most gentle from 8 to 12 am. This is the perfect time for an even golden or chocolate tan.
  • From 15 to 18 hours The sun's rays are also very mild and are unlikely to cause you any problems.
  • It goes without saying that you need to understand that, even while sunbathing at 16:00 in the evening, you need to follow the basic safety rules that we talked about earlier.

Tanning at home: folk remedies

If you don’t go on vacation to the water, and you basically don’t have free time for sunbathing, then the following tips are just for you. As a rule, all folk remedies come down to eating certain foods.

  • Such a miraculous and unique substance of its kind as lycopene, contributes to the acquisition of a slightly golden hue to the skin. And what vegetable do you think contains this substance? It probably wouldn't even occur to you - in tomato. Therefore, for a beautiful golden tan, it is recommended to eat these delicious vegetables.

  • For an even tan, you should eat eggplants. These vegetables prevent aging of the skin, thereby ensuring smoothness. Thanks to this property of the skin, the tan applies evenly.

  • A rich, bright tan can be obtained if you drink any citrus juices.
  • Do you dream of a beautiful bronze tan, then they will come to your aid nut oils. You just have to pay attention to the fact that after applying this oil to the skin, you can sunbathe for no more than 30 minutes.
  • Apricots, carrots, and their juices can also contribute to a beautiful bronze tan. Before going to the beach or before sunbathing at home, you should drink a glass of juice or eat a small amount of apricots and grated carrots.

What to put on to tan in the sun until chocolate brown?

Such questions bother vacationers quite often, but finding answers to such questions is a task that requires time and patience. Of course, there are a lot of tips regarding chocolate tanning, but are they effective, that is the question.

We have chosen only the most effective methods and now we will tell them to you. So, let's begin.

  • If you want to get an attractive chocolate tan, but your skin every now and then does not want to tan evenly and beautifully - use a special tanning cosmetics. Now these activator products are quite popular, finding them will not be difficult. However, we advise you to buy this type of product exclusively in specialized stores and pharmacies. At the same time, take into account your skin type and its characteristics, because what suits someone else may harm you.
  • Give preference natural activators, They are made on the basis of natural base and essential oils.
  • Aromatherapy, Oddly enough, it also improves the tan. In this case, the process should be carried out with essential oils.

  • Our next recommendation may surprise you, but still. If you dream of a beautiful chocolate tan, apply it beer. Yes, this particular drink can help you make your dream come true. The natural components found in beer help the tan to “stick” much faster and distribute it evenly over the body.
  • Our advice: use dark beer. The drink should be applied to the skin, as if lightly rubbing it, but not by dousing it. People with fair skin are advised to add olive oil or vegetable oil to their beer. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1.
  • Another great tanning product is Coconut oil. Thanks to the action of lauric and hyaluronic acids, the tan applies evenly and beautifully.

Also Coconut oil has a beneficial effect on the skin:

  • Well eliminates dry skin, that is, nourishes the skin
  • Helps cells regenerate
  • Smoothes wrinkles
  • Reduces the chances of sunburn
  • Thanks to the use of this oil, the skin becomes elastic and elastic.
  • Strengthens the skin's immune system

Cocoa butter is also considered a good tanning product. It is important to remember not to over-smear yourself with this oil as it can cause sunburn. Cacao butter– an excellent product for the care of problem skin:

  • Makes skin softer and relieves dryness
  • Helps the face gain a healthy, beautiful color
  • Reduces skin reaction to temperature changes
  • Moisturizes the skin
  • Normalizes skin tone

On the eve of summer and the beach season, as well as any holiday in the sun, it is very important to take care of your skin so as not to suffer from unwanted consequences later.

The tips written above are definitely important: they will not only help you get a beautiful golden or chocolate tan, but also maintain your health, and this, you see, is important.

Remember that there is nothing more important than your health and the health of your loved ones, and even the most beautiful and attractive tan is not worth risking yourself. That is why we recommend that you take our recommendations seriously - adhere to them and enjoy your vacation.

Video: “Rules for a beautiful and safe tan”

Updated 02/28/2019 21:25

Golden skin tone is associated with carefree time spent on the seashore. Once upon a time, almost a century ago, people of noble birth were identified by their “aristocratic” pale skin, and tanning remained a sign of the lower strata of society. Today, the attitude towards tanning has changed dramatically - it has remained at the peak of fashion for many years.

How to tan quickly in the sun?

The fast pace of life in large cities does not imply long vacations, and there is always a desire to show off a bronze tan. Therefore, many people ask the question: how to get a tan in a week at sea?

To solve the problem of becoming a mulatto, you need to use several methods at once:

  • Tanning at the water's edge

You can quickly get a tan by positioning yourself closer to the surf line. The surface of sea water will reflect UV rays, accelerating the appearance of pigment. It is also good to sunbathe while floating on an air mattress or going to sea on a catamaran. The effect will be enhanced if you lie in an open swimsuit on light towels or a white surface.

  • Cream with an artificial melanin production activator

Melanin is responsible for the appearance of brown pigment. In people with European appearance, it is activated on the 8-10th day of exposure to bright sun. With the help of special creams purchased at the pharmacy, you can speed up its activity. The main thing is to strictly follow the instructions.

  • Beach games

During active movements, the sun's rays touch all parts of the body at once, so those who take part in outdoor games, such as volleyball, badminton, pier jumping, get a tan much faster.

  • Skin cleansing

To make your skin tan faster, before leaving the house you should periodically exfoliate, removing old dead skin using cosmetic scrubs and a stiff brush.

The vacation is over, but every girl wants to remain a tanned beauty for as long as possible. How to maintain a sea tan?

It will help in this matter carrot mask , chopped on a fine grater. The pureed mass should be applied to the face for 15 minutes and rinsed with water, and then rub in the nourishing cream. You can use carrot juice mixed with a few drops of olive oil.

Various scrubs can destroy brown pigment, but if you replace them with coffee grounds, it will not only benefit the skin, but also help maintain a tan.

How long does a sea tan last? This depends on many factors: skin type, time spent on the beach (morning and evening tans are considered the most persistent) and season (the best month is September). Average tan mark lasts up to two months on dark skin, and about 45 days on light skin .

Special body lotions containing a mild self-tanner will help you enjoy a tan all year round. They not only gently moisturize the skin, but also gradually give it a natural tanning effect.

How to tan quickly in the sun - folk remedies

In order to quickly get the kiss of the sun using natural remedies, you need to follow certain rules.

  • Diet

A beautiful tan can be achieved by including in your dietvegetables, fruits, and juices rich in antioxidants (minerals, vitamins and other nutrients that protect cells from free radicals). Beta-carotenes are found in mangoes, apricots, carrots, spinach and fresh eggplant. Vitamins E and C can be found in broccoli, Brazil nuts, and pumpkin. Eating watermelons helps you get an even tan.

Such amino acids, which are necessary for enhancing tanning, are also found in other products, for example, fish and hard cheeses. Natural freshly squeezed juices will also be an effective remedy. Citrus fruits are especially useful.

  • Homemade lotion with iodine

A good natural remedy would be a self-prepared mixture of regular iodine (4-5 drops) and olive oil (half a glass). The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly and applied to the body before going to the beach.

  • Sunflower oil for tanning

Sunflower seed oil deeply moisturizes the skin and creates a protective film on it that protects it from burns. For a beautiful, even tan, it is better to use unrefined, cold-pressed oil.

How to tan quickly in the sun with white skin

People with thin, snow-white skin often suffer from sun allergies. After just a few days of staying on the seashore, redness and a rash appear on the body, which itches painfully. Such “Snow Maidens” with fair skin have to think about how not to get burned on the beach. But if you prepare well before visiting the beach, then a gentle honey tan is guaranteed.

  • Creating a protective barrier for the skin using cream ( SPF -50)

White skin needs especially high protection, which should not be reduced until it is completely accustomed to the bright sun. Sun protection for the face is especially important. Apply the cream after each swim and sunbathe for no more than 30 minutes a day.

  • Proper diet

To produce melanin, you should include carrot, pumpkin, orange and grapefruit juices in your diet. Do not get carried away with coffee, chocolate, smoked meats.

How to avoid getting sunburned

How can you avoid getting burned at sea on the first day of your vacation and protect yourself from the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation? First of all, don’t get carried away with realizing your long-awaited dream. You can be under the open sun for only 2-3 hours, and at the beginning of your vacation, not for long at all - no more than an hour a day.

We must not forget about the time of day that is most favorable for being on the beach. The “kindest” sun shines from 9 to 11 a.m. and from 4 p.m. to sunset.

It’s not healthy to sunbathe on an empty stomach, but you shouldn’t go to the beach right after a hearty lunch either. At least 2 hours should pass before sunbathing.

Attention! It is not recommended to be on the beach at lunchtime.

The first days of your stay on the sea coast, until the skin gets used to intense UV radiation, you will need a cream withSPF-50 , which provides maximum sun protection.

How to avoid sunburn without sunscreen? Many people believe that if you take several tanning sessions in a solarium before traveling to the south, this is guaranteed to help you avoid getting sunburned. But this is nothing more than a myth, since not the entire spectrum of sunlight is used in a solarium. Therefore, even artificial sun sessions do not relieve you of the need to use protective lotions or creams.

You can protect your skin from the sun with folk remedies. Natural SPF -factor has oil from raspberry seeds, wheat germ and hazelnuts. All these oils are perfectly absorbed and perfectly moisturize the skin.

How to get a chocolate tan at sea

Speaking about the color of the tan, I would like to note the key points that affect its color:

  • Skin type (phototype);
  • Type of reservoir;
  • Climatic zone;
  • Tanning products with various ingredients that help make the skin more bronze, chocolate or give another shade.

For a chocolate tan, all recommendations must be followed regarding time spent in the sun and skin care, because First of all, everyone should think about their health.

  • Use lotions on natural oils;
  • Coconut oil also gives the skin the desired shade;
  • Dark beer contains components that help the tan “stick” better. Beer should be applied rubbing it into the skin, because if you just water yourself, the tan will be uneven, with spots or streaks;
  • After the beach, immediately take a shower and apply a moisturizing, nourishing cream to your body.

Remember that you need to use oils and tanning cosmetics only after you have sunbathed for several days with protective creams and your skin has become accustomed to the action of the sun.