How to do facial cleansing at home. Facial cleansing at home - salon cleansing recipes

Steaming your face is a necessary procedure when you need to cleanse your face. So what will I need?

To steam means to hold your face over a container of heated water or other liquid (for example, a decoction of herbs). Mint, chamomile, green tea, eucalyptus, lavender, calendula, celandine and other herbs are suitable for preparing a decoction.

The decoction should be prepared in the following proportion: per glass of water for sensitive skin - ½ tbsp. l. herbs, and for oily - 1 tbsp. l.

I like to prepare a decoction of chamomile, this steaming is good for removing inflammation on the face and cleansing the pores.

If the skin is inflamed, it can be steamed with a decoction of linden, chamomile or string flowers. But it is advisable to avoid this procedure if there are purulent pimples or acne on the skin.

Enameled utensils are used for cooking. The herbs must be poured with cold water and boiled for 20-30 minutes. The decoction is prepared in advance and filtered after cooling. Later it must be heated for the procedure.

When choosing herbs, be sure to take into account individual tolerance!

The procedure time depends on the skin type.

According to the recommendations of cosmetologists, if the skin has a tendency to dryness, then the duration of steaming should be about 5 minutes. A person with a normal skin type needs to steam for about 8 minutes, with an oily skin type - 10-12.

The procedure for steaming is simple. You need to take the heated broth, pour it into a container and hold your face above the steam of the broth at a distance of 20 cm. For the best effect, I cover my head with a towel.

You can also steam your face using a napkin or small towel. It is necessary to place the rag in the heated broth, then transfer it to the face. Hold for 5 minutes, repeat the procedure 2-3 times.

Peeling: favorite home recipes, tested on yourself

Peeling can be different. Mechanical is more suitable for me, that is, masks or scrubs with a cleaning effect that can be made at home.

The scrub is perfect for oily and dry skin; it contains particles that can remove dead cells and cleanse pores. I mix coffee or cereal beans, crushed in a coffee grinder or blender, with fruit puree (you can make it yourself by chopping the pulp). It makes an excellent scrub.

But my sensitive skin responds better to gentle products. For example, a soft oatmeal scrub.

To prepare you will need cucumber, oatmeal, natural yogurt, jojoba oil and almond oil.

Scrub recipe

  1. The cucumber must be peeled and brought to a mushy state by rubbing through a sieve or grinding in a blender.
  2. Add natural yogurt (2 tbsp) to the cucumber puree.
  3. Add oatmeal (2 tbsp).
  4. Pour in jojoba oil (1 tbsp) and almond oil (1 tbsp).

Mix the resulting slurry very thoroughly. Apply the finished mixture to the face for 10-15 minutes.

After use, you need to wash your face with warm water, and then with cool water to tighten the pores. Then apply.

Here's another favorite recipe of mine, using egg whites, honey and oatmeal.

Cooking method

  1. It is necessary to beat the egg whites with honey (1 tbsp.).
  2. Add pre-chopped oatmeal (1 tbsp).
  3. If the mixture turns out runny, you can add more grains.

Gently apply the mask to your face and leave for 10 minutes. After use, rinse with warm water.

This facial cleansing mask really helps - easy to make at home!

I love oatmeal, so it is a frequent guest in our house. And for cosmetic procedures I use it.

I like the citrus scrub mask with oatmeal. The ingredients for it can be prepared for future use, which is very convenient for me personally.

Although my skin is sensitive, I often face an unpleasant problem. I have a breakout called “prosyanka” (white closed acne, some call it “wheat”).

To make a scrub mask to cleanse your facial skin of fatty deposits, you will need:

a) orange zest (dried crushed peel);

b) almonds;

c) rolled oats or oatmeal.

All components are taken in equal quantities. To prepare the mixture, you need to take the powder from the ingredients and add a small amount of water to it. It should turn out to be a puree.

The powder can be stored in a ceramic container with a closed lid.

Another problem is black spots, which bother almost all representatives of the fairer sex. To get rid of this trouble, one of my home remedies helps me.

Honey and cinnamon scrub. The ingredients are simple:

- cinnamon (1 tbsp.);

- honey (3 tbsp.).

Mix the ingredients until smooth. I apply the mixture to my face and let it sit for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse it off with water. There is no need to do this procedure often. It is enough to clean the skin once every 2 weeks.

My grandmother always advised washing your face with cool water, and not using “a bunch of chemicals.”

She, being an avid gardener, taught us from childhood that it is good to moisturize the skin with cucumber, and fortify it with ripe strawberries. It was fun then, but now you understand that it works. You just need to cut the ingredients into pieces and apply it to your face.

When going to the bathhouse, we often steamed oats and celandine in a tub. The decoction was applied to the steamed face. And so it turned out that the acne areas dried out. This procedure is recommended for people with oily skin.

High-quality facial cleansing at home is far from a myth, but an economical one, which many women appreciate.

But such a procedure requires caution and experience, since the skin of the face is especially delicate and is easily injured.

It is important to consider your personal type because oily skin needs more frequent care than normal skin.

Dry ones require especially careful handling, and you can clean them no more than once a month.

In order to do everything right, specific recommendations are required.

With them, you can easily study the issue, and any cleansing of your face from blackheads at home will take place without negative consequences.

Start of the procedure

The first are effective immediately after preparation, the second are not suitable for everyone based on their potency and allergenicity.

Natural herbs use about 4-5 tablespoons per liter of hot water, and oils use about 7 drops for the same amount.

Choose herbs to taste. In view of the beneficial properties, they often stop at thyme, geranium, linden or St. John's wort.

If you are using dried leaves and stems, pour about 20 grams with half a liter of hot water and boil in a steam bath for about 30 minutes.

Squeeze out the mass and mix a few spoons with 500–800 milliliters of hot water.

Bring your face to the steam and cover your head with a towel. Don't lean too close, you might burn your mucous membranes!

Choose a distance so that you can last about 10 minutes.

The sweat that appears should be carefully blotted with a towel, preferably linen.

This kind of facial cleansing at home has a lot of positive reviews, because it costs a penny, and the procedure itself is simple.

You can only squeeze out pimples if you follow all the rules.

Hot compresses

You can also use hot compresses.

In this case, take a sterile gauze bandage and an undiluted heated herbal solution or with a small addition of water.

Blot the napkin, place it on your face and relax for about 20 minutes. After this, the skin is ready for more active intervention.

Tip: for normal skin, use sandalwood, fennel, for oily skin - licorice, lemon balm, bay leaf, dry herbs - marshmallow, rose and dandelion - for combination skin, coltsfoot or elderflower will help.

Cleaning your face from blackheads at home with a cosmetic loop

Combine the mixture with a small amount of spring water. Apply the scrub onto the skin using massaging movements and rinse.

Homemade scrub with honey and almonds

Recipe No. 2

Mix natural coffee grounds with fatty cottage cheese and apply to the skin. If desired, cottage cheese can be replaced with sour cream.

Recipe No. 3

Mix cream in equal proportions. In this case, refrain from contacting the area around the eyes.

Recipe No. 4

Combine corn flakes, olive oil and a teaspoon of sugar. This is a universal product for all skin types.

Oatmeal scrub


Recipe No. 1

  1. Mix a few cups of dried roses with almond oil.
  2. Place it all in a steam bath and wait for the petals to discolor. It should take about 30 minutes.
  3. Wipe the skin with the resulting tonic as it gets dirty.

Recipe No. 2

  1. Starch and water should be mixed in a ratio of 1:3. It is better to preheat it and thoroughly beat it to the same consistency.
  2. This rinse is useful for cleansing your skin in the morning and evening.

Homemade cleansers

Recipe No. 3

  1. Take a few tablespoons of any oil and combine with several portions of oils:, lemon,.
  2. The product is ideal for skin with unbalanced, excessive sebaceous glands.

Recipe No. 4

  1. Mix honey, crushed rice and white clay in equal proportions. Apply, let the clay dry and rinse off.

Nourishing masks

Recipe No. 1

Grind half a juicy apple into a pulp and mix with natural yogurt. Add some oatmeal and rosewood oil (4 drops) here. After application, relax for ten minutes and rinse off.

Recipe No. 2

To give a matte effect, mix a teaspoon of oatmeal and a few tablespoons of bio-kefir. Keep this mask on your skin longer.

Making facial cleansers at home is easy

Recipe No. 3

Add fresh yeast to the milk with a small amount of grated horseradish. Leave on face for 5-7 minutes.

Recipe No. 4

Grind the lettuce leaves, lemon juice and burdock oil. This very healthy combination is beneficial for facial health!

Recipe No. 5

Mix melon pulp and cream in a 5:1 consistency. The seductive smell and beautiful skin will always be with you!

Advice: all of the listed physiological masks should be applied in a thick layer. Their consistency should be quite thick.

What woman doesn't dream of clear and healthy skin? Alas, the era of technological progress and poor ecology leaves traces on our faces.

Almost all of us are familiar with the hated blackheads. They especially like to appear on the eve of important events, dates and parties.

It is not always possible to find the time and money to visit a beauty salon. Therefore, every woman should have recipes for deep skin cleansing in her skin care arsenal.

Why you should regularly cleanse your face at home

Comedones, or as we used to call them, acne, are present on the skin of 80% of women living in large cities. Their appearance is influenced by ecology, lifestyle and health status. The sebaceous glands perform an important mission - they protect the skin from drying out and the harmful effects of the environment. They secrete an oil-like substance that mixes with the rough scales on our skin.

In normal condition, facial skin should cleanse itself. But stress, chronic illness, irregular sleep, and hormonal imbalances cause the glands to produce abnormally large amounts of sebum. Cells begin to renew themselves much more slowly.

The sebaceous glands become inflamed, enlarged and the accumulated dirt turns into disgusting blackheads. Comedones appear inside the skin, so no matter how the advertisement praises the new miracle cream, it is simply useless for comedones. Only deep facial cleansing can get rid of blackheads.

You can cleanse your face, get rid of blackheads, and make your skin soft and silky at home. Properly performed facial cleansing at home is in no way inferior to salon procedures in terms of effectiveness.

Important rules for deep facial cleansing at home

Facial cleansing at home is an absolutely simple procedure accessible to every girl. But to achieve the desired result from the procedure, follow these simple rules:

1. You can only touch your face with perfectly clean hands. Deep cleansing will open up your skin's pores, making it much easier for bacteria to get inside. If you don’t want inflammation and rashes on your face, be sure to wash your hands with soap and then wipe them with medical alcohol.

2. Before the procedure, the facial skin must be pre-cleaned. You can use a scrub and then rinse your face with warm water.

3. Do not deep clean inflamed skin with wounds, scratches or immature rashes. Then the desire to make your skin beautiful will turn into an even greater disaster. Facial cleansing at home is a simple and delicate procedure. But if you have wounds or acne on your skin that are inflamed, it is better to wait for them to heal. In the meantime, you can wipe your skin with a cotton pad soaked in herbal tonic.

Chamomile tonic is ideal for this - it will relieve inflammation and help wounds heal faster. Blackheads should not be squeezed out; it is better to dry them with tea tree oil. When the inflammation goes away, you can get rid of them with deep cleansing.

Mechanical facial cleansing at home

For the procedure we will need:

- large terry towel;

- a saucepan with hot water;

- composition for herbal decoction;

- tea tree oil;

- hydrogen peroxide;

— alcohol toner for the face;

- moisturizing cream.

Disadvantages of the procedure:

- the procedure is long;

- redness may remain after it, but it will go away in a few days;

— the skin may peel a little (especially for dry skin), but a moisturizer will perfectly cope with this problem.

Pros of the procedure:

- no blackheads;

- no dead cells;

— if you apply the cream after the procedure, it will penetrate deep into the skin and have a more effective effect.

Step one: hand hygiene

Wash your hands with soap and wipe them with rubbing alcohol to prevent infection.

Step two: preliminary cleansing of the skin

You need to thoroughly cleanse the skin using a scrub or peeling, then rinse off the product with warm water.

Step three: steaming the skin and expanding pores.

You can get rid of blackheads only by opening your pores. To do this, prepare a herbal decoction for a water bath. Yarrow and wormwood are ideal for dry skin, and horsetail for oily skin. There is a universal remedy that is suitable for the owner of any skin type - chamomile.

Just add the dry herb to a pan of boiling water - you will need two tablespoons of herb for one liter. Boil the broth for a few minutes and place the saucepan on the table. Add a few drops of tea tree oil to the decoction - it has no equal in the fight against comedones and acne. Let the broth cool slightly, after which you can begin the procedure. Bend over the pan with the broth and cover your head with a towel.

Try not to tilt your head too much to avoid scalding your skin. The towel is needed for the effect of a steam bath, so that cold air does not get inside. If you have dry skin, five to eight minutes of a steam sauna will be enough.

For problematic and oily skin, you need a little time - ten to fifteen minutes. Facial cleansing at home is not inferior to manual cleaning in a salon. The skin is steamed, the pores are open - your skin is completely ready for the next step.

Step four: blackhead removal

Now your skin is ready to fight blackheads. Clean your hands with alcohol again. Wrap the index fingers of both hands with a bandage and wet them with peroxide. On steamed skin, blackheads can be removed very easily and painlessly. Press on the blackhead with your index fingers on both sides - you will see how the dirt comes out of the skin pore.

Never do this with your nails - it will leave ugly scars on your face. If you did everything correctly and the skin is steamed well enough, blackheads will be removed without problems. Treat the areas from which you removed blackheads with hydrogen peroxide.

Step five: narrowing of pores

Once your face is free of blackheads, dirt and dead cells, it's time to tighten your pores. To do this, thoroughly wipe the skin with any alcohol-based tonic.

Step six: skin hydration

After the toner has dried, pamper your face with moisturizer. The cleansing procedure greatly dries out the skin, so moisturizer is now vital. If you have dry skin, apply another layer of moisturizer.

For those with oily and acne-prone skin, it is advisable to deep cleanse twice a month. For dry skin, one cleansing session per month is enough.

Hollywood facial cleansing method at home

Suitable for all skin types except dry.

If the procedure of brewing herbal potions and the steam sauna process itself do not appeal to you, to put it mildly, do not be upset. We have saved for you another, no less effective method of deep skin cleansing. It is also called the “Hollywood” purge. Because the effect of this procedure is comparable to the effect of cleaning that is done to Hollywood stars in the most fashionable beauty salons.

So, what will “Hollywood” facial cleansing give you at home:

— a worthy alternative to premium cosmetics;

- clean face without blackheads, peeling and greasy shine;

- visible result after the first session.

If this is exactly the effect you need, for one procedure we will need:

- an ampoule of five percent calcium chloride (sold in any pharmacy and costs a penny);

— baby soap (solid);

- several cotton pads;

- any soothing mask;

- moisturizing cream.

As in the previous procedure, the facial skin needs to be thoroughly cleansed. Wash off any remaining cosmetics and creams, do a light peeling and rinse with warm water. We wash our hands thoroughly and wipe them with alcohol.

To make Hollywood facial cleansing at home safe and without the risk of skin infection, you can use sterile medical gloves. Let your face dry for a few minutes; it must be dry. Now you can begin the procedure.

Wear gloves and carefully open the calcium chloride ampoule. If you are afraid of cutting your fingers, ask the pharmacy for a plastic ampoule. Wet a cotton pad with the product and apply it to your face using blotting movements. Let the skin dry. Then repeat your actions again. Apply the product to your face and let it dry. Repeat until you have used the entire ampoule. It is strictly forbidden to touch the area around the eyes, it is too delicate!

After the product has dried on the skin, take a cotton pad and lightly wet the soap. Massage your face with a soapy cotton pad. It is advisable to do this along massage lines. First, a foam forms on the skin. Re-lather the cotton pad and massage the skin again.

In a few minutes you will see “flakes” on your skin. Don't be alarmed: this happens when calcium chloride interacts with sodium acid contained in soap. When mixed, they give the effect of a very deep peeling, rolling into “pellets”, the peeling captures dead cells and blackheads.

After thoroughly massaging the skin, wash off the “flakes” with warm water. To give your skin a rest after such a deep cleansing, pamper it with any soothing mask (for example, a mask with chamomile infusion and rolled oats). Rinse off the mask and apply a thick layer of moisturizer to your face.

It is better not to perform deep peeling more than once a month. It is useful to combine it with other cleansing methods. During the procedure, the skin may turn slightly red, and slight tingling is possible - this is completely normal. But if you feel a strong burning sensation, immediately wash off the solution with warm water and soap. In this case, the procedure is not suitable for your skin.

Let's sum it up

Facial cleansing is a simple and accessible procedure for any woman. It does not require financial costs and a lot of time if you do it not in a beauty salon, but at home. The main thing is to do it correctly - following all the recommendations outlined above and home cleaning will make your skin soft, smooth and make you forget about blackheads.

All women sooner or later face problems such as blackheads, enlarged pores, acne, dirty or dull skin. Facial cleansing at home will help you cope with problems. This procedure is simple: all you need to do is follow the basic rules of hygiene and safety, and everything will be successful. We will talk about them in more detail below.

How to properly cleanse your face at home

Facial skin cleansing is the most popular cosmetic procedure that can be offered to you in any beauty salon using different methods: manual or mechanical, hardware. But you can get the same result from a home facial cleansing session. It may not be as effective, but the advantage is that home treatments are less painful, will not leave scars or scars, and will allow you to gently cleanse the skin using only natural substances. How to properly cleanse your face at home:

  1. Prepare correctly: skin and hands should be clean and well washed.
  2. Make sure that there are no contraindications: if you have acne, large blackheads, or inflammation, cleaning is prohibited.
  3. Before starting, be sure to soften the epidermis with milk and clean it with a fine scrub.
  4. Make sure your skin is steamed before you start cleaning your pores: squeezing pimples on a dry surface is strictly prohibited.

How to cleanse your face at home

Special devices for these procedures are sold in the public domain, each with attached instructions for use. You can cleanse your face at home using modern methods: galvanic, vacuum, ultrasonic. Simpler technologies are designed to use simple actions and natural ingredients: this is cleansing with steam, masks, scrubs and the so-called Hollywood method, or rolling, using calcium chloride in ampoules and baby soap. The choice depends on your skin type, the presence of acne, and comedones.

Stages of facial cleansing

How to do facial cleansing at home: you need to decide on the method, prepare all the necessary ingredients and equipment. It is also important to allocate time, because carrying out the procedure in a hurry can ruin the entire process. You should carefully study all the stages of facial cleansing and perform each of them:

  1. Cleansing. Wash and pat your face with a towel.
  2. Hydration. Lubricate your face with light cream, milk, or gel for washing.
  3. Steaming. Steam the skin well; you can add chamomile or other herbs to the water.
  4. Deep cleansing. A scrub or peeling will help with this. Then you need to carefully remove the pimples by pressing on them with clean, alcohol-moistened fingers.
  5. Disinfection. Treat each area with hydrogen peroxide and calendula.
  6. Calm. To complete the process, you need to apply a mask; white clay and food ingredients work well. And the final application of any moisturizer.

How to cleanse your face at home

There are technologies for getting rid of blackheads, small pimples, cleansing clogged pores, softening dry flaky skin or mattifying oily skin. All of them will help make your face smoother, more radiant, enrich cells with nutrients and improve the natural circulation of oxygen and sebum production. Cleansing facial skin at home is described in more detail below.

Cleaning your face from blackheads

How to cleanse your face of blackheads: first, you need to steam the skin well, then use scrubs and peels. Mixtures of coffee grounds, sea salt, and special black nasal patches help a lot. The main cleansing of the facial skin is a thick mask to remove old, deep comedones: a mask based on clay, oatmeal, gelatin is suitable. According to reviews, oatmeal soothes dry, sensitive skin, and clay effectively cleanses the smallest and hardest formations.

Acne facial cleansing

A contraindication to this procedure is the presence of irritation and inflammation on the face. It can be carried out in normal skin condition. Cleaning your face from acne at home involves steaming, squeezing, disinfecting and soothing the skin. It is better to carry out the procedure with your fingers moistened with an alcohol solution, steam it over boiling water with bay leaves, and make masks from clay, soda, yeast and laundry soap.

Cleansing facial pores

Steam baths made from infusions of various herbs and gentle scrubbing are good options. In order for the pores to be revitalized, the sebaceous glands to work normally, and dirt not to accumulate on the skin, you need to carry out such procedures regularly: use a scrub twice a week, for example, from coffee grounds, and steam and deep cleanse once every two weeks. Cleaning pores at home is the most gentle, non-traumatic procedure, suitable for everyone.

Facial cleansing at home

For normal skin, all methods are allowed; for dry skin, emollient, non-drying agents are needed. With increased fat content, toning procedures are necessary that narrow the pores and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands. Facial cleansing is an important process that requires a careful individual approach. We offer you step-by-step instructions on different ways to cleanse your face.

Deep facial cleansing at home

Cleaning is carried out as follows: you need to thoroughly clean and steam the skin. Then eliminate acne, comedones, moisturize the skin. You need to squeeze out the lesions carefully, always with disinfected hands. It will be effective to stick a special patch on the nose and wings to remove blackheads. Deep cleansing of facial skin at home. Deep cleansing of the facial skin at home must be completed by treating problem areas with alcohol.

Mechanical facial cleansing at home

After preliminary steaming, you should immediately begin the pore cleaning procedure. It is important not to go outside during the process, not to stand in front of an open window, and to avoid contact with animals. To carry out mechanical facial cleansing at home correctly and safely, you need to ensure that the process is completely sterile: cover the table with gauze, wrap your fingers in antibacterial wipes or lubricate them with alcohol after every two or three squeezes.

Cleansing your face with shaving foam

It is better to clean only on particularly problematic areas - in the T-zone, on the chin. After steaming, apply a thick layer of foam, leave for 15 minutes, and rinse with water. Another option is a mask of baking soda with foam: mix 3 tbsp. l. foam and soda, apply bypassing the eye area, after 15 minutes do a gentle massage with your hands. Cleansing your face with shaving foam helps eliminate blackheads, but is not recommended for girls with sensitive skin.

Cleansing your face with honey at home

It not only eliminates acne and comedones, but also nourishes and refreshes; Suitable for oily, problem skin. You need to steam the skin and apply a mask: honey, lemon juice and soda (1 tablespoon each); instead of juice, you can add a tablespoon of cooked oatmeal, which will cleanse the pores. Keep on face for 10 minutes, lightly massage problem areas, rinse with water. The advantage of honey facial cleansing is its naturalness and gentle effect.

Chemical facial cleansing at home

For this method, you will need solutions of different acids: salicylic, glycolic, fruit, and also enzymes that restore dead cells. Perform chemical facial cleansing at home like this: you need to thoroughly clean the skin, apply a composition containing acid, and leave it on for about 5 minutes. If there is discomfort, burning, or signs of irritation, you should immediately wash off the product. Finally, lubricate the skin with liquid to restore pH balance.

Cleaning your face with a toothbrush

This is a tough procedure, so if you have irritated, inflamed acne, it is better to refuse it so as not to spread the infection from your forehead to your chin. When you clean your face with a toothbrush, you effectively smooth out unevenness, fine wrinkles, and remove excess dirt and sebum. It is important to use a new toothbrush or boil the old one well. So:

  • Instructions: steam the skin over a decoction of chamomile or celandine, apply a mixture of shaving foam and soda to the skin; Gently massage problem areas with a brush, then rinse off the solution and apply an oil solution to the brush.
  • Solution: jojoba and calendula oil - a teaspoon each, 2 drops of tea tree oil, a teaspoon of lemon juice. Dip the brush into this mixture and wipe areas one at a time.

Facial cleansing at home using folk remedies

Traditional methods sometimes turn out to be no worse, or even better, than professional cosmetic procedures. The use of natural ingredients, high-quality cleaning and the ability to repeat sessions as often as necessary are all clear advantages of self-care for your skin. We can highlight the main ways to cleanse the face at home using folk remedies:

  • Laundry soap: for washing before bed or applying a layer like a mask: lubricate problem areas with damp soap and leave for a couple of hours.
  • Vegetable oils: olive, sesame, flaxseed and coconut. The oil needs to be slightly heated, moisten the sponge, wipe the face, then apply it with your hands, rub well into the skin, massage, rinse with warm water. Suitable for any skin type, any age, for nourishing and saturating cells.
  • Egg yolk: combine it with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Rub the mixture on your face until foam forms, quickly rinse, repeat the procedure several more times.
  • Ice or ice tinctures at the end of cleansing: wipe cleansed skin with an ice cube or sponge with a very cold decoction of celandine, string, calendula, chamomile.

Facial cleansing mask

Masks made from natural ingredients are an indispensable way to cleanse the face, but you need to select the composition carefully so as not to cause complications and unpleasant consequences in the form of irritation, red spots, and allergic reactions. So, for dry skin, steaming and masks with lemon juice, acid are not recommended; for oily and combination skin, an abundance of oils and dairy products is undesirable. We offer popular recipes for face cleansing masks:

  • Bran: pour boiling water over oat, wheat, rice bran and let it swell. Add 1 tsp. baking soda, mix well, apply to face and leave for 10 minutes. Rinse off with warm water.
  • Soda, honey and cream. Mix a pinch of baking soda with a tablespoon of heavy cream and a teaspoon of honey. Apply to face, rinse after 10 minutes. This mask can be done once a week; if it is dry, exclude soda.
  • Coffee grounds and sea salt. Mix in proportions 2:1, keep on face until dry, rinse.
  • Eggshell of one egg, a teaspoon of honey, a tablespoon each of rice and lemon juice - beat with a blender, dilute with a little water, add a teaspoon of starch, keep on your face for 15 minutes.
  • Aspirin: crush two tablets, add a tablespoon of warmed honey or olive oil and a little water. Distribute the mask, rinse after 10 minutes.

Video: deep facial cleansing

Modern facial cleansing techniques have become quite popular among women. Everyone dreams of perfect skin, free of dirt and inflammation.

Women turn to specialists wanting to get a positive result. Some people prefer to do facial cleansing at home. This article will tell you in detail how to do this and what you need to know so as not to harm the epidermis.

Facial cleansing is an important and necessary procedure not only for women, but also for men. The more contaminated the skin is, the less of its functions it performs, namely:

  • protective;
  • thermoregulatory;
  • tactile;
  • respiratory.

Uncleaned epidermis is subject to the appearance of blackheads, which in turn block the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Clogged pores disrupt the functioning of sebum, which is a kind of protective layer of the skin: it prevents it from drying out, softens and moisturizes it.

Dirt on the skin is a good breeding ground for bacteria. As a result, inflammation, acne and irritation appear. Regular cleansing of the skin helps:

  • improving the functioning of the sebaceous glands and blood circulation;
  • cleansing pores, removing traffic jams (blackheads);
  • removal of the stratum corneum of the skin;
  • restoration of Ph balance.

After each cleansing, the skin becomes soft, looks healthy and well-groomed.

Cleansing facial skin at home: basic rules

The facial cleansing procedure requires certain knowledge. It is necessary to prepare for it in advance, after consulting with a doctor or cosmetologist.

  1. Sterility. This is an important rule that must be taken into account when carrying out this procedure. Since the skin becomes infected during cleansing and
    the spread of bacteria, all materials used, including the skin itself, must be thoroughly sterilized with special products containing alcohol;
  2. The epidermis should be free of inflammation; it may worsen its condition after cleansing.

To do the whole procedure correctly, cleaning is best done in the evening, before going to bed. The facial skin will rest overnight and resume its functionality.

Mechanical facial cleansing at home: stages of the procedure

Mechanical facial cleansing is the most effective method. A significant improvement in skin condition becomes noticeable after the first procedure. Mechanical cleansing is suitable for oily skin with clogged pores.

The procedure can be carried out in the presence of acne, but not inflamed. The entire cleaning process does not take very much time and is suitable for those who want to do it at home with outside help or on their own.

Removal of contaminants during mechanical cleaning occurs manually using some special devices and cosmetics.

The disadvantage of this procedure is the pain when treating some areas.

Mechanical cleaning occurs in three stages.

Preparatory stage (pre-cleaning)

The dermis of the face must be cleaned of makeup and dust. Toners, make-up remover milk or a cleansing mask are suitable for this. Such products should be suitable for your skin type and its characteristics.

Bring the previously prepared broth to a boil in a saucepan. Next, steam the skin by covering your head with a towel over the steam. For oily skin, 10 minutes is enough, for normal skin – up to 7 minutes.

After steaming, treat the skin again with an antiseptic. Prepare the material that will be needed in the process:

  1. Sterile gauze;
  2. Disposable antibacterial wipes;
  3. Hand sanitizer.

Carrying out cleaning

Thoroughly washed hands should be treated with antiseptic or alcohol. After this you can start working on the skin.

You need to start cleaning with cleaner areas of the skin and gradually move closer to contaminated ones.

To ensure sterility, experts recommend wrapping your fingers in antiseptic wipes and changing them after every 5 squeezed out comedones.

You need to be very careful when squeezing out blackheads so as not to damage the skin or leave a wound.

The final stage of cleaning

After the procedure, you need to wash your face again, using an antiseptic. Then apply a moisturizing mask with a soothing effect. To consolidate the result, you can apply a pore tightening product.

Recipes for face masks for acne at home

Mechanical facial cleansing is not enough to maintain clean skin. Masks that act as a cleansing and anti-inflammatory agent for acne will be useful.

You can buy it at any pharmacy. Clay is selected for a specific skin type. The powder should be poured with warm water to obtain a creamy mixture. Then apply on face for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. After clay you need to use a moisturizer.

  • Dry herbal masks.

Dry herbs with medicinal properties (calendula, chamomile, mint, sage, etc.) must be crushed, finely chopped or ground in a coffee grinder.

Pour 3 tbsp. spoon the mixture with boiling water (half a glass) and let it brew for a few minutes. Drain the water and apply the resulting mixture to your face for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

  • Masks based on oatmeal.

Oatmeal has good regenerating and softening properties.

It can be used either in its pure form, filled with hot water, or with the addition of cosmetic oils and honey.

You can also add sour cream, lemon juice, etc.

For greater convenience, oatmeal is ground into flour.

How to clean your face from blackheads at home

Pores need regular cleaning. At home, this is not only possible, but also necessary. There are several ways to cleanse the epidermis of plugs.

  • Masks for blackheads.

A similar product can be purchased in pharmacies. Home remedies are less effective. But, with regular use, they will give positive results. For example, a gelatin mask.

You will need 1 teaspoon of gelatin and 2 teaspoons of water. Dissolve gelatin and heat. Apply to the skin while hot, then remove after drying and forming a film.

Modern cosmetics make it possible to perform cosmetic procedures at home. The scrub is an excellent tool in the fight against blackheads.

It must be used regularly to achieve cleansing of the epidermis. This method is long-lasting, but not harmful to the skin.

To clean your skin at home, you can purchase special devices that will help with this. You can also experiment with homemade masks made from natural products, such as lemon or oatmeal.

Deep facial cleansing at home: step-by-step instructions

An effective facial cleansing procedure is not only the mechanical method, but also the use of a soft brush. To do this, you can take a toothbrush or a special one for the skin.

  1. First, steam the skin to open the pores;
  2. Apply baking soda to a damp face (some use crushed activated carbon) and massage movements, gently treat contaminated areas;
  3. After the procedure, apply a soothing mask or cream.

If you use activated carbon, you can keep it on the skin for no more than 10 minutes.

The tablets must be crushed and diluted with water until mushy. Can be used as a mask, without a brush. The product penetrates well into the pores, cleansing them.

Ultrasonic facial cleansing with a special device at home

Ultrasonic facial cleansing is practiced not only in salons, but also at home. The advantage of this procedure is:

  • effective cleansing of skin impurities;
  • the epidermis is not injured;
  • skin functionality is normalized;
  • simplicity of the process.

The procedure is best performed in the evening. Pre-cleanse the skin of impurities using tonics or milk. It is not necessary to steam the skin. Be sure to degrease contaminated areas of the face.

The mechanism of operation of the device is quite simple. An ultrasound machine creates microwaves that affect dead, dead skin cells, separating them from living ones. Before operating the device, a special gel is applied, which is a wave conductor. Treat each contaminated skin for 6-7 minutes. It is recommended to clean using this method no more than once a month.

Ultrasonic cleaning is suitable for all skin types and all age categories.

Other ways to cleanse your face at home

There is such a way of cleansing the face as peeling:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical.

The mechanical method was described above.

Chemical peeling

It has a targeted effect on keratinized areas of the skin. Acid-containing products are used for the procedure. Most popular:

For a specific skin type, the most suitable product is selected.

Step-by-step procedure:

  1. Prepare the epidermis by removing the dead skin layer. You can use a scrub or brush to cleanse the skin. You can proceed to the next step no earlier than in a day;
  2. You should first test for an allergic reaction. Apply a small amount of the chosen product to your wrist and hold for 1 minute. Then check the reaction no earlier than 12 hours later. If there are no skin changes, then you can carry out chemical peeling with this product;
  3. Before peeling, wash with warm water using milk or facial foam;
  4. To prevent chemical burns, treat delicate areas on the face (eyebrows, lips, eyelids) with Vaseline.

Several recipes for home peeling.

  • Fruit peeling.

You will need fruits such as pineapple and papaya. Add 1 tsp to the fruit pulp. honey or dissolved gelatin (2 tablespoons). Apply to cleansed face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water. This method is gentle, and the result is noticeable only after 5 procedures.

  • Peeling with alpha hydroxy acids.

3 tbsp. Mix tablespoons of cane sugar with an equal amount of fresh lemon juice, add the same amount of yogurt. Apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Rinse with water.

  • Peeling with beta hydroxy acids.

To prepare, you will need aspirin tablets, lemon juice and soda. First prepare a neutralizing solution consisting of soda and water. Mix aspirin with lemon juice until smooth and form a thin paste. Apply to the face for no more than 10 minutes, then remove the product with a solution of soda and water.

Vacuum method of facial cleansing

A device for vacuum skin cleansing is suitable for even the most inexperienced beauties. The procedure is quite quick and painless. For those with sensitive skin, you should first test the device on an area of ​​skin.

Before cleansing, treat your face with tonic or lotion. Next, treat the contaminated areas for 5-6 minutes. After finishing the procedure, wash with warm water and wipe with tonic.

Vacuum cleaning is effective if done once every two or three weeks. Be sure to test the device before first use, and after completing the procedure, the vacuum device should be cleaned with a special antiseptic.

Facial care after cleansing

After cleansing, facial skin becomes more delicate and susceptible to damage. She requires some care for some time.

  1. Moisturizing masks and creams will nourish the skin, preventing it from drying out and peeling;
  2. You should wash your face with warm water; herbal decoctions are good;
  3. To treat your face, you need to use non-aggressive products: milk, foam;
  4. After cleansing your face, you should not visit solariums, sunbathe in the sun, or use tanning creams.

Regularity of facial cleansing, contraindications to the procedure

The frequency of facial cleansing depends on the chosen method. But you should not repeat this or that procedure more often than once a month. The most suitable option is to use longer-acting products. This way, the skin will be less damaged.

The most dangerous way to cleanse your face is chemical peeling. If all precautions are neglected, acidic products can leave burns of varying degrees. It is recommended to try safer cleaning methods at home.

It is important to remember that all procedures can harm the skin layer. Before carrying them out, it is necessary to study in detail all the pros and cons. Problem skin, inflammation and damage may worsen after cleansing.

  1. Don't forget about allergies. It is first necessary to test the product used;
  2. Procedures cannot be performed if there are wounds or visible inflammation on the skin;
  3. Apply cleansers carefully, not forgetting the area around the eyes, mouth and eyebrows.

The external beauty of the skin is important for every person. Healthy and well-groomed skin is an indicator of the health of the entire body. It is necessary to take into account both the external and internal factors of contamination of the epidermis.

Additional information about cleansing facial skin is in the next video.