Happy birthday to a young guy. Beautiful birthday greetings for a young man

Youth is a wonderful time for new and amazing discoveries, numerous opportunities, the ability to believe in miracles and experience unforgettable feelings harmony in life and travel experiences.

The birthday boy knows the secrets of happiness within himself, therefore, it's always nice to choose happy birthday greetings young guy, having spent some free time on it, thanks to our excellent site and successful poems for every taste.

A friendly company of active friends will get together on this solemn day and have a great evening with jokes, anecdotes, funny stories. Entertainment outside the city will also allow you to enjoy the atmosphere of the holiday and noisy fun.

What to give a young guy for his birthday? The family carefully approaches this issue, considering the need for a surprise for the birthday boy: a new sports bike, a certificate for the purchase sports equipment For healthy lifestyle life, tickets to a concert of his favorite band or group.

IN modern world Classes with a professional guitar and drums teacher can be an excellent unexpected souvenir. He will also be able to give useful skills in tennis, football, chess, especially if he has leadership qualities and very passionate about his calling. The joy of transferring knowledge to their mentors is in the first place for such a person.

If desired, select cool congratulations happy birthday to a young guy under this article, read them as a slogan or a sports slogan. Decorate this evening positive mood, faith in a bright and happy future for the birthday man.

Usually a day so big
Which is called birthday
Friends with with an open mind
You are congratulated.

So let life be pure
And let it be brighter every day
And so that the beauty of life
She came to you as a gift!

long years and good health,
Youth, strength, beauty!
Let it always - not only on your birthday
Cherished dreams come true.

Pour glasses to the brim,
And have a drink with us!
For our wives and mothers
For the breadth of your soul!

For life, health and good luck
For that cherished dream
What makes you richer
For your devoted friends!

To whom can I open my soul?
Who will support me again?
I just call him friend
I can only trust him.

Today you were born and nice
Wish new achievements
Look at life with great passion,
And more often to while away the time.

I want to stay with you,
To tell about your love
To laugh and kiss
Dream about our future.

Today is your celebration
I congratulate you, love
I wish you brilliant success
And true and real friends!

young, mischievous,
Beautiful, groovy,
I am without any embarrassment
Happy Birthday!

Health, luck,
Happiness, inspiration,
And love victories
You're still a hundred years old!

Congratulations, buddy!
Be the healthiest and most valued
Calm, and moderately unique,
Not very serious, simple and cheerful,
In business, the very first - and just cool!

My best friend, honor to you,
On your birthday, beautiful
So that everything in life counts!
And so without any disagreement!

I wish you happiness in a beer mug
So that laughter gurgles like a ram
Carat to give to each girlfriend
Steal it then hastily

What would the princesses in a fairy tale be stunned
They all came to you at once
What would a Russian horse, in a new guise
I rushed to you with an open field

What would give way to a place in the minibus
And the traffic police left you without attention
And the penalty was like a bad dream
Judge that would not suit you rut

What would a taxi ride off-road
To friends to go to Zaporozhye
And so note from the Lent of Permission
Your best birthday ever!

I'm always so cool with you!
I wish you happiness!
Happy Birthday to You!
I will always be yours!

I love you beyond measure
I will be the most faithful to you!
You are the best for me!
There is no cooler than you in the world!

My friend, everything happens in life,
And we had a lot of different...
But our friendship does not disappear,
I'll tell you this without embellishment.

I congratulate you on your birthday
And with all my heart I wish you
Health, happiness, joy and paradise -
But not in heaven, heaven on earth!

Congratulations good friend
So you got even older
Let the world around be clear
Let it become much brighter!

And may success come to your house,
Joy and luck will come
After all, you are a champion!
They remain without a doubt!

Happy birthday!
Good in everything earthly to you,
Fulfillment of dreams
And gold coins!

Let the fountains of mood
So they splash over the edge,
So that every moment
Turned into a paradise!

You are a great, kind guy
Live for decades
Let your eyes sparkle
Radiating bright light!

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Our dear, we congratulate you on your birthday! Let health be heroic, income - stable, house - cozy, friends - faithful, work - interesting. May love always surround you, good luck in everything! Remain in any situation as you are - courageous, reliable, self-confident!

The better the cognac, the more stars on its label. The older the cognac, the more refined and nobler its taste. We want to wish you that, like cognac, with age you become stronger and more mature, softer and more tender and, as a result, more expensive!

On this day I wish
To make your dreams come true.
No, it's not the connections that decide everything,
Only you have power in life.

To reach the goal quickly
She needs to be represented.
On paper your thoughts
Don't be lazy to write it down.

The goal must be clear
More numbers contain.
So as not to suffer in vain,
But rather achieve.

The goal must be measurable
Better in euros or in rubles.
So that when you reach it -
I could see it in my hands.

An achievable goal should be
To be exact - in the teeth.
Otherwise, it's all in vain
The target will go to the enemies.

Your goal should, buddy,
Don't harm your dreams.
You yourself are the creator of life,
Happiness is only in your hands.

Let everything come true soon.
Everything is right, right on time.
So that you with goals faster
On another coil went.

There is a good reason
To wish all:
Raise a daughter and a son
And with my wife to be lucky.

Be beautiful, wise, brave,
The owner of all blessings.
So that the eyes always burn
And less hassle.

Let work bring
Lots of dollars and euros.
Let it be warm in the soul
And the nerves will be fine.

Joy, smiles, happiness,
Unreal luck -
A real man
Happy Birthday!

You are young and strong
And a lot of plans
I wish from life
You boldly took it.

I wish for sadness
There was no reason
Move any mountains
You are a young man.

I wish you a birthday
Good luck to you
So that he could his conditions
You dictate to fate.

Happy Birthday! Let with you
There will be a dream nearby.
Bright bird mischievous
Let her flutter.

You will definitely fulfill
You are all your ideas.
Fill your life with success
And add love to them!

Your next birthday
You are full of energy and you bloom
The man is just a sight
You give hope in life!

I heartily congratulate you!
Create, dare and win
I want you to be a leader
Let the cup of happiness - over the edge!

You're a young man, but it's not a problem,
You are talented and smart, you have experience, that's it - yes.
Years are a living thing. The years are rolling fast
Who will not hurry, oh, then he will catch himself.

On my birthday, today, I want to wish heartily -
Be successful, dear; everything you need is provided.
Strength, happiness and good luck. Love - and be loved.
Stay, my good, you stay young longer!

Happy Birthday
You take from me
Catch the bird of happiness in the net
And don't let go back.

I wish you strong
You held her in your hands
On the road to a dream
Never retreated.

Expands horizons
Let fate be before you
You are young, happy
I want to always be.

Happy birthday! Let good luck please
Happiness walks side by side at any moment.
Let even a difficult task be solved,
To make you proud of yourself.

Let beauties love you for success.
And let your friends appreciate your character.
And armor invisible to anyone
Protect anyone from trouble!

Strength, skill, luck
And luck in everything
Just get richer
With every next day.

To always be lucky with work,
And girls to love
And the problems and worries

Happy holiday to you, with soul
And from the heart, we crowd
Happy birthday congratulations
Only good luck, prosperity!

So that everything works out,
And crowned with success
To be strong, brave,
All trades, to skillful.

In a personal front without fogs,
Only joyful novels
To be always loved
Be an example for others!

You are a man all in the prime of life,
The white light has never seen such beauty,
Slender, strong, muscles like steel,
And the eyes look somewhere far away!

Let that distance come a little closer,
Happiness suddenly knocks on the window,
The whole world will become very bright,
And there is no happier you in the world!

And love to you, and happiness, and good luck,
Solve all difficult problems
Career inspiration helps
And success does not leave you!

If you dream big
May fate give you a chance to rise.
If you want to be rich
May good luck be with you.

I wish all roads
They opened their doors for you
And fearlessly, and stubbornly to the goal
You would be on your way.

Dear friend, happy birthday to you! We wish you not to know sadness, to always be cheerful, cheerful and happy! So that a cheerful laughter is your friend, so that your life is accompanied by: health, happiness and success!

So this day has come, which, probably, for everyone, even a kid, even an adult man, is equally beautiful, in which lies magic and anticipation of new, better achievements! Happy birthday! May an abundance of all the best always reign in your life, and there is simply no place for sorrows and sorrows! Good people, well deserve a good fate, and you deserve a truly magical one!

Please accept my congratulations on wonderful holiday! Today I want to wish you striving for the best, because it is so important for everyone who wants to reach great heights! I wish that life smiles at you more often, and you smile back at her, and then everything will definitely be just wonderful!

People are different. Is sad existing people, there are gray existing people. There are people who have some kind of charge in their souls, an explosive device of gaiety, energy and joy. Our "newborn" is just such a type of people. He is cheerful, and everyone around him receives such a charge from him. So let's proclaim a toast to our hero. We wish him good health, happiness, many years of life. We wish you to always carry the torch of a joyful attitude and always warm our hearts!

I wish that on your next anniversary you confidently and proudly say: "I have everything that I wanted and desired, what I dreamed about and what I did, what I embodied and what I achieved, whom I loved and with whom I got engaged, whom I gave birth to and raised, what I created and will create! And, damn it, life is wonderful!"

May you have as much health as your mother wishes you! May you have as much strength as your wife desires! And when you stay up late in the evening, let it be what your wife thought, but not what your mother thought!

Today is your birthday, and even if you are very modest and do not tolerate fuss, but today we do not dare to leave you without our generous attention and strong hugs! We congratulate you, remember well that we wish you happiness - and be sure to be happy! Love your beautiful darling and your children, work hard and reap the well-deserved fruits of victory, enjoy every unique moment of your long, wonderful life!

When did we get together for your birthday? This happened many times, but we remember every holiday, because if you are next to us, the day will be simply unforgettable! Accept from us, along with a pile of gifts and a stack of postcards, also a large handful warm wishes most happy life in which joy, abundance, good health and luck are pouring mixed with love and good mood like a cornucopia!

Happy Birthday! Of course, you were really looking forward to this day, but believe me, you can’t even imagine how many good things we have in store for you today! In addition to gifts, we have a thousand warm congratulations and a million good wishes! The main among them is the wish for happiness, because with it the world becomes brighter, it is easier to breathe, and in general life becomes easy and pleasant! So live happily ever after and may all your dreams come true by your next birthday!

A car is driving, the driver firmly holds the steering wheel, where it is necessary - it will turn, where it is necessary - it goes straight, where it overtakes, where it slows down. We wish our birthday man that he also firmly holds the steering wheel of his life in his hands. Where necessary - accelerated, where it slowed down, and so that it did not skid when cornering, did not fly into a ditch, and so that the engine and other components worked reliably!

I wish you to live to be a hundred years old, may the motor in your chest work without interruption and without repairs, may your life be a wide and even track without potholes and potholes. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Good luck and happy journey!

I wish you that your life be bright, like a clear sunny day, full, like a glass of champagne, cloudless, like the sky over the desert. And let, like stars in the night sky, the lights always burn in the windows of your friends and relatives, the lights of hope. Be healthy, happy and lucky!

Congratulations on an amazing and unique holiday, Happy Birthday! Always take from life what is possible and given. After all, you can't live life again. Love always and you will be loved. May this bright and high day bring you only joy, success and health.

Congratulations to a man on the phone

Congratulations on your birthday!
I wish you a trailer of luck
Keep positive colors
Always be young and beautiful.

Bright days full of joy, laughter,
And in business you only success,
And in the soul - only the happiness of the lights.
And in everything - only the support of friends.

Happy birthday, congratulations
I want to live without worries
And let youth be crazy
Doesn't let you sleep peacefully.

She will spread a hundred roads
Before you young
Mine happy journey to success
For you to choose from them.

Close to dear life
There were loved ones, friends,
And all my life led to the top
So that your dream is yours.

Congratulations beautiful young man Happy birthday. I wish you bright and promising spaces in life, the right life decisions and your favorite thing to do, good health, good luck, sincere happiness and mutual love.

Happy birthday today
I congratulate you!
good luck and luck
I sincerely wish.

Let love be in life
And true friends
Let people respect
Let the family be happy!

And youth is beautiful
And life is ahead
And you are light and clear
Always look at the world!

Every birthday -
Holiday for the soul.
May congratulations
Will be good!

Let dreams come true,
There will be achievements.
Let them multiply
Blessings on your birthday!

In business - stability,
And in the family - order.
Anything you wish
Bring prosperity!

Tasks are clear. Meetings are important.
Houses and yachts - multi-storey.
On achievements - do not skimp,
Something to brag about and be proud of.

Girlfriend - envy. Friends are faithful.
Save your brain and nerves until old age.
Cool dating. useful connections,
And in stress to be a man of iron.

And also one day to meet the same one,
With which even to the ballet, even to the sauna!

You are slim, handsome, young,
May joy and love always be with you
And on your birthday, I congratulate you
And I wish you unconditional happiness!

So that things argue at work,
To success so that the road leads,
And let the woman meet you
The only one left in fate!

Let the house be cozy and big,
Luck walks by your side
Let the kids laugh in that house
And you became best dad- well done!

Be strong in spirit.
In business - no fluff.
Love - to the grave.
Health, strength!

cool car
And a euro pack
So that on your birthday
You were happy.

Always be brave, strong,
Dazzlingly beautiful
Pump up the muscles
To highlight the figure
Let the girls follow you
They walk in a noisy crowd.
Prosperity in business
Vacation on the islands
To achieve all the heights in life,
Open your own profitable business
In general, be lucky
And luck awaits in everything!

Let happiness fill the heart
Career growth is only going up!
May everything that the soul dreams of
Implemented without interference!

Live luxuriously and richly
And rest in the Maldives!
Tastier, sweeter than chocolate
Let your whole life be!

Strength and courage
To be able to defeat everyone
Mind sharper than a sword
To be able to strike with a word.

Valor and honor
To be respected.
Health for two hundred years,
So that you do not grieve.

patience, love,
To believe in you
Love and respect
For life to be complete.