The plot of the fairy tale is wild swans. "Wild Swans

Hans Christian Andersen is a world famous children's storyteller. He was born into a poor shoemaker's family. As a child, his father told the boy that he was supposedly a relative of Prince Frits. This became the reason for the child's fantasies about his acquaintance with the scion of the royal family. Even when Hans grew up, he did not stop dreaming and inventing various implausible stories. All this was reflected in wonderful fairy tales that glorified him throughout the world. We have known many of them since childhood. Andersen wrote one of his best works in 1838. "Wild Swans", summary which is given in this article is a fairy tale about the value of kindred feelings, about selfless love in all its manifestations. Even the possibility of her own death does not frighten the main character. She has only one desire - to save her brothers. Let's remember how it was...

Once upon a time there lived a king. And he had eleven beautiful sons and one daughter, whose name was Elsa. They lived well and amicably until a stepmother appeared in their family. She was evil witch. Appearing in the castle, the stepmother immediately established her own rules there. She sent Elsa to be raised in a remote village, and turned her brothers into white swans. They flew off to an unknown destination. Their sister, who lived in the wilderness, became more and more beautiful every day. And now she has already turned into a real beauty, the most beautiful in this world. When Elsa returned to her father in the castle, her stepmother, seeing her, became even more angry. She decided to make her stepdaughter ugly. To do this, the sorceress sent three nasty toads to her. But as soon as they touched the innocent girl, they turned into red poppies and floated down the river away from her. Then the stepmother smeared Elsa with mud so that even biological father could not recognize her and kicked her out of the castle.

After this, the girl had to spend the night in the forest. There she has a dream in which she sees herself and her brothers as children. In the morning, waking up, Elsa washed herself in a forest pond, after which she again became a beauty. And the girl went to look for her brothers. On the way, she met an old woman with a basket full of berries. She treated Elsa to them and told her that she would soon go to the river, where eleven beautiful swans in golden crowns would fly. In the morning the beauty went to the river and remained to wait for her brothers. In the evening the swans arrived and turned into young people. At dawn the brothers flew away again, promising to take their sister with them. The next day they took her in a willow basket to a cave overgrown with greenery. Elsa remained to live there. One night she had a strange dream: the old woman who showed the way to the brothers told her the secret of their salvation. She said that the swans would turn into young men if they wore shirts knitted from nettles that grew in the cemetery or near this cave. Only in this case the girl must remain silent, otherwise the spell will not work. The next day Elsa got to work. She picked nettles near the cave and began knitting her first shirt. But before she had time to finish the second shirt, it was found by the local king, who was hunting in these places. He was fascinated by Elsa's beauty, took her to his castle and married her.

Only one circumstance upset the king - his young wife was always silent, showing what she needed only with signs. The archbishop who served him told him that his beauty was a witch. At night, he himself saw how she went to the cemetery and picked nettles there. Why is this necessary? an ordinary girl? The king wanted to see for himself. The next night he caught his wife doing this. Soon the people became aware that the young queen was a witch. People demanded that Elsa be burned at the stake. The girl herself could not explain to them why she was picking nettles, as this would have ruined all her efforts. Even when the girl was being taken to execution, she sat and knitted. She only had to finish the last shirt. Swans circled around her. At that moment, when the executioner grabbed her hand, she managed to throw tied shirts over her brothers, and they turned into young men. Only she didn’t have time to finish the sleeve on the last shirt. The younger brother was left with a wing instead of an arm. Having done this, Elsa fainted. And the brothers told the king their whole story. At that moment, the fire logs turned into a bush of red roses. Only one flower in the middle was dazzling white. The king tore it off, put it on the girl’s chest, and she woke up. The evil spell of the witch was broken. Joy and peace settled in Elsa's heart. This ends the fairy tale about the brave girl and her eleven brothers (its summary is given here). "Wild Swans" is a work about selflessness and love. It teaches us the belief that good will always triumph over evil, no matter what happens. Children love this fairy tale. Both cartoons and feature films were created based on it.

The fairy tale “Wild Swans”, a brief summary of which is given here, is perhaps one of the best works of Hans Christian Andersen.

Long ago there lived a king who had eleven sons and a daughter, Eliza.

They lived well until their mother died. The king married an evil queen who disliked the poor children.

She gave Eliza to some peasants in the village to raise, and turned the princes into wild swans.

Eliza turned fifteen and returned home. Seeing how pretty she was, the queen became angry and hated her stepdaughter.

When she returned to the castle, her stepmother decided to make her ugly with with the help of three toads, but they swam across the water like red poppies as soon as they touched the innocent girl. Then the stepmother-witch disfigured her stepdaughter with dirt; even the king-father did not recognize my own daughter and kicked her out.

She fell asleep in the forest and all night Eliza dreamed of her brothers: “They were all children again, playing together, writing with slates on golden boards and looking at the most wonderful picture book that was worth half a kingdom.”

After bathing in the stream, Eliza regained her beauty.

An old woman she met told her that she saw eleven swans in golden crowns on the river. Eliza's heart told her that these were her brothers.

And in fact, in the evening the swans flew in - and turned into princes!

We, brothers, said the eldest, fly in the form of wild swans from sunrise to sunset. When the sun sets, we again take on human form. Therefore, by the time the sun sets, we should always have solid ground under our feet. We live far, far across the sea. To get there we have to fly across the entire sea, in the middle of which a small lonely cliff sticks out, on which we can somehow rest, huddled closely together. Only once a year are we allowed to fly to our homeland - for only eleven days.

Take me with you! - Eliza asked.

In a net of flexible willow, her swan brothers carried her through the air. It was terrible to spend the night in a storm on a tiny island - “no bigger than a seal’s head.”

Living in a wonderful country, Eliza kept thinking about how she could disenchant her brothers.

One day the fairy Fata Morgana appeared to Eliza in a dream. She said that if with her with gentle hands the girl will pick stinging nettles, crush it with her bare feet, make long threads from the resulting fiber and weave eleven shirts from them, which must be thrown on the swans, the witchcraft will disappear. Moreover, while working, the princess should not say a word. Otherwise the brothers will die!

Eliza got to work. Blisters from the burns were blistering on her hands, but younger brother he washed her hands with tears and where the tear fell, the blisters disappeared and the pain subsided.

Eliza worked in the cave. The young and handsome king of that country accidentally saw a “mute” girl in a cave while hunting and took her with him. Eliza managed to grab some stored fiber and one finished shirt.

The king proclaimed her his bride, although the archbishop assured that the girl was a witch. After the wedding, at night the young queen quietly left the bedroom to her secret cave-like room, and there weaved one nettle shirt after another, but when she started on the seventh, she ran out of all the fiber.

It was necessary to go to the cemetery for a new supply. The archbishop waylaid the girl and thought: “Who could wander through the cemetery at night? Only a witch!

Eliza could not justify herself - she was forbidden to speak. The work went quickly, only one shirt was missing.

The clergy sentenced Eliza to be burned.

In captivity, the girl was weaving her last shirt. The brothers came to the king, trying to intercede for their sister, but did not have time - at dawn they again turned into swans. In the morning, while the old nag was taking Eliza to the fire, the crowd wanted to tear their shirts, but the brothers arrived. The executioner had already grabbed the girl by the hand, but she managed to throw the shirts over the brothers, which means she was able to say: “I am innocent!” - and fainted. The brothers told everything, and the logs for the fire turned into a bush of scarlet roses with a single white rose, which the king put on Eliza’s chest, and she woke up, and “there was peace and happiness in her heart.”

The plot of the fairy tale “Wild Swans”

In one country there lived a king. He had eleven sons and a daughter, Eliza. The king loved them very much and spoiled them.

But one day he married an evil queen who disliked the children. She was a sorceress, and after the wedding, she persuaded the king to send Eliza to study with poor peasants, and turned her brothers into white wild swans.

When Eliza turned 15, she returned home. Then the stepmother did everything to drive her away. She talked the toads into doing it pretty girl stupid and ugly. But after touching Eliza, the toads turned into beautiful flowers. Then the evil queen smeared the girl in mud so that her father, the king, would not recognize her.

After this, Eliza escaped from the palace and went in search of her brothers. On the way, she met an old woman who told her about eleven white swans. The girl found them, and as soon as the sun disappeared, they turned into princes.

The brothers were planning to fly overseas and took their sister with them. They settled in a beautiful cave, where Eliza fell asleep and in a dream saw an old woman who told her where to find the brothers. She told her that if she weaved eleven shirts from nettles and threw them on the swans, the witchcraft would disappear. But there was one condition - from the moment she began work, she should not utter a single word. The very first word that comes out of her mouth will kill her brothers.

Eliza got to work. It was very difficult, but this did not stop her: she collected burning grass and wove shirts for her brothers.

One day in the forest, the girl met a young king, who really liked her. He took her with him to the castle, dressed her in wonderful outfits and proclaimed her his bride. But there was an evil archbishop at court, who whispered to the king that the beauty must be a witch. Nevertheless, the wedding took place.

But Eliza didn’t say a word and continued her work. But she ran out of nettles and had to go to the cemetery. The archbishop followed her and reported to the king. The king also went after her at night and saw her surrounded by witches who lived in the cemetery.

The girl was convicted and sentenced to be burned at the stake. But even in the dungeon where she was imprisoned, she continued her work. And on the way to the place she weaved and weaved shirts. Almost all of them were already ready, but the angry crowd tried to snatch them from Eliza’s hands.

At that moment, the swan brothers appeared and began to protect their beloved sister. Knowing that she had the only opportunity to disenchant them, she threw shirts on them. They immediately turned into princes. And only the youngest one had a swan wing left, since she did not have time to finish the last shirt.

The brothers told their story to the people. People and the king himself admitted that Eliza was innocent. After that, everyone lived happily ever after.

Hans Christian Andersen

"Wild Swans"

The king had eleven sons and one daughter. The royal children lived well and carefree until their stepmother appeared, who gave Eliza to be raised in the village, and turned her brothers into swans - and they flew away. The beautiful Eliza grew prettier every day, but she remembered her brothers all the time. When she returned to the castle, her stepmother decided to make her ugly with the help of three toads, but they swam across the water with red poppies as soon as they touched the innocent girl. Then the stepmother-witch disfigured her stepdaughter with dirt; Even the king-father did not recognize his own daughter and kicked her out.

The girl spent the night in the forest, in a dream she saw herself and her brothers in the old days, and in the morning she washed herself in the pond and again became a beauty. The next day, an old woman I met gave me a handful of berries and pointed out the river where she saw eleven swans in golden crowns. Eliza went to the river delta - at sunset, swans flew there and turned into her brothers. In the morning they flew away, and a day later they took Eliza with them in a basket made of willow bark. After spending the night on a small ledge, the swans flew off again in the morning. All day Eliza admired the cloudy castle of Fata Morgana, and spent the night in a cave overgrown with green plants. She dreamed that the fairy of the castle, who looked like an old woman from the forest, talked about how to save the brothers: you need to pick nettles near a cave or in a cemetery and weave eleven shirts for the brothers, but not say a word, otherwise the brothers will die.

Returning in the morning and noticing their sister’s muteness, the brothers at first took it for another stepmother’s witchcraft, but then they understood everything. As soon as Eliza took hold of the second shirt, she was found by the king, who was hunting in those parts. He took the forest beauty as his wife and took her to his castle, and even moved her nettles to a special room. But the archbishop whispered to the king that his wife was a witch, and one night he saw the queen picking nettles in the cemetery. The archbishop reported all this to the king; he saw with his own eyes that this was true. When Eliza is in Once again went to the cemetery, she was caught red-handed; the people condemned the “witch” to be burned at the stake.

In captivity, the girl was weaving her last shirt. The brothers came to the king, trying to intercede for their sister, but did not have time - at dawn they again turned into swans. In the morning, while the old nag was taking Eliza to the fire, the crowd wanted to tear their shirts, but the brothers arrived. The executioner had already grabbed the girl by the hand, but she managed to throw the shirts over the brothers, which means she was able to say: “I am innocent!” - and fainted. The brothers told everything, and the logs for the fire turned into a bush of scarlet roses with a single white rose, which the king put on Eliza’s chest, and she woke up, and “there was peace and happiness in her heart.” Retold Mouse

Once upon a time there lived a great friendly The Royal Family. But the king was widowed, and 11 sons and a daughter were left without a mother. The father married another woman, who turned out to be an evil witch. She turned the brothers into swans and drove them out of the castle, and sent the girl to the village.

Eliza never forgot her brothers; after a while she returned to the castle. The stepmother, seeing the stately beauty, decided to make Eliza ugly. Three toads had to do a dirty deed. But, having touched the girl, they turned into scarlet poppies and floated past. The evil stepmother did not stop; she smeared Eliza with mud. The king did not recognize the girl as his daughter and kicked her out of the court.

Eliza spent the night in the forest, washed her face in the pond at dawn and became her old self. The saddened girl wandered wherever her eyes looked until she met an old woman. She gave a handful of berries and said: 11 swans in golden crowns fly to the river delta. Eliza's heart told her that the birds were her brothers.

The girl waited until sunset and saw the swans, who turned into young men. They spent the night together, and in the morning, turning into birds, they flew away. The next day, the brothers carried Eliza away from these places in a basket made of twigs.

During the day, the girl admired the cloudy castle of Fata Morgana, and at night she slept in a cave. An old woman appeared in a dream; she taught how to remove the spell from the brothers: you need to weave shirts from nettles and put them on each one. Nettles should be picked near a cave or cemetery and not uttered a word until the end of the work. At dawn Eliza silently set to work.

The king, who was hunting in those places, came across a cave and saw Eliza. The beauty of the dumb girl struck the king, he decided to take her as his wife, even transported the nettle to the castle. But the local archbishop did not like the forest beauty, he began to follow her. One day he came to the king and said: this girl is a witch. He allegedly saw her going to the cemetery at night. When Eliza once again went for nettles, she was caught. The people demanded that the witch be burned at the stake.

Even in captivity, Eliza was silent, she was in a hurry to finish the last weaving. In the morning she was put in a cart and taken to the place of execution. The people wanted to tear their shirts, but the swans swooped in and protected the girl. She began throwing shirts on them. Then she said “I’m innocent” and fell dead.

The brothers, turning into young men, told the truth to the people and the king. The logs for the fire turned into scarlet roses, among them was a white one. The king put her on Eliza's chest and the girl woke up. Since then, everyone has lived amicably and happily.

Andersen's fairy tale "Wild Swans"

The main characters of the fairy tale "Wild Swans" and their characteristics

  1. Eliza, a princess who had 11 brothers. A very kind and responsible girl. She loved her brothers very much and was ready to die for them. In her search, she relied on God and a miracle.
  2. Eleven brothers turned into swans by their evil stepmother. They also loved their sister very much
  3. The evil queen, Eliza's stepmother, was filled with envy when she saw the girl's beauty and wanted to destroy her.
  4. Fairy Morgana, mistress of the castle in the air, is a powerful sorceress who tells Eliza about how she can save her brothers.
  5. The king of an unknown country, who was in love with Eliza, but believed evil slander and almost executed his beloved
  6. The Archbishop suspected Eliza of being a sorceress and a witch.

Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

  1. Death of Eliza's mother
  2. Evil queen
  3. Eleven brothers - eleven swans.
  4. Toads in the bath
  5. Eliza leaves the house
  6. Old lady in the forest
  7. Meeting with brothers
  8. Flight across the sea
  9. Fairy Morgana
  10. Nettle shirts
  11. Meeting with the King
  12. Wedding
  13. The Archbishop's machinations
  14. Execution
  15. A wonderful rescue.

The shortest summary of the fairy tale "Wild Swans" for reader's diary in 6 sentences

  1. The king remarries and the stepmother turns Eliza's brothers into swans
  2. Eliza goes to look for the brothers and finds swans on the seashore
  3. The brothers carry Eliza and the fairy Morgana tells how Eliza can free the brothers.
  4. Eliza makes shirts from nettles and meets the king
  5. Eliza becomes queen, but is accused of witchcraft
  6. Eliza saves the brothers.
The main idea of ​​the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

Love and loyalty are the real miracles that helped Eliza get her brothers back.

What does the fairy tale "Wild Swans" teach?

This fairy tale teaches us to be kind and sympathetic. She teaches you to believe in the best and not give up in the face of any difficulties. This fairy tale teaches selflessness.

Review of the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

The fairy tale "Wild Swans" cannot leave anyone indifferent. This wonderful story with magical transformations and lots of adventures. The main heroine of the fairy tale shows miracles of dedication and faith, and defeats the spell of the evil queen. She will save her brothers. I really liked the fairy tale "Wild Swans" and I recommend it for everyone to read.

Proverbs for the fairy tale "Wild Swans"

Whoever loves God will receive a lot of good.
Patience and work will grind everything down.
Water wears away stones too.

A summary of the fairy tale "Wild Swans" can be read in 3 minutes.

One king had a daughter Eliza and eleven sons. The king's wife died and he married another, who turned out to be evil. She turned the brothers into swans. When Eliza turned 15, the queen decided to deprive her of her beauty and threw toads into the bathhouse. But the toads turned into red poppies.

Then the queen soiled Eliza's face and she was no longer recognized. Ediza left the palace and cried a lot.

She met an old woman who said that she had seen swans and took Eliza to the cliff. There the girl found swan feathers.

Eliza's brothers arrived and recognized their sister. They offered to carry Eliza across the sea so as not to be separated from her.

During the flight, Eliza almost dies, but ends up at the castle of the fairy Morgana. The fairy tells Eliza how to save the brothers - she needs to knit 11 shirts from nettles and remain silent until the work is done.

Eliza starts knitting shirts. The king of that country meets her and falls in love with the girl. He marries Eliza.

The Archbishop accuses Eliza of being a witch, and the girl cannot justify herself without breaking her vow of silence.