Non-hormonal drugs to stop lactation. Basic methods of weaning. Teas to stop lactation

When should you take pills to stop lactation? How effective are modern means? What are the side effects and risks? In what cases can you do without them? Reviews from breastfeeding specialists and doctors about the use of drugs “Bromocriptine”, “Dostinex”, “Agalates”, “Bergolak” to suppress lactation.

Stopping breastfeeding is a crucial process in the life of mother and child. A new stage in their relationship begins, which will largely be built on how gently and naturally the separation will occur. But this is psychology, but what about physiology? Where to put the milk that the baby won’t need now? The only right solution for many women seems to be taking pills to stop lactation. Reviews about modern drugs make you wonder: is it worth taking them?

Indications for suppression of lactation

The recommendations of the World Health Organization on stopping breastfeeding indicate the priority of the natural method of suppressing lactation over medication. It involves a gradual reduction in the number of breastfeedings, during which the milk leaves painlessly and without complications.

Lactation cessation agents are recommended when emergency suppression of breast milk production is necessary. Indications for this may occur in the postpartum period and after long-term abortions. The drugs are used for both complete and partial suppression of lactation.

The basis for their acceptance are:

  • late miscarriage;
  • stillbirth;
  • maternal drug use, alcohol abuse;
  • the presence of malignant tumors in the mother, requiring immediate chemotherapy and radiation therapy;
  • active pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • HIV infection;
  • herpetic rash on the nipples.

Modern medicine considers relative indications for taking drugs to suppress lactation:

  • congenital extragenital pathology of a woman, abnormal development of the breast, nipples;
  • purulent mastitis;
  • acquired pathologies of the mammary glands due to mastitis, mastopathy, scar changes.

Drugs that stop lactation are not recommended for use in women planning to stop breastfeeding. The only reason for taking them is considered to be a critical hormonal imbalance, in which a natural decrease in prolactin levels is impossible. This condition is observed in pituitary adenoma.

Features of the medicinal method

The attractiveness of pills to stop lactation is based on the opinion that it is enough to take one or a couple, and the milk will go away by itself. There will be no breast engorgement, no risk of mastitis, no need to pump. However, this opinion is wrong. Taking medications in this case is a serious intervention in the body. And the number of side effects from them often exceeds the initial benefits.

All lactation pills act at the hormonal level. Modern drugs block the synthesis of the hormone prolactin, which is produced by the pituitary gland of the brain. Unnatural changes in hormonal levels have immediate and long-term effects.

Side effects often occur when taking them:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • decrease in pressure.

Side effects of the lactation medication are observed throughout the entire course of administration. It is 10-14 days. It is important to remember that during these two weeks you will have to take care of your child and do housework as before. With natural suppression, lactation disappears at the same time.

There are no milk pills, warns lactation consultant Oksana Mikhailechko. - There are pills for the disease when an ordinary person suddenly begins to produce milk in the breast due to a sudden increase in prolactin levels. For a nursing woman, this is not a disease, but the norm. And it's just as normal that she can finish breastfeeding.

The drug method of completing lactation has the following features.

  • Taking pills to burn breast milk is a last resort. The Association of Natural Feeding Consultants insists on this. According to AKEV expert Irina Ryukhova, it should be used in situations where it is necessary to sharply slow down its production. For example, with infectious mastitis, in which the risk of side effects is lower than the likely consequences of maintaining lactation.
  • The doctor should choose the medicine and dosage. All pills to burn breast milk have a prolonged effect. If the dosage is incorrectly selected, they can affect subsequent lactations, eliminating the possibility of breastfeeding in the future.
  • The appointment is made taking into account the woman’s current condition. It is prohibited to use the drugs for women with disorders of the cardiovascular system or endocrine diseases. There is a high risk of worsening the disease, heart attack, and stroke.
  • Irreversible effect. According to breastfeeding consultant Natalya Razakhatskaya, it is dangerous to use drugs to stop lactation to achieve a temporary effect. If you need to go somewhere for a few days, you should maintain lactation by pumping. Due to medication, lactation stops completely or partially.

Depression is one of the side effects of the drugs Bromocriptine and Dostinex. Reviews of cessation of lactation with their help indicate a woman’s state of depression and emotional imbalance. The reason for this is a sharp drop in prolactin levels, which can only be avoided with the natural end of breastfeeding. When milk leaves gradually, sudden jumps in prolactin do not occur.

Types of drugs

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a small selection of lactation tablets. Reviews of their effectiveness are given in studies by WHO and the International Breastfeeding Support Organization La Leche League.


The drug is of the previous generation, but is not currently used due to the high risk of negative reactions. They can cause repeated breast engorgement after completion of the course, bleeding, and thromboembolism. Taking the drug by a pregnant woman provokes fetal developmental abnormalities.


The hormone is used in combination with testosterone. Currently recognized as ineffective and dangerous. There is a risk of thromboembolism; pain and engorgement of the breast may return after the end of use.


A modern drug based on ergot alkaloids. Has a pronounced and prolonged effect on prolactin synthesis. It is recommended by the pharmacological state committee of the Ministry of Health of Russia for use when it is necessary to suppress lactation in the event of the development of severe forms of septic mastitis. Failure to use means of suppressing milk production and lack of timely treatment is dangerous with the risk of pulmonary embolism, stroke, and death.

In the USA, the use of the drug is prohibited due to the high level of adverse reactions. From 1980, when Bromocrpitin began to be used in obstetric practice, until 1994, there were 531 reports of its negative reactions. In thirty-two cases, taking the drug coincided with the death of women as a result of hypertension or heart attack. However, there is no reliable information that it was taking the drug in the required therapeutic dose that led to death.

In Russia, Bromocriptine is also used in obstetric practice. Common side effects from taking it include vomiting, nausea, dizziness and headache. Drowsiness or, on the contrary, nervousness and agitation, leg cramps, and individual allergies may be observed.


An alternative to the drug "Bromocriptine". It is sold under the trade names “Bergolak”, “Dostinex”, “Agalates”. Reviews of cessation of lactation using these means indicate fewer negative reactions. Less common are headache, nausea, general weakness, decreased blood pressure, constipation, and leg cramps. Confusion and hallucinations rarely occur.

The drug reduces the risk of a “ricochet” reaction when lactation resumes three weeks after completion of the course, which is likely with the drug Bromocriptine. Not prescribed for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, renal and liver failure.

Each of these drugs causes negative reactions in the body. Therefore, they should be taken exclusively for medical reasons, in therapeutic doses. At the same time, outdated products are more dangerous in terms of immediate and long-term effects. A lower risk of side effects is provided by the drug "Cobergolin", presented under the brands "Dostinex", "Agalates", "Bergolak". Reviews about stopping lactation with their help allow us to consider the products a gentle solution if it is necessary to urgently stop breastfeeding.


Termination of lactation on the initiative of the mother or for medical reasons is a process in which the flow of milk decreases, which leads to its complete disappearance. Lactation can also be stopped abruptly if there is a doctor's indication for this.

How to help stop lactation

The end of breastfeeding should be done slowly and gradually. Ideally, the mother should prepare for this period in advance. How long does it take for milk to stop flowing in the same quantities and completely disappear? There is a medication, as well as folk methods, that help reduce the formation and production of secretions. At the same time, it is important to know how to properly stop lactation without harming the health of the nursing mother and the psychological health of the child. The baby has been breastfeeding since birth, and the end of breastfeeding for him is:

Some children have a hard time being separated from their mother's breast because of their strong attachment to it. However, nursing mothers also need healthy, full sleep not only on one side, work, the opportunity to go to the city on business, the basic right to afford an alcoholic drink during the holiday, sparkling water and other goodies. This is where the desire to stop lactation arises. In order to painlessly suppress lactation, and not spoil the child’s psyche, you need to stimulate the cessation of lactation:

At first, this will be a little stressful for the child, especially when it comes to night snacks. During the first week, it is advisable to give a bottle of water, provided that the child has eaten well before bed. You should try to leave the child at night with dad or a relative, but not alone in another room or bed. If the baby is used to sleeping with his mother, she should always raise her voice during the night crying so that the baby calms down. There is no need to forcibly starve a child - at night the baby can eat 1/8 of the portion that he needs during the day.

Women, do not do breast constriction - this is an old way to quickly stop lactation. Compression of the glands leads to an overabundance of the hormone, which is not used. Otherwise, the baby may be poisoned at the next feeding.

How does milk production decrease?

As the child grows older, he begins to consume more milk at a time, reducing the number of meals. This is a natural process, and therefore, in order to make cessation of lactation as simple as possible, it is necessary to artificially make the body understand that less milk is needed. As soon as the baby introduces a new type of food in the form of complementary foods, mother's milk will be required in smaller quantities. This means that with the subsequent introduction of complementary foods, the baby’s need for breast milk will decrease.

Let's consider how much milk a child eats as he grows up and during the introduction of complementary foods.

Age (months)

Serving (ml)

Quantity (times/day)

As can be seen from the table, the active period of weight gain (food) is 6-18 months. From the age of six months, many children already begin to eat other foods - vegetables and fruits (mashed potatoes and homemade ones). Water or children's tea is added with food. The need for fluid is no longer as great as it was before. But, if complementary feeding was a variety for six months, then by one year breast milk will be considered an addition to the diet.

To ensure that cessation of lactation is as correct as possible, use proven means. Women, remember that lactation cannot be returned or restored after complete cessation.

For the process of cessation of lactation, it is necessary to maintain an increase in the decrease in the amount of incoming milk. When a child begins to eat complementary foods, he eats more. Eating became much easier than breastfeeding, when milk was obtained with sweat and grunting. The completion of lactation occurs already at the beginning of 6-7 months, when the child has 1 or 2 teeth, when the mother’s influx of food occurs every 4-5 hours. In a nursing mother, the volume of milk supplied to the ducts decreases, and the level of hormones in the blood also drops.

Medical indications for stopping lactation

Medical indications for removing lactation include diseases and disorders in the formation of colostrum. The flow of milk will decrease if you give an injection in time, the substance in which will restore the level of estrogen and androgens in the blood.

Also, to stop lactation immediately after childbirth, there are a number of other factors that over time can make lactation impossible:

  • HIV infections;
  • late miscarriages;
  • stillbirth;
  • alcohol and drug use during pregnancy;
  • galactosemia in a child;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis in the mother in an active progressive form;
  • Mom's breast cancer;
  • rash on nipples.

In order not to wait for the moment, they decide to do procedures to eliminate lactation. If a woman does not have the opportunity to feed her baby due to the need to go to work, or she expresses her desire to completely refuse feeding, she is prescribed the above medications, as well as advisory procedures. These methods of stopping lactation are classified as unauthorized types.

Unauthorized cessation of lactation

An unauthorized desire to stop breastfeeding can occur when a woman’s colostrum flows weakly, as well as when the lactation period has reached its peak (child is 1.5-1.8 years old). As auxiliary procedures, mothers resort to traditional methods at home. The following are ways that will show you how to reduce the amount of breast milk at the end of the lactation period, as well as how to stop producing breast milk if there is not enough for feeding and the colostrum has already run out.

Ways to stop lactation

In the first trimester after birth

When ready to stop a long lactation period

Special food

Mothers cannot afford luxurious, delicious food during this period. Therefore, it is necessary to reduce the amount of fluid consumed and fatty foods, which are so good for milk production.

Komarovsky says mothers can take diuretics and reduce the amount of fluid they consume.

Camphor oil

Camphor oil is used as a compress if you need to stop lactation within 2-3 days. This method is not suitable for weaning, says Komarovsky.

Camphor oil is great if you need milk to disappear. The procedure is painless; the oil destroys the properties of the milk. Oil also prevents breasts from sagging quickly.

Shrinkage of milk

You can dry your breasts during this period, but you will have to pump a little. Komarovsky talks about possible complications if a girl has twins or triplets, but lactation can be restored if desired.

Drying milk during this period is an ideal way when you need to painlessly stop feeding.

Chest tugs

Dr. Komarovsky recommends doing without this method during this period. Especially in summer, compression of the glands is a deliberate step towards injury to the chest. The baby may have a breakdown and be capricious. It is also unknown at what point the milk burns out, because expressing is prohibited. It will be impossible to return lactation.

Milk drying is carried out at home. Dr. Komarovsky recommends pumping when the breasts are full, without the milk burning out. The body begins to “believe” in the need to reduce the production of the amount of milk that was. At the same time, you can eat as usual, and your chest does not hurt.

Lactation does not stop - what to do?

How to quickly stop lactation when you already need to wean your baby? There is a drug called Dostinex to stop lactation. Remember, after using the drug, it is impossible to restore lactation, so there must be compelling reasons for weaning. There is no need to make a catastrophe out of this; the mother will get to the point of weaning on her own. How long should you take Dostinex? For quick weaning, the drug should be taken for 2 days, while eating as usual. It is important to ensure that the milk does not burn out, because the mother continues to feed.

In order for the milk to disappear, take a dose of 0.25 mg in the morning, then in the evening. In 2 days it will be 1 mg. If the milk does not disappear on the same day, there is no need to panic. The substance remains in the blood for another 4 weeks. During this period, it will not be possible to return milk and restore lactation. You can feed the baby in the evening and repeat the procedure the next day. You can also do physical exercises, make compresses, where the main substance is oil, cabbage leaf. The weaning process will be easy, the child will notice how the milk has disappeared within 2-3 hours after taking the drug.

You should not do massages for weaning; the baby will feel a changed taste of milk. The oil will promote healing, and the breasts will not hurt. There is no need to add other traditional methods here. If the gland hurts in the evening, give the baby breastfeeding, and in the morning there will be much less milk. The milk does not burn out. If the milk has burned out, it means that the woman expressed herself while taking the drug, which is strictly prohibited, because otherwise the milk can still be returned. Here are the most current and simple ways to stop lactation naturally.

Lactation is a complex process, but sooner or later the production of breast milk must stop. This can happen either by the woman’s decision or due to medical indications. In order to complete breastfeeding, different methods and methods are used. One of them is the use of tablets specially designed for this purpose.

Indications for suppression of lactation

Most often, they talk about stopping lactation when the child has already reached a certain age, and the mother wants to wean him off the breast. But there are also situations in which suppression of milk production processes occurs out of necessity.

Experts distinguish two groups of indications for stopping lactation: absolute and relative. Absolute conditions include those in which it is prohibited or impossible to feed the baby with breast milk. These include:

  • stillbirth;
  • late miscarriage;
  • alcohol or drug addiction;
  • cancer diagnosed during pregnancy or after childbirth and requiring chemotherapy or radiation;
  • herpes on the nipples;
  • active form of pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • HIV or AIDS;
  • galactosemia in a child is a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, due to which milk is not absorbed in the baby’s body.

Relative indications are not an absolute requirement for stopping breastfeeding, but in some cases, on the recommendation of a doctor, when they appear, you should stop feeding the baby breast milk. These include:

  • serious illnesses;
  • flat and inverted nipples;
  • growth (papilloma) on the nipple;
  • purulent and infiltrative (non-purulent) mastitis;
  • diseases of the mammary glands (gigantomastia or excessively large breasts, mastopathy, scarring, mastitis in the past);
  • woman's reluctance to breastfeed.

Termination of lactation can be carried out at the request of the woman or for medical reasons.

Features of drug cessation of lactation

Termination of lactation with the help of medications has its own characteristics.

  1. A doctor should prescribe this or that drug, who will assess the woman’s general health and select the most suitable drug for her. You cannot decide on the use of medications on your own, since they have side effects and contraindications, and therefore can have an unforeseen effect on the female body.
  2. Breastfeeding after starting to take special pills is unacceptable.
  3. Once mature lactation is achieved, suppressing breast milk production with hormonal drugs is not always effective. This is due to the fact that the level of prolactin (the hormone responsible for milk production) gradually decreases after childbirth and after about 3 months approaches its normal level. That is why pills aimed at reducing it may not be effective enough.

Types of drugs

Drugs to stop lactation can be divided into several groups:

  • homeopathic - their action is based on the power of plants;
  • non-hormonal - not affecting a woman’s hormonal background; lactation is suppressed not directly, but through an effect, for example, on the nervous system;
  • hormonal - affecting a woman’s hormonal levels, which directly affects the production of breast milk.

The hormonal balance in a woman’s body is well thought out. Pregnancy is characterized by an increased content of the hormones estrogen and progesterone, which promote gestation, prepare the body for motherhood, and the mammary glands for lactation, but at the same time do not allow breast milk to form ahead of time. But after childbirth, their level drops, but the amount of prolactin and oxytocin, which play a major role in the development of breastfeeding, increases.

The hormonal balance in a woman’s body is well thought out and is aimed at maintaining pregnancy before childbirth, and after - at the formation of lactation

Hormonal drugs to suppress lactation take this dependence into account. Estrogen and progesterone cannot be high at the same time as oxytocin and prolactin, so to artificially reduce the amount of breast milk, the first two hormones are prescribed, which leads to a decrease in the level of the latter in the body.

Estrogen and drugs based on it

Estrogens to suppress lactation are usually prescribed in the form of drugs Sinestrol and Microfollin. The first is available in the form of an injection solution, therefore it is used only in a hospital setting, and the second is tablets that can be taken at home if necessary. They differ from each other and the active substance: hexestrol and ethinyl estradiol, respectively. Both of these compounds are synthetic estrogen, although they differ in chemical structure.

Sinestrol is a synthetic estrogen produced in the form of an injection solution

Contraindications for the use of Sinestrol and Microfollin are similar:

  • dysfunction of the liver and/or kidneys;
  • malignant neoplasms of the mammary glands, genital organs;
  • bleeding from the uterus with an unknown cause;
  • thrombophlebitis - blockage of blood vessels with blood clots.

Additionally, Sinestrol is prohibited for use in case of diabetes mellitus, and Microfollin - in case of cerebrovascular accident.

Bromocriptine and its analogues

The drug is actively used to suppress lactation. Its active ingredient has a similar name and has an effect on the body that reduces the production of prolactin, the hormone responsible for the secretion of breast milk.

The substance bromocriptine is effective both in preventing lactation after premature birth or fetal death, and in suppressing it some time after delivery. Drink it for two weeks with meals. After completing the course of therapy, a slight release of milk from the breast is possible. In such a situation, the use of tablets is required for another 7 days.

The use of bromocriptine is contraindicated in women with:

  • individual intolerance to the drug;
  • severe pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • high or low blood pressure;
  • liver failure;
  • psychosis;
  • galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or impaired absorption of glucose and galactose.

Bromocriptine tablets have analogues, for example, Parlodel and Abergin. Their effects on the body, features of use, possible side effects and contraindications for use are identical.

Photo gallery: drugs based on bromocriptine

Bromocriptine tablets are produced both in Russia and in other countries, such as Ukraine and Hungary. Parlodel is an Italian medicine that is currently not sold in Russia. Abergine is a domestic drug, an analogue of Bromocriptine.

Dostinex, Bergolak, Agalates: preparations based on cabergoline

Cabergoline is a substance that stimulates certain receptors in the brain, which leads to a decrease in the production of the hormone prolactin. Its mechanism of action is similar to bromocriptine. It is included in the following drugs:

  • Bergolak and others.

All of them can be prescribed by doctors, but Dostinex is the most popular.

A characteristic feature of all cabergoline-based drugs is their rapid effect. The packaging of both Dostinex, Agalates and Bergolak contains only two tablets, after taking which milk production stops. But at the same time, side effects may occur: dizziness, nausea, drowsiness and others.

Contraindications for all cabergoline-based drugs are the same:

  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • lactose intolerance, lactase deficiency, glucose-galactose malabsorption;
  • severe cardiovascular diseases, including high and low blood pressure.

Photo gallery: drugs containing cabergoline

Dostinex is a hormonal drug actively used to suppress lactation.
Agalates - an analogue of Dostinex from Israel Bergolak - domestic tablets based on cabergoline

Bromcamphor is a sedative tablet that inhibits the functioning of the brain and nervous system. The drug is used primarily in psychiatry and neurology, but also affects the production of breast milk. It was actively used in the past to stop lactation, but today gynecologists prefer more effective hormonal drugs.

Bromcamphor is a sedative non-hormonal drug that helps reduce breast milk production

The effect of using Bromcamphor does not appear quickly. Some women note that the effect of the pill on milk production is very small, so they had to switch to other drugs. However, doctors prescribe this drug if necessary.

When starting to take Bromcamphor, a woman should be aware that she may experience increased fatigue and drowsiness, which will interfere with her usual daily activities.

The use of Bromcamphor is contraindicated in:

  • renal and liver failure;
  • hypersensitivity.

The hormonal drug Utrozhestan contains progesterone, identical to that produced in a woman’s body. This hormone is important for the reproductive function in the female body; without it, a full menstrual cycle, as well as pregnancy, is impossible.

Utrozhestan is not intended to directly suppress lactation. Its use is indicated for maintaining pregnancy, infertility, and diseases of the female reproductive organs associated with hormonal imbalance. But progesterone inhibits the production of oxytocin, and therefore affects the production of breast milk, reducing its quantity.

You can take Utrozhestan to suppress lactation only when the drug is prescribed by a doctor. However, its use is usually necessary for other indications, and is not directly related to the need to complete breastfeeding. In addition, treatment may be accompanied by various side effects, including headaches, problems with the digestive tract, bleeding from the genitals and depression.

Utrozhestan is a hormonal drug from a Belgian pharmaceutical company

Utrozhestan should not be taken if:

  • tendency to form blood clots in blood vessels;
  • bleeding from the vagina for unknown reasons;
  • incomplete abortion;
  • tumors in the mammary glands or genitals, as well as suspicion of them;
  • severe liver disease currently or in the past;
  • under 18 years of age;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


Duphaston hormonal tablets are another drug whose action is based on the properties of progesterone. But unlike Utrozhestan, Duphaston contains dydrogesterone, a synthetic analogue of the natural hormone. It differs in its properties and chemical structure, is better absorbed from the digestive tract and is less likely to cause side effects.

Duphaston is a hormonal drug that is produced in the Netherlands

The indications for use and the features of taking Dufaton are exactly the same as Utrozhestan. But an important difference is a significantly smaller number of contraindications, among which the instructions indicate only:

  • hypersensitivity;
  • galactose intolerance, lactase deficiency or malabsorption syndrome;
  • skin itching during pregnancy.

Mastodinon is a homeopathic tablet that is prescribed to women for menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, and to relieve premenstrual syndrome. They include the following main components:

  • chaste vitex (Abraham tree);
  • caulophyllum (cornflower cohosh);
  • cyclamen europeum;
  • ignation;
  • iris variegated;
  • Lilium tigrinum.

Although the indications for the use of the drug do not mention the need to stop lactation, the doctor may prescribe Mastodinone tablets, since they reduce the production of prolactin and reduce the amount of milk. But its therapeutic effect lies in its complex effect on hormonal levels, so a doctor should prescribe a homeopathic remedy after assessing the woman’s condition.

Smoking and drinking alcohol significantly reduces the effectiveness of Mastodinon.

Mastodinon is a German homeopathic medicine

Mastodinon is not prescribed:

  • in case of hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • women with malignant tumors of the mammary glands;
  • in case of hereditary galactose intolerance, genetic lactase deficiency or impaired absorption of glucose and galactose (for tablets due to the lactose content);
  • during pregnancy and lactation.

Mastodinon is contraindicated during breastfeeding precisely because of its ability to affect hormonal levels and reduce breast milk production.

Which doctor prescribes pills to stop lactation?

A doctor should prescribe a drug to stop lactation if indicated. This is usually done by a gynecologist or mammologist, but another specialist, for example, a surgeon, oncologist, or even a pediatrician, can prescribe pills for the mother, if necessary.

It is very difficult for both mother and baby to stop breastfeeding. This is stress for their body. Pills can help stop lactation. Today we will find out whether they can be used and how to do it.

Every mother thinks: when should she stop lactation? It is important to remember that lactation is very important for the mother’s body, because breastfeeding helps to lose excess weight gained during pregnancy. You cannot stop feeding too early, as this disrupts the endocrine system.

Lactation Dostinex side effects
Lingonberry causes preventive measures
milk Thrush Waiting for a baby
at the attending physician's office Nursing mother breastfeeding woman

Sometimes it happens that the mother gradually runs out of milk and the baby gradually gets used to it. You could say it goes both ways. The baby requires less breastfeeding. And at this time you give special mixtures.

When you plan to stop breastfeeding, then within a few months, 2-3, you need to start feeding your baby not only with breastfeeding, but also gradually introduce formula into his diet. If you gradually introduce solid foods over several months, you will eventually be able to wean your baby off the breast. Try to limit breastfeeding to one or two times.

Thus, the baby weans from the breast, and the milk gradually runs out. But it happens that a woman needs pills to stop lactation.

When should I stop feeding?

The most important thing is that you need to wean your child not in the summer, not in the heat, and you also cannot stop feeding at a time when you are sick or your child is not feeling well.

Psychologically difficult moment for mom

You should also not wean your child before you move or go to another place for an extended period of time, for example, on vacation.

When to stop feeding is your choice. But it would be good for you and your health after a year and a half. Do not listen to the advice of other mothers when they stopped, because each woman is individual and has her own characteristics. Contact your mammologist and let him tell you whether you are ready to stop breastfeeding now or not.

Which drug to choose

Each woman decides individually for herself whether to use pills or not. But it is better to consult with your doctor who knows your particularities.

This is a drug to suppress symptoms

Today, tablets are very often used, because this method of interrupting feeding is quite simple.

These pills have an effect on the brain and your endocrine system. Therefore, before using any medicine, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will help you choose the drug and set the dosage.

Now let's see what pills exist to stop lactation.

  1. Dostinex.
  2. Bromocriptine.
  3. Bromocamphor.

Dostinex is one of the most popular and high-quality drugs for stopping lactation. This drug does not affect the hormonal system. It also does not harm either the mother or the child. It has minimal impact on a woman.

The drug influences and inhibits the action of receptors responsible for lactation. Does not bring any changes to hormonal levels. The action of Dostinex is very fast; on the first day, the activity of the receptors slows down and milk is secreted less. This happens within 4 hours. The course of using this drug is about a week.

The drug is available in tablets. It is taken orally, through the mouth. There are some side effects, but they are extremely rare:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • dizziness;
  • pain in the head;
  • gastritis;
  • stomach ache;
  • constipation.

Should be consumed during or after meals.

Bromocriptine acts on the pituitary gland. It reduces the production of prolactin. This drug cannot be prescribed to yourself. Bromocriptine can only be prescribed to you by a doctor because it affects hormonal levels.

This medicine is taken with meals, two times a day, one tablet, for two weeks. It happens that after two weeks, milk continues to ooze in small doses, so the drug is prescribed for another week.

Side effects may include headaches, fatigue, and nausea.

Bromcamphor is not intended to stop milk production, but doctors often prescribe this drug to stop lactation. This drug does not work instantly. It should be used only on the recommendation of a doctor.

Now let’s look in the table at the effect of tablets to stop lactation and their price.

NameActionPrice in Russia
DostinexThis drug does not affect the hormonal system. It also does not harm either the mother or the child. It has minimal impact on a woman. Reduces milk production instantly. Literally in a couple of days. This makes him very popular.The price is high. For two tablets of 0.5 mg you need to pay from 635 to 784 rubles. (depending on the pharmacy).
And 8 tablets of 0.5 mg each cost from 1,740 to 3,500 rubles. (it all depends on the pharmacy and city of residence).
BromocriptineBromocriptine tablets act on the pituitary gland, stopping lactation. The active substance reduces the production of prolactin and reduces the production of hormones that produce milk. The course of use is two weeks.Russian production, 30 pieces of 2.5 mg - from 200 to 260 rubles.
German production 30 pieces of 2.5 mg - from 300 to 370 rubles.
BromcamphorBromcamphor is not intended to stop milk production, but doctors often prescribe this drug to stop lactation.From 80 to 130 rubles. It all depends on the region and pharmacy.

I would like to note that prices in online pharmacies are lower than in regular ones.

What else do you need to know?

The medication has several side effects, including headaches

Tablets should be used as a last resort, let's look at contraindications, side effects and some other tips.

  1. You should not prescribe medications if you are pregnant again. Therefore, before use, go for a consultation.
  2. Side effects of these drugs: headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting.
  3. These drugs should not be taken if you have kidney or liver disease, peptic ulcers or gastritis.
  4. Never prescribe the drug yourself, do not increase or decrease the prescribed dose, because each organism is individual and the doctor knows best what and how to prescribe for you.
  5. If you don’t feel very well, and this happens when you take pills, consult a doctor immediately so that there are no negative consequences.
  6. You cannot combine folk remedies and medical ones. Therefore, under no circumstances should you bandage your breasts when you are taking any medicine. This can lead to a disease such as lactostasis.
  7. When you start taking pills, the breast for the baby no longer exists. The drug is excreted through milk, and this is harmful to the child’s health. Therefore, before you start taking a course of pills, gradually introduce formula feeding so that the child gets used to it.

The use of folk remedies

It is better to use folk remedies to stop the flow of milk. When you stop breastfeeding your baby, you will experience pain and discomfort in your chest, and you may feel heaviness. But this will pass as soon as the milk runs out, after which the breasts will be soft.

Lingonberry has a diuretic effect, which is useful in our situation

First, you need to buy a special bra - wire-free, elastic, which just fits your chest tightly. Wear clothing that completely covers your chest and throat and has long sleeves to prevent your baby from having access to your breasts.

During this period, show as much care and affection as possible to your child. Because weaning off the breast is difficult. Do not listen to such methods as taking the child to his grandmother so that he can wean himself off there - this is a bad method. Not only is the child stressed because there is no breast, but also the mother is not around.

Try to talk to your baby that there will be no more milk. This method helps many mothers: “Mom doesn’t drink milk from her boob? No. Does daddy drink milk from his boob? No. And you’re already an adult.”

It is better to start weaning after a year, when the child begins to understand and answer questions. Do this gradually so that the child does not experience stress. Spread this process over three months. Each time, give your baby less breastfeeding and bottle-feed more.

You can also seal the nipples with a body plaster and explain to the child that there is nowhere else for milk to come from, that now the milk is from another mother who needs to feed the child.

Let's look at what good folk methods there are.

  1. Drink diuretic herbs. They will help remove as much fluid as possible. Drink the following herbs: horsetail, lingonberry, basil, jasmine, parsley, bearberry. Also brew mint. They can be found at any pharmacy. Pour boiling water over them and drink. Due to the fact that there are fewer liquids, milk gradually stops being produced. There is another herb that, according to traditional healers, is the most effective - sage. It is sage that will help stop lactation. It is enough to drink it for three to four days, the milk should burn out.
  2. Cold compress. For example, it could be ice that you should wrap in a towel. Or you can freeze water with mint and apply it to your chest.
  3. Breast bandaging. This method is used less frequently. But they still use it. To do this, tie the chest tightly with a regular diaper. Pump a little every day so that your breasts don’t feel like stones.
  4. Cabbage. Make a cabbage compress. Cabbage leaves should be crushed well in a mortar and then applied to the mammary glands. Continue this procedure for a week.

There are situations when a mother needs to stop breastfeeding, and in this case, pills to stop lactation come to the rescue. They should be used only as a last resort and after consulting with your doctor.

In what cases are drugs used?

For a number of good reasons, a young mother faces the question of how to stop breast milk lactation? The best way would be gradual, in which case the milk will burn out, and the process will be painless for both mother and child. But it is not always possible to spend 2-3 months on increasing complementary feeding and natural weaning.

Pills to stop lactation help in two days. But they should be used only when necessary, with caution and on the advice of a doctor..

Many women start taking medications to get back to work faster. The consequences of such self-medication can be catastrophic.

It is necessary to understand in what cases you need to take pills to stop lactation:

  1. Detection of purulent mastitis.
  2. Urgent surgical treatment of the mother.
  3. Pathologies in the development of mammary glands or nipples.
  4. Taking strong drugs and antibiotics.
  5. Milk intolerance in a child.
  6. Late miscarriage or stillbirth.
Do not use the tablets if you need to temporarily stop lactation, for example during a trip, as lactation will not be able to return afterwards.

Anti-lactation tablets are used even with natural cessation of breastfeeding.

A month after stopping breastfeeding, milk may begin to be produced in small quantities. Then pills that stop lactation are justified.

If it is stopped for a while, then it is restored by refusing to take it or using a special remedy.

For example, Apilak lactation tablets have positive reviews, they strengthen the general condition of the body and improve milk production and its quality.

The most famous remedies

There are a variety of pills to suppress lactation. Almost all of them stop the production of the lactogenic hormone prolactin. Some products for stopping lactation contain a complex of male and female hormones that change hormonal levels, thereby helping to stop milk production.

The first type of treatment is considered effective. They work on semi-synthetic cabergoline or bromocriptine.

Dostinex is considered a popular and one of the most expensive medicines.

The composition includes cabergoline, one capsule contains 0.5 mg.

To work effectively, take half a dose, thus reducing the likelihood of adverse reactions.

If stopping is needed immediately, then the dose is increased to a whole pill, and the risk of many side effects increases.

The medical community believes that lactation pills Dostinex has less negative effects on the body than its analogues and generics. However, this opinion is not always justified. Individual reactions to the active and excipients should be taken into account. Women notice different effects from the same drug, a specialist selects it.

The drug of the same name is based on the substance cabergoline. Its excipients are the same as the prototype - leucine and anhydrous lactose. Although it is identical in composition, some patients note more negative effects on the body.

This happens due to the placebo effect because Cabergoline is cheaper, its price is associated with quality. Another active ingredient is bromocriptine, and there are also tablets based on it to stop lactation.

Tablets for stopping lactation Bromocriptine are based on bromocriptine mesylate in the amount of 2.5 mg per tablet.

It also stops the production of prolactin. Excipients include magnesium stearate, colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, talc, microcrystalline lactose and corn starch.

Stops milk production in 2 weeks, which distinguishes it from the predecessors described above. Tablets to stop lactation Parlodel is an analogue of Bromocriptine, it has the same indications for use and composition.

Pros and cons of drugs: how to make the right choice

When considering any pills that stop lactation, it is difficult to identify those that will act equally in each case.

One of the side effects of Dostinex and Bromocriptine may be depression, as prolactin levels drop sharply

The main advantage of drugs based on cabergoline is speed.– they stop milk production after two days.

But famous drugs are expensive. If we talk about bromocriptine, its cost is affordable, but it will take two weeks to use it.

They have many contraindications and possible adverse reactions.

They manifest themselves individually - for one woman, stopping breastfeeding is painless, while another will experience a full bouquet of negative effects from the same medicine.

The main advantage of all products, with the exception of Dostinex, is the cost, and Dostinex is considered high quality due to its high price.

Directions for use, contraindications and side effects

How to properly stop lactation with medication? The answer is obvious and lies on the surface: follow the instructions and follow the doctor’s instructions.

To make breastfeeding painless, do not self-medicate. An experienced doctor makes an appointment and then monitors the mother’s condition.

Dostinex or Cabergoline is taken half twice a day for the first 24 hours, and then the whole once every 12 hours for 48 hours. At the same time, the mother expresses milk, since You cannot breastfeed while taking medications.

Read more about complementary feeding for a baby who is bottle-fed.

They cause nausea, headaches, dizziness, indigestion, and lower blood pressure. If the dose is increased, it can lead to allergies, heart attacks and strokes.

Contraindications include:

  • sensitivity to the active substance;
  • children up to 16 years of age.

This takes into account the mother’s diseases, such as impaired functioning of the kidneys and liver, ulcers, and disorders of the cardiovascular system. Treatment is carried out with extreme caution when any disease is detected.

Bromocriptine, Parlodel, Bergolak and other drugs based on bromocriptine not used if the patient has tremors, psychoses, toxicosis, cardiovascular diseases and intolerance to the components of the drug. They are taken one capsule twice a day for two weeks.

Nursing mothers are often interested in the question: how long does breast milk last in the refrigerator? After reading in our article, the question can be considered closed.

If the baby is not breastfed, then the mother always faces additional worries: read 8 tab. – 1700 rub.

How to choose the right drug

There is no universal advice on how to choose pills to reduce lactation. They are selected by a specialist, taking into account the patient’s condition. However, tablets for stopping lactation Dostinex have more positive reviews, doctors more often recommend this particular drug.

Which ones exist that are available in our pharmacies you can follow the link provided.

But under no circumstances should you prescribe it to yourself..