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Hello, dear ones!

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious pork pilaf. Of course, pork is a bit of an unusual meat for pilaf, since this dish comes from Asia, and there, as you know, pork is not very respected. But personally, I have nothing against pork and I think that pork pilaf not much worse than pilaf, for example, made from lamb.

What to cook pilaf with pork from

To prepare pilaf according to this recipe we will need:

  • piece of pork pulp
  • carrot
  • bulb onions
  • seasonings: cumin, barberry, dried tomato, paprika, turmeric

I deliberately did not indicate the quantity. It all depends greatly on the size of the cauldron and how much pilaf you want to cook. Just remember that there should be approximately the same amount of meat, onions and carrots. You can take the same amount of rice as meat, or up to twice as much.

Seasoning for pilaf

I usually have seasoning for pilaf prepared in advance. I simply buy equal amounts of cumin (preferably black), dried barberry, paprika, dried tomato and turmeric at the market. I pour all this into one jar, mix it and that’s it, the seasoning for the pilaf is ready.

It is better to take a jar with a screw cap, for example from baby food, since you get much more seasoning than is needed to prepare pilaf.

Pork pilaf recipe

The seasoning is ready, now let's start with the rice. Rinse the rice thoroughly in several waters. Fill it with cold water again and set aside to soak.

Cut the meat into small, approximately equal pieces.

Place the cauldron on the fire and pour vegetable oil into the cauldron. It’s difficult for me to tell you the exact amount of oil; I always estimate it by eye based on my own experience in preparing pilaf. Today, for example, I prepared pilaf from 500 grams of meat and 600-700 grams of rice. For this amount of oil products I took approximately 200 grams. The amount of oil also depends on how fatty the meat is. The fattier the meat, the less oil, as the fat will render out.

It is best to choose a cast iron cauldron. In a cast iron cauldron, pilaf is cooked evenly and does not burn.

The oil must be heated, but not overheated. To check, I throw a small onion, cut in half, into the oil. Heat the oil until the onion is browned.

As soon as the onion is browned, remove it from the oil with a slotted spoon. Throw the previously chopped meat into the hot oil.

While the meat is frying, chop the onion, remembering to stir the meat from time to time.

Then cut the carrots into thin strips. Don't forget to stir the meat.

For the first time, you should probably chop the onions and carrots in advance.

Our meat should be ready by now.

Pour the onion into the meat and fry it, stirring frequently until the onion is cooked or turns golden brown.

Usually in pilaf recipes they write: “fry the onion until golden brown.” This doesn't always work out. If there is a lot of meat or the onion is very juicy, then it may cook before it starts to turn golden and there is no point in frying it further, as it may begin to burn.

Add chopped carrots to the meat and onions.

Fry for about five more minutes, stirring occasionally to avoid burning.

Then add about a teaspoon of the pilaf seasoning that we prepared earlier.

Mix everything and pour water from the kettle so that it lightly covers the food.

Now you can salt it well so that rice and water will be added later.

What we have just made is called zirvak, it’s like a gravy for pilaf. Let the zirvak boil. If you taste zirvak at the boiling point, it should have an over-salted taste.

Cover the cauldron with a lid, reduce the heat and leave the zirvak to cook. We are preparing pork pilaf, so it is enough to wait 15-20 minutes. If you are cooking beef, then this time should be increased to 30-40 minutes.

When the zirvak is ready, pour the soaked rice over it.

Level the rice with a slotted spoon and add water so that it covers the rice by about two fingers.

Cover with a lid and leave to cook over low heat. The cooking time varies each time from 40 minutes to an hour, depending on the quantity and quality of rice and the amount of water.

I usually open the lid after 20-30 minutes and collect the rice from the edges to the center in a small mound.

If there is still a lot of water, then you need to pierce the rice to the bottom with a knife in several places so that it evaporates faster.

Close the cauldron with a lid again and cook over low heat until the water completely disappears.

Place the finished pilaf on a large platter or arrange it on plates.

If you have ever tried real Uzbek pilaf, you will never forget its spicy aroma and unique taste. The recipe for making pilaf at home is not at all complicated.

How to cook pilaf correctly

Pilaf is an ancient national dish of Transcaucasia, the Middle East, and Asia. There are a lot of options for preparing this dish. However, eminent chefs assure that if several people simultaneously prepare pilaf using one recipe, everyone will still end up with a dish with different tastes.

How to cook pilaf correctly, what is the secret of Uzbek pilaf? Especially for our readers, we have put together the most important recommendations that will help you create a small masterpiece of great art called pilaf.

Secret 1 - Technology for proper preparation of pilaf

One of the main secrets of ideal pilaf is not the composition of the products used, which is also not unimportant, but the method of its preparation itself. Mainly, the taste and aroma of the dish depends on the correct combination of two main components of pilaf: rice and meat base (zirvak). Sometimes wheat, corn, and peas are used to prepare this dish instead of rice. However, in any case, in order for the pilaf to absorb all the tastes and aromas, the grains in the dish are not boiled, but stewed (simmered).

Secret 2 - Bookmark products

Another important stage in the technology of preparing pilaf is the choice of the variety of rice and carrots, as well as their preliminary preparation and sequential laying. In addition to these products, you will definitely need: meat, onions, fat, salt, water, spices and seasonings. It is important to know: the ratio of carrots, rice, onions, meat should be one to one. If the meat is not very fatty, then you should add a little more oil. It is better to cut the carrots into long strips, and the longer the strips, the tastier the dish will be. Spices and salt must be added halfway through the preparation of the “dressing”, which includes meat, onions and carrots.

Secret 3 - Meat for pilaf

Almost any meat is suitable for preparing this dish. You can get amazingly tasty pilaf if you use beef, pork, rabbit, turkey, and chicken. However, the most suitable meat for classic Uzbek pilaf is lamb (back, shoulder or brisket). Only lamb can give a dish a delicate, unique taste.

Secret 4 - What kind of rice is needed for pilaf

The quality and taste of pilaf mainly depends on rice. An important condition is that the rice in the dish should not stick together. It should be crumbly, strong and keep its shape. For example, round or long grains of rice should not be used for pilaf - since they are too soft and boil quickly, and the pilaf turns into meat porridge.

What kind of rice is needed for pilaf? Uzbek or Tajik varieties of rice are best suited for pilaf. They perfectly absorb fat and water, while remaining crumbly. These varieties have a certain appearance - dark oblong stripes remain on each grain even after they are cooked, and the pink powder covering the rice gives the pilaf a divine aroma.

IMPORTANT! Rice should be chosen with low starch content, strong and transparent. The grains should be pearly, of medium length, and absorb fat and water well.

Secret 5 - Spices and seasonings for pilaf

If rice and meat are the main components of oriental food, then vegetables, herbs and spices for pilaf are additional tools with which you can improvise its taste and aromas.
In addition to onions and carrots, you can add raisins, garlic, cumin grains, barberry, quince, dried apricots, hot peppers, and herbs to pilaf.

Secret 6 - Oil for pilaf

The choice of oil for pilaf also needs to be taken with full responsibility. The most delicious pilaf is considered to be cooked in vegetable oil (sesame, cottonseed) or tail fat.

Secret 7 - Dishes

The ideal utensils for pilaf are a copper cauldron, a thick and deep frying pan or a cast iron pan. In any case, the dishes should have thick walls and a tight-fitting lid.

IMPORTANT! During the cooking process, no matter how much you would like to open the lid until the recipe instructs, you cannot do this!

When the pilaf is ready, wrap the pan in a thick blanket and leave for an hour - the pilaf will become even tastier.

And now that you know the intricacies of proper preparation of real pilaf, you can safely choose any recipe we offer and try to cook it. We are confident that you will have an amazing dish! All family members will ask you to cook pilaf again and again!

The classic recipe is pilaf with lamb. But there are varieties of the dish that use other meats, such as chicken, beef, pork. There is even an option for vegetarians - with vegetables or fruits.

Classic recipe for Uzbek pilaf with lamb

lamb – 1 kg
rice-1 kg
fat (tail fat) or vegetable oil - 300 ml
onion-1 kg
carrots -1 kg
raisins - 100 g
garlic - 1 head
cumin (cumin)
seasoning for pilaf


Coarsely chop the lamb, cut the fat and vegetables into 3-4 cm strips, rinse the rice thoroughly in running water.

First, the fat is rendered in a cauldron, then the meat is fried until golden brown. Then add onions and carrots (alternately). After 5-10 minutes, add spices, salt, garlic (unpeeled) and cumin crushed between your fingers.

If the meat is ready, then the zirvak is ready. Zirvak is the basis for pilaf, a mixture of meat and vegetables.

Now it's time for rice. Half the volume of cereal is poured into a cauldron with vegetables and meat, then raisins and rice again.

It is necessary to add hot water so as not to reduce the temperature in the cauldron. The water level should be two fingers higher than the rice. The dish is cooked over high heat until the water boils away, then the rice is raked from the walls to the center. It turns out to be a kind of slide. Then another 30 minutes on low heat under the lid (do not open the lid at this time!). Turn off the heat, cover with a warm towel and let sit for 1 hour. Place the pilaf on a special plate - lyagan.

Pilaf with chicken

This recipe makes pilaf with chicken more dietary and tender.

chicken fillet – 0.5 kg
onions – 4 pcs.
carrots - 4 pcs.
rice – 2 cups
vegetable oil – 100 g
salt - to taste
spices and seasonings for pilaf (pepper, cumin, dogwood, etc.) - to taste

Wash the chicken, dry with a paper towel, and pound lightly. Cut the fillet into large cubes, carrots and onions into strips. Fry everything in a cauldron or saucepan (separately). Then add chicken, salt, spices and washed rice to the container where the vegetables were fried.

All products are thoroughly mixed. Add 4 cups of water and let it all simmer over medium heat for 20 minutes. Then close the lid, reduce the heat and do not open for 25 minutes, let it simmer.

Cover with a towel and let sit covered for 15 minutes.

That's it - chicken pilaf is ready. Fast and fun! Serve with fresh vegetables.

Beef pilaf

It is prepared using the same products as in other options. We are pleased to share a recipe for beef pilaf, which is more flavorful than with chicken.

rice - 3 cups
spices and spices - to taste
vegetable oil - 200g
meat (beef) - 1 kg
vegetables (onions and yellow carrots) - 3-4 pcs.
salt - to taste
water (boiling water) – 5-6 glasses

Rinse the meat in running water, pat dry with a paper towel and cut into large pieces. In a deep cast-iron saucepan, heat the oil, add the meat, and fry it thoroughly. In a separate pan, fry the carrots and onions until golden brown. Add vegetables to the meat and mix, simmer everything together a little. After which, without removing from the heat, you should add boiling water, and then salt, spices and rice. Mix well so that all ingredients are saturated with fat and juice. After 15 minutes of vigorous boiling, assemble the rice into a mound and place the garlic in the middle. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 40 minutes until done. At the end, be sure to let the finished dish sit for 1 hour.

Before serving, place the pilaf on a large dish, cut the meat into pieces and place on top. Bread is inappropriate for pilaf, so you can serve lavash.

Pilaf with pork

When preparing Uzbek pilaf, you can deviate a little from the rules and use pork instead of lamb. The result is a very satisfying and juicy pilaf with pork.

pork – 1 kg
carrots – 1 kg
onion – 1 kg
tomato (fresh) - 1 pc.
vegetable oil – 150 g
rice – 3 cups
spices and seasonings - to taste
salt - to taste

The quantity of products depends on the size of the cauldron. However, the proportions must be observed: the ingredients are taken in equal proportions of cereals, carrots, onions and meat. According to tradition, pilaf is cooked over a fire, but at home it is no less tasty and crumbly, the main thing is to adhere to the cooking rules (see the beginning of the article)

In a cast-iron bowl, beef, pre-cut into large pieces, is browned in heated oil. Next, the meat is removed and onions (in strips) and carrots (in large cubes) are fried in the same fat. After all the components of the pilaf are fried, add finely chopped tomato and mix. "Zirvak" is ready.

Add salt to taste, add spices, favorite seasonings and spices. Add rice and carefully pour in boiling water (water should be 1.5-2 times more than cereal).

Pilaf with pork takes 40 minutes to prepare. At the end, be sure to put a head of unpeeled garlic in the middle for flavor, close the lid again and let it brew for 1 hour.

Sergey Vasilenkov

Plov is a unique dish of Uzbek cuisine, which consists of meat and rice, and at the same time has many secrets. And various additives and spices only make it tastier.

We will not only tell you how to cook pilaf, but also share the secrets of preparing pilaf with chicken and pork. You will also learn little tricks of the best chefs for preparing pilaf.

How to cook delicious pilaf?

To prepare pilaf, you will need the following ingredients:
- oblong rice - 2-2.5 cups
- meat - 300 – 400 grams
- medium-sized carrots - 3 - 4 pcs.,
- onions - 1 pc.
- ground cumin (oriental spice) - 1 teaspoon. You can find it in a supermarket or oriental store
- turmeric - 2/3 teaspoon
- pepper (red hot or sweet) - 1/4 teaspoon
- barberry berries - to taste
- salt – about 2 teaspoons

It should also be noted that classic pilaf is made from lamb. It is sheep meat that is most valued in the East. In addition, it has been proven that lamb is the most beneficial for the human body. This option is best suited for those who monitor their weight and health. This type of meat contains the least fat, so lamb is a dietary product.

Rinse the rice with cold water until the water runs clear. Peel and chop the vegetables, you can use a grater or finely chop them with a knife. Rinse the meat (if you are preparing meat pilaf) and cut into cubes or strips.

Heat vegetable oil in a container for pilaf (cauldron, “duckling”). Then put the meat cut into pieces there and fry it for 10 minutes. Fry until the meat is browned and the oil becomes clear.

Then add the carrots and onions cut into small strips. Fry everything together for 10-15 minutes. Stir occasionally to prevent vegetables and meat from burning and sticking to the bottom of the container.

Remove the cauldron from the heat and add the necessary spices and one teaspoon of salt, mix everything well. It is not at all necessary to put exactly the spices indicated in the recipe. You can invent your own original version of preparing pilaf.

Then place the pre-washed rice into the cauldron. Pour boiling water over it so that the water covers the rice by about two fingers. Add another teaspoon of salt and stir the water over the rice.

Place the cauldron with all its contents on medium heat. There is no need to close the lid, this will make it easier to monitor. After the water disappears from the surface of the rice, you need to reduce the heat to low and cook for another 15 minutes.

Fergana style pilaf recipe

After this, turn off the fire, mix the pilaf thoroughly and let it brew for 5-10 minutes.

Chicken pilaf recipe

To prepare pilaf with chicken, you first need to prepare zirvak. It is a gravy consisting of all ingredients except rice.

First, fry the chicken meat. To get a crust, you need to fry it over high heat. If you want the pilaf to be more tender, you should cook the chicken and all other ingredients over medium heat. All components need to be fried separately and then placed in layers in a cauldron.

Fry the carrots last. It needs to be cooked until a light orange hue appears. Classic recipes for preparing pilaf say that carrots should be chopped by hand. However, we will not find fault and will simply grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

After placing the zirvak in the cauldron, place rice on the top level. Then also pour boiling water over it. Next - everything is the same as in the previous recipe.

Recipe for pilaf with pork

Cooking pilaf with pork is practically no different from pilaf with chicken. The only difficulty is that pork often has a considerable amount of different films and fat. The meat must be cleaned of all this. Otherwise, instead of aromatic pilaf with soft and juicy meat, you risk getting a suspicious rice porridge with almost rubbery pieces of pork. The order is also slightly different.

You must first put the meat in the oil heated in the cauldron. It should roast for about 20 minutes. Then sprinkle finely chopped onions on top of the meat. Mix it thoroughly with the meat and let it simmer for 15 minutes.

At this time, you need to thoroughly rinse the rice and fill it with cold water. After 15 minutes have passed, add the chopped carrots. Let it simmer for 7 minutes. During this time, the carrots will become softer, and it will be easier to mix them with meat and onions.

Drain the water from the rice, add the necessary spices to the cauldron with the meat and add 1 centimeter of boiling water. Simmer everything together for another five minutes.

Then put the rice in the cauldron, but carefully, so as not to mix it with other layers. If, after laying out the rice, it ends up above the water, add more boiling water, also by 1 centimeter. Let everything simmer together so that the rice completely absorbs all the water.

Then you need to make a small mound of rice, and put an unpeeled head of garlic in the middle. Then pour boiling water over everything again so that it covers the top of the rice hill, close the lid. Without lifting the lid, set aside 40 minutes, during which the pilaf is brought to a boil.

Secrets of the best chefs for preparing pilaf

Carrots need to be cut into long strips. Ideally, you should not grate it. Therefore, it is better to first cut it diagonally into plates 4-5 mm thick, and then cut them crosswise into bars of the same thickness.

The onion should be cut into half rings.

The meat needs to be chopped very finely; it is better to determine the size by eye. If you are preparing chicken pilaf, use drumstick or leg. Then the pilaf will not turn out dry.

Regarding the ratio of ingredients. Meat, onions and carrots should be in a 1:1:1 ratio.

Zirvak should be cooked on the highest heat for 20-30 minutes.

The editors of the site hope that our recipes and tips will help you prepare such a dish as pilaf.
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Hi all!

Do you like pilaf from Uzbek cuisine? I think so, since you are reading and looking for delicious variations in the preparation of this most delicious dish. And I want to please you today with a variety of recipes for its preparation.

I already wrote earlier that I know first-hand about Uzbek cuisine - after all, I come from Tashkent. Tashkent is the capital of sunny Uzbekistan. And in this colorful city, in hospitable cafes - teahouses - you can taste delicious national dishes: and, of course, pilaf.

This dish has so many recipes that even in one cookbook by an Uzbek author I counted about 50 different versions of it. I may someday describe all 50 methods, but today, dear cooks, I offer you 5 of the most popular recipes.

Today in the article:

How to cook real Uzbek pilaf correctly

Without knowledge of the general rules for preparing crumbly and tasty pilaf, you will not be able to cook a high-quality and appetizing dish. Therefore, I definitely recommend reading these important recommendations.

Rice. The secret of a crumbly dish, where the grain of rice leaves the grain, lies in the correct choice of rice variety. The ideal varieties would be Devzira, Oshpar, Kenja and the varieties from which paella is made.

Steamed rice, which is sometimes found in stores, is by no means suitable for preparing good pilaf.

These varieties are quite hard and dense and do not soften when cooked. But rice that grew in Southeast Asia, such as India or Vietnam, is not suitable for crumbly dishes. The varieties most often grown there are jasmine and basmati. They get very soft even with a little cooking and can ruin everything, turning our dish into porridge.

Meat. In Uzbekistan, it is common to cook from lamb and fat tail fat. But recipes for cooking with beef, poultry or pork are also often found. At the same time, the quality of the pilaf does not suffer at all. You just need to choose good meat with streaks of fat and try to cut it no smaller than, say, a lime. It is better to use chilled meat that has not been frozen. And then you will receive a fragrant, tasty dish.

Oil and spices. Uzbek cooks originally used unrefined cottonseed oil. But this is in order to reduce the cost of the dish, since cottonseed oil is cheaper than carrots, which is also included in the composition. Nowadays it is most correct to fry in refined vegetable oils so that they do not interrupt the aroma of the food being prepared. Therefore, do not bother looking for cottonseed oil, but cook with any vegetable oil: sunflower, corn or even olive.

You can add any spices, but there is still a basic set of herbs and spices, without which you cannot get the aroma of unsurpassed pilaf. This set includes cumin (cumin), barberry, black pepper and coriander seeds.

Sometimes saffron or its cheaper alternative, turmeric, is added to give the dish a beautiful golden-yellow color.

You can get creative and add your favorite seasonings to the basic set of spices.

Kazan and cauldron. It is important to choose a good cauldron or cauldron with a thick bottom. Then your dish will cook evenly and will not burn. Thin saucepans and enamel dishes should absolutely not be used. Here it is better to fork out more and buy a normal cast iron boiler. By cooking in the right container, you will receive a wonderful dish that even the most sophisticated Uzbek chefs will praise.

Another important element when cooking delicious food is a slotted spoon. It looks like a big spoon with holes. It is very convenient for her to stir zirvak and pile rice. If you find one in a store, be sure to buy it. Such a convenient stirrer will be useful not only for cooking Uzbek food. And what it looks like - look at the photo below.

Roasted vegetables - zirvak. Zirvak is the process of frying onions and carrots with meat and spices before adding rice. In the East, the preparation of zirvak is treated with great care and respect. Of course, the whole dish depends on a well-fried zirvak. Therefore, if you make a good frying for pilaf, then the dish itself will turn out not only tasty, but also beautiful.

In Uzbekistan, pilaf is served on a large dish - lyagan. In this case, they often do not stir, but simply tip it onto a plate. In this case, the rice remains at the bottom and the zirvak on top. If you wish, of course, you can mix everything in advance in the cauldron.

Well, in addition, you can put a salad of fresh cucumbers and tomatoes on the table - personally, I really like to pour the magnificent juice from this salad over the dish on my plate. Or chop onions and herbs and season with vinegar, as they do in the homeland of pilaf.

These are, in principle, simple tips that will help you prepare a flavorful dish and please your family and guests!

Cooking Uzbek pork pilaf

Although among Muslims a pig is considered a dirty animal and is not used in cooking, we have a different attitude towards this animal and really value the tasty and nutritious pork meat.

The pork in the dish comes out soft and tender. At the same time, it cooks much faster in time, unlike the version with lamb. Well, the very step-by-step process of cooking the food deserves the name - Uzbek pilaf!

In this option, we take basic products 1 to 1. And we take pork pulp with fat.

Required ingredients:

  • Pork - 1 kg;
  • Rice - 1 kg;
  • Carrots - 1 kg;
  • Oil - 400 ml;
  • Garlic - 2 heads;
  • Salt, cumin, turmeric, barberry - to taste.


We separate the fat from the pork and fry it in a cauldron with oil. I forgot to say that for such a quantity of products we need a large cauldron - 7-10 liters.

Cut the pulp itself into pieces the size of a small lemon or lime.

Here, if desired, you can take pork without fat. But then you will need fat tail fat instead.

Fry for 10-15 minutes. Meanwhile, you can chop and peel the onions and carrots.

Cut the onion into half rings. There is no need to grind it - it will still get lost in the pilaf. But at the same time it will give off its piquancy and aroma.

The fat has acquired a golden color - it’s time to add the onions.

Fry the onion until a beautiful golden color.

Add the pork pulp and continue frying. Stir the whole mass with a slotted spoon, which I wrote about above, or with any other spatula convenient for you.

Now you can add some of the seasonings - cumin and salt.

Cut the carrots into large strips. And add to the fried onions, meat and spices.

We cook everything with the lid open so that the zirvak is thoroughly fried. Don't forget to stir it from time to time so that it doesn't burn.

When the carrots soften, add turmeric, barberry and pepper. Pour in 1 glass of water and simmer for 5-7 minutes.

While it is stewing, wash the rice under running water. The most important thing here is to rinse it well so that the water is clean and not cloudy. Such well-washed rice in pilaf turns out to be crumbly, without gluing.

Mix our zirvak one more time. We make sure that nothing burns and stick 2 heads of garlic into the middle.

Carefully pour the rice into a cauldron to fry the vegetables.

Level it with a slotted spoon or spoon. You can add more seasonings on top. As they say, you can't spoil porridge with butter. So is pilaf with seasonings.

Pour clean drinking water on top 1.5 cm from the surface of the rice and boil over high heat.

Once all the water has evaporated, reduce the heat.

We collect the rice in a mound, carefully separating it from the walls of the cauldron.

If your water has evaporated well, then it won’t be difficult to make a slide. She will not move apart.

In the center of the slide we make indentations to the very bottom. We need this to steam the rice well.

Cover tightly with a lid and leave for 20-25 minutes until ready.

Bon appetit!

Delicious Uzbek pilaf with chicken

This option is one of the most affordable. Because, firstly, chicken meat is available and one of the cheapest; secondly, it’s easy and quick to prepare, taking a minimum of time and effort.

That's why my men often see this dish on our table. And they are happy, and I - a well-fed husband and son means that they are in a good mood. And their great mood is transmitted to me. Especially when they compliment me on a wonderful lunch.

So, we will need:

  • Chicken – 700 gr.;
  • Rice - 1 kg;
  • Onions – 3 pieces;
  • Carrots - 6-7 medium pieces;
  • Vegetable oil – 250 ml;
  • Spices: black and red pepper, coriander, cumin, barberry, salt;
  • Garlic, quince, dried apricots - optional.

We are preparing zirvak. This is what Uzbeks call the base: fried meat with onions and carrots and spices and sometimes dried fruits.

I took the chicken on the bones: thighs, drumsticks and wings.

The pulp may get lost in the pilaf. Or, even worse, it will disintegrate into fibers, since chicken meat cooks very quickly.

Wash the chicken for pilaf and dry it on paper towels.

Pour vegetable oil into the boiler and heat it. Throw the chicken parts into the oil and fry for 5-7 minutes.

Peel the onion. Then cut into half rings and add to the chicken.

Mix the whole mass. Let it fry until light golden and beautiful.

Peel the carrots and cut them into strips.

And we try not to make it small, but you can cut it very coarsely.

Throw the carrot strips into the cauldron with the onions and chicken, fry until the carrots soften. It is believed that the more carrots, the juicier and more beautiful the pilaf.

Now it’s the turn of our spices. Add seasonings and salt. I recommend crushing the coriander and cumin with a pestle and mortar just before adding. This way the dish will be more flavorful.

Zirvak can be well salted. Because some of the salt will be absorbed by the rice. And if the zirvak is under-salted, the pilaf will turn out bland.

Fry with zirvak spices for another 5 minutes.

While the zirvak is fried, prepare the rice.

Rice should be washed well 5-6 times in a large bowl. We rinse it like this: while the water is pouring, rub the rice between your palms. The bowl is filled with water - drain the water through a sieve so that the grains of rice do not escape. We need to repeat this operation several times so that the water becomes much clearer than when we washed the rice the first time.

Also at this time we boil water in the kettle. We will need 1-1.5 liters of boiling water.

We make sure that the zirvak does not burn. Place the rice in the cauldron on the zirvak and level it.

Under no circumstances should we mix rice with zirvak!

Pour boiling water over the rice 2 cm from the surface of the rice and evaporate the water from the cauldron over high heat. We do not cover the cauldron with a lid.

The water may evaporate for 10-15 minutes. How can you tell if the water has completely evaporated? Take a flat spatula or slotted spoon and separate the rice from the sides. When the water has completely evaporated, we will see boiling oil in the zirvak at the bottom. And the rice itself will form a wall and not crumble. To make the pilaf crumbly, it is important to evaporate the water well.

When the water has evaporated, carefully separate the rice from the walls of the cauldron and fold it into a mound. We make a hole in the middle until the day.

At this time, you can optionally add a couple of heads of garlic, quince slices or dried apricots to the rice.

Cover the cauldron with a lid and leave a very small fire under the cauldron. Cook for 20 minutes. During this time, the lid must not be opened.

If the lid does not fit tightly to the cauldron, you can cover it with a towel and cover the cauldron.

After 20 minutes, try the rice. If the rice is soft, then the food is ready. Before serving, pilaf can be stirred in a cauldron, mixing rice and zirvak. Or you can dump the entire cauldron onto one huge dish - lyagan, without stirring. This way you will get rice, and on top of it will be meat and vegetables - zirvak.

We eat with pleasure!

Recipe for crumbly pilaf with chicken in a slow cooker

A wonderful dish can be prepared in a slow cooker. Probably the easiest way to cook. Everything is cooked in one pot and there is no need to fry or simmer anything separately.

And I also call this option a quick fix. After all, the wonderful multi-cooker assistant will do everything herself, just set up the program.

And if you haven’t tried this method yet, be sure to check it out!

Appetizing turkey dish in a cauldron on the stove

Pilaf with turkey turns out to be dietary and not as fatty as with other meat. Therefore, this dish is lower in calories and deserves to be on the table for those who are on a diet and maintain a slim figure.

And bon appetit!

An interesting way to prepare pilaf with duck according to the recipe of Stalik Khankishiev

Stalik Khankishiev is a culinary specialist and restaurateur who has published several excellent books on oriental cooking. He is Azerbaijani, but was born and raised in Fergana in the Uzbek SSR.

Choosing recipes for dinner from videos, I liked the video where an Azerbaijani chef prepares a wonderful duck dish.

I really liked the recipe. And since my husband’s father sent us several Indian ducks in a parcel, I became completely stronger in my decision.

I prepared it and gave it to my family to try. Seeing happy and smiling faces, I thought that I could share the recipe with you, my dear readers.

We will need:

  • Duck - 1 kilogram;
  • Rice is round and not steamed - 1 kilogram;
  • Yellow or red carrots - 1 kilogram;
  • Vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • Spices: barberry, coriander, cumin, turmeric - 0.5 teaspoon each;
  • Salt and pepper - to taste.

The only thing is that I simplified Stalik Khuseinovich’s recipe. In the process, he pre-separates the fat and skin from the duck carcass and cooks it for a couple of hours. Then it turns into lard.

Then zirvak is fried on it.

I offer you a simpler method - immediately cook the duck with vegetable oil. At the same time, the fat will be rendered, which will help us save vegetable oil. Which is even better. The duck is quite fatty - this is exactly the kind of meat you need for a good juicy pilaf.

We cut the duck carcass into parts: drumsticks, wings, neck and other parts. I just ask: don’t throw away the tail; it has a lot of lard and will give a lot of fat when fried.

We take a spacious cauldron, fill it with oil and throw in our duck. Fry over high heat for 30-40 minutes.

Keep the lid off during this process and stir occasionally with a slotted spoon.

While the duck is roasting, it's time to prepare the vegetables.

Peel the carrots and onions. We cut the onion into half rings, and the carrots into long strips.

Combine all the onions with the duck. Fry the onion until golden brown.

Now it's the turn of carrots and spices. Throw the carrots into the cauldron. Add aromatic spices.

Mix everything with a large spoon and fry for another 2-3 minutes.

Pour the rice into a deep bowl and rinse under running tap water.

We try to wash the rice very thoroughly. We rub it between our hands to get rid of plaque.

Drain excess water through a strainer. This way we will protect our grains of rice from escaping into the drain.

To make the rice clean, repeat the procedure 6-7 times.

Place the cereal on top of the zirvak evenly and smoothly. Level with a spatula or slotted spoon.

Pour boiling water on top. Water should be poured 1-1.5 cm from the surface. Better yet, focus on the phalanx of your finger.

Let the rice steam with the lid open over high heat.

The water will completely disappear and the rice can be piled up. If the grains easily collect in a hill and do not scatter to the sides, it means that the water has evaporated well and you are doing everything correctly.

We make a hole in the middle all the way to the bottom. This hole will help the rice cook well.

Reduce the heat on the stove under the cauldron to the very minimum.

Wrap the lid of the cauldron with a kitchen towel. The towel will help press the lid tightly and keep all the steam in the cauldron.

Close the cauldron and leave for 25 minutes until ready.

After the specified time, we check our dish. If you did everything according to the recipe, you will get a ready-made, aromatic, tasty dish, where grains move away from grains and do not stick.

That's what happened to me. I think Stalik Khankishiev himself would certainly praise me.

I mixed the finished dish directly in the cauldron with zirvak and served it to the table on plates.

With sauerkraut, we finished the dish in a matter of seconds and ran for more.

I wish you ease of preparation and bon appetit!

Did you like the recipes? Write your reviews and suggestions below. Any attention and support from you inspires me to write even more delicious recipes!

And I will describe how to cook real Uzbek pilaf from lamb and beef in subsequent articles.