Stringing with beads. Basics of parallel bead weaving techniques with diagrams. Beaded crocodile for beginners

Topic: “Weaving with beads. Parallel lowering."


    Teach students how to perform the basics of parallel stitching

    To develop students' interest in making and decorating beadwork.

    Improve skills and abilities when working with instruction cards.

    Cultivate patience and perseverance when weaving with beads.

Visual aids: weaving samples.

Equipment: patterns, beads, threads, needles, fabric.

During the classes.

    Organizing time

Checking readiness for the lesson.


    What types of beads are there in shape?

    What materials and tools are needed for bead weaving?

    What colors are called “warm” and “cool”?

    What weaving technique did we learn in the last lesson?

    What does the words “bundle”, “fixing thread”, “working thread”, “weaving element” mean?

    Explanation of new material:

And today we will get acquainted with another method of lowering - this is parallel lowering. Parallel threading is most often used to make flowers, leaves, bracelets, and souvenirs in the form of figurines of various people and animals. Any material is suitable for parallel threading, but cutting is best. Parallel stitching is done on two lines, more precisely with two ends of one thread or wire.

Now we will look at parallel lowering schemes, and then we will implement them in practice.

The lowering process is as follows:

    Beads are strung on one end of the wire for the next row;

    Then the second end of the thread is passed through them towards the first, and the row is fixed.

For example, consider the process of making an oval leaf.

Take a wire 25-30 cm long. Pick up three beads and place them in the middle of the wire. Pass end 1 through the two beads farthest from it towards 2, fig. 1.

Pull the wire - the first two rows are ready, fig. 2.

Place three beads on end 1 and pass end 2 through them towards end 1.Fig. 3.

All subsequent rows are performed in the same way as the third, Fig. 4.

Using the parallel threading method, using thin wire, flowers and leaves of a wide variety of shapes are made. The outlines, sizes of leaves and petals are determined by the number of rows in the diagrams. Flowers and petals can be placed in a frame, placed in a vase, or collected into a bouquet and attached to clothing.

    Practical work:

    Repetition of T.B. rules;

    Carrying out work according to the weaving pattern;

    Gymnastics for the eyes and muscle relaxation.

    Final part:


a) what technique of lowering did you become familiar with?

b) what do you need to have when performing parallel lowering?

    Evaluation of work.


4) Cleaning the office.

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Chains can be strung of various widths and densities, using both round beads and short glass beads.

To make a chain, take a thread 120-150 cm long. To make it easier to work, start from the middle of the thread from left to right. When the thread runs out, turn the chain over and thread it onto the other, long end of the thread.

Place 4 beads on the thread, pass the needle through the first one, and carefully tighten the ring (Fig. 18). Cast on 2 more beads, pull the needle through the third, tighten the ring. Cast on 2 more beads, pull the needle through the sixth one. Adding every time
2 beads each, string a chain of the required length.

You can assemble a chain using a short glass bead (1-3 mm long). You should not string from only one bugle bead, since rather sharp edges with such tight stringing can damage the thread, and it will be difficult to achieve evenness of the chain. It's better to do the following.

Take 1 tube of glass beads and 3 beads, pull the needle through the glass beads, tighten the ring (Fig. 19). Pick up 1 bead, 1 glass bead, and pass through the last bead. Pick up 2 beads and thread them through the glass beads. Alternate rings made of beads and bugles with pure beaded rings. The bugle bead tubes will seem to line up in one row.

The size of the chain ring depends on the size of the bead. The ring should freely encircle the bead, without any gaps in the thread. Cast on 3 beads, 1 bead, 2 beads, pull the needle through the first one. Tighten the ring. There are an equal number of beads on both sides of the bead, which must be taken into account when enlarging the ring. Cast on 1 bead, 2 beads and pass the needle through the bead closest to the previous bead (Fig. 20). Next, string in the same sequence.

You can place the beads not on the outer edges of the chain, but inside it. This option is shown in Fig. 21.

Cast on 8 beads and close the ring by passing the thread through the first one. Cast on 1 bead for the center of the flower, pass the needle through the fifth. Collect 7 beads and close the ring (Fig. 22). Pick up 1 bead for the center of the next flower. Next, string in the same sequence.

Cast on 7 beads and pass the needle through the first one. Cast on 4 more beads, pass the needle through the sixth one (marked with a dot in Fig. 23a, b). Add two more and pass the needle through 2 beads of the flower, as shown in the fig. 23rd century Let's move on to the second flower. There are already two beads, add 5 more and make half a flower (Fig. 23d). Finish the second flower according to fig. 23d. Next weave in the same sequence.

Stringed in three steps. First, make a series of consecutive bead loops with bridges between them. Then turn the loops alternately up and down (Fig. 24). Using a new thread No. 2, strengthen a larger bead inside the loop of the top row, and to connect the loops, cast on several beads at a time. Further - in the same order. To strengthen the bottom row of loops, you will have to take a new thread No. 3. The weaving order is the same (Fig. 25).

Double chain

By connecting the loops of the “eights” with their sides to each other, you can get beautiful chains strung not on three, but on just one thread. The edges of the chain can be decorated with teeth. In Fig. Figure 26 shows the sequence of execution of an even double chain. The size of the chain loops can be any. By changing the number of beads in the loops, you can make a chain that expands (or tapers) at the top and bottom (Fig. 27-28). You can make the loops of the top row the same, and increase the bottom row (Fig. 29), or alternate large and small loops in the bottom row (Fig. 30). Proportionally changing the size of the loops
top and bottom edges, you can make a wavy chain (Fig. 31).

Other options are also possible.

Cross chain

It is strung on two needles. Take a thread 120-150 cm long, thread each end into a needle. Place 4 beads on one needle and move them to the middle (Fig. 32). Pull the second needle through the first bead towards the first needle. Pull up. The result is a ring - a “cross”. Place 2 beads on one needle, 1 on the other, and pull a No. 2 needle through the second bead at the adjacent working end. Tighten the ring. Then carry out the work in the same sequence.

Chain of “crosses” - flowers

It is strung on two needles. This chain is based on a chain of crosses. Make three “crosses” in succession (in Fig. 33 they are indicated by the letters a, b, c, respectively). Then pass one needle as it moves through the two beads of the last “cross”, add one bead (also marked with a dot) and pass the needle through the two beads of the last “cross”. Pull up. It turned out to be a flower. Complete the next flower, starting with a “cross” e. The connection of two chains of flowers (Fig. 34) is done with an additional thread on two needles.

Cross chain options

Each option can be called differently, but the principle of lowering is the same. You can change the number of beads in the ring, add bugles, beads (Fig. 35), connect rings not only through 1, but also through 2-3-4 beads (Fig. 36). By changing the location of the connecting bead, you can get a so-called “double-row” chain with a zigzag pattern (Fig. 37).

You can get very beautiful compositions by inserting beads into enlarged rings of chains (Fig. 38a). First, make a large ring of beads (Fig. 38a), then put a bead on one end of the thread, pass it through the initial bead of the ring (Fig. 38b), return through the hole in the bead and bring the thread through the last bead of the ring (Fig. 38c) . Then continue the chain as usual (Fig. 38 d).

Stringed on 2 needles. Make a cross in the middle of the thread. At each end of the thread, collect 4 beads and make rings - “crosses”. Pull both working ends through an additional bead (Fig. 39).

Place 2 beads on one needle, 1 on the second, pull the second needle into the 2nd bead on the first thread. Tighten the cross. Gather two “crosses” in succession at both ends of the thread, then at each working end - another “cross”. By connecting the threads in an additional bead, make a “cross” on two needles. Then continue in the same sequence. The connection of two chains of “complex crosses” is shown in Fig. 40.

The “complex cross” can be strengthened along the contour with the help of additional beads, working with the 2nd end of the thread (Fig. 41).

Compositions from “crosses”

From complex and simple “crosses” you can get beautiful compositions. One of these compositions is used in the “Skaz” typeface.

String the left and right sides symmetrically, starting from the central ring (Fig. 42a). With the 1st needle, 6 more beads are strung and the 2nd and 3rd rings are made sequentially (Fig. 42b). The 4th and 5th rings are made with the second needle (Fig. 42c). Both needles converge at the 6th ring. The seventh ring is also common, then again two rings are made at each of the working ends (Fig. 43 and 44a). The 12th ring is common (Fig. 44b). Then the element is sequentially strengthened along the contour with additional beads, first with one and then with the other working ends, as shown in Fig. 44 c - d and fig. 45.

Both ends of the threads come out through the upper bead of the 12th ring; they can be used to continue stringing the chain, alternating simple sections with complex compositions. The second chain used in the necklace on the inside was later lowered onto a new thread.

Today we will get acquainted with what is the bead weaving technique for beginners of various beautiful bead crafts. Weaving with beads is not as difficult as it seems at first glance, but this process requires patience and perseverance. But the result is simply amazing things made from beads: necklaces, funny toys, brooches, bracelets, animals, which will not only serve as decoration, but will also serve as a wonderful gift for friends and relatives.

Bead weaving for beginners is quite varied in its technique. If you are still a beginner, it is better to master the simplest technique first - knot weaving. Mostly beads are woven using this technique. It involves tying knots between the beads when weaving them. With this technique, the product becomes flexible and does not allow the beads to knock against each other. If you have not yet learned the technique of weaving with beads, then you can purchase crafts made from beads. A huge selection of these crafts can be viewed in the online store. And now for handcrafting their beads with your own hands.

Threading has gained the most popularity in beadwork. Using this method, you can make clothing items, household items, various jewelry and souvenirs. This technique of weaving with beads is best mastered using large beads or small beads, stringing them on thick cotton or linen threads. When threading, a thin needle is used. The needle passes through some beads 2 times: in the forward direction (as the first time), or in the opposite direction.

You should also pay attention to how the thread is tensioned: with a fairly strong tension, it can happen that the beads lie unevenly, and the product begins to warp. If the tension is weak, the product will not be able to hold its shape, and the threads will be visible between the beads. The threads on which the threads are strung are called sizka. They can be used as a finished bead product, or as a blank for weaving and embroidery. In addition, the following decorative elements are also distinguished: tassels, bundles, pendants and mosaics.

But besides this, you can not only string beads with your own hands, but also embroider with them. Often, embroidery beads are combined with various materials when doing embroidery: sequins, braid, rhinestones, colored threads and buttons. Materials should be selected with special care, since the product must withstand both ironing and washing. Usually, bead embroidery work is done on a hoop. The first step is to prepare the drawing, and then transfer it to the fabric. You can do this using copy paper. On fabric, fastening of single beads is carried out according to the type of fastening of buttons. The bead line is embroidered using different seam methods: attached, stem, arched or lowercase (one bead is in each stitch of the seam).

Those who know how to knit or crochet will love the bead knitting technique. Beads in knitted products become part of the fabric. They are strung on a thread immediately before you start knitting. If, then a bead is placed between the same 2 loops: knit or purl loops. If crocheted, the strung beads are also placed between 2 loops. The beads are placed on the wrong side of the product.

When beading with your own hands, you can use your imagination, and most importantly, do not be afraid to experiment.

Beadwork for beginners

Beads have been called a mystery, a magic, and sometimes even alive. But how is this possible? Let's talk about how to perform the bead weaving technique for beginners using a diagram. After all, these seem to be just ordinary glass tubes or balls with holes. And it’s true that they are unable to speak, walk, or show feelings. But beads, despite this, continue their march through the states through the centuries. Products made from beads can tell us about what the tastes and habits of the people who lived in those distant times were. Time flies inexorably, more and more new technologies appear, materials change, but beads continue to live in human hands, conveying their moods and feelings. It seems to come to life, turning into magnificent and amazing jewelry, or into funny trinkets made of beautiful beads.

To learn bead weaving for beginners according to the pattern, you will need fishing line, knitting needles, threads, hooks and needles. And, of course, the beads themselves. It varies in color, shape and size. Each product requires different beads. The surface where the work will be carried out should not be slippery; you can use a linen napkin, tablecloth or any other fabric for this. When choosing a bead weaving pattern for your first work, focus on relatively simple models. Make sure there are enough beads for the entire project. Check out the method. It can be weaving, knitting, threading or embroidery. Now you can safely start working and learning the technique of weaving with beads according to patterns.

Beaded flowers

In order to weave flowers from beads with your own hands, you will need: wire, beads, scissors and, of course, patience.

  1. We thread a bead onto the wire and secure it;
  2. We use the same method to weave the next rows of beads, adding 1 bead each time;
  3. Gradually increase the number of beads from two pink to five red. And then again two pink ones. We gradually reduce their number so that our flower turns out symmetrical;
  4. Let's make five leaves for our flower;
  5. Let's make the core of the flower from the largest bead;
  6. Now let's connect the bead and petals. To do this, simply thread a wire through them. Below you can see how to make a flower from beads for a beginner to fully master this technique.

Bead tree

How to weave a money tree from beads according to this pattern:

Using brown paint, we paint the tree trunk and straighten the branches of the tree. In the photo you can see how to weave a beaded money tree correctly and how it will look in the end.

Don't be afraid to experiment with beaded flowers. When choosing a specific color, any person will rely on his own taste, and, therefore, select the color scheme at an individual level. To create a beautiful and original bracelet, you will need: beads (Czech or Japanese beads are the best for this, since this type of bead is smoother than others); diamond-shaped or 4 mm round beads; carabiner for fastening and fishing line; metal stoppers. You can also weave the lock itself from beads. And so what do we need and what is the technique for weaving a beaded bracelet.

The tools you will need are:

  • scissors, pliers and a needle for bead embroidery.

So, let's start with the technique of weaving a bracelet. Secure the final bead to the fishing line. After this, the following are strung: one bead, one large bead, two beads, one diamond-shaped bead, two beads and one large bead. Now you need to thread the end of the fishing line into the first bead. You can repeat the resulting pattern as many times as required by the volume of your hand. But it should be taken into account that the carabiner will also be included in the length of the beaded bracelet. So, the required length is woven and the beautiful bracelet is almost ready. The final step will be securing it with a carabiner line. To ensure that the fastener does not break and lasts a relatively long time, use pliers to secure metal stoppers at the ends of the fishing line. If you wish, you can watch a video for beginners to master the technique of weaving a beaded bracelet. Good luck to you in your endeavors.

Beaded bauble

The bauble is a rather bright and beautiful accessory. With demonstrated imagination and skill, any needlewoman can make a beaded bauble on her own. But this will require patience and, of course, the necessary material. So .

To make a beaded bauble you will need: threads, beads and a checkered notebook.

Beads are selected individually, depending on preferences, but most importantly they are the same in size. The choice directly depends on the color scheme and model of the product.

It will be much better if you weave a test pattern using two or three colors. It is better to choose threads as thick as possible, because thanks to their elasticity they will keep the shape of your bauble well. It is best to start working with simple weaving, with a smooth and gradual mastery of new techniques. The simplest weaving of a bauble is weaving according to the “cross” principle. When using this type of bead weaving, beads with different colors can be used. In a notebook, you should draw an ornament for your future bauble in advance. One cell will be like one bead. You should start weaving exactly according to this pattern.

The weaving of their beads begins as follows:

The thread is folded in half and then 4 beads are strung. After this, the second end of the thread is threaded into the outermost bead and tightened into a ring. Then two beads are threaded onto the end that is on the left, and one bead onto the end that is on the right. In the thread, the right end is threaded through the second bead located at the left end, and then tightened. All other work is done according to a similar pattern until you reach the required length.

You can also make one more row. To do this, you will need to string 3 beads on one thread, and pass the second end through the third bead. As a result, it should turn out that both ends come out of the side bead in the first row. Two beads are strung on the right thread, and one on the left. The right end of the thread is then threaded through the left one towards the left end. In other words, the ends are swapped. The bottom thread is threaded through the side beads in the first row and then tightened.

One bead is strung on the thread located on the right, and one on the left. The right end of the thread is passed through the left bead, as well as the side bead located in the first row, after which it is tightened again. All this continues according to a similar pattern of weaving a bauble with beads, up to the required width. Having mastered such weaving as a “cross”, you can easily master other weaving methods.

Difficulty: medium:

When implementing the technique of weaving a butterfly from beads with our own hands, we will use 2 types of weaving: “tubular peyote” and weaving with a needle at a right angle. For this weaving you will need: beads of contrasting colors, black beads, thread (thin wire or fishing line), and a needle.

Let's start the work by creating the body of the butterfly. We will make a circle using 4 black beads. After that, put 2 beads on one and go through the next ball. Then we’ll go back again and put 2 beads on the nearest ball, and then we need to go through the next bead and add 2 more beads to the first one. After that, add one ball between the two beads. Row number one will be dark grey, row number two will be light grey, and row number three will be white. Further weaving of the butterfly with beads is carried out in a similar way until a tubular shape is obtained. Using the same weaving pattern, two wings will be created. When creating a wing for a butterfly, it is necessary to pull the thread.

Butterfly antennae

We weave a thread with the addition of 10 beads to the left wing, connect it to the main part, and then fasten it. The second tendril is made using a similar pattern. You can watch the video below to master this weaving.

Beginner difficulty level:

And so what is the technique of weaving daisies with beads. Making petals. The method used for this is called parallel weaving. To do this, two beads are strung on a wire, which will be the first row. Then row number two - three beads, and row number four - 4 beads. This is how 8 rows are woven. Row number eight is duplicated, and the result should be a triangle. Then this triangle is woven to decrease. It is woven in decreasing rows for 6 rows. It is advisable to leave the ends of the wire about 10 - 15 cm long. 7 petals are created.

Creating a middle. 10 beads are strung on a wire. After this, to get a circle, we draw the 3rd bead through 4, and the 4th through 5, and so on. Take a petal and weave the end of the wire with the middle (circle) of the chamomile. This procedure is performed with all available petals, leaving the ends of the wires free. The result should be a beautiful hand-made chamomile flower.
The leaves are woven using the same weaving pattern for chamomile as the petals. Having completed 7 rows, we then decrease one bead at a time. As a result, there are 14 rows. In this case, the ends of the wire remain free. Make 2 or 3 leaves in this way.
Connecting parts. We gather the wire of the leaves and the bud together and twist everything.

How to weave fruits

Difficulty level – beginner:

In order to weave fruit from beads for beginners, we need. You will need fishing line or wire 0.5 meters long, as well as green, red and black beads. Weaving is carried out using the parallel weaving method. Depending on the size you want, a diamond is woven. At the same time, the woven black beads imitate the grains of a strawberry. Having made such diamonds, in the amount of 4 pieces, we connect them, weaving each side of the diamond (to give the strawberry shape, the workpiece can be made in the shape of a berry using polymer clay, and then strung it on a wire). After the berry has acquired its shape, the ends of the wire are connected into a stem.

Creating a leaf. You should thread 10 beads onto the wire, connect the ends of the wire and thread it through 1 bead. As a result, a small leaf comes out. After this, we pull out 1 end of the wire, and then thread another 10 beads into it. As in the first leaf, we also connect the ends. We do this 5 times. We connect the leaves to the berry by twisting the wire.

Grapes made with beads

To do this, take green and purple beads and 0.5 meter long wire. Purple grape beads are strung on wire. Weaving for beginners is done using “cross” weaving. A chain is woven 1 cm long. With a wire, one of the ends is pulled through the beginning of the resulting chain. The wire is then tightened and twisted. The end result should be a small bunch. This weaving technique is done 14 times. The ends of the wires must be free.

Then all the bunches are connected and twisted into 2 or 3 tiers. It turns out to be a bunch of grapes. In a parallel way, weaving leaves is carried out. Make 5 small diamonds 1 cm long and then join them together. It turns out to be a grape leaf. All parts are connected by twisting.

To weave a rose from beads, start with the petals. To make the middle petal, use light pink beads and 70 cm long wire. Start weaving the middle piece as follows: 3 rows of 13 – 3 rows of 12 – 2 rows of 11. After this, pass one of the ends of the wire through the entire middle row. We roll the petal into a tube from the first row to the last. Now you need to fix the petal. To do this, weave the wire between the rows, and then twist its ends several times.

For smaller rose petals, also take a wire 70 cm long. Weaving is done according to the diagram below. Take 2 wires for a large petal 90 cm long. Make the first three rows on one of the wires. After that, in the 3rd row, add a fishing line in the middle, bent in the shape of a hairpin and twist its ends several times.

Weave a rose from beads according to the diagram. We weave green leaves. The length of the wire is approximately 55 cm. According to the pattern: 5 rows – 1 -2 – 3 – 4; 3 rows – 5 – 4 – 3 – 2 – 2. Now you need to assemble the rose. Small and large ones are attached evenly to the middle petal. Green leaves are attached under the petals, and the remaining fishing line is twisted. That's it, the beaded rose for beginners is ready. This diagram can be seen in the video.

Beaded animals

In order to weave animals from beads for beginners, you will need the following materials: scissors, thin special wire, beads and a diagram for making animals with beads. Depending on the chosen animal, the color of the beads and wire is selected. Having chosen the color, you should put 3 balls of beads on the middle of the wire and then swap the wires so that the right wire is in the place of the left and, accordingly, vice versa. Weaving with beads is carried out to the required length. The back is woven in approximately the same way, only it is given the required shape. The tail and paws are woven separately, and then attached to the rest of the parts using glue or wire.

Beaded crocodile for beginners

You will need: green and yellow beads, fishing line 1.75 m long, 2 eye-catching beads and 1 black bead. Weaving is done using the parallel weaving method. Fold the fishing line in half and string black beads into the middle - this will be the nose. Continue with this pattern. At the same time, try to tighten the line tightly. A beaded crocodile for beginners should come out in two layers. To do this, it is necessary to distribute and lay each of the rows.

When the product is ready, pull the fishing line as tightly as possible, and then tie it in a strong knot. Now you need to hide the ends of the fishing line. Fill them in the direction.

How to weave a name from beads

Mostly, names are not woven separately, but they simply look amazing in bracelets. To weave a name from beads you will need wire and beads. In this case, the color depends on your preference. It will be much better if there is alternation in colors. The thickness of the wire depends on the size of the letters. To work, you need to put 2 or 3 balls of beads on a wire, and then swap the ends of the wire. Weave this way to the required width. Then you should work across the part, namely, alternate the wire with the beads strung so that letters appear. Now you know the pattern and technique of how to weave a person’s name from beads, let’s move on to watching video lessons and a master class on bead weaving.

Bead weaving master class lessons

Have you ever worked with beads, but still like elegant jewelry made from this stunning material? Would you like to try but are afraid to start? I'll tell you about the simplest beading technique - threading - with which you can make an elegant but at the same time simple set for yourself. To work, you will need thread, a needle, scissors, a little patience, desire and, of course, beads.

For this set, I chose Czech beads No. 10 green and transparent iris, some square Czech beads and several lampwork beads, which had been lying in a work box for a long time and were waiting in the wings.

First, let's decide on the size of the future necklace. Secure the thread to one of the halves of the jewelry clasp. This time I didn’t want anything complicated, so I chose a silver hook as the clasp. I secured the thread to one of its halves and collected a string of beads about 20 cm long. Then I strung a separator bead, a string of 4 cm beads, a central bead and a 5 cm string of beads of the main color. We will have a necklace with an imitation of a pendant in the central part, so we will immediately design the last piece of yarn in the form of a fluffy beaded tail using the threading technique, which is also called coral weaving.

The length is low, the number of branches on each of them is a purely individual matter. The diagram shows an approximate sequence of stringing beads. If desired, each bottom can be made of arbitrary length and thickness. It’s easier for me to make all the lows the same. We string beaded “shoots” after each base bead - and our tail will turn out to be quite thick.

After we reach the central bead, we will string the base for the second half of the necklace. With the same dimensions as in the first part. From the central bead there is about 4 cm, then a dividing bead and another 20 cm low. After this, we’ll secure the second part of the lock at the end and then proceed to decorate the bottom of the main part of the necklace.

We divide the long section into two approximately equal parts. Closer to the lock the strings will be shorter, closer to the bead the strings will be made a little longer and more branched. We will place the longest lows in the area from the dividing bead to the central bead. To make the necklace quite fluffy, add base beads after each bead.

In fact, the entire necklace is woven on one thread. In order to increase the thread, we leave a small tip remaining from the previous thread, thread a new thread into the needle, string the next “needle” of coral weaving, pass the needle through the next base bead and then tie the remaining free ends of the threads together with a knot. It is more convenient to hide the remaining ends after the main weaving is completed - this way you can be sure that you will not catch the previously hidden thread with the next pass of the needle.

In the same way, you can weave a bracelet and earrings into a necklace set, using the appropriate fittings.

Enjoy your creativity and admiring glances.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


The creations of bead weaving craftswomen are a whole art, and some of their works are rightfully called masterpieces. Learning to create beautiful things from beads is not as difficult as they think, the main thing is to learn the necessary techniques. Beadwork lessons for beginners are easy to learn, but you need to have such qualities as perseverance, patience and a great desire to create beauty. If you decide to try bead weaving, you will never be disappointed with the results.

Basic bead weaving techniques with patterns

If you decide to create a beautiful thing from beads, but don’t yet know how to do it, then first choose a convenient weaving pattern for yourself. But the main thing is to find large beads that are more suitable for the base of beadwork for beginning needlewomen. Do not take too large items to work for the first time - they require skill and a lot of time. To a large extent, the type of finished work will depend on the quality of the chosen material. Therefore, if you notice unevenness on the wire or foreign inclusions on the beads, then discard such material.

To choose the right material, follow a few tips:

  • Choose beads according to the shape and color indicated in the diagram.
  • When purchasing, inspect the bag or jar to ensure there are no defective beads.
  • The size of the beads is determined by the number. The smaller the number on the package, the larger the beads.
  • For beginners, it is recommended to choose a wire that models the outlines of the finished elements. The fishing line varies in thickness and color, and also requires the purchase of a needle for the job.

Mosaic weaving

For most needlewomen, the mosaic weaving technique is banal and simple. But even experienced craftswomen make mistakes, so it is important for beginners not to miss all the details of the scheme. In mosaic weaving, the beads are arranged in a checkerboard pattern, forming a dense fabric. Its main principles:

  • work is done on one thread;
  • the number of beads must be a multiple of 2;
  • In order to weave a fabric onto an uncountable amount of beads, additional thread passes are needed through the outer beads.

Weaving an even mosaic fabric begins with a set of an even number of beads that make up the first row. For the second row, cast on one bead and pass the needle through the second bead from the end of the row. Then pick up a bead, stitching through the fourth one from the end of the row and so on. To complete the row, pass the needle through the first bead strung. In order to cast on the third and all subsequent rows, sew a new bead through the last one strung in the previous row. Before breaking the thread, pass the needle in a zigzag pattern through the entire weave.


Although brick weaving is a little reminiscent of mosaic, it is very different in terms of execution technique: it is woven in a different direction and takes longer. Brick and mosaic weaving are similar, so they are often used in one product, and the joints look completely invisible. The principle and order of brick weaving:

  1. The first row consists of 5 beads. First, two pieces are put on the needle, and then a third, after which the needle is threaded through the second towards the weaving, and through the third in the direction of the weaving. Then the fourth bead is put on the needle, and the needle is passed through the third in the direction opposite to the weaving. The same is repeated with the fifth bead, after which you need to return to the beginning, going through each bead in turn and counting down.
  2. The second level of brickwork can be expanded. To do this, you need to string two beads on a needle, make a stitch, clinging to the thread connecting the two beads of the first level, and bring it out through the second bead of the second row. Next, the third bead is put on, and the stitch is made between the second and third beads of the first row. Do the same with the fourth and fifth beads, and when the sixth bead is collected, the needle is inserted from top to bottom through the fifth bead, and out through the fourth bead of the first and second row.
  3. At the third and second levels, the canvas expands in the same way, and starting from the fifth row, it should already be narrowed. To do this, the first two beads are strung, and the stitch is made under the thread connecting beads six and seven in the fourth row, and through the beads two of the fifth row comes back. Next, the needle is guided in the direction of weaving on the fifth row through the first bead, and then through the second. At the fifth level they stop at seven beads and so on.

Circular (French) technique

French weaving is very common among needlewomen. And this is understandable, because all the animals, flowers and other decorations come out airy and openwork. With circular (French) weaving, at the base of any leaf or petal there is a thick central wire rod, on the base of which several beads are strung, and a thinner wire with beads is attached below. Two wires are placed parallel, fastened with one curl. This creates one half of the arc.

On the other side of the rod, another wire with beads is attached, secured to the main rod from below. If you weave a couple more of these arcs, alternating fastening the wire first from below, sometimes from above, you will get a full-fledged leaf. The wire of the last row is fastened with two turns, and its tip is cut off. One side of the axial rod is cut so that a small end of the wire about 0.5 cm remains. Then it should be bent into the inside of the decoration.


Many needlewomen begin their journey in beadwork by mastering the technique of parallel weaving. This is the easiest option, flowers and other interesting products. The essence of parallel weaving is that the beads of the first and second rows are strung on one end of the wire, and its other end is threaded towards the first level through the beads of the second.

The two rows are pulled tightly to the middle of the wire or line and pulled tight. After this, both ends of the wire come out from opposite sides of the decoration, and the rows are parallel to each other. This lowering easily creates not only flat products, but also three-dimensional ones. Only when weaving volumetric figures are the rows laid one under the other, and when creating flat ones are they laid in the same plane.

Master classes on bead weaving for beginners with photos

Decorating items with beads is very fashionable. Today, many Fashion Houses in their numerous models decorate bracelets, bags, rings, and clothing items with beadwork. That’s why modern women are passionate about beadwork, because every item created with their own hands takes its rightful place in the wardrobe and becomes a source of personal pride. To learn how to create beautiful things using beads, beginning needlewomen will need the following materials and tools:

  • beads, stones;
  • clasps for weaving necklaces, bracelets, necklaces;
  • needles of different sizes for large and small beads;
  • nylon threads, fishing line or wire for the base of the product;
  • pencil, squared notebook sheet for sketching diagrams;
  • scissors.

Before starting practice, a beginner should arrange the workplace so that he can enjoy the process and not suffer from inconvenience or lack of lighting. You need to work at a table on which all the necessary tools and materials are prepared. And so that your eyes don’t get tired, the light should not be too bright, but not too dim. It is better to start weaving with beads with some simple figures or bracelets, and complex jewelry should be left for later, when you have already gained some experience.



Weaving wood is not as difficult as it might seem to a beginner at first glance. The main thing is to know the step-by-step procedure:

  • To weave leaves, cut the wire into equal pieces of 80 cm. Take 7 centimeters of green beads for one of them, and then, stepping back from the edge 20 cm, make twists of 3 beads, and then twist the wire in a zigzag.
  • Make 7 identical branches, then connect the composition. To do this, twist two branches, and after 3 mm add another one. Gradually twisting the finished branches creates a beautiful, branched tree.
  • To prevent the trunk from looking too thin, it is better to refine it. For this, floral tape is suitable, which should be wrapped around the trunk, gradually wrapping new branches to the base.
  • At the end of the work, all that remains is to plant the tree on plaster in a pot, and to make it look like a birch, draw brown stripes with a marker that will imitate birch bark.


A beginner can also weave the simplest rose or violet from beads, the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions. Master class step by step:

  • Cut one piece of wire 10 cm for the base of the flower, and the other 50 cm, which will become low.
  • String 5 beads onto the base, and then wind it to the bottom.
  • Place beads on 2/3 of the wire and form an arc, covering the low axis sequentially.
  • Make 5 arcs on each side - this will be a rosebud.
  • Using this principle, make another 5 (or more) petals, and to keep them sharp, they should be wound to the axis at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • Let's start collecting roses. Bend 3 petals in half horizontally, bending slightly outward.
  • To avoid the middle from falling apart, the wire should be compressed tightly.
  • Take a thick wire and insert it between the petals to make the stem stronger. Then, using floss threads, very tightly wrap all the petals in order to the stem.

How to weave a bauble

If you want to give a fashionable and original gift, then the most suitable option is a bauble. This jewelry is now popular not only among young people - many respectable people wear a variety of openwork bracelets. We offer a master class on weaving beaded baubles with flowers:

  • Attach one part of the bracelet lock to a thin fishing line, as in the photo.
  • String small beads onto 2 pieces of fishing line so that each is 3 cm long.
  • Thread a transparent bead through both fishing lines (blue in the picture).
  • Again, string the beads onto each individual piece of fishing line, and then thread both through the white bead - it will become the core of the flower. Unfold the lines and thread each line through the 2 blue beads again.
  • Using this principle, make all the remaining links so that the end and beginning of the bracelet are the same.

Crocodile beading

Use your imagination and create fun crafts from beads. We offer a master class for beginners on making a simple crocodile, based on which you can make earrings, a keychain or a bracelet pendant:

  • String one dark-colored bead onto the wire - this is the nose of our crocodile. Secure it by parallel weaving in the middle of the segment.
  • With one end of the wire, grab two green beads, pulling them close to your nose, and then insert the second piece of wire into them. After securing it, you will have a second row.

  • The third row is three green beads, the fourth is four, and in the fifth row you should alternate green beads with beads of a different color - these will be the eyes of the crocodile. Starting from the sixth row, the head narrows.
  • Once you narrow the head down to three beads, by adding two loops, make legs on the sides.