The most loyal dog breeds. The most faithful and devoted dogs

Anyone who decides to get a dog is faced with the difficulty of choosing the breed of their future pet. Before you decide on this, you need to study: the appearance of various breeds; their character; features of their care. Of course, everyone wants to see a reliable companion in their dog, so you need to approach the choice of breed with all responsibility.

The most loyal and intelligent dog breeds are:

  • Border Collie;
  • German and East European Shepherds;
  • Labrador Retriever;
  • Doberman Pinscher;
  • Sheltie;
  • Australian Shepherd;
  • rottweiler

This is a breed that belongs to the first section (shepherd dogs) of the first group (herding and cattle dogs) according to the classification of the International Canine Federation. It was developed in Great Britain in the 19th century. She is rightfully considered one of the smartest and most loyal breeds.

Border Collie - large dog, like most other shepherd dogs. Its height at the withers ranges from 0.47 to 0.53 m, and its weight ranges from 15 to 20 kg. The color of the border collie is black and white or red and white, tricolor is also found, but White color should never dominate the color. The fur of these animals can be like middle length, and long.

Animals of this breed have a graceful, proportional body with strong muscles. In order for the musculoskeletal system to develop normally, the border collie, like all other large dogs, needs daily long walks and intense physical activity. Also useful for her are all kinds of training and competitions that involve not only strength and agility, but also intelligence.

Border Collies are energetic and tall. mental abilities. Dogs of this breed are usually very loyal not only to their owner, but also to all family members. Because of this, the Border Collie is an excellent pet for people who have children.

German and East European Shepherds

It is also a large dog that requires daily mental and physical exercise.

The German Shepherd was bred for service purposes in Germany at the end of the 19th century. The first representative of this breed was Greif - a dog with an off-white color, first shown at an exhibition in Hanover in 1882.

The height of the German Shepherd at the withers is from 0.55 to 0.65 m, weight is from 22 to 40 kg. Dogs of this breed are different high intelligence. German Shepherds can be used as guards, police officers, herding dogs, and guide dogs. In addition, thanks to their intelligence, animals of this breed are often featured in films. Because German Shepherd She has an easy-going character and gets along well with children.

Despite the fact that the German Shepherd is usually most devoted to its owner, it also tries to protect his family members. There was once a case in Victoria where a German shepherd named Dasher spent 14 hours guarded the child lost in the forest.

If a dog of this breed, for some reason, separates from its owner for a long time, it will still never forget him and will faithfully wait for his return. So, in Italy there is a dog named Tommy, who previously belonged to Maria Loki, who found him in the middle of a field. After her death, the dog comes to church every day, where the owner's funeral took place.

The East European Shepherd was developed in the USSR in the 1930s. This is a large dog with a long graceful body. Height at withers - 0.62-0.76 m, weight - 30-60 kg. This dog is an ideal companion and guard. The East European Shepherd is rightfully considered one of the most loyal dog breeds. Despite the fact that she is flexible and balanced with her owner, she always treats strangers with distrust, and in case of danger will defend the owner to the last.

The Labrador Retriever was developed in Canada. He has strong build, wide skull and powerful paws. Its height ranges from 0.54 to 0.57 m, weight - 27-40 kg.

Dogs of this breed are very good swimmers and love to work in water, which is why they often used as rescuers. In addition, they are usually very attached to the house and to their owner. Due to its kind and friendly nature, the Labrador gets along well with children; you can even leave it with the child as a “babysitter.” Labradors are also often used as guide dogs for the blind.

There was a case when a guide dog of this breed helped its owner survive during terrorist attack, despite the fact that the blind man no longer hoped to be saved and released the dog so that it could run away.

This breed was developed in 1890 in Germany by Friedrich Louis Dobermann. Initially it was called the Thuringian Pinscher, but after the death of the breeder it was decided to name it in his honor. The Doberman is strong, muscular, but at the same time graceful body and long muzzle. Animal parameters:

  • Dog height - 0.63-0.72 m
  • Weight - 32-45 kg.

With proper training, a dog of this breed is a faithful protector for its owner and his entire family, especially children. Unlike many other dog breeds, the Doberman can attack an ill-wisher not only on command, but also on his own decision if he feels that the owner or members of his family are in danger.

This dog is very similar to a collie, but is smaller in size. Its height at the withers ranges from 0.33 to 0.40 cm.

Sheltie is considered one one of the smartest and most loyal dogs. She has a gentle character, the ability to understand her owner well and sympathize with him in Hard time. This animal is always ready to protect its owner in case of danger and is not very trusting of strangers. Sheltie rarely allows herself to be petted by strangers, but she is always affectionate with family members and friends of her owner and never shows aggression. The Sheltie is very easy to train, which is why it is very popular among novice dog breeders.

It is also one of the most loyal dogs. It was developed in the USA by crossing a Pyrenees Shepherd and several varieties of Collies. This is a graceful animal with long hair. His height is 0.46-0.58 m, weight - 16-32 kg.

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The Australian Shepherd is a very energetic dog that requires constant walks and active games, so it is more suitable for keeping in a private home with a large yard. Animal of this breed has high intelligence and learns quickly. The Australian Shepherd, due to its high intelligence, hard work and responsibility, is often used as a service dog.

They are also one of the most loyal dog breeds. It was developed in Germany in the 18th century. Animal of this breed has a powerful muscular body. Because of his complex nature The Rottweiler needs proper training. The animal of this breed is distinguished by high endurance and determination. The Rottweiler can often show aggression towards other dogs and strangers, it is always ready to protect the owner, but with proper training the animal will never attack stranger without a reason.

Tue, 12/11/2013 - 13:29

“A friend in need is a friend in need” - this saying can unconditionally apply specifically to dogs, because when their owner is in trouble, they will do anything to save him. In front of you touching stories about the heroic devotion of dogs and their incredible selfless acts.


The dog Hachiko was born on November 10, 1923 in the Japanese city of Akita. Soon after his birth, he was presented to a professor of medicine, who gave the dog the name Hachiko, who grew up to be a faithful dog, following his master everywhere. Such amazing devotion of this dog in the future will make all representatives of the Akita Inu breed symbols of devotion and fidelity.

In May 1925, the owner died of a heart attack, when Hachiko was already one and a half years old. Every day the dog came to Shibuya station, as before, and waited for the professor until dusk. And Hachiko spent the night on the porch of his home, which was tightly closed...

The professor's relatives did not abandon the dog. They tried to place Hachiko in familiar families, but despite this, the dog continued to come to the station and wait for its owner. Railway station workers, local merchants and passers-by who knew the whole story never ceased to be amazed at this devotion.

Hachiko became famous throughout Japan in 1932 after the publication of a newspaper with a note about it devoted dog, who has been waiting for more than 7 years for the return of his deceased owner. After this, crowds of people poured into the Shibuya train station to see this devoted dog in person.

So Hachiko came, wanting to meet his master, until his death. For 9 years the faithful dog waited for the professor to return. The day of Hachiko's death became a day of mourning for all Japanese.


In 1925, disaster struck the small town of Nome in Alaska: a diphtheria epidemic suddenly broke out. It was not possible to deliver the vaccine, since Nome was buried in snow, far from civilization. Children were dying from the rapidly spreading disease, and then the only therapist in the city decided to take desperate measures. He equipped a relay expedition, which consisted of 150 dogs and 20 drivers. The final stage The delivery of the vaccine was entrusted to the Norwegian Gunnar Kaasen and his team of Eskimo huskies. The leader of the team was the young, but strong and resilient black Eskimo husky Balto. The team had to make their way to the goal in harsh conditions: -51 degrees below zero, snow storm. Kaasen lost his bearings and was blinded by thick snow. Gunar had no other choice but to completely trust the leader. Balto confidently led the team, and they delivered a valuable vaccine to Nome, which saved hundreds of lives.

After the successful completion of the mission, Balto became a real celebrity, and a bronze monument was erected in his honor in New York.


On September 11, 2001, Omar Eduardo Rivera, a blind computer scientist, was working on the 71st floor of the World Shopping Center with his guide dog Dorado. When the hijacked plane crashed into the tower, Rivera knew it would take a long time to evacuate him, but he wanted his Labrador Retriever to survive, so he disconnected his leash on the stairs. “I thought I was lost forever - the noise and heat were terrifying - but I wanted to give Dorado a chance to escape. I unhooked the leash, ruffled Dorado’s fur and told him to go,” Rivera said.

Dorado was carried away several floors below by a crowd of fleeing people, but a few minutes later Rivera felt the dog nuzzling his legs - Dorado returned to him. Then, with the help of a colleague and Dorado, Rivera descended to the ground, which took almost an hour. Shortly after they escaped the tower, the building collapsed and Rivera says he owes his life to his loyal dog.


In December 2011, a dog named Kabang threw herself under the wheels of a motorcycle, which was literally flying towards the daughter of the dog’s owner. The girl was not injured, but Kabang received terrible injuries, but, fortunately, he managed to survive. The devoted friend was treated in one of the veterinary clinics in California for 7 months. And upon returning to Kabang’s homeland - the Philippines, the dog was greeted as a real hero.

The dog who prevented his owner's suicide

The dog did not allow his owner from France to commit suicide - he was not yet ready to part with her. A 63-year-old woman decided to commit suicide at her home in Sorgues, but her German shepherd was against it. In desperation, the faithful dog did what anyone would do. loving person- he knocked him down an elderly woman, trying to knock the weapon out of her hands. “The dog sensed what was happening and, in an attempt to save her life, knocked her down,” the officer said. The woman was shot in the chest, but was not seriously injured and is expected to make a full recovery.


Eve selflessly saved her partially paralyzed owner: one day, American Katie Vaughan was driving a truck when suddenly the car stopped, a flame appeared, and the interior quickly began to fill with smoke. Katie couldn't get out of the car on her own, but she managed to open the door for her Rottweiler dog. Katie felt that she was beginning to lose consciousness, but at the same time, Eve, tightly grabbing her owner’s legs, was able to pull her out of the burning car, and as soon as the dog managed to drag Katie a few meters to the side, the car completely caught fire.


A blind and deaf dog named True bravely saved his owners during a fire. One day, late at night, electrical wiring caught fire in the house of American Katie Crosley. The owner and her little son were fast asleep, but their dog was disabled, and birth defects there were only three paws, sensing something was wrong, she was able to get into the owner’s bedroom and wake her up, “reporting” about the fire. Katie says she values ​​her faithful friend very much and is grateful for saving her life and that of her child.


A lost child who had been missing for 14 hours was found healthy and unharmed in the forest - all the while guarded by his faithful dog. Dasher, a German shepherd, was found with two-year-old Dante Berry in woodland four kilometers from their home in Mildura, Victoria.
Dante's mother, Bianca Chapman, raised the alarm after her child and dog went missing from their daycare. The missing person was discovered when two police officers heard a loud cry coming from a low bush a few meters from the path.


The heroic feat of the pit bull Lefty is admired by all residents of Virginia. The dog literally took the bullet of the robbers who shot at its owner and broke into the house. Even while wounded, she fearlessly attacked the criminals, but they managed to steal valuables and money.

Unfortunately, Lefty's injured leg could not be saved.

And since the dog's family was robbed and could not afford expensive treatment for the wounded Lefty, their neighbors and friends on the Internet organized a fundraising campaign for the heroic pet, thanks to which Lefty was made surgical operations, and she quickly regained her strength.


Siko weighs only 5 kilograms, but despite his small size, the dog devotedly protected his owner’s little granddaughter, who was playing in the sandbox, and tried to stand between the girl and the poisonous snake approaching her. The child remained alive and unharmed, and Siko almost lost his eye from a snake bite, but thanks to the operation performed, the dog managed to retain his sight.Now in the Siko family they call him nothing more than “the little hero.”


In the small Russian town of Primorsk-Akhtarsk there is an obelisk with the names of police officers killed as a result of hostilities, and just recently a monument to the dog Elga appeared nearby. The shepherd began his service together with his guide Evgeny Shestak, and their first business trip was Ingushetia. Then - Chechnya. Already during the first reconnaissance, Elga found a tripwire with a hand grenade. A month later, she “smelled” a booby-trapped machine gun, thereby saving 10 policemen. Typically, the working life of dogs lasts no more than 6 years, since they begin to go blind from the smell of TNT and plastid. Elga, who was 20 percent blind, worked for another 3 years. IN last time she hit a mine. The shepherd survived, but began to get sick. She died in Evgeniy's arms at the age of 13. At the request of the veterans of the unit, a monument was erected to the shepherd fighter who saved the lives of dozens of people at the beginning of 2013.


Faithful dog led rescuers half a mile down a dark Florida highway to the scene of a fatal car accident involving its owner. Gregory Todd Travers, 41, lost control of his vehicle on Highway 84 near Davie before hitting a crossbar support and sliding into a ditch. When rescuers arrived at the scene, the dog hobbled towards them.

Simon, a German shepherd, led the rescue team to the wrecked car. Simon spun around and licked Travers before jumping into the car next to his owner and waiting for the rescuers to finish their work. Travers died at the scene.

The faithful dog waited while his owner was rescued from the cold waters of the river

As if there weren't enough examples that dogs best friends man, a recent news story told the story of how a devoted dog waited for half an hour while rescuers pulled out his owner, who had fallen through the ice of the Colorado River. A 60-year-old man and his dog went to the river bank in the afternoon to hunt ducks. The man fell through the ice after he entered the river to collect his loot.

Other hunters noticed the incident and called emergency services. However, while they were waiting for rescuers to arrive, the dog did not want to leave the scene. Like a concerned relative in a waiting room, the dog paced back and forth, trying to help the man who was shooing away his dog out of fear for its safety.


In January 2009, 10-year-old Maxim Kurguzov was playing outside his home in Russia when a fox snuck into the yard, killed one of the chickens, and then turned its attention to the boy. The dog Shrek bravely defended his owner and drove the fox away, biting her on the head several times. Hearing the noise of the fight, Maxim's father Alexey grabbed his son and quickly took several photos of the fearless dog, embroiled in a 25-minute fight with the fox.


Golden Retriever Lady was a six-year-old true friend 81-year-old Parley Nichols, and she remained close to her owner even when he developed dementia and began to lose his memory. When Nichols went missing in April 2010, police searched for the man for a week before finding his body in a field with his trusty dog ​​nearby. Nichols died of heart failure, but the Lady did not leave him, feeding only on water from a nearby stream. The devoted dog did not want to leave Nichols, but his family eventually took Lady from the scene of the tragedy and left her to live with them.

Since ancient times, the dog has been one of the most faithful to man animals. Almost everyone knows many legends about their connection with people and their manifestation of love for us. From this article you will learn which dog breed is the most loyal in the world.

Several popular legends

The very first example is the story of the dog Hachiko with Japanese roots. For those who don’t know, let us explain that this dog has become the most famous example love and loyalty in Japan after he waited to meet his master at the train station for the rest of his days. Such attachment greatly influenced people's consciousness, resulting in a film based on real events. A monument was unveiled in the dog’s homeland back in 1934.

A large number of stories are associated with German Shepherds. For example, in 2012 in Mildura (Australia, Victoria), baby Dante Berry was lost in the forest. The child spent the whole night there and was found the next day safe and sound. All this time, in the wilderness, he was guarded by Dasher's shepherd dog. Here it is worth paying attention to the fact that the dog was nearby and did not go anywhere.

In Italy, Maria Margherita Loci fed the homeless Tommy. As a thank you, the dog always accompanied his nurse, even to church when she went to church. After Maria passed away, Tommy, hearing the ringing of bells, immediately went to the church to see this kind woman. The dog attended all church services, behaved quietly and did not disturb the parishioners.

Judging by these examples, it is very difficult to determine the most faithful breed among the many representatives. We told you only about the most popular stories from real life. In fact, there are many such examples.

It is interesting to note that loyalty to the owner in dogs is based on genetic level. Previously, these animals lived in the wild in packs. Then each group had its own leader, to whom everyone obeyed. Subsequently, the dog became a pet, and man became its leader. Accordingly, you need to obey him.

A dog's loyalty directly depends on its owner:

  1. The pet feels well good relations and affection.
  2. An animal always feels gratitude to someone who will give it care, feed and shelter.
  3. Over time, with such a relationship, a powerful emotional connection is established between the owner and the dog, and if the first dies, the pet remembers him. The animal maintains the belief that the owner will return soon.

The most loyal breeds

The quality in question depends not only on upbringing, but also on genetics. Accordingly, the character of a dog is based on its membership in a particular breed.

So let's get started:

  1. German Shepherd.
  2. Akita Inu.
  3. Labrador Retriever.
  4. Rottweiler.
  5. Doberman.
  6. Cane Corso.
  7. Collie.
  8. Leonberger.
  9. Sheltie.
  10. American Staffordshire Terrier.

Now let's take a closer look at a few breeds.

Descriptions of breeds

According to many people, the German Shepherd is the most loyal dog. An adult becomes strongly attached to its owner and remains faithful until the end of its days. The German Shepherd, despite its character, is a very reliable companion.

Akita Inu is a very smart and loyal dog that will be a good friend in the family. The breed is popular among hunters.

The Labrador is great for families with small children, where such dogs become kind of nannies due to their kindness. The pet remains faithful to everyone living in the house, will never run away, and if it accidentally gets lost, it will definitely look for its way back. It is interesting to note that the Labrador will make every effort to protect its owners in absolutely any extreme situation.

Rottweiler may seem too serious dog, which is often used by the police or army. However, in practice this is far from the case. When interacting with its owner, it is a sweet and affectionate dog.

Many people are afraid of Dobermans, because if a dog is not raised correctly, it grows up to be an aggressive dog from which you can expect anything. However, with the proper approach, the pet will show good attitude and will become a great friend. Dobermans are very smart dogs with quick reactions. The breed responds well to training.

To summarize the article, we note: now you know which breed of dog is considered the most loyal in the world. As the practice of many dog ​​breeders shows, the German Shepherd is the undisputed leader in this regard. But this does not mean that other breeds are less devoted to their owner. As we have already said, everything depends on the relationship between the person and the dog. If treated well, almost any dog, regardless of breed, will show kindness and loyalty.

Canis lupus familiaris

Animals are man's best friends. Dogs are especially devoted - for the sake of their owner, they don’t hesitate to sacrifice their lives, and their affection is sometimes simply amazing. The dog, in Latin "Canis lupus familiaris", lives side by side with man for many millennia, giving him his love and devotion, protecting him and helping him.

There are many monuments to dogs in the world that have become famous as true friends of man - some because they performed feats, helping people out in dangerous situations, others - for the selfless love for their owner, which they kept after his death. The Samogo.Net portal presents several stories about the most loyal dogs.

NY. Monument to the dog Balto

NY. Monument to the dog Balto

In New York, in one of the parks, there is a bronze monument to the dog Balto; there is a similar monument in the small town of Nome in Alaska. Balto earned such veneration for saving the lives of hundreds of people during the diphtheria epidemic that broke out at the beginning of the 20th century. A vaccine against the disease could be obtained in the nearest city, which was 300 km away. The owner of the best dog sled in the city went to get the drug, led by the dog Balto. Because of bad weather The team did not return to Nome, only Balto returned, but he brought medicine. And then, by barking, he forced the inhabitants of the town to follow him, and found both the team and the owner by his tracks.

Tolyatti. Monument to Devotion

Tolyatti. Monument to Devotion

In one of summer days In 1995, a dog, a German shepherd, appeared on the streets of Togliatti. Passersby saw him every day in the same place, as if he was waiting for someone. This dog watch of devotion lasted for 7 years, in any weather and at any time of the year. According to the official version, there was a car accident at this place, and the shepherd was the only one who survived it. The dog died in 2002, and a year later a monument to Devotion was erected on this site. Today, this only non-political monument in Togliatti is a place where newlyweds certainly come.

Hachiko and Bobby Greyfriars

Symbol of Loyalty – Hachiko

During his lifetime, a monument was erected to the legendary dog ​​Hachiko, and on the day of his death, mourning was declared in Japan. What did this animal do to gain worldwide fame? The Akita Inu dog Hachiko belonged to a professor at the University of Tokyo. For many years, he accompanied his owner to work every day and met him at the metro station. But one day the professor died of a heart attack right at work, and Hachiko did not wait for him. But he continued to come to the station every day, until his death, hoping that one day the owner would return. Hachiko is the most loyal dog in the world according to the Samogo.Net portal.

Bobby Greyfriars

A similar story happened in Edinburgh, UK. John Gray and his dog Bobby were inseparable for several years. When John Gray died in 1858, little dog Bobby literally took up residence in Greyfriars Cemetery, where his owner was buried. They tried to drive the dog away, but Bobby stubbornly returned to his owner’s grave, leaving only once a day to eat. He kept his watch for 14 years! The dog was buried at the gates of the cemetery, and on the tombstone of his grave was written the inscription “Let his loyalty and devotion be a lesson for all of us.”

In terms of devotion and fidelity, perhaps no other pet can compare with dogs. Below are 10 stories about dog loyalty.

1. The dog that led rescuers to the scene of its owner's fatal accident.

A faithful dog led rescuers half a mile down a dark Florida highway to the site of a fatal car crash involving his owner. Gregory Todd Travers, 41, lost control of his vehicle on Highway 84 near Davie before hitting a crossbar support and sliding into a ditch. When rescuers arrived at the scene, the dog hobbled towards them.

Simon, a German shepherd, led the rescue team to the wrecked car. Simon spun around and licked Travers before jumping into the car next to his owner and waiting for the rescuers to finish their work. Travers died at the scene.

2. The dog ran away from home to find the grave of his dead owner and spent 6 years next to it.

The faithful dog has refused to leave his dead master's grave for six years. German Shepherd Captain ran away from home after his owner Miguel Guzman from Argentina died in 2006. A week later, Guzman's family visited Miguel's grave, where they found the grief-stricken dog whining next to where his owner was buried.

Since then, the grieving dog rarely leaves the cemetery in the city of Villa Carlos Paz in central Argentina. Guzman bought the Captain as a gift for his 13-year-old son Damian in 2005.

Although the dog often leaves the cemetery to spend some time with the Guzman family, he always returns back to the grave before dark.

3. The dog guarded for 14 hours two year old child lost in the Australian forest.

A lost child who had been missing for 14 hours was found healthy and unharmed in the forest - all the while guarded by his faithful dog. Dasher, a German shepherd, was found with two-year-old Dante Berry in woodland four kilometers from their home in Mildura, Victoria.

Dante's mother, Bianca Chapman, raised the alarm after her child and dog went missing from their daycare. The missing person was discovered when two police officers heard a loud cry coming from a low bush a few meters from the path.

4. The dog spent 12 hours next to its owner, who was hit by a car.

A loyal dog spent 12 hours next to its owner who was hit and killed by a car. A man was hit by a car at night on a highway in Santa Cruz, California. He was riding a bicycle when he was hit and killed by a car, and the victim's body lay on the side of the road until the next morning.

A passerby noticed a mangled bicycle in a ditch on the side of the road, along with the body of a man and an uninjured dog. The basket that the man had attached to his bicycle in order to carry his dog with him lay broken nearby.

The man's body remained there for 8 to 12 hours, and his grieving little dog, a Cairn terrier mix similar to Toto from The Wizard of Oz, remained next to his owner all this time.

5. The dog who prevented his owner’s suicide.

The dog did not allow his owner from France to commit suicide - he was not yet ready to part with her. A 63-year-old woman decided to commit suicide at her home in Sorgues, but her German shepherd was against it. In desperation, the faithful dog did what any loving person would do - he knocked down an elderly woman, trying to knock the weapon out of her hands.

“The dog sensed what was happening and, in an attempt to save her life, knocked her down,” the officer said. The woman was shot in the chest, but was not seriously injured and is expected to make a full recovery.

6. The dog attends liturgy every day in the church where his owner’s funeral took place.

A heartbroken dog whose owner died a few months ago misses her so much that he attends services at the Italian church where his owner's funeral was held and waits for her to return. Loyal Tommy, a seven-year-old German shepherd, belonged to Maria Margherita Lochi, 57, and has been her faithful companion since she adopted him after finding him in a field near her home.

Loki adopted several mongrels, but her friends say she had a particularly close relationship with Tommy, with whom she walked every day to the church, whose priest allowed him to sit quietly at her feet. After her death, a funeral service was held in San Donaci, near the town of Brindisi, at which Tommy joined the mourners, and since then he always comes to the church, appearing there as soon as the bells announce the start of the service .

7. The dog guarded the corpse of his friend in China.

This is one of the most touching photographs of friendship the world has ever seen. A dog from Zhangzhou, China, was photographed protecting his friend after she was hit and killed by a car. The dog was not afraid of passing cars and remained close to his girlfriend. Sometimes, according to witnesses, the dog would push the corpse, trying to wake her up. The devoted dog guarded her for more than six hours.

Xiao Wu, a local butcher, said he often saw the two mongrels walking together.

8. The faithful dog waited while his owner was rescued from the cold waters of the river

As if there weren't enough examples of how dogs are man's best friend, a recent news story told the story of how a devoted dog waited for half an hour while rescuers pulled out his owner who had fallen through the ice of the Colorado River. A 60-year-old man and his dog went to the river bank in the afternoon to hunt ducks. The man fell through the ice after he entered the river to collect his loot.

Other hunters noticed the incident and called emergency services. However, while they were waiting for rescuers to arrive, the dog did not want to leave the scene. Like a concerned relative in a waiting room, the dog paced back and forth, trying to help the man who was shooing away his dog out of fear for its safety.

9. Husky who found his owner in the hospital

The husky missed his owner so much that he somehow found him in the hospital a few kilometers from home in the middle of the night. Zander is a white husky that John Dolan adopted from a shelter five years ago. After Dolan was hospitalized in Long Island, New York due to skin problems, Zander became sad and wandered around the house. The selfless husky eventually snuck out of the house at 3am and somehow found his owner at Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip.

A hospital worker found the dog on the street next to the building where Dolan was being treated. The orderly called the number on Zander's collar, which turned out to be Dolan's mobile - he answered the call from his room. Dolan's wife came a little later and picked up Zander. The devoted dog visited the hospital a second time a few days later.

10. A guide dog returned to save its owner during the attack on the World Trade Center.

On September 11, 2001, Omar Eduardo Rivera, a blind computer scientist, was working on the 71st floor of the World Trade Center with his guide dog Dorado. When the hijacked plane crashed into the tower, Rivera knew it would take a long time to evacuate him, but he wanted his Labrador Retriever to survive, so he disconnected his leash on the stairs. “I thought I was lost forever - the noise and heat were terrifying - but I wanted to give Dorado a chance to escape. I unhooked the leash, ruffled Dorado’s fur and told him to go,” Rivera said.

Dorado was carried away several floors below by a crowd of fleeing people, but a few minutes later Rivera felt the dog nuzzling his legs - Dorado returned to him. Then, with the help of a colleague and Dorado, Rivera descended to the ground, which took almost an hour. Shortly after they escaped the tower, the building collapsed and Rivera says he owes his life to his loyal dog.