Short touching stories that make you think

- Are you leaving again?
“Sorry… business.”
- Bye... I'm waiting for you.
- It's not worth it...
This is how every conversation ended. He closed the message box and left, and she sat with a smile on her face and a stabbing pain in her chest.
"He's gone again... someday I won't be able to stand it," she thought. Five months have passed since they met, but nothing has changed ... she still gave him all of herself and loved more life... and he still stubbornly did not notice her pain and did not see the efforts she goes through to come to terms. To put up with him for a few minutes of communication ... and then all over again. During this time, he became more for her than
man. He became her air. Her life. After all, a person cannot stand without air even for several minutes ... so she did not live without it, but simply existed in this world. Her heart is in his hands, but he not only broke it, but also trampled it into many small fragments, like a crystal ball. Her soul is always with him, but he not only suppressed it, but also drank it to the bottom, like a glass of wine. Trying to hide her love, she showed it even more. Trying to forget him... she seemed to be injecting herself with a slow-acting poison. "We'll never be together... I understand that... but I refuse to accept it." - She repeated. - This is stupid ... The Internet is not life. - He answered. “When will this end? .. Why me? .. For what? ..” - she did not know the answers to these questions, but they were in her. It seemed that he deliberately did not pay more attention to her than she demanded. After all, she did not need anything ... except him. But she didn't have that either.
Why then live? - her main question world...
“There is always hope…” something inside whispered to her.
“Wasn’t five months long enough to realize that even hope had died?” she continued her monologue.
“Hope is always in you... live for his happiness...” the voice continued.
- Isn't he happy?
- Without you... no...
Only these thoughts made her live and continue to do at least something, and not waste herself on empty deeds.
Friends, studies, the Internet - the usual schedule of her day.
Although ... friends from the list can be crossed out. She no longer has any real friends. Classmates, friends ... and they stopped noticing her. All the people who loved and supported her were where he was... on the Internet...
Dependency - 100% They will never meet... their cities are millions of miles apart... but he doesn't need to...
On one of the usual evenings, after the same short communication with him, she realized that this was the end ... He was tired of her. Real life no more. The future cannot be achieved. She was found lying on the ground at the entrance of a multi-storey building. A torn piece of paper is tightly clutched in her hand.
From her friend, all friends from the Internet learned about her death and the last note ... including him ... "Stupid ... I was afraid to hurt you ... I love you ..." - he wrote to the already empty page forever. real girl sat in the waiting room of the hospital in tears. Probably because her boyfriend drowned himself in the bathroom last night ... leaving only the phrase on the mirror: “I hope we meet there ...”

Friends, kind people are more common among us if we ourselves open a piece of our soul to the world! Read another collection real people, stories that give many of us hope that Good still exists)

* 1 * In our small town ads popping up asking for help
a baby who, due to a mistake by doctors, began to slowly die. From the local hospital, he was "discharged home to live last days", as his mother wrote. It was simply impossible to pass by. She threw money into special boxes installed in stores, banks .... A little, but drop by drop ...

Once, standing at the checkout in a supermarket, I again lowered the change into a similar container, when I suddenly heard a quiet childish voice: “Mom, look, my aunt is giving money to me for a doctor.” I turned around. The young woman had the same baby in her arms. She cried and whispered, "Thank you." Tears were running down my cheeks. I wished the boy to get well soon and left ...

Time passed and information began to appear in social networks that the baby had an operation and that he would soon return home. We were happy for him with the whole city ... After a while, I was standing in the same line of the same supermarket, when I heard a loud voice from behind: "Aunt!", I turned around. ran to me small miracle. I squatted down, and he hugged me and whispered: "Aunt, thank you for denyushka, now I will always be alive!" And laughed. And I cried. Almost sobbing. Because the four-year-old was happy. Alive and healthy. And everything will be the best for him. People who did not remain indifferent and helped the child give me hope.

* 2 * On my way home from work today, I slipped on the ice and sprained my ankle.
Young man in wheelchair saw what happened and insisted that I accept his help. In the end, he drove me 8 blocks on his lap - all the way to my apartment. This gives me hope.

* 3 * Now when I stand in line at the store, I always look around who is behind me, and here's why:
I’ve been standing in line recently, looking after me, an old grandfather with a carton of milk, counting pennies in order to collect the required amount, my turn came up, I quietly say to the seller “I’ll also pay for milk, too” - I’m a little afraid because my grandfather might get angry that they pay for him, and he says to me “you paid for me?

* 4 * A mysterious event happened in the family of my daughter's friend. 12 teaspoons have inexplicably disappeared from the dinner set.
It was inexplicable, only the closest ones were in the house, so they decided not to report the loss. Time passed... The mystery of the disappearance of the spoons was revealed in the most incredible way. Having opened a jar of honey given by a friend (and it should be noted that a friend gave it to all her friends, one jar for each child of the family), my daughter found a beautiful teaspoon in it. She immediately told her friend about her discovery.

In the course of a brief trial, it turned out that the middle daughter of a friend, 4-year-old Melon, and she has three daughters in total, who took the most active part in preparing gifts, at the moment when her friend was distracted by feeding the youngest, put a teaspoon in each jar of honey, rightly judging that they would eat honey very conveniently. Called friends, all 12 spoons were found, removed from jars of honey and returned. This wonderful baby - Melon gives us all hope that she, like her wonderful mom, will always, at the slightest opportunity, disinterestedly give people their kind heart.

* 5 * Every time I wake up my younger sister I tickle her feet.

She is paralyzed from the waist down and I thought she never felt it. But today, when she woke up and I tickled her feet... she laughed. And then she got up and started crying. Now she can walk. I love you sister.))

* 6 * My mother wanted to have an abortion.
In the hospital, she was talking to a doctor when a 3-year-old girl ran up to her and said: "Aunt, don't have an abortion. We could be friends with her." 15 years have passed, and this girl is my very, very best friend. She gives me hope.

* 7 * Today at McDonald's I saw a homeless man with large mug money.
I thought he came to buy himself some food. But he poured everything into a piggy bank for donations to charity. A person who has nothing manages to give something to others. And it gives me hope.

* 8 * My grandfather is 85 years old.
Today I learned that since his only wife died, he went every Sunday to lay roses on her grave. It's two hours drive from his house. When she died, she was 29 years old. That's the kind of love...

* 9 * Today, stopping in my car at a traffic light, I listened to the melody,
sounding from the speakers, began to drum to the beat in the air, as if in front of me was a drum kit. Suddenly, I noticed that a girl from a nearby car was watching me. I was embarrassed and was about to look away, when suddenly I saw that she smiled and began to play an imaginary guitar.) We continued to play together, and then caught fire green light and we parted).

* 10 * 4 months ago I was diagnosed with baldness. Within a month, I lost all my hair.
It was scary to go to school, I thought that everyone would stare at me. The next morning I heard a knock on the door and ten of my friends were standing on the porch with their heads completely shaved. Two of them were girls...

* 11 * Today on the street is completely stranger patted me on the shoulder and said:
“Just imagine, if you didn’t exist, the world would be completely different.”

* 12 * Once I went to the city center and, moving from station to station, I saw a man ..
He tried to ask passers-by something, but everyone passed by. When I approached him and asked how to help him. He asked just a little - to show the way to the station. Only when he spoke did I understand the reason for the refusals to him - he stuttered badly. I patiently listened to him and suggested shortest way. Honestly, when I saw him leave, I laughed and cried at the same time. On the one hand, I love helping people and I am pleased to see when they say a simple thank you. But then I cried from the realization that no one would have helped him if I had not come. But the fact that people like him still hope for help good people gives me hope. Hope that our society is not completely mired in cynicism and hypocrisy.

* 13 * My daughter goes to kindergarten, and in the same kindergarten there is a blind boy.
She didn't understand what that meant, so I explained it to her. The next day when I came to take her home, I saw her sitting with eyes closed in front of that boy and describes to him what the trees look like. The boy was beaming with happiness. My daughter gives hope to me and that boy.

* 14 * I saw a funny situation on the road today.
The driver of the car threw the garbage out of the window, and the motorcyclist behind him picked it up. At the next traffic light, the motorcyclist knocked on the car window and handed the driver his garbage back.

* 15 * Recently my mother was promoted. When I was driving from the lesson, I decided to please her and went to a small flower shop.
I had little money, but I decided to spend all the money on daffodils. You ask: why daffodils? Because my name is translated from my mother tongue means this particular flower. But in the store I saw a beautiful pink rose and decided to buy it for my mother. The seller went behind the flowers, where I did not see him, and came out with my rose and .. with daffodils. I said that I no longer have money, that I can only buy a rose, and he gave me the daffodils with a smile and said: "This is from me. I have today good mood May it be great for you too."

In the spring of 2007, this couple set a wedding date. Three months before the cherished day, the groom called the wedding center with a request to postpone the date for an indefinite period. Years passed. In 2014, the marriage center got another call from that guy. The groom asked to activate the date of the once appointed celebration. The story behind it all made all of Japan weep.

Hisashi Nishizawa and Mai Nakahara from Okayama met 10 years ago. Two years later, they decided to get married and immediately set a wedding date for March 2007. Everything was going just fine, until an unexpected tragedy suddenly burst into their lives.

Three months before the wedding, Mai suddenly began acting strangely. She could not remember what she did during the day, and at night she screamed loudly and for a long time. Soon she was taken to the hospital, where she was immediately assigned to the psychiatric ward. Three days later, the girl's condition suddenly deteriorated sharply. There was a cardiac arrest. The doctors managed to save Mai's life, but she fell into a deep coma.

The doctors couldn't figure out why Mai didn't wake up for so long. Hisashi eventually decided to call the wedding center and reschedule the date. The groom decided to wait for his bride until she wakes up. For the next several months, Mai remained in a coma, and Hisashi's devotee visited her before and after work, and did not leave the girl on weekends. He massaged her, talked to her, turned on her favorite music.

Five months passed when the doctors finally found out what was wrong. It turned out that the girl suffered from limbic encephalitis caused by ovarian cancer. The antibodies that her body produced worked against her. nervous system causing brain dysfunction. The tumor was immediately removed. There was hope that the girl was about to wake up. A month passed, six months, a year, two years... Mai remained unconscious...
Mai's mother once said to Hisashi, "Please find yourself another girl. Find yourself a healthy one." Wise woman didn't want the young guy to sacrifice his life for her sick daughter, who might never wake up again. Hisashi respectfully insisted otherwise. "I'll wait," he said. "I just want to see her smile again."

After a year and a half, Mai finally opened her eyes. The girl did not recognize anyone, did not react in any way to words, movements and her favorite music. A year passed, but Mai remained in a vegetative state. Hisashi didn't stop visiting her. He believed that one day his beloved would understand that he was there. That he was always there.

The miracle had to wait another three years. That day, Hisashi was massaging Mai as usual when suddenly a muscle in her face twitched. Then again. A moment later, Mai's face lit up with a soft smile. Hisashi says that he couldn't sit still in his chair because of his overwhelmed feelings. A few years ago, he vowed to wait for that cherished smile. Hisashi kept his oath.

Mai began to recover very quickly. At first, the girl could not move - her muscles weakened. Many years have passed since she went to last time. Mai set herself the goal of walking to the altar on her wedding day on her own. In 2014, after 8 years, the couple again set off to set the date for their marriage.

The wedding took place on December 21, 2014. The doctors and staff of the hospital, all those who had supported Mai all these years, were among those invited. Together with her parents, the bride slowly walked to the altar. Hearing her mother's words of praise, tears welled up in Mai's eyes. She was crying and could not stop for a long time. It was as if the emotions accumulated over 8 years suddenly burst out of her at once. It is difficult to imagine what was going on in the head of the groom, who was waiting for his bride in spite of any beliefs of others.

The night lights were still on, but it was already getting light outside. She took a small bag, roomy, but old, put on new sandals with a pink buckle, which she loved even more than this bag, opened the door and quietly left the apartment. She had long dreamed of this morning walk. She was going to go to the long-forgotten grove, where so recently, it seemed, she ran with friends and played hide and seek. These are very fond memories. She cherishes them as if they were the most important thing in life. She remembers how she was still a child when she first saw Tom - her first love. The very first, and probably the cleanest.
They were kids then...yes, but they loved each other terribly. Just like that, because they love not for something. In the evening, when it was already necessary to run home, they sat and chatted. They spent almost all the time together. They did not like holidays, because these insidious days separated them. She was sent to her grandmother in the village, where the girl had to work all day. And Tom either went to his aunt in the village, or went with his parents to different countries. He saw and knew a lot in life, thanks to these travels, but he still hated such long separations with his best friend. They never said they loved each other. They just loved and were happy, like children, although they were them.
And time, without looking back, ran forward. It knows no mercy. Everything is faster and faster. So many years have passed. The children have grown up. Love remains. Just as clean and bright. But neither he nor she talked about it. They became closer than just friends, closer than loved ones, closer than brother and sister. They turned into a single whole, without realizing it. But such endless love happens only in fairy tales. It's a pity ... Very.
No matter how she suffered, no matter how she sobbed, or fought in hysterics. But there was an evening, only one evening, when they were still walking together. And she never saw him again... The doctors said that nothing could be done, that he died on the spot. Silly accident! Damn car! But there is only a grave and an inscription: "He suffers forever, loving all those who remember mourning." She did not see his dead body. Didn't see the coffin. She didn't see any blood in that place. Only a grave, in this grove, her beloved, permeated with her favorite childhood memories.
Now she is going there. No, she doesn't go there to enjoy. pleasant smell eternal love. She goes there to hug his grave and tell him, for the first time in her life, that she loves him. And he is very afraid of only one thing - tears. They burn and hurt her fragile soul. She shed so many tears. Sometimes it seems that all the remaining meaning is to roar. But she walks smiling, which means she has the strength to keep smiling.

I want to cry..

I apologize for copying a story from another topic, but after reading this story, I created this topic.
Early morning ... March 8th. The alarm clock rang, and even before it had time to properly begin its song, it fell silent under the onslaught of my finger. Almost in the dark, dressed, quietly closing the front door, went to the bazaar. It got a little light. I would not say that the weather was spring. The icy wind strove
get under your jacket. Raising my collar and lowering my head into it as low as possible, I approached the bazaar. I decided a week before that, no roses, only spring flowers ... a spring holiday. I went to the market. In front of the entrance, there was a huge basket with very
beautiful spring flowers. They were Mimosas. I went up, yes the flowers are really beautiful.
- And who is the seller, I asked,
hiding his hands in his pockets. Only
now, I felt what an icy wind.
- And you, son, wait, she
gone not for long, right now
will come back, said the aunt,
merchant next door
salted cucumbers.
I stood aside, lit a cigarette and even began to smile a little when I imagined how delighted my women, daughter and wife would be. Opposite me was an old man.
Now I can’t say what exactly, but something in his appearance attracted me. An old-fashioned raincoat, 1965 style, there was no place on it that would not be sewn up. But this darned and darned cloak was clean. Trousers, just as old, but madly ironed. Boots polished to a mirror
shine, but that couldn't hide their age. One shoe was tied with wire. I understand that the sole on it just fell off. From under the cloak, an old, almost shabby shirt was visible, but it was
clean and tidy. face, his face was ordinary person the old man, that's just in his eyes, there was something adamant and proud, no matter what.
Today was a holiday, and I already understood that grandfather could not be shaved on such a day. There were about a dozen cuts on his face, some of them were sealed
pieces of newspaper. Grandfather was afraid of the cold, his hands were of blue color... he was very scared, but she stood in the wind and waited. Some kind of not good lump rolled up in my throat. I started to freeze, but the saleswoman was not there. I continued to look at my grandfather. From many little things, I guessed that my grandfather was not an alcoholic, he was just an old man, exhausted by poverty and old age. And I just obviously felt that my grandfather was ashamed of his current position below the poverty line.
The saleswoman came up to the basket.
Grandfather timidly moved towards her. I approached her the same way. Grandfather went to the saleswoman, I stayed
a little behind him.
- Hostess .... dear, but how much
there is one branch of Mimosa, -
lips trembling with cold
grandfather asked.
- So, get the hell out of here.
drunkard, begging thought up,
let's go, otherwise ... growled
grandfather's saleswoman
- Hostess, I'm not an alcoholic, and I'm not
I drink in general, I would like one
twig... how much does it cost?
grandfather asked softly.
I stood behind him and
side. I saw how my grandfather's
there were tears in my eyes...
- Alone, let me be with you
mess around, drunkard, let's get the hell out of here
here, - the saleswoman growled.
- Mistress, you just say
how much does it cost, don't shout at
me, - the grandfather said just as quietly.
- Okay, for you, wino, 5
rubles branch, - from some
the saleswoman said with a smirk.
A look of malice appeared on her face
The grandfather pulled his trembling hand out of
pocket, on his palm lay,
three pieces of paper for the ruble.
- Mistress, I have three
ruble, can you find it for me
a branch for three rubles - somehow
grandfather asked very quietly.
I saw his eyes. Until now, I have never seen so much longing and pain in the eyes of a man. Grandfather was afraid of the cold like a sheet of paper in the wind.
- At three you find, wino, ha
ha ha, right now I'll find you - already
the saleswoman grunted.
She bent down to the basket, for a long time
poking around in it...
- Hold on, wino, run to your
drunk, give ha ha ha ha, -
this fool laughed wildly.
In my grandfather's blue hand from the cold
I saw a branch of Mimosa, it was broken in the middle. Grandfather tried with his second hand to give this branch a divine look, but she, not wanting to listen to him, broke on the floor and the flowers looked at the ground ... A tear fell on grandfather's hand ... Grandfather stood and held a broken flower in his hand and cried.
- You hear, ***, what are you,
**** are you doing? I started
trying to save leftovers
calmness and do not call
saleswoman in the head with a fist.
Apparently, there was something in my eyes that the saleswoman somehow turned pale and even decreased in stature. She just looked at me like a mouse on a boa constrictor and was silent.
- Grandfather, well, wait, - I said,
taking my grandfather by the hand.
- You are a chicken, how stupid
your bucket is worth it, answer
quickly and clearly, no matter what I
strained his hearing - barely audible, but
I hissed very clearly.
- Eh ... well ... well ... I don’t know, -
the saleswoman mumbled
- I last time with you
I ask how much it costs
- Probably 50 hryvnia, - said
All this time, my grandfather did not understand, then looked at me,
then to the saleswoman. I threw a bill under the feet of the saleswoman, pulled out the flowers and handed them
- On the father, take it and go
congratulate your wife, said
Tears, one by one, rolled down the wrinkled
grandfather's cheeks. He shook his head and wept, he simply wept silently... I had tears in my eyes. Grandfather shook his head as a sign of refusal, and covered his broken branch with his other hand.
- All right, father, let's go together,
I said and took my grandfather by the arm.
I carried flowers, grandfather his broken branch, we walked
silently. On the way, I pulled my grandfather to the grocery store. I bought a cake and a bottle of red wine. And then I remembered that I had not bought myself flowers.
- Father, listen to me.
attentively. I have
money won't play for me
the role of these 50 hryvnia, and you with
broken branch to go to his wife
not good, today is the eighth
March, take flowers, wine and cake and
go to her, congratulate.
Tears welled up at my grandfather ... they flowed down his cheeks and fell on his cloak, his lips trembled. I couldn't look at it anymore, I had tears in my eyes. I literally shoved flowers, cake and wine into my grandfather's hands, turned around, and wiping my eyes took a step towards the exit.
- We ... we ... 45 years together ... she
got sick... I couldn't leave her
today without a gift - quietly
Grandpa said thank you...