A fairy tale about a wife and a sleepy kingdom. A fairy tale about a wife and a sleepy kingdom A fairy tale about a wife who did not eat

The boy Zhenya has been having bad dreams more and more often lately. Sometimes he woke up in the middle of the night, covered in cold sweat, his heart was pounding quickly and his breathing was intermittent and heavy. The boy never told anyone about his dreams, believing that an adult should deal with his problems himself. And Zhenya considered himself almost an adult because he was already eight years old. And he also thought that everyone would laugh at him if they found out that he was afraid of his own dreams. After all, dreams are nothing. This is not Petka from the second floor, who can beat you up. This is not a teacher who can give you a bad grade or kick you out of class. It's not even mom who can punish. Dreams are just fiction. That’s what Zhenya thought and continued to suffer. He woke up in the morning in a bad mood, and then walked around angry all day. He lost his appetite and was absent-minded at school. In the evening, he tossed and turned in bed for a long time, because he did not want to fall asleep, or rather, he was afraid to fall asleep and have nightmares again. Mom began to notice that something was wrong with her son. She was worried and tried to ask Zhenya about this, but he just denied it, not wanting to talk. Mom invited grandmother to stay with them, she hoped that she would be able to find a common language with Zhenya.
My wife’s grandmother lived in another city and when she came, she brought many different gifts: toys, various necessary things, books, candies. So this time, grandma’s arrival was like a holiday. The whole family sat for a long time at the large table. They ate, joked, chatted about various things, enjoying the long-awaited communication. Zhenya loved his grandmother very much. She was very kind and cheerful, never angry with him, and despite the fact that she was older than her parents, she had much more common interests with her grandson. Whenever she came, they went for a walk together: to the carousel park or to the zoo, to the cinema or to the ice cream parlour.
In the evening it was time to go to bed, and the grandmother came into the room to wish her grandson “Good night.” She sat on the edge of the bed and hugged Zhenya.
“You know,” the grandmother said conspiratorially in a whisper, “you can tell me everything that worries you.” I won't spill the beans. This will be our secret.
Zhenya thought a little and decided to tell his grandmother about his secret.
“Sometimes I see terrible dark shadows, they wander and howl,” he began, “and other times a huge black monster chases me, waving its huge paws, and when I try to run away from it, it screams angrily, and I wake up.”
“This must be scary,” the grandmother said with a sigh.
- Of course it’s scary! And I don’t know what to do to stop dreaming. “I just want to fall asleep and wake up and not see anything,” Zhenya almost roared.
_ Well, my dear, don’t be upset. “We’ll come up with something together,” the grandmother began to reassure the baby.
“Let’s leave the light on for you,” she suggested.
“I don’t turn it off anyway,” the boy answered.
“Yes,” the grandmother thought, “then maybe you should try to talk to your monster, ask what he needs from you.” Maybe then he himself will become embarrassed and run away?
- But this is very scary!
Of course, but I will be next to you while you sleep, so that you won’t be so scared. I will hold your hand.
- All the time? – Zhenya asked incredulously.
“All the time,” the grandmother convincingly confirmed, “so you will know that I am with you.”
Grandma moved the chair to the bed and sat down more comfortably. She took her grandson's hand.
-Do you want me to sing you a lullaby?
“Nope,” the boy said and closed his eyes.
So he fell asleep, tightly squeezing his grandmother’s hand.

Zhenya stood in the middle of a gray, dull desert. Everywhere you looked there were only rocks and sand. He was not afraid, not afraid at all, because next to him stood a huge shiny combat robot. Something stirred on the horizon.
- Don’t be afraid, I won’t let anyone hurt you! – The robot said in a grandmother’s voice. “I will protect you,” and the shiny unit transformed into a tank.
A dark fog crept across the desert, in places it swirled into craters of dust and sand. In the distance, something separated from the foggy haze. Zhenya immediately recognized his monster in the blurry figure. He stood up to his full height and waved his shaggy paws threateningly. Another second and the monster bent down, pushed off from the ground and rushed towards the baby in leaps and bounds. Zhenya pressed himself against the armor of the tank. He remembered that he was going to question the monster, but the fear growing in his soul left no room for reason.
- Faster! “Get inside,” the grandmother tank commanded.
Without hesitation, Zhenya climbed onto the tank and jumped into the open hatch. The hatch cover instantly slammed shut behind him.

It was calm, even cozy here. Feeling completely protected, Zhenya looked through the viewing slot. The shaggy monster galloped all the way to the tank and plopped down heavily on the ground in front of it. It was impossible to see him in the dim light. Only his brilliant yellow eyes attracted attention as he raised his huge, fanged muzzle.
“Zhenya, Zhenya, why are you running away from me all the time?” the monster said, still breathing heavily. “I have almost no strength left,” he wheezed and coughed.
“Ugh,” he spat, two small pieces fell to the ground, “well, on top of everything else, his teeth began to fall out,” the thug moaned pitifully.
-What do you want? – Zhenya dared to shout.
The monster perked up and began to turn its head from side to side.
- Where are you? I do not see you?
- There is no need for you to know where I am! Tell me, what do you want from me? Why are you hunting me? – the boy shouted more boldly.
- I'm Bobo! Don't you remember me? Of course you don't recognize me. Is it possible to recognize me now... I used to be completely different. - And his huge shaggy paws sank limply to the ground. “But I’m still glad I found you.” Do not run away! Talk to me! I need you a lot. We all need you.
- I? – Zhenya was amazed. He was prepared for all kinds of horrors, but the sight of the confused and unhappy monster surprised him. - What do I have to do with it?
- Well, of course! This is your dream,” the monster begged. – This is the umpteenth time I’ve been trying to catch up with you and tell you what’s happening in our kingdom.
- Kingdom? – Zhenya asked in bewilderment.
- Yes, in our Sleepy Kingdom.
- And what happens in it?
- Look at me carefully.
Zhenya took a closer look. Bloody feet, dirty fur hanging in clumps, sad yellow eyes.
- Yes, you are not as scary as I thought before. You remind me of someone. But who?
- Remember! Remember! – The monster almost begged.
- Once upon a time I had good, cheerful dreams. I remember a funny green monkey who played with me. You look like her in some way.
“I am that monkey,” the monster sighed.
- But what happened? What's happened?
- I don’t know, it’s just getting worse every day. But the inhabitants of our kingdom cannot do anything. Our queen asked to find you and bring you to her. She can tell you everything. She says only you can fix everything. Come with me, we need you very much.
Zhenya got out of the tank. The fear completely disappeared.
“Take me to your queen,” he said firmly and extended his hand to the monster.
This is how they began their journey. An angry wind picked up prickly grains of sand from the ground and threw them right in my face. Zhenya heard Bobo's heavy breathing. It was felt that every step was difficult for him.
- Are you tired? – the boy asked him.
“I haven’t been feeling my best lately,” the monster panted.
- Maybe we can rest? – Zhenya suggested sympathetically.
- No, we need to hurry.
Gradually the desert gave way to dense forest. It was completely dark in the forest. Thorny branches clung to clothes and scratched arms and legs. It’s good that Bobo was snoring loudly, otherwise in such darkness one could easily get lost.
“Follow me,” said the monster; there is a narrow path. It’s safe, but then, I don’t even know what kind of nasty thing could have appeared here lately. They slowly, step by step, made their way forward. Suddenly Zhenya’s leg slipped, and he rolled into some kind of swamp. He immediately began to be pulled down.
“Bobo!” was all the boy managed to shout.
The monster-monkey turned around and, without hesitating for a second, jumped into the quagmire. He grabbed the boy with his clawed paw and abruptly pulled him out of the slurry.
“Hey, guy, you seriously scared me,” he hoisted Zhenya onto his neck and began to climb out onto solid ground.
Dirty and wet, they caught their breath and set off again. Soon they found themselves on the outskirts of the city. The rickety shacks looked at them with black gaps in their windows. They walked along narrow alleys. Sometimes they came across passers-by. Beggars and ragged, they looked at them suspiciously.
Suddenly, several people came out of the gateway. A gang of insolent hooligans surrounded their comrades.
“Hey, look who we have here,” one of them said and whistled.
“Mama’s slobber and a woolen wardrobe,” responded another, “ha-ha-ha!”
One of the hooligans threw a stone at Bobo.
- Stop it! – Zhenya was indignant, he took a step forward, defending his friend, but someone tripped him and he fell on the asphalt, and immediately felt a kick. Someone hit Bobo on the back with a stick, and he growled in indignation. An unequal fight ensued.
"BANG!" suddenly a shot rang out. Everyone froze in surprise.
- Hey you! Damn scum! If anyone moves, I swear by the sea devil, I won’t hesitate to put a hole in him! – thundered a stern voice. The words echoed through the nearby streets. A stocky man came out from the shadows of the houses. A thick curly beard, a scarf on his head, a vest, and a black bandage covering one eye. No doubt he was dressed like a pirate.
- Have you decided to measure your strength?! Thousands of devils! Get out before my patience runs out!
Zhenya and Bobo on the one hand and the frightened hooligans on the other looked at each other in confusion, wondering to whom exactly these words were addressed.
- We? – Zhenya asked, pointing at himself, almost in a whisper.
- No! They! – the stranger turned to the hooligans and bared his teeth, showing crooked teeth. - Well! I swear by the stinking mouth of the sperm whale! I'm already starting to get nervous! “And he fired his pistol into the air again.
The hooligans began to slowly back away. Another moment, and they started running as fast as they could in different directions. And the boy and the monster were left alone with the pirate.
“I hope you are the one I think about,” the man said slowly, approaching Zhenya.
-Who you are? - asked the boy.
-I, the merciless and bloodthirsty pirate Harry!
- Then why were you so kind and saved us from these hooligans?
-Because you are the boy who will return the sea to me. My ship is in the harbor, but there is no water in the harbor! What good is a ship if there is no water? – Harry said indignantly. - So are you that boy?
- Well, I think that... - Zhenya hesitated.
“Yes, it’s him,” Bobo said quietly but firmly. We are heading to the palace. We need to hurry.
- So what's the deal! Forward! – the pirate responded loudly.
“I’m wounded,” Bobo said, taking his hands away from his stomach. Dark blood oozed down his fur. A bloody knife lay nearby.
- Damn it! - Zhenya burst out.
- Be strong, old man. I'll help you, said Harry. - Lean on my shoulder.
They moved forward slowly.
“We are already close,” said the monkey monster, “once upon a time there was a magnificent park with a small lake in this place.” Here you could go boating. There were various carousels in the clearings, tame ponies ran along the paths, and a candy tree grew in the center of the park.
They approached some ruins, on the steps of which sat a small, wrinkled old woman.
- Hello, Zhenya! - She said. - I waited for you. We have a lot to talk about.” Her voice did not suit her appearance at all, it was clear and ringing. “I am the queen of the Sleepy Kingdom, and this is my castle,” she continued, “now, as you see, it looks more like a pile of stones, but before it was a wonderful place.”
- Why has everything changed so much?
- Sit down with me, I’ll tell you everything in order. Remember when you turned seven and had to go to school?
- Yes, I remember.
- You decided that you have already become an adult and you don’t need dreams, because these are children’s imaginations. You have turned your back on us. And then problems began in our kingdom. First the circus left, the clowns said that now they had no one to make them laugh. They packed up and left, and no one knew where. Then the goldfish disappeared from the lake in the park, followed by all the candy on the magic tree. The inhabitants of our kingdom became nervous and angry, they began to constantly quarrel with each other. And you began to appear less and less often in our Sleepy Kingdom. One day you met hunters in the forest. They just wanted to complain to you that our forest was not as friendly and fertile as before, but apparently you were afraid of people with guns and ran away. But by running away you took our light. You were probably scared, and you began to leave the lamp on near your bed, and we were left completely without light. A gray haze has descended on our kingdom.
“But I didn’t even think...” Zhenya began to make excuses.
- Yes, I know, but now, only bandits roam the roads in the dark, and the remaining residents sit at home, afraid to go out. They stopped communicating with each other, stopped rejoicing. From cute, cheerful creatures they turn into all sorts of monsters. And my beloved puppy ran away, scared. Now he’s whining pitifully somewhere, but I can’t find him,” the queen finished her story in a very childish way and burst into tears at the top of her voice.
- I want to help you. Really want to. “I don’t know how,” Zhenya said.
-You must find a solution, otherwise we will forever remain monsters and horror stories, otherwise the sun will never shine in our sky. You have to do something! - And she began to shake him by the shoulders. More and more.
He raised his head and opened his eyes.
“Get up, get up, sleepyhead,” said the grandmother, still holding his shoulder. - How did you sleep?
- Today I was not afraid.
Zhenya jumped out of bed.
-That is great! - Grandma was delighted.
The day went wonderfully. It was Sunday. Zhenya and her grandmother went for a walk. They fed pigeons in the square. Zhenya rode the carousel, and the grandmother patiently waited for her grandson. Lastly, they went to a cafe and ate ice cream.
“He’s not scary at all,” Zhenya suddenly said when they were already returning home.
-Who isn't scary?
- The monster from my dream. He's not scary, he's miserable. They are all unhappy because it is dark all the time. How can I make them have light? – the boy thought out loud.
“Well,” the grandmother thought, “maybe try taking a flashlight with you.” If you think about something before going to bed and really want it, then anything can happen. And in your sleep you will dream of a flashlight.
- Exactly! – Zhenya was delighted. - What would I do without you?
In the evening, as always, the grandmother went into her grandson’s room.
“I hope he can help you with your problem,” and she handed Zhenya a small flashlight. “Put it under your pillow, and you will definitely dream about it.” But you must remember: this is just a flashlight, and the light is inside you, right here,” and she put her hand on the boy’s chest, “it is in your heart.”
The grandmother kissed Zhenya and left, and the little boy hurried to close his eyes, he wanted to fall asleep faster.
He was in a hurry, hurriedly running along the cobblestone street, clutching the treasured flashlight in his pocket. Now he has already crossed the wasteland in front of the once beautiful palace.
- I'm here! – Zhenya shouted, running up the steps that remained from its former greatness. - And I brought the light!
The princess, holding her breath, looked at him hopefully. Zhenya pulled out a flashlight, pointed it at the sky and pressed the button. A beam of light darted upward, reaching the swollen clouds. It was bright, especially bright in the surrounding darkness. But it was just a beam from an electric flashlight and nothing more. The boy moved the flashlight from side to side in bewilderment, expecting that a miracle was about to happen. But in vain.
“To be honest,” he said, “I expected a completely different effect.” I thought that this would be enough to illuminate the Sleepy Kingdom. I thought: I’ll light a flashlight, and everything will return to its place, everything will be as it was before. The sun will rise, the sea will splash, candies will grow on the tree and Bobo will turn into a funny green monkey,” Zhenya said sadly. _Yes, where is Bobo?
“Bobo,” the queen sighed sadly, “he didn’t wait for you.”
- Like this?
- He died a few hours ago. And tears rolled down her wrinkled cheeks.
-No-no! - And Zhenya’s whole soul shrank into a small ball.
- He was a true friend, he was the best of us.
- Where is he? – The boy asked barely audibly.
-He is still lying in the clearing. We wanted to wait for you and give him a proper burial. He deserved it. At least this.
But Zhenya was no longer listening, slowly moving his stiff legs and walking towards the clearing. There, in the barely visible darkness, the body of the monster Bobo rose like a shaggy mountain. Without holding back his sobs, Zhenya approached his friend. He ran his hand over the frozen muzzle, his fingers getting stuck in the rolled fur.
“I let you down Bobo,” the boy said through tears, “you believed in me so much, but nothing worked out for me.” I don't know what to do now. I just want you to be alive. And you don’t need to turn into the old monkey, stay black, shaggy and toothless, just live, please. I'm not afraid of you anymore. I love you, I love you as you are! “He closed his eyes and buried himself in his friend’s frozen chest, and the tears flowed and flowed.

Since Zhenya’s eyes were tightly closed, he did not notice how the sun rose over the city, and fluffy clouds appeared in the sky, how goldfish splashed in the lake, and how the grass turned green. He could not notice how the magic tree came to life; there were no candies on it yet, but multi-colored candy wrappers were already blooming on the branches, promising a rich harvest. People waking up from a long night looked at each other and could not understand why they were so grimy and unkempt. They hurried to get themselves in order, preened themselves, and took out their best clothes. Everything around was quickly transformed.
Suddenly Zhenya heard, no, rather felt, a heartbeat. More and more clearly. He raised his head and looked around. Nearby stood a queen girl in a golden dress and with a small puppy in her arms. Her eyes shone with happiness, and for some reason she looked like two peas in a pod like Lenka, his neighbor at his desk. And Bobo... He didn't turn into a funny green monkey. Now a good-natured gorilla stood in front of Zhenya. Her golden-brown fur shimmered in the sun, and her wise eyes looked at the boy.
-I never doubted you! - Bobo said. The gorilla spread its huge paws to the sides. - Look! I'm growing up with you! – Smiling from ear to ear, Bobo bared his snow-white teeth.
Bells rang from all sides, welcoming Zhenya.
-Morning has come! – Looking around, the queen said joyfully.

Morning has already come! – Grandma said, turning off the alarm clock, “It’s time to get up!”
Zhenya lay there for a few more minutes with his eyes closed. He smiled contentedly. We have to get up and get ready for school.
And somewhere along a winding path a column of intricate cars was approaching the Sleepy Kingdom. Together with trained tigers, aerial acrobats and, of course, funny clowns, the circus returned to the city.

Natalya Sovetnaya (from the book “In Search of Treasure”, St. Petersburg, 2008)


Once upon a time there lived a boy, Zhenya. Smart, affectionate, kind, obedient - a joy for dad and mom. Zhenya was lucky with her mother. She is beautiful, she is smart, she is clever. He will sing a song - people will listen, he will play the button accordion - his legs will begin to dance, he will speak - like a babbling brook, he will prepare a treat - to the surprise of all the guests. And he loves Zhenya so much! She hugs him, kisses him and dreams:

You will grow up, my dear son, you will become my support, all my hope is in you, all my joy is in you...

Zhenya’s dad is also a good person. Skillful, hard-working, jack of all trades. Only once did trouble happen to him.

He walks along the road, and the sun is high and hot. It’s stuffy, hot – I’m very thirsty. Only there is no river, no lake, no well on the way. Suddenly he hears someone calling him. He followed the voice and saw: a stream with clear cold water running from the mountain slopes, straight from heaven, and the sun’s rays reflected in it like golden crosses. The water gurgles, sings, and a voice is heard:

Don't look for other water,

Drink my water - alive,

Go to my source,

At the end of the road you will find paradise.

Zhenya’s dad got down on his knees to wash his face and hands and drink living water, but suddenly he heard someone shouting:

Wait, well done, wait, don’t drink!

He looked around. He sees a girl rushing towards him. Her figure is flexible, thin, covered in a green brocade dress, and in her hands she holds a foaming goblet.

What are you, good fellow, going to do? It won't take long for you to catch a cold from cold water! And it flows through dirty soil - you can get sick. And you have to bend over for water and get your knees dirty. But it’s a long way to get to the source, the path is narrow and thorny.

The girl circles around him, with her yellow eyes, intoxicating, bewitching:

Drink from my cup,

Forget your worries quickly

Forget the heavenly ways

Follow me, come to me!

She brought the cup directly to his lips, he took a sip of the dead water, and his mind became clouded, his head began to spin, his heart turned to stone.

A malicious hissing laugh was heard here. The girl disappeared, as if she never existed. Only the long green tail of a snake flashed in the hole.

After this incident, Zhenya’s dad often began to linger over a bottle of snake potion, but he himself did not notice how he became addicted to the intoxicating poison.

The boy's house became sad. Dad is drunk and mom is crying. Mother’s songs no longer flow, the accordion no longer sounds cheerfully. I feel sorry for Zhenya’s mother.

He kisses her, hugs her, helps her in all matters.

Don't cry, mommy, I will never hurt you.

And Zhenya began to ask his father to stop drinking, to stop ruining himself.

Dad thought. I decided to start a sober life. I decided to go for living water.

Again he walks along the same road, again the sun burns, again thirst torments him. Here is the mountain, here is the stream singing, a voice is heard:

Don't look for other water,

Drink my water - alive,

Go to my source,

At the end of the road you will find paradise.

Zhenya’s dad was delighted, he quickly ran to the stream, thinking: “This is where the real, living water is, this is where health and happiness are. I will drink from the stream, I will climb high into the mountains and drink from the very source.”

Suddenly a girl in a green dress blocked the path, and not alone - nearby were her younger sisters, who looked like her. Each one holds a cup in her hands, each one fills it with an intoxicating drink. They danced around the young man, did not take their yellow poisonous eyes off him, and began to sing a wicked song:

Drink from our cups,

Forget your worries quickly

Forget the heavenly ways

Follow us, come to us!

His mind became clouded, he forgot that he wanted to drink from the stream and go to the source. He grabbed the cup and drained it to the bottom, grabbed another and a third.

He drank greedily until he had drunk everything. The older girl came up to him and said:

You have already given us your soul, we will soon come for your son. -

Even though Zhenya’s dad was drunk, he was scared and begged:

Don't touch your son! Why did you need it?

Don’t you know that everyone who drinks our dead water sells their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren up to the seventh generation to us? So you are our debtor. And debt is worth paying. Wait, we’ll come soon!” the sisters laughed, hissed, turned into green snakes and disappeared into an underground hole, where they lived with their father, the terrible Green Snake, destroying many human souls.

Zhenya’s dad began to cry and suddenly found himself at home. Outside the window the sun is rising, the birds are singing, mom is in the kitchen preparing breakfast.

“I probably dreamed it all,” dad thought and immediately forgot what had happened to him.

Again he began to come home drunk, again his mother became sad.

How much time has passed, Zhenya has grown up. I finished school, served in the army, received a higher education diploma and became a respected person at work.

One day he and his dad went on the road. The sun is high and baking hot. It’s hot, stuffy – I’m very thirsty. They hear as if someone is calling them. They followed the voice and saw: a stream of clear, cool water was running from the mountain slopes, straight from heaven, and the sun’s rays were reflected in it like golden crosses. The water gurgles, sings tenderly, and a voice is heard:

Don't look for other water,

Drink my water - alive,

Go to my source,

At the end of the road you will find paradise.

Dad, look - living water! - he called and then he saw that his father was surrounded by young girls, all similar to each other: all flexible, thin, dressed in green brocade dresses, all of them had yellow, poisonous eyes, and in their hands were goblets with an intoxicating drink .

Release my dad immediately! He won't drink from your cups anymore. We have water from the sources of heaven, living water!

The girls laughed and danced around Zhenya.

Son, don’t look at them, the father asks, don’t listen to their songs, don’t take their cup. They will destroy you, as they destroyed me.-

And the girls keep circling, never taking their eyes off Zhenya, singing and enchanting:

Drink from our cups,

Forget your worries quickly

Forget the heavenly ways

Follow us, come to us!..

His mind became clouded, he forgot that he wanted to drink from the stream and go to the source, he forgot about his father. He drank a poisonous potion from a goblet, and his heart turned to stone. He watches indifferently as the girls tied his father’s hands and beckoned him with a full cup, as he followed them straight into the hole - the darkness of the underground. The hiss of a snake was heard here, the girls turned into poisonous snakes and disappeared together with Zhenya’s dad...

After my father's death, my mother and Zhenya were left alone. It was difficult for them.

“It’s okay, mommy,” the son said, “I’ll be your partner, I’ll do everything you need in the house, I’ll help you with everything, I’ll never offend you.”

But Zhenya already drank from the goblet of the poisonous intoxicating potion. I didn’t even notice how addicted I became to it. He began to come home late, began to be rude to his mother, began to offend her, and scold her with bad words. He turned into a completely unscrupulous person.

At work, Zhenya’s co-workers cannot recognize him: where did his irresponsibility, absent-mindedness, and deceit suddenly come from? They stopped trusting him, demoted him, and then completely fired him.

Life in Zhenya’s house became gloomy, as if a joyless, painful night had fallen. Again the mother spent her time in tears and sadness. I didn’t know how to help my son.

Once she walked past the Temple of God, and her feet led her into the church gates. She looks, people are communing with the Mysteries of Christ, the priest is sprinkling everyone with holy living water, and the children’s choir is singing prayers with angelic voices. Suddenly the sadness retreated somewhere, and tears flowed from her eyes, only these tears were not sorrowful, but joyful.

I will beg for the souls of my husband and son and mine, a sinner, -

she decided.

Zhenya’s mother prayed for a long time, asking for forgiveness for everyone, mercy and help. An Angel of God heard her prayers, came to her and said:

I want to help you, Elizabeth. After all, your son loved you very much and pitied you. And love is the main commandment of God, love is omnipotent. I will ask the Lord for illness for you. Your son will see how you suffer, will take pity on you and stop drinking the intoxicating poison. But do you agree to get sick and suffer?

I agree, I agree, my angel, I agree to everything, just to save my son, his soul!

How long or how little time has passed, Zhenya’s mother fell ill. She is getting weaker every day, her legs are going away, her hands are hard to control. She can’t do anything herself without her son’s help. Zhenya stopped leaving home. Everything needs to be done: clean the house, wash the clothes, cook dinner, go to the store, dress mom, feed her, put her to bed. He began to forget about the poisonous potion, but that was not the case.

The snake girls became worried, they don’t want to let Zhenya go free, they want to take his soul into the dungeon. They visited him often in their dreams. They look into his eyes, sing a bewitching song and fill their goblets with intoxicating poison: now flattering champagne, now deceitful beer, now sour wine, now bitter vodka. Zhenya’s head began to spin, he forgot about his sick mother and drank again to the point of unconsciousness. The maiden snakes picked him up and dragged him into the darkness of the underground.

Elizabeth prayed, calling her Guardian Angel, calling the saints and the Mother of God, asking her to save her son.

The Angel of God appears to her again. His face is mournful.

Your son chose his own path. Didn't listen to the voice of God. Now he is dying.

The mother cried bitter tears. She began to beg and beg:

Why should I live here on earth if my son, my little blood, is not next to me? It’s better that I die instead of him, and he lives and with tears begs God’s forgiveness for me, saves his soul from the snares of hell, drinks living water and rises to the source.

Your love is strong, mother,” said the Angel, “be it your way.”

He took Elizabeth's soul and rushed with her to the entrance to the underground hole. They made it on time. The terrible green Serpent has already opened its mouth. It smelled of a deadly fume stench and blazed with hellish fire. And the Serpent almost swallowed Zhenya, but the Angel and Elizabeth picked him up and carried him out of the dungeon into the light of God. The mother hugged her son for the last time, blessed him for a sober life and ascended high, high into the Sky, to the very Source.

She looked down and saw: an ambulance rushing down the street, an alarm siren was heard, in the car Zhenya was lying on a drip, and next to him was the Angel of God. He raised his eyes to Heaven, met Elizabeth’s gaze and said:

Thank God, your prayers have been heard, mother - rejoice!

The girl's name was Zhenya.
Her parents actually immediately came up with the idea, even before she was born, that they would call her Zhenya. Autumn is convenient - you can't go wrong, boy or girl. Still Zhenya. This is what they decided.

In general, it is strange that it is the parents who choose the name, and then the person lives with it all his life. Even if at heart he is not Zhenya at all. That's what the girl Zhenya thought and dried crackers in the oven in the kitchen.

She made the crackers herself. Mom bought a loaf of white bread and a brick of black bread at the store. Brown actually. Zhenya cut the bread into slices, then into squares, and then dried it in the oven. And we got crackers.

Sometimes she sprinkled the crackers with sugar, and sometimes with salt. It did not depend on the days of the week.

Zhenya has never eaten these crackers. She put them in a blue plastic bag and waited for her mother to go for a walk with her.

There was a dragon living in the next yard. It was large and orange, once it had three heads, but over time only two remained, and in the place of the third head were the ends of a rusty wire sticking out.

But the dragon was still the best. That's what the girl Zhenya thought.
She put crackers - carefully so as not to bite - into his open mouth. There, in the mouth, the whole of Zhenya could fit. If, of course, she had shrunk and pulled her legs in green leggings up to her chin.

After eating, the dragon always became more cheerful. Zhenya looked at his large stone wings, covered with orange plaster, and did not understand why he did not fly away?
Such an ugly yard-well.
Such old garbage cans.
Such cut trees around the dragon.
Such a big beautiful dragon.

One day Zhenya asked her mother about this. Mom was reading Françoise Sagan in a paperback with frayed corners. Mom looked at the back of Zhenya’s head. Mom said, “Because you won’t have anyone to play with.”

“Because you won’t have anyone to play with,” said mom.

Since then, Zhenya has been very scared. The dragon cannot fly away because of her, Zhenya. Can't fly to his dragon's nest. He sits in St. Petersburg forever, and here, by the way, the climate is bad.

Day after day, the little girl Zhenya continued to dry crackers for the dragon. Sometimes she persuaded him to fly away, sometimes she simply silently fed him with her hands.

And then Zhenya went to the first grade of the gymnasium at the philological university of St. Petersburg State University, and stopped going into the dragon’s yard. Because the gymnasium was far away, in another area.

And then Zhenya stopped dreaming about the dragon at night, because she was tired from the whole, endlessly long day at school, and also in after-school care.

And then Zhenya left for another city.
And then she turned thirty-seven.

By the age of thirty-seven, Zhenya had become accustomed to her name. It’s not that she loved him, but she got used to it.
This always happens if you live with something for a long time: for example, with chronic gastritis or a beloved man.

Now when Zhenya went for a walk, she no longer wore blue woolen leggings. She had beautiful bottle blue Lee jeans.
Zhenya really liked her Lee jeans and felt better in them than in leggings.
To be completely honest, she had already forgotten how she felt in the scratchy leggings.

For the first time in her thirty-seven-year life, Zhenya came to the dragon empty-handed. She took some crackers with her.

Zhenya didn’t really remember which courtyard the dragon was built in. In the yard where she lived as a child, there was now a new playground, with slides, swings, and a “United Russia” poster.

Zhenya walked around many yards before she found her dragon. All yards were the same.

The dragon sat in the middle of a small courtyard, faded and dirty, painted with incomprehensible English words from its single head to its very tail. Most likely it was black spray paint.

He looked at Zhenya with sad eyes. He recognized her, despite the fact that Zhenya now wore blue jeans and dyed her hair black.

The dragon probably thought to himself that red hair suited Zhenya better.

Zhenya looked into his sad eyes. And then she looked into his hungry, open mouth. The dragon had ice cream wrappers and empty cigarette packs in its mouth. Zhenya realized that now she definitely wouldn’t be able to fit in his mouth.

Zhenya began to cry.

“Wait,” Zhenya said.

Zhenya stroked the dragon’s dirty stone nose and said, “Wait.”

The dragon, of course, agreed. He loved Zhenya very much, even though she dyed her hair black.

Zhenya returned to the yard, and then it gradually began to get dark. In general, it always gets dark early in St. Petersburg, especially in the courtyards.

Zhenya brought with her a large loaf of white bread.

“You know, you were always waiting for me here, and could not fly to your nest,” said Zhenya.

“And my husband never waited for me. He could fly wherever he wanted,” said Zhenya.

The dragon watched gratefully as Zhenya plucked small pieces from the loaf. Zhenya carefully put pieces of bread into his mouth.

“I haven’t fed you for so long, and now my husband and I are divorcing,” Zhenya said.

And then it got completely dark in the yard, and it was time to go home.

A fairy tale about a girl Zhenya and an Elephant who was very hungry
We once drew an elephant. When the work with a simple pencil was completed, I asked the guys: -What color are elephants?

Gray, of course! – Dasha, who always knew everything, immediately answered.

Ooh-ooh what a boring color, so not interesting and not at all fabulous! – The girl Zhenya stamped her foot. – I don’t want to draw something like that!

And I do not want to! – Polina repeated after her.

And me too! – Alice responded. It immediately became clear to me that a strike was starting, and I said:

In nature, an elephant is indeed gray, but in the picture, it can be whatever you want!

The children shouted in unison: “Hurray!” and looked with delight at their boxes of colored pencils.

My elephant's head will be as yellow as cheese! – Zhenya stated.

Does he like cheese? – I asked – I’ve never heard that Slans eat cheese!

“Yeah,” Polina agreed with me, “maybe it would be better for his head to be as yellow as a banana?” At least a banana is a fruit! - she suggested to Zhenya while she was enthusiastically painting her head yellow.

And the right leg will be raspberry, - the girl dreamed, - because the elephant loves raspberries very much! And the left one is blackberry! – Zhenya was completely amused, quickly shading the elephant’s leg with a purple pencil. - I'll turn the elephant's tail brown, because he loves to eat chocolates and then rustle loudly with candy wrappers! - she told the other children with inspiration, who understood her perfectly, because they also loved chocolates and rustling candy wrappers.

Isn't it time for us to get together? Our lesson is already over! – I noticed, looking at my watch. Parents were already crowding into the studio doors to take their children home, and we had to take a break.

Arriving home, Zhenya still couldn’t calm down and excitedly told her mom and dad about her Miracle Elephant. About the delicious colors that fill it and how he really likes bananas, blackberries and chocolate.

“You can’t imagine,” she insisted, “what a huge elephant!” And that’s why it’s not at all easy to draw! I'm so tired! – the girl added with a yawn and went to bed.

Meanwhile, the Elephant was plagued by insomnia. He turned over from side to side, his legs itched: sometimes one at a time, sometimes all at once.

“This is all because,” the Elephant thought, “I didn’t eat properly, and I didn’t eat because I couldn’t understand what I wanted to eat more: bananas or raspberries; blackberries or chocolate... But now I realized that I want it all right now, that’s how hungry I am! But where can you get food at such a late, dark time?

The elephant thoughtfully scratched behind his ear, and a picture floated in his head, or rather, store sign, which he once passed by. The sign read:



Remembering this, the Elephant quickly got out of bed and rushed as fast as he could to that wonderful store where you can buy anything you want at any time of the day or night.

Having filled the cart to capacity with bananas, raspberries, blackberries, chocolate and other tasty treats, just in case, the unusual buyer approached the cash register, where the pretty cashier was dozing, her head hanging down.

“Girl,” the Elephant said somewhat embarrassed, “please sell me all this, otherwise I’m really hungry!”

The cashier sleepily rubbed her eyes and, I didn’t even seem surprised at all, seeing an Elephant in front of him. She looked angrily at the full shopping cart and said unkindly:

Normal people don't eat at a time like this! And I have no change! – the girl added, although the Elephant had not even taken out his wallet yet. – Place the goods in their places and come back tomorrow!

The elephant, accustomed to communicating with polite people, almost began to cry out of resentment:

“What should I do now,” he cried, “I was told to come tomorrow, but I want to eat now!” Who is the Most Important in this store? – the hungry buyer trumpeted in despair.

Out of nowhere, a pretty little girl appeared at the cash register and said importantly:

Me. I am the Most Important One here! What happened to you?

Well, you see, I was so hungry, and they told me that normal people don’t eat at this time, and I, if you noticed, am not a person at all, but a normal Elephant, my head just wants bananas, my right leg wants raspberries, my left leg wants blackberries, and the tail of chocolate in rustling paper!

Oh, poor Elephant! – the girl felt sorry for him. - It is me I drew you in class, but I was too lazy to draw food for you! Treat yourself to whatever you want for free!

The elephant happily launched his trunk into the cart with the goods and began to greedily absorb it. Only after the entire cart was empty did he contentedly stroke his belly with his trunk and purr:

Thank you, kind girl, now I’m full and can go to bed peacefully!

The elephant slowly swam out of the store and disappeared between the houses.

What a strange dream I had! – Zhenya told her mother, stretching sweetly. - It’s as if I worked in the store as the Most Important One, and at night my yesterday’s elephant came to my store hungry!

And did you feed him? - Mom asked.

Certainly! He ate as much as he could! “The girl said joyfully and suddenly wrinkled her forehead.

What if the elephant gets hungry again?.. After all, he’s so big! And I don’t work in a store, so what should he, such a gourmand, do then?!

Zhenya thought a little, jumped out of bed, took out pencils with an album and, on the page where her elephant was, carefully drew a basket of raspberries, three bunches of bananas, a jar of blackberry jam and a huge bag of chocolates in bright, rustling candy wrappers.

Now my elephant will never, ever be hungry!

When the girl is on next