Statuses looking for love. Statuses for those who are actively searching

Girls are most attached to men who know how to listen, show tenderness and make laugh ...

I am looking for a soul mate of my heart, whoever finds it, let him write !!!

Looking for my girlfriend... please return for a fee!!!

I am looking for my soul mate, which is poorly hidden -)

Looking for a girl! Beautiful, Kind, Not Stupid, pleasant to the touch... ;-)

Looking for somewhere softer.

I want to meet smart girl. Phone 8 (30² v784) (19²-v484) (46²-v7396).

Looking for the meaning of life. I will find - I will hide.

It's easier to find a needle in a haystack than a decent girl.

Dear, dear, my soulmate, you, of course, honestly admit where you are?

Her: Damn, you piece of idiot! Him: Maybe, but don't forget that last week we decided you were my soulmate.

Every person has a soul mate... sometimes it seems to me that my soul mate has either not been born yet, or has already died...

Without labor, you will not find normal girl in the Internet:)

Happiness and a smile on your face, I wish you to meet your soul mate ...

They say that everyone on Earth has a soul mate... Along the way, I live with mine in different hemispheres...

My heart is divided into two parts: in one half all relatives, friends and relatives, the second half is occupied only by him alone.

I want to look into her dream and find out if she is dreaming of you ...

Someone cannot find their calling, someone cannot find their love. I can't find two identical socks!

I am looking for my soul mate, the one and only.

Yesterday I found a soul mate, measured all night, not mine ...

What is happiness? This is when all your loved ones are alive and well, and someone very beloved whispers in your ear about that. that you are his favorite!

Just because we are different doesn't mean we are different. I found you a long time ago - I don't need the rest ...

I just want to be around. Feel the warmth of your hands, listen to the beat of your heart, feel the taste of your lips.

Dear soulmate, I want you to know that I am waiting for you, no matter what, and I know that I will! And while you are coming to me, prepare the answer to the question: where have you been all this time?!

When my significant other finds me, she will get n * zdyuly for the fact that she went somewhere for so long =)

For each person in this world, a soul mate has been created, and in order to meet her, you have to go through a bunch of tests !!! Looks like my test is over :)

Where is my other half, half of me or you wedge too!

I'm trying to seem like an independent piece of ice, although I dream of finding a soul mate ..

The second half .. two in one ... great)))

It's just the way it works. Girls dream of finding a soul mate, and guys dream of a second sock. Guys are lucky more often ..

You spent days on dating sites to find her, your soul mate, and every day he passes by your window, and he doesn’t even have a computer.

Statuses about finding a soul mate, girls

I'm looking for a handsome, smart, caring guy ... I'm looking forward to all three!

Eh ... I hope a truck with men will overturn on my street ...

I don’t care that it’s raining outside, now I’ll put on makeup, I’ll go look for a guy.

I'm looking for a paycheck! Employers, please do not disturb.

My dear and adored soulmate, I really want to know ... where are you hanging around?

Have all the princes already been dismantled? Damn, I'll have to look for the king...

looking for good guy who can do the same as the bad one, only good.

Man, you are looking for a smart, beautiful, modest ... I confess honestly - it's me!

Looking for a man capable of beautiful madness. Boys who are only capable of terrible idiocy, please do not disturb!

I really want to love ... And to be honest, a sacrifice is needed.

Looking for a prince. To forget the king...

Young, beautiful, sexy, smart, sweet, kind, gentle, caring, hardworking. I'm not looking for anyone, I'm just showing off.

Urgently fall in love, otherwise I'll get drunk ...

Where are you, prince on horseback!? Or even a horse...

I so want to hang myself ... On someone's neck ...

looking for active man! Briefly about myself: 10 hectares of a vegetable garden!

So I want to call the police and say: "Find me a soul mate."

I'm looking for a guy, good, handsome ...

Where are you, the man of my dreams? Or at least reality...

I will marry during the crisis. I speak little, I cook deliciously, my head does not hurt!

I am looking for a man for the position of husband. Are there crazy people?

I'm looking for a Body Guardian... Body Heater... Body Caressing.. Body Kisser...

Yes I am in active search. Yes, I'm looking for true happiness!

But, someone somewhere was created for me ...

Where are you? Looking for you around the world... looking for you on the internet... well, where are you, my love?

A vacancy is announced for the position of "the second half"!!! It is possible without experience, but with a great desire!!!

I cook delicious. I speak softly. No headache. There is a fur coat.

Who is free and ready for new love exploits!?

Looking for a man, friend, companion and lover all rolled into one. If all four come, I will be glad!

I am actively looking for a boyfriend. So why can't you find it?

I want such a guy to “wow!”, And around there are only “oh bl * ..”

Looking for a guy: strong physique, good-looking, with good willpower and perseverance, for planting potatoes together ...

Looking for a guy for one ... life!

I need very strong man. Impeccably strong in every sense. And that he had the only weakness - me.

Delicious, harmful, addictive.

I so want a guy whose eyes are the color - my love ...

Marital status - none. Personal life is confusing. Mood - in an active search for happiness.

I am actively looking for a guy. Ask who I'm looking for. He must have a sweet look, a charming smile, the most kind heart who can madly love me for who I am.

Looking for an intelligent, calm, good guy. I will find - I will spoil.

I don't have a boyfriend because I have a clear idea of ​​who I want, but I have no idea what planet to look for!

looking for big love, love with intimacy is not offered.

Find me, please, in the crowd, and gently hug my shoulders. I know for sure that in my destiny a meeting should happen with you. I know for sure - you are now walking alone through a windy autumn evening, And you still do not realize that you are walking towards me ....

The status of “looking for a guy” will allow you to make positive changes in personal life. Because the specifics best helper Anyway.

How would I modestly hint that I need love ...

  1. You really need a guy if you don't care what your ex-boyfriends know that you are the only one!
  2. There are guys for whom it’s not a pity to fight. And there are those for whom you don’t even need to call names.
  3. Perhaps we will live to see the time when the soul mate can be found on Google.
  4. Why if I add a guy as a friend, it immediately means that I want to woo him, and therefore I take the first step?!
  5. I look at my girlfriends and think: where do they get such handsome guys. Give me one too!
  6. As soon as you put the joint venture “in active search”, no one writes to you right away. Have you noticed this trick too?
  7. Nobody told me for so long that I was beautiful, that I was already scared ...
  8. I want to find myself a real friend, so that in the future I will definitely make a guy out of him: 3
  9. What a pity that you have to choose: either handsome and charming, or faithful and caring.
  10. Add some romance to my life. Yes, at least someone already!
  11. And you know, while I was alone, my head hurt. So you can look for a husband!
  12. I'm not looking for some guy. I need a specific one. And the one whose status says “in love”.
  13. How did you get all these stereotypes. So you have to wait until someone likes you. Well, can I take the first step myself?
  14. With the way I have guys, I’m more likely to get a second cat ...
  15. I want to be a little girl. Hey, who's ready to protect me?!
  16. Everything in my relationship is so complicated that, in my opinion, it's easier to start all over again. And it's better if with someone else.

It's easier for the world to just give me a good guy, otherwise I'll start exterminating everyone else.

The ideal woman should never be caught by just anyone. Warn about it in the status "I'm looking for a relationship."

  1. What a pity that I have to imagine the guy, and not see with my own eyes. It's even worse relationship on distance!
  2. Who needs beautiful girl? You just have to care, love and appreciate!
  3. It seems to me that either before Contact we were not in active search. We were just looking for guys or girls.
  4. They fall in love with the soul, but you have no idea how much you want a guy with a bitsukha: 3
  5. Looking for a guy with money is mercantile, but looking for a purposeful guy is reasonable.
  6. If you are in an active search, do not sit and be stupid, but rather write to me. Look, I'm active too...
  7. Around until I see a worthy gentleman. But how do you want to fall in love? That's just no memory!
  8. Guys, remember how you were all over the place when I was in a relationship? So, now I want the same!
  9. Whatever it was before, but now I'm already free, but still young and beautiful!
  10. I won't say that I'm bad. And not because it's not, but because I'm afraid to scare guys away:3
  11. I am an absolutely complete girl, but I would still like to find a half.
  12. Girls, maybe someone is selling a guy? Hair color is not important, as long as the character is good 😀
  13. They say you don't have to look for love: it will find you by itself. But when will she, her mother, find me?!
  14. And who knows, maybe you are my love? And you sit, stare at this status, and do nothing ...
  15. There can't be too many guys gay. There are too few beautiful girls.
  16. You want a girl who can cook and clean. And I just want a handsome guy!

If it is difficult in relations with brains, it will be difficult in relations with people

Status “looking for serious relationship”- if you are already tired of attracting the attention of that very person. This technique will definitely help you achieve what you want.

  1. Why think about friendship between a man and a woman if you have a friend, but no boyfriend?!
  2. This time I want to be serious. Do not come to me beautiful, come to me kind.
  3. I want a man like propolis. Because you can chew it for a long, long time. And not Orbit, which you chew for 15 minutes at most.
  4. Girls, you need to learn how to earn money in order to survive. And everything else you have to buy a man.
  5. I will not put anything in the joint venture. I will write here. I'm single, I need a boyfriend. That's all I wanted to say.
  6. What am I willing to do for the new good guy? Yes, not only for everything in the world, but even quit smoking!
  7. I'm looking for a guy to be happy, to have someone to please. I immediately warn: I don’t want garbage!
  8. So the time has come when you have to go to bars and restaurants and look for a boyfriend. Or maybe I'll just write here, and he will find me himself? :3
  9. Yes, I do not need any half. Give me an ordinary normal man!
  10. I am looking for happiness, love, care, understanding and good mood. All in all, Dear friends I'm looking for a guy.
  11. What are you, you can’t write in the status that you are looking for a guy. And what if you still frighten, they are so tender with us!
  12. Oh, this insidious JV “single”. Fuck what it means...
  13. If you have time when you can put "actively searched", this does not mean that you are ugly :3
  14. Let's fall in love. Fall in love without memory. And for this you need not be shy!

And yet, only the most daring girls can set statuses like “looking for a boyfriend” or “looking for a relationship”!