Where are normal, adequate and good girls? Where are the normal girls? What a real girl should be

What can I say about myself. Ordinary young man. Work, duties, cares and so on. There were girls. Met. But nothing serious in terms of family. Movies, cafes, sex. And everything suited everyone. The girls were first classmates, then classmates. I was interesting as a person. Even though there was money.

Over time, I began to think about the future. What will happen next, why am I working. All my friends bought cars. Most on credit. I chose housing as my priority. Five years later, I have my own place, but I walk. Friends drive jeeps and luxury sedans, but live with their parents or in rented accommodation. However, despite all this, they nice girls. Straight sweets who are proud of their guys.

I have a place to live for my family, my children. But as soon as the girls find out that I'm a pedestrian, they lose interest in me. They say I'm a loser. Buying a cheap car is not an option, as these guys are also called losers. That is, it will only help expensive car. But it costs money, and I fully invested in housing. I tried to find an adequate girl who would see what I think in the future. After all, housing is housing. This is the basis, and the machine is acquired. However standard phrase: pick me up - ok, now I'll take a taxi - and I'm left alone.

Of course, there are girls who are interested in me, but they are defective or something. Someone has already lived twice with young people, and then ended up on the street. There is a rich girl who, to put it mildly, is in the body. The other has health problems. It seems to me that they need not me, but anyone in general.

Boys who are married to normal girls say that families were created in student years when they had nothing at all. It's too late for me - a head with a glimpse of gray hair.

I recently read something similar. There at young man there was an apartment in the city center in an elite building, but he drove an old foreign car with a very obscene look. So he found a girl with great difficulty. He immediately married her. Now he moves in a jeep and is interesting to everyone. But it's not him who is interesting, but his money and car.

It turns out, if you want a beautiful girl, buy dear girl. But it's not sincere feelings, but simply behaved. With the money I spent on the apartment, you can buy a cool car, but you won’t live in it.

How to explain to a girl that I want a family, and not take it off? I thought to find a girl at work, but again there are either married or with children. I understand that you need to look for a girl much younger than yourself. With a correct understanding of everything that is happening.

Recently there was a meeting of classmates. Almost everyone is single. Nobody has anything. Unit apartments. He said - guys, what are we slowing down? Let's create families with each other! The girls laughed. After all, they need a rich man. We are looking for normal, and they are looking for the rich. In the end, everyone is alone.

How to break out of this circle? I thought, I decided to save money for good car and then swing your rights in front of the girls. Make them smile at me instead of me trying to please them!

Where to find a normal girl 25-30 years old?
Here are its characteristics:
It's interesting with her, she creative person, with a sense of humor. Pretty, well-groomed and athletic. Thoughtful and girlishly emotional. With a spark, who knows how to cook deliciously, maintain comfort and creatively approach it. Engaged in needlework and creative non-store plan.
developing, independent personality. Sports lover, such as snowboarding, skating rink, skiing and so on. She has her own apartment, at least a one-room apartment. A decent girlish foreign car. Experience, rights and skills of independent riding a bike are welcome! I do not smoke. Does not abuse alcohol. Not married and not in a relationship. Decency - welcome! Able and willing to give birth to at least two children. These are adequate requirements for a girl, where to find her?

In a dream. You yourself are such a girl what for? Roll up your lip.

About me: two arms, two legs, Russian girl.

Dreaming about girls is not harmful. What can you offer her? And in general - why such a girl needs a guy?

And what will an ordinary, ordinary man (of which 99%) give her - but nifiga! Therefore, where to find such a girl - for you, the secret is that you are part of those same 99%. Contact psychologist You have high demands on life. If you want such a girl - be worthy of her.

- "Capable of giving birth" - until she gives birth - you will not understand whether she is capable or not.

Where to find a normal girl 25-30 years old? Didn't read further. At this age, there are almost no normal ones, because the older the woman, the more selfish she is, therefore, she is not needed. normal man. Beloved girl should be no more than 20 years old.

Yeah, and with all this, you've never been in a relationship? At 25-30 years old? Yes, you are psycho. Normal girls at this age have been in a relationship for a long time.

The question is - can you provide her with financial grooming and sportiness? If you say you want a normal girl, can you be worthy of her?

If the requirements include a car and an apartment, then you are a gigolo or a beggar, earn money yourself. Well, why does such a wonderful, wealthy beauty need a similar copy? Perhaps you are looking for what kind of girl you can fool?

Want is not harmful.

25-30 years old and no relationship? There is clearly something wrong. Where normal girls that before this age is not in a relationship?

Well-groomed, sporty, with a car and an apartment - not a word about literacy, now it's not in vogue, the main thing is to have a car. What do men like in women? House and transport.

This one needs to match! A guy and a girl should be worthy of each other. Especially the guy.

If you want, match! You write what a girl should be, but not a word about yourself. Are you worthy of such a girl?

Wasn't in a relationship at 25-30? Do you need a mentally ill woman? So she doesn't need you, but sexologist. And she obviously won’t have a car with an apartment.

Draw her. The only way. Well, you turned down what kind of girls you like! What are you yourself?

Only inflatable woman Monica fits your ideal.

No, well, maybe, the guy is wealthy, what is it that he wants a lady on the level. But damn, 30 years without a relationship - it just doesn't fit me. Now I know what guys like in girls - frigidity.

Well, if she was not in a relationship until the age of 25-30, then she is clearly not quite normal. And all other points will be by.

Wait, wait. In your opinion, a woman of 25-30 years old who has not been in a relationship is mentally unhealthy? But the 16-30-year-old whore, who was fucked 500 times during all the "relationships", oh, how mentally improved, physically - too, especially in terms of gynecology.

Wow. Men are already looking for girls with an apartment and a car. Here it is, what kind of girls they love!

Disassembled already.

Wasn't in a relationship?? Virgin, right? At 30? Are you looking for an insane or relationship-hungry woman?

The more I read posts from men, the more I am convinced that my boy is the best in the world! Thanks to fate for such a gift! And you even longer!

Why not? She didn't have time for personal life, but she provided herself with everything necessary, and she can still give birth to children. And she herself will provide them, if she suddenly comes across such a couch hero. He is looking for which girl to choose to provide. This one will fulfill all his requirements.

This is not the point here. If a woman is not married before the age of 25, then this indicates that she has terrible cockroaches in her head, most likely, that is, everyone is running away from her, which is why she is not married.

And why would a man with a car and an apartment need a homeless backbiter?

And why does she need her own hut and wheelbarrow? And why shouldn't she be married? When she has her own hut and a wheelbarrow, a husband is no longer needed. She does not care which girls are more in demand, she is self-sufficient.

Use your imagination, naive gopher. You are more likely to be bitten by a radioactive spider and become a superhero than you are to meet a girl like that. Lower the bar and look at things realistically. Yes, and it would not be bad to represent yourself at least something.

I would be strained by a man who is interested in my well-being. Now there are a lot of gigolos. How to please a man? Buy a car. If this is so - what for me such a man?

This girl doesn't need a man permanent relationship, and even more so one that sits in the internet around the clock.

Where to find a "normal" about 30-year-old virgin? I'd rather pass this ad. You got some sick demands, what should be perfect girl.

In short, it's time to take stock. To be fair, let the men play on the sly in their side, the women in theirs. Then it turns out to be a wonderful fact - you can do without each other, because you just have to distort. Lord, yes, these comments gave me a brilliant conclusion!

Yes what, to hell, criteria! How can you choose according to the criteria! You are either attracted to a person or not. You just need to communicate more and get to know people, then you will find "the one". I have one friend who, with his criteria, has been sitting without sex for three years. He became like a hysterical woman. Already the first cat is going to start. And this is all because he imagined himself the king of the Altai Mountains.

It's okay, sweetie, you'll wake up soon.

The girl chooses a partner to create a comfortable lifestyle. If she has everything without a partner, then why the hell does she need someone to cook, clean and do laundry? She doesn’t care how the guy likes it, she has everything!

Well, moral qualities here they are very normal, in this regard I support the author. And here about material and relations - one more question. Firstly if a girl at the age of 30 has never been in a relationship, it is almost always either because she is not attractive enough for men, or she has very high demands, or some of her own troubles. At least, almost all the girls I knew who had never entered into a relationship were just like that. And with an apartment and a car - even more interesting. I can understand this point only if the author himself is quite wealthy and does not want to run into a mercantile girl. Otherwise, the question is immediately, what is so good about him? What can he offer her?

Remember that it is perfectly normal if a man is looking for a woman who matches him. That is, if a man is successful, then it is reasonable for him to seek successful woman. These are logical requirements for a girl.

One "night" is enough for women, then to give birth, raise, and a man may not know. And a man needs at least one that endures, nourishes, nourishes, this is roughly speaking. That guy said what it should be real girl by his standards.

- "I have not been in a relationship" - at 25-30 years old, this is very alarming. So she's not normal at all. “I haven’t been in a relationship, but it’s better to be a virgin in general.” Now I know what guys like.

Only God can create such an ideal. Adjusted for parents and spouse.

If you find your man, it won’t matter what kind of ass she has and whether she knows how to cross-stitch, but how much you earn, how long your penis is and there are descendants of the Romanovs in the pedigree. There is a clear context of money in the message, and relationships built on profit cannot be warm and family, look for a partner in business, sports and sex, write like that, even though it will be true. You need to earn your person, your family and happiness, put a lot of patience and understanding into this, unfortunately we are not in the store finished products we buy. If you are successful and strong man, you will definitely find the woman who matches you. And what should be the ideal girl - you don’t even remember. You will see the ideal in her. Happiness finds us by itself, if you look for it, you can never find it. Good luck.

Oh, I know a girl who really met almost all of these requirements. And beautiful, and funny, and economic, and at the same time a biker. The only moment: she bought an apartment and a car on credit with her now husband. It's just that the guy was looking for a person, not a living space.

I have such a friend, she herself wonders where to get a normal man, because all cock-bearers want to be loved simply for their soul and the presence of a member. And she herself dofiga requirements. Vicious circle.

Thirty-year-old athletic biker needlewoman with no relationship? Oh boy would you psychologist for a couple of dozen consultations. You are far removed from reality.

And to turn water into wine!

Such girls have been married for a long time and certainly do not get acquainted on the Internet.

What for you old woman? Full of young people. Normal girls in the category under 18 years old.

What can you offer in return?

Damn, I don’t fit in two parameters: I don’t know how to ride a bike and I smoke. Otherwise, I know how to please men!

And she was not in a relationship, which means - look for an ugly duckling, just generally ugly and with the help of surgeons make a beauty! It is strange that the author did not indicate "working", well, according to the list of hobbies, it is already clear that she has no time to work. Where does all the property come from? From parents, from daddy? And yes, 30 years old is not too old to give birth to 2 more children? Women in labor at 24 or 25 are considered "old-timers" by medical standards, in general, the author rolled his lip. Of course, maybe he himself is a millionaire Brad Pitt! Only then can you dictate what a girl should be.

A woman who has her own apartment and a car at an acceptable age (as I understand it, you stupidly want to use her living space and her as a driver, because if you really wanted two children, then for them a odnushka and a ladies' pickup truck are not enough), a hobby, Good work who knows how to cook (in fact, all girls can cook here, we can do it, we just don’t cook so as not to burn talent), then you are a gigolo.

You're late, I've been married for a long time.

Fu, what a terrible likeness of a peasant it could write! I wonder how he can interest such a girl.

What are you in return? A sagging couch and a tiny pussy? And you sculpt such requirements for a girl! That's it, good luck with your search.

Yeah, about myself: Vasya Pupkin from Muhosransk, three classes of evening school and a diploma from a vocational school as a welder.

A developing, independent person who earns decently and goes in for sports will not serve in the home of some peasant whining in girlish resources. And then he fantasized himself, she comes home from work, prepares a 3-course dinner for him, knits a sweater, and then rides a bike at night. You fantasized about girls, in short. Come down from heaven to earth.

Question: what are you to her?

And where is the list below what you can offer such a girl?

If there was such a girl, a man is not needed with such an interesting life.

Look for clubs of interest. Need a loving snowboarder - meet at a ski resort. In general - at 25-30 years old and was not in a relationship? How is that? Does she have problems? So her sexologist needed, not a man. There is clearly something not right there.

Your requirement is too high, but what will you yourself shine with? Protracted sit-ins in World of tanks and an old train of 3 dozen women?

Such girls are already busy by 25-30, for such exclusives there is still a queue kindergarten. She doesn't care how to please a guy. People like you, to her at all

I wonder if he himself meets such requests? Apparently, he is a rich and wealthy man, 190 cm tall, more handsome than Brad Pitt.

These girls have already been taken apart like hot cakes. In short, you also need to go to Milan to LaScala, or, finally, go to the Tretyakov Gallery. 25-30 and you will definitely find a free one. For all other points - I do not guarantee. You yourself decide what a girl should be.

Such girls marry out of a strong, deep feeling. Which again contradicts girlish sensuality. For such sensual persons are not capable of long affection. Or prudent, and marry prudently. For your CEO. In addition, a woman who goes in for sports and leads an active lifestyle does not have a particular fuse to sit and embroider, especially when a man in the house always demands to eat. Well, about a passionate and 25-year-old virgin. Well, you understand. Then there will be a scarecrow. You choose. A tender, impulsive youngster, who doesn’t know how and doesn’t have anything, but wants children sometime later. But then, perhaps, you will be the first. Or a 35-year-old madam, who has all Vicki's farts, knows how to do everything, but she needs children. This will not put you in anything. And at home will keep for the sake of children. And women in the prime of life will stupidly not waste time on you. And do not fill in about the fact that in order to become the wife of a general, you have to marry a lieutenant. You yourself want to come to everything ready.

What about your ideal?

Here new woman at Nikolai
Beautiful, smart and young
Works in a bank, owns a car
Jumping on fitness, shaves vagina
Sucks like a vacuum cleaner can't suck
Always help with money. No problem
Doesn't like mikhailovo stas songs
And Leps is absolutely uninteresting to her
Her headaches don't hurt
It is important for her everything that is important for Kolya
Doesn't look at other men at all
Cooks chic with lamb pilaf
Over time, it does not deteriorate at all, by the way.
Firm, fresh and active in bed
It has the whole apartment, the whole comfort and life.
In my opinion, all the same, Kolya is a star.

I was not in a relationship at 25-30 years old. Clear.

What kind of girl needs you? She already has everything.

And you yourself can’t imagine anything, this, as always, is for showing off, dreaming about what a girl should be like. Aha!

Haven't been in a relationship at 25? Isn't it funny yourself?

Are you serious? Search by character, appearance, interests, principles is quite normal. But, damn it, demand a hut and a car in without fail. Okay, women will covet men's goods. We are already used to it. Even more to say, this is the norm, unfortunately. But when men get down to it. That's horrible. For me personally, it's wild to look for a couple looking at welfare. And I read what the guys like - the hair stands on end even on the pussy.

What the hell are you doing to her?

Too many requirements for one person. Well, she's a dream woman. Author, I'll smoke in the toilet, you won't even notice.

A 25-30 year old woman who has never been in a relationship? Is he looking for Valeria Novodvorskaya, or what?

I read what a girl should be, and something funny. Are you attracted to such a girl?

My friend has a 14 year old daughter. So .. in short, she told her mother that she had a "relationship" with another girl! Friend in shock! The girl says that the guys are all now, and give them only sex, etc., and therefore she thinks that this is better, especially since they live without a dad and she has a picture before her eyes that most men are not worthy of female attention, etc. P. But on TV, all too often sheer propaganda free relationship and all that stuff!
What to advise her? I suggested not to be indignant loudly, to pretend that she understands her, because if you scold the child, she will throw something out of spite ... The woman has been at work for 6 days, the daughter is left to herself .. I think this is temporary, since there were hobbies Emo and Gothic with all the hard ones. Perhaps it is the desire to stand out. I told her - now the young are furious from laziness. It will look informal to wear a watermelon on your head - they will. I am not a psychologist and I may be wrong. Maybe you will advise?

Hi all. The time comes and every young man thinks about how to find a girl for a serious relationship. Many guys are single and are "in active search". Some do not know where to look for the chosen one, others are disappointed in women because of past sad experiences, others consider themselves not attractive enough. There can be many reasons. Once you read my tips and follow them, the result will be guaranteed.

How to find a girlfriend

How to find a girlfriend? To do this, carefully read this plan:

  1. Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity appreciate in men such qualities as determination, generosity, kindness, caring, charm, the ability to conduct a conversation, a sense of humor. Analyze what traits you need to develop and start improving yourself.
  2. Think about what your chosen one should be: appearance, figure, character, habits. Visualize her image, make it complete in your thoughts. This way you can speed up your meeting.
  3. Don't stay at home. Go to places where you can see good girls more often: a gym, a park, an ice rink, an exhibition of paintings, a cinema.
  4. Do not think that the first young lady who drew attention to you is the love of your life. Chat with several beauties. You will not only be able to hone your seduction skills, but also develop confidence in your own attractiveness.
  5. Shouldn't start serious relationship with a woman for whom you do not even feel sympathy.

What to do if you met a young lady

If you met an attractive lady, in any case, do not relax. In order to keep her interest, heed the following tips:

  1. Watch your appearance, clothes, perfume. Girls like well-groomed guys.
  2. Go to the gym to make your body strong and resilient. A man with pumped up muscles looks very sexy.
  3. Expand your horizons, read books, watch interesting educational films. Serious girls like guys with whom there is something to talk about.
  4. Look for long-term relationships, not one-night flirtations. If you see that the young lady is frivolous and windy, it is better to stop communicating.

Still thinking "how can I find a girlfriend"? In order to achieve results faster, listen to the advice of experts:

  1. Don't be afraid to meet. If one girl does not want to communicate with you, do not be upset and keep looking. All people are different. And the fact that one of the female representatives did not like you does not mean at all that you cannot attract the attention of another.
  2. Some guys are afraid to get acquainted with beauties, justifying themselves with the fact that “she’s too tough for me, and she probably has someone,” however beautiful girls often lonely, as many young people think the same way.
  3. Think about what guys most likely do not like the girl you dream about (albeit imaginary for now) and work on your weaknesses. For example, stop smoking, drinking alcohol, using obscene words in a conversation.
  4. Girls love self-confident men who know what they want from life, so take care of the elimination of complexes.

Getting rid of complexes

Often there is such a situation when a guy considers himself unattractive in appearance, and on this basis he has a lot of complexes that prevent him from getting to know women. Such a guy is constantly haunted by the question: how to find a girl if I'm scary. I think my recommendations will be helpful.

  1. Women don't pay as much attention to appearance as men. More important to them personal traits- can the guy support in Hard time, will not change with the other, will it become in the future good father for children. If a woman loves you with all her heart, then she will not look at appearance.
  2. It is difficult to change facial features, but it is quite possible to make the body attractive. To do this, visit regularly Gym and play sports.
  3. Create your unique image with the help of clothes and accessories, listening to the advice of famous designers
  4. Don't let her know that you have a complex about your appearance. People see you the way you present yourself during the first conversation and the beginning of a relationship.
  5. Almost all women believe that men do not understand them. If you show patience and prove to your passion that you are different, always understanding and caring, sympathetic at times, you can easily win her heart.

Of course, advice is easy to give, it is much more difficult to put it into practice, especially if you have already had unsuccessful attempts meet, and even more unhappy relationship. However, it is worth discarding all the sad experience and be sure that everything will work out.

Remember that even charming handsome men have mistakes and failures. Appearance does not play a major role. Integrity of character is what matters in a marriage.

How to find a good girl

Surely many guys will sigh and say that normal girls have disappeared for dating. Indeed, most modern ladies have become cynical, instead of soul mate they are looking for money and status. Loyalty to one person and raising children mean nothing to them. However, the cuties normal upbringing and the character is still there. You need to look, and in the right places.

  1. It is hardly possible to get acquainted with a decent and serious young lady in a nightclub or bar. Look for it in your educational institution among classmates, in the theater or in in social networks. We will talk about how to find a girlfriend on the Internet a little later.
  2. Ask your friends or relatives to introduce you to a nice girl without a significant other.
  3. Take a closer look at your friends. It is possible that one of them secretly sighs for you, and you are not aware. Guys are often blind and may not notice that the love of their life is very close.

Remember that finding a good girl is not easy. Only real minions of fate look for her the first time. But this is rare. In most cases you need Full time job over himself and perseverance in achieving the intended goal. No other way. You don't want to stay long years bachelor, right?

How to find a girl on the Internet

So we come to the topic of social networks. On the Internet you can find many single single ladies who crave male attention and dream of finding their "prince on a white horse." This great way meet a beauty on Vkontakte, especially for shy guys who find it difficult in real life to get acquainted with a representative of the weak half of humanity. You just need to know how best to do it. So, how to find a girl on VKontakte:

  • For searches, select free time when no one and nothing distracts you.
  • In the search, select the city where you live. Build long term relationship with a foreigner is quite difficult. Such a novel is often doomed to fail. Please enter your desired age. Next, questionnaires corresponding to the parameters you specified will appear on the monitor.
  • Don't forget to check them out Family status. Do not start a conversation for the purpose of meeting married people.
  • Choose the girls in the active search that you like. You can also see their interests, hobbies, favorite movies and books. This will help you strike up a conversation, especially if your hobbies overlap even slightly.
  • Now start talking. Write to a few cuties, ask to meet and give a few compliments, tell them how charming, beautiful, charming, etc. Everyone knows that women "love with their ears." Dream up, do not use banal and hackneyed phrases. You can "like" their profile pictures and wall posts.
  • After you get an answer, feel free to start a conversation. However, you should not communicate with a lot of ladies you like. Choose two or three, otherwise you will get confused about what and to whom you wrote, which will lead to unwanted embarrassment that can ruin everything.
  • You can communicate on any topic, but it is advisable to avoid discussions of politics and health.
  • Don't write too much about yourself. Better listen to your pen pal. So you can better understand her character.
  • If you have been talking for several days, and the topics for conversation do not dry out, make an appointment for the first date. Go to a cafe together or take a walk in the park. Or you can entrust the choice of meeting place to your companion. Don't forget to donate beautiful bouquet colors.

Online communication is not much different from the real one, therefore, the main thing is to be sincere and in no case embellish your dignity, since the lie is likely to be revealed after several dates.

Some guys say they have no luck with women. But really, they just want to put in no effort. After all, a serious relationship involves taking care of your chosen one, responsibility not only for yourself, but also for her, constant self-improvement, the ability to compromise and understand your partner.

How to get the attention of your crush

In general, it is not so difficult to please a young lady. You just need to understand her needs and learn how to satisfy them. Read carefully on how to do this:

  • Admire your beauty, admire her. Let her know that she is the most beautiful in your eyes. In no case do not stare at other ladies. It's frustrating and annoying.
  • Talk freely on various topics. Ask about her past, family, hobbies, studies, work, plans for the future. Comment on her words.
  • Always be present in her life. Call, write SMS, support and help if necessary. In this way, you will be able to inspire trust, which will positively affect your relationship.
  • From time to time, give flowers and small but nice gifts. Don't forget to say Happy Holidays. Remember when you met. Young ladies love to celebrate a month, six months, a year of dating and, as a rule, they are very offended if you forget about this symbolic date.
  • Give your hand when getting out of the transport, hold the door for her, help her put on her coat. Show gallantry.
  • Hold her hand and hug her. Tactile contact very important during the first meetings.
  • Never talk about former passions and especially don't compare it to them. Focus on her alone and no one else.
  • Listen carefully to what she tells you and remember. Women are painfully perceived when they are asked about something twice or, worse, listen absently or distractedly.

Where to find a girl, 9 best places to meet your dream

The life of a young man is often scheduled by the hour. Work, gym, leisure. Day after day, he thinks where to find a girl, but you need not to think, but to act. We will now consider best places to find the one and only.

  1. Metro. You can meet many pretty girls here. Besides, most likely, they live at your station or nearby. You don't have to travel across town for a date. You can easily invite her to visit or go to her.
  2. Cafe. In such establishments one can often see a bored girl drinking juice or tea. Most likely, she is resting after school or work. Come and start a conversation. If the young lady has nothing against and is happy to communicate, she must have been waiting for someone to notice her. Feel free to take a phone number and invite you on a date.
  3. Supermarket or hypermarket. Everyone goes shopping. There are thousands of girls in the trading establishment every day. Pick the cutest one and go for it.
  4. Bus stop. Did you see a pretty young lady? Ask something about the transport schedule, and at the same time get to know each other.
  5. Minibus, tram or trolleybus. Eat free place near an attractive blonde or brunette, sit down and start chatting. It is important to do this right away, since the beginning of a conversation after 10-20 minutes of a joint trip will look rather ridiculous.
  6. At a pedestrian crossing near a traffic light. Waiting for it to light up green color, you can exchange a few phrases and get to know each other.
  7. Gym or swimming pool. Here you can meet young ladies who care about the harmony of their figure and strive for perfection.
  8. On the beach. Here you can find a real beauty with a stunning figure, skimpy swimwear to help.
  9. At a book fair. If you want to meet an erudite and well-read girl, go there.

Character traits necessary for a serious relationship

In order to find pretty girl, think about whether you meet the expectations of the woman of your dreams.

7 character traits to develop in yourself

  1. Determination. Ladies love guys who are able to show courage in any situation, who know how to protect themselves and their soulmate and who are able to make decisions.
  2. Caring. Every lady appreciates the care of her, sympathy, the ability to understand and listen to her.
  3. Sense of humor. A well-placed joke can defuse a situation, no matter how difficult it may seem.
  4. Romance. Beauties love young people who are capable of beautiful deeds for the sake of her beloved and desired.
  5. Honesty and loyalty. There is nothing to even comment on here. Women are hard to forgive betrayal of their beloved or do not forgive at all.
  6. Generosity. Young ladies prefer not greedy guys who are ready to spend money on them and give gifts.
  7. The ability to find compromises. This is very important quality, pledge happy relationship all couples.

Psychologists advise to listen to a few more features of dating a beauty.

What is a harmonious relationship?

We hope that our tips on how to find a normal girl helped you. Finally, a few principles of healthy harmonious relationships:

  1. The life of each of the lovers with the beginning of a serious relationship should improve, only in this case they will be together long time no other way. If you constantly quarrel, take offense at each other, you have conflicts on empty place most likely you need to break up.
  2. Love is not bought. If you think you can only win her over expensive gifts, you are deeply mistaken. Selfish young ladies, of course, will agree. But consider if you need it. Once your money runs out, love will disappear like it never existed.
  3. Do not be jealous of your chosen one for everyone you meet. Jealous, as a rule, are insecure guys who doubt whether they can keep their soulmate. Trust her. Mutual respect and trust are the foundation of a love relationship.
  4. Don't try to change your partner. When you met her, you liked her with her individual character and features. If your chosen one loves you, then she will begin to change into better side. Just be there for her and help in everything.
  5. Feelings that quickly flared up just as quickly fade away. Test your love. Relationships are based not on words, but on deeds. If your girlfriend constantly has excuses not to meet you, it is quite possible that this is not at all the one you were looking for.

A little about the most secret ...

How should the two feel? loving person while in a relationship:

  1. Love for each other. Without this feeling, being together is not worth it under any pretexts.
  2. Mutual respect. Without it, you cannot build long-term relationships.
  3. Joy from every minute spent together. Of course, quarrels cannot be avoided. But, as they say, the darlings scold - they only amuse themselves.
  4. Feeling inner harmony. Being nearby, lovers feel psychological comfort, calmness and peace.
  5. The desire to help your partner in everything and to be always with him, despite the problems and difficulties.

Well, that's the end of the article. I hope that she will help you find a really good girl who meets all your needs and expectations, and most importantly, sincerely loves you. Write your feedback and wishes in the comments, always your old ladies' man Pantelei.

My buddy has bad luck with girls. Whether he chooses the wrong ones for himself, or misbehaves, or whether he is simply pursued by annoying, and even funny coincidences - I don’t know. No luck, that's all. He has never had normal relationship when all is well. It's just that everything happens somehow through the ass, and if there is any cure for this, then he would be the first to buy it.

Moreover, if the relationship is one-time, then everything is fine. A fleeting acquaintance, a single intimacy, or just an affair for a month - no problem. He got what he wanted. But as soon as he starts a serious relationship - it's bad.

It all started with the fact that after six months of relationship it turned out that his girlfriend works as a prostitute. She broke down and confessed to him. He did not give a look, but in his heart he was very worried about this, and in the end they broke up, since she was not going to tie it up. He healed his spiritual wounds and after a few months he found himself another.

With her, everything was longer and more serious. They dated for two years, and then, to add some spark to the relationship, they decided to try a threesome. First with another guy, then with a girl. The matter never came to the girl in bed. They made the mistake of inviting his friend to bed, whom she turned out to like. In the end, everything went well, but her hands were untied, and she eventually went to this friend, realizing that she was better with him, and she loves him more. Hellish trash. I thought that he would not recover, and who knows what was going on in his soul at that moment.

Since then, everything has completely gone wrong on the personal front, and he cannot even get to know each other. Yesterday he called me and told me about a case that makes me want to laugh, and at the same time feel sorry for him.

Walks, speaks shopping center European. I stood at the railing somewhere on the third floor. And there, nearby, is a girl. Beautiful, slender, dressed like decently, in a coat, leggings and white sneakers. Awful of course, ng is now so fashionable. In trend, in general. He looks at her, she at him, smiles modestly, and now he has already gathered his thoughts to approach and even takes the first step towards her, as her phone rings. She puts the phone to her ear and says something, laughs, and it turns out that she has no teeth at all. Well, not exactly, of course, but one on top and one on the bottom. At the same time, she lisps terribly. A friend walked towards her, and stomped past, to the elevators, pretending that he was going to leave. “Damn, what is this all about!” he is indignant into the phone. There are still normal free girls? And what do you do if you're not so lucky?"

I invited him to go to the theater and try to get acquainted there. Several times I saw girlfriends go there, whom you can meet. Last time two girls were photographed and willingly flirted with the boy-caretaker of the mini-museum at the theater. By the way, this week my girlfriend and I are going to the play "Ma belle or Dream for two" in Khitrovka, tickets for which were kindly provided by the community