How to tell if a girl has a boyfriend. How to find out if a girl has a boyfriend or is single

You just met nice guy Or have you been dating for a long time, but doubts about his freedom from obligations do not leave you? Such a smart, handsome, courteous person cannot be lonely! It is easier, of course, to ask directly, but it is unlikely that your distrust will be perceived positively. How do you know if a guy has a girlfriend?

The virtual way

If you can’t talk about it directly, try to find out the truth by studying his social media accounts. When he has some kind of passion, she will prove herself one way or another, leaving entries in the guestbook, commenting on his messages, exposing joint photos . However, you can be deceived, especially if the guy is prominent and has a lot of fans - among them there may be not quite an adequate person who will write love messages completely unfounded. The ex-girlfriend, who still cannot come to terms with the fact that they broke up, is also capable of this.

The reaction of your companion to calls and SMS

Be wary if he hurriedly leaves you on some calls or refuses when you are trying to find out who is calling and what is texting. Correspondence in "ICQ", "Agent", "Skype" at the moment when you communicate with him, say at least that at this time for him communication is more important with the interlocutor on the other side of the screen, and not with you. Consider how valuable you are then.

Relationship with his friends

If a guy is not very clean and has affairs with several girls, it is unlikely that he will want to introduce each of them to his environment. Therefore, if, under any pretext, refuses to meet with you in his company, you are a fallback option for him and acquaintance with them will not shine for you. Even if there is no second girl, nothing serious connects him with you.

Guy gets confused

If he lies, sooner or later he will become entangled in his own lies. Remember where he was, who he met, and then casually remind about it. If he came up with something, most likely he will not immediately remember what he told you, and will come up with a new one.

Everything is complicated if he is married. for the weekend and holidays you will not see him - he needs to be with his family. At the same time, he can tell you that you need to go on a business trip, go to overtime, and so on. If you are not satisfied with a relationship built on lies, try to finally talk frankly. Better on the shore to figure out what your status quo is.

At first glance, it is usually difficult to understand whether a girl has a boyfriend or not. In order to find out if a girl is free, the contender for her heart may try to find out from her relatives or friends. You also need to know what to look for when communicating. A fan should always treat the girl with respect and not go too far in pursuit of information about her, otherwise the young lady will decide that she is being persecuted. After contact is established, the young man will be able to ask her a direct question about whether she has a relationship.

How to understand at a glance if a girl is free

Factor Description
  • If the young lady has no one, and she is in search of a couple, then her gaze usually runs from one person to another.
  • If a lonely young lady is in public transport, then she carefully examines the guys nearby
  • Single girls try to attract attention and often worry about their appearance. This is expressed in the fact that they straighten their hair or pull at the edge of the skirt.
  • A free girl always tries to look sexy. She emphasizes her sexuality plunging neckline on a blouse short skirt And high heels. This look attracts male attention. Free girls usually have a bright, eye-catching manicure.
  • Young ladies who do not have a couple often visit nightclubs to meet someone there. They come there in the company of girlfriends, as if giving the impression that they want to chat with friends. But girls will be on the lookout for young men they might meet.

Girls who do not have a boyfriend try to take care of themselves carefully, follow fashion. They do not accept savings on themselves and constantly change their wardrobe. But keep in mind that there are single young ladies who do not like to stand out from the crowd and do not chase fashion.

The guy stopped writing

Girl's page in social networks: what to look for

To find out if a girl has a boyfriend without asking direct question, you can just visit her page on the Internet. There you need to look at her statuses and photos. In the section on marital status you can find information about what it is in active search, in love, etc.

If the lady's heart is occupied, then on her wall there will be posts about falling in love, a photo with a chosen one. If the young lady is free, then her wall will be decorated with statuses about loneliness, freedom or a desire to get married (perhaps in a comic form).

It is easy to finally understand the position of the girl by correspondence. It is enough for a young man to write an offer of acquaintance and look at her reaction.

The character of a woman in the shape of her hair

Evidence that she's free

If a girl knows the guy who liked her quite well, then she will not share any secrets with her friends in his presence. He can quietly overhear her talking on the phone. If something significant happened to her, she complains about something, then her conversation will be emotional. In this way, he can unobtrusively obtain valuable information about her.

The young man must remember that the information received must be correctly interpreted.

You cannot draw final conclusions only from a telephone conversation, because only half of it is heard, and the essence may turn out to be completely different, for example:

  • A girl can emotionally tell her interlocutor about a wonderful walk in the park in someone's company, how her escort chases butterflies and is interested in flowers. Speech in this case may well be about the dog, and not about her chosen one, a botanist. You can also delicately find out about the presence of any animal through social networks. Many young ladies adore their pets and often post their photos. The guy who likes the mistress of a pet finds out that she calls the pet the masculine name, and not her new boyfriend.
  • It must be taken into account that male name mentioned in telephone conversation, may be just the nickname of one of the girlfriends. Therefore, it may turn out that the young lady she liked was at the disco all night with her friend, whom she jokingly calls Alyosha.

Age difference between men and women

When can you ask a direct question?

When a guy first meets a girl, he wants to know from the very beginning whether she has someone or she is absolutely free. Experts in the field of psychology advise to be sincere from the very first minute of communication. Otherwise, various omissions will accumulate, and this will jeopardize the further development of relations.

If a young man decides to ask a question about the presence of a chosen one directly, then first he must tell about himself. Let the girl know that he broke up with his ex, is free and is actively looking for a soulmate on this moment. Such frankness will dispose the girl, and she will want to talk about herself. A young man will win over a young lady if he gives her a few compliments. You can praise her hair, clothes.

How to behave when communicating

  1. 1. be natural. Many young people begin to behave differently than usual, and try to show indifference if they find out that the young lady is already in a relationship. Such behavior will only aggravate the situation, the girl is unlikely to appreciate arrogance. If a young man finds out that a girl has a boyfriend, then there is no need to take this news too emotionally and sarcastically. You have to accept the situation with dignity.
  2. 2. Try to gain trust. If the gentleman knows for sure that the girl already has another young man, but she can’t finally make her choice, then you should try to win her over. In this situation, it can be recommended to start talking slowly on personal topics, if the girl does not mind.
  3. 3. Be tactful. There is no need to pry out personal information if the lady of the heart and the gentleman are not talking in private. Under such a circumstance, the young lady will simply close in on herself and will not be able to relax. Others don't need to know the details. personal life others.
  4. 4. Don't lose confidence. Even if he understands that the girl has someone, he should not give up. You need to ask directly and wait for a sincere answer.

Whether you are in a relationship with a man or just planning to build one, it is very important to find out if the guy has a girlfriend. Why this is needed is understandable - it is better for a person to be free, then you can calmly communicate with him, hoping for a brighter future.

Of course, not all women are embarrassed by the fact that the guy is not free. But it is wrong to compete with someone. You need to understand that you cannot build your happiness on someone else's misfortune. Better save your nerves and find a really free one.

"Scanning" a stranger

It is no coincidence that this part of the article is called that way. You can't do without a special "scanner". The problem is that it doesn't exist. If you are trying to determine if unknown man, is a very difficult task. It's easier with women.

For example, a free lady is usually:

  • It has " war paint" - bright makeup;
  • wears sexy clothes;
  • looking for interesting candidates.

However, we hasten to warn you. All these "signs" will not give an unambiguous answer to the question: is a woman free or not. This is also true for "scanning" men.

What to look for if you need to understand if a certain young man is free?

  1. Hands. On the finger you need to look for a ring. But even if it is absent, this does not at all guarantee that the young man is free and you can make acquaintance with him. The guy could well take it off so that it was possible to find a girl on the side.
  2. Behavior. From it it is difficult to determine whether a man has a woman. Maybe only the most faithful do not stare at others. And some will never miss the opportunity to admire women's charms and even meet an interesting lady.
  3. Cloth. It is also difficult to understand anything from it, because single and married men can dress in approximately the same way. There are free boys who don't look after their own appearance. And there are "married" who every day dress up as if on a date.

A separate story is the analysis of men on the Internet.

Internet, Internet, give me an answer!

A lot depends on where you find it. young man online. If this is a dating site, only correspondence can answer the question. And then there is no 100% guarantee that a man will confess or somehow give himself away.

In social networks, for example, on Vkontakte, everything is a little simpler. You can see a photo of a guy, go through the list of his friends. If a young man does not advertise on his page that he is dating someone, his acquaintances probably have interesting photos or writing on the wall.

How to check "your" boyfriend

One of the words is in quotation marks because you may consider a man "personal", but in fact he may have other connections.

If you communicate with a young man, then there are much more ways to check him than to "scan" a stranger.

Non-verbal cues

When a person is lying or hiding something, he can speak quite convincingly, but the body, as a rule, betrays. The most typical example: a guy scratches his nose when he speaks, pulls his earlobe, blushes, nervously twitches his leg. It is the body that always comes to the aid of the one, or rather, the one who wants to bring a man to clean water.

Although perhaps the guy is just nervous when talking with his girlfriend, he is afraid to say something stupid, to seem not courageous, etc. So behavior is not at all a “litmus test” in this issue.

"Excuses" and contradictions

You can catch a guy on all sorts of verbal inconsistencies. A man, for example, can let it slip, saying instead of "I'm on the weekend ..." - "We're on the weekend ...". To the question: “Who is it - we?”, He may be embarrassed. In general, watch your speech.

money and time

A man who does not have acquaintances on the side tries to spend more time with a girl. If he constantly disappears somewhere, invents different stories, most likely, the guy decided to chase two hares. You can find out for sure by secretly following him.

The situation is similar with money.

If a man does not buy anything, but the funds go somewhere, perhaps he spends them on another girl.

However, he just might have taken out a loan and doesn't want to tell you about it.

"How many good girls..."

A guy who is capable of cheating usually behaves uninhibitedly, looks at other ladies appraisingly and maybe even flirts. But this is not an “iron” indicator by which it can be determined that a man is a “male”.

Some guys like to look at female figures for the sake of "sports interest". However, they remain faithful to only one lady. And vice versa: there are men who, in the company of a girl, look only at her ... in the company of each of their girls.


If you met a man, then you probably know the addresses of his pages on various Internet services. You need to check them by first and last name. The search engines know everything. It can be assumed that the person leading double life, most likely not "burned". As we have already indicated, carefully study the personal pages of friends. Yes, and in principle, look with whom the man communicates.

Of course, it’s ideal to find out logins and passwords, but, firstly, it’s not very beautiful to get them, and secondly, it’s not so easy.

You can look into mobile phone the man you like. How?

  1. Secretly. While the guy was distracted or left.
  2. Obviously. To do this, you need to say that your phone is dead, and you need to urgently call. In the "Journal" section or similar, there will be a list of recent issues. You can also check SMS messages.

"I know everything!"

A provocative method, but you can use it if the suspicions are too strong. You need to tell the guy: “I know that you have another!” Next, you should look at his reaction, evaluate non-verbal cues and words. Be careful, it is likely that the man will understand that you are too jealous and decide to end the relationship.

Meeting Friends

Guys who are hiding something will try not to introduce you to their comrades and relatives. But you can independently find out with whom the young man is friends, and communicate with these people, trying to please them. You can unobtrusively ask how a man spends his time, whether he still has contacts with his ex or not, etc. Another tricky move: you can say that you are preparing a surprise for the guy and ask him to tell him where he is in certain time on some days of the week. Allegedly, you want to come to him and give a present.

Please note that friends rarely betray comrades who communicate with several ladies at once.

Appeal to magic

This method won't work for everyone. Some may find it interesting and effective. You can contact a person who is engaged in fortune-telling.

Probably, the magician or sorceress will perform the ritual and find out something about your betrothed. Or maybe you just wasted a certain amount of money.

direct question

You can just ask the guy if he has someone else. We hope that you know how to distinguish truth from lies. Otherwise, you can draw wrong conclusions.

In general, it is quite difficult to obtain direct evidence that a man is leading a double life. But the totality of guesses, circumstantial evidence, can give an unambiguous answer to the question of whether the young man is honest, or is he hiding something.

There are situations when a girl meets a guy, spends a lot of time with him, and then he disappears somewhere without reporting anything. And it doesn't show up again. Most likely, he simply there is another which appeared much earlier.

And it is still unknown who cheated whom. The guy cheated on his girlfriend, and then changed his mind and left his new girlfriend. How not to be in the place of that same abandoned new girlfriend? What steps should be taken in order not to end up in such an inglorious and at the same time vicious place in his life? It remains to be carefully observed There is whether signs of what he already has There is young woman.

public places

No, of course, he will take his new girlfriend, but only to those places where he himself has never been before or just on the other side of the city. A guy cheats with a girl that he will never take to places where someone he knows well can see them. And this clear sign Togo what he already has There is girl, or perhaps even a wife and children. So, it's time to carefully understand the current situation.

A new girl with whom a guy cheats on his girlfriend will certainly not bother to see the place where he lives. A guy who doesn't have any skeletons in his closet in the form of wardrobe items and cute heart photos won't mind bringing a girl home. Perhaps not immediately, but after some time it will be necessary to hint at this and see his reaction.

Phone calls

If the guy does not pick up the phone and does not answer phone call when a girl does not call him according to the established schedule, it is unlikely that he is now very busy at work or sleeping or bathing in the bathroom. It’s just that at the moment he can’t talk, the guy is cheating with his regular girlfriend. If he calls back the next day or a few hours later, then There is reason to think seriously. Especially if this is repeated with particular regularity.

As a rule, after some time, the guy should introduce his girlfriend to his friends. And if so far such a landmark meeting has not happened, then he clearly There is what to hide. And he is going to hide it not only from his new girlfriend, but also from the constant, as well as from their friends. Those who like to be in secondary roles can continue the relationship. Others hardly make sense.

Of course, it is believed that if a guy introduces a girl to his parents, then she is perceived as his bride. It is not necessary after the first date to insist on a fatal meeting. However, after a certain time, you can think about whether he is going to introduce him to his family at all. After all, it may turn out that this is not included in his plans, since his real girl I already know my parents.

So, the two have already become quite close, but he never stays at night, referring to the fact that tomorrow he has to get up early for work, or his mother does not allow, or he needs to walk the dog. In general, there may be a myriad of reasons not to stay overnight with your mistress. If a guy accidentally falls asleep, and then jumps up like a stung in the middle of the night and starts to quickly get ready, then most likely, There is someone who is waiting for him now at home.

Photo for memory

He still carries a photo of his "ex" girlfriend in his wallet. Who said she was his ex? In the end, if he has already begun to get acquainted with other girls, it means that his feelings have weakened, and a photograph of another, albeit a former one, should actually already be gathering dust in the closet. This is basic respect.

Secret phone

He will never let you climb into his phone. Nowadays, many men do not like it when girls get into their phones. Especially without asking. However, if you try, then an honest man will not hide anything and together will offer to view the list of subscribers. Based on materials from

You really like a girl, and you want to get to know her and start a relationship. However, if a girl is sociable, she has many friends, it can be difficult to find out if she has a boyfriend or if there is none.

Let's try to understand this issue. I'll start my story by saying that everything comes with experience. If still in young age If you didn’t understand certain details, then over the years everything becomes more or less clear.

To understand if a girl has a boyfriend, you can use one of the options below.

10 ways to find out if a girl has a boyfriend

#1 Ask her directly about having a boyfriend. It is not necessary to come from afar, to start indefinite communication. You just see her, ask her, that's all. The option is not the most romantic, but you will immediately know what to do next. There will be certainty.

#2 Ask her friends about a boyfriend. It's a little 'fuzzy', but you can try. Ask not directly, just start a conversation on some abstract topic, and then smoothly bring it to right direction. Perhaps her friends themselves will unwittingly let it slip.

#3 Social media(Page in VK). How without it? You go to her page in VK and look at the status of her relationship. You can tell me that girls often do not write statuses. In this case, you can see her photo, video, there are also sometimes interesting details. As a rule, on the page of a girl in VK, one can definitely say whether she is in a relationship or not.

#4 Hire a private detective. You can take this paragraph with a bit of humor 🙂. If you don't want to shine, you can pay a person. Let him watch the girl, with whom she goes for a walk, when she meets, and so on. But this option is not very logical. It is better to use method number 5.

#5 Watch the girl yourself. This takes a certain amount of time. But no one will have to pay money, and if she suspects that she is being watched, then you will say “oh, Tanya, I’m here on business, I’m glad to see you.”

#6 Go to a fortune teller. She will look at her cards and tell you everything about the personal life of your beloved. And it can also tell about your compatibility, relationship prospects and everything else that will be interesting to you 😉 .

#7 Observe the behavior of the girl. If she often goes to various events herself, and you don’t see accompanying males next to her, then I can tell you that she doesn’t have anyone. Girls who have a boyfriend spend time with him. Accordingly, they are also published together.

#8 Don’t ask about the guy, ask him out on a date right away. What are you losing? If a girl wants to be with you, then she will agree, if not, then you understand. Also one of my favorite ways, as you do not waste time thinking, worrying and unnecessary actions.

#9 Try to be a girl's friend. Go to her friendzone. Consciously. It's difficult, but quite possible. If you want from a girl not only closeness, and you understand that it is very interesting to communicate with her, you can make friends for a start. And then - look at the situation.

#10 Forget about her. There are over three billion women in the world. And for sure among them there will be a huge number of beautiful, smart and free. Which you will like, and they will like you. So if you understand that the situation is not easy, just forget it. Find another.

What if the girl has a boyfriend?

If it still turned out that she has a boyfriend, then there are two ways out.

A) take the girl away from the guy. Not the most the best option. First, it's inhumane. The lady is in a relationship, she is doing well. And then you will appear, confuse all the cards for this pair. If the relationship is harmonious, then you will not bring anything good with your actions. Secondly, you yourself can have problems. Her boyfriend may start to arrange a showdown with you, etc. The only case in which you can take action if you know for sure that her relationship with this guy is breathing its last. That is, they fall apart on their own.

b) forget about it. At least for the time being. As I mentioned above, in your city there are a huge number of cool and free girls. Try to find one.

These are the ways to find out if a girl has a boyfriend. I hope now you can quickly determine its status and take the right action. Good luck!