How to understand that a man has a girlfriend. How to find out if a girl has a boyfriend or is single

Greetings, dear readers! Today I want to talk to you about how to find out if a girl has a boyfriend. We will talk about the situation when you just met and you do not understand what to do next. I will also tell you what to do if you suspect your missus of treason. A woman is a mysterious being, and it can be very difficult to understand her. How not to get confused in hints or not to become the third wheel.

Which method to choose

You can find out if the young lady has a young man different ways. Of course, the easiest is to ask directly. I think this is the most correct and simple solution which will show that you are a confident, brave and determined guy.

But some young people disagree with me on this issue and say that you need to find out this information without asking a question directly in the forehead. For example, ask like this: and your boyfriend will not swear that you are so late at work?

Third wheel

Men are much less likely to suspect their girlfriends of cheating. But still, it happens. If you want to know if your missus has someone besides you, then you cannot do without the article "".

Of course, asking directly will not work in this case. The girl will not say directly that she has several other gentlemen besides you. But you can easily understand by her behavior.

If a girl likes someone, then she will try to spend a lot of time with him, to correspond, random encounters, for example, she invited you to an exhibition, and there she met a friend with whom she started a long conversation, not paying attention to you.

Some young people are so suspicious that they hack into the pages of their girls. I consider this method extremely mean, disrespectful and dishonest. But, everyone chooses for himself. What if you don't find anything there, and she finds out about yours?

When next to you will be the same, and unique, you will definitely know. Listen to your heart, be brave and determined. Exactly .

As usual, do you find out if the young lady has a young man? Do girls often cheat in this matter?

All the best!

Many girls, having met a guy they like, cannot ask him directly about his personal life. For example, it is always clear from a single young lady whether she has a gentleman, of course, if this is not a frivolous person. Free woman always wears eye-catching outfits, mostly skirts, dresses, high heels, her eyes shine, constantly running around in search of the very one. Agree, if you suddenly meet a guy in heels, it will be more than just strange, and it is unlikely that he will interest you. But how do you know if a guy has a girlfriend? What is worth paying attention to? We will talk about this in this article. In addition, we will make the publication interesting for the male sex as well, revealing the secret of how to find out if a girl loves a guy.

Ask directly

Why not? The time has long sunk into oblivion, and now the female sex is as free as the male, many women are much bolder than men. How to find out if a guy has a girlfriend so that he does not suspect your interest in him? When communicating, tell them that you recently went to the cinema or just watched it on TV, and you liked it so much. Advise the guy to take his lady of the heart to a movie. If he does not have it, then most likely he will say that, unfortunately, there is no one to lead. Then take the bull by the horns and offer your candidacy. Say that you would like to see it again, but, unfortunately, there are no couples, and your friend did not appreciate the plot. If he likes you, he will gladly agree.

You are friends?

It happens that you know a guy for many years and now you understand that you really like him. If you watched the sensational series "Friends" and you have the same relationship, when everyone tells each other about a new passion, then you should be aware of all his adventures. If you are not so frank, then ask if the guy has a girlfriend from his closer friends.

Perhaps he is also far from being indifferent to you, but he is modest, then proceed according to the plan described above.

If he is far from modest, ask why he always comes to the party alone. Most likely, he will answer honestly, because you are friends or just acquaintances for a long time.


You are colleagues, but never communicate on personal topics. How to find out if a guy has a girlfriend if you are not so close, but have known each other for a long time? During the working day, approach him, tell him that you can’t figure out the new (old, no matter what) program, but you heard that he is a pro in working with it, ask after the shift to show how it is easier or more convenient to use. Of course, he will agree to stay a little longer to help a colleague. Then, as if taking care of his life, ask if his girlfriend would mind if he is a little late from work. If he doesn’t have one, then again, act according to the first plan, say that you are also alone, and as luck would have it, a friend refused to go to the movie for which you already have tickets. If you are not yet ready for such a step, then still do not lose sight of the prey, you never know what predator still wants to study an incomprehensible program with its help.

Social network

If you know the name and surname of the young man you like, then it is very easy to decide how to find out if the guy has a girlfriend. Look at his page, if there is a lady of the heart, then her photos will be there too, because a serious relationship is never hidden. Yes, and girls who do not want to lose their man can force him to place joint photo so that there are no applicants to get to know him through the Network. Be that as it may, you will find out via the Internet whether the person you care about has a lover.

Just met

Single guys, just like girls, will not miss the opportunity to get to know the one they like better. When they meet, they begin to behave relaxedly, they try to find out as much as possible about her relationship with any man. If your gentleman is like that, then he definitely doesn’t have a lady, and if he does, you will know about it, but you are unlikely to need one.

Guys who are in a serious relationship, even if they came alone to a party, will stay away from the opposite sex, constantly look at the phone, not wanting to miss a call from their beloved.

How do you know if a guy has another girlfriend?

You are already together, everything suits you, but no, no, yes, and a shadow of doubt begins to creep in. Either he returned from work later, or he had urgent business without you. What is this? Has a rival appeared? Is not a fact. First of all, look at his phone. Yes, it's bad to delve into other people's things, but sometimes it's necessary for personal peace of mind. Guys - they always forget to delete the "left" call. All is clear? In his absence, call his friend, with whom he allegedly went on business. It is unlikely that your young man expects this and will warn his friend in advance. What to say if they are together or a friend asks about the reason for the call? Tell him that you can't get through to him, you're worried. If your young man is still with friends, tell me to check the connection, maybe she was temporarily lost? Then, of course, apologize, say that you did not want to distract, just female anxiety.

Never panic, do not rummage through his shirts, hoping to find traces of lipstick on them or the scent of women's, but not your perfume. Will it be easier for you if you find out about the presence of a rival? Hardly. Perhaps he has a fleeting romance that is not planned to be developed, and you real love and you can just lose it, break your life. Before starting the search for evidence, think well, who will be better off from this? If you are not destined to be together, then you will soon part anyway.

How to know if a girl is dating a guy?

It happens that you meet a guy, you like him, and he seems to like you too. But one day you see him in the company of a charming companion. Of course, if they hold hands and kiss, then questions cannot arise. If not, then perhaps they are just friends? Come over to say hello or make the meeting seem casual. Introduced you? Amazing. No? Passed by? The answer appears by itself.

How can a guy know if a girl likes him?

Oh those girls! They absolutely do not know how to hide sympathy, feelings. The lady's eyes begin to shine at just one meeting, she will try, as if by chance, to touch the arm, the shoulder of the one to whom she is not indifferent. How do you know if a girl likes a guy? Very simple. She will come to all the parties at which he will be, but if he is not there, she will refuse to attend, finding a hundred urgent cases. If you like a guy, then the girl will always be there, and when this is not possible, she will find a reason to call.

You really like a girl, and you want to get to know her and start a relationship. However, if a girl is sociable, she has many friends, it can be difficult to find out if she has a boyfriend or if there is none.

Let's try to figure it out this issue. I'll start my story by saying that everything comes with experience. If still in young age If you didn’t understand certain details, then over the years everything becomes more or less clear.

To understand if a girl has a boyfriend, you can use one of the options below.

10 ways to find out if a girl has a boyfriend

#1 Ask her directly about having a boyfriend. It is not necessary to come from afar, to start indefinite communication. You just see her, ask her, that's all. The option is not the most romantic, but you will immediately know what to do next. There will be certainty.

#2 Ask her friends about a boyfriend. It's a little 'fuzzy', but you can try. Ask not directly, just start a conversation on some abstract topic, and then smoothly bring it to right direction. Perhaps her friends themselves will unwittingly let it slip.

#3 Social media(Page in VK). How without it? You go to her page in VK and look at the status of her relationship. You can tell me that girls often do not write statuses. In this case, you can see her photo, video, there are also sometimes interesting details. As a rule, on the page of a girl in VK, one can definitely say whether she is in a relationship or not.

#4 Hire a private detective. You can take this paragraph with a bit of humor 🙂. If you don't want to shine, you can pay a person. Let him watch the girl, with whom she goes for a walk, when she meets, and so on. But this option is not very logical. It is better to use method number 5.

#5 Watch the girl yourself. This takes a certain amount of time. But no one will have to pay money, and if she suspects that she is being watched, then you will say “oh, Tanya, I’m here on business, I’m glad to see you.”

#6 Go to a fortune teller. She will look at her cards and tell you everything about the personal life of your beloved. And it can also tell about your compatibility, relationship prospects and everything else that will be interesting to you 😉 .

#7 Observe the behavior of the girl. If she often goes to various events herself, and you don’t see accompanying males next to her, then I can tell you that she doesn’t have anyone. Girls who have a boyfriend spend time with him. Accordingly, they are also published together.

#8 Don’t ask about the guy, ask him out on a date right away. What are you losing? If a girl wants to be with you, then she will agree, if not, then you understand. Also one of my favorite ways, as you do not waste time thinking, worrying and unnecessary actions.

#9 Try to be a girl's friend. Go to her friendzone. Consciously. It's difficult, but quite possible. If you want from a girl not only closeness, and you understand that it is very interesting to communicate with her, you can make friends for a start. And then - look at the situation.

#10 Forget about her. There are over three billion women in the world. And for sure among them there will be a huge number of beautiful, smart and free. Which you will like, and they will like you. So if you understand that the situation is not easy, just forget it. Find another.

What if the girl has a boyfriend?

If it still turned out that she has a boyfriend, then there are two ways out.

A) take the girl away from the guy. Not the most the best option. First, it's inhumane. The lady is in a relationship, she is doing well. And then you will appear, confuse all the cards for this pair. If the relationship is harmonious, then you will not bring anything good with your actions. Secondly, you yourself can have problems. Her boyfriend may start to arrange a showdown with you, etc. The only case in which you can take action if you know for sure that her relationship with this guy is breathing its last. That is, they fall apart on their own.

b) forget about it. At least for the time being. As I mentioned above, in your city there are a huge number of cool and free girls. Try to find one.

These are the ways to find out if a girl has a boyfriend. I hope now you can quickly determine its status and take the right action. Good luck!

In search of their happiness, many representatives of the weaker sex try to answer the questions on their own: “How to understand or determine that a guy already has a girlfriend?” and What to do in similar situation? If the answer to the second question is purely subjective, then in the first case, you can follow certain, simple recommendations.

How to understand that the guy you like has a girlfriend

Even with all the desire to hide his "busy" relationship, the guy will behave differently than really free

Sometimes it can be very difficult, but you need to understand whether the guy you like is really free and whether he has this moment girl with whom he is in a serious relationship. There is a lot of competent advice that helps, even for completely insignificant or subtle signs, to quickly get an exhaustive answer to a tormenting question.

Psychological aspects of the behavior of a young man

It is absolutely not necessary to be a doctor of psychology or have a scientific degree in this area in order to understand that a person in love not only behaves a little differently, but is also capable of absolutely unwittingly betraying a third-party passion for all his behavior. Psychologists single out several signs at once, analyzing which you can easily understand that a young man is already in a serious relationship:

Physical gestures of a guy and what else can give him away

Facial expressions and gestures are rarely controlled by a person according to his own will, therefore, on a subconscious level, a guy who is already dating a girl often quite involuntarily gives out his “Busy” status with body language:

Other ways to check

There are also alternative ways, allowing you to make sure that the young man you like is free and is not currently in a serious relationship:

Some young men prefer to flirt with all the girls that fall into their field of vision, even if they are already in a serious relationship. In order not to be in the place of such a betrayed and deceived representative of the weaker sex, psychologists and experts sincerely advise not to flirt with a guy until you are sure that he is completely free. Well, most the best way get an honest relationship - ask a young man about the presence of a girlfriend directly.

Did you like new guy at the institute or a colleague at work? Do not dare to show him your sympathies and are afraid that he has a girlfriend? There are several ways to quickly and accurately find out what kind of relationship he is in.

Everything is quite simple, if you rotate in the same team, sooner or later the question of the second half will pop up and you will find out if this guy has a girlfriend.

It is not necessary to ask about the beloved yourself, here are a few ways to understand this:

1. The guy does not stay too long in the company, periodically calls home or girl. Watch him. How many times a day he calls home, how he talks and how many calls him. From this we can draw reliable conclusions about the presence of a girl in his life.

2. Talking about your leisure time often uses the pronoun "we". That's usually what guys do when they're in serious relationship. Even if he only talks about himself, this does not mean that he does not have a girlfriend. At such moments, you can clarify whether he spent time alone or with the company.

3. Does anyone call him in case of a delay? If so, then it's most likely his girlfriend. Hardly loving friend will endure long gatherings at work and will definitely call him if he does not return on time.

4. The guy keeps a low profile with other girls and does not allow himself liberties. This is a rather controversial sign, since even many married guys are not averse to flirting when their significant other is not around. However, if the guy doesn't show that much interest, he might already be busy.

Of course, any of these signs can be inherent in both free and employed people. young man. But in the aggregate of them, one can roughly imagine the relationship in which he is now. In the end, you can always ask one of your colleagues or friends to find out everything from him.

But if you met in a cafe or on the street and do not know anything about this guy, then it will be much more difficult to understand whether he is deceiving you. Here you need to carefully monitor his speech and behavior. By what signs in the behavior of a guy can one judge that he already has a girlfriend or wife, and is he just having fun with you?

1. He periodically disappears for a couple of days, meets with you when it is convenient for him and he always makes appointments. Being in a relationship is not so easy to break out on dates every night, which is why your macho behaves like this. He can explain his absences with blockages at work, but most likely he just spends this time with another. He cannot devote too much time to you, so when the slightest opportunity arises to escape from the house, he makes an appointment for you. Be carefull.

2. He never invites you to his place. Your meetings take place in your territory or in hotels. If you have never been at a guy's house, then you do not know anything about him. Particularly dexterous manage to rent apartments that are furnished as if they live there permanently, but this is rather an exception to the rule. Therefore, you need to ask for it to his house to reconnoiter the situation.

3. He answers calls when it suits him. often does not pick up the phone and then calls back. This happens especially often in the evenings. If your young man is very busy at work, then ignoring calls can still be justified, but not in the evenings, when he should be free.

4. He does not introduce you to his friends and work colleagues, does not welcome your visits to him at work. No matter how your gentleman justifies himself in this case, the girl is not introduced to friends only in one case - when she is a secret mistress and there is still a legal wife or girlfriend.

5. He doesn't talk about future plans, neither about their own nor about your common ones. It's worth considering if you've been dating for at least a month. By this time, the relationship is already more or less formed, you know each other more and begin to think about what will happen next.

Recognizing a deceiver who leads you and his legitimate girlfriend by the nose is not always so easy, but the truth always pops up anyway. In the meantime, if you notice most of these signs in his behavior, do not rush to build serious plans for him. Perhaps he has already deceived more than one girl and knows how to cleverly hide.