How to pierce the nose in the middle. Caring for a pierced nose. Puncture care

The fashion for body decoration has its roots in the distant past. One of the most common modifications is piercing - a puncture of a certain part of the body for wearing jewelry. Among the types of this procedure at the peak of popularity is nose piercing.

Leonardo da Vinci also said that the nose reveals the character of the face. Since it is the central and protruding part of the face, the jewelry on it is most noticeable. Therefore, modern people pierce their nose in order to emphasize their beauty, attract attention, show their belonging to certain subcultures, and for many other reasons. Let's take a closer look at what this procedure means, what types of punctures are common, and how to care for a nose piercing. Another important question is how long it takes for the organ to heal after a hole is punched.

Piercing literally translated from English means puncture. Can be done on different organs. Nose piercing is a type of piercing of a certain part of the nose for insertion of jewelry or costume jewelry into the hole.

The first mention of nose piercing dates back to 1500 BC. e. Residents of Africa (originally men) decorated their noses with rings, considering it a talisman of good luck and the favor of higher powers. Later, representatives of the fairer sex began to wear nose jewelry as a symbol of marriage. Since the 16th century, this custom has spread to India: Indians perforated the left nostril, men to preserve male strength, women to relieve and reduce the pain threshold during labor. In some places, holes were made on both nostrils at once.

This custom came to Europe in the 60s of the 20th century and became widespread among hippies, and later punks. Representatives of these subcultures pierced their nostrils in order to stand out from the crowd, attract attention, and also as a contrast to generally accepted cultural norms.

Nowadays, when young people pierce their nose, they do not attach much importance to the history of piercing, regarding it as belonging to one or another interest group, a way to stand out from the crowd, and simply as decoration. Today, anyone can get their nose pierced, regardless of age and gender. Moreover, many modern celebrities, for example, Madonna, S. Johansson, Pink, Rihanna, etc., can often be seen in photographs with a nose decorated with jewelry.

Types of piercing

Nose piercing is performed by puncturing soft tissue, skin or cartilage with a needle (gun). Based on this, as well as the location of the nose piercing, the following types of piercing are distinguished:

  1. Wing piercing (Nostril piercing) is the most popular and accessible type, especially among girls. The nostril is pierced in a special place, and a medical steel jewelry is placed (a prerequisite before healing). Most often, a ring with a ball-fastener, a barbell, a nail, or a screw with a stone are inserted. It has fairly fast healing.
  2. Septum is a vertical piercing of the central septum between the nostrils. It is performed with and without gripping cartilage tissue. Because the cartilage is not numbed, it is the most painful procedure of all types of nose piercings. Septums are usually pierced only by a specialist, since a prerequisite is the perpendicular position of the inserted product relative to the nose and face. They prefer to install rings and horseshoes so that they hang over the upper lip.
  3. Septril is a modification of the septum: it is carried out similarly to the above puncture method, only in the horizontal direction.
  4. A bridge is a deep puncture of the bridge of the nose, located horizontally or vertically just below the level of the eyebrows. Usually a so-called bar is inserted.
  5. Nose tip piercing - a hole is made from the inside at the top of the nostril towards the tip of the nose. It should be performed with extreme caution to avoid damage to the nasal septum.
  6. Austin Bar Piercing. Named after the first owner of this type of piercing and is a single horizontal piercing of the nasal tip. The piercing process is complicated and painful, since the master’s task is to pierce only the tip of the nose, without affecting the cartilage.
  7. Deep piercing - the piercing is carried out along the midline of the nose, above the usual piercing of the wings of the nose. It is considered a long-healing and painful procedure.

The above types of nose piercings are often combined with each other. At the peak of popularity is the combination of piercing both nostrils with piercing of the cartilaginous nasal septum with one piece of jewelry.

Piercing technology

When you decide to get your nose pierced, be sure to study the technology of the procedure. It is recommended to have piercings done in a specialized salon by trusted professionals. They also advise choosing a cold season for the procedure to prevent complications. It is better to perform a puncture with a needle rather than with a special gun.

The technology for piercing the wings of the nose consists of the following steps:

  1. Treating instruments and hands with a disinfectant solution.
  2. Determination (marking) of the puncture site and its treatment.
  3. Local anesthesia (optional, at the individual request of the client).
  4. Piercing with a needle: installing a clamp that protects the septum from injury, puncture, removing the clamp after removing the needle.
  5. Installing decoration using a needle.
  6. Antiseptic treatment of the puncture site.

The nasal septum, as well as the septril, is pierced as follows: fixation of the clamp, local anesthesia (at the client’s request), piercing the septum and installing an earring.

To pierce the tip of the nose, the outer tissues are first pierced, then the needle is moved inside the nostril. A clamp must be used.

The wings and septum of the nose are pierced at one time using a clamp and holding the organ with your hands.

As a rule, specialists in a specialized salon perform a nose piercing for about 15 minutes.

How to do it yourself?

Nose piercing is also practiced at home. You can only pierce your nostrils at home (as experts advise), since the risk of complications and the difficulty of doing so are minimal. To do this, you should purchase a special needle with a catheter.

To carry out the procedure at home you need:

  1. Sterilize the instruments and inserted product, treat your hands and the piercing site with an antiseptic.
  2. Use your hands to turn the wing of the nose outward (as much as possible, so that the clasp does not stick out later).
  3. Perform a puncture with a quick movement.
  4. Insert the jewelry through a special catheter, then remove the needle.
  5. Treat the installed piercing.

Please note that experts recommend using the following materials for piercing: palladium, platinum, niobium, titanium, white/yellow gold (18 karat). Silver items should not be used while the wound is healing. Give preference to simple decorations, such as carnations, so as not to injure the wound.

If there are moles or skin irritations in the chosen place for the intended puncture, try to choose a different location.

When asked how long a nose piercing takes to heal, experts answer that it depends on the place being pierced and the individual characteristics of the human body. According to statistics, septum and nostril piercings take about six months (an average of 4–6 months), the tip of the nose – from 6 to 9 months, and bridge – 2–3 months.

Healing after a puncture occurs within the above-mentioned time frame, provided that it is performed correctly without damaging the cartilage. Competent and thorough care will help facilitate and speed up this process.

Features of care

After the piercing procedure, sterility and careful care are the basis for the rapid healing of the pierced site, which during the first week is a wound that is easily accessible to pathogenic bacteria. The first two weeks require especially careful care: treating the wound 2-3 times a day. Washing is carried out as follows:

  1. Wash your hands thoroughly and treat them with an antiseptic.
  2. Lubricate with Chlorhexidine on the outer and inner sides of the piercing channel, then apply Levomekol. These drugs can be replaced with a saline solution. To do this, dissolve 1/4 tbsp in a glass of boiling water. l. sea ​​salt (it’s better to buy special one for aquariums), adding (at your discretion) 2-3 drops of tea tree oil. The piercing area should be wiped with a solution cooled to room temperature.
  3. Squeeze the punctured area with your fingers, pulling slightly to remove the accumulated ichor.
  4. Carefully push the earring so that the ointment (saline solution) gets deep into the hole.

Continue processing for two weeks, longer if necessary. During the period between piercing treatments, you can spray the hole with a special spray (it is advisable to choose a product with a cooling effect).

Caring for a nose piercing is a simple procedure that requires following the following recommendations from professionals:

  • Do not touch the pierced hole with untreated (unwashed) hands. If harmful microorganisms penetrate, an inflammatory process can begin, which can lead to blood poisoning.
  • You should not take blood thinners, such as Aspirin, for a week after the procedure. You should refrain from alcohol and smoking, which have a detrimental effect on blood vessels.
  • After taking water procedures (shower, bath), always treat the pierced area.
  • Do not change the jewelry until the hole has healed, as an unhealed puncture site can quickly become overgrown.
  • When drying your face with a towel, try not to touch the pierced area. Do not scratch the puncture site.
  • Make sure that no cosmetic products (creams, tonics, milk, etc.) come into contact with the piercing area.
  • Hide the pierced area in the cold season, avoid drafts, windy weather, and rain.
  • Do not treat your piercing with products containing alcohol. This will cause a burn to the mucous membrane and lead to the formation of a granuloma.
  • Don't skimp when choosing jewelry for your nose. The simplest, most inexpensive and most aesthetically pleasing is the carnation. Many metals oxidize upon contact with skin, antiseptics, etc., causing allergies. Give preference to gold products. If you choose costume jewelry, treat the jewelry often to avoid the accumulation of bacteria.

In addition, during the healing period of the piercing, it is not recommended to engage in active sports, give up bad habits, visit the pool, bathhouse (sauna), get into a hot shower and wash while lying in the bathtub. If you detect the slightest signs of inflammation, you should consult a specialist to avoid encapsulation and further development of infection.

You can change the jewelry only after the pierced area has completely healed. To do this, you need to treat it in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, then disinfect the piercing with clean hands (without removing the previous jewelry), carefully remove the earring (barbell, stud) and insert a new jewelry into the channel. To make the procedure easier, you can lubricate the earring with Levomekol. Treat the puncture site with the new jewelry using the method recommended above. This should be done within 1–2 days.

In general, nose piercing requires constant and regular care, regardless of the time that has passed since the piercing. If you take out the jewelry, the canal becomes overgrown very quickly.

Contraindications and possible consequences

In principle, the procedure for piercing the nose is simple and accessible to everyone, however, it can lead to serious complications if done improperly or with poor hygiene during subsequent processing of the piercing channels.

There are a number of contraindications to this procedure:

  • The presence of cardiovascular pathologies, inflammatory processes in the body, especially accompanied by febrile body temperature.
  • Exacerbation of existing chronic diseases.
  • Carrying a child.

In addition, a week before your nose is pierced, you should stop taking oral contraceptives or other hormonal medications, and a day before, you should stop drinking strong tea and coffee, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages.

If the technique and rules of nose piercing are violated, complications may arise, regardless of the type of puncture. The most common negative consequences of nose piercing include:

  • Increased bleeding of the punctured hole or the onset of bleeding due to poor blood clotting ability.
  • The development of an inflammatory process in cartilage tissue, leading to the destruction of cartilage.
  • Damage to the nasal septum in case of a complex puncture.
  • Injury to the mucous membrane.
  • Damage to nerve endings.
  • Development of chronic otitis.
  • An allergic reaction to the material from which the jewelry is made.
  • Granuloma formation.

A common complication when piercing the nose is inflammation of the soft tissues, accompanied by swelling of the organ, pain, and fever. Subsequently, the formation of a keloid scar as a result of infection of the piercing channels.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact a medical institution for qualified consultation and competent and timely treatment. Usually, compresses are prescribed to the site of the resulting suppuration, treatment with Hyoxyzon, washing with Miramistin and Oflocain (after stopping the purulent process).

If you dare to get a piercing, first make sure there are no contraindications and possible consequences, and only then choose the type of nose piercing. Entrust the procedure to a specialist. In this case, you will maintain your health and emphasize the natural beauty of your face.

One of the most common facial decorations is nose piercing. It has a huge number of supporters and opponents, which is confirmed by the variety of opposing reviews on the Internet, and expresses the individuality of its owner, and can be done on different parts of the nose. The term "piercing" refers to both the piercing process itself and the jewelry that is inserted into the resulting hole.

Types of nose piercing

Since piercing is a piercing of the nose in a certain place and placing an earring of the desired shape into the hole, there are several options for what a nose piercing is called:

  1. Nose piercing (one or both), which is also called a nostril piercing or side nose piercing;
  2. septum is a piercing of the nasal septum;
  3. septril - a puncture on the underside of the tip of the nose, the decoration is removed from the nasal septum in the downward direction;
  4. bridge is a puncture of tissue between the eyes on the bridge of the nose or between the eyebrows;
  5. piercing the tip of the nose from the nostril upward without damaging the nasal septum;
  6. Austin Bar (named after the first man to wear such a piercing) horizontal piercing of the tip of the nose;
  7. Nasallang - piercing of the nasal septum and wings.

The listed types of piercing can be combined with each other, depending on the skill level of the specialist.

nose wing piercing




in Austin Bar style

Nose piercing jewelry

Requirements for earrings for piercing

Nose earrings and other jewelry that are installed at the piercing site must meet certain requirements. This is important because they interact with the wound on the skin and are designed to remain permanently in the soft tissue or nasal cartilage.

Among them:

  1. possibility of sterilization;
  2. hypoallergenic material;
  3. simple removal mechanism;
  4. ease of care;
  5. comfortable to wear;
  6. aesthetic appearance.

Types of decorations

Piercing jewelry varies in shape and material. We can highlight:

  1. classic rings, often used for the wings of the nose or septum - bull nose piercing;
  2. nostrillas for the wings of the nose;
  3. half rings for septum;
  4. tunnels for the wings of the nose (circular piercing) and combined piercing of the wings and septum;
  5. labret and microlabret for the wing of the nose, reminiscent of carnations;
  6. bananas and barbells, circulars for all types of piercings.

types of nose earrings

nose earrings

nose earrings

women's nose earrings

After the piercing channel has healed and formed, you can use a gold piercing, as well as:

  1. silver;
  2. tree;
  3. platinum;
  4. bone.

Jewelry piercings can be decorated with precious or semi-precious stones (for example, diamond piercings).

ring and earrings with stones

Imitation of piercing

If you don’t like punctures of soft tissue or cartilage of the nose, but still want to add some zest to your look, then you can use a fake piercing. To attach this decoration:

  1. on the clamp;
  2. on a magnet;
  3. on a suction cup;
  4. on glue;

As a rule, at first glance it is not possible to distinguish a real piercing from an imitation.

Where to buy a nose piercing?

Nose piercings can be purchased at many regular jewelry stores and online stores. It is very important to make sure of the quality of the proposed decoration, especially if it is purchased for initial use. On precious metals, it is necessary to check the hallmark and mark.

the silver earring must have a hallmark

How much does it cost to get a nose piercing?

Salon piercing costs from 500 rubles for a simple wing piercing. The price increases depending on the complexity of the puncture.

Who is suitable for nose piercing?

The fashion of decorating yourself with piercings came to us from the Middle East, because Indian nose earrings are a thousand-year-old tradition. Today, some representatives of the fair sex associate the concept of beauty with a nose piercing, because even a small stud adds individuality and zest to any look. It is impossible to say that piercings are selected based on the type of appearance; most likely, this happens on the basis of the girl’s very style.

It is worth noting that experimenting with your appearance in this way is more suitable for young women under 30 - 35 years old. After this age, you either need to choose more discreet jewelry or a different way of self-expression, although there are always those who like to shock the public.

Girls with nose piercings always attract attention. For this reason, it is worth considering whether it is acceptable to decorate yourself in this way if, for example, you have a strict dress code at work or it involves visiting government agencies.

suitable for women up to 35 years old

a great way to stand out from the crowd

The meaning of piercing

Africans 4,000 years ago decorated their noses with rings, believing that it would bring them good luck. Later, only women began to wear the jewelry; it played an important role as a symbol of marriage.

Indian men always pierced only the left nostril to preserve masculine strength and protect themselves from impotence, and women - for easy childbirth without consequences. Depending on which side the nose is pierced, conclusions are drawn about certain qualities of the person. A pierced right nostril is a sign of a desire for narcissism and selfishness.

Hindus pierce their nose in honor of the goddess Parvati, who guards the marriage bond. In addition, for them it is a sign of high social status.

It is very difficult to talk about the meaning of nose piercing for a girl or guy in the modern world, because the origins of the tradition of wearing nose earrings go back to ancient times and not only Indian ones. Most likely, the answer can be given by the people themselves who choose this type of decoration. In most cases today this is done for beauty or to emphasize belonging to a certain subculture.

Nowadays, nose piercing is not only a women's, but also a man's decoration. Guys with nose piercings are quite common.

has no deep meaning, just decoration

How is a nose piercing done?

When is the best time to get a piercing?

One of the most common questions is whether piercings can be done in winter. It is better to prefer the cold season for the procedure, because this will prevent many complications associated with excessive sweating, dirt and dust, etc.

In winter, you should be very careful not to touch the earring with sweaters and scarves, otherwise this will lead to injury to the nose.

Needle or gun?

Many people think that nose piercing is done in a similar way to ear piercing with a special gun. Actually this is not true. It is better to choose a needle for piercing, because a gun that can easily pierce a delicate lobe may not be able to cope with thick enough skin of the nose.

Occasionally, nose piercing with a gun is used for the nostrils.

The needle is not as dangerous as it seems at first glance. The piercing site is disinfected and numbed in advance. The puncture is done once and very quickly. In this case, you will not have time to feel almost any pain. It is important to secure the earring well so that it does not put pressure on soft tissues.

Nose piercing procedure

Universal piercing technique

The technique of performing any puncture followed by putting on an earring consists of several stages in a salon setting:

  1. disinfection of hands and tools by a master;
  2. marking after choosing a place for decoration and processing;
  3. anesthesia (optional);
  4. introduction of previously selected decoration;
  5. disinfection of the puncture site.

Nostril piercing technique

The procedure is:

  1. placing a steel needle receiver in the nostril, which will pass through the soft tissue inward;
  2. piercing the nostril from the outside;
  3. removing the tube after removing the needle;
  4. insertion of jewelry through a needle.

Technique for piercing the nasal septum

A fixing clamp is used for the septum. The puncture is made using a needle with a catheter through which the jewelry is installed.

If cartilage is pierced, pain relief is mandatory.

Technique for performing septril

Using a fixing clamp, a needle with a catheter is used to pierce the lower part of the nasal bridge from the outside into the middle of the nasal wing. The jewelry is inserted through a catheter.

Technique for piercing the tip of the nose

The master pierces the top of the nose with a needle and takes it into the nostril. The use of a clamp in this case is mandatory. Piercing is performed on soft tissues without affecting the cartilage.

Bridge piercing technique

If a horizontal bridge is performed, then after fixing the skin fold with a clamp, it is pierced horizontally with a needle with a catheter. When vertical - vertically.

Austin Bar puncture technique

The cartilage of the nasal septum is not affected. It is fixed, but the horizontal puncture is carried out only through the soft tissue of the apex of the nose.

Technique for piercing the nasal septum and wings

The puncture of the wings and septum of the nose is carried out simultaneously using a clamp and fixing the nose with the hands of a specialist.

Typically, any type of procedure does not take more than 15 minutes.

Piercing at home

You can do the piercing yourself at home, but you should choose the wing of the nose as the puncture site - this is the safest option. For this you will also need a piercing needle with a catheter.

The procedure goes as follows:

  1. you need to disinfect the puncture site, needle, hands and earring;
  2. turn the nostril outward with your hands, trying to do it as high as possible so that the earring clasp is not visible in the future;
  3. pierce the wing of the nose with a quick and confident movement;
  4. place the jewelry in the hole of the catheter and remove the needle;
  5. treat the puncture with the earring and secure the jewelry.

Be sure to pay attention to the presence of skin irritations and moles at the puncture site. If they are, then you need to choose a different option.

nose wing piercing

insertion of earrings into the wing of the nose

piercing the wing of the nose with a special instrument

Piercing Care

The answer to the question of how long it takes for a nose piercing to heal depends on the type and complexity of the piercing.

Most likely, the nose wing piercing will heal - approximately 4 weeks. Other types of puncture require a longer period - from 6 to 8 months. At the same time, it is important to know how and with what to treat a nose piercing.

Rules for care after a piercing:

  1. do not touch the wound and decoration with your hands if you do not intend to treat them;
  2. the wound is treated with a cotton swab, washed with salt water using it (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 tablespoon of warm water) until the crust is removed;
  3. It is recommended to put drops into the nose, those varieties that contain sea water in the composition (Otrivin, Aqualor);
  4. carefully blot the puncture site with the earring with paper napkins, because, for example, a nail may get caught on a terry towel;
  5. lubricate the wound with lavender oil after treatment, this will speed up healing;
  6. you cannot peel off the crust, otherwise the infection will cause complications;
  7. It will be possible to remove the nose piercing only after complete healing;
  8. Do not apply cosmetics to the piercing site.

A very common question is whether nose piercings heal. It is not recommended to remove jewelry for more than 1 day during the first 6 - 8 months. The hole in the nose after piercing heals within 24 hours or even earlier, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Complex jewelry, for example, a nose piercing with a hook, should be worn as late as possible so that the wound has time to heal and form completely.

Any earring and piercing site must be properly looked after

For safety, constant disinfection and caution are required

Consequences of nose piercing

All types of piercing can have complications after the procedure if the technique or rules for its implementation are violated.

The most common complications:

  1. excessive bleeding or bleeding due to a bleeding disorder;
  2. inflammatory process in cartilage, which leads to its destruction;
  3. damage to the nasal septum due to complex punctures;
  4. inflammation of soft tissues;
  5. the occurrence of chronic otitis media;
  6. injury to the mucous membrane by direct nostrilla;
  7. nerve damage.

Inflammation of the soft tissues is accompanied by swelling, compaction at the puncture site, throbbing pain, and a local increase in temperature. In any case, it is necessary to seek medical help and treatment.

sometimes causes complications

if the puncture is performed by a non-professional, the risk of infection is high

may cause inflammation in tissues

is fraught with various complications and is dangerous to health, especially if done at home

If you want people, looking into your eyes, to see not only them, but also the decoration located on the bridge of the nose, then bridge piercing is for you. This unusual trend spread around the world not so long ago, so it did not have time to get boring and become boring. The bridge looks bold, expressive and new, adds a touch of extravagance to the image, and guarantees increased attention to the owner.


Bridge - piercing of the bridge of the nose. Usually a barbell is used as a decoration, and it is positioned horizontally. A little less common is a vertical puncture.


Historians claim that bridge appeared in ancient times. The culture of primitive tribes strongly welcomed all kinds of decorations of the face and body with the help of improvised means: shells, bones, threads, clay crafts. Moreover, piercings and tattoos in those days were not only decorative in nature, but could also be part of religious rituals or indicate the hierarchical affiliation of the owner.

Nowadays, some tribes living in the wilderness far from civilization also practice bridge. Piercings and tattoos are very important to them.

Modern society only a few years ago remembered bridge, which until that time had been consigned to oblivion. Representatives of youth subcultures warmly accepted this trend, and the fashion for facial piercing, as they say, went to the masses.


Today, good masters say that a tattoo most often means that a person wants a tattoo. The situation is approximately the same with piercings. What does a bridge piercing mean? Most likely, its owner liked the decorations on the bridge of his nose, and one day he decided to modernize his own nose. The puncture does not have any special secret meanings.

Decorated breeches

At the same time, such piercings are often done by those who want to emphasize their belonging to a certain group. Most likely, facial piercings can be regarded from the point of view of the desire to stand out. At the same time, bridge is practiced by a huge number of subcultures: goths, rastas, punks.

People who wear breeches are very different from each other, among them there are DJs and bungee jumping instructors, and taxi drivers and managers. If you decide to get a bridge piercing on the bridge of your nose, this does not mean that you will have to join informal organizations or change your musical tastes.

To be fair, it is worth noting that bridge often becomes the choice of bright and unusual people. We can often notice dreadlocks, hair of an unusual shade, lenses with colored sclera, tunnels in the ears, jewelry and flashy clothes in the company of a pierced nose bridge. A person who decides to pierce the bridge of his nose is unlikely to have a boring time dressing. And girls with jewelry on their faces often evoke admiring glances thanks to their impeccable and thoughtful makeup.

Dangers Lurking

Very important optic nerves pass near the puncture site. If you touch such a nerve even slightly with a needle, it will cause unbearable pain, and subsequently can lead to serious problems with vision, including complete loss.

Such features classify bridges as the most dangerous types of piercing. Please use caution.

Master's work

Many of us in our youth experimented with and even worse. Eyebrows, for example, or the wings of the nose. But if an earlobe pierced by someone who knows not where and by whom is unlikely to be seriously injured, then you shouldn’t joke with the bridge of your nose like that.

If you decide to get a bridge piercing, you have only one way - to a good salon. Choosing a master is also not an easy task. He must have the appropriate qualifications and be proficient in using the instrument. In a good salon, you can get a gold piercing or insert jewelry made of medical steel into the puncture, which does not cause allergic reactions. The specialist will help you make a choice, carry out the procedure, and tell you in detail how to care for the puncture.

Feel free to ask questions about anything that concerns you. Ask the master what kind of piercing needles he will use and what metal the jewelry is made of. A professional will be happy to answer all the client’s questions.


As we can see from the photographs presented, planar piercing looks very attractive. You can choose how your bridge will look. Think in advance where and how you want to place it, and if the decision causes difficulties, an experienced craftsman will help with advice.

Most often, the puncture is placed between the inner corners of the eyes, on the bridge of the nose. There is another option - a vertical bridge, when the bar is placed perpendicular to the floor. Both options are good, but the second one is a little more difficult to implement. But it is less common, so it is chosen by those who want something completely radical.

Carrying out the procedure

How does this happen? Many people are concerned about this question. To get rid of fear and completely dispel doubts, talk to the master in advance, ask about how the process will happen.

Bridge piercing is quite painful. The bridge of the nose is a very sensitive place. For this reason, the client is given pain medication before the procedure. It can be injected directly into the puncture site; this practice is the most common. In some cases, a strong analgesic is given intravenously.

The puncture site is disinfected. The needles used for piercing are usually disposable, although reusable ones are also available. They undergo a disinfection process.

After wiping with a disinfectant solution, the specialist will tighten the skin on the bridge of the nose with special forceps and make a puncture. All that remains is to insert the barbell or earring into the planar piercing.


Today, a wide variety of jewelry is in fashion. Gold piercing is an excellent option for a special event, and for everyday style, earrings or barbells made of jewelry alloys are suitable. Along with metal decorations, plastic ones are used.


The specialist will carefully analyze whether such a procedure is right for you. If your skin on the bridge of your nose is too thin, then you are not recommended to get a piercing in this area. Another common problem is due to individual intolerance to certain materials used in the production of jewelry. In addition, an allergic reaction to any drug used is also dangerous.

The reason for refusal may be problems related to the organs of vision. For example, no normal master would undertake to prick the bridge of the nose of a person with active conjunctivitis. Scars and burns on the bridge of the nose can interfere with work. The specialist will make the final decision on whether or not to have a bridge on the bridge of your nose, after conducting a full necessary examination.

Think carefully about whether it is worth doing a bridge if you wear glasses. Will the earring interfere with the frame?


Unfortunately, even the best of the best have unfortunate mistakes. When preparing to pierce the bridge of your nose, remember how risky this procedure is. Even the best master can accidentally touch the optic nerve, because each person has his own anatomical features, and the master does not know where your nerve is located.

Insufficient attention to the cleanliness of instruments can cause various infections. Always remember this when trusting a cosmetologist or tattoo artist.

Healing and care

The healing process lasts about two months. According to the experts, at this time you should not take out the jewelry and expose the bridge of your nose to external factors.

No special care procedures are required. Avoid getting contaminants into the puncture site; periodically lubricate the edges with wound-healing ointment.

Nose piercing is the piercing of soft tissue or cartilage, followed by decorating the hole with special types of earrings. People are constantly looking for ways to self-realize and express their character. Just a couple of decades ago, rings and barbells were inserted into the nostril and septum by fans of hard rock and informals, but today it is the prerogative of pretty girls and fashionable guys.

Features of nose piercing and its significance

Every person has unique facial features, but many people want to make them more expressive and attractive. In pursuit of fashion trends, their own uniqueness and originality, people decide to pierce their nose. This method of body modification is far from new; it appeared hundreds of years ago.

The tradition of decorating various parts of the body, according to scientists, originated in Africa, and then it conquered the rest of the world, where it was brought by representatives of the hippie culture. What does a nose piercing mean? African leaders wore jewelry to communicate with dead souls. Indian men and women wore a ring at the tip to demonstrate that they were in the bond of marriage. Over time, the meaning was lost and today earrings are inserted for the sake of beauty and fashion, endowing them with their own meaning.

Nose piercing, despite the apparent accessibility and simplicity of the technology, has a number of contraindications. If you ignore the recommendations, the pierced area may cause pain and discomfort.

When you should not injure your nose or pierce it:

  • heart and cardiovascular diseases;
  • use of hormone-based drugs;
  • chronic diseases of internal organs in the acute stage;
  • viral and infectious diseases;
  • cold;
  • increased body temperature;
  • for sinusitis, rhinitis.

Be sure to inform the specialist about the presence of contraindications, do not risk your health and beauty.

How to pierce your nose at home

Piercing the skin and cartilage is a minor surgical procedure. Experts do not recommend doing piercings yourself at home. All manipulations must be carried out by a professional with sufficient experience and practice. But if you are not afraid to do extreme things, and the desire to stand out from the crowd is greater than the fear of consequences, then follow the recommendations of professionals and do not violate technology.

How to properly pierce your nose at home? Stock up on the necessary tools and accessories at the pharmacy:

  • alcohol or disinfectant solution;
  • cotton pads;
  • disposable needle equipped with a catheter;
  • sterile latex gloves;
  • clamp

In an online store or beauty salon that provides nose piercing services, you can choose jewelry from a photo.

Before the procedure, disinfect reusable instruments and earrings.

How to pierce your nose at home:

  1. Mark the location of the future hole. The dot is placed with a marker or ballpoint pen.
  2. Treat your hands with antiseptic and wear gloves.
  3. Disinfect your skin.
  4. Insert the clamp from the outside and inside if you will be piercing the wing of the nose. The septum clamp is inserted from both sides, the tip is grasped and pulled back without touching the septum. For the bridge, the grip technology is similar, and the bridge of the nose also does not prick, the cartilage remains intact.
  5. With a quick, confident movement, the needle is inserted into the clamp through the holes. For the septum and bridge from left to right or vice versa (from which side it is better and more convenient to pierce the nose, start with that one). The nostril is pierced from top to bottom.
  6. Without pulling out the needle, insert the tip from the earring clasp into the catheter and carefully insert the jewelry into the hole and secure it.
  7. Treat the puncture site with an antiseptic.

Is it possible to pierce your nose with a special gun? How do professionals do wing and septum piercings? The procedure in the salon is carried out using a needle; in rare cases, the specialist may use an automatic pistol.

Features of puncture on different parts

Each piercing is named according to the placement or type of jewelry.

Types of nose piercing:

  • Bridge. The hole is made at eye level in the bridge of the nose. The flat decoration is inserted into the skin, with retainers in the form of balls and shaped tips visible on both sides.
  • Nostril. The piercing of the nose wing is slightly higher than the classic one.
  • Septril. The earring is inserted vertically into the skin fold at the tip. As a result of inserting jewelry to insufficient depth, rejection and separation of soft tissues may begin.
  • Austin Bar - the needle passes horizontally through the fold at the tip;
  • Nassalang - piercing of both nostrils and septum. A complex technique with a number of nuances and serious consequences if performed incorrectly.

There are other options for piercing the nose with a gun and a needle - combinations of the main types. To make the puncture look beautiful and heal well, trust the work to a professional and ensure sterility is maintained during the process.

What could be the consequences?

The speed of wound healing directly depends on where and how the nose piercing is done and its type. On average, complete restoration of damaged tissue takes up to six months.

As a result of improper formation of the channel and avoidance of nose piercing, negative consequences may develop:

  • Pain. A natural and unpleasant phenomenon. The pain from the septum disrupts the sensitivity of the tip, and from a puncture of the nostril it can stretch half of the face.
  • A bulge over the wound. Sometimes a ball forms around the hole, this is a symptom of inflammation. Simply taking care of your nose piercing will not help; it is better to remove the earring and carefully treat it before serious suppuration occurs.
  • Pus and inflammation. These are the most common consequences of nose piercing. Wounds in this part of the body are difficult to wash, so they often become inflamed and begin to emit an unpleasant odor.
  • Runny nose. Injury to the mucous membrane provokes a response from the body. The flow stops after a few days.
  • Problems with facial expressions. When talking and eating, the nostrils move, which can give off a dull, aching pain.

In photos, girls and guys have a nose piercing that looks sexy, bold and interesting, but in reality it requires care and causes discomfort. In some cases, surgical intervention is required.

Caring for a piercing and choosing jewelry

How to care for your nose piercing so it heals faster:

  • Treat 2 times a day. Spray with antiseptic after coming from outside.
  • Lubricate the ends of the earrings with regenerating ointment and thread them inside the wound.
  • Do not scratch, do not injure.
  • Instill drops with sea salt.

Find out from the specialist how long it takes for a girl's or a guy's nose piercing to heal, and if the inflammation lasts longer than the specified period, consult a specialist or doctor to rule out infection.

What is a nose ring called? Main options:

  • ring, half ring;
  • barbell, banana or clove;
  • snail, hook, spiral.

If you are afraid of getting a puncture, then the ideal option is a clip on the wing, attached to a magnet.

After healing, you can replace the jewelry, but be sure to ask the seller or artist how to change your nose piercing.

For demonstration, they use different methods of body modification and piercing is one of the most popular. If you pierce your nose, ask your piercer whether it is dangerous and how long you will have to endure restrictions and pain. Such measures will help you prepare mentally and physically.

If you pierce your nose and insert a designated earring into the resulting hole, it is not difficult to change your everyday look. And the stores offer original and exceptional nose jewelry that is appropriate with any clothing.

#7 ways to pierce your nose

Common nose piercing options include:

  • bridge, when the tissue of the nose bridge is pierced;
  • puncture of the side of the nostril, which is carried out both in one and in 2 wings at once;
  • nasallang - a way to pierce the nose in the septum and wings;
  • "Austin Bar" is a horizontal piercing of the tip of the nose;
  • piercing of the nasal tip is done from the nostril upward without injuring the nasal septum;
  • the septum is performed by piercing the septum without involving the wings in the process;
  • The septril looks like a puncture on the bottom wall with the decoration coming out and directed downwards.

These options are the safest for the skin. It is permissible to do one or several punctures at once, it all depends on the patient’s wishes.

How is piercing done (3 steps)?

At first glance, piercing your nose is not difficult at home. However, holding an event within your own walls is fraught with troubles due to unprofessionalism, lack of necessary sterility and tools for the procedure. Therefore, it is better to go to professionals.

Before piercing the nose of a person seeking manipulation, the doctor is obliged to make sure that the patient’s blood clots normally and that he does not have chronic heart disease, colds or fever.

The manipulation itself is performed with a special gun or a special needle. The doctor first disinfects the working area with an alcohol-containing antiseptic and marks the puncture site with a dot.

Then the specialist inserts the selected stud into the gun, places the instrument at a strictly 90° angle to the skin surface and makes a puncture with a single movement.

With this method, a nose piercing is accompanied by a slight tingling sensation. If a special needle is used for piercing, the sensations during the manipulation process are much more painful.

As a rule, patients want to get a piercing on one or both sides of the nose, or on the cartilage that demarcates the nostrils.

Since it is impossible to pierce the nose without injuring the cartilage tissue, healing after the piercing takes time.

The maximum period reaches 12 weeks. But if after the operation the nose is bruised or the owner of the earring wants to remove/insert the jewelry before the hole heals, the healing of the wound with tissue will take longer.

If a granuloma nodule appears near the puncture point, apply a hot compress to the damaged area 2 times a day.

It is made from a napkin (paper) soaked in hot water and held until it cools.

When caring for a puncture, you should adhere to 5 rules:

  • in rare cases, touch the piercing with clean hands;
  • 3 times a day, wash the area of ​​the hole with an aerosol for rhinitis Salin (USA);
  • when applying cosmetics, avoid getting it into the injured area;
  • do not replace the jewelry placed by a specialist until the piercing wound has healed;
  • Do not sit on the sofa or bed face down.

When caring for a piercing, the following recommendations are also mandatory:

  1. Remove crusts with a cotton swab soaked in salt water and applied to the wound for a while. Do not pick off scabs to avoid infection.
  2. Carefully pat the cleaned piercing dry without rubbing.
  3. When drying your face every day, do not use a towel - germs accumulate on it. Sterile gauze wipes will help you out with which you need to blot your face.
  4. For faster healing, include taking B vitamins with zinc.
  5. Do not remove the jewelry for more than 24 hours in the first 6 months to prevent the hole from closing. It will prevent the hole from quickly healing in the first month and wearing a backup earring if the previous one suddenly comes out.

Following simple rules for caring for your piercing will prevent any problems from occurring.

How to pierce your nose at home?

For those who are not afraid of possible negative consequences from a self-made piercing, advice on how to carry out the procedure will help.

For this you will need the following supplies purchased at the pharmacy:

  • aseptic or alcohol-containing liquid;
  • sterilized latex gloves;
  • cotton pads;
  • retainer;
  • disposable needle with catheter.

Going through the stages will help you pierce your nose at home.

  1. The upcoming piercing is marked with a dot placed with a ballpoint pen/marker.
  2. Disinfect clean hands with an aseptic/alcohol-containing liquid and put on gloves.
  3. Disinfect the skin in the area of ​​the upcoming piercing.
  4. In case of piercing on the side of the nose using the septum or bridge method, a retainer is placed outside and inside the nose.
  5. The needle is quickly inserted through the hole in the latch with a precise movement. We can pierce the nostril from the left side to the right or vice versa, but always from top to bottom.
  6. Without removing the needle from the hole, insert the edge of the earring clasp into the catheter, then slowly and carefully insert the jewelry into the punctured point and snap it into place.
  7. Re-treat the area with an aseptic/alcohol-containing solution.

Only if you follow the instructions will you be able to pierce your nose without any trouble. But the vast majority of doctors advise against performing the procedure yourself and entrust it to a specialist.

Piercing earrings

Such jewelry is not so traumatic compared to rings or barbells. There are 3 types of earrings for piercing: magnetic, studs and nostrils.

  • Carnations are similar to earrings of the same name. They are available with or without a clasp and can be inserted/removed without any problems.
  • Nostrils look like earrings of a special arched shape without a clasp - they are held in place by bending. The earring is inserted/extracted by screwing it into the hole.
  • Magnetic jewelry does not require a piercing of the nostril. Any product has a magnetic fastener, due to which it is held in the intended area. The disadvantage of this type of jewelry is that it does not hold very securely, so it is recommended to be worn on special occasions.

When choosing jewelry, you should take into account the properties of the material used to prevent allergic reactions in the owner of the earring. In addition, the material affects the appearance and durability of the piercing jewelry.

  1. Stainless steel– hypoallergenic and the best material for studs, so such jewelry is ideal for recently made piercings.
  2. Titanium and gold– expensive and non-allergenic materials. But alloys containing them can provoke an allergic reaction.
  3. Silver Although relatively cheap, high-quality metal is not very suitable for decorating the nose after a piercing. This is due to the fact that when there is excessive humidity, it becomes gray in color.
  4. Metalloid materials(nylon, Teflon, bone) do not contain any metal. Therefore, it is permissible to buy jewelry made from them for those who are allergic to metal.

In order not to be disappointed with your piercing, you need to carefully select your nose jewelry.

Question answer

All sensations are tolerable. There is practically no pain if you inject with a special pistol.

Experts do not recommend carrying out such a procedure even with specialists who do it at home. It’s better to refuse to do it yourself. The fact is that due to lack of experience, you can harm yourself.

Initially, you should put the earring in peroxide and let it stay there for about 5 minutes. You need to wash your hands yourself. The puncture site is treated with a disinfectant (the old earring does not need to be removed yet). Next, the old accessory is removed and the new one is put on. For ease of gliding, Levomekol is used.

What complications are possible (7 troubles)?

When performing a nose piercing, the integrity of the skin is compromised, which increases the risk of unwanted manifestations.

Problems also arise due to non-compliance with the piercing technique. But for the most part, this happens if the master does not have the necessary qualifications or if the patient has low blood clotting.

Complications after piercing appear:

  • severe bleeding of the wound;
  • the occurrence of inflammation in the cartilage, which can lead to its disintegration;
  • injury to the nasal septum due to difficult piercing;
  • inflammation in tissues;
  • transformation of otitis into a chronic form;
  • the formation of damage to the nasal mucosa when fixing straight nostrils;
  • causing damage to the nerve in the puncture area.

When should you go to the doctor (5 reasons)?

What signs should alert you in the postoperative period? You should think about going to the doctor if the following troubles occur:

  1. An increase and darkening of redness in the puncture area after 2-3 days, which is possible if the puncture gets infected.
  2. The formation of a painful lump if staphylococcus bacteria penetrate the wound. This threatens the accumulation of fluid and pus inside.
  3. Discharge from the hole of white, yellow, green secretions - this indicates an infection in the puncture. The feeling of an unpleasant odor is a sign of infection of the wound.
  4. Pain that persists or gets worse several days after the procedure is often caused by an infection in the puncture area. The pulsation in it is caused by serious inflammation and suppuration.
  5. Fever/chills are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Most likely, such complications are caused by severe infection in the puncture.

Manifestations that alarm your attention cannot be ignored. Especially if at least 1 additional alarming symptom is added to the main ones.


What is the pricing for nose piercing services in the capital and cities of the Russian Federation? The cost of nasal piercing in Moscow varies between 1000-2200 rubles.

The operation is performed either with or without the simultaneous purchase of jewelry suggested by a specialist. The price also depends on the technique of the event, which is why it increases.

  • In Voronezh, a nose piercing with a needle and earring will cost the patient 1,200 rubles.
  • In Novosibirsk, it is possible to pierce your nose at an average price of 800 rubles.
  • In Petrozavodsk it is offered to get a nose piercing for 700-1000 rubles.
  • In Yekaterinburg, the most inexpensive nose piercing service costs 600-800 rubles.

The cost of the nose piercing event does not include the price of jewelry.