Braiding: hairstyle ideas, step-by-step photos and weaving patterns. Braiding Types and patterns of braiding What does a braid mean?

Most people involved in agricultural activities use a hand scythe. It is used for mowing grass, animal feed, and leveling.

For safety and long service, you need to know how to properly mow with a hand scythe and care for it.

Device and main components

A hand scythe consists of: a knife, a scythe, a handle, a wedge and a ring.

Did you know? The knife can make a sound reminiscent of a bell.

The blade is a long blade curved towards the bottom. Made of tool steel (U8, U7). There is a classification depending on the length of the knife: 50 cm - 5, 60 cm - 6 cm and up to 9. The most common is No. 5. Consists of: blade, butt, tip, spout, heel and beard.
You can distinguish a high-quality blade from a scythe by the following characteristics:

  • no damage or irregularities;
  • equal blade thickness;
  • deep sound upon impact;
  • good elasticity.

Knives also have another name - Lithuanian or canvas.

Often gardeners and gardeners have to struggle with. There is a lot for mechanical removal of enemies of cultivated plants. Among them - . A flat cutter can be used to cut and pull out. Note that it is quite possible to make this manual cultivator yourself.

The braid, or scythe, handle, is the long wooden base of a hand scythe. Length - 1.7 or 2 m. Must be without damage, elastic, even. A good material is a spruce trunk at a height of 2 m. For production: remove unnecessary elements (knots, bark), give the desired shape, dry in a vertical position, sand, or soak in a wax solution.
To start making a hand-held grass scythe, you need to know how to fit the scythe onto the scythe: make an angled cut at the end and a small indentation for the tenon of the heel of the blade. For mowing on uneven terrain, the cut is 35 mm, on flat terrain - 10 mm.

For more convenient mowing, there is a handle or bow. For fastening: cut a square into the braid, hammer in the spike of the handle, wedge it, you can strengthen it with self-tapping screws or self-tapping screws.
Distinguish motionless And adjustable. The first ones are stable and reliable, the second ones are more convenient if used by many people.

A wedge is a wooden device for attaching a blade to a braid. Made from dry wood. It is important that the fastening is reliable, because integrity and safety depend on it.

The rings are the second element for attaching the knife to the handle in the form of a bolt fastening. Used together with a wedge.
There are narrow and wide, with and without a key. Rings with adjustable bolts are called “clamps.”

Twine is a special type of strong thread. Required for adjustable handle. When bending, it or wire is used to tie the two ends of a beam made of a flexible type of wood and secure it using notches cut into them.

Types of braids

Depending on some different details, the following types of braids are distinguished: litovka, pink salmon and serpan.

Litovka is the most common hand scythe for grass. It has a long, smooth, straight handle, a slant, a blade, a wedge with rings.

Pink salmon - with a short curved handle. Designed for mowing in very uneven terrain and difficult places, such as around tree stumps, etc.
Disadvantage - you need to use it in a bent state.

Serpan - with a short blade (up to 35 cm). Used to remove hard types of plants (, thickets). Consists of a blade, an extension, a handle and a wing nut.

Important! The choice of scythe should depend on what plants you intend to mow. If used incorrectly, it will quickly deteriorate and the desired result will not be achieved.

Serpan in its complex form is safe for transportation.

Preparing for work

There are several ways to prepare a hand scythe for work: sharpening, beating and finishing a loose surface; let’s look at each of them in more detail.

To know how to cut a braid at home, let's figure out what cutting is. Beating is a processing process, cutting off the blade with a special hammer with a sharp end to thin the knife along its entire length and create cutting serrations. Before beating, you need to leave the blade in the water to darken it, so that you can clearly see the cut-off zone. The beating is carried out at the heels of the canvas towards the nose.
New ones are usually already cut off at the place of production, but the braid can also be cut off.

For convenience, use a special chair with legs of different heights. Near the high leg there is a headstock. The device for riveting braids is called a headstock - a narrow, small anvil. You can make it at home from a file or material with a hardness of 57 HRC. You can use a bias cutter - an improved headstock that is easier to use. The blows should not be strong, along the entire line of the knife.

Finishing the riveted surface

The blade is fine-tuned using a sharpening block and musat - a special metal rod for leveling the knife. Only the part of the blade that is lighter needs to be sharpened.


Sharpening is done before beating. To do this, use a fine-grained abrasive wheel. Basic rules on how to sharpen a scythe: cool the blade with water, rotate the wheel slowly. Sharpening starts from the bottom side at 1.5-2 cm.

How to mow?

With your left hand, take the scythe above the handle, with your right hand - the handle, with your right foot forward, and your left foot slightly back. In this position, make circular swings from right to left. Turn your torso slightly and tilt forward. The spout should be raised up a little so that the grass is cut evenly and it does not bury itself in the ground.

The braid is the simplest and most common type of hairstyle. Thanks to the various types and methods of weaving, braids are extremely popular. Neatly braided hair is a convenient hairstyle in everyday life, relevant in an office environment and beautiful at a celebration.

To make your hair manageable and easy to braid and style, you can use various products in the form of foam, gel, or secure uneven strands with hairpins. You also need a good comb.

Weaving a regular braid

The most common and familiar from childhood was an ordinary braid, braided from three strands of hair. Having divided the hair into three parts and observing the sequence, we intertwine the hair with each other.

First, we intertwine the third part with the first and second strands, then the first with the second and third, and the second strand with the third and first. It is important to ensure that the strands are pulled tightly and the hair does not come out. Having finished this hairstyle, you can use a regular elastic band, a beautiful hairpin or weave a ribbon.

Braiding two braids

On thick, heavy hair, two braids will look great and original.

The photo shows a hairstyle with two braids.

For this hairstyle, the hair must be divided into two equal parts. Now each of them needs to be braided in the usual way, but it is important to make sure that the braiding of both braids starts from the same level.

Braiding a spikelet

Braiding a “spikelet” braid will be a little more difficult than a regular one, but the braiding technique is very similar, so you can do it. You should start braiding the same way as with a regular braid, only you need to take not all the hair, but only the top part and divide it into three equal strands. It is important to evenly distribute the strands so that the braid ends up looking even. We begin to weave the strands like a regular braid and slowly weave new small strands of hair from the remaining hair on the side. In this way, continue to weave strands into the main braid until the hairline on your head ends.

Loose hair can be pulled up or braided into a regular braid.

If the “spikelet” is not voluminous enough, you can fluff it slightly with a comb. The “spikelet” will last a very long time in excellent condition if it is braided as tightly as possible.

Fishtail braiding

We comb the hair back and divide it into two equal parts. We take each of the strands in our hands. Using the index finger of your left hand, select a thin strand of hair from the side (about 2.5 cm) and move it to the right side, securing it with your right hand. Then, with the index finger of your right hand, separate the same strand on the right and move it to the left, securing it with your left hand.

We repeat these steps until we reach the end. We tie the end of the braid with an elastic band or decorate it with a hairpin.

French braiding

Comb your hair and separate part of the hair from the top from the parietal area. Divide the strand into three equal strands and begin to weave, first placing the left one on the center one, then the right one on the center one. Then place the left strand over the center one and add the left strand to it. Now place the right strand over the center one and add a strand of hair to it on the right.

The photo shows a French braid from the side.

In this way, alternately add strands to the weave on the right and left. Tighten the loose ponytail with an elastic band or braid it into a regular braid. Once you start braiding a French braid, you can easily experiment. This French braid pattern, also suitable for two braids, a side French braid and a side braid.

This hairstyle is very convenient for everyday life; once you learn how to braid a “French” braid, it will become your favorite.

French braiding from bottom to top

Weaving this braid must begin from the back of the head, moving towards the crown. Use the weaving pattern of a regular French braid. You can complete your hairstyle by tying the ends into a bun or ponytail.

Inverted French Braid

Comb your hair. Take a section of hair and divide it into three equal parts. Place under the central strand, first the right and then the left strand. Place the right section under the center section adding a section of hair on the right. Now place the left one under the center one, adding part of the hair on the left to it.

The loose ponytail can be styled into a simple braid or ponytail. By stretching the braid a little, you can make it more voluminous.

Braiding Waterfall

Comb your hair in a side parting and begin to weave a regular French braid horizontally from the forehead towards the temples. Then we place the top strand on the middle one, separate a small strand from the top from the free ones and place it on the middle one, while releasing the lower part. Near the thrown bottom strand of loose hair, separate a small strand and place it on the middle one. We repeat this each time adding a braid of loose hair to the top strand, place it on the middle one and release the bottom strand, replacing it with a new one.

Braiding 4 and 5 strand braids

Braiding such a braid requires special skill and skill. To begin, you need to comb your hair back and divide it into five equal strands. Cross the right strand with the strand closest to it.

We cross the most central strand with the strand that was on the right. Then we cross the central one with the one to the left of it (not the outermost one). Now cross the leftmost one with the adjacent strand on the right. When braiding, try not to pull the braid too tight. Now braid the second row following this pattern. Such actions must be performed until the braid is woven.

Swiss braiding

The “Swiss” braid is woven in the same way as our regular three-strand braid, but each strand must be twisted with a strand. This hairstyle looks quite unusual and elegant, so it will be a godsend for both work and leisure.

Braiding tourniquet

First you need to collect your hair in a ponytail, then divide it into two equal parts. Then twist the right strand of hair towards the right, about 3-4 turns, and hold it tightly with your hand. Do the same with the left strand.

Now you need to carefully cross both strands, making sure that they do not unwind. As usual, secure the ends with a tight elastic band.

According to the pattern of twisting one braid, you can braid two. To do this, comb your hair in a middle parting, following the pattern, twist one part of the hair, then the other. Loose hair can be twisted together, braided, or left loose.

Braiding "Wreath"

Take a small section of hair from your temple and divide it into two equal parts. Then wrap the bottom part around the top and connect the strands into one. Now take a small strand from the loose hair below and wrap it around the top double strand. Next, continue to weave in this manner, adding strands of loose hair from below, wrapping around the top strand and joining them together. Secure the end of your hair with an elastic band and carefully hide it under the resulting wreath.

Braiding "Crown"

Weaving "Linno Russo" with ribbon

At the top of the head, separate a small strand of hair and put a ribbon on top of it and cross it. Next, select the strand below the previous one (Fig. 3), divide it into two parts and wrap each with the ends of the tape, so that the strands are at the bottom of the hair, and the tape is on top. Next, we again add strands of loose hair, separating them with a horizontal parting. We fix the resulting braid by tying a ribbon; you can also give the braid additional volume by slightly stretching the strands.

Knot braid

A knotted braid is very easy to make and will look elegant and neat. Separate the top part of the hair and divide it into two parts. Tie these parts together from right to left or vice versa (Fig. 1) like a regular knot. Next, add strands to the remaining free edges of the hair and tie the knot again, do this until all the hair is woven. The end of the braid can be secured with an elastic band and wrapped to the bottom.

Weaving a braid "Bow"

This braiding is more of a decoration for an already woven braid; it is quite simple to do. First, you need to braid the braid, leaving a thin strand of hair parallel to it; it is from this that you will later form bows. After the braid is braided, we separate a small strand from the loose hair left for the bow and spray it generously with hairspray, then bend it in half to form an ear. Using a hairpin, carefully thread the eyelet under the braid, holding it with your hand.

Braiding a braid “Snake”

Separate the top strand of hair from the side and divide it into three equal parts. Start braiding a regular French braid, adding strands only from the top. When braiding, you should lead the braid along an inclined line, bring the braiding to the temple and make a turn of the braid, we braid the braid further by adding a strand as before on top, ignoring the bottom. If you have long hair, you can make turns along the entire length, depending on your desire. When braiding the lowest braid, the hair is picked up both from below and from above. The ends of the hair can be braided or left free.

Braiding "Basket"

At the crown of your head, select an area of ​​hair and gather it into a high ponytail. From the top we begin to weave a regular French braid, each time adding strands of free hair on the right, and from the tail on the left, you need to take them of such thickness as to be enough for the entire braiding. Thus we weave in a circle. Having reached the place where weaving begins, we begin to weave a regular braid. We fix the end with an elastic band and hide it under the base of the tail; for greater fixation of the hairstyle, you can also secure it with bobby pins.

Snail braiding

Separate a small strand from the middle of the head and divide it into three equal ones. Then we begin to weave a regular French braid but with one grab on the right. At the beginning, it is important to take small strands so that there is enough hair for subsequent circles. Next, we braid the braid over the entire head, moving in a circle. We carefully fix the tip of the hair and disguise it under a hairpin.

Braiding "Flower"

To create a flower from hair, you need to braid a regular braid, but you need to braid it not up, but down (inverted braid), you need to braid it without tightening it too much.

Braided hairstyle "Butterfly"

A braid is a fairly versatile and practical hairstyle, loved by many girls. The first mention of this type of hair braiding can be found in the Bible, where it is said that Samson wore 7 braids, in which all his strength was located. Braids were also worn in Ancient Egypt and Greece.

In Rus', special attention was paid to this hairstyle. If a girl had a long thick braid, then she was considered strong and healthy. In addition, there was a tradition according to which unmarried girls wore one braid. It was decorated with all kinds of ribbons and flowers. And when entering married life, they had two braids braided, which were connected at the top into a crown.

A neat braid is done according to several simple rules, following which it is easy to amaze everyone.

  • Perfectly combed hair is the first key to a perfect braid.
  • In order for the hairstyle to be neat, the strands must be the same.
  • You need to separate the strands evenly, and also be sure to pull them down so that they are even along the entire length.
  • You need to monitor the tension of the strands, otherwise the braid will turn out to be weak in places and too tightly braided in others.
  • Before braiding, you need to prepare in advance combs, clips, elastic bands, styling products, as well as various accessories to decorate the future braid.

Today, there are many types of braids that differ not only in their appearance, but also in the complexity of weaving. Moreover, these can be braids that you can wear for several weeks, as well as everyday hairstyles.

Today there are enough varieties of weaving to choose one or another technique for each occasion. The simplest options are suitable for everyday style, work, travel. But more complex techniques will become a real highlight of the image at special events or a date.

So, what types of braids are there and what are their features?


Dreadlocks are purposefully tangled strands that can vary in thickness and length. The weaving of dreadlocks itself can be different.

The first method is to divide the hair into squares and comb them against the growth direction towards the roots. And then the stray hairs are woven into the strands using a hook. The resulting strands are rubbed with special wax so that they hold well.

The second method is to simply twist the strands and secure them at the end with an elastic band. The result is also secured with wax.

And the third is permanent dreadlocks, which are made only by masters. For this purpose, chemical agents are used that ensure the “life” of the weaving for several months.

These original tube braids are not suitable for everyone in style. They do not fit into a strict or business style, and are not suitable for special occasions. But they can please you in everyday wear, and they don’t require any special care.

With the help of a special “knitting”, small strands of your own hair are braided, thus becoming more massive, with a combed effect.

When the hair is divided into strands, they are secured at the roots with threads of a certain color. And then the same thread begins to tightly wrap the hair without gaps. After a few centimeters of strands have been braided, you can change the color of the thread. The ends of the hair can be complemented with bright beads.


These are ready-made thin braids for quick braiding. They can be straight, corrugated, wavy and spiral. The advantage of this weave is that it suits thin, thin hair.

The thickness of zizi reaches only 3mm, they are attached to natural braided hair. Therefore, it takes 2-4 hours to weave them, depending on the speed of the master’s work and the initial length of the hair. In addition, the color of zizi can be any, since their weaving involves covering the original hair color.


Curly has the appearance of large tight curls, the service life of which reaches 2-3 months with proper care. The color of such woven curls cannot be too different from the natural shade of your own hair, otherwise it will look unnatural.

The braiding technique depends on the original length of the hair. Long-haired people will need a blade, that is, weaving thin braids that fit tightly to the head. Ready-made curls of curls are woven into them. Curly point weaving is necessary for short hair that does not require being hidden.

The peculiarity of these braids is that they are not braided at the ends, but have a kind of tail, which is where their name comes from. Loose ponytails can be straight or curled.

The “ponies” are attached to their own hair, braided into small tight braids. These strands can be any length, and this is a great way to lengthen your hair.

It will take a lot of time to create classic afro braids, and you will also need a special Kanekalon material that will be woven into the hair.

Afro braids are thin braids along the entire length of the hair in an amount of 150 to 200 pieces. They can have two types of ponytails - straight or curled. To do this, the hair is divided into small strands, after which thin, uniform, tight braids begin to weave. In this case, the central strands are pulled towards themselves, and the side strands towards the left and right ear, respectively.

Braids for every day

Currently, braids are very popular, and they have not gone out of fashion for a long time. There are many types of weaving, thanks to which you can create different images. For many people, braiding is quite a fun and easy activity. It all depends on practice, which will help you cope with even complex weaves quickly and accurately.

French braid

It is this weaving technique that fashion catwalks love and is often used by celebrities and ordinary girls. A French-style braid looks very gentle, is easy to do and will not spoil even a business look. She has several types of weaving that can be selected according to the occasion.

First you need to set the beginning of the braid, these are three curls of equal thickness, as for the most standard techniques. Further, the braiding also resembles a simple braid, but instead of weaving the curls strictly along the length, they go around the head. When weaving each new row, the strands are selected from adjacent curls to create the effect of a wreath or side braid. Depending on your desire, you can braid it tightly or loosely; this will determine the more formal or romantic look of your hairstyle in the end. Once braiding is complete, secure the braid with an elastic band.

If you are still not familiar with the technique of weaving a French braid, and the photo tutorials seem unclear to you, watch the master class in the video below. A clear example will help you figure it out!


The second name for this weaving is “fishtail”. First, the hair is combed back or parted. Then, if desired, a tail is made, or you can immediately begin creating a hairstyle. On the sides, just above the temples, one curl is separated. One curl is thrown over another, and as you move down the sides, individual strands are also captured. You need to hold such a braid under tension, and the added strands should be of the same thickness to make the hairstyle neat.

Every Slavic girl knows this technique, but not everyone can cope with it due to lack of practice. In fact, weaving a regular Russian braid is as easy as shelling pears. Three curls of equal thickness are intertwined. Each time, first one or the second side curl goes inside the weave. And the strand, which turns out to be central in this case, is simply held with your fingers. With frequent practice, you can braid your hair in Russian braids in less than a minute, regardless of the length of your haircut.

Braid "Dragon"

The classic dragon braiding technique is reminiscent of a French braid, but it should start directly from the forehead. In another similar technique, the braid begins to resemble a real dragon's tail. It becomes more prominent, is braided tightly and can also be called an “inverted braid.” In this case, the outer strands should not be placed on top, but, on the contrary, woven under the middle one. This should be done with the entire length moving down the head. The tension of the strands can be reduced slightly by gently pulling them out. Then the volume of the braid will increase even more.

Spit "Waterfall"

The “waterfall” braid is woven horizontally from the very beginning of the parting at the forehead. So, weaving begins by dividing the initial three curls of equal thickness at the temples. The strands are thrown over each other, while one of them is released and remains with the total mass of hair, and a new top strand is taken in its place. You need to braid your hair up to the opposite temporal part of your head, then secure the braid with a bobby pin under your hair. Thus, loose hair will create that same waterfall. You can twist them slightly to give your hair a romantic look.

Here 4 strands are used, which are woven together alternately. For the convenience of creating this braid, take two strands in one hand, and begin to cross the first with the second, the third with the fourth. Finally, the strands that are in the middle are crossed with each other. In this way, the braiding goes along the entire length of the hair, after which you can secure the ends with a beautiful elastic band or a strong hair clip.

This version of the braid is quite complex, but it looks very interesting and original. It is best to weave it from the very top of the hair. So, dividing the back of the hair into 5 parts, they will intersect in this way - the first strand goes to the second, but under the bottom of the third, and on the other side repeat the same thing - the fifth under the fourth and on top of the resulting third. The remaining rows of weaving are done by analogy.

Braid tourniquet

This braid is quite original, and its technique is radically different from weaving a standard braid, which, however, does not make it more difficult to perform. The base is a ponytail, which is divided into two equal parts of hair. They are both tightly twisted into ropes. After this, the resulting flagella are secured with rubber bands. Then you can start twisting the parts, but in the opposite direction. The elastic bands are removed from the two parts and the hairstyle is secured.

Braid with ribbon

The ribbon can be woven into any type of braid. To do this, you need to make a small ponytail under one strand, to which a ribbon is attached that will match the image.

There is another option that consists of four parts, one of which will consist of a ribbon attached to the central strand. The weaving will be the same as with a four-part braid, but the ribbon should go strictly in the center, as if securing the strands.

Girls with such a comfortable hair length can easily braid themselves with all types of available braids. The usual types are suitable for them - spikelet, tourniquet, French.

A convenient and uncomplicated hairstyle that will remove hair from the face and open up the neck is the Greek braid. It is woven like a regular one, but it just goes around the bottom of the head and is secured with bobby pins.

How to become beautiful? Every representative of the fair sex seeks the answer to this question throughout her life. That's why girls experiment so often with their appearance. Hair coloring, new makeup, colored lenses, glasses (as a fashion accessory, not a means of vision correction), a radical change in image, as well as many other more serious and often hazardous to health ways to shine even brighter.

However, in order to enjoy your own appearance every day and attract admiring glances to your person, you just need not to be lazy and create original designs on your hair - hairstyles, for example, from various types of braids, which are very easy to make. And readers of this article will be able to verify this by reading the material to the end.

Is there a hairstyle that suits the fair sex at any age?

Every girl is a princess! Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what age she is. And at three years old, and at twenty years old, she should shine. True, in childhood, in order to arouse people's admiration, it is enough to simply wear a cute dress. With age, the situation changes dramatically.

In the modern world, we are constantly told: in order to look good, we need to smear ourselves with hundreds of expensive creams, put tons of cosmetics on our faces every day, regularly visit a solarium, and at a “mature” age, after twenty-five years, go to a plastic surgeon for help.

Although in fact, the phrase “being beautiful” implies, first of all, self-love and acceptance of your appearance as it is. And this does not mean at all that you need to let yourself down by swimming with fat. In the pursuit of beauty, as in many other matters, the golden mean or, in simple words, measure is important.

Therefore, to become a princess in the eyes of others and in your own, sometimes it’s enough just to get a new hairstyle.

In the last few years, various types of braids have been at the peak of popularity, which are equally suitable for a two-year-old baby, a twenty-five-year-old young lady, a forty-year-old lady and even a woman of respectable years.

Instructions for Beginners

Basically, all representatives of the fair sex know from early childhood how to braid hair of different lengths. At school, in almost every class there is certainly a girl who does it better than others. And at recess there is a huge line of people who want to decorate themselves with a new hairstyle. After all, braids are original and beautiful, besides, the hair looks well-groomed and doesn’t get in your eyes or face during class.

  1. It is very difficult for beginners to make a braid for themselves, so first you should practice on a doll, younger sister or your own child. And having already become a professional in this matter, experiment on yourself with your beloved.
  2. The first step is to carefully comb the model’s hair so that the braids do not get “roosters”.
  3. Then divide them into three parts.
  4. Take one side strand in your left and right hands. Leave the middle one free.
  5. Now let's move on to braiding. The strand in the right hand must be thrown over the top and placed between the left and middle.
  6. Holding the beginning of the braid with your thumb, also move the left strand between the middle and right through the top.
  7. Continue this way until a small tassel remains at the end of the braid. Then you should secure your hair with an elastic band. And, if necessary, smooth out stray strands.

This type of braid is called simple.

Like yourself

At the beginning of learning how to weave a beautiful braid on your own hair, you need two mirrors: a large and a small one. They should be placed opposite each other in such a way that in the larger mirror you can see the reflection of your back (especially the crown and neck) through the smaller one. This will greatly facilitate the weaving process, because all hand movements will be clearly visible. And if suddenly something goes wrong, it will be possible to examine where the error is.

So, if you want to braid your hair:

  1. The initial stage of hair preparation is similar to the instructions described above. However, when braiding someone's hair, the left and right strands lie on the palm of their hand. When a girl braids her own hair, it is more convenient for her to hold her hair with her thumbs and just hold it with the rest.
  2. We also throw the right strand over the top and place it between the left and middle.
  3. Holding the beginning of the braid with your middle finger, also move the left strand between the middle and right through the top.
  4. Then right again - between the left and middle.
  5. And again the left one - between the right and middle.
  6. Secure the finished braid with an elastic band.

What types of hairstyles with braids are there?

In fact, it is simply impossible to list all the hairstyles with braids. Because almost every day (if not hour) new ones are invented. After all, the technology for weaving different types of braids is similar, but there can be millions of variations in their combinations. It all depends on the imagination of the master and the wishes of the customer.

The most popular and simple braid is the one described in the previous paragraphs. It is used both for every day and for holidays. However, for a special event, before securing the braid with an elastic band, you should stretch out the strands in the curls of the braid. This type of weaving is called openwork. Because the intricacies of hair from the outside resemble lace or openwork.

A braid of four or five strands also looks very interesting. Especially if the model’s hair is thick and silky. Then the “pattern” turns out clear and very beautiful. The usual French braid (we’ll find out how to braid it for yourself in the next paragraph) and the reverse braid are also in great demand among braiding masters.

In the USSR, every schoolgirl wore long braids and decorated them with bows. However, even now, on holidays (Day of Knowledge, for example), students come with exactly the same hairstyles.

What other braids are there? With ribbons, for example. What else? It’s easy to answer this question, you just have to remember the people who recently arrived from a vacation on the seaside. They parade around the streets, showing off their funny African braids. And this is another type of weaving.

Thus, there are not so many popular varieties of braids. And to constantly look amazing, you just need to study their technology, and then combine them every day with a new hairstyle.

How to French Braid

The so-called French braid is very beautiful and popular among girls, girls and women. True, it is quite difficult to say for sure what this type of weaving has to do with France. There is an opinion that one stylist living in a city famous for the Eiffel Tower came up with such a braid, and therefore named it accordingly. However, this is not known for certain.

It's actually very easy to French braid yourself. How? Following the instructions below:

  1. The first step is to comb your hair.
  2. Then select three strands on the crown or side of the head.
  3. Make the first two overlaps, as in a simple braid.
  4. Next, weave in the usual way, grabbing new strands on the sides.
  5. When the braid reaches the bottom of the head, all the hair should be collected in it.
  6. Next, braid the braid as if it were a regular braid, and secure the ponytail at the end with an elastic band.
  7. Pull out the strands from the curls.

Reverse French braid

As you can see, it is quite easy to braid a regular French braid. The most important thing is to master a simple weaving technique. After all, she is the basis of everything. And using the example of a reverse French braid, you can easily verify this.

After all, it is woven similarly to the instructions described above. The only difference is that in the first case the strands are thrown over the top and the braid turns out to be hidden in the hair. And in the second - on the contrary, through the bottom and the braid lies on the surface of the head.

The photo below shows both types of weaving. On the left is a reverse French braid, on the right is a regular one.

Four-strand braid

A 4-strand braid looks very beautiful and original. For many girls who are just beginning to master various weaving techniques, this look seems too sophisticated and unique. However, this is just a first impression. If you figure out how to weave such a braid, there will be no difficulties.

The next photo shows very clearly how to braid a braid consisting of four strands step by step.

Five strand braid

Another interesting weaving option is a 5-strand braid. Of course, you will have to work on it a little. But the result will certainly be worth all the effort. So, to weave such a braid, you should carefully consider the step-by-step instructions presented in the photo below.

Bun with a regular braid

Recently, bun hairstyles have become very popular and loved by many girls. However, they themselves are quite simple, both in execution and in finished form. That is why creative and fashionable people strive to diversify them by adding small braids. Combining two cool trends of our time in their hairstyle, girls look decent in any clothes at different events.

So, to make a bun decorated with a braid, you need:

  1. First of all, grow your hair to at least medium length. Otherwise, the hairstyle will not work.
  2. Then clean and carefully combed hair should be gathered into a regular ponytail at the top of the head. Tie them with a thin elastic band.
  3. Next, you should wrap them on a special pad, which can be purchased at any cosmetic store. Or you can do it yourself - by cutting off the ends of ordinary socks, and then twisting them one at a time on top of each other.
  4. Now lower your hair, thereby hiding the extension, and put on another elastic band.
  5. Braid the ends of your hair into a thin braid surrounding the bun. The hairstyle is ready!

Bun with two "inverted" braids

For a more formal occasion, an excellent hairstyle option would be the same bun as described in the previous paragraph, but complemented not with an ordinary, but with a reverse French braid:

  1. In this case, the braids should be braided from the temples.
  2. And then tie it into a ponytail at the back of the head with the rest of the hair.
  3. And wrap it around the cover.
  4. Make a bun using the technology described above.
  5. Hide the ends of the hair and secure with bobby pins.

Hair tourniquet

Having studied the basics of braiding, most girls begin to invent something new and unusual. And then many of them remember their school years. Many people decorate their funny braids with bows with different hairpins, sparkles, beads, etc. Then even the most ordinary braid becomes unusual and somewhat unique.

The following hairstyle for long and medium hair can be very original:

  1. To perform it, you need to comb your hair and gather it into a “tail” on the top of your head.
  2. Then divide it into two strands.
  3. Twist the right one away from you.
  4. The left one, on the contrary, is towards you.
  5. Then weave them both into a rope.
  6. Secure with a beautiful elastic band, bow or ribbon.

Variety of braids with ribbons

Braids with regular satin ribbons woven into them look no less attractive and unusual. However, it is important to know the following about them:

  1. Narrow ribbons are most often used, but for some hairstyles wide ones are preferable. Therefore, this parameter should be determined individually.
  2. To braid such a braid, you also need to select materials according to color. In this matter it is also recommended to rely on your own taste.
  3. At the initial stage, you should use bobby pins to secure the ribbons to your hair at the beginning of the braid.
  4. Then follow the photo instructions below. Which shows a step-by-step execution of 5-strand braids with ribbons.

We hope that thanks to this material, our readers will be able to pamper themselves, their daughter, and their girlfriends with beautiful hairstyles. After all, now they have a cheat sheet for beginners - how to braid hair for children and adults.