Scenario of a golden wedding journey. Golden wedding. Golden wedding scenario

Walking through life hand in hand over a long journey of half a century is worth a lot. Golden wedding anniversary traditions date back to Ancient Greece. Since time immemorial, on the 50th anniversary of their marriage, the husband gave his beloved wife a golden laurel wreath as a sign of gratitude for loyalty, support, and love. Hundreds of years have passed, and we still honor newlyweds who have passed the half-century anniversary of their marriage. A festive feast and fun competitions will give a great mood and give strength and vigor to the heroes of the day.

Cool 50th anniversary competitions for parents

Do you want to organize an unforgettable holiday for your beloved parents? And it doesn’t really matter what format the heroes of the occasion prefer: a quiet family dinner at home or a small party in a cafe or restaurant. Wonderful music, competitions for anniversaries and guests, congratulations from family and friends will be a great gift for a golden wedding. How to organize an event, combining the interests of the older and younger generations?

Prepare a script for the holiday, discuss with the celebrants the issues of holding the celebration: where they prefer to celebrate the holiday, who they would like to see. A pleasant, unexpected surprise will be the appearance of “unexpected guests” - friends of youth who were present at the wedding 50 years ago. Competitions should be organized in such a way that the golden wedding will be remembered by the celebrants and guests.

Competition for “newlyweds” “Chamomile”

Offer the heroes of the occasion a fun “Chamomile” competition for the golden wedding. Pre-prepare a large paper flower, in the middle of which a wish for the winner will be hidden under the yellow core. Make the chamomile petals so that they are easily separated from the middle. On the back of each petal, write significant dates: the birthdays of each spouse, children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

Each person in turn must tear off a petal and say the name of the person whose birthday is indicated. Prepare symbolic gifts for everyone whose birthday is indicated on the daisy. By guessing the names of their relatives, the golden newlyweds will be awarded memorable prizes. To make the competition bring more emotions and joy, invite those whom the anniversaries have guessed to make a festive toast in honor of the heroes of the golden wedding.

For a family with a large number of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, it will be fun and amusing to watch how grandparents carefully sort through all the heirs. An interesting option is this: write the names of relatives on the petals, and the celebrants will have to tear off the corresponding petal and name the date of birth. The winner will definitely receive a prize hidden in the core of the chamomile.

"On the Waves of Memories"

The fun competition “Along the Waves of Memories” will help you give away vivid memories. The funny, curious moments of the wedding 50 years ago are certainly etched in the memory; important events and fleeting meetings - you have a lot to learn from your parents. Prepare a list of questions for the celebrants of the golden wedding, for example:

  • “Name the day when your beloved spouse proposed to you”
  • “What bouquet of flowers did you have in your hands on your wedding day?”
  • “Where did you go on your honeymoon?”

Entertainingly play out questions related to the wedding celebration and those invited. Especially if some are present at the golden wedding. Surely, memories of memorable events in the lives of children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will be interesting. Themes related to the weddings of heirs, meeting parents, tricks of grandchildren - everything will be appropriate for the golden anniversary of the wedding.

"Elections of the head of the family state"

An unusual competition for the celebration of the golden wedding “Election of the head of the family state.” Help parents determine who is in charge in the house? To do this, prepare small pieces of paper. Invite those present to write the name of the spouse who is the head of the family. Ask for a brief indication of why they believe this. Then the presenter collects the leaves and reads what was written out loud. The heroes of the occasion are invited to guess who wrote what they read and why, and give the winning couple a “golden” prize.

Golden wedding competitions for guests

Fun entertainment for guests will create a relaxed atmosphere for celebrating a golden wedding, and the anniversary spouses will be reminded of the events of 50 years ago. Funny competitions, dances, wishes will give a good mood to both the younger and older generations. Dance and music competitions should not ignore either the heroes of the occasion or the invitees.

Competition "Search for a partner"

Announce the rules in advance: blindfolded, you need to detect your loved one by touching certain parts of the body, for example, hands or face. Couples who have mutually unmistakably identified each other receive memorable souvenirs and prizes from the hands of the celebrants of the golden wedding. Invite the winners to say a celebratory toast to the celebrants of the golden wedding.

Competition "Dancing in couples"

No wedding is complete without fun dancing, especially a golden one! A dance competition with balloons will be great entertainment for everyone present, and the golden couple will happily remember their own wedding entertainment. Invite those who want to dance to take part in the competition. There must be an equal number of men and women on teams.

To the background of cheerful music, hand out balloons to the stronger half of humanity and ask them to inflate them to see who can complete the task faster. Then explain to participants that the competition will take place in several stages:

  1. Choose a dance partner;
  2. Squeeze the inflated balloon between the body parts of the participants named by the presenter. For example, forehead, shoulders, hips.
  3. For each change in the ball's position, special music sounds. In honor of the golden anniversaries, stage a waltz, tango, lambada, etc. melodies that were popular 50 years ago.
  4. The couple that loses the ball while performing the dance is eliminated. The competition continues until there are no winners. They are the ones who receive the prize from the “young people”.

"Sumo Dance"

Preparations for the dance competition for sumo wrestlers will take additional time. You will need to sew huge trouser shorts with a shoulder strap. The more funny huge pants you sew, the more fun your golden wedding will be. The number of “dancing sumo wrestlers” must be at least five. For the competition you will need balloons - 10-15 for each team. The presenter invites those who want to dance to take part in the competition.

Teams are created with one dancing “sumo wrestler” in huge pants and several “serving” guests. At the command of the celebrants of the golden wedding, the competition begins. While the sumo wrestlers dance rhythmically, the rest of the team inflates balloons and throws them into the sumo wrestlers’ pants. The presenter at this time draws attention to how quickly the dancers increase in size. Suddenly the music stops, and the presenter counts how many balls each “wrestler” has gained. The team that best fattens the dancer wins.

Table entertainment options

Competitions for everyone present will help to amuse the guests of the golden wedding and entertain spouses with 50 years of experience. Fantasy, humor, and sincere, heartfelt words will pleasantly please the golden anniversaries, reminding them of the best moments of a long life together. Knowledge of family traditions and the habits of spouses will emphasize the respectful attitude of young people towards elders, love and genuine interest.

"Alphabet of Wishes"

Invite the guests of the golden wedding to come up with congratulations for the family reaching golden age, in alphabetical order. Give those present a balloon, inside of which is a small piece of paper with a letter of the alphabet written on it. Let the guests come up with a small toast starting with this letter. The options could be:

“Active in life, athletic (the names of the spouses) never cease to amaze us with their good health, joyful mood, and reverent attitude towards each other. They are role models, and their happy family life has delighted us for 50 years. We wish them to live as long as possible, attend their great-grandchildren’s wedding, passing on invaluable experience. Bitterly!"

“Crazy love once connected two hearts, beating in unison. A golden wedding is just a step on the way to the next anniversaries, which become brighter every year, making your eyes burn with overwhelming feelings. May fate favorably give you the joy of communicating with your family, may friends come to visit more often, and may laughter and joy be your companions for many, many years. Advice and love to you!”

"A couple of trifles"

Your parents will certainly want to know how well their relatives, friends and relatives remember the significant dates in the lives of the heroes of the day. Come up with questions for wedding witnesses about events that happened half a century ago; for children about the tricks and pranks of their grandchildren; for the young - about the moments when the heroes of the day met; for husband and wife - about heirs. Attention and participation will be very pleasant for the heroes of the occasion.

“The best congratulations among the guests”

Announce a competition among everyone present for the best congratulations for the golden spouses. Poems written by the guests themselves in honor of the 50th anniversary of marriage; kids dancing for grandparents; rap from the younger generation, unusual for the ears of the older generation; sincere, affectionate congratulations to children; The unusual toasts of the couple's friends will delight the celebrants of the golden wedding.

Golden wedding... It is very rare nowadays when spouses managed to walk side by side for a whole 50 years. And it is no coincidence that this anniversary bears this name. The noble metal symbolizes the perseverance of feelings.

By the time of the celebration, not only children, but also grandchildren and even great-grandchildren usually have time to grow up.
Oddly enough, such an anniversary is celebrated infrequently. And it’s absolutely in vain, because such events help the family get together and unite once again.

The golden wedding is a kind of repetition of the first wedding, when the union was just being concluded. At this celebration there will be something to reflect on and take stock of, since a long way has already been traveled.

In order for the event to be successful and fun, you should not leave it to chance, you should prepare. If a golden wedding is celebrated, then it is also full of traditional rituals, like a wedding. But there are differences in the event itself.

First of all, the 50th anniversary of marriage is, first and foremost, a purely family holiday. The main part of the invitees are invariably relatives, children with their families, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and close friends.

Celebrating half a century of marriage opens a new period in the life of the spouses. Therefore, many rituals are repeated. For example, a couple is showered with sweets, coins and confetti. But everything should be “golden”. There is also a often beautiful ritual when the children of a couple give their mother a gold scarf.

The new stage in the life of the spouses is also emphasized by the acquisition of new rings. And again, like many years ago, the spouses exchange rings. And old, already worn-out rings are kept in the family as an amulet.

In general, there is a lot of symbolism in the numerous rituals that are performed during the celebration of the golden wedding. Thus, the rings passed on to children and grandchildren symbolize the wisdom that the old people have accumulated over all the years of their lives together.

Another beautiful ritual that complements the exchange of rings is the lighting of candles. This is another symbol of the beginning of a new married life, which replaces the old one.

Very often, the celebration of such an anniversary encourages spouses to get married in church.

As has traditionally happened, the celebration of an anniversary, as well as a traditional wedding, begins with breaking a large loaf.

It is difficult to list in one short article all the possible customs and rituals that are carried out during the celebration of the golden wedding. However, if you use your imagination and prepare for the holiday in advance, you will be able to make a truly memorable day in your large family, which your family and friends will remember for a long time.

The portal offers its own version of the Golden Wedding scenario

But first, we invite the newlyweds to confess their love to each other.

Congratulations on your wedding on your phone

The Golden Wedding is exactly 50 years old. This magnificent event will not be complete without celebration. All relatives and friends are invited to the holiday. You can celebrate at home, but if your financial situation allows, you can also celebrate in a restaurant. Of course, the children themselves should take charge of organizing everything. Give your beloved parent an unforgettable holiday! As for gifts, you can give gold, and all objects are golden in color.

The theme of the script is “Eternal Love”. The room in which the celebration will take place can be decorated with balloons and fresh flowers. You can also hang posters with photographs of spouses on the walls. You can also come up with something like a wall newspaper, in which all visiting guests will write their wishes.

Good evening dear guests,
I greet you on this glorious day,
Happy, great years passed,
And today we are among friends!
There's a huge reason for this
And I'll tell it to you now,
There is one woman, and there is one man,
They want to celebrate their wedding!
And this wedding will not be easy,
This wedding will be expensive
This wedding will be golden
50th wedding anniversary!

And now, I ask you to call them here in unison!
(the spouses are called, they enter)

I ask you to remember the very first day,
When did you celebrate your wedding?
And how wonderfully you danced on it,
It's like lilacs are blooming!
(the couple dances a slow dance, small children sprinkle rose petals on them)

Thank you very much for the dance,
You looked so fine, so beautiful
That we could admire you forever,
And you should acknowledge these praises!
In the meantime, I ask you to come to the table,
To appetizers and delicious wine!
(spouses take their seats)

And immediately a toast in honor of our couple,
Let's tell them that they are not old,
They are as beautiful as they were then
They always have spring in their souls!
(musical break, meal)

Dear spouses, dear guests, and now I ask you to have a little fun and listen to congratulatory ditties:
(ditties are prepared in advance and performed by the children of the spouses)

Ditty No. 1
The Russian wedding is taking place,
The Russian wedding is underway,
And she doesn’t know the aisle
At 50, a great honor!

Ditty No. 2
Mom, dad, look
After all, today everything is for you,
Just calm us down a little,
And then we'll start dancing!

Ditty No. 3
50 years flew by in an instant,
And it came solemnly,
The wedding knows its business,
Look how many guests have come!

Ditty No. 4
Let's sing and have fun,
Let's dance brightly
Try for parents
Raise your spirits!

The children tried their best, applause for them,
And these are still the best joyful moments!

And again we will raise our glasses,
After all, there is nowhere more beautiful than a couple,
So that their health becomes stronger,
And may heaven crown them!
(musical break, meal)

And now, I want to give the floor to you, dear guests. After all, each of you has probably prepared touching, kind congratulations. Please, congratulate our golden, our precious couple on this wonderful anniversary!
(guests congratulate the spouses one by one)

And now I'm announcing a competition,
And I call the bravest ones to come to me!

Competition "Samodelkin"

Everyone is welcome to participate. We split into two groups. Each group is given: paper, gold paint, balloons, etc. Task: draw a congratulation and, in the best and most original way possible, congratulate the spouses on their anniversary. The winners receive a prize: each a small wall painting.

Well, we played a competition,
But they just didn’t dance,
So I ask dear couples,
So that there is a fire in the soul!

Competition "Dancing in couples"

Everyone is welcome to participate. We break into pairs. The task of each couple is to dance, but not just, but in accordance with the music (tango, Russian folk, samba, etc.). The melodies change every 20 seconds. Whoever fails is eliminated. The best couple gets a prize: tickets to the theater or cinema.

And now, I would ask the dear bride and groom to come to me.
(the presenter opens the nearest window and takes out a cage with white doves)

I would ask you to take these magical doves in your hands, make your deepest wish and release them to the sky!
(the spouses will find such a moment very pleasant)

Now let's raise our glasses,
For great-grandchildren and for all children,
We wish them great happiness,
To make their life more fun!
(musical break, meal)

And now a congratulatory song-remake to the tune of “Polar Bears”.
(prepared in advance, performer to choose from)

Verse No. 1
You have lived for five decades,
Big wedding anniversary,
You deserve it
How many children are there!
Everyone salutes you
Smiles and praise
Everyone here loves you very much.
This is what I sing about!

Golden wedding
Congratulations, “Hurray”!
Let it be like this forever,
Family, you are real!

And the holiday continues
And how everyone likes him,
The wedding is golden, bright, radiant!

(the holiday continues, dancing, eating, singing)

A golden wedding is a big celebration for the family. Of course, when arranging it, you should remember that the anniversaries are no longer eighteen, so it is better to refuse a too noisy, overly active celebration.

This scenario for holding a golden wedding is designed for a banquet hall, but you can easily organize the anniversary at home, in a large spacious room (to be able to hold competitions). The whole family should work hard on decorating it. Above the table at which the newlyweds will sit, you need to hang two large wedding rings. What kind of rings they will be - made of foil, decorated with garlands - the choice is yours. In addition, take care of congratulatory posters.

It is better to involve grandchildren, that is, young people, in their creation. There are a lot of ideas: from quatrains with congratulations, to collages with old family photos. A large portrait of your entire dynasty, led by your parents, will be relevant. Don’t forget about flowers (both for decoration and for congratulations) and a young bouquet in case the groom “forgets”; you also shouldn’t forget about the wedding cake.

You will also need: golden confetti (you can use shiny pieces of foil), love songs, Mendelssohn's march, golden satin ribbons, white tablecloths with golden napkins, two envelopes made of golden paper, a scarf or scarf embroidered with gold threads (Lurex).

Be sure to invite witnesses, if, of course, they can be present at the festive table. Prepare “honorary witness” ribbons for them in advance.

We hasten to note that this golden wedding scenario contains the best traditions and rituals that only occur at such celebrations, in addition to competitions.

Moreover, the competitions, like the script itself for the fiftieth anniversary, the golden wedding, are designed to be held with family and friends. A presenter is not required. Her role can be played by someone from her family who has at least a hint of talent as a toastmaster.
Everything seems to be going well with the organization. Now, actually, the script itself for such a significant date for your parents - the golden wedding.


Guests stand at the door to create a living corridor; children or grandchildren make an “arch” from golden satin ribbons.

To the sounds of the wedding march,

Among children, family, friends

Our young people meet

Anniversary of life together!

The newlyweds enter, pass under the “arch” past the guests, who shower them with golden confetti.

We ask the newlyweds, honorary witnesses, and all guests to take a seat at the table.

First toast:

Here comes the happy moment!
Gilding shines all around.
Today is a holiday for two,
And away from sorrow and worries!
Let's fill a glass with wine,
Now let's drain it to the bottom
Because this day has come,
For living in perfect harmony!
Among family, among friends.
Look, how many people have gathered here!
So let's shout, friends, quickly
Our newlyweds are “bitter”!

We continue our celebration. A half-century anniversary is not a year or two... To be able to carry feelings for each other through so many years, not to waste them, but, on the contrary, to increase them is a whole art. No one will say that everything was always perfectly smooth in family life. But time diligently erases all troubles from memory, leaving only the brightest moments. Now we will ask the newlyweds to read letters written to each other about the happiest moments of their life together. (Husband and wife take turns reading pre-written letters.)

We will put these letters in golden envelopes. In moments of unexpected sadness, open and re-read them, let happy moments come to life in your memory!

For memory, to cherish happiness,
To warm you up in difficult times!
For happiness! So that there is always enough of it!
For joy! May she always be there!


The years flew by like birds in the sky.
They waved their wing at you, melting into the clouds.
The roads are well-trodden, the pages are written,
And the rings on my dear hands faded...

We ask the children to present their parents with new wedding rings on this glorious anniversary of their marriage, and the heroes of the occasion will exchange them again, as many years ago. Give old rings to children, passing on wisdom and experience, and parental blessing.

And again the two rings shine brightly!
And they will shine for no less than half a century,
So that two relatives and friends
Love is forever cherished in our hearts!

Of course, everyone sitting at this rich table came to this holiday for a reason, but with gifts and congratulations. Let's voice them to our dear heroes of the day! (Congratulations to the guests).

There are also competitions in our program! Moreover, competitions are not only for guests, but also for newlyweds. Let's start with them. All women, including the bride, line up with their left hand in front. The groom, blindfolded, must determine his wife's hand.

Warmth of the soul, light in the window of the house,
Out of thousands of names, one is my favorite.
Native hands. They are not more expensive.
And you can’t confuse them with others!
Let the warmth of your family's hands warm you
And in a happy moment, and in a rainy hour!

And we continue competitions! Now there are competitions for guests. Since we all came to celebrate the anniversary of family life, let's sing an ode to it! (guests are divided into two teams, remember songs about love, fidelity, home, family, sing several lines, dedicating them to the heroes of the occasion)

What are competitions without gifts? Young people, award gold medals! (The husband and wife give out chocolate medals to everyone.)


The years have covered the heads of our young ones with silver... According to a long-standing tradition, it is today that the eldest child should cover his mother’s head with gold. As a sign of gratitude for sleepless nights and anxious days. (a song about a mother plays; a son or daughter puts a scarf on her).

There are ordinary, nondescript days,
That vanity gives only rubbish...
Today in your life, newlyweds,
Wonderful, golden, happy day!

Dear friends! Today we sang, read poetry, held competitions... But can there be holidays without dancing? Let me invite the main people of this celebration to the young dance! (dance dance).

And now it’s quite appropriate
Everyone catch the bride's bouquet!

Exactly everyone! (I mean the beautiful half of the guests).

After all, did you know that if an unmarried girl catches the bouquet, it promises a quick wedding, and if she is married, it promises happiness and longevity in the marital relationship! So let's begin!

It's nearing the end
Holiday. He is the beginning
New life for two.
Congratulations to them again!

We invite everyone to a festive tea party with this wonderful cake. And we give the floor to the newlyweds!

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In Russia, it is customary to celebrate not only the wedding itself, but also the anniversaries of this wonderful event. The golden wedding is a serious date. It is celebrated on 50 years of marriage. We can say that not all couples live together until this period. But for those who managed to maintain their union and carry love and fidelity through the years, this is a truly great event! Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it on a grand scale. Give your parents, friends or relatives celebrating their fiftieth wedding anniversary a real gift - rent a banquet hall in a cafe or restaurant and prepare a holiday according to a specific scenario. Such a measure is necessary because without a script, celebrating a wedding anniversary will turn into a dull feast.

Room decoration and preparation

The scenario for a golden wedding includes, in addition to the official part and competitions, also preparation for the event and decoration of the premises. The preparatory stage should begin with choosing a room and drawing up a guest list. Close friends and relatives of the newlyweds should definitely be invited to the celebration..

Try to unobtrusively ask them about who was the witness at the wedding. It will be a pleasant surprise for a married couple if these people unexpectedly appear at the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their marriage.

Invitation cards should be prepared for all guests, which can be delivered in person or sent by mail. They can be purchased at a specialty store or made yourself. You can put an old wedding photo on your handmade invitations. You can decorate a room for a golden wedding celebration according to the “Love Through the Years” scenario in any style. For this you will need balloons, fabrics and fresh flowers. You can also make a wall newspaper with family chronicle sections or a photo collage using pictures of the couple. The place where the newlyweds will sit can be decorated with a composition of fresh flowers or two intersecting rings made of white and gold balls. To conduct an event according to this scenario, you should choose a presenter or presenter. You can handle this role yourself.


The young people should appear in the hall later than all the guests to the Mendelssohn march. Guests can shower them with rose petals and rice. Presenter: Dear guests! We have gathered here today for a reason. The occasion is most special. Our dear “newlyweds” are celebrating their wedding anniversary today, but not just any anniversary: ​​not ten years or even twenty. They lived together for FIFTY years! Let's applaud them and see how much strong love they were able to carry through the years. Bitter for the young! And now it’s time for the first congratulations. The honorable right to congratulate parents is given to their children. If happy newlyweds have several children, you can give them the floor in turn, for example, by seniority. This should be done in the intervals between competitions and other events.

Presentation of a film about the life of spouses

Presenter: Dear guests! It's time for memories. I want to invite you all to a film show. Don’t worry, you won’t have to leave your seats for this, because our cinema is special – a table-top cinema. Let's quickly start watching the film, which will tell us about the life of our happy newlyweds. Creating a film to show at a golden wedding celebration is quite easy. To do this, you will need photographs from the spouses' family archive. You can take pictures from their childhood to the present day, distribute them in chronological order and add a funny caption to each slide. The presentation needs to be accompanied by beautiful music. It might look something like this: You shouldn’t make the film too long, as this can tire both the guests and the newlyweds. Presenter: And now we will check how young at heart our hero of the occasion is. Dear newlyweds, I ask you to go to the center of the hall. Dear bride, please sit on this humble throne. Surely you went on vacation to the sea when you were young? Where have you been? The newlyweds name a place, for example Yalta. Presenter: Let's imagine that you are in Yalta fifty years ago. In order for the atmosphere to be as close to reality as possible, I will ask six people to help me. Come out, don’t be shy, you won’t have to do anything complicated. How many of you know how seagulls cry? This is what you two do best. Draw birds circling over the pavement. Here you two stand to the left of the bride and make waves with your hands. You will be the sea for a few minutes. Well, you got the most important role - you will portray palm trees. For people depicting palm trees, it is necessary to make hats with leaves from colored paper in advance. Presenter: Now it's time for the young ones to dress up. You, the groom, will wear sunglasses and a light hat, while you, the bride, will wear a straw hat and a light beach scarf. Young man, now you will declare your love to your lady, and not just, but with a song. Here's the text if you accidentally forgot the words. Seagulls, sea, palm trees, get ready, let's go! The phonogram of the song “Lonely Lilac Branch” plays. The husband takes his wife's hand or kneels and begins to sing. Next in the golden wedding scenario, competitions begin.

Competition "Important Events"

Presenter: Let's support our hero of the occasion with applause. Well done! Now we see that you were able to carry your feelings through the years. Take your places at the table, and we continue. For the next competition I will need the children of our happily married couple. I ask you to go to the center of the hall. Now we will check how well you know about the life of your parents. I have a chamomile in my hands, and not just a simple one, but a magical one, and the questions in it are tricky. Tear off the petals one by one and answer the questions. Chamomile for this competition should be prepared in advance. You can purchase it in stores that sell everything you need for the holiday, or make it yourself. The following questions should be written on the petals:

  • At what age did your parents get married?
  • Where did your father serve?
  • What movie does mom like best?
  • Where did your parents spend their honeymoon?
  • Under what circumstances did the parents meet?
  • When was your first child born?
  • Father's birthday?
  • Mom's birthday?

Competition for spouses “On the Waves of Memories”

Presenter: And now we will check how fresh the memories are in the spouses’ memory. Dear groom, please stand up. Now I will ask you questions, and you try to answer them:

  • What perfume did your lover prefer in her youth, what scent does she use now?
  • What flowers did you give her on the first date?
  • What color did your bride wear on her wedding day? Was she wearing a veil?
  • What did you like to do when you first started dating?
  • How long did it take for you to propose marriage to your wife?

Now questions for the bride:

  • How did your spouse strike you at first sight?
  • Where was your first date?
  • What is the most memorable gift your husband gave you?

We will tell you how to create it correctly and what colors you can additionally decorate it with. Do you know how the scenario of a children's Hawaiian party differs from a similar one for adults? about this in our article. After reading the article at the following address, you can compose a poem for your teacher on his birthday.

Competition "Election of the head of the family state"

Presenter: And now you and I will vote together for who is the head of the couple - the head of the family state. For this competition, it is necessary to prepare ballots in advance with the following content:

  • Election of the head of the family state “surname of the spouses, for example Ivanovs”;
  • Mrs. Ivanova;
  • Mr. Ivanov;
  • Number;
  • Signature;

Competition "Alphabet of Wishes"

Presenter: Dear guests, our holiday continues, and now we will praise the young people. The essence of the competition is as follows: I name the first letter of the alphabet and come up with a funny congratulation or wish for the spouses that begins with it, for example, with “A”: “ Absolutely everyone knows: in marriage, brothers, life is wonderful! I wish you to live together without troubles for many years" Or on “B”: “ Everything will be fine with you, since you love each other. It’s not for nothing that even the passport has a note about spouses" Now it's your turn.

Competition for guests “Sumo Dancing”

Presenter: Our guests are noticeably depressed. Let's have a fun moving competition. It's called "sumo dance". To carry it out we will need two teams of five people. The presenter gives it to the contestants who volunteered to take part in the test huge calico panties. They should be sewn in advance. They should be very large and end approximately at the armpits of makeshift sumo fighters. Also for this competition you will need balloons. While the contestants portraying sumo wrestlers dance to rhythmic music, the rest of the challengers inflate balloons and stuff them under their giant underpants. The presenter at this time draws attention to how quickly sumo fighters gain weight. At the presenter's command, the music stops playing.

She counts how many marbles each team has used. The one who managed to fatten up the sumo wrestler more wins.

Presenter: Well, dear guests, did you like the way our sumo wrestlers dance? Maybe we'll ask them to do a couple of dances as an encore. By the way, you can join them.

The final part of the evening

Presenter: Our dear newlyweds, you probably remember such an unforgettable event as your wedding day! I am more than sure that during this event one of the guests said the following text: “ We wish the young couple to live until their golden wedding! So, this wish came true and turned out to be happy. Now, on behalf of all the guests, I wish you to celebrate many more bright and good holidays!

A wedding is the most touching and important event in everyone's life. The fate of the newlyweds influences the life of an entire generation and the entire family as a whole. Therefore, people who have lived together for fifty years and carried warmth towards each other through many years are worthy of respect and veneration of their descendants. As they say, going through life is not a field to cross. And living together most of your life is a whole science. Not only the celebrants themselves are proud of this, but also their children and grandchildren.

How to make such an event joyful, festive and at the same time cozy, touching to tears? It is important not to burden the newlyweds with your fun , after all, it’s clear that the couple is no longer young, they want peace and care more.

Everything should be in moderation. Beautiful, reverent and laconic. Such a holiday will be remembered by the whole family and will bring generations even closer together.

Where to begin

If you have not yet decided how to celebrate your parents’ golden wedding, then first decide where the celebration will take place. The ideal place for the celebration would be a cafe, restaurant or the house where the heroes of the day live. Each option has its own pros and cons.

Celebrate in a cafe and restaurant more solemnly than at home. Among the advantages, we note that:

  • in these establishments the anniversary will be held more officially;
  • you won’t have to cook yourself, which means everyone will enjoy the holiday;
  • you can dance and have fun from the heart;
  • This hike will be remembered for a long time by all participants.

The most significant disadvantage of such a celebration is the cost. And we must take into account that a couple of the heroes of the day are not young, so having fun to the fullest may not be approved. If you decide to celebrate the holiday at home, then there will be more advantages:

  • it will cost much less than in a cafe, and the dishes can be distributed among the guests, because everyone is their own, and they will be happy to help with the preparation of dishes;
  • in a cozy home environment everyone will become more sincere and open;
  • celebrants will enjoy a home celebration more than an official appearance;
  • you can choose a ready-made celebration scenario for your home and it will be no worse than in a cafe.

Wherever you decide to celebrate your family’s birthday, you can safely involve all your relatives, young and old. Everyone will contribute according to their ability.

Entrust the design of the living room to the younger generation. Also send here the preparation of videos, photographs, and a selection of music.

Entrust more senior staff with creating the menu and guest list. Ask your loved ones to find an approach to the elderly, and find out who they themselves would like to see at their anniversary. They may want to invite old friends or distant relatives.

Even small children can be entrusted with an important task. For example, inflate balloons, draw pictures on the theme “Grandmother, grandfather and everything, everything, everything!” Then you can decorate the living room with these drawings.

Engaging in a common noble cause will add interest to the holiday. Everyone will look forward to the cherished day.

Now it's time to start writing the script. Remember, the best text for a holiday should resemble improvisation. Everything should be in place.

Decoration of the hall or living room

During the celebration, everything should sound in the theme “Golden Wedding”. This means that in the interior of the festive room everything should be painted in golden tones:

The scenario for the golden wedding of parents at home can be combined from ancient customs. This will make the holiday quite eventful.

Customs have come to us from time immemorial and, despite the fun they bring with them, they have a sacred meaning. If you include them in your anniversary script, then you will not only diversify the feast, but also observe a number of mandatory rituals that will delight the elderly:

All rituals can be combined by diluting them with toasts and dancing. As a result, you will have a full-fledged holiday that will once again remind everyone of eternal values: love, kindness, respect and support of loved ones.

Home movie about a young couple

If finances allow and there is not enough personal time to process your home video library, then this matter can be entrusted to a professional. Finding such a master is not difficult; there are many advertisements with services. It will cost about 1000−1500 rubles. A little expensive, but a memory that will last a lifetime.

You can make a short video yourself for 5-7 minutes. A 15 year old can do this. Today, every schoolchild makes such videos himself. If you have young people in your family, give them this important task . You will need:

Givi, say a toast!

It is advisable that guests not only read beautiful poems from postcards. Although there are real masterpieces, they are still dry, because the congratulator himself does not put any effort into writing. Ask your guests, preferably in advance, to add a few words about the couple's anniversary to the toast. Let everyone remember one episode from life. Such personal memories will amuse everyone, and congratulations will become sincere.

It is customary to start the toast with the elders, but given the age of the spouses, you can start with the children, then close friends, and then the rest of the relatives. You can simply take turns from one end of the table to the other. Each subsequent toast will be better than the previous one.

Ideas for a ruby ​​wedding

A ruby ​​wedding is the 40th anniversary of a family, no less serious than a gold or diamond wedding. Ruby is a hard gemstone, a symbol of passion and love. The strength of a ruby ​​can only be compared with a diamond, which means that it is also a guarantee of the strength and reliability of family ties.

The scenario for a ruby ​​wedding at home can be drawn up according to the same principle as for a 50th anniversary. Only rings exchanged between spouses should be ruby. And wedding rings are removed until the next round date.

The hall must be decorated in red and burgundy tones (the color of ruby). Red roses, bright red ribbons and fruits (pomegranate, grapes, strawberries) will look great on the table.

If an emerald wedding or 55th anniversary is planned, then the entire celebration scenario will be decorated in green tones.

Diamond Jubilee

Holding a diamond wedding is an even more important event, because the 60th anniversary of marriage is celebrated extremely rarely. Such a celebration should be held with your closest people.

For a diamond wedding, the scenario at home can be taken from a golden wedding, but with some nuances. It is important to remember that people who lived to see such an event are no longer young and the main thing for them is respect and attention.

All important aspects of the event must be discussed and agreed upon with the celebrants.