How to determine the volume of the head. How to determine the size of the hat or "Hat acquaintance

To choose and buy a hat or knit a hat correctly, you just need to know its size. For these purposes, there are special tables. In the domestic market, they use the Russian size table, in which measurements are taken in centimeters native to us. With it, you can determine the size of the cap.

In international tables, inches are most often taken as the unit of measure. Very easy to use table of children's sizes of hats. Age gradation in such a table is presented in detail: from 1 month to 12 years. After 2 years, the circumference of the child's head changes every 6 months by about 0.5 centimeters. In some grids of size tables for children, the age of the child is also indicated.

How to correctly determine the size of the cap for women and children (in centimeters)

The abundance of characteristics can be a little confusing for many, but the bulk of headwear manufacturers are guided not only by the dependence of the head girth on the age of the child, but also on his height. When using so many parameters, the chance to pick up a hat that will definitely fit increases.

On a note: Many manufacturers, in order to make it easier for parents, write on the labels not only the size of the product, but also age category for which it is designed.

Unlike children's tables, adult size tables do not contain age information. The sizes themselves are conceived by standard letters: L, M, XL, XXL and so on.. When choosing a headdress for a woman, a number of features should be considered. Firstly, many of the fair sex love to wear voluminous hairstyles that cannot be pressed strongly to the head with a beret or hat, so as not to spoil it.

For lovers of lush hair, it is necessary to add 1 cm to the designation of the head girth and you should choose more free styles. The range of headwear for women impresses with its variety. The presence of ribbons, laces or other devices designed for a slight change in size should also be considered when choosing a headgear. This option is perfect in case the product stretches.

The main characteristics of hats

Hats have the following characteristics:

  • Diameter.
  • Size.
  • Girth.
  • Depth.

To determine the size of the cap, you need to consider only one indicator: head girth. It is quite easy to measure it yourself. To do this, you only need a centimeter tape, which is used by tailors for work.

How to measure: The tape is applied to the head 1 cm above the level of the eyebrows and the tips of the ears, wraps around the head and brings both ends together in the crown area.

Next, the obtained data should be compared with size chart(mesh) and you can safely order hats in absentia. If there is no measuring tape at hand, then You can use a regular ruler and thread. The thread is wrapped around the head according to the instructions above, then it is applied to the ruler and the exact length of the thread in centimeters is determined.

Children's Hats Size Chart

European and international sizes hats

Factors to Consider

The size of the headgear is influenced by three of its characteristics:

  • The material it's made from.
  • Pattern, if any
  • Product density.

Woolen or cotton products tend to "sit down" over time, while viscose, on the contrary, stretches. When choosing a hat, the features of the material must be taken into account so as not to throw away the stretched or, conversely, shrunken product in the future.

Fur hats do not tend to deform, so they should be purchased exactly in size.

Winter hats should fit tightly around the head, so when choosing a hat for the cold season, 1 cm must be taken away from the girth of the head. This is the very “reserve” due to which the hat will not slip or hang out. But there are some pretty important nuances.

For a long time, hats with voluminous patterns have come into fashion. The very first were the famous "pigtails", which still remain at the top of popularity. When choosing a hat with embossed, “heavy” patterns, at least 1 cm must be subtracted from the head coverage value, because such a product will stretch a little over time and will “hang” on its already completely unhappy owner.

To knit or purchase a hat right size your child, it is necessary to know the parameters and volume of the baby's head. This article suggests simple ways measurements and clear tables for calculating the size of a children's hat.

To knit the right size knitted product utterly, be sure to know the volume of the head. These settings will allow make correct calculations in loops that the hat, for example, was not too small or too large.

The size of the head is measured, like the whole body, in centimeters. This can be done in two proven ways:

  • With the help of a special centimeter for the tailor ("tailor's centimeter"). Using it is very simple: determine the middle of the forehead, fix the point with your fingers and wrap the centimeter around the head. soft material professional centimeter will take any given shape and clearly show you the value. Keep in mind that one or two centimeters should be added to the result obtained so that the knitted product is not tight.
  • Using a regular ruler and thread. Such the way is fine those who do not have a professional centimeter at hand. To do this, you should take absolutely any thread and, according to the principle described in the previous tip, wrap your head around. The thread is fixed or cut off when it is completely closed. The cut piece of thread should be measured with a regular ruler on a flat surface. You should also add one or two centimeters to the measured value when knitting.
Measuring a child's head with a tailor's tape measure

How easy is it to measure a child's head?

How to determine the size of a hat for a child: table

There are two ways to determine the size of a child's head:

  • Using a tape measure or thread with a ruler
  • Using a special table

First way more reliable only because it is focused only on your individual settings. The second method offers only generally accepted norms and standards, focused on the age of the child and its gradual development.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that table values ​​are not accurate, they indicate the average value, which is simply the most suitable. Each child grows individually and has its own specific characteristics.

baby hat sizes

Sizes of different children's hats in centimeters

Sizes of hats for newborns by months: table

The development of a newborn baby is mainly according to generally accepted standards. Based on this, a table was compiled that allows determine the size of a newborn's hat by month.

Such a table can come in handy when buying a product for a child if it is impossible to timely measure the volume of the head in centimeters. It will also be useful for needlewomen, binder products self made for sale.

Detailed table of sizes of children's hats by months

Size chart of children's hats for knitting

Knitting-oriented size chart for children's hats allows every needlewoman calculate the exact number of loops designed for a certain age.

Such a table should give four main parameters:

  • The volume of the child's head
  • Cap bottom diameter
  • cap depth
  • Estimated age of the child

Size chart of children's hats for knitting

How to measure the cap size?

There are situations when, while in the store, you find the desired product: a hat, beret or other headgear. You can't buy it right away because you do not know the exact size of the child's head and are afraid to fail.

There are two main ways to calculate the cap size:

  • Fold the hat flat, closing the edges and measure with a ruler. The resulting value must be multiplied by two and add one more centimeter to it. The total number of centimeters is the estimated volume of the child's head.
  • Pay attention to the instructions for the size of the hat. Such information is usually written on the label inside or outside the product. It can be an exact centimeter volume or a simple designation, for example: 2M - two months.

Video: “We knit a hat, take measurements from the head”

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In order to buy a hat for a gift or knit it with your own hands, you need to know the size of the head of the person to whom the hat is intended. And here many people have a question: how to do it? After all, the head itself is round and measuring tape can be measured in different ways.

You will need:

Tape measure

You need to wrap your head with a measuring tape. It should run along the forehead above the eyebrows about 2 cm over the ears and further to the back of the head at the most protruding point. The tape should be parallel to the floor. The number of centimeters that you received will be the girth of the measured head.

Remember that the tape does not need to be pulled tight. It should fit snugly, but not too tight.

For more accurate data, it is better to take measurements at least 3 times, otherwise you can easily make a mistake from the first one.

Move the tape slightly up or down slightly with each measurement. Calculate the average of the measurements taken - this way you will have the most accurate head circumference. A person must be sitting, otherwise it will not be possible to accurately measure.

Regular tape or ruler

This method is in case you do not have a centimeter tape on hand. All you need is a ribbon and a ruler.

Wrap the head with tape, as in the previous tip, mark the connection point on it and place it on the ruler. The result will be the same.

We remind you that it is desirable to repeat the procedure several times for greater accuracy.

paper strip

Cut it out 2-4 cm wide.

The length should be such that it can wrap the head. Now mark on a piece of paper the beginning and end of the girth of the head. Then put it on the line.

Size ratio

As with all clothing, hats also have their own sizes. If you know the circumference of the head, it will be very easy to determine it.

On caps, the size can be indicated in inches and in letters (S, M, L). Letters may seem much more familiar to you, and inches may even scare you. But don't worry.

You can quite accurately translate the head circumference in centimeters into inches and letters.

Most small size headgear is considered XXS - this is 20.8 inches, and by our standards - 53 cm. big size- 5XL - 25.6 inches or 65 cm "our way".

You can convert centimeters to inches yourself using simple "school" arithmetic. There are 2.54 cm in 1 inch.

With the same ease you can translate centimeters into letters. Each centimeter from 53 to 65 has its own letter designation. Here is their range in hats: XXS, XS, S, SM, M, ML, L, L-XL, XL, XXL, XXXL, 4 XL, 5 XL.

Measurements for sewing a hat

To sew a hat with your own hands, girth data alone will not be enough. A couple more measurements are needed, namely the lines of the transverse and longitudinal arcs.

The longitudinal arc is the measurement of the head from the superciliary cavities to the very back of the head. This is how deep your "future" hat will sit. Subtract 3 cm from the data obtained. You will not pull the hat up to the very eyebrows, right?

Transverse - this is a measure from one temple to another through the "top" of the head. Also subtract 3 cm from the received figure. This is how close the headdress will be to the ears. He should not "cover" them.

Often, visitors to the site store who want to buy skullcaps receive questions about how to measure head size to choose the correct headgear size. In this article, we will look at a mini-tutorial that will help you accurately determine head size to buy a hat. After reading the article carefully, you will learn how to measure the diameter of the head circumference, in the end, you can easily calculate the parameters of your crown or find out baby head size for the subsequent choice of a skullcap or other hat.

In order to calculate the diameter of the head, we need a centimeter tape, known to everyone as a "tailor's ruler" or, if you do not have one, an ordinary school ruler and a small piece of twine or strong thread.

The easiest way is with the first option, when a tailor's centimeter ruler is available. To measure your head you need to take a measuring tape and wrap it around the “head”, as some like to say. If you measure the circumference of your head, this can be done by standing in front of a mirror, but it would be better if you ask a family member to help you with simple manipulations.

The girl who determines the size of her head

Grasping your head with a centimeter, you need to make sure that the path of the tape runs two centimeters above the eyebrows, bending around the sides of the crown, passing over auricles, and behind followed through the most protruding point of the occiput. It must be remembered that the measuring tape should fit tightly around the diameter of the head, but it is not necessary to pull the tape when measuring. By following these instructions, you can easily get the crown circumference in centimeters. As you can see calculate head circumference quite easy.

How to find out the size of the head? Head measurement for a hat

To fully verify the accuracy of the calculations, it does not hurt to repeat the manipulations on head size measurement repeatedly. So you eliminate the possibility of error and make sure the accuracy of determining the diameter of the head. During repeated measurements, you should slightly shift the centimeter tape on the back of the head up and down, this is necessary to determine the point of greatest convexity at the back of the head. We recommend that you write down each value of the head volume on a piece of paper - later you will select the maximum value of the head circumference among them.

How to measure the circumference of a person's head

What to do if there is no measuring tape, but find out the circumference of the head desperately needed? To determine the circumference of the head, you can use fairly long tools, for example, twine or a strong thread. You can cut a 2-3 cm wide tape from thick paper or inelastic fabric. Regardless of what you have at hand, you will need to wrap this very auxiliary tool around your head, passing through the areas indicated above - above the eyebrows, just above the ears and along the protruding part of the occiput. Mark the beginning and end of the head diameter on the string, thread or paper tape used in the measurement, this can be done with a pen, felt-tip pen or marker. After that, you should remove the "measuring device", and measure school ruler the length of the segment marked with a pen. This length will be the diameter of the head, or, in other words, the recommended cap size for purchase.

If you are measuring the diameter of a child's head and he is restless and twirls the top of his head, it is best to lay the child down - this way he will twirl less and measure baby's head It will be easier.

How to measure head circumference: video

Main measure

To make a hat or hat, several measurements are needed. For a hat, this will be the height of the crown, the diameter of the bottom and the width of the fields, for a knitted cap, the height of the product to the descent, and for a cap made of fabric, these will be the dimensions of the longitudinal and transverse arcs. But you need to know the girth of the head in any case. To measure it, you need an ordinary sewing centimeter - a flexible tape with divisions. On sale, there are usually bilateral centimeters, and on both sides they are divided into centimeters. Sometimes there are imported ones with an inch scale. In most sewing and knitting publications, measurements are given in centimeters, so this is the side of the tape that should be used. Apply a zero mark to the temple, about 1.5-2.5 cm above the eyebrow line. In fact, it doesn’t matter from which point to start measuring the circumference of the head, but this way it will be more convenient for you to control the position of the centimeter. The tape should be parallel to the floor. Cover the frontal tubercles with it, draw over the ear, through the back of the head and close the circle. Look at the result.

Don't pull the tape too tight, but don't let the tape sag either.

Body parameters: measure correctly

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Checking the table

If you are going to buy a hat, it makes sense to know your size. To do this, you will need a table that is in any store that sells hats. Leading online stores also provide such tables to the attention of their customers. Please note that in the table the same head circumference can correspond to two sizes. In this case, it is important what kind of headgear you are going to buy. If this knitted cap, choose a smaller size, as the knitting stretches over time, and the hat in this case will fit more tightly. If we are talking About the hard hat, you can choose a larger size.

What is a longitudinal arc?

To sew a fabric hat, you will need two more measurements. The length of the anthropometric longitudinal arch is measured from a point between the superciliary arches to the occiput. The sewing longitudinal arc will be 3 cm shorter than the anthropometric one, that is, the zero mark of the centimeter should not be applied to the depression between the superciliary arches, but 3 cm higher. The transverse arc also has two meanings - anthropometric and sewing. The anthropometric transverse arch is measured strictly from temple to temple. Sewing will be 3 cm shorter.

Anthropometry in action

Head circumference is not only one of the measurements needed for the manufacture of hats. It is also an important anthropometric indicator, most commonly used in pediatrics. The head of the child is changing, according to this indicator, the doctor determines how well the baby is developing. Anthropometric measurements are carried out with exactly the same centimeter tape, which covers the most protruding parts of the head - the superciliary arches and occipital protuberances.