Size chart for children. How to determine the size of a child's clothes

Most adults always know the size of their clothes. Often it does not change for years, so even the most forgetful men easily name a couple of numbers or letters that are so necessary when shopping. Much more difficult - with the size of clothes for a child. Children grow, their height and weight change, and sometimes during the year they have to update their wardrobe several times. Therefore, parents should always be able to correctly determine the size of children's things. Moreover, taking into account the fact that for manufacturers in Russia, Europe or the USA, it may differ slightly.

How to determine the right size

In the size of clothing for a child, manufacturers usually take into account several parameters: height, weight, age, waist, chest, hips, as well as neck circumference and sleeve length. But this does not mean that the baby will have to be measured up and down. Usually different manufacturers take into account different parameters. Russian companies for children under 5-6 years old, clothes are sewn “by height”, so parents most often have to know only this figure. And here there is a nuance: up to two years, clothing designers are advised to measure the growth of a child in a lying position, and only after two years - standing. And the explanation is simple: little fidget very rarely stands straight.

Sizes of Russian clothes for children

Size Height Age Weight, kg Breast volume (A), cm Waist (B), cm Hips (C), cm Inseam length (D), cm The length of the sleeve
18 50 1 month 3-4 41-43 41-43 41-43 16 14
18 56 2 months 3-4 43-45 43-45 43-45 18 16
20 62 3 months 4-5 45-47 45-47 45-47 20 19
22 68 3-6 months 5-7 47-49 46-48 47-49 22 21
24 74 6-9 months 6-9 49-51 47-49 49-51 24 23
24 80 12 months 9-11 51-53 48-50 51-53 27 26
24 86 1.5 years 11-12 52-54 49-51 52-54 31 28
26 92 2 years 12-14,5 53-55 50-52 53-56 35 31
26 98 3 years 13,5-15 54-56 51-53 55-58 39 33
28 104 4 years 15-18 55-57 52-54 57-60 42 36
28 110 5 years 19-21 56-58 53-55 59-62 46 38
30 116 6 years 22-25 57-59 54-56 61-64 50 41
30 122 7 years 25-28 58-62 55-58 63-67 54 43
32 128 8 years 30-32 61-65 57-59 66-70 58 46
32 134 9 years 31-33 64-68 58-61 69-73 61 48
34 140 10 years 32-35 67-71 60-62 72-76 64 51
36 146 11 years 33-36 70-74 61-64 75-80 67 53
38 152 12 years 35-38 75 65 82 70 55
40 158 13 years 36-40 78 67 85 74
42 164 14 years 38-43 81 69 88 77

Russian sizes of children's clothing

Sizes indicated by height usually differ by 6 units. Therefore, there will be such designations on dresses or panties: for height 86 cm, 92 cm, 98 cm, 104 cm, etc. After the age of five, other designations may appear on the clothes for the baby, you will already need to know his chest, waist, hips and sleeve length. It will not be difficult to calculate them, the rules are the same as for an adult: you just need to grab measuring tape one or another part of the body. And a step seam (the length from the groin to the intended bottom of the product) may also come in handy - this is necessary for sliders, panties or leggings.

Size chart for children under 2 years old

Age, months Height, cm Bust, cm Size, Russia Size, Europe Size UK US size
0-2 56 36 18 56 2 0/3
3 58 38 18 58 2 0/3
4 62 40 20 62 2 3/6
6 68 44 20 68 2 3/6
9 74 44 22 74 2 6/9
12 80 48 24 80 2 S/M
18 86 52 26 86 2 2-2T
24 92 52 28 92 3 2-2T

During measurements, the baby should be only in underwear in order to choose the item for him as accurately as possible. And if a child by nature is a fidget and does not stand still for a minute, it is better not to torment him with this procedure at all. And determine the size according to the available clothes that “sit” on it as well as possible. Here it is worth remembering that things should not hamper the movements of the child, he should always be comfortable in them. And therefore, in case of doubt, it is better to take clothes one size larger.

Size chart for girls from 3 to 15 years old

Age, years Height, cm Bust, cm Size, Russia Size, Europe Size UK US size
3 98 56 28/30 98 3 3T
4 104 56 28/30 104 3 4T
5 110 60 30 110 4 5 — 6
6 116 60 32 116 4 5 — 6
7 122 64 32/34 122 6 7
8 128 64 34 128 6 7
9 134 68 36 134 8 S
10 140 68 38 140 8 S
11 146 72 38/40 146 10 S/M
12 152 72 40 152 10 M/L
13 156 76 40/42 156 12 L
14 158 80 40/42 158 12 L
15 164 84 40/42 164 12 L

"Continental" features

There are manufacturers who, when designating the size, are guided by the age of the child.. Usually these are American clothing manufacturers. For example, for newborns, the size is simply indicated: 0-3 months, 3-6 months, 6-9 months. But at the same time, they most often mean growth of 61, 66 and 71 cm. And if the toddler at 3 months has already exceeded 70 cm, then it is better for him to buy sliders from six months.

For children from one year old to 15 years old, manufacturers from the United States usually also focus on age. Therefore, the size almost always coincides with the number of years. On the one hand, it’s simple, on the other hand, the physique of all children is completely different, so it’s usually worth considering the height and weight of the child (weight is measured in grams, so big numbers don't be afraid).

Size chart for boys from 3 to 17 years old

Age, years Height, cm Bust, cm Size, Russia Size, Europe Size UK US size
3 98 56 28/30 1 3 3T
4 104 56 28/30 1 3 4T
5 110 60 30 2 4 5 — 6
6 116 60 32 2 4 5 — 6
7 122 64 32/34 5 6 7
8 128 64 34 5 6 7
9 134 68 36 7 8 S
10 140 68 38 7 8 S
11 146 72 38/40 9 10 S/M
12 152 72 40 9 10 M/L
13 156 76 40/42 9 12 L
14 158 80 40/42 9 12 L
15 164 84 40/42 11 12 L
16 170 84 42 12 14 XL
17 176 88 42 13 44 XL

European manufacturers have their own size grid features. The size always coincides with the height of the child, and when determining it, several parameters are necessarily taken into account at once: the volume of the chest, waist and hips, as well as the length of the sleeve, crotch, and also the girth of the neck. Therefore, going to a children's clothing store, parents will have to find out about the crumbs literally everything up to a centimeter in advance.

When choosing things from European manufacturers, one must be very careful. For example, if the child is overweight, and his height is up to 68 cm, you should not buy clothes in size 68, they will probably be small for him. But you can safely choose skirts and trousers in size 74, because it will be much easier to shorten them in length than to take them in at the side seams. If there is any doubt between the two suggested sizes, the choice should be made in favor of the larger one. After all, the baby will definitely grow up, and the thing will be able to serve him much longer.

- can be seen in the next article.

At the birth of a baby, literally on the birthing chair, you are told the height and weight of the baby. On the tag, which is put on the arm or leg next to the name of the mother, the parameters of the crumbs are also written. Now you know the first dimensions of your tomboy. Call your family, report this data so that they can pick up everything you need for discharge from the hospital.

If you are already a happy mommy, it is easier for you to decide on the size of the baby. But if you are just waiting for the birth of a little one, when buying little things for a baby, be guided by the testimony last ultrasound, as well as on the size of their own and spouse. The higher and bigger parents, the greater will be the growth of and . Short parents almost always give birth to small children. Accordingly, parents of average height and build will have a baby with average data.

Dimensions at birth

It is laid down by nature so that boys are born with a weight of about three and a half kilograms, and girls are smarter than boys for 200-300 grams. That is, the weight of newborn boys is 3.4-3.5 kg, and girls - 3.2-3.4 kg. The growth of boys and girls depends on the family growth of the parents. When measuring children at birth, obstetricians and sisters of the maternity hospital state a height of 45 to 58 cm.

In the maternity hospital, you will definitely be informed of the first dimensions of the newborn - his weight and height

Why do parents need to know the size of children

Caring parents clarify the dimensional characteristics of the baby monthly. Knowing the anthropological data of children is necessary not only in order to buy them pretty little things, but also to monitor the dynamics of their development.

There are special tables of optimal sizes established by WHO. They indicate: height in cm, chest, waist, hips, head, foot length in cm, weight in grams.

Of course, every baby is unique and develops differently. But if parents carefully monitor the size of newborns, they will notice deviations in the development of physical data in time and report this to the district or treating pediatrician for action. Because a significant discrepancy with developmental standards may indicate some kind of disturbance in the body.

Normally, for crumbs of the first half of life, weight gain is approximately 20 grams per day, growth increase is 1.5-2 cm, an increase in chest circumference is 1.5-2 cm monthly.

The size of the baby must be monitored not only in order to buy clothes for him, but also in order not to miss any deviations in his development.

How to measure your baby

Knowing the parameters of clothes, parents can roughly calculate what size and what size clothes to buy for a newborn. To do this, it is enough to measure the baby.

Growth is the easiest to measure. Lay a measuring tape unfolded on a horizontal surface. Place the child parallel to the ribbon so that the top of the head is aligned with the number zero. Straighten the legs at the knees and look at what mark the heels turned out to be. This number will be the height in centimeters. Normally, children grow up to 2-3 cm per month. Check if there are deviations, tell your pediatrician about it.

Chest circumference measured in centimeters at the highest points of the breast and back. The circumference of the chest of newborns is on average 30-32 cm. By three months in healthy children, the breast becomes 6-8 cm larger, by six months it grows up to 45 cm, by nine - up to 50 cm, and by one year - up to 52 cm.

Head circumference measured with a soft tape along the line above the eyebrows, along the convex part of the back of the head. Normally, the head circumference at birth is about 35 cm, and at three months it becomes about 40 cm. By six months, all sizes increase, the head circumference is already 44 cm. Further, the violent growth of the newborn slows down, at 9-12 months the head circumference is 46-47 cm .

Foot length measured with a ruler from the longest toe to the back of the heel. You need to know the size of the foot so that the leg in the new booties feels comfortable and looks elegant.

The table shows how many centimeters the length of the foot increases and what shoes to buy for the baby. By three months, small heels are 7-9 cm, by six months - 9-11 cm, by nine months - 11-14 cm, and by a year old - 14-15 cm.

Going to the store

Going to the store for shopping for the baby, parents choose little things in accordance with the accepted values. Almost all manufacturers of baby products produce clothes for babies in accordance with their height. That is, with the growth of the baby from 50 to 58 cm, 56 clothing sizes will suit him. Please note that children's things are sewn loose, not tight-fitting, not restricting movement, so calmly take the baby 56 clothing size. Of course, if you have a large booty, take a closer look at the next, 62 size. But usually, babies grow to such growth by the third month.

Look at the table of sizes and growth by months:

Months Height in cm Size
1 0-3 50-58 56
2 3-6 59-64 62
3 6-9 65-70 68
4 9-12 71-76 74

It can be seen from the table that age categories three months are taken into account, that is, up to three months, up to six months, up to nine months and up to a year. And although manufacturers sew clothes according to different standards, the generally accepted difference between sizes is 6 cm: 56-62-68-74.

Dimensions according to GOST

For the production of children's goods Russian manufacturers there is GOST R 53915-2010, instead of GOST 1994, which has been amended and supplemented. Depending on the specifications clothing for newborns is divided into products of the first, second and third layers:

  • The first layer is clothing that is close to the baby's skin. This category includes diapers, vests, sliders, caps, scarves.
  • In the second layer - blouses, trousers, vests, that is, things that have limited contact with the skin.
  • The third, upper, layer of clothing is an envelope, a jacket, top pants, and so on.

The sizes according to GOST take into account not only the growth of the baby, but also the girth of the chest and waist. Here, the dimensional parameters differ by 4 cm, and not by 6, as in European ones. With growth up to 62 cm, children are offered one size - 40, and up to 80 cm - 44.

IN size range according to GOST, parameters such as chest and waist girth are included

Some mothers believe that such a size range is inconvenient, since the growth of the newborn is almost not taken into account. It turns out that only a born baby will have to choose clothes that will be just about one year old baby. In this case, the baby will look baggy, ugly. And moms love it when their babies look like little angels. Therefore, parents dress the crumbs in clothes that fit, and not for growth.

Clothing Requirements

When purchasing clothes for a newborn, carefully read the label, which, in addition to sizes, indicates the composition of the fabric, compliance with the requirements, and the address of the manufacturer. According to GOST, it is established that the clothes of the first layer should be made from natural, environmentally friendly fabrics and sewn with natural threads. It is unacceptable to put on a newborn T-shirts, shirts and other clothes over the head. Additional decorations are natural character allowed only on outerwear.

Let's talk about the sizes of children's clothing common in Russia. About how to determine the size of children's clothing, what size scales are often found. This article will focus on blouses, panties, underwear, dresses, trousers, outerwear. Size charts for other types of clothing and footwear can be found in this section.

Most Russian and European manufacturers of children's clothing mark clothes with a size corresponding to the height of the child, or at the same time the height is indicated along with the size. In children's stores, clothes are hung in accordance with the size of the height. Dimensional grid for growth goes through 6 cm.

Sizes for babies according to GOST adopted in Russia differ significantly from European standards. According to the Russian standard, a thinner child corresponds to a specific height, and in Europe they sew for the same height for more well-fed babies. For older kids, the size match is evened out. Most modern Russian manufacturers of children's clothing sew clothes for babies that are close to average European standards, and it suits modern Russian babies, as our babies have become larger due to the use of vitamins by mothers, feeding infants with milk mixtures and increased nutritional standards for babies.

Therefore, in order to choose the right Russian size correctly, you should pay attention not only to the height of the child, but mainly to the chest circumference. The Russian scale of children's sizes is often found in vests, sliders, panties, T-shirts, white T-shirts, pajamas, home blouses and panties. Helping you choose the right size given table, consisting of three tables:

For kids larger sizes divided into sizes for girls and sizes for boys. Please note that the 30th size is baby (see the first table), and there is a teen (see the next two tables).

Girls size. Russia 30 32 34 36 38 40
Height in cm 122 128 134 140 146 152
Bust in cm 60 64 68 72 76 80
Waist in cm 54 56 60 62 62 63
Hips in cm 68 72 76 82 84 88
Boys size. Russia 30 32 34 36 38 40
Height in cm 122 128 134 140 146-152 158
Bust in cm 60 64 68 72 76 80
Waist in cm 54 57 60 63 65 68
Hips in cm 64 68 72 76 80-81 85

When choosing clothes for a baby, sewn according to the Russian standard, look mainly at the chest circumference, while a size that corresponds to a height of one or two sizes larger than the child's height may be appropriate. This is especially noticeable when choosing T-shirts and white T-shirts, which are sewn to the minimum chest circumference.

The Russian and European size scales can be very different for babies, but they get closer for older kids, where different manufacturers of children's clothing one way or another begin to differ in sizes for girls and boys.

European scale for children's sizes is based on the height of the child, but it is not unified in other sizes, each manufacturer adheres to its own scale, but approximately it corresponds to the sizes given in the following two tables. According to the European size scale, both European manufacturers and most Russian manufacturers of children's clothing sew. Outerwear, dresses, trousers, sweaters, t-shirts, undershirts, overalls, bodysuits, pajamas, underwear, etc. are sewn. When determining European size the main indicator is the growth of the child. But when choosing trousers, shorts, pants and panties, pay attention to additional sizes, which are usually indicated on the label. Individual manufacturers give their own size scale on the label.

Size. Europe 50 56 62 68 74 80
Height in cm up to 50 51-56 57-62 63-68 69-74 75-80
Bust in cm 40-43 42-45 44-47 46-49 48-51 50-53
Waist in cm 40-43 42-45 44-47 46-48 47-50 49-51
Hips in cm 42-44 44-46 46-48 48-50 50-52 52-54
Approximate age 0 months 0-1.5 months 1.5-3 months 3-6 months 6-9 months 9-12 months
Size. Europe 86 92 98 104 110 116
Height in cm 81-86 87-92 93-98 99-104 105-110 111-116
Bust in cm 51-55 52-56 54-57 56-58 58-59 59-61
Waist in cm 50-52 51-53 52-54 53-55 54-55 55-56
Hips in cm 54-56 56-58 58-60 60-62 62 64
Approximate age 1-1.5 g 2 years 2-3 years 3-4 years 4-5 years 5-6 years
Size. Europe 122 128 134 140 146 152 158
Height in cm 115-122 123-128 129-134 135-140 141-146 147-152 153-158
Bust in cm 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-70 72 76 80
Waist in cm 56-58 57-59 58-60 60-61 63 65 67
Hips in cm 66-67 68-70 70-72 74 78 82 86

In reality, the range of sizes is such that a child can simultaneously wear different clothes, for example, and 86 and 110 sizes. But in most cases, the size corresponds to the growth of the child. The two previous tables will help you choose the size according to your height, which indicate the correspondence between the height size and the actual height of the child.

Peculiarity outerwear(sets of winter and demi-season clothing) is that by all manufacturers they are sewn quite spacious. Manufacturers take into account that mothers will put more than one blouse on their child. Therefore, it is better to measure it when buying outerwear. Often, when buying a set at the beginning of the season for the whole season, it may turn out to be a smaller size than the size of blouses and dresses.

If you want to buy children's clothing as a gift and do not know the size, be guided by the height of the child. Approximate growth can be estimated from the tables above. In tables with sizes for babies, the last line indicates average age. When in doubt, choose a larger size.

Children's size tables will also help you choose clothes for growth. In the first three months, babies add size on average every one and a half months. From three months to a year, babies grow a size every three months. Then, from one to four years old, children add size on average every six months. Children after the age of four grow a size in a year. Girls grow faster than boys at first, and then boys overtake girls. During this period, especially, growth and complexion depend on heredity. Children grow faster in autumn, slower in spring.

Most parents do not know how to buy children's clothes correctly. After all, guessing with an outfit without trying on is quite difficult. As a rule, when choosing an outfit, you should focus on the height and age of the child.

For example, in order to find out which growth fit 32 size, you can use the table:

Child's age

Height in cm

Clothing size

It is not always possible to determine at what age the baby will fit the size from this table. After all, some children are thinner, while others are vice versa. Therefore, the following parameters should also be taken into account:


    Chest girth.

Therefore, in order to determine the parameters of 32 clothing sizes, it is better to use the following table:

Child's age

Height in cm

Waist, cm

Bust, cm

Clothing size

It is worth considering that for newborns, an equally important criterion is weight.

International Standards

It is necessary to carefully choose children's clothing in size 32, as some manufacturers may use international standards. Quite often, letter abbreviations can be seen on the tags. This means that the clothes were made abroad, for example, in America or the UK.

In order to determine the international child size 32 use the following table:


This table will be especially useful for you if you order men's clothing for your baby using the Internet on foreign sites.

European standards

Both in Russia and in Europe, calculations are carried out according to two standards - height and age:

Russian size


Determine how tall baby will go one or the other European standard easy enough:

    According to the Russian numbering parameter.

    By growth.

    According to the age.

For example, your baby's height is 128 cm. From the data in the table, it becomes clear that with such a child's height, it is worth buying clothes in size 32. Today, there are two meanings of Russian 32:

According to the table, you need to buy clothes 32 RU or 128 EU for 8 years. But given the fact that children are growing rapidly, it is more rational to buy 32 for 9 years or the corresponding European one - 134.

English settlement system

In addition to the Russian and European systems, there is another one - the American (USA). As in the previous two tables, the main criterion is height and age.

In order to find out which childhood Size 32 (US) will fit, use the following chart:

Russian size



For example, if your baby is size 32 (grown up) in height, then you can safely buy him jeans from American standard manufacturers - 7, which he can wear for at least a year.

What is the best value to choose

It happens that two sizes can fit your baby at the same time. But which one is better to choose, not every mother knows. For example, if you are buying some kind of summer costume for your child, then it is best to buy the outfit that is larger. After all, if the clothes are back to back in the hot season, then the child will not be comfortable in it. This also applies to winter outfits. Hats are the exception. If you are buying a hat for your child for the winter, then choose a smaller one. This is especially true for hats on synthetic winterizer, because after the first wash, the product may shrink a little.

How to take clothes measurements

    Chest girth. Measurements are taken from the shoulder blades to the nipples.

    Waist. Measurement is taken along the thinnest line, slightly above the navel.

    Hip girth. Measurement is carried out at the most convex points of the buttocks.

    The length of the inseam and sleeve is measured depending on the style and shape of the product (shorts, shirt, etc.).

In almost all systems of international standards, the main criteria for buying children's clothes are height and size.

Focusing on these parameters, you can safely buy new clothes for your baby even without first trying them on.

It is not always possible to buy clothes for a child with a fitting. In order not to make a mistake with the choice right size for a baby, for example, as a gift or just in an online store, a table of children's sizes will come to the rescue. This is summary information in which the sizes of children's clothing are divided by age or main biometric indicators (height, weight, etc.)

Dimensional grid for small children from birth.

Babies up to a year old grow very quickly. During the first 12 months of life, the child grows by 5-6 sizes. To choose the right clothes during this period, you need to focus on the growth of the baby: at this age, there is a correspondence between the size of things and the length of the baby's body in centimeters. European manufacturers often indicate the age that a particular model corresponds to. This is an average. Here it is important to take into account that children's clothes from Europe are sewn according to a more spacious pattern than Russian ones, and factory-made items from the USA generally have their own markings.

Important!!! To a question tohow to determine the size of a child's clothesup to a year, it is impossible to answer unambiguously. When choosing clothes, it is important to consider individual characteristics every baby. Some children grow faster, babies with long legs have to buy different sizes blouses and pants, and it is better to take overalls with a margin


In order for the clothes to sit as comfortably as possible, it is better to focus not only on the height of the child, but also take into account its weight.

Size (Russia) Age Height (cm) Weight, kg)
18 Newborn 50 up to 3.2
18 1st month 56 3,2 — 4
20 1-3 month 56-62 4 – 6
22 3-6 months 62-68 6 – 8
24 6-9 months 68-74 8 – 9,5
24 9-12 months 74-80 9,5 — 11

To choose the right headdress for a child, you need to know 2 parameters: the girth and the depth of the head. The shape of the head of all children is different, so you should not focus on age. Both of these parameters are important. It happens that the girth of the hat may fit, and the child's ears or neck at the back will not be closed. In this case, you will have to purchase a hat that is a size larger than the girth dictates. It may turn out that the bonnet is heavily stretched and presses on the baby, then the next size is also acquired, and so that the headgear does not move out over the eyes, it can be hemmed or pinned with a safe decorative pin. According to the age dimensional grid headwear in children can be conditionally broken down as follows:

Clothing sizes for children from 1 year to 6 years.

After 1 year, children begin to grow more slowly and from this age, body structure features begin to gradually appear: broad shoulders, long legs, thinness or fullness. When choosing clothes for a child, it is now better to focus not only on height and weight, but also on chest circumference, waist circumference and leg length. Knowing these parameters, you can choose the most suitable clothes, which will not need to be folded, sewn in or resorted to using belts and suspenders.

Children's clothing size chart by bust, height, waist and hips:

Child size Height (cm) Bust (cm) Waist (cm) Hips (cm)
1 - 1.5 years 80 – 86 49 – 51 50 – 51 52 – 54
1.5 - 2 years 86 – 92 51- 53 51 — 52 54 – 56
2 – 3 years 92 – 98 53 – 55 52 – 53 56 – 58
34 years 98 – 104 55 – 57 53 – 54 58 — 60
45 years 104 – 110 57 – 59 54 – 55 60 – 62
5 – 6 years 110 — 116 60 — 61 56 — 57 62 — 64

When choosing clothes for a child, the question often arises: how to determine the size of children's clothing by the standards? To answer it, you need to figure out how to take measurements correctly and for what type of clothing, what indicators are important.

  • Chest girth. Measured at the most protruding part of the chest. The centimeter tape is passed along the shoulder blades through the armpits and is loosely reduced on the chest. This indicator is important when choosing clothes with a clear, strict silhouette (vest, jacket, sundress) and from hard fabrics (denim, velveteen, leather).
  • Waist. Measured at the natural waist line, which runs just above the navel. This parameter will help when choosing any type of pants (trousers, jeans) and dresses with a fitted or straight silhouette.
  • Hip girth. A centimeter is circled around the buttocks at a prominent point. Any pants, shorts, straight skirts will fit better and the child will be more comfortable if you find out this value and take it into account when buying.
  • Outside seam length. Measured from waist to floor length outside legs. Important indicator when choosing pants and dresses with a long hem.

Important!!! These indicators are especially important when the child has non-standard figure: fullness is characteristic or the dimensions of the upper part of the clothes do not match the bottom (typical for children with long legs). Then the size for height and age is simply impossible to choose correctly.

Styles in children's clothing are now changing and mixing at an astonishing pace. Even knowing the length of the child's leg along the outer seam, you can miss the choice of pants. This is due to the fact that a different cut implies a different height of the fit of the product. There is another indicator that will help to avoid errors:

  • Inseam or "crotch" length. This parameter in a child is measured with a centimeter tape from the groin along inside feet to the floor. When choosing any clothing with trousers (especially overalls), you should pay attention to this value.

And to choose outerwear that I would like to purchase for more than one season, it would be useful to know one more characteristic:

Teenage clothing sizes.

As boys and girls age, differences in body structure become noticeable. This is important to consider, so teenage children's clothing sizes differ in tables. In girls, the figure changes more rapidly and acquires completely new features in a few years. For schoolgirls, when determining the size of clothes, you need to take into account not only the age and parameters, but also the cut of the clothes that you choose.

Age Height (cm) Bust (cm) Waist (cm) Hips (cm) Slim Waist (cm) Hips slim fit (cm) Waist free silhouette (cm) Hip circumference free silhouette (cm)
7 122 63 58 68 53 63 63 73
8 128 66 59 71 54 66 64 76
9 134 69 61 74 56 69 66 79
10 140 72 62 78 57 73 67 83
11 146 75 63 81 58 76 68 86
12 152 79 64 84 59 79 69 89
13 158 83 65 88 60 83 70 93
14 164 87 67 92 62 87 72 96
15 166 89 69 94 64 89 74 99
16 168 91 71 96 66 91 76 101

For right choice girls underwear or swimwear, in addition to the girth of the hips and girth of the chest, you also need to know:

Girth under the bust. A centimeter is passed around chest, directly under the breast. The tape should be held tightly, but without obstructing breathing.

The sizes of children's clothes for growing boys will help you to accurately choose any clothes: from comfortable everyday clothes for home and school to fashionable and stylish for holidays and important occasions.

Marking of manufacturers from different countries according to age.

IN different countries their own view on the modeling and design of clothing. Russian sizes children's clothing strictly comply with GOST. From a certain age, US manufacturers divide children's clothing sizes by gender, the table of which helps to quickly navigate the labeling of models. Things from China usually run small. European models are distinguished by a free cut, and their sizes are guided by the age of newborns by months.

Correspondence table for markings of different countries:

With the same height or age, children can differ significantly in other parameters. Summary tables of sizes will definitely help you choose the optimal size of clothing for your child.