The relationship of physical education with the intellectual and mental development of the child. Do you help your parents at home? Coordination and gross motor skills


For the modern educational system, the problem mental education extremely important and relevant. One of the leading experts in the field of mental education of preschoolers, N.N. Poddyakov rightly points out that present stage children must be given the key to the knowledge of reality. In the works of domestic and foreign scientists, preschool childhood is defined as the period optimal for mental development and education. This was the opinion of the teachers who created the first systems of preschool education - A. Froebel, M. Montessori. but in the studies of A.P. Usova, A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddiakova revealed that the possibilities of mental development of children before school age significantly higher than previously thought.

Mental development is a set of qualitative and quantitative changes that occur in mental processes due to age and under the influence of the environment, as well as specially organized educational and educational influences and the child's own experience. .

So why do people achieve different levels of mental development,

And on what conditions does this process depend? Long-term studies have made it possible to derive a general pattern for the development of human mental capabilities from biological factors and dependence on internal and external conditions. Biological factors that primarily affect the mental development of a child are: the structure of the brain, the state of the analyzers, changes in nervous activity, the formation of conditioned connections, hereditary fund of inclinations. Internal conditions include the physiological and psychological properties of the organism. And external conditions are the environment of a person, the environment in which he lives and develops.

In general, the problem of the development of mental abilities is extremely important, complex and multifaceted. The relevance of the chosen topic stems from the factor of the need for the mental development of the child, depending on the environment and the environment of education. And in this moment it is very relevant.

Goal of the work- reveal the importance of physical development and the external environment for the mental development of the child.

1. Consider the essence of the concepts " physical development' and 'environment'.

2. Determine the importance of physical development and the external environment for the development of the mental development of the child.

3. Determine the impact of physical exercise on mental development children.

4. Get acquainted with the literature that reveals the importance of physical development and the external environment for the mental development of the child.

Chapter I. The influence of physical development on the mental development of children.

General information.

The positive impact of physical development on the mental was known in China, back in the time of Confucius, in ancient greece, India, Japan. In the monasteries of Tibet and Shaolin, physical exercises and work were taught on the same level as theoretical disciplines. Baden-Powell at the end of the 19th century created a perfect system for educating the younger generation in the form of a scout movement, which was accepted by all civilized countries of the world, including Russia before and after the revolution. “Poor health and lag in physical development are noted by many researchers as one of the possible factors of “mental weakness”. (A. Binet). Recent studies by the American neuroscientist Lorenz Katz and molecular biologist Fred Geig have shown that in the brains of people of all ages, under the influence of certain conditions new interneuronal connections may arise and new nerve cells may appear. One of these conditions is physical activity. In physically active individuals, along with nerve cells in the brain, new blood vessels. This is regarded as follows: under the influence of physical activity, the blood supply to the brain improves, and accordingly its nutrition, which stimulates the formation of new interneuronal connections and new nerve cells. In the US, a new system has already been developed - "neurobics" - a set of special exercises for training the brain. It is noteworthy that the above changes are most pronounced in the hippocampus - a small brain formation that processes incoming information. The studies of Lawrence Katz and Fred Geig confirm the close relationship between mental development and physical development.

Swedish scientists have established a direct relationship between physical condition man and his mental abilities. The IQ of people who go in for sports or physical education is noticeably higher than that of those who lead a passive lifestyle. At the same time, numerous studies by L.S. Vygotsky, J. Piaget, A. Vallon, M. M. Koltsova and others testify to the primary role of movements in the development of the mental functions of the child. Researches of G.A.Kadantseva - 1993, I.K.Spirina - 2000, A.S.Dvorkin, Yu.K.Chernyshenko - 1997, V.A.Balandin - 2000; 2001 et al. found a close relationship between indicators of physical fitness and the level of development of cognitive processes in preschoolers. In the works of N.I. Dvorkina - 2002, V.A. Pegov - 2000. the presence of reliable links between individual indicators of mental and physical qualities was revealed. The positive influence of active motor activity on the state of mental performance was established by N.T. Terekhova in 1989, A.V. Zaporozhets in 1980, A.P. Erastova in 1989. At the same time, the studies of N. Sladkova -1998, O.V. Reshetnyak and T.A. Bannikova -2002. show that the lag in mental development leads to a lag in the development of physical qualities.

Thus, scientists have established a close relationship between indicators of physical fitness and the level of development of cognitive processes in children, and scientifically proven the positive impact of active motor activity on the state of mental performance.

1.2. Physical development and physical education of children.

One of key indicators child's health is its physical development. Physical development means a complex of morphological and functional properties of the organism, characterizing the size, shape, structural and mechanical qualities and harmonious development human body, as well as the stock of his physical strength. These are patterns age development, which determine the level of health and the functioning of all systems in the body.

Physical development- the dynamic process of growth (increase in body length and weight, development of organs and systems of the body, and so on) and the biological maturation of the child in certain period childhood. At each age, a person grows according to certain laws, and deviations from the norm indicate existing health problems. Physical development is influenced by the neuropsychic, intellectual state, a complex of medical and social, natural and climatic, organizational and socio-biological factors. Throughout a person's life, changes in the functional properties of the body occur: body length and weight; lung capacity; chest circumference; endurance and flexibility; dexterity and strength. Strengthening of the body goes either spontaneously (natural age), or purposeful, for which a special program of physical development is being created. It includes exercises, rational nutrition, the correct mode of rest and work.

Monitoring the physical development of the population in Russia is an obligatory component of the state system of medical control over people's health. It is systematic and covers various groups population.

The foundations of physical development are laid in childhood. And, the control of the parameters of physical development begins in the neonatal period, periodic examinations of children and adults continue at various age periods of development.

What is physical development and why does a person need sports? Its significance in a person's life is difficult to overestimate, so love for this activity must be instilled from childhood. Bad influence environment, poor nutrition and psycho-emotional stress, parents can compensate for sports. Besides, special exercises will help correct violations in the physical development of children, in particular problems with the musculoskeletal system and flat feet. Also, training helps: gain the missing muscle mass; reduce weight; fight curvature of the spine; correct posture; increase endurance and strength; develop flexibility.

What is physical development and education? It consists in a complex of health-improving exercises and measures that affect the strengthening of the body and spirit. The main task of education is health improvement, the formation of economical movements, the accumulation of motor experience by a person from early childhood and its transfer to life. Aspects of physical education: feasible loads; outdoor games; competent daily routine, rational nutrition; personal hygiene and hardening. Why is physical education necessary for a child? Results from physical activity can be noticeable immediately and after a while. Education has a positive effect on the child's body, developing his natural data, so that in the future he can more easily endure stressful situations and change of scenery: developing personal qualities, tempered character; a positive attitude to life is formed, active people always feel happier; formed negative attitude to bad habits.

The main factor in maintaining health, life expectancy of a person, his physical performance is healthy lifestyle life in its broadest sense. Preservation and maintenance of good health the most important task each state. Especially it needs healthy offspring. But the future of our planet depends only on us, on the state of our health. The demographic policy of the state in the broadest sense of the term also depends on this. M.V. Lomonosov said: “What matters will we talk about today? We will discuss the most important thing - the health of the Russian people. In its preservation and reproduction lies the power and wealth of the entire state, and not the vastness of the vain without inhabitants. These words can naturally be attributed to any state, its people.

Physical exercises and their influence on the mental development of children.

The influence of physical education on the development of the child's mind is enormous. Without it, the development of the child is not harmonious. There is a pattern: the more the child develops the ability to control his body, the faster and better he learns theoretical knowledge, the more symmetrical, diverse and accurate the movements, the more evenly both hemispheres of the brain develop. main feature the child's body lies in the fact that it grows and develops, and these processes can be successfully carried out only with regular physical activity. The authors Boyko V. V. and Kirillova A. V. indicate that the main means of physical education is motor activity in physical education classes, it is through it that the child learns the world around him, as a result of which his mental processes develop: thinking, attention, will, independence and others. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the formation of cognitive processes, the more fully his development is carried out. Koroleva T.A. notes that as a result of motor activity, mental processes are activated, blood circulation in the brain improves, the functioning of the central nervous system, all this leads to an increase in mental abilities. .

Physical exercise undoubtedly has a very good effect on the mental development of the child. When children play outdoor games or exercise, they not only strengthen their muscles, but also become smarter. Physical exercise has many positive effects on the brain, not only of an adult, but also of a child. According to research, the younger the child, the more effective this positive effect. Not everyone knows how physical activity affects the child's mental activity. Starodubtseva I.V. describes a series of exercises that have a direct impact on the intellectual development of preschoolers in physical education. These exercises combine two components: a motor action and an exercise aimed at the development of intelligence, which is implemented in the form of a didactic game.
Physical exercises have a positive effect on the intellectual abilities of children: cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated, the functional state of the central nervous system improves, and a person’s mental performance increases.

The positive effect of exercise on the child's brain:

· Exercise increases blood flow to the brain. Blood delivers oxygen and glucose, which are necessary for increased concentration and mental development. Physical exercise contributes to the implementation of these processes on natural level without overloading the child. Studies in 2007 proved that if a child is constantly involved in sports for three months, this allows a 30% increase in blood flow to the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and learning.

· Physical exercise generates new brain cells in the part of the brain called the dentate gyrus, which is responsible for memory. Scientists claim that exercise stimulates the growth of nerves. People who play sports on a regular basis develop short-term memory, have a quick response and have a high level of creativity.

· Studies have proven that physical exercise forms the main level of the brain's neurotrophic factor. This factor encourages brain cells to branch out, connect, and interact with each other in new neural pathways that cause your child to be open to learning and more active in the pursuit of knowledge.

· Psychologists have found that a well-trained child wins on a series of cognitive tasks, and an MRI shows a significantly larger nucleus basalt, which is a key part of the brain responsible for maintaining attention, checking performance, and being able to coordinate actions and thoughts decisively.

· Independent studies have found that the brain of an active child has a hippocampus that is larger than that of a non-athletic child. The hippocampus and nucleus basalis influence the structure and function of the brain.

· Physical exercise develops the child's ability to learn. In 2007, German researchers found that after exercising, people learned 20% more vocabulary words.

· Physical exercise develops creativity. A 2007 experiment proved that running on a treadmill for 35 minutes and raising your heart rate to 120 beats per minute improves cognition, brainstorming efficiency, and productivity. creativity and originality of thought.

· Activities that include balancing and jumping strengthen the vestibular system, which generates spatial imagination and mental alertness. This allows you to lay the foundation for reading and other academic abilities.

· Physical exercise reduces the effects of stress by keeping the brain activity in balance and promoting balance between the chemical and electrical systems of the organs. This effect is very similar to that of antidepressants.

· Scientists have established a link between winning in sports and academic performance, conducting research among primary school children. Studies have shown that children who took part in sports activities were more self-confident, learned about teamwork and leadership. 81% of women who succeeded in business were actively involved in sports competitions when they were in school.

· Swedish scientists have proven that cardio training is inseparable from the acquisition of knowledge in childhood. Aerobic exercise contributes to the production of special growth hormone and protein, which stimulate the brain.

Thus, it should be emphasized that the development of mental activity of children is possible only with regular physical activity. As early as the beginning of the last century, V.A. Sukhomlinsky noted that "lagging behind in studies is only the result of poor health." Developing this idea, we can conclude that good health is a guarantee successful learning. Consequently, physical culture and sports, strengthening health, contribute to the physical, emotional, intellectual and mental development of the child.

Physical, intellectual and spiritual development of the individual- three whales on which ours stands.

It often happens that we work hard, but we don’t get one step closer to the intended goal. This happens because by performing the intended actions, we do not change ourselves. To change your environment, your life, you need to change yourself - such is the law of Nature. We are not isolated from outside world, and therefore any change in your internal state entails a change around you.

The success that we achieve is directly related to our inner world, to our constant improvement in all areas of life: in business, in personal life, spiritually, health, relationships with others. Reaching one level, you need to strive for a higher one. As soon as the desire disappears, degradation begins.

It is important to find people who will become guidelines for you in a particular area of ​​life. It is very difficult for one to understand what to do and what to strive for. You can learn from other people, see how they act, imitate them, and thus reach new level own life.

There are three areas for improvement:

  • Physical development of the individual;
  • Intellectual development of personality;
  • Spiritual development personality.

Physical development of the individual

Our main resource is health. This is the basis for all our achievements. Without health, you will not be able to do anything, because you will not need anything. Ask yourself - are you leading a lifestyle that improves your health? Do not deceive yourself - today you are healthy and feel great, but tomorrow the body cannot withstand that lifestyle that does not strengthen health in any way, but only destroys it, and breaks down, starts to hurt.

You can not poison yourself with alcohol and cigarettes, eat fatty low-quality food stuffed with chemicals, do not exercise yourself physically - and hope that you will have good health. Sooner or later, the body can not stand it, and rewards with a bouquet of sores.

In order for you to have powerful and excellent health, you must give up bad habits, and do:

Intellectual development of personality

The basis of your progress towards success - receiving and processing new information . You must be able to extract, organize and systematize information, and most importantly, apply it. Ideally, you should strive to receive only the information that you need right now in order to move forward in realizing your goals. In life, it turns out differently - usually you receive and process information in much larger quantities.

Analyze the time during which you receive any information: communicate, read books, watch TV, sit at the computer. And ask yourself, do you really need to do what you do and spend time on it? If you want to relax by reading art book, or watching TV, maybe it's better to go to nature? At least it will be good for health.

Read books that will help you. If you are engaged in your development, you will easily find a lot of books that are worth reading. Or start improving your professional skills.

Make a list of books you need to read, videos you need to watch, and start working through them methodically. Then you need to retell what you understood several times to your friends and acquaintances so that the ideas that you have learned fit into your head and become yours.

It won't take long before you become an expert in whatever field you need.

Also attend trainings, free and paid, study online and in real institutions, find teachers, mentors and like-minded people. Repeat actions successful people constantly learn new things and put them into practice.

Spiritual development of personality

Without spiritual development a person cannot be happy. Spiritual development is continuous improvement in all areas of your life. Only then you will feel satisfaction with your life, when all areas of your life will be revealed to the maximum.

There is one very simple way to check if you are 100% invested in everything you do. After completing any business, ask yourself and others: what grade on a 5-point scale did you deserve? Always aim for 5.

In any case, there are three steps:

  • Creation. Male energy of the birth of ideas, plans, goals. The stage of dream formation and planning is like the process of giving birth to a child, pleasant and short-lived, but which is the impetus for everything else.
  • Implementation. Women's energy of action, when you need to persistently and painstakingly realize your goals. A woman patiently carries a child for nine months before it is born.
  • Achievement. The success you get. The child is born and lives his own life. The goals are achieved, and you deservedly enjoy the result.

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The realities of modern life are such that in most families and preschool institutions A lot of attention is paid to the intellectual development of children. A large information flow falls on them, and physical development begins to fade into the background. Many people forget that it is a well-developed level of physical activity of a child that is one of the decisive factors for the harmonious psychophysical development of a child. Children must jump, run, jump, swim, walk a lot and even scream. In other words, the child needs freedom of motor activity.

Motor activity helps to strengthen the respiratory system, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, improve metabolism and stabilize the activity of the nervous system.

Many experts believe that in preschool age, physical development, along with mental development, is decisive for the entire future life of the child.

The preschool period of physical development is also called the "period of the first traction." A child grows by 7-10 cm per year. At 5 years old average height the child is 106.0-107.0 cm with a weight of 17.0-18.0 kg. At 6 years old, the child adds about 200 g per month and stretches by half a centimeter.

At preschool age, parts of the child's body develop unevenly. By the age of 6, in children of both sexes, the limbs are extended, the pelvis and shoulders are expanding. But boys put on weight faster, and in girls, the chest develops more intensively than in boys.

At 5-6 years old in children, the musculoskeletal system is not completely strengthened.
You should be especially careful when playing outdoor games, since the nasal septum has not yet grown stronger.

Children 5-7 years old should not carry weights, as there is a threat of curvature of the spine.

Do not pull children by the arms, as there is a chance of dislocating the elbow joint. The fact is that the elbow joint grows rapidly, and its "fixator" - the annular ligament is free. Therefore, when pulling together sweaters with narrow sleeves, care must also be taken.

By the age of 5-7 years, the formation of the foot has not yet been completed in children. Parents should be more careful when choosing children's shoes to avoid flat feet. You should never buy shoes for growth, the size should be suitable (the sole should not be hard).
By the age of 6, large muscles of the trunk and limbs are already well formed in children, and small muscles, for example, of the hands, still need to be developed.

During preschool age there is an intensive process of development of the central nervous system. The frontal lobes are enlarged in the brain. The final separation of nerve elements in the so-called associative zones allows for complex intellectual operations: generalization, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships.

At preschool age, the main processes of the nervous system are activated in children - inhibition and excitation. When the inhibition process is activated, the child is more willing to follow the established rules and control their actions.

Since the respiratory tract is still developing in children 5-7 years old, and is much narrower in size than in adults, in rooms where children are located, it must be observed temperature regime. Otherwise, its violations can lead to respiratory diseases even in childhood.

In medicine and physiology, the period from 5 to 7 years is called the "age of motor extravagance." Parents and caregivers should regulate and supervise physical activity children, depending on the individual characteristics of each child.
Power sports, activities associated with high loads are not yet suitable for children of this age. The reason for this is that preschool age is a period of incomplete development of bones, some of them have a cartilaginous structure.

Communication of physical and mental development.

Physical activity has been proven to stimulate mental and emotional development.

Moving either slowly or skipping, the baby learns the surrounding reality, develops will and perseverance in overcoming difficulties, learns independence. Movement helps to remove nervous strain and allows the child's psyche to work harmoniously and balanced.

If your baby does exercises every day, he will become more enduring, strengthen the muscular frame. At the same time, it is important to include exercises in the complexes to train those muscles that are little used in everyday life, as well as evenly train the right and left parts of the body. Particular attention should be paid to the formation of correct posture. From early childhood, form in the child an idea of ​​the importance right position body, combat slouching and scoliosis by strengthening your back muscles with specific exercises.
A direct relationship has been established between the level of motor activity of children and their vocabulary, speech development, and thinking. Under the influence of physical exercises, physical activity in the body increases the synthesis of biologically active compounds that improve sleep, have a positive effect on the mood of children, and increase their mental and physical performance.

In turn, the process of mental development of preschool children occurs under the condition of their high motor activity. With regular cross movements, a large number of nerve fibers are formed that connect the hemispheres of the brain, which contributes to the development of higher mental functions. Motor activity of children is of particular importance for the overall physical development of the child.

Exists unique technique, which is called smart gymnastics.
These are physical exercises that have a beneficial effect not only on physical development, but also on mental development.
Mental health and physical health are closely related. A change in one state entails a change in the other. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the balance of activities that develop the child. During this period, the most valuable are games that are both aimed at the physical and at the same time. mental health baby.

If limit motor activity, then insufficiently developed motor memory can atrophy, which will lead to a violation of conditioned connections and a decrease in mental activity. Insufficient physical activity leads the child to a deficit of cognitive activity, knowledge, skills, to the appearance of a state of muscular passivity and a decrease in working capacity.

The interaction of various movements ensures the development of speech, forms the skills of reading, writing, calculating.

In the preschool years, children improve motor skills, including motor skills: gross (the ability to make movements of large amplitude: running, jumping, throwing objects) and fine (the ability to make precise movements of small amplitude). As fine motor skills develop, children become more independent. The development of motor skills allows the child to move freely, take care of himself and express his creative abilities.

Tasks of physical education.

Many mistakenly believe that physical education refers only to the development of the physical qualities of the child. This is far from true. The physical education of the child, first of all, includes the preservation and strengthening of the health of the baby. Your child is still very small and cannot protect and strengthen his health without the help of an adult. Therefore, only an adult, namely, you parents, should create the necessary favorable environment for your child, which will provide him with full physical development (life safety, proper nutrition, daily routine, organization of motor activity, etc.).

The tasks of physical education of preschool children can be conditionally divided into three groups: health-improving, educational and upbringing.

Wellness tasks

1. Increasing the body's resistance to environmental influences by hardening it. With the help of reasonably dosed healing factors of nature (solar, water, air procedures), the weak defenses of the child's body increase significantly. This increases the resistance colds(ARI, runny nose, cough, etc.) and infectious diseases (tonsillitis, measles, rubella, influenza, etc.).

2. Strengthening the musculoskeletal system and the formation of correct posture (ie, maintaining a rational posture during all activities). It is important to pay attention to strengthening the muscles of the foot and lower leg in order to prevent flat feet, as it can significantly limit the child's motor activity. For the harmonious development of all major muscle groups, it is necessary to provide exercises on both sides of the body, to exercise those muscle groups that are less trained in everyday life, to exercise weak muscle groups.

3. Education of physical abilities (coordination, speed and endurance). At preschool age, the process of educating physical abilities should not be specially directed towards each of them. On the contrary, on the basis of the principle of harmonious development, it is necessary to select means in such a way, change activities in content and nature, and regulate the direction of motor activity, so that a comprehensive education of all physical abilities is ensured.

Educational tasks

1. Formation of basic vital motor skills and abilities. At preschool age, due to the high plasticity of the nervous system, new forms of movements are quite easily and quickly acquired. The formation of motor skills is carried out in parallel with physical development: by the age of five or six, a child should be able to perform most of the motor skills and skills encountered in everyday life and life: run, swim, ski, jump, climb stairs, crawl over obstacles, etc. .P.

2. Formation of sustainable interest in physical culture. Childhood is the most favorable for the formation of a sustainable interest in physical exercises. However, a number of conditions must be observed.
First of all, it is necessary to ensure the feasibility of tasks, the successful completion of which will stimulate children to more high activity. Constant assessment of completed tasks, attention and encouragement will contribute to the development of positive motivation for systematic physical exercise.

In the process of classes, it is necessary to inform children of elementary physical education knowledge, developing their intellectual abilities. This will expand their cognitive abilities and mental horizons.

Educational tasks

1. Education of moral and volitional qualities (honesty, determination, courage, perseverance, etc.).

2. Assistance to mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education.

Let's act! From word to deed.

Smart gymnastics.

Smart gymnastics or brain gymnastics is a set of special movement exercises that help unite our cerebral hemispheres and optimize the activity of the brain and body.

Simply put, they help improve attention and memory, increase efficiency and expand the capabilities of our brain.

Each exercise from Smart Gymnastics is aimed at excitation of a certain part of the brain and combines thoughts and movements. As a result, new knowledge is better remembered and becomes more natural.

In addition, exercises develop coordination of movements and psychophysical functions (sensations and their perception).

Below are a few exercises that help develop and improve certain skills and mental processes.

Cross steps- we walk so that the opposite arm and leg move simultaneously towards each other. We integrate the work of both hemispheres of the brain.

Elephant- the arm is extended forward, we press the head to the shoulder, the legs are bent, we draw the figure eight with the hand in the air (eight = infinity). We perform the exercise with one and the other hand. We develop understanding, reading, listening, writing.

rifts- we sit on the floor, lean on our hands from behind, raise our legs and draw figure eights with our feet. It turns out that we are spinning around our axis. We increase creative thinking, improve operations with technology.

Neck rotation- raise one shoulder, put your head on it. When lowering the shoulder, the head goes down and rolls onto the other shoulder, which we raise in advance. We remove the clamps in the neck, shoulders and back, stimulate mathematical abilities.

snake- lying on your stomach, slowly raise your head as you exhale and bend your back. You can do the exercise while sitting at the table. We increase the concentration of attention, the perception of new information.

abdominal breathing- we put our hand on the stomach, while inhaling we make sure that the stomach is inflated, while exhaling we draw it in. Relax the central nervous system, increase energy levels.

Turning on hands- raise one hand up, move it forward, backward, left, right. At the same time, with the other hand, we give her a little resistance. We move the hand on the exhale. Then we repeat everything for the other hand. We develop spelling, speech, language skills.

Cap- knead gently auricles from the center to the edges of the ear. We do this with both hands at the same time. We improve concentration, increase mental and physical abilities.

Breathing exercises.

Breathing exercises help oxygenate every cell in the body. The ability to control breathing contributes to the ability to control oneself.

In addition, proper breathing stimulates the work of the heart, brain and nervous system, relieves a person of many diseases, improves digestion (before food is digested and assimilated, it must absorb oxygen from the blood and oxidize).

Slow exhalation helps to relax, calm down, cope with excitement and irritability.

Respiratory gymnastics develops the still imperfect respiratory system of the child, strengthens the body's defenses
When doing breathing exercises, it is important to ensure that the child does not have symptoms of hyperventilation of the lungs (rapid breathing, a sharp change in complexion, trembling of the hands, tingling and numbness in the arms and legs).

There are many varieties breathing exercises, including exercises adapted for children. The following are exercises that help strengthen the immune system of the child.

1. Big and small. Standing straight, while inhaling, the child stands on tiptoe, stretches up with his hands, showing how big he is. Fix this position for a few seconds. On exhalation, the child should lower his hands down, then sit down, clasping his knees with his hands and at the same time saying “wow”, hide his head behind his knees - showing how small he is.

2. Steam locomotive. Walk around the room, imitating the movements of the wheels of a steam locomotive with bent arms, while saying “choo-choo” and changing the speed of movement, volume and frequency of pronunciation. Repeat with your child five or six times.

3. Flying geese. Walk slowly and smoothly around the room, flapping your arms like wings. Raise your hands while inhaling, lower them while exhaling, pronouncing "g-u-u". Repeat with your child eight to ten times.

4. Stork. Standing straight, spread your arms to the sides, and one leg, bending at the knee, bring forward. Hold the position for a few seconds. Keep your balance. As you exhale, lower your leg and arms, softly pronouncing "shhhhh." Repeat with your child six to seven times.

5. Lumberjack. Stand straight, feet slightly wider than shoulders. While inhaling, fold your hands with an ax and lift them up. Sharply, as if under the weight of an ax, outstretched arms as you exhale, lower it down, tilt the body, allowing your hands to “cut through” the space between your legs. Say bang. Repeat with your child six to eight times.

6. Mill. Stand up: feet together, hands up. Slowly rotate with straight arms, exhaling "zhrr". As the movements speed up, the sounds become louder. Repeat with your child seven to eight times.

7. Skater. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands behind your back, body tilted forward. Imitating the movements of a skater, bend either the left or the right leg, pronouncing "krr". Repeat with your child five or six times.

8. Angry hedgehog. Stand up, feet shoulder width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball during danger. Bend as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “pff” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “frr” - and this is already a happy hedgehog. Repeat with the child, three to five times.

9. Frog. Position your feet together. Imagine how the frog jumps quickly and sharply, and repeat its jumps: crouching slightly, inhaling, jump forward. When you land, "croak". Repeat three or four times.

10. In the forest. Imagine that you are lost in a dense forest. As you inhale, say “ay” as you exhale. Change intonation and volume and turn left and right. Repeat with your child five or six times.

11. Cheerful bee. As you exhale, say "z-z-z". Imagine that the bee sat on the nose (direct the sound and look towards the nose), on the arm, on the leg. Thus, the child learns to direct attention to a certain part of the body.


There are special methods for hardening children. These include air baths and water procedures: pouring over the feet, contrasting pouring, wiping and swimming in open water.

Walking barefoot, extended washing of the child, airing the apartment - this is hardening in everyday life. It is very convenient, because such hardening does not require special conditions. It is shown to all children, but an individual approach is required. It is required to choose a mode and take into account the state of health of the child and the level of his physical development.

Follow the principles of hardening: systematic and gradual. By the beginning of the procedures, the child needs to create a positive emotional mood. If the baby does not like any hardening procedures, it is impossible to force them into practice.

It is better to start everyday hardening of children with air baths. Firstly, this is a hygienic procedure, and, secondly, hardening.

To begin with, choose a temperature that is comfortable for the child, gradually reducing it to reasonable limits. It is worth considering that at temperatures below +17 and above +26, hardening measures cannot be carried out. A high temperature can lead to overheating of the baby, and a low temperature can lead to a cold.

At the same time, the child should not just stand in a cold room - this is not hardening, and so it is easy for the baby to catch a cold. Air hardening should be combined with physical exercises, for example, with morning exercises, which is absolutely necessary for all children.
Ventilate the room, but don’t dress the baby and leave him to practice in shorts, a beacon and socks. When the child gets used to exercising in a cool room, socks can be omitted and barefoot.

After charging, go to the bathroom to wash the baby first warm water and, when he gets used to it, make the water cooler. Good for hardening extended washing - not only the hands and face, but also the arms to the elbows, neck and upper chest and neck.

Hardening can be carried out when the child is sleeping, during the day or at night. The temperature suitable for hardening during sleep is 2-3 degrees lower than the usual temperature at which the child is awake. The same temperature is suitable for taking air baths.
Before going to bed, ventilate the room or leave the window open if it is not cold outside. But make sure that there are no drafts, the recommended temperature for children 5-7 years old is 19-21 degrees.

What the child is wearing at home is also of great importance. As well as on walks, the baby should not be wrapped up much. At a temperature in the apartment above 23 degrees, linen and thin cotton clothes are enough, at 18–22 degrees, you can wear tights and a blouse made of thick cotton with a long sleeve.

And if it became cool, and the temperature in the house dropped to 16-17 degrees, then you can put on a warm blouse, tights and warm slippers.

Some children are very fond of walking barefoot. But it is harmful for young children to walk barefoot on a hard surface for a long time: after all, they are still developing the arch of the foot. And because of the rigid support, existing disorders may be aggravated or flat feet may develop.

So here everything must be dosed. Let your child run bare-legged, for example, during exercise. Or, if you have a thick carpet on the floor, let your baby walk barefoot on it.

If you have the opportunity to go out in the summer with your baby to nature, where there is clean grass, and the situation is not traumatic, then you can let the baby walk on the ground and grass.

Special methods of hardening preschool children can be used - this will only benefit the child's immunity. However, time, desire and consistency are required again.

In addition, it is necessary to be a very competent parent in order to clearly understand when the child does not feel very well, and hardening should be suspended. After all, there are many people who have become familiar with the technique and have begun its implementation, regardless of the condition of the child.

One of the most effective special techniques- contrast douche of feet and shins. The legs are alternately doused with warm and cool water, and if the child does not have chronic diseases, a series of douches ends with cool water. If the baby's body is weakened, then the procedure should be completed with warm water.

Rubbing with cool water also has not lost its relevance.
But here's what you should not experiment with - this is with intensive hardening. Often on television they show how babies are poured over cold water on the snow and make you walk barefoot in the snow, but you don’t have to do this. It is impossible to arrange and swims for kids in the hole.

Such pseudo-hardening is a huge stress for the child's body, and its consequences are very difficult to predict. And gradual and consistent hardening will only benefit the health and well-being of the baby.

Coordination and gross motor skills.

Various types of motor skills are involved different groups muscles in our body. Gross motor skills are movements that involve the muscles of the arms, legs, feet, and whole body, such as crawling, running, or jumping.
Skills fine motor skills we use when, for example, picking up an object with two fingers, digging our toes into the sand, or detecting taste and texture with our lips and tongue. Fine and gross motor skills develop in parallel, since many actions require the coordination of both types of motor activity.
Below are a few exercises that are aimed at developing gross motor skills, forming a sense of the boundaries of your body and its position in space.

1. Log. From a supine position (legs together, arms extended above the head), roll over several times, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

2. Kolobok. Lying on your back, pull your knees to your chest, wrap your arms around them, pull your head to your knees. In this position, roll several times, first in one direction, then in the other direction.

3. Caterpillar. From the position lying on the stomach, we depict a caterpillar: the arms are bent at the elbows, the palms rest on the floor at shoulder level; straightening your arms, lie down on the floor, then bend your arms, raise your pelvis and pull your knees to your elbows.

4. Crawling on the stomach. First, in a plastunsky way. Then only on the hands, the legs are relaxed. Then only with the help of the legs, hands behind the back (on final stages hands behind the head, elbows to the side).
Crawling on the stomach with the help of hands. In this case, the leg from the knee rises vertically upwards (simultaneously with the leading hand, then with the opposite one).
Crawling on the back without the help of arms and legs ("Worm").
Crawling on all fours. Crawling forward, backward, right and left with the simultaneous advancement of the arms and legs of the same name, then the opposite arms and legs. In this case, the hands are first parallel to each other; then they cross, that is, when moving with each step, the right hand goes behind the left, then the left goes behind the right, etc. When mastering these exercises, you can put a flat object (book) on the child’s shoulders and set the task not to drop it. At the same time, the smoothness of movements is worked out, the feeling of the position of one's body in space improves.

5.Spider. The child sits on the floor, puts his hands a little behind him, bends his legs at the knees and rises above the floor, leaning on his palms and feet. Stepping at the same time right hand and the right foot, then the left hand and the left foot (the exercise is performed in four directions - forward, backward, right, left). The same, only opposite hand and foot are walking at the same time. After mastering, movements of the head, eyes and tongue are added in various combinations.

6. Elephant. The child stands on four limbs so that the weight is evenly distributed between the arms and legs. Simultaneous steps right side, then left. At the next stage, the legs are parallel, and the arms are crossed. Then arms parallel, legs crossed.

7. Goslings. A “goose” step with a straight back is practiced in four directions (forward, backward, right, left). The same with a flat object on the head. After working out, multidirectional movements of the head, tongue, and eyes are included.

8. Starting position- standing on one leg, arms along the body. Closing your eyes, keep your balance as long as possible. Then we change legs. After mastering, you can connect various finger and other movements.

9. Log along the wall. I.p. - standing, legs together, straight arms extended above the head, back in contact with the wall. The child makes several turns, first in one direction, then in the other so as to constantly touch the wall. The same with closed eyes.

Outdoor games.

All children love to move, race, jump, ride a bike. So why not make this the basis for outdoor games that will help common development child, along with his physical training? These games are universal, they are suitable for a different number of participants, they can be used both outdoors in the company of your friends' children, and in the usual kindergarten.

Such activity helps children get the necessary physical activity, as well as learn to actively and equally communicate with other children, increase their quick reaction skills, and much more.

For mobile summer and winter games, serious sports equipment is not needed, very often a rope or a small ball is enough.
There are a lot of mobile games. I will only give a few, the most interesting from my point of view.

On a flat area, children draw a circle, stand behind its line at a step distance from each other. The driver - the owner - stands in the center of the circle. On the ground in front of him lies a small ball or ball.

The driver jumps on one leg in a circle, rolling the ball freely, and says, referring to the children: “Buy a bull!” or "Buy a cow!" He tries to hit one of the players with the ball. The one who was taunted takes the ball, stands in the center of the circle in the place of the driver. If the ball rolls out of the circle without hitting anyone, the driver brings it, stands in the circle and continues to drive.

Rules of the game:
1. Players must not go outside the circle.
2. The driver can hit the ball from any distance, without leaving the circle.
3. The driver is allowed to change legs during the jump, jump on the right, then on the left leg or on two legs.
In winter, you can play on a well-trodden snow field, rolling an ice floe, ball, puck or some other object. The game is interesting when the driver strikes the ball suddenly. He jumps in a circle either quickly, then slowing down jumps, suddenly stopping, making deceptive movements, as if hitting a ball. This behavior of the driver makes the players jump, step back or take a step to the side.

Before the start of the game, the players choose the leader (the older frog). All players (small frogs) squat, resting their hands on the floor or ground. The older frog takes them from one swamp to another, where there are more mosquitoes and midges. She jumps ahead. During the game, the driver changes the position of the hands: hands on the knees, on the belt; jumps in short jumps, long jumps, jumps over obstacles (over sticks) or jumps on boards, bricks, jumps between objects, etc. All frogs repeat these movements.
Jumping into another swamp, the frogs get up and shout: “Kwa-kva-kva!” When the game is repeated, a new leader is chosen.

Children stand in a circle at a small distance from each other. In the center is the leader, he rotates the cord with a load at the end (a bag of sand) in a circle. The players carefully follow the cord, when it approaches, they jump up in place so that it does not touch the legs. The one whom the bag touched becomes the driver.
Game options:

A circle is drawn on the site, leading it in the center.

1. The players stand at a distance of 3-4 steps from the circle. The driver rotates the cord. As soon as the bag reaches the player, he runs up and jumps through it.

2. The driver circles the cord with the bag, and the children run towards and jump over it.
3. Children are divided into several subgroups, but no more than 5 people in each. They stand one after another and take turns jumping over a rope with a bag at the end. The one who jumped over gets up last in his group. If he touched the bag, he is out of the game. The group with the most players left wins.

Rotate the cord with the load so that it does not touch the ground.

For this game, you need a cord 2-3 m long with a load at the end of about 100 g. The length of the cord can be increased or decreased depending on the size of the site and the number of players. When the cord is rotated, the driver can change its height.

Prevention of flat feet.

Foot health is the health of the whole organism, it is the correct gait and the correct distribution of body weight on the surface of the earth, healthy joints and muscles.
Flat feet is a physical ailment of the foot, in which the foot becomes flattened, in especially neglected cases, absolutely flat, i.e. the sole touches the surface with all its points.
Below, I will talk about the exercises that are the prevention of flat feet:

1. Walking barefoot in the summer on sand, pebbles, grass: barefoot at home on a rough surface, such as a fleecy or massage rug; trampling in a basin filled with open spruce cones is a powerful factor in preventing flat feet.

2. Picking up small objects and balls from the floor or carpet with the toes of bare feet. You can arrange family competitions: who will transfer the most elements of the designer to his rug with his toes or who will collect the most balls in a bowl, etc.

3. From a position, sitting on the floor (on a chair), move with your toes under the heels a towel (napkin) spread out on the floor, on which some kind of load (for example, a book) lies.

4. Walking on heels without touching the floor with fingers and soles.

5. Walking on a gymnastic stick lying on the floor, sideways with an added step.

6. Walking on outside feet.

7. "Mill". Sitting on the rug (legs extended forward), the child makes circular movements with his feet in different directions.

8. "Artist". Drawing with a pencil, clamped by the fingers of the left (right) foot, on a sheet of paper, which is held by the other foot.

9. "Irons". Sitting on the floor, rub the foot of the right foot with the foot of the left foot and vice versa. Make sliding movements with the feet on the shins, then circular movements.

10. Alternating foot rolling of wooden or rubber studded balls (rollers) for three minutes.

P.S. A preschool child is by nature very mobile and active. Providing a preschooler with physical development, his activity does not even need to be stimulated, it only needs to be directed in the right direction.

It is necessary to choose physical exercises in such a way that the child is interested in classes so that they can become regular. At the same time, it is important for the health of the baby that sports activities are not exhausting.
If you want to ensure the correct physical development of a preschooler, remember that physical education is preferable to sports, at least until the age of six. The way out can be children's fitness, dancing, swimming - those activities that load the musculoskeletal system evenly, and may contain elements of the game, which is important for a preschooler.
At the same time, it should be remembered that no matter how many successful activities you choose, the physical development of a preschooler will be deprived of a lot if the most ordinary, but such important walks in the fresh air are excluded from it. For a child of this age to run on the playground or in the park, play active games with peers is sometimes much more useful than spending the same time in sports training in even a well-equipped, air-conditioned gym.

P.S. This article is author's and entirely intended solely for private use, publication and use of it on other sites or forums is possible only with the written consent of the author. Commercial use is strictly prohibited. All rights reserved.


Preschool childhood covers the period of life from birth to 7 years. This age is the most favorable period for the comprehensive development of the child. At this time, children learn about the world around them, the formation of personality, as well as physical, mental, moral and other qualities takes place. The possibilities of mental development of preschool children are much higher, which is why at this age it is worth paying great attention to mental education. Physical education at this age also plays extremely important role, as it affects not only the development of physical qualities and has a positive effect on health, but is also universal and has an impact on other types of education. In this paper, the relationship between mental and physical education will be considered.


1.1 The concept of mental development and mental education

A person is a creature with the gift of thinking, and such a concept as mental education and mental development is extremely important for him.

According to Medvedev S.B., mental education is a process aimed at developing the intellectual culture of the individual, cognitive motives, mental strength, thinking, worldview and intellectual freedom.

Goncharova E.V. writes that mental education is a systematic, purposeful impact on mental development with the aim of communicating the knowledge necessary for versatile development, for adapting to the surrounding life, the formation of cognitive processes on this basis, the ability to apply the assimilation of knowledge in activities.

The concept of mental education also interacts with the concept of mental development, which is defined as a set of qualitative and quantitative changes that occur in mental processes due to age and under the influence of the environment, as well as specially organized educational and educational influences and one's own experience. Biological factors also affect mental development: the structure of the brain, the state of the analyzers, changes in nervous activity, the formation of conditioned connections, and the hereditary fund of inclinations.

Mental education and mental development are in close interaction. Mental education largely determines mental development, contributes to it. However, this happens only if the regularities and possibilities of the mental development of children in the first years of life are taken into account.

Mental education (as an introduction to the intellectual culture of mankind) is a systematic and purposeful pedagogical influence on the child and interaction with him in order to develop his mind and form a worldview. It proceeds as a process of mastering the general historical experience accumulated by mankind and represented in knowledge, skills and abilities. By the human mind, we mean such a function of the brain, which consists in an adequate reflection of the laws and phenomena of the surrounding life. The mind is a set of cognitive processes, including sensations, perception, memory, imagination, thinking. The mind manifests itself in the volume, nature and content of knowledge, in the dynamism of mental activity (quickly-slowly), in criticality (the ability to evaluate the result), the ability to generalize (breadth of mind), in creative knowledge and striving for it, in abilities, in memory, in the nature of the main activity, its successful implementation, writes Geletsky V.M. .

1.2 The concept of physical education

The comprehensive development of physical qualities is necessary for the normal life of a person, this is facilitated by physical education.

Medvedeva S.B. defines physical education, saying that it is mainly a system of physical improvement of a person, aimed at proper physical development, health promotion, ensuring high physical performance and developing a need for constant physical self-improvement.

Kholodov Zh.K. and Kuznetsov V.S. write that physical education is a type of education, the specific content of which is the training of movements, the education of physical qualities, the mastery of special physical education knowledge and the formation of a conscious need for physical education. This concept includes physical education and the upbringing of physical qualities. The first is defined as the process of forming a person's motor skills and abilities, as well as the transfer of special physical education knowledge. Physical education includes:

1) Formation of sports motor skills and motor skills

2) Formation of vital motor skills and abilities

3) Transfer of special physical education knowledge

Education of physical qualities implies a targeted impact on the development of a person's physical qualities through normalized functional loads, which in turn is determined by:

1) Force abilities

2) Speed ​​abilities

3) Endurance

4) Coordination abilities

5) Flexibility

Geletsky V.M. indicates that the process of physical education is based on some general principles and at the same time has features in each specific section of training or education. The most general starting points that determine the entire direction and organization of physical education activities in our society are the principles of the comprehensive harmonious development of the individual, the connection of education with labor and defense practice and health-improving orientation (principles of the domestic system of physical culture).

1.3 The relationship of mental and physical education

Physical culture and sports provide ample opportunities for mental education, which is due to the specifics of physical education, its substantive and procedural foundations. According to the physiologist V. L. Fedorov, the primary task in teaching motor actions is to improve the brain, while physical exercises are of an ideomotor (in the broad sense) character.

The leading goal of both mental and physical education is to improve cognitive activity man, his intellect and thinking, which is recognized as the main of human abilities. On the one hand, physical education creates favorable conditions for mental activity and promotes the development of intellect. On the other hand, mental education produces the conditions for a more thoughtful attitude to physical culture and sports, which significantly increases the effectiveness of physical education, Medvedeva S.B. writes in her writings. .

Boyko V.V. and Kirillova A.V. indicate that physical and mental education are interconnected and interdependent. More P.F. Lesgaft noted in his writings that “special attention should be paid to the connection between mental activity and physical activity. The alternation of intellectual and physical efforts favorably affects health, as a result of which the intensity and quality of mental activity increase.

Kholodov Zh.K. and Kuznetsov V.S. note that in the content of mental education in the process of physical education, two sides can be distinguished: educational and upbringing. The educational side consists in the transfer of special physical education knowledge. At the same time, thinking develops in two directions: as reproducing (reproductive) and as productive (creative). Reproducing thinking consists in the students comprehending their actions after the instructive instructions of the teacher (for example, when teaching a complex movement). Examples of creative thinking are the analysis of "reference" sports equipment in order to rationally apply it to your individual characteristics(find your individual technique). The educational side of mental education in the process of physical education is the development of such intellectual qualities as quick wit, concentration, inquisitiveness, quick thinking, etc. .

The relationship of physical education with mental is manifested directly and indirectly. The direct connection lies in the fact that in the process of physical education there is a direct impact on the development of the mental abilities of those involved. In the classroom, cognitive situations constantly arise related to mastering the technique of physical exercises, its improvement, mastering the methods of practical actions, etc. (how to perform movements more economically, more accurately, more expressively, etc., how to distribute forces at a distance, in competitions, etc. ). An indirect connection is that the strengthening of health, the development of physical strength in the process of physical education are a necessary condition for the normal mental development of children. This was noted by the outstanding scientist P.F. Lesgaft. In his seminal work, A Guide to physical education children of school age" he wrote: "There is a close relationship between the mental and physical development of a person, which is quite clear when studying human body and his departures. Mental growth and development require a corresponding development of the physical.

Ionov A.A. in his work indicates that from the point of view of physiological processes, motor activity plays an important role in creating favorable conditions for the implementation of human mental activity. It acts as a means of removing negative emotional influences and mental fatigue, and because of this, as a factor in stimulating intellectual activity. As a result of physical exercises, cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated that ensure the perception, processing and reproduction of information. So, there are numerous data that under the influence of physical exercises the amount of memory increases, the stability of attention increases, the solution of elementary intellectual tasks accelerates, visual-motor reactions accelerate.


2.1 Age features mental and physical development of preschool children

The concept of preschool age covers age period from 3 to 6-7 years. During this period of life, the child undergoes intensive physical development: an active increase in height and weight, an increase in overall muscle strength, a decrease in body fat, and large muscles become pronounced. The ossification of the skeleton continues - therefore, at this age it is necessary to monitor the posture of children and avoid excessive physical exertion. Blood circulation and respiration improve: blood pressure rises, the vital capacity of the lungs increases, therefore, working capacity increases. The nervous system improves, the mass of the brain increases, all pathways between the central and peripheral nervous systems mature, write Fedorovskaya O. M. and Babenkova E. A

Speaking about the mental development of preschoolers, one should pay attention to two types of connections between the child and the outside world: connection with the world of things and connection with the world of people. Through the knowledge of the material world, the child socializes intellectual functions: a person learns to handle things in the way that is customary in a given society and assimilates society's knowledge of the objective world, and on the basis of relations with the world of people, the socialization of the individual occurs: a person learns ways of relating people to each other and learns ways own behavior. Also, speech begins to develop actively at preschool age, it is the main intellectual function on this age stage. There is a development of verbal intelligence: the ability to reflect the thought process in speech. Speech actively stimulates the psychophysical development of the child. Vocabulary is being built up.

Shcherbakova T. A. in her work says that preschool age is defined as a period that is optimal for intellectual development. The high plasticity of the brain makes it necessary to purposefully influence the development of higher mental functions, taking into account its available and potential capabilities.

At preschool age, arbitrariness develops, self-regulation - the ability to independently regulate their actions and mental processes: memory, attention. Memory in preschool age is predominantly figurative, while verbal memory is actively developing. The thinking of a preschooler is visual-figurative. At preschool age, attention stability is formed, but the switching of attention when changing activities has not yet been formed, the team of authors Pechora K., Pantyukhina G., Golubeva L. notes.

At the senior preschool age, the differentiation of the nervous elements of those layers (associative zones) in which mental actions are carried out is completed: generalization, awareness of the sequence of events and cause-and-effect relationships, the formation of complex inter-analyzer connections. Thanks to this, there is a significant shift in the generalization of thinking: children of older preschool age understand complex generalizations formed on the basis of interfunctional relationships.

2.2 Means and methods of mental education in the system of physical education of preschool children

Physical education provides a harmonious and comprehensive development of the individual, including influence on mental development.

The authors Boyko V. V. and Kirillova A. V. indicate that the main means of physical education is motor activity in physical education classes, it is through it that the child learns the world around him, as a result of which his mental processes develop: thinking, attention, will, independence and others. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the formation of cognitive processes, the more fully his development is carried out.

In addition, the means of mental education include specially organized problem situations in the process of physical exercises, the resolution of which requires mental actions (reception and processing of information, analysis, decision-making, etc.).

The methods of mental education include: a survey on the material being taught; observation and comparison; analysis and generalization of the studied material; critical evaluation and analysis of motional actions .

Physical exercises have a direct and indirect impact on the mental development of children in the process of physical education. Starodubtseva I.V. in his dissertation, he describes a group of exercises that have a direct impact on the mental development of preschoolers in the process of physical education. Such exercises directly affect the components that are decisive in the mental development of children, such as various types of perception, visual-figurative and logical thinking, attention, memory, and speech. The essence of these exercises is a combination of two components: a motor action and an exercise aimed at developing the mental sphere of the child, implemented in the form of a didactic game. It has been noticed that it is difficult to combine intensive physical work with intense mental activity. According to the principle of "unipolar waste of energy", formulated by K.N. Kornilov. Based on this principle, the mechanism of the optimal combination of motor action with didactic games, tasks and exercises was determined: physical exercise low); 2) sequential ( didactic game or exercise precede the performance of a motor action or are performed after its completion). At the same time, exercises of high complexity, aimed at the mental development of the child, are included when motor actions do not require significant muscle tension (the main types of movements at the stage of consolidation and improvement, general developmental and drill exercises, games of medium and low mobility).

Stepanenkova E.Ya. writes in his works that the use of game images is of particular importance in conducting physical education classes. They are most consistent with the perception and thinking of children. The child, as it were, joins the game and, imitating the image, performs the movement as a whole and quite expressively. The use of game images contributes to the stimulation of thought processes.

The next step of activation mental activity are indications, questions that organize the observation of children and lead them to independent conclusions.

The use of objects in the process of physical exercises activates both mental and motor activity of children. The thinking of young children is specific, therefore, the performance of a substantive task mobilizes their individual capabilities, causes positive emotions, which also affects physical efforts. Objects serve as visual guides that help children see the path of movement in the whole or parts of the body, “adjust” their movements to the requirements that the teacher makes.

Shcherbakova T.A. indicates that the solution of the problems of intellectual development should be carried out through the assimilation of two interrelated sections of the content of physical education: knowledge and skills. The section "Knowledge" includes knowledge of: 1) methods of rational performance of basic movements, combat and sports exercises; 2) rules of mobile and sports games; 3) the relationship of nature, man and society with physical culture.

The "Skills" section includes: 1) motor skills: the ability to perform basic movements, drills and an element of sports exercises; 2) gaming skills: the ability to perform motor actions included in the content of outdoor and sports games in compliance with the necessary rules; 3) mental skills: perform analysis, synthesis, comparison, classification, generalization of phenomena and their internal properties and relationships; 4) skills of quantitative and ordinal counting within 10; 5) the ability to accept a task, independently plan and organize their actions to solve it, exercise self-control and self-assessment of the quality of their implementation; 6) the skills of dialogic and coherent, lexically literate monologue speech

Usage various methods and techniques for developing the mental abilities of preschool children through various forms of physical education, creative tasks, creating search situations, will ensure continuity with the primary school program at the exit from kindergarten.

2.3 The impact of physical education on the mental development of preschoolers

Intellectual development is the most important direction in raising a child. It is in childhood that a small person develops an interest in knowledge, as well as qualities that determine the ease and speed of assimilation of new knowledge and skills.

Mental development is determined by intelligence, intellectual abilities. In a broad sense, intelligence is the totality of all cognitive functions of an individual: from sensation and perception to thinking and imagination; in a narrower sense, it is thinking. Intelligence is the main form of cognition of reality.

One of the factors of intellectual development is motor activity, as a result of motor activity, cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated, the functional state of the central nervous system improves, and a person’s mental performance increases. Achievements in the field of intelligence and creativity are largely related to the level of development of the child's psychomotor sphere. In special studies, facts have been recorded that indicate that children who are more physically developed receive higher marks in school. Children involved in sports sections, have the best indicators of mental performance, as also evidenced by special experiments, notes Koroleva T. A. .

Physical exercises create opportunities for the successful flow of all mental processes, i.e. require attention, observation, ingenuity. A variety of movements, a wealth of coordination increase the plasticity of the nervous system. So, there are numerous data that under the influence of physical exercises the amount of memory increases, the stability of attention increases, the solution of elementary intellectual tasks accelerates, visual-motor reactions accelerate.

Boyko V.V. writes that during the period of preschool childhood, global changes occur in the mental development of the child: from an undifferentiated perception of objects, to the ability to use independently acquired knowledge and skills.

Under the influence of physical exercises in preschool children, the formation of various types of thinking is more effective:

1) Visual-effective thinking is characterized by the fact that the solution of practical problems is carried out with the help of a real, physical transformation of the situation, testing the properties of objects.

2) Visual-figurative thinking - a set of methods and processes of imaginative problem solving, involving a visual representation of the situation and operating with images of its constituent objects, without performing real practical actions with them.

3) Verbal-logical thinking begins to form in children of older preschool age. It involves the development of the ability to operate with words, to understand the logic of reasoning. To reason means to connect different knowledge in order to get an answer to a worthwhile question, solve a mental problem.

Motor activity has an impact on the formation of the psychophysiological status of the child. Magomedov R.R. in his work says that there is a direct relationship between the level of physical fitness and mental development of the child. Motor activity stimulates perceptual, mnemonic and intellectual processes, rhythmic movements train the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems. Children with a large amount of physical activity in the daily routine are characterized by an average and high level of physical development, adequate indicators of the state of the central nervous system, as a result of which the child's memory improves, and all thought processes that determine intelligence.


In accordance with the tasks set, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) There is a relationship between physical and mental education, it manifests itself directly and indirectly. The direct connection lies in the emergence of cognitive situations in physical education lessons. An indirect connection is that motor activity creates favorable conditions for mental activity. As a result of physical exercises, cerebral circulation improves, mental processes are activated that ensure the perception, processing and reproduction of information, as a result of which mental capabilities increase.

2) The means of mental education in the process of physical education, first of all, are physical education classes, as well as specially organized problem situations, the solution of which requires mental actions. The methods of mental education include: a survey on the material being taught; observation and comparison; analysis and generalization of the studied material; critical evaluation and analysis of motor actions. At physical education lessons with preschool children, exercises are used that combine two components: motor actions and an exercise aimed at developing the mental sphere of the child, implemented in the form of a didactic game. Game images, the use of objects, creative tasks, and the creation of search situations are also used. Exercises of this nature activate both mental and motor activity of children.

3) In physical education classes, children are engaged in physical activity, as a result of which mental processes are activated, the functional state of the central nervous system improves, and mental performance increases. Physical exercises require attention, observation, ingenuity, as a result, they increase the plasticity of the nervous system, which increases the amount of memory, increases the stability of attention, accelerates the solution of elementary intellectual tasks, and speeds up visual-motor reactions. Also, under the influence of physical exercises in preschool children, the formation of various types of thinking is more effective: 1) visual-effective; 2) visual-figurative; 3) verbal-logical;


1 Boyko V.V., Kirillova A.V. Influence of physical culture lessons on the development of verbal and logical thinking in children of senior preschool age // Successes of modern natural science. – 2013. – no. 10.

2 Geletsky, V.M. Theory and methodology of physical culture: tutorial/ V.M. Geletsky. Krasnoyarsk: Siberian Federal University, 2014. - 433 p.

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The increased requirements for future first-graders have led to an increase in the volume and intensity of educational and cognitive activities in kindergarten. Often the educational process of preschool educational institutions(DOE) is built according to the type of school education and is overloaded with additional classes. This leads to an increase in the teaching load, which, in turn, causes serious damage personal development and health status of children.

According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, recently the number healthy preschoolers decreased by 5 times and among the contingent of children entering school, it is only about 10%. One of the reasons sharp deterioration health of the younger generation are the imperfection and low status of the existing system of physical education of children, which is based on the lack of the principle of unity of mental and physical development.

Physical education is traditionally considered only as a means of optimizing the physical status of a person to the detriment of intellectual and socio-psychological development, which noticeably limits the possibilities of holistic personality formation. The lack of clarity of the mechanisms for implementing a one-time solution to the problems of physical and spiritual improvement returns theorists and practitioners to the decision to develop mainly the motor sphere of students. At the same time draws attention standard set means of physical education and the narrowly focused nature of their use.

Despite the relatively complete theoretical elaboration of the problem of the simultaneous development of mental and motor abilities of children in the process of physical education, these ideas have not received due recognition and wide application in preschool educational institutions.

The main means of mental development in the process of physical education were physical exercises, not only solving the problems of physical education, but also having a direct or indirect effect on the mental development of children in the process of physical education.

1. Physical exercises for health promotion are aimed at forming the correct posture and arch of the foot, strengthening skeletal muscles, improving the functioning of various organs and systems.

Poor health and physical retardation are noted by many researchers as one of the possible factors of "mental weakness". main reason this situation - hypodynamia. In a state of reduced motor activity, the metabolism and information entering the brain from muscle receptors decreases, which leads to a violation of the regulatory function of the brain and affects the work of all internal organs. Therefore, the development of the musculoskeletal system, the prevention of postural disorders, the stimulation of the function of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are a necessary condition for normal growth and development of the child's body (including mental).

2. Physical exercises for the development of motor skills involve the improvement of the motor sphere by expanding the stock of motor skills that are basic in the motor development of the child (walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing).

The development of the motor sphere of preschoolers consists in the formation of the most complex systems of sensory corrections that underlie any motor act, when the process of performing motor actions requires constant regulation by the central nervous system of inaccuracies and deviations that occur during the implementation of actions. This ensures the participation of higher mental functions in the process of mastering the motor action, providing a positive impact on the mental development of the child.

3. Exercises for the development of physical qualities provide the formation of basic physical abilities that reflect the qualitative side of motor skills and abilities (speed, strength, coordination abilities; flexibility, endurance). Particular attention was paid to the development of general coordination abilities (differentiation, orientation, rhythm, etc.), including the ability to finely and accurately dose movements in terms of effort, direction, time, in order to form a fine differentiated distinctive sensitivity to temporal, force, and spatial characteristics of movements. In this case, motor and physical development is carried out as cognitive-motor.

The above groups of exercises were classified as factors that have an indirect effect on the child's mental development in the process of physical education. Due to the optimal formation of centers for the regulation of respiration, blood circulation, metabolism, coordination of movements (coupling, on the one hand, fine adjustment movements of the eyes, neck muscles, ear when capturing sensory information and, on the other hand, movements of the hands, body parts, facial muscles, lips, tongue with a motor response), the development of not only the musculoskeletal system, but also the nervous system is achieved, i.e. the basis for the full mental development of the child is created.

4. Physical exercises for the development of the mental sphere directly affect the components that are decisive in the mental development of children aged 5-7 years (perception, visual-figurative and logical thinking, attention, memory, speech).

The essence of these exercises is a combination of two elements: a motor action and an exercise aimed at developing the mental sphere of the child, implemented in the form of a didactic game. It has been noticed that it is difficult to combine intensive physical work with intense mental activity. According to the principle of "unipolar waste of energy", formulated by K.N. Kornilov, the expenditure of energy in the central point of the nervous system and in the working organ is inversely related. The greater the expenditure of central energy, the weaker its external detection, and vice versa, the more intense the external effect of the reaction, the weaker the central moment (L.S. Vygotsky). Taking into account this principle, the mechanism of the optimal combination of motor action with didactic games, tasks and exercises was determined: 1) synchronous (performing elements of didactic games in the course of motor action, provided that mental and physical loads are low); 2) sequential (a didactic game or exercise precedes the performance of a motor action or is performed after its completion).

The exercises were taken as a basis, including walking, running, jumping, throwing, climbing, during which conditions were created for mastering various types of cognitive orienting actions that underlie the mental development of preschool children, primarily perceptual ones, reflecting the level of development of perception of preschoolers (actions identification, reference to the standard, perceptual modeling) and mental (actions of figurative and logical thinking). Additionally, tasks and exercises were used to improve sensorimotor coordination, development of speech, imagination, memory and attention processes.

The development of thinking was carried out by expanding the range of concepts, including mental actions in the process of physical activity and manipulations with sports and gaming equipment. Operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, finding similarities and differences in objects, classification, generalization saturated every physical education lesson. For example, overcoming an obstacle course was preceded by a task to select sports equipment corresponding to a given feature (shape, color, purpose) or arrange it in accordance with a schematic representation proposed by the teacher. Cleaning of sports modules and equipment was carried out with the additional task "Fold similar with similar". When dividing children into teams, each captain lined up his team according to height, hair length, and physical fitness. The ability to isolate the essential features of objects was improved in the game "Show me the answer", when children not only guessed the riddle, but also showed the answer with the help of movements. When performing the main types of movements, the ability to understand the quantitative and qualitative ratios of objects was practiced: Lena jumped higher, and Katya jumped lower, the wall was on the right, and the bench was on the left, etc. Teaching complex movements was accompanied by an analysis of a motor action (together with the children and the teacher), showing and pronouncing its constituent elements, comparing the action performed by the child with the reference one, searching for errors, inaccuracies and ways to correct them.

The inclusion in the educational process of physical education of exercises aimed at the development of cognitive processes, speech and the higher symbolic functions associated with it, not only contributes to the mental development of children, but also restructures, according to L.S. Vygotsky, "motor skills themselves", translating it into "new and top floor"and providing a quick, meaningful memorization and reproduction of motor actions, the ability to independently make decisions and act in a rapidly changing environment, thereby improving motor development children.