Physical education in dow as one of the main tasks of preschool education. Organization of physical education in dow

Introduction ................................................ .................................................3

1. Purpose, tasks, means physical education V preschool institutions............................................................................................4

2. Tasks of physical education of preschool children ...... 7

2.1 Tasks of physical education of children .............................................. 8

2.2. Wellness tasks .................................................................. .................9

2.3. Educational tasks.................................................................... ...............10

2.4. Educational tasks .................................................................. .................12

3. Characteristics of the age characteristics of preschool children .......................................................... ................................................. ......14

4. Conclusion ............................................... .........................................19

5. List of references .............................................................. .21


You need to keep your body strong

Hugo W.

The theory of physical education of preschool children is the science of the general laws of physical education and the formation of a child's personality.

Physical education strengthens the body's compensatory capabilities, increases its resistance to damaging environmental factors. Physical activity is one of the most powerful means of preventing diseases, strengthening the body's defenses.

Raising children healthy, strong, cheerful is the task not only of parents, but also of every preschool institution, since children spend most of the day in them. To this end, classes are physical culture, which should be built in accordance with the psychological characteristics of a particular age, accessibility and expediency of exercises. Properly organized physical education contributes to the formation of a good physique, the prevention of diseases, and the improvement of the activity of the internal organs and systems of the child's body.

The main means of physical education of young children is proper nutrition, extensive use of natural factors of nature, good hygiene care, clearly organized mode days, methodically proper conduct regime processes (feeding, sleeping, toileting), creating favorable conditions for a variety of activities and, above all, for the movements of the child.

It has been proven that many pathological conditions children can be prevented by means of physical education, since motor activity

is a condition for maintaining health, a stimulating factor in the development of intellectual, emotional and other spheres. Most favorable period to attract to regular physical education, to maintain motor activity, preschool and junior school age. At the same time, it should be noted that a decrease in motor activity occurs already at preschool age.

Purpose, tasks, means of physical education in preschool institutions.

Health-improving, educational and upbringing tasks are carried out in the process of physical education.

Among the health-improving tasks, a special place is occupied by protecting the life and strengthening the health of children, and comprehensive physical development, improving body functions, increasing activity and overall performance.

Taking into account the specifics of age, health-improving tasks are defined in a more specific form: to help form the bend of the spine, develop the arches of the foot, strengthen the ligamentous-articular apparatus; promote the development of all muscle groups, especially the extensor muscles; the right ratio body parts; improvement of the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

In addition, it is important to improve the overall performance of children, taking into account the developmental characteristics of the child's body, the tasks are defined in a more specific form: to help correct and timely ossification, the formation of spinal curves, and to promote the proper development of thermoregulation. Improve the activity of the central nervous system: contribute to the balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition, their mobility, as well as the improvement of the motor analyzer, sensory organs.

Educational tasks provide for the formation in children

motor skills and skills, development physical qualities; the role of physical exercises in his life, ways to strengthen his own health. Due to the plasticity of the nervous system in children, motor skills are formed relatively easily. Most of them (crawling, running, walking, skiing, cycling, etc.) are used by children in Everyday life as a means of transportation. Motor skills facilitate communication with environment and contribute to its knowledge: the child, crawling himself, approaches those objects that interest him, and gets acquainted with them. Proper execution exercise effectively affects the development of muscles, ligaments, joints, skeletal system. The motor skills formed in preschool children form the foundation for their further improvement at school and allow them to achieve high results in sports in the future. In the process of forming motor skills in children, the ability to easily master more complex movements and various types of activities that include these movements (labor operations) is developed. The volume of motor skills according to age data is in the program. Preschoolers need to form the skills to perform drill, general developmental exercises, basic movements, sports exercises. In addition, children should be taught to play sport games(towns, table tennis) and perform elements of sports games (basketball, hockey, football, etc.). At this age it acquires importance instilling the initial skills of personal and public hygiene (washing hands, taking care of a suit, shoes, etc.). The acquired knowledge allows children to engage in physical exercises more consciously and more fully, to independently use the means of physical education in kindergarten and family.

Educational tasks are aimed at the versatile development of children (mental, moral, aesthetic, labor), the formation of their interest and need for systematic physical exercises. The system of physical education in preschool institutions is built taking into account age and psychological characteristics children.

The first seven years of a child's life are characterized by the intensive development of all organs and systems. The child is born with certain

inherited biological properties, including the typological features of the main nervous processes (strength, balance and mobility). But these features are only the basis for further physical and mental development, and the determining factor from the first months of life is the environment and the upbringing of the child. Therefore, it is very important to create such conditions and organize education in such a way that a cheerful, positive emotional state of the child, full physical and mental development is ensured.

Physical education favors the implementation of aesthetic education. In the process of performing physical exercises, one should develop the ability to perceive, experience aesthetic pleasure, understand and correctly evaluate the beauty, grace, expressiveness of movements. Children also master labor skills related to the equipment of the premises (device of a pit with sand for long jumps, pouring a skating rink, etc.).

The purpose of physical education is to develop children's skills healthy lifestyle life. To solve the problems of physical education of preschool children, the following are used: hygiene factors, natural forces of nature, physical exercises, etc. A full-fledged physical education is achieved with the complex use of all means, since each of them affects the human body in different ways. Hygienic factors (mode of study, rest, nutrition, sleep, etc.) are a prerequisite for solving the problems of physical education.

They increase the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises on the body involved. For example, exercising better promotes the development of bone and muscular system. Cleanliness of premises, sports equipment, toys, clothes, shoes serve as a prevention of diseases. Hygienic factors also have independent significance: they contribute to the normal functioning of all organs and systems. For example, regular and good-quality nutrition has a positive effect on the activity of the digestive organs and ensures the timely delivery of necessary nutrients to other organs. nutrients, which means it helps normal growth and development of the child.

Good sleep provides rest and increases the efficiency of the nervous system. Proper lighting prevents the occurrence of eye diseases. Compliance with a solid daily routine teaches you to be organized, disciplined, etc. The natural forces of nature (sun, air, water) enhance positive influence physical exercises on the body, and increase human performance. In the process of doing physical exercises in the air with solar radiation or in water (swimming), positive emotions arise, the functionality of individual organs and body systems increases (more oxygen is consumed, metabolism increases, etc.).

The natural forces of nature can also be used as an independent remedy. Water is used to cleanse the skin, mechanical action

On the human body. The air from forests, gardens, parks, containing special substances fintocides, contributes to the destruction of microbes, enriches the blood with oxygen, and has a beneficial effect on the human body. The sun's rays contribute to the deposition of vitamin D under the skin, kills various microbes and protects a person from rickets. For a versatile effect on the body, all the natural forces of nature should be taken, expediently combining them.

Physical exercises are the main specific means of physical education that has a versatile effect on a person. They are used to solve the problems of physical education: they contribute to the implementation of mental, labor, and are also a means of treatment for many diseases.

Movements, physical exercises are considered a specific means of physical education. Motor activity is a biological need of the body, the degree of satisfaction of which determines the health of children, their physical and general development.

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Formsorganization of physical education inpreschool educational institution


physical education preschool health

IN modern society the issue of physical education of preschoolers is very acute and extremely concerned about many parents. Today it has become very fashionable to go in for sports or just general strengthening exercises, it has become very fashionable to take care of your health, follow proper nutrition, etc. But statistics show that children are exposed to many factors and only 4% of absolutely healthy children go to school.

Many mistakenly believe that physical education refers only to the development of the physical qualities of the child. This is far from true. The physical education of the child, first of all, includes the preservation and strengthening of the health of the baby. A child of preschool age is still very small and cannot protect and strengthen his health without the help of an adult. Therefore, it is the adult, namely, parents and caregivers, who must create the necessary favorable environment for the child, which will provide him with full physical development (life safety, proper nutrition, daily routine, organization of physical activity, etc.).

In order to correctly provide an environment for physical development for preschool children, you need to know the basic forms of organizing this process.

Thus, the purpose of the work is:

1) To study the tasks of physical education of preschool children;

2) Consider the main forms of physical development in the preschool educational institution;

3) Find out what sports and recreational activities are included in the daily routine of preschoolers in the preschool educational institution.

1 . Aboutgeneral characteristic of the forms of organization of physical education of preschoolers

In order to identify the leading forms of physical education of preschool children, it is necessary to determine the main tasks of physical education at this age.

The tasks of physical education of preschool children can be conditionally divided into three groups: health-improving, educational and upbringing.

Improving tasks of physical education of preschoolers:

Ш Protection and strengthening of the health of the child;

Ш Hardening of the child's body;

Ш Formation of the correct posture of the child;

Ш Prevention of flat feet;

A) Forms of organization of physical education of children in a nursery:

1. Individual sessions of physical exercises and massage. At air baths the teacher performs movements with the child, alternating them with massage techniques that improve blood circulation, as well as reduce the tone of the flexor muscles. They are used as active reflex movements in response to visual, auditory tactile stimuli used by adults (manipulation of toys, shifting the child into uncomfortable posture etc.), and passive (flexion and extension of the arms, legs, torso). The session lasts about 10 minutes, contains approximately 12-15 exercises and massage techniques.

2. Group lessons(no more than five or six children) in the form of free movement in playpens with toys, and the teacher stimulates certain actions by giving appropriate toys.

In addition to special forms of training, the motivation for active motor activity occurs in games, on a walk.

B) The forms of organization of physical education for children 3-6 years old include:

Physical education

Physical culture and recreation activities in the daily routine:

a) Morning exercises;

b) Physical education minutes;

c) Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises;

d) Physical culture breaks.

Work on the physical education of children in everyday life

a) outdoor games;

b) Walks and excursions;

c) Individual work with individual children;

G) self-study children with various types of physical exercises;

e) Holidays, leisure, Health Days.

All these forms, responding to the general tasks of physical education and comprehensive development child, are interconnected; each of them has its own special tasks that determine its place in the daily routine of a preschool institution.

The ratio of the forms of organization of physical education in different groups of kindergarten is determined by educational tasks.

Morning gymnastics and physical education classes are held starting from the first junior in all groups, but in each they have an originality in the selection of exercises and methods of conducting.

Physical education minutes, which are of primary importance in the older groups of the kindergarten, are included in classes and between two classes as a moment of active rest and restoration of children's working capacity.

Hardening procedures are used in all groups. However, air baths in motion with a gradual decrease in temperature, indoors and outdoors, are used mainly in older groups.

Outdoor games and a variety of independent motor activities of children in the air are an indispensable content of everyday children's life in all age groups.

2. Physical education

Physical education is the main form of systematic training of children in physical exercises. The special task of the classes is to teach children of all age groups the correct motor skills and the development of physical qualities.

The significance of classes lies in the systematic implementation of interrelated health-improving, educational and educational tasks, the implementation of which ensures physical development, strengthening the health of the child, acquiring the correct motor skills, nurturing an emotionally positive attitude to physical education and sports, and comprehensive development of his personality.

The currently existing three-part structure provides for the implementation of physiological, mental and pedagogical patterns in physical education classes.

This is the inclusion (gradual) of children in the main activity; maintaining working capacity at a certain level, reducing the load, leveling the functional state and psychological adjustment for rest or another type of activity.

Consequently, the working capacity is distributed unevenly in the lesson and represents 4 levels.

In accordance with this, physical education classes consist of three interrelated parts: introductory (preparatory), main and final. For each part of the lesson, all tasks are equally important - educational, educational and recreational. The fulfillment of these tasks provides a comprehensive impact on children.

Tasks introductory part They consist in creating interest and emotional disposition in children for the lesson, checking the degree of readiness of attention, clarifying some motor skills, gradually preparing the child's body for more intensive work in the main part of the lesson.

For this purpose, children are offered familiar exercises or their variants that contribute to the development of correct posture, the prevention of flat feet, and do not require much time to complete.

Such exercises include drill, walking and its varieties, running with various tasks.

The duration of the introductory and preparatory part in the younger groups is 3-4 minutes, in the middle - 4-6 minutes, in the older - 5-10 minutes.

IN main part classes solve the problems of teaching and improving motor skills, developing physical qualities. After that, an outdoor game with rules is held, which includes all children in intensive movement.

Given the short duration of the optimal mental performance of children, more difficult tasks are outlined at the beginning of the main part (for example, familiarizing children with new material, performing exercises that require high coordination).

The duration of the main part in the younger groups is 8-12 minutes, in the middle - 12-15 minutes, in the older - 15-20 minutes.

Final part classes include walking at an intense pace with a gradual slowdown, which helps to reduce overall arousal and bring the pulse back to normal.

Walking can sometimes be replaced sedentary game, which includes all children in moderate movement and excludes static positions that are contraindicated for the body after active actions. After that, the result of the lesson is summed up, and the children move on to another activity.

The duration of the final part of the lesson in the younger groups is from 2 to 3 minutes, in the middle and in the senior group - from 3 to 4 minutes.

3. Physical culture and recreation activities in the daily routine

In the daily routine of preschool children, such sports and recreational activities are carried out as: morning exercises, physical education minutes, hardening activities

a) morning exercises

Morning exercises are an obligatory component of physical culture and health-improving work in the daily routine. It relieves residual inhibition after a night's sleep; provides training of all muscles, which contributes to the development of good posture; prepares the child's body for subsequent loads.

The duration of morning exercises, depending on age, ranges from 4-5 minutes. in the younger group up to 10-12 - in the older.

It includes walking, running, jumping. This may include a song (at the beginning), game moments, simple outdoor games, dance steps, various hangs.

Strengthening the intensity of the load is achieved by increasing the number of exercises, increasing the number of repetitions and the duration of those exercises that cause the greatest pulse response - running and jumping.

When selecting exercises for the morning gymnastics complex, the following should be taken into account: 1) they must comply with the requirements of the gymnastics program for children of this age; 2) should be simple in form and mostly familiar to children. Therefore, it is recommended that morning exercises include exercises that children have recently performed in physical education classes (but not necessarily those that were in the last lesson). One complex is carried out during the week, and then changes (completion of the complex for 2 weeks reduces the interest of children in them).

Morning gymnastics complexes are compiled as follows. First you need to organize a group of children, focus their attention, so morning exercises begin with building, then walking, combined with a light short run. Appropriate here and special exercises on attention and speed of reaction (for example, changing the direction of running or stopping abruptly on a signal).

Exercises are selected in such a way that various muscle groups are sequentially worked out: the shoulder girdle, legs, lateral muscles of the body, back muscles, abdominals, and feet. Then be sure to include exercises that enhance the metabolism in the body. These are various kinds of jumps, which can alternate with easy running.

At the end of morning exercises, it is necessary to regulate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Walking exercises are given here, you can turn on dance steps, preferably with musical accompaniment.

Morning exercises, if possible, are carried out all year round outdoors.

b) Physical education minutes

Physical education minutes are not held in all classes, but in children that require great perseverance and attention - classes for the development of speech, the formation of elementary mathematical representations, in some classes in fine arts.

Their goal is to maintain the mental performance of children at a sufficiently high level.

The duration of physical education is 2-3 minutes. They are carried out at the moment when children's attention decreases and fatigue sets in (usually the second half of the lesson is 12-16 minutes).

But it must be borne in mind that sometimes with a great interest of children in the lesson, especially when benefits are used, a physical education minute can interfere with the successful conduct of the lesson. Therefore, physical education minutes should not be considered as mandatory daily activities in the daily routine of older groups.

In the selection of exercises for physical education, one should be guided by the following: exercises should be familiar to children and simple to perform; they should mainly cover large muscle groups. These are exercises associated with sipping, straightening the spine. Sometimes it is advisable to include walking in place, jumps, squats at a fast pace. In some cases, if the children held a brush or pencil in their hands for a long time. It is advisable to include an exercise for the muscles of the hand: flexion and extension, circular movements in the wrist joint, compression and extension of the fingers.

A physical minute may be accompanied by a text related or not related to the content of the lesson.

Children perform physical exercises standing at tables or going out to free place in the group room.

You can do physical exercises using musical accompaniment. Children can perform several types of dance steps to music or sing one or two verses of a song, accompanying them with improvised movements.

c) Hardening procedures in combination with physical exercises

Hardening measures are divided into general and special.

General hardening activities are carried out throughout the daily life of the child and include correct mode days, rational nutrition, daily walks, sleep on fresh air, rational clothes. Age-appropriate airy and temperature conditions in room, regular airing rooms.

Special hardening activities include strictly dosed exposure to ultraviolet radiation, gymnastic exercises, massage, air and water procedures, swimming, reflexology (acupuncture), sauna.

Currently, there are several established rules for hardening activities in children, developed by G.N. Speransky:

It is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of hardening measures;

Classes should be carried out systematically;

It is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the child's body and his age;

You can start hardening at any time of the year, but warm time is preferable, because. in cold weather, the degree of exposure to hardening factors at the beginning of hardening decreases, and a more gradual increase is necessary than in the warm season;

Tempering procedures are carried out only with positive emotions of the child;

The resumption of classes after a break with the permission of the doctor should begin with what was at the beginning of hardening.

Hardening treatments are most effective when combined with exercise. Active muscular work contributes to the improvement of the process of thermoregulation and thus the adaptation of the organism to the external environment.

The kindergarten education program provides for the use of hardening procedures in all age groups, starting from the first year of life: the types of hardening, the time of their implementation, duration, etc. are determined.

Air baths in movements provide a direct effect of air on the exposed surface of the skin during the motor activity of children.

most appropriate and natural view such baths are morning exercises and physical exercises after sleep.

After sleep, best of all, under musical accompaniment, various formations are carried out (diagonally, counter-moving, “snake”, zigzag, etc.) with physical exercises that contribute to the formation of posture, feet, as well as outdoor games with elements of dance steps, improvisation dance moves. When performing exercises after sleep, it is not recommended to use complexes of morning exercises and outdoor switchgear. After an air bath in motion, they move on to water procedures.

Water procedures include: wiping, dousing, bathing.

Rubbing is associated with light (massaging) movements in the direction from the periphery to the center with the help of a wrung out mitten. The procedure is carried out simultaneously with all the children (the children perform on their own and help each other rub their backs).

Pouring in its effect on the child's body is much stronger than rubbing. The flow of water refreshes the body, raises the tone of the muscles, activates their work, excites nervous work, and causes cheerfulness.

The most accessible is dousing with water up to the waist after exercise (in particular, after morning exercises).

Children pour themselves on their own, while rubbing their chest, shoulders, arms, and then carefully wipe the body.

4 . Work on physical education in everyday life

The health-improving, upbringing and educational tasks of the program for the physical education of children are carried out in various forms ah: outdoor games, walks and excursions, individual work with individual children and with small groups, independent tasks for children with various types of physical exercises, sports activities, holidays, Health Days.

The child receives the basis for the successful mastery of motor skills in systematic physical education classes.

However, the improvement, sustainability of acquired skills and their independent application by the child in various conditions life is provided by the forms of organization of physical exercises listed above.

Walks and excursions. Pedestrian walks and excursions outside the children's institution are the simplest form of children's tourism. They promote health, physical development of children, education of aesthetic feelings, improvement of motor skills and physical qualities.

Performing well in various exercises in a familiar room or in a kindergarten area, children are lost in a new environment.

Therefore, walks and excursions outside the preschool institution contribute to the education of the necessary orientation on the ground, the application of the formed skills and abilities in unusual conditions.

Walks are scheduled in advance calendar plan and require careful preparation.

Much attention should be paid to the development of the route of movement, which provides for places for children to rest along the way, natural conditions for exercises (brooks, ravines, bumps, glades, fallen trees).

Walks are held mainly in summer, but can also be held in winter, using skis and skates.

The day of the walk is announced in advance to create a mood of joyful expectation in children.

The movement of children on a walk is free, without pair building (used when crossing roads, railroad tracks).

During the walk, you can schedule a physical education session, which includes exercises using natural conditions.

Individual work with children in physical education. In each age group there are children with poor physical development, with signs of any deviations from the norm (initial deformation of the spine, feet, low performance after an illness, etc.), as well as children who are overly excitable or, conversely, with a reduced reaction to the environment. , shy.

On the basis of taking into account the typological features and the state of health of each child, the tasks of individual work in physical education are to teach children who do not master the program material at a common pace; timely correction of posture and foot defects; in improving the physical development of weakened children; in the activation of sedentary, shy children and increase their emotional tone.

Individual work is planned throughout the day during the hours of games and walks.

When teaching motor actions, the educator not only offers the child to perform the exercise correctly, but also tries to arouse interest in the task. He draws the child's attention to the basic, supporting elements of the movement (exercises), helps him understand what the task is, and, on the basis of this, suggests solving it on his own. Another character is the individual work during the performance of exercises of a corrective nature.

Self-study for children. The child has a strong need for movements, however, so that they are not aimless and random, purposeful guidance of the educator is necessary.

The incentive for independent motor activity of children of all age groups is, first of all, the presence in the group or on the site of various toys, small and large physical education aids.

In the group of children of the 3rd year of life, toys that stimulate initial independent actions are advisable: various wheelchairs (horses, cockerels, etc.), strollers, cars, balls and balls. Of the large benefits, slides, ladders, gates, benches, boxes, etc., are needed, on which children practice climbing, crawling, crawling, stepping over, etc. under the guidance of an educator.

For independent motor activity of children middle group teacher selects motor toys, small physical education aids and games in accordance with the instructions of the standard program (for throwing - balls different sizes, sandbags, etc.).

For children of older groups, games with elements of sports games are advisable - volleyball, basketball, football, badminton, table tennis.

All the indicated variety of independent motor activity of children is provided for in the plan of the educator.

Physical culture leisure, holidays, Health Days. Physical culture leisure lasting 30-45 minutes is organized 1-2 times a month in the afternoon. It includes in its content outdoor games already familiar to children, relay races, tasks, various movements.

Leisure activities may have a thematic focus, for example, "Sportland", " Winter fun" and etc.

Sometimes it is useful to hold it by bringing together children of different ages. In this case one mixed age group is engaged on the site of the senior group with her teacher, and the second - on the site junior group with the tutor of the youngest. Children are given differentiated tasks, taking into account age and individual capabilities.

Sports holidays, in which several groups of the same or different ages participate, are held at least 3 times a year. They are dedicated to different seasons of the year or may be thematic. For example, the holiday of Neptune.

Scheduled quarterly health days. The best place for their implementation - a forest, a meadow, a meadow where games, entertainment, competitions in running, throwing, jumping are organized.

The program also includes hiking. In winter, children can go to the forest on skis. During all periods of the year, Health Days are accompanied by relay races, outdoor and sports games. On the days of organizing physical culture leisure, holidays, Health Day, physical education classes in the daily routine are not planned.


The physical education of preschool children today requires deep knowledge and a creative approach from educators, teachers. It is at this age that the most intensive growth and the development of the most important systems of the body and their functions, the foundation is laid for the comprehensive development of physical and spiritual abilities. The basis of the comprehensive development of the child in the first years of life is physical education.

Organized physical education classes, as well as free motor activity, improve the activity of the cardiovascular, respiratory and nervous systems, strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and improve metabolism. They increase the child's resistance to diseases, mobilize the body's defenses. The more diverse movements a child masters, the wider the opportunities for the development of sensation, perception and other mental processes, the more fully his development is carried out. Therefore, if given period will be missed in terms of competent physical education, then in the future it will be extremely difficult to make up for problems, eliminate the mistakes made.


1. Karmanova L.V., Shebeko V.N. Physical culture in senior group kindergarten: Methodological guide. / L.V. Karmanov, V.N. Shebeko - Minsk: Polymya, 1987. - 134 p.

2. Keneman A.V., Khukhlaeva D.V. Theory and methods of physical education of preschool children. /A.V. Keneman, D.V. Khukhlaev - M.: Enlightenment, 1978. - 206 p.

3. Runova M.A. Motor activity of the child in kindergarten. / M.A. Runova - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000. - 256 p.

4. Stepanenkova E.Ya. Theory and methodology of physical education and development of the child. / E.Ya. Stepanenkov - 2nd ed., corrected. Moscow: Academy Publishing Center, 2006. Access mode: pref=2&pli=1, free.

5. Ashmarin B.A., Vilensky M.Ya., Gryntar K.Kh. Theory and methodology of physical education / B.A. Ashmarin, M.Ya. Vilensky, K.Kh. Grantyn and others; Ed. B.A. Ashmarin. - M.: Enlightenment, 1979. - 180 p.

6. Fomina A.I. Physical education and sports games in kindergarten./A.I. Fomina - M.: Enlightenment, 1984. - 75 p.

7. Shpak V.G. Physical education of children from birth to school. / V.G. Shpak - Vitebsk: VSU Publishing House, 1997.-156s

8. Shpak V.G. Sports exercises and leisure in kindergarten. / V.G. Shpak - Minsk: Polymya, 2000. - 124 p.

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Physical education in the preschool educational institution

Physical education in the preschool educational institution

All-round development physical abilities is carried out in the process physical education. Physical education is a long-term, organized pedagogical process, aiming healthy education, Cheerful, Comprehensive physically developed children.

In progress physical education the following main tasks:

Strengthening health, hardening the body and increasing the level physical development and performance;

Mastering the vital motor skills and abilities, including those of an applied nature;

Upbringing moral and volitional qualities of a person;

Development physical weavings(speed, strength, agility, endurance);

Mastering the technique of performing special sports exercises.

specific means physical education are physical exercise. Systematic classes physical exercises have a beneficial effect on the activity of the central uneven system, on the development and strengthening of the muscular system, circulatory and respiratory organs, and reduce fatigue.

In progress physical exercises develop and train all the muscles of the human body, including the heart muscle. A trained heart pumps much more blood into the aorta with each contraction than an untrained heart.

Influenced physical exercises develop and strengthen the respiratory organs, increase the size chest increases its mobility.

Classes physical exercises contribute to the formation of correct, deep breathing, which is very important for enhancing lung ventilation.

Veliko educational value systematic studies exercise . They are accompanied by explanations about the effect of exercises on the body, about amplitude, pace, rhythm, about the most correct way to perform exercises.

In human motor activity important role play physical qualities - strength, speed, agility, endurance, and flexibility. Wherein physical qualities always appear together, in mutual connection. This is due to the fact that the human body is distinguished by its internal unity, the unconditional interaction of its functions.

Strength is usually called the ability to overcome external resistance through muscle tension. Strength is manifested to a greater or lesser extent in any movement. IN physical education to develop the quality of strength apply: exercises with objects of various weights (medicine balls, sandbags, exercises with elastic objects, tug games, throwing and pushing exercises, long jumps, etc.

Quickness is the ability of a person to perform movements at the highest possible speed, at a fast pace, starts, running short distances.

Dexterity is the ability to coordinate movements, master new ones, be able to quickly switch from one movement to another, depending on the requirements of a changing environment.

Endurance is the ability of the body to resist fatigue during any motor activity. Various means for developing endurance are physical exercise requiring moderate exertion, but performed for a long time (walking, alternating walking and running, running, jumping rope, outdoor and sports games).

Flexibility is a property of the human body, characterized by the mobility of the links of the musculoskeletal system. One of the indicators of flexibility is the range of motion. The amplitude of movements affects the manifestation of speed, agility and other physical qualities. For education flexibility, stretching exercises are used, i.e. exercises with an increased range of motion. These are primarily exercises for the arms, legs, torso, head, various types of walking and running. long strides, jumping "on the move", jumping in place, bending the legs to the chest, deep squats on the entire foot, exercises at the gymnastic wall - tilting forward, backward, to the sides, etc.

Facilities physical education.

fixed assets physical education are: physical exercise which are used in gymnastics, sports, games; natural factors of nature (air, sun, water); hygienic working and living conditions.

For achievement desired results it is necessary that all means physical education used in combination, but in mutual combination.

Physical exercise. Under physical exercises are understood as conscious motor actions, specially selected and carried out to solve problems physical education. Impact physical exercises on the body is directly dependent on a number of conditions under which the exercises are performed. Such conditions are:

The exercises themselves, since they can be different in their effect on the body;

The conditions in which the exercises are performed, or, in other words, the place and time of the exercises;

Dosage of exercises, i.e. the duration and number of exercises performed depending on age, gender, degree physical preparedness and state of health of those involved;

Applied teaching methodology.

Various physical exercises are widely used in parenting.

Gymnastics. Gymnastics is one of the main means physical education and is a collection of specially selected physical exercises to influence the human body in order to improve health, develop motor skills, physical, strong-willed and moral character, as well as to eliminate physical handicaps.

Sport. Sport is such a means physical education, in which the tasks of health promotion, development physical strength and motor abilities are closely combined with the objectives of achieving high results in certain types exercise(in hotel sports.

Games. Games are one of the most popular means physical education, and represent a conscious, active and proactive activity of those involved, aimed at achieving the conditions of the goal voluntarily set by the players.

It is customary to separate mobile and sports games.

Natural factors of nature. Among the means physical education important place is occupied by natural factors of nature - Sun rays, air, and water, which, when used correctly, strengthen health and harden the body. These funds are used in physical education as an accompanying exercise exercise but they can also be used on their own.

Hygienic conditions. Compliance with the necessary hygienic conditions plays an important role in physical education. This includes a rigid daily routine, which is understood as a strictly established routine of daily life, a rational distribution of time and work and rest, sleep and nutrition. The daily routine observed for a long time helps to strengthen human health, creates a cheerful, cheerful mood, and increases efficiency.

The main requirements of personal hygiene are cleanliness of the body and care for it; cleanliness of linen, clothes, shoes; accurate maintenance of furnishings and personal items.

Physical education in preschool institutions.

Physical education classes are held in preschool institutions with children (group, individual); morning exercises (charger); physical education minutes; hardening procedures combined with exercise; outdoor games; walks and excursions outside the site; holidays; leisure evenings. In addition, children during the day independently engage in a variety of motor activities. Each of these forms has its purpose and its own characteristics in the methodology; each is assigned a specific place in the mode of the day and week.

Physical exercise should be regular and long enough to kindergarten could solve problems physical education and support high level children's performance.

Tasks physical education preschool children.

Tasks physical education preschool children are determined by the common goal physical education and adjusted according to age.

1. Improving tasks - protecting life and promoting health, improving physical development and hardening of the child's body are top priorities. This is due to the fact that organs functional systems in preschool children are still imperfect, the protective functions of the body are poorly developed. Children are more susceptible adverse conditions environment, and they are more likely to develop various diseases.

2. Educational tasks - the formation of motor skills, instilling skills and abilities, development physical qualities, instilling the skills of correct posture, hygiene skills, mastering the available special knowledge. Due to the plasticity of the nervous system, motor skills and abilities are formed relatively easily in children. Most of the movements are used by children in ordinary life for movement, which facilitates communication with the environment and contributes to its knowledge. Proper execution physical exercise more effectively affects the development of muscles, ligaments, joints, bone apparatus. Properly formed motor skills and abilities can save child's physical strength. In the process of developing skills and abilities, children develop the ability to easily master more complex movements and various activities that include these movements.

3. Educational tasks. From the early age need to bring up the habit of strict observance of the regime of the day and daily activities exercise, teach the ability to study independently in kindergarten and at home, organize and conduct games with their peers and children more younger age. It is important for children bring up love for arguing, interest in the results of their studies. In progress physical education there are great opportunities for moral, mental, aesthetic, labor education. Important in preschool bring up positive emotions that create a cheerful, cheerful mood, as well as develop the ability to quickly overcome a negative psychological state. This is necessary because positive emotions have a positive effect on the work of all organs and systems of the body, ensure the speed and strength of the formation of motor skills and abilities.

Physical education is a process of purposeful and systematic formation of health, a full-fledged person, his physical strength and physical qualities, ensuring his familiarization with physical culture and striving for physical perfection.



Khryavina Yu.S.

caregiver MDOU for children garden number 1 "Lucky"

G. Kimry. Tver region.

"Physical education of children in preschool educational institutions".


Physical education is a process of purposeful and systematic formation of health, a full-fledged person, his physical strength and physical qualities, ensuring his familiarization with physical culture and striving for physical perfection.


Healthy lifestyle, physical culture, health, physical development.

Federal state educational standard preschool education(dated November 14, 2013.) is a set of mandatory requirements for preschool education. So in clause 2.6. educational areas are indicated:

Socio-communicative development;

Speech development;

Artistic and aesthetic development;

Physical development.

Physical development includes the acquisition of experience in the following types of children's activities: motor activities, including those associated with the implementation of exercises aimed at developing such physical qualities as coordination and flexibility; contributing to the correct formation of the musculoskeletal system of the body, the development of balance, coordination of movements, large and fine motor skills both hands, as well as with the correct performance of basic movements that does not harm the body (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions) the formation of initial ideas about some sports, about the possession of outdoor games with rules; the formation of purposefulness and self-regulation in the motor sphere; the formation of the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary norms and rules (in nutrition, driving mode, hardening, during formation good habits and etc.).

Some parents are overly fond of the intellectual development of their child (computer games, attending various circles). At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to the organization of his motor activity. Under these conditions, the role of the kindergarten in the comprehensive physical development preschoolers.

I, as a teacher, always ask children how they spend their weekends,

which sections they attend. It turned out that on weekends, children often spend watching TV, almost no one walks, it's sad! And the sections are mainly visited: art studios, a music school. Where is the movement? After all, the child, as you know, develops in motion. The state of health of children at the present stage causes reasonable concern. It is known that preschool age is decisive in the formation of physical and mental health. It is at this age that it is important to form in children the knowledge and skills of a healthy lifestyle, the need for systematic physical education and sports. In our kindergarten, the direction of work on maintaining health is a priority. Morning gymnastics, physical education, sports entertainment and physical education activities are held in the sports and music hall, outdoors.

Gymnastics is of great health significance, provided that it is systematically performed by children. The construction of recreational gymnastics complexes I rely on the basic structural principles and correspond to the generally accepted scheme. As a rule, gymnastics complexes include various types of walking and running (sometimes simple game tasks);

general developmental exercises with objects (cubes, balls, skittles, gymnastic sticks, etc.) and without them, outdoor games of low and medium activity, relay races. At the end of the complex, walking is carried out at a moderate pace or not difficult. game task to carry out all the functions and systems of the body of children in a relatively calm state. Depending on the physical fitness of each age group children, the conditions and venues for recreational gymnastics (hall, playground, site), you can make changes and additions to the complexes. When doing morning exercises, I turn on cheerful, invigorating music, thereby raising the mood of the children. Children finish their morning exercises with the words: “Health is in order,

thanks charger!

The main thing for me is that the children are healthy, cheerful, cheerful and have fun.

Our preschool educational institution has a certified physical education specialist who combines her work at school. She knows from experience what to look for. Special attention when conducting physical education classes with preschool children in order to prepare them for school, and how to do this without compromising their health.

The use of a large number of sports equipment contributes to

increasing the effectiveness of the classes and physical activity of children in the gym and on a walk. There is already a swimming pool in our city in two gardens. Our kindergarten is next in line, because it is both physical activity and hardening of the body.

The joint work of the preschool educational institution team with parents has a significant effect in the rehabilitation of preschoolers. It has become a tradition to hold physical education holidays, leisure activities, “Health Day” in kindergarten with the help and participation of parents, as a rule they go off with a bang! All the above types of work with children are organized by the educator and sports worker.

The main thing is to teach children from an early age to appreciate, protect and strengthen their health. Only in this case it is fashionable to hope that future generations will become more healthy and developed not only intellectually, spiritually, but also physically. No wonder the proverb says: healthy body healthy spirit!


1. Penzulaeva L.I. "Improving gymnastics for children of preschool age 3-7 years." Moscow, 2001.

2. Bondarenko T.M. "Physical and recreational work with children 4-5 years old in preschool." Voronezh 2012.

3. Utrobina K.K. "Entertaining physical education in a preschool educational institution for children aged 5-7 years." Moscow 2009.

4. Shorygina T.A. "Health Conversations." Toolkit. M: 2004.

5. Journal "Preschool education." No. 2 (2014)

Novoselova Ekaterina Viktorovna physical education instructor, MBDOU No. 41, Almetyevsk, RT.

The emergence of physical education arose in primitive society. People got their own food, hunted, built housing, and in the course of this necessary activities spontaneous improvement took place physical ability: strength, endurance, speed, dexterity.

Gradually, in the course of the historical process, people paid attention to the fact that those members of the tribe who led a more mobile lifestyle, repeatedly repeated certain physical actions, were stronger and more resilient. This led to people's understanding of exercise. It was the phenomenon of exercise that became the basis of physical education.

Realizing the effect of exercise, a person began to imitate the movements necessary for him in his labor activity. Further, in the course of evolutionary development, it turned out that significantly best effect in physical training is achieved when a person begins to exercise in children's, and not in adulthood, that is, when it is prepared for life and work in advance.

Thus, the realization by mankind of the phenomenon of exercise and the importance of preliminary preparation of a person for life served as the source of the emergence of physical education.

From 01.09.2013, taking into account the entry into force of the new law "On Education" Kindergarten becomes the first mandatory step educational process. The state now guarantees not only accessibility, but also the quality of education at this level.

From January 1, 2014, all preschool educational institutions Russia switched to the new Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (FGOS DO).

In pedagogical science, the concept "integration in the field of education" is defined as a means and condition for achieving the integrity of thinking. It is the integrativity of education that makes it possible to introduce into the content of education, the assimilation of fundamental ideas and concepts, which are the basis for the formation of a value attitude to the world around.

In educational areas "Health" And "Physical Culture" , a task is allocated aimed at achieving the goals harmonious development in children of physical and mental health through the formation of interest in the work of health protection and a value attitude to their health.

Implementation of integration in the development of content areas "Health" And "Physical Culture" based on joint activities of all participants in the educational process in the preschool educational institution, allows you to create the prerequisites for ensuring the full physical and mental development, which are integral part all-round development of children.

The implementation of the integration process cannot be imagined without the interaction of the entire teaching staff, as well as the parents of the pupils. Tasks educational areas resolved in various types activities, integratively, with the interaction of all participants in the educational process.

In order for the physical education lesson to be effective, well-coordinated actions of the physical education instructor and the educator are necessary.

Since the educator is an active participant in the educational process at a physical education lesson, the educator himself needs to know the methodology for teaching movements, the features of performing a movement, the technique of performing, etc.

When introducing children to new general developmental exercises, the physical education instructor shows how to perform the exercise correctly, and the educator monitors the correct execution of the task and, if necessary, helps the child by action - guides, supports. If children perform exercises in links, then the physical education instructor controls the correctness of the exercises in the front rows, and the teacher - in the back.

Exist different ways organization of children during movement training: frontal, group, individual, shift, in-line.

When using the group method of organizing training, the physical education instructor deals with one group, and the educator with another. When organizing a streaming method - (circular) educator and physical education instructor share "stations" among themselves and monitor the quality of the exercises.

The teacher also assists in the placement of equipment, its cleaning. When organizing sports activities, holidays, health days, educators should provide all possible assistance to the teacher. Of course, a specialist organizes and conducts the event. The task of the educator is to help the physical education instructor, carry out insurance for preschoolers, monitor the quality of the exercises and discipline, and also conduct individual work with weakened children.

The teacher is subject to the same requirements as for preschoolers: the obligatory presence of a physical education uniform and appropriate footwear, thanks to which he will be able to join in educational activities. The function of the educator is to provide individual assistance to the child who needs it.

If children perform general developmental exercises in columns, then the physical education instructor controls the correctness of the exercises in the front rows, and the teacher - in the back rows. As you know, there are different ways of organizing children during physical education classes: frontal, group, individual, circuit training. When using each of them, the functions of teachers can also be distributed.

With the frontal method, the same exercises for all are performed immediately by all children. Both the specialist and the educator monitor the correctness of the exercises and the posture of preschoolers.

In the group method of organization, children are divided into groups, each of which performs its own task. At the same time, the physical education instructor works with one group, and the educator with another.

The individual method consists in performing individual exercises by each individual involved independently. The value of individual performance is that it allows you to draw the attention of each child to the quality of movement. The task of a specialist and educator is to help him see the shortcomings, and if necessary, come to the rescue at the right time.

When organizing a circuit training in physical education classes, the educator and instructor share the "stations" among themselves, monitor the quality and ensure the safety of the exercises, carry out insurance if necessary. Knowing the individual capabilities of each child, the educator needs to position himself in such a way as to provide him with assistance at the right time.

During outdoor games, the educator, like the instructor, must know the game, learn its rules in advance and learn the words with the children, if they are provided. Participation of the educator in outdoor games and game exercises improves emotional mood preschoolers, has a positive effect on increasing the level of their physical activity.

In the final part of physical culture, when the specialist summarizes the results, the teacher can also express his opinion on how the lesson went, ask the children what they liked the most and what moments were difficult.

Thus, physical culture is aimed at educating a healthy lifestyle in children, the type of activity allows you to achieve an increase in the level of responsibility in relation to your health, provides a deeper knowledge of your body, forms a common culture, develops the quality of the prerequisites for educational activities that ensure the social success of the child in the future.

Used Books:

  1. NOT. Veraksa, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasiliev "Birth to School" Main educational program preschool education - M .: Mosaic - synthesis, 2010. -304 p.;
  2. B.A. Ashmarin, Yu.A. Vinogradov, Z.N. Vyatkina and others - "Theory and methods of physical education" - M.: 1990. -287s.;
  3. E.Ya. Stepanenkov "Methodology of physical education" - 2nd ed. - M.: Academy, 2006. -368s.;
  4. N.N. Kozhukhova, L.A. Ryzhkova "Physical education teacher at preschool educational institution" - M.: 2002. -320s.