February 15 is the official name of the holiday. Afghanistan Liberation Day

What holiday is it today?

The Presentation of the Lord in 2018 is February 15. The date of this holiday is unchanged and tied to Christmas.

According to the Old Testament law, on the fortieth day after birth, parents had to bring the child to the temple to dedicate him to God. Fulfilling this law by the Lord, on the fortieth day after Christmas, the Virgin Mary with Joseph and the Child of God came to the Jerusalem Temple.

The word "meeting" means "meeting." The righteous elder Simeon was waiting for the Baby in the temple. Long before this, he did not believe the prophecy about the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary, and an angel who appeared predicted that he would not die until he saw the Infant God with his own eyes. Simeon had to wait several centuries, and finally he was able to take Christ in his arms. Also waiting for Him in the temple was Anna, revered as a prophetess. Having bowed to Jesus, she hastened to convey the news of the birth of the Messiah to all the inhabitants of the city who were waiting for His arrival.

Meeting is not just a memory of a distant event when two righteous people Simeon and Anna met Christ, and not only a symbol of the meeting of all humanity with God. This holiday is alive, understandable and close to every believer, because in the life of every Christian there is also a meeting with the Lord at some point.

The Presentation of the Lord, what a holiday

Meeting is the last of the twelve (main after Easter) holidays before Lent. The largest and most important Orthodox fast never begins before Candlemas, that is, until February 15th.

The Presentation of the Lord, the history of the celebration

The Feast of the Presentation originated in the Church of Jerusalem and appeared in its liturgical calendar in the 4th century. Initially, it was perceived not as an independent holiday, but as a day completing the 40-day cycle after the Feast of the Epiphany.

The oldest historical record of the festival is the Itinerarium Aetheriae, an account of a pilgrimage to the Holy Land of Egeria dating from the 4th century.

The fortieth day of Epiphany is celebrated here with great honor. On this day there is a procession to Anastasis, and everyone marches, and everything is done in order with the greatest triumph, as if on Easter. All the presbyters, and then the bishop, preach, always talking about the place in the Gospel where on the fortieth day Joseph and Mary brought the Lord to the Temple, and Simeon and Anna the prophetess, the daughter of Phanuel, saw Him, and about their words that they said when they saw the Lord, and about the offering that the parents brought. And after this, having sent everything in the usual order, they perform the Liturgy, and then there is dismissal.

Meeting, how to celebrate

This day is a transition to a new era. That is why it is common to leave your anger, dark thoughts and all the dirt behind. At Candlemas people take the path of correction. The approach of Lent can be felt more and more. According to the rules of Orthodoxy, preparation for fasting begins as much as 4 weeks before its actual start. Meeting always falls on one of these weeks.

According to one tradition, children are also baptized on Candlemas. Of course, there is no symbolism in this, but many people like it when a great holiday corresponds to some special event in their lives. In Rus', Candlemas was the day when you could propose to a lady. This was an indicator that a man has the purest feelings for a woman. It was customary to get married earlier on Candlemas. Now this tradition and custom are no longer so popular.

It is especially important to celebrate this day in a good mood and with joy in your heart. Do good and don't forget about prayers. Do not hesitate to ask the Higher Powers for something important and useful for you.

Candlemas, traditions and customs

In the church calendar, this day is marked as the twelfth holiday, which means its great importance for all of us. In churches on this day, a special festive liturgy is held, at which the words and prayers of Simeon the God-Receiver are remembered, and our Lord Jesus Christ and the Mother of God are praised. Believers try to observe the traditions of the holiday:

on this holiday people pray at home if they cannot attend church;

at the end of the liturgy, candles are blessed, which are usually taken home;

people do only good, helping those in need, showing care for their relatives;

on this day many choose to take the sacrament of communion;

people give each other icons of the Mother of God on Candlemas.

The list of Russian holidays on February 15, 2019 will introduce you to the state, professional, international, folk, church, and unusual holidays that are celebrated in the country on this day.

You can select an event of interest and learn its history, traditions and rituals.

Holidays February 15

Presentation of the Lord

The Presentation of the Lord 2019 is celebrated on February 15th. This is the great twelfth holiday in Orthodoxy. Its name is translated from Church Slavonic as “meeting”. On this day, the Orthodox Church remembers the meeting of Simeon the God-Receiver in the Jerusalem Temple with little Jesus during the rite of dedication to God. The popular name of the holiday is Gromnitsa.

history of the holiday

The Presentation of the Lord entered Slavic culture after the adoption of Christianity. The Orthodox Church dedicates this holiday to the events described in the Gospel of Luke. The Mother of God and Saint Joseph came to the Jerusalem Temple on the fortieth day after the birth of Jesus. The priest Simeon the God-Receiver met with Christ. According to legend, he waited for the coming of the Messiah for about 300 years. When Simeon held the baby Jesus in his arms, he gave a speech praising God. It was called “Song of Simeon the God-Receiver.”

Among the pagan Slavs, the holiday was known as Gromnitsa. On February 2 according to the Julian calendar (after the adoption of the Gregorian - February 15) they drew the line between the end of winter and the beginning of spring. The holiday was timed to coincide with the confrontation between cold and darkness and warmth and light. On Gromnitsa, the thunder god Perun and the goddess Gromovnitsa were glorified, to whom sacrifices were made.

Traditions and rituals of the holiday

The Presentation of the Lord combines pagan and Christian traditions.

On February 15, Orthodox churches hold an all-night vigil and Divine Liturgy. During the service, you can ask the Lord for help in business and fulfillment of desires. Sincere prayers will be heard and fulfilled.

Christians believe that the water blessed on the Presentation of the Lord has special miraculous powers. It can be stored for a long time without losing its properties. It is used in magical rituals, consecration of houses, and healing from diseases.

Young unmarried girls do fortune telling on this holiday. To do this, they use Christmas and Yuletide rituals.

There is a tradition of making a loud candle on this day. It is made by hand from beeswax or purchased in a church shop, consecrated in the church at the Presentation of the Lord and stored in the corner behind the icons. This candle is lit only on special occasions, when sad or joyful events occur in the family (death or birth of a person, wedding, engagement). Healers believe that a loud candle can heal diseases and cleanse a person’s soul and body.

For people who are engaged in agriculture, Gromnitsy symbolizes the beginning of preparation for field work. On this holiday, housewives generously feed their pets so that they give good offspring. There is a tradition of shaking fruit trees in the garden on this day to get a rich harvest. On February 15th it is customary to bake pancakes. The round shape and golden color symbolize the sun and the onset of heat.

Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists

The Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers in 2019 is celebrated on February 15. This is an official memorial date in Russia. The holiday honors the memory of Russians who performed their official duties outside their homeland. In 2019 it is being held for the 9th time. Military-patriotic organizations, participants in foreign military operations, public figures, officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and representatives of charitable foundations take part in the celebrations.

history of the holiday

The Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers was established by Federal Law No. 320-FZ of November 29, 2010. The date of the holiday coincides with the day of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan on February 15, 1989.

Holiday traditions

On this day, public foundations hold events of memory and respect for the fallen Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland. Charitable organizations raise funds to help military families. Activists make presentations on the problems of combatants. Memorial objects are opened, wreaths are laid at the monuments.

Officials give speeches in which they put forward proposals for the development of the defense sector. People who have made significant contributions to the security of the country are honored. Documentary and feature films are broadcast in the media. Participants in the events share their memories and talk about their fate.

International Day of Children with Cancer

Children's Cancer Day is celebrated every year on February 15 in many countries around the world. The history of the event began in 2001 at the initiative of the international association of parents of sick children. This event was first held on January 15 in Luxembourg, but later it was decided to postpone it to next month. Currently, it is celebrated in 40 different countries on the planet.

Some time ago, a gold ribbon was chosen as the emblem of the campaign, symbolizing the pricelessness of a child and encouraging society to remember little heroes. These are children, schoolchildren and their relatives who selflessly fight a terrible disease, winners who managed to overcome cancer and move on with their lives, as well as volunteers and doctors who help minor patients.

Every year around the planet, about 200 thousand children get cancer, 50% of whom die. According to official statistics, this disease ranks second in the list of causes of child mortality after violent death (injuries, murders, suicide). In our country, 4.5-6.5 thousand children are given a terrible diagnosis every year.

The guarantee of successful treatment of oncological pathologies lies in timely diagnosis. If the disease is detected in the initial stages, one can hope for a favorable treatment outcome. But 1/10 of the diseases are diagnosed only in the last stages. The problem is also that there are a lot of cancer forms - about 200, and pathology can develop in any organ. Most often, children suffer from a malignant tumor of the organs that serve as the site of the creation of blood cells. Cancers of the bones, nervous system and skin are less commonly diagnosed.

Most cancers at an early age are characterized by rapid development in the body. Only the use of timely, high-quality assistance from doctors allows us to identify the presence of pathology in time and cope with it, giving the child a chance for a full, healthy life. Thanks to modern therapeutic techniques, it is possible to save on average 70% of patients. Most of those who do die also had the opportunity to survive. They cannot be helped due to a lack of financial resources, donor blood and professional medical assistance.

Taking into account such circumstances, volunteers and activists of World Children's Cancer Day today call on citizens who care about the problem to provide possible assistance: become a donor, make charitable donations to specialized funds. In many Russian regions, on February 15, various promotions and thematic events are organized, the main task of which is to draw attention to a serious problem and remind that today’s holiday is not a day of sadness and despondency, but a celebration of victory for children, their parents, doctors and all people , not indifferent to the misfortune of others, over a terrible disease - cancer.

Presentation of the Lord Pravmir

The Presentation of the Lord, also the Presentation, the Bringing into the Temple, is a Christian holiday celebrated in the Historical Churches and some Protestant denominations. The bringing of the baby Jesus Christ to the Jerusalem Temple by his parents took place on the 40th day after Christmas and on the 32nd day after Circumcision.


The custom of blessing church candles on the feast of the Presentation of the Lord came to the Orthodox Church from Catholics. This happened in 1646, when Metropolitan of Kiev Saint Peter (Mogila) compiled and published his missal. In it, the author described in detail the Catholic rite of religious processions with lit lamps. With the help of such a torchlight procession, the Roman Church tried to distract its flock from pagan holidays associated with the veneration of fire. On these days, the pagan Celts celebrated Imbolc, the Romans celebrated Lupercalia (a festival associated with the shepherd cult), and the Slavs celebrated Gromnitsa. It is interesting that in Poland, after the adoption of Christianity, the Presentation began to be called the feast of the Gromnica Mother of God. This is an echo of the myths about the thunder god and his wife - people believed that Sretensky candles could protect a house from lightning and fire.

Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland sdrvdv.ru

Since 2011, Russia has celebrated an important memorial date - the Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland. It was approved by Federal Law No. 320-FZ “On Amendments to Article 1.1 of the Federal Law “On Days of Military Glory and Memorable Dates of Russia”, signed by the President of the Russian Federation on November 29, 2010.


Today, in honor of this date, solemn and commemorative events, rallies and actions are traditionally held in many Russian cities, with the participation of military veterans, government officials, the public and institutions for military-patriotic education of youth.

International Operating Nurse Day

Every year on February 15, specialists in the field of operational affairs celebrate their professional holiday. This day was announced by the European Association of Operating Room Nurses in 2009; on this holiday, specialists of the highest category of nursing personnel - operating room nurses - accept congratulations.


A young nurse works for the first day in the treatment room. A man comes in and asks:

Where will we give the injection?

Nurse, blushing:

In muscle maximus...

A man covering one place with his hands:

No need for maximus! Better fuck it!

World Orthodox Youth Day

On February 15, the day of the Presentation of the Lord, World Orthodox Youth Day is celebrated. In Russia, this holiday, according to tradition, begins with the Divine Liturgy in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, which is attended by representatives of Orthodox youth movements and organizations.

Day of the Government Communications Troops of the Russian Federation

By February 15, 1943, 17 separate units had been formed to maintain and protect high frequency (HF) government communications lines. This date is considered the day of the creation of the government communications troops.

Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers in Belarus

On February 15, the Republic of Belarus celebrates a memorable date - the Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers. On this day in 1989, the last Soviet soldier crossed the bridge of the border river Amu Darya near Termez - the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan was completed. The war in Afghanistan lasted 9 years 1 month and 18 days.

Gromnitsy (Sretenie)

Gromnitsa serves as the border between winter and spring, which is why the second name of the Candlemas holiday is popularly explained by the meeting of winter and spring: at the Meeting, winter met spring; At Candlemas the sun turned to summer, winter turned to frost.


From this day on, it was possible to drive the cattle out of the barn and into the pen - for warming up and warming up; they also began to prepare seeds for sowing, clean them, earn money, and check for germination. Fruit trees were whitewashed. Breeding birds are also fed (fed): chickens are given oats so that they lay eggs better and the eggs are larger and tastier.

Day of Honoring Participants in Combat Actions on the Territory of Other States in Ukraine

In accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated February 11, 2004, February 15 is celebrated in Ukraine as the Day of Honoring Participants in Combat Actions on the Territory of Other States. This day marks the anniversary of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan.


According to tradition, a number of commemorative events and ceremonies are held on this day - laying flowers at memorial signs, holding rallies, meetings with participants in hostilities, memorial services are held in churches and monasteries for the dead and deceased participants in hostilities on the territory of other states.

Day of Saint Sarkis, patron saint of the young and lovers in Armenia

The Armenian Apostolic Church celebrates the Day of St. Sarkis, the patron saint of the young and lovers. It belongs to the moving holidays and is celebrated from January 18 to February 23, 64 days before Easter.

US Presidents Day

The holiday is celebrated every third Monday of February

Every year on the third Monday of February, the United States of America celebrates Presidents' Day. Today's holiday, dedicated to the country's outstanding leaders, dates back to 1880, when the birthday of George Washington, the first President of the United States of America, born February 22, 1732.


In 1971, an act of Congress came into force whose purpose was to simplify the colorful calendar of US federal holidays, shifting the celebration of some of them to Monday. Washington's birthday, which began to be officially celebrated on the third Monday of February, was also subject to this law.


Congress is in favor of impeaching Trump. The Senate seems to be against it...

The whole world froze:

The final decision, as usual, will be made by Yuri Loza...

Day of tying knots for good luck

Singles Awareness Day

What is Single Life Awareness Day? In response to the huge push from retailers to get us to buy all their candy, flowers and greeting cards, February 15th has been declared Singles Awareness Day! It's a day when all single people can stand up proudly and show that it's okay to be single!

Ringing Day

International Childhood Cancer Day

Parinirvana Day o-buddizme.ru

Parinirvana Day, or Nirvana Day, is a Mahayana Buddhist holiday celebrated in East Asia. Some celebrate it on February 8th, but most celebrate it on February 15th.

Afghanistan Liberation Day

In 1989, on February 15, the last Soviet troops left the state of Afghanistan. Thus ended the 10-year war, in which the Soviet Union lost over 15 thousand of its citizens. And it is clear that the Day of Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan is both a holiday for Afghan veterans and a day of remembrance and mourning for all fallen internationalist soldiers.

International Children's Day with Cancer
This holiday was first celebrated in 2001; it was initiated by parents of children with such diseases and members of the World Confederation, which is engaged in finding ways of treatment.

The main events within the framework of this holiday are educational or informational in nature, or pursue noble goals - raising funds for the treatment of children.

Russian holidays February 15, 2019

Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed official duties outside the Fatherland
The holiday is dedicated to all Russian military personnel who throughout history fought on the territory of foreign states, fulfilling their so-called international duty.

Celebrations on the same occasion are also held in neighboring countries - Belarus and Ukraine. The date was not chosen by chance; it is associated with the completion of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from the territory of Afghanistan (the last day).

The Soviet army took part in resolving military conflicts that arose in different states and on different continents.

The purpose of the holiday is to remember the deceased and living participants, to pay them tribute and gratitude for the impeccable performance of their official duties.

Holidays around the world

Day of Remembrance of Internationalist Soldiers (Belarus)
Just like in neighboring Russia, on this day it is customary to remember all the soldiers and officers who honorably fulfilled their international duty outside the country.

The date of the holiday is similar, reminiscent of the last day of the withdrawal of the Soviet military contingent from Afghanistan. Funeral ceremonies are held, flowers are laid at the memorials and graves of fallen soldiers, and concerts are held for veterans who served outside of Belarus.

Day of Honoring Participants in Combat Actions on the Territory of Foreign States (Ukraine)
Ukrainian soldiers and officers, being part of the Soviet army, performed international duty in Afghanistan and other countries in Asia and Africa. Many of them died, were wounded, and went through the terrible roads of war.

Commemorative events, requiem rallies are held, memorial services are held in churches, and meetings with participants in military events are held.

Presentation of the Lord (Eastern Christians)
In the Russian Orthodox Church, Candlemas is one of the most important holidays in the calendar; it is intended to recall the meeting (hence the name) of the righteous elder Simeon and the Mother of God with the child.

On this day, festive services are held in Orthodox churches and special candles are lit. Believers then take them home and keep them, lighting them only on special occasions.

Statehood Day (Serbia)
The main official holiday in this European state appeared in 1804, on the day when Orthodox Christians around the world celebrate Candlemas, an uprising was launched in Serbia against the Ottomans.

It ended in defeat for the Serbs at the time, but paved the way for the Second Serbian Uprising and ultimately led to independence.

On the day of the holiday, ceremonial events, flower-laying ceremonies at the memorials of freedom fighters, official receptions, and concerts are organized.

National Flag Day (Canada)
The holiday appeared on the Canadian calendar in 1996, announced by the Prime Minister of Canada. The date symbolically recalls the same day in February 1965, when the country's state symbol was first raised.

Today, thanks to the maple leaf, the Canadian flag is considered one of the most recognizable in the world, although the symbol itself appeared not so long ago.

Holidays according to the national calendar February 15, 2019

Candlemas of the Lord
The word “sretenye” in the Old Church Slavonic language means “meeting”; the holiday is held in honor of the famous meeting of Anna, Simeon with Mary and the baby (Jesus Christ).

For the Orthodox - Vasily.

For Catholics - Claude, Siegfried.

Events in the history of this date

1045 - foundation stone of the St. Sophia Cathedral in Veliky Novgorod.

1565 - Ivan IV the Terrible returned to Moscow and made an announcement about the beginning of the oprichnina.

1794 - the military sailors of the French Republic received a tricolor flag; today it is the state symbol of the country.

1895 - the foundation of the first children's music school in Russia, at its origins - the Gnessin sisters.

1922 - The first meeting of the International Court began in The Hague.

1947 - Marriages with citizens of foreign countries were banned in the USSR.

  • 1950 - Walt Disney presents the cartoon "Cinderella".

Celebrities born on this day

1564 - the most famous astronomer in the world, Galileo Galilei.

1862 – Savva Morozov, the most famous philanthropist in Russia.

1972 – young actress Natalya Guseva, whom everyone remembered from the film “Guest from the Future”.

February 15 - the feast of the Presentation of the Lord 2020 - what not to do, signs, congratulations / 1zoom.ru

Today, several countries of the former USSR are honoring internationalist warriors. In Ukraine the holiday is called Day of Honoring Participants in Combat Actions on the Territory of Other States, in Belarus - Day of Remembrance of Soldiers-Internationalists, in Russia - Day of Remembrance of Russians who performed their official duties outside the Fatherland.

The world is holding International Children's Day with Cancer. And in Canada - National Flag Day.

February 15: church holiday

February 15 marks the great Orthodox holiday - Meeting of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ. You will find prayers for this day in our material.

There is no post.

February 15: signs

This is one of the most important spring holidays. People call it the day of the first meeting of spring (the second meeting is Magpies, Forty Forties on March 22, and the third is the Annunciation on April 7).

It is believed that the signs for Candlemas, which are associated with nature, are unusually accurate. So, there are such signs on February 15 for the weather and harvest:

  • snow is blowing during the day and/or the sky is covered with white stars at night - the arrival of spring will be delayed and vice versa;
  • sunny and clear - for an early and rainy spring;
  • a clear sunset in a cloudless sky means the end of cold weather;
  • if a stick thrown across the road is swept away by snow, you won’t be able to mow much grass;
  • a quiet and sunny day - for the flax harvest;
  • drops promise a significant wheat harvest;
  • The wind is strong - fruit trees are bearing fruit.

February 15: what not to do and what to do

On Candlemas, it is customary to carry Sretensky candles and holy water home from church.

The first are a help to believers in the most terrible moments of life and even death (they are given into the hands of those departing for the next world), including natural disasters and fires. The latter in terms of its miraculous power is equal to.

Our ancestors, by the way, collected water for Candlemas from melting icicles - and, according to legend, it protected not only from illnesses, but also from damage. In the modern world, water is collected from pump rooms and simply filtered from taps.

Sretensky candles are also called thunderstorms. Hence the popular name of the holiday.

All household chores and worries are put off until later. The day is dedicated to going to church, sincere prayer - and then having fun with family and friends.

It is customary to serve pancakes on the festive table - as a symbol of the Sun among the Slavs. And putting money on the kitchen table is to attract big money into your life.

Superstitious farmers at Candlemas try to feed their poultry especially tasty and satisfying so that they can lay eggs well in the summer.

In the old days there was a special Candlemas ritual for headaches: you had to set a piece of hair on fire - it was believed that this way you could protect yourself from migraines for a year in advance.

  • be sad and mope;
  • quarrel - to troubles in the house;
  • do handicrafts - including sewing, embroidery and darning things;
  • engage in physical labor;
  • to go on a long journey - because of bad weather, they say, it will be difficult to return home.