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10:24 — REGNUM Positions of the governor of the Sverdlovsk region Evgenia Kuyvasheva have recently strengthened, and the likelihood that before the upcoming elections of the head of the region it is he who will be appointed acting is extremely high. This was stated by a Ural political scientist Anatoly Gagarin correspondent.

Let us remind you that earlier in the press there was information that the governors of several Russian regions, including those in the Middle Urals, would be dismissed in the near future.

« Apparently, early resignation is planned in those regions where gubernatorial elections are upcoming. The intrigue is who will be appointed acting head of the region» , says the political scientist. He emphasized that in most cases, most likely there will be no personnel changes, and possible resignations will be of a technical nature before the upcoming elections.

Anatoly Gagarin noted that recently, the positions of Evgeny Kuyvashev, thanks to a number of his initiatives and the alliance achieved between the administration of Yekaterinburg and the regional authorities, have greatly strengthened. The political scientist believes that at the moment it is Yevgeny Kuyvashev who is the most likely candidate for the post of acting head of the region.

He emphasized that the governor of the Perm region Victor Basargin, a region that is also under close scrutiny from the Kremlin, has already announced that it does not intend to participate in the elections and will resign. Anatoly Gagarin said that the head of the Perm Territory was at the bottom of the rating of governors and made every attempt to correct the situation, but ultimately failed.

In turn, Yevgeny Kuyvashev has not yet officially announced his intention to run for elections, but at the same time he is active in his post. In particular, active steps are being taken to implement the Greater Yekaterinburg project, and a reform of the government of the Sverdlovsk region, which is currently headed directly by the governor, has been carried out, the political scientist notes.

As previously reported, Vedomosti, citing its sources in the Kremlin, reported that in the coming days the resignations of the heads of five regions of Russia should be expected: Karelia, Ryazan, Sverdlovsk, Novgorod and Ivanovo regions. Also under the close attention of the federal authorities are the Perm Territory and Buryatia.

Let us remind you that the governor of the Sverdlovsk region recently met with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin. After the meeting, Evgeny Kuyvashev published an article “Turning Point” in the Regional Newspaper, which many observers regarded as an application for participation in the upcoming gubernatorial elections in the fall of 2017.

According to experts, Putin would not meet with an outsider governor. This means that Kuyvashev has a chance. Perhaps a decision on his fate will be made based on the results of the implementation of the president’s latest instructions. Thus, by June 1, on behalf of the head of state, the road from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Serebryanka must be repaired. And just on May 29, the governor’s term of office will expire and the time will come to decide who will become the acting, and therefore the main candidate in the upcoming elections of the head of the region.

The governor's administration is tightening control over election processes in municipalities a week before Election Day. Head of the region Evgeniy Kuyvashev On September 10, he will personally become familiar with the activities of the regional election commission in this area. Although elections are considered competitive in all territories, the greatest attention, as noted in the regional branch of United Russia, will be paid to six of them, where the most brutal war for power unfolded. Not only personnel decisions in United Russia itself, but also the financing of municipalities will depend on the results. Dumas disloyal to the regional authorities and the heads they subsequently elected may reduce the possibility of allocating funds from the regional treasury, for which there is traditionally competition.

Increased attention to municipalities is associated both with the general task of holding elections with the least number of violations before the election campaign of the President of the Russian Federation, and maintaining maximum controllability of the territories. Yevgeny Kuyvashev will personally check on election day at the election commission how voting is going. “All 49 municipalities where local elections are held are important. They are highly competitive everywhere. And in most municipalities, the duma will elect heads,” notes a source in the governor’s administration.

The negotiability of heads in relations with regional authorities, local councils and elites, as political scientists note, is one of the most important qualities when resolving issues related to the allocation of funds to municipalities by the region. As representatives of election headquarters note, even if there is an effective head, a protest-minded Duma towards him can have an extremely negative impact on the financing of the territory.

Currently, the regional branch of “United Russia” names six municipalities where the election campaign for city councils unfolded most harshly: Bogdanovich, Sysert, Asbest, Serov, Nizhnyaya Tura and Alapaevsk. Let us note that at the beginning of the summer, party members named at least a dozen of them.

“The governor travels around the territories, meets with party activists, and clarifies problematic issues. Now many conflicts have been resolved. For example, in Krasnoturinsk, Severouralsk. The campaign in Lesnoy is proceeding calmly. Now Kuyvashev is in his last week of working visits to the territory. A visit, for example, to Serov is planned,” notes the publication’s source in the regional department of ER.

Currently, 84 candidates have been nominated in 5 five-mandate constituencies in Serov. Earlier, 4 representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party announced the withdrawal of their candidacies. The main confrontation in the municipality was between business groups supporting the public associations “For the Future of Serov” and “Serov is We.” The latter, according to Pravda UrFO, is supported by the ex-head. The territory attracted attention not only because of intense competition, but also because of the incident involving the dumping of campaign materials calling for voting for one of the gubernatorial candidates into a concrete mixer. According to representatives of election headquarters, supporters of the “Serov is us” movement could have been involved in the incident.

The situation in Bogdanovich was taken under strict control, where United Russia, a week before the elections, recalled 9 candidates who enjoyed the support of the population. The party recognized the existence of a political crisis at the local level, which previously led to the existence of two heads in the municipality at the same time: the incumbent Vladimir Moskvin and Vladimir Golovanov, elected by the Duma. However, the regional court canceled the election of a new mayor. Nevertheless, he, like Moskvin, continues to participate in the competition to determine the head. The new composition of the Duma will have to choose the head of the territory. The competition commission will present candidates for consideration by the representative body on September 15.

“After the civil forum (where United Russia announced support for self-nominated candidates to replace withdrawn candidates. – Ed.), the opposition intensified. It is beneficial for supporters of the former head that people do not come to the polls. The situation is tense. A lot now depends on the new composition of the Duma and how the elections for the head will take place: if the vote for him (the candidate supported by the regional authorities - editor's note) is consolidated, then everything will be fine, and we will be able to get money for construction and repair projects , housing and communal services,” says a representative of the local branch of ER.

At the same time, the party sets the goal of obtaining at least 50% of the mandates in the city dumas. However, for Bogdanovich it has been adjusted to 50% from the number of United Russia members and candidates supported at the civil forum, among whom are representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party and A Just Russia - as United Russia hopes, when elected they will change their political preferences.

“The party’s decision based on the election results will depend on the situation in each municipality. If the percentage of support has not reached 50%, but is higher than in the previous elections, they will intensify work with the local branch. If the percentage is lower, personnel decisions regarding the heads of local branches are possible; they will be made by a collegial body. Now there is a mobilization of forces in all territories. In some places, party members work according to the 1+3 scheme (one “United Russia” brings 3 voters who support the party. – Ed.), somewhere – 1+5. A regional executive committee works in problem areas, and deputies of the Legislative Assembly are assigned to all of them,” shares a source in the executive committee of the regional branch of United Russia.

The party is now paying increased attention to the elections in Asbest and Sysert. In the first, after studying the situation, United Russia came to the conclusion that they could get about half of the mandates in the City Duma. The voting day itself is expected to be quite tense. According to the head of the local party branch Dmitry Alexandrin, massive violations are possible on the part of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, “SR” and the Liberal Democratic Party. The opposition, in turn, is preparing to intensify the campaign in the days remaining before the elections.

“Now we have party competitions. Every half hour, candidates' leaflets are taken down and a clean-up operation takes place. Alexandrin himself will probably lose the election to Putin in his constituency. Now in the neighboring district they want to remove the candidate Glasov. I think this is being done so that only one candidate remains there, and the elections would be declared invalid, and next year Alexandrin will run in this constituency,” a deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation shares his personal opinion of the Asbestos City Duma Natalya Krylova.

At the same time, the communist does not hide the competition between party representatives and the LDPR, pointing out the solid funding of the Liberal Democrats’ campaign. It should be noted that in preparation for the elections, the oppositionists united on the basis of opposition to the construction of the National Antimony Campaign plant in Asbest (50% owned by Igor Rottenberg) and intended to continue the fight against the new production within the Duma after September 10.

The election campaign is no less tough in Sysert, where United Russia is opposed by a team of candidates supported by head Alexander Karamyshev (his powers end on September 17) and ex-head Vadim Starkov. Participants call the current elections one of the dirtiest in the history of the municipality. The local election commission points out incoming appeals. The interest of Karamyshev’s group, according to the candidates, is associated with opportunities to influence the distribution of land plots. Previously, the Duma blocked the decision to allocate 640 hectares of land in the city district for summer cottage construction. According to deputies, about 40-45 hectares are needed for these purposes; the rest could be sold in the interests of private individuals. The regional authorities do not support Karamyshev’s policies. Earlier, the head of the region, at a meeting with deputies of the Sysert Duma, according to them, said that he advised. As a new one, he will take office on September 18. However, the productivity of his work fundamentally depends on the composition of the Duma and the number of deputies in it close to Karamyshev and Starkov.

In Nizhnyaya Tura and Alapaevsk, unlike Sysert, they do not see any serious violations in the elections. The Electoral Commission of Alapaevsk points to a significant amount of campaign materials and high competition, but overall they consider the campaign to be calm. In Nizhnyaya Tura, where the head Alexey Stasenok confirmed in court the legality of his election, however, the confrontation with a group of candidates continues. United Russia, which supports the head, in turn, on the eve of the elections, launched targeted work with voters.

“Stasenko has already received regional support. Several ministers visited the city during the campaign. Of course, the region is more willing to allocate money to loyal heads and can help formalize various programs. It is impossible to formulate programs without thought, which is why such a battle has unfolded over it,” says a source of the publication close to United Russia headquarters in Nizhnyaya Tura.

The political scientist comes to similar conclusions. Alexander Belousov, assessing the pre-election situation in Sverdlovsk municipalities. “Not everywhere we are talking about confrontation between United Russia and the opposition; there are municipalities where it is unfolding between different clans. If the election results are sad (for example, a split in parliament persists. - Ed.), this could lead to a dispersal of the Duma, as was the case in Rezh. In general, the victory of the opposition in the elections will complicate the financing of municipalities. Usually the opposition resorts to blackmail tactics when asking for money for urban development, but this, as a rule, does not work. You need to be a very experienced politician to criticize the governor during elections, and then reset the relationship and ask the region for money. I doubt that such people exist here,” the expert concludes.

Evgeny Kuyvashev's term as governor expires on May 29, 2017. Then the region will be led by an acting president appointed for three months. governor, who will actually become a protégé of the government in the gubernatorial elections. After a historic reconciliation with the authorities of Yekaterinburg and a successful election campaign for the State Duma and the region’s legislative assembly, many consider Kuyvashev’s re-election to a second gubernatorial term a done deal. Although federal experts advise not to rush to conclusions.

“There is always a factor of unpredictability in the matter of appointing governors. There is also a moment of uncertainty regarding Kuyvashev. The Sverdlovsk region as an economic region is of interest to alternative political forces and financial and industrial clans. Now the Middle Urals is included in the conditional pool of influence of the mayor of Moscow Sobyanin (along with the Perm Territory, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug), and many believe that this is too fat a piece for one person, albeit close to the president. Therefore, I would not rule out attempts to replace the governor in the Sverdlovsk region at the level of behind-the-scenes agreements in the Kremlin,” notes political scientist Alexey Shweigert.

“The decision to appoint acting The governor is received by the first person of the state. Therefore, it is impossible to predict in advance what will happen to Kuyvashev in 2017. He can either be reassigned or removed, replacing him with some amazing character,” says former deputy plenipotentiary representative in the Urals Federal District, political scientist Andrei Kolyadin.

The agency's interlocutor also noted that in recent years the Russian presidential administration has developed an ambiguous attitude towards the Sverdlovsk governor. “Kuyvashev knows how to make a great impression. But such things only work for a certain time. You can please someone once, twice, but if you then put pressure on the elite and behave inappropriately, sooner or later the wave of negativity will reach the highest echelon. Kuyvashev did a lot of controversial things as governor. But there is one nuance: there are quite a lot of such regional leaders towards whom the AP has an ambiguous attitude. And Kuyvashev is definitely not in the top ten unpleasant governors,” noted Andrei Kolyadin.

It is worth noting that even the end of many years of hostility between the regional authorities and the administration of Yekaterinburg cannot be attributed to Kuyvashev’s merits, since the settlement agreement was solely the initiative of the Kremlin.

“The truce factor plays a big role. At least both sides support the agreement at least on a formal level, without public excesses and information war. I think that Tungusov is interested in retaining Kuyvashev as governor, because he understands him. The appearance of a “dark horse” in the election of the head of the region would be undesirable for all participants in the process,” notes Alexey Shweigert.

An official of Medvedev’s government or a so-called “Putin’s security guard,” a character unknown to experts and the media, could act as a “dark horse” in the gubernatorial elections, the political scientist suggests.

“Someone might bet on Pasler, who has now fallen into political oblivion. There is a traditional Ural team: Nosov, Burkov, Roizman, who can act as sparring partners. Everything depends on the agreements of a limited circle of people in politics,” the agency’s interlocutor noted. In addition, in political processes in the Sverdlovsk region there are usually several centers of influence. At a minimum, the embassy, ​​which is capable of playing its own game in the elections and, judging by previously heard assessments of the governor’s activities, is unlikely to promote his candidacy.

Kuyvashev clearly should not remain calm until May 2017, experts agree, an analysis of his activities is already underway, but there are no unconditional achievements that would become a safe conduct on his to-do list, and it’s already time to break into the agenda with real cases It's a bit late.

“I’m going to the elections for governor of the Sverdlovsk region”

The first interview with Evgeny Kuyvashev after the presidential decree on the appointment of acting heads of the region

Press service of the President of Russia

Evgeny Kuyvashev was appointed acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region by decree of President Vladimir Putin. In September 2017, he will participate in the elections for the head of the region, and thus Kuyvashev became the main candidate supported by the Kremlin. In an interview, the website of the acting governor of the Sverdlovsk region spoke about his election plans.

— Does the decree on the interim mean that you are participating in the elections?

- Yes, sure. I am going to the elections for governor of the Sverdlovsk region.

— When you discussed the elections with the president, did he give you any special instructions regarding the elections?

— We talked about the development of the region and the problems that need to be solved. Such conversations are held with all candidates, and with me too.

—Have you already decided who will head your headquarters?

- I will return to Yekaterinburg and hold a series of consultations - with my colleagues, employees, deputies of the Legislative Assembly and the State Duma. After that, I will decide and announce in a short time.

— What will the structure of the headquarters be? Will it be a single headquarters or two different ones - “public” and “technological”, as happens in presidential elections?

— We will consider different options. Of course, we need to prepare for this, but it seems to me that it is more important to talk about the future of the region. There are different technologies, but this is not the most important thing. We need to think about the future.

— Are you going to be nominated from the party?

— I am a party member, there is a corresponding procedure, of course.

— It turns out that you need to participate in the primaries?

— Don’t you think it’s somehow strange - primaries after the presidential decree?

“We are party people, we have a party charter, there are party decisions that I, as a party member, must carry out.

— Do you have your own expectations, or maybe recommendations from Moscow, regarding the level of turnout and results for you as a candidate?

- How will it be - will it be so?

- I wouldn’t say that. Of course, we need to do everything to ensure that as many people as possible come to the polls. We will do everything to ensure that the turnout is sufficient for the elections to be legitimate. And based on the results, we also set ourselves maximum goals.

— Turnout is believed to depend, among other things, on the intrigue of the campaign. And the intrigue, in turn, depends on your competitors. Who do you expect in the elections? Here two figures emerged - Alexander Burkov and Evgeny Roizman. Do you expect them to participate?

— Participation in the elections is open to everyone, let them register and participate.

- But there is a municipal filter.

“I personally don’t think it’s needed, but the law is the law.”

— You must propose your candidates for senators. Do you have any idea who you're running with?

- I have an idea. But we need to talk with the candidates, and when this happens, when we complete our consultations, I will announce it.

— What are you going to go to voters with? Why should they choose Kuyvashev as governor of the Sverdlovsk region for another five years?

“We carefully collected proposals, I published articles, we are preparing the Five-Year Development Program.” The main topics in it will be transport infrastructure, industrial development, and attracting investment. We need to multiply the construction of roads, transport and engineering infrastructure.

— Are we talking primarily about Yekaterinburg?

- No, I'm talking in general. Our industry and our people, cities need transport and engineering infrastructure. This is the basis for the development of cities, industry, and for improving the quality of life. We have done a lot in five years. More than 10.5 million square meters of housing were built, the investments attracted amounted to one annual GRP - 1.9 trillion rubles. So much has been invested in the Sverdlovsk region, can you imagine? This is a lot of money, but more needs to be done. We should be in the top three leading regions.

— Moscow, St. Petersburg, Sverdlovsk region?

- Or maybe we will be in first place? We must be in the top three - this is the main thing.

— By what indicators?

— For all socio-economic indicators, for all. We have such opportunities. In five years, we opened 30 large production facilities. If we add the same amount, this is already a serious step. And we can do it. But the situation was not very favorable for us: sanctions, pressure. But we were looking for new contractors and partners. We have done a lot, but more can be done.

— Can you name specific projects that should be implemented in the region in the next five years? Voters will want to hear about them.

— If we talk about transport, then first of all we need to complete the southern semi-circle of the EKAD, and this will affect the transport provision of the entire Yekaterinburg agglomeration. We will work on high-speed trams that will connect our cities. We are already implementing the first project with Verkhnyaya Pyshma.

We will be engaged in the creation of internal urban infrastructure, repair of roads and bridges both in Yekaterinburg and in other municipalities. We will work on a project basis; such tasks are assigned to the regional government and heads of municipalities. Priorities are the urban environment, healthcare, education, development of single-industry towns, industrial parks, new production facilities. All these areas are defined in my program articles and they will be included in the Five-Year Development Plan.

— Where to get money for new roads? From the federal budget?

- Including.

— Can we increase our own tax base to earn more?

— In 2012, the consolidated budget was 139 billion, in 2017 — 200. Can we?

— Let’s convert it into currency, but the numbers won’t be so good.

— If you look at the dynamics of income growth, we have consolidated an additional 60 billion, and this is not an exchange rate difference, we have increased real shipments. Our industrial production index in 2016 was 107%, while the Russian average was 101.1%.

— Now that you have become acting, your government has resigned. Could there be changes in the team before the elections?

- We haven’t left yet, I’ll come now and sign the relevant documents. As for changes, the election period is different from normal times. Key people will remain in their positions, but adjustments are possible.